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  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    # Report number : # 1

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle : Diet and Effort to Have Offspring

    Author : Yuda saputra

    Source :


    Offspring : keturunan

    Affect : mempengaruhi

    Fertility : fertilitasi

    Conceive : hamil

    Derivative : turunan

    Maintain : mempertahankan

    Sufficient : cukup


    Diet and Effort to Have Offspring

    Thursday, August 4, 2011 - What you eat can affect the sex cells, better known

    as 'sperm' for men and 'egg' for women. Fertility in touch with what food is in the

    eating, so do a balanced diet can increase the chances to conceive and produce healthy

    offspring in the future. You do not have the power to change something that is

    derivative, but of course you can control what goes into the stomach.Lack of food candamage the reproductive system. Zinc, folic acid and calcium, which is a mineral that

    can be found in food, should always be part of the daily diet to maintain fertility or

    fertility rates. Consumption is also A, C, E and selenium, which in sufficient quantities to

    function as antioxidants, to fight free radicals from cigarette, alcohol, drugs and others.If

    you want to have offspring, then you need to pay attention to what you eat. If you have

    not noticed your diet, get started, before it's too late.


    This article is good but not describe how eat pattern and diet is good

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    # Report number : # 2

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095


    Author : Safir Senduk

    Source :


    Budget : anggaran

    Figure : angka

    Represented : diwakili

    Sacrifice : korban

    Controllable : terkendali



    By: Safir Senduk

    Sometimes people, although have already made up a simple budget, is still unable

    to meet their budget. If he, i.e. allocated Rp500,000 per month for shopping, the figure

    could expand to Rp750,000. This can be prevented with a harder system, namely'envelope system'. If you have already drawn up a budget, you should allocate the

    amount right away according to each post. Each post is represented by one envelope. If

    the money in the envelope is empty, you don't have to try opening the other envelopes,

    because you have already known that budget for the related post has touched its limit.

    Envelope system is a little complicated, but perhaps it is the sacrifice that you should

    that you will not experience deficit. The most important, your expense now is more



    This article help us to manage money and not lavish .

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    # Report number : # 3

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle : In order Stay Healthy Heart

    Author : Safir Senduk

    Source :


    blood vessel walls : dinding pembuluh darah

    plaques : plak

    thereby : dengan cara

    poultry : unggas

    excessive : berlebihan

    elevated :peningkatan


    In order Stay Healthy Heart

    Wednesday, 16 November 2011

    1. Stop smoking as early as possible. Nicotine, carbon monoxide (CO), and other

    substances contained in cigarettes potentially cause damage to blood vessel walls.

    This will facilitate the cholesterol to stick to blood vessel walls that were

    damaged so as to formplaques.2. Sport regularly. When doing physical activity, the heart will beat faster to

    increase the amount of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body thereby

    increasing the levels of HDL / good cholesterol and lower LDL / bad cholesterol.

    3. Repaired diet. Limiting consumption of meat, fish or poultrymaximum of 150

    grams per day. Increase intake of foods high in fiber, such as bread / cereals high

    in fiber, vegetables, and fruits.

    4. Avoid excessive stress. Stress can cause elevated levels of the hormone

    epinephrine which lead to higher blood pressure and heart rate making it easier

    to damage to blood vessel walls.

    5. Avoid Hindari unhealthy lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyles can lead to diabetes,

    high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity.

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)



    This article complete explanation and help reader to know stay healthy heart its easy.

    # Report number : # 4

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :The Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma

    Author : lusie Ana Kus

    Source :


    Symptoms : gejala testicles : buah pelir

    Rib : tulang rusuk flourish : berkembang

    Lump : gumpalan malignant : ganas

    Enlagement : pembesaran


    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    The Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma - Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that

    occurs in the thin tissue that lines most of the internal organs (mesothelium). The

    doctor divides mesothelioma into several types based on which part of this cancer

    occurs. The symptoms of Mesothelioma Shortness of breath,pain when breathing,pain

    when coughing,pain in the lower rib,an unusual lump in the chest under the skinlayer,lost weight suddenly,dry cough. Other forms of mesotheliomaPericardial

    mesothelioma have signs and symptoms that may include difficulty breathing or chest

    pain. While mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis can be detected first by the

    enlargement of the testicles.The Causes of MesotheliomaIn general, cancer occurs when

    cell DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continued to grow and flourish while

    others have normal cell cycles of life and death. Accumulation of cancer cells can form a

    malignant tumor.


    Symptoms : gejala testicles : buah pelir

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Rib : tulang rusuk flourish : berkembang

    Lump : gumpalan malignant : ganas

    Enlagement : pembesaran


    this article make me know about Mesothlumia.before I read this article I dont know

    about it. So, this article is ver good and addition my knowledge.

    # Report number : # 5

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :atorvastatin (Cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor)

    Author : lusie Ana Kus

    Source :


    Classes : golongan

    Lowering : kadar

    Slighty : sedikit

    Achieve : mencapai



    Cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor (atorvastatin) began in early December will be

    entered into the generic drug classes. Drugs known as statins, drugs that are included inselling and quite effective.Drugs other generic statins are both effective in lowering bad

    cholesterol (LDL), but slightly stronger atorvastatin on other statin drugs generic so it

    helps patients achieve normal cholesterol levels.Of course, doctors should consider drug

    interactions with other drugs Lipitor for high cholesterol, most patients also taking

    other medicines."Above is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which means diet and

    exercise habits should be considered," said Dr. Robert Ostfeld, a cardiologist from New

    York USA.During this time, atorvastatin still considered expensive, so many patients are

    not taking the medicine regularly, or only eat half the dose that can be consumed for



  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Atorvastasin is Cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor is help someone decrease cholesterol.

    It new medicine and make me pround abaot it.

    # Report number : # 6

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Myths and Facts About Cholesterol

    Author : lusie Ana Kus

    Source :


    Myth : mitos

    Coronary : koroner

    Screening : skrining

    Triglycerides : trigleserida

    Blood Pressure : tekanan darah

    Lack : kekurangan

    saturated : menderita


    Myths and Facts About Cholesterol

    Lucia Anna Kus | Tuesday, November 29, 2011 | 9:41 pm - High levels of bad cholesterol is one risk factor for coronary heart

    disease and stroke. Efforts to control cholesterol levels should be balanced with the

    right information. The myths and facts to know about lowering cholesterol are :

    1. Myth: Check your cholesterol starting at age 40 years

    Fact: If in any family history of heart disease, heart attack, or stroke, basic health

    screening should be performed since the age of 20 years. Examination should be

    performed include cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. If known early so

    prevention efforts can be done by changing lifestyles.

    2. Myth: Children are not likely high cholesterol

    Fact: All people of all ages can have high cholesterol. Like adults, children are

    lack of exercise, obesity, and eating lots of saturated fats can also suffer from high

    cholesterol. If the child has a history of cardiovascular disease in the family, chancesare he also sat adults suffer from heart disease.

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)



    This article little describe about myth and fact cholesterol so, not interest to read

    # Report number : # 7

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Has Many Health Benefits of Friends

    Author : Bramirus Michael & Asep Chandra

    Source :


    Blessed : berbahagia Sharpen : mengasah

    Evidence : fakta ,bukti crossword puzzle : teka-teki silang

    Influence :pengaruh


    Has Many Health Benefits of Friends

    Bramirus Michael | Asep Chandra | Tuesday, November 29, 2011 | 15:44 pm - Blessed are you who have many friends and companions. Thereason, several recent studies found evidence that enjoy an active social life can

    improve overall health.Scientists believe that spending time with friends or companions

    will make life more healthy both mentally and physically. The following are 5 (five)

    scientific reasons which show the influence of the presence of a friend of the person's

    health : Reducing the risk of Dementia, Make you stay fit, Sharpen Your Brain ,

    Improving health is much better, Living longer.


    This artilce is good , it describe with detail about benefict have many friends and easy to


  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    # Report number : # 8

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Why are Women More Often Nightmares?

    Author : Lucia Anna Kus

    Source :


    Nightmares : mimpi buruk

    Revelead : terungkapTrigger : memicu

    Vivid : mendukung

    Restless : gelisah


    Why are Women More Often Nightmares?

    Lucia Anna Kus | Monday, November 28, 2011 | 14:11 pm - Women were more frequent nightmares than men. In a recent study

    revealedthat only 19 percent of men who experience fewer nightmares than women are30 percent.The difference is partly due to female hormones that triggerchanges in body

    temperature. Hormones in the menstrual cycle also trigger more vivid dreams and it

    looks amazing.Dreams are basically derived from the limbic system, a primitive area of

    the brain that are responsible for strong emotions. When we sleep, the brain area this

    will clear things that we experience throughout the day. This process results in dreams

    and nightmares.There are different types of nightmares that we can experience, but in

    general a person would feel restless during sleep as she dreamed of being chased

    monsters, ghost, or a frightening stranger.


    This aricle addition my knowledge,, at last it mytos,, but with read this article I know it

    true because it cused hormone work.

    # Report number : # 9

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Not lonely Sleeping Beauty Make

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Author : Lucia Anna Kus & Asep Chandra

    Source :


    Lonelinees : kesepian

    Referred : persamaan

    Hazardous : berbahaya

    Suburbs : pinggiran


    Not lonely Sleeping Beauty Make

    Lucia Anna Kus | Asep Chandra | Wednesday, November 2, 2011 | 16:44 pm - The feeling of loneliness has long been known to have a negative impact

    on health. According to recent studies, most feel the impact of loneliness is the reducedquality of sleep.In studies, people who have the highest loneliness score more often

    reported awake at night. Up period is often referredto as fragmented sleep (fragmented

    sleep).Research published in the journal Sleep is mentioned, fragmented sleep may be

    the cause why the sense of loneliness can be hazardous to health.The study was

    conducted on 95 adults in the suburbs south Dakota, United States. The entire study

    participants are not people who are socially isolated. However, those who enter the

    category known to feel lonely more often disturbed her sleep.


    This article is good but describe not complete about affect not slleping beuty.

    # Report number : # 10

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Pregnant Women Need to Drink Carefully Antibiotics

    Author : Lucia Anna Kus

    Source :


    Drugs : obat - obatan

    Harm :kerusakan

    Fetal :janin

    Plague : wabah

    Vulnerable : sangat rentan

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)



    Pregnant Women Need to Drink Carefully Antibiotics

    Lucia Anna Kus | Friday, December 2, 2011 | 15:18 pm - If it is not necessary true, pregnant women should limit their

    consumption of drugs, particularly antibiotics that can harm fetal growth and

    development. The most crucial period to watch is during the first trimester of

    pregnancy.Quinolone antibiotic drug class of pregnant women must be avoided

    because the potential to cause disability. This antibiotic works to inhibit the formation

    of the cell nucleus. When consumed during pregnancy can cause fetal bone

    growth.Bone disorder that is often experienced by babies as a result of this antibiotic is

    the disruption of bone growth so that children at risk for short. Another risk is not to

    close the plague back (spina bifida). The early period of pregnancy is important

    because it occurs during the formation of organs and fetusesare particularly vulnerableto what is consumed by his mother..To prevent the adverse effects of drug

    consumption, that every woman who was planning to become pregnant tell your

    doctor if you get a prescription drug.


    This article is good when pregnant woment read wihh porpuse to avoid pregnant

    woment consumsi dangerous medicine

    # Report number : # 11

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Plants Warm Welcomes insects visit

    Author : harun Yahya

    Source :


    Basking : berjemur

    Remarkable: menakjubkan

    Incapable : tidak mampu

    Vehicle : kendaraan

    Pollen : serbuk sari

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Freight : pengangkutan

    Shipments : pengiriman

    Overcome : mengatasi


    Plants Warm Welcomes insects visit

    Living things need to warm up a cold-blooded their body to get the energy required

    for any activity. Needs are met by basking in the sun. However, according to a new

    study, it is known that the insect has the central heating is not shared by other cold-

    blooded living things. Some insects warmed their bodies in a place that has so far not

    known: in plants.Behavior exchange between plants and insects show a remarkable

    example of cooperation. In summary, a plant that is incapable of moving from placeneeds a vehicle to carry itspollento other plants. This need is met by an insect that acts

    exactly like afreight car shipments.In contrast, insects find it difficult to warm his body

    at night. When the temperature drops, the insect must spend most of their energy to

    overcomethis temperature difference.


    This article make me awareness insect have many benefit in life,, insect and plans is

    simbiosis mutualism

    # Report number : # 12

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095


    Author : harun Yahya

    Source :


    physical : fisika

    Mechanicals :mekanik reuse : dapat digunakan


    Chemical : kimia recycle : daur ulang

    Whereas : sedangkan

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Hardened :mengeras


    The name represents the thousands of plastic materials of different physical,

    mechanical, and chemical. Broadly speaking, the plastic can be classified into two major

    categories, namely plastics are thermoplastic and thermoset nature. Thermoplastic can

    be easily re-formed and processed into another form, whereas type when it has

    hardened thermoset can not be softened again. The most common plastics used in

    everyday life are in the form of thermoplastic. Utilization of waste plastics is an effort to

    suppress the plastic waste to a minimum and within specified limits save resources and

    reduce dependence on imported raw materials. Utilization of waste plastics can be done

    with reuse and recycle. There are things that benefit in the utilization of waste plastics

    in Indonesia compared to developed countries. This is possible because the separationmanually which is considered not possible in developed countries, can be carried out in

    Indonesia which has abundant labor so that separation does not need to be done with

    advanced equipment that require high costs. These conditions allow the development of

    plastics recycling industry in Indonesia .


    Plastic ussaly make waste but now plastic can recyclr and reuse , it manner to make the

    life is clean.

    # Report number : # 12

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Autoclave: waste recycling machine that can help the problem of

    the government may jakarta

    Author : harun Yahya

    Source :


    Fuss :ribut

    Disposal :pembuangan

    junk food :sampah makanan

    fertilizer :pupuk


  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Autoclave: aste recycling machine that can help the problem of the government

    may Jakarta

    Talk about the waste is not endless, especially when speaking in Jakarta that several

    times a fuss about the place of final disposal (TPA). Already time for the government to

    think the best way to process waste so as not to harm many parties actually even makea profit.One of them waste processing equipment on this one, Autoclave uses

    AeroThermal technology, this tool can separate the various types of waste that is

    inserted into it and change some of the waste can be recycled into something useful

    such as plastic waste into plastic resin (plastic pellets) and junk food or other organic

    matter into fertilizer or compost.Not only assist in environmental issues, its own

    Autoclave also did not issue an alias device gas emissions is also environmentally

    friendly.A total of 30 tons of garbage can be processed within 2 hours.


    Waste in Jakarta is many and now Autoclave is machine can help this problem

    # Report number : # 13

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle : Want to Learn Batik, just come to Solo

    Author : Yanti

    Source :


    heritage :warisan

    neat :rapi

    wrestle : bergelut

    dyeing : mencelup


    Want to Learn batik, just come to Solo

    November 8th, 2010

    by yanti.

    Indonesian Batik is an original product that has been recognized as a world heritage.

    Batik has a wide range of styles and varieties. But in Indonesia, especially in Java, Batik

    is divided into coastal and Inland Batik. Batik Pantura growing in the region, such as:

    Lasem, Pekalongan and Cirebon, while developing in the interior Batik Solo andYogyakarta. In the city of Solo, you will find not only the Batik Indonesia, but also batik

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    from around the world. Collections are stored with a very neat and beautiful at the

    Museum Wuryoningratan.Not only that, you will see how the life of a village who

    dedicates himself as village Batik. Yes, almost the entire population of this village

    wrestlewith batik. No less exciting, you will be taught directly to make batik, ranging

    from creating patterns on fabric, then batik, dyeing, giving the color, to become a batik

    products that we use for this.


    heritage :warisan

    neat :rapi

    wrestle : bergelut

    dyeing : mencelup


    i like this aricle because this article invite individual to know Batik and make Batik .

    # Report number : # 14

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Confused when choosing a couple

    Author : Harun Yahya

    Source : artikel


    Appropriate : pasangan

    Servitude : penghambatan

    Honor` : kehormatan


    Confused when choosing a couple

    In choosing a life partner, both for men and women both have the right to choose the

    most appropriate as. However, other meanings such as suitability, also a meaning thatcan not be denied, thus PROCESS THAT HAPPENS TO CHOOSE ANY MALE OR FEMALE.

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    On the other hand that choosing a life partner by considering various sides, provided at

    reasonable considerations as well as Islamic, representation is a necessity of life and

    liberty of God which He bestowed on every human being, including in choosing a

    husband or wife. Ayesha Ra said, "Marriage is essentially servitude, then he should look

    where is honor will be placed"


    Appropriate : pasangan

    Servitude : penghambatan

    Honor` : kehormatan


    Really difficult to choose couple in live but God wrote couple since we in uterus and

    dont afraid because we certain have couple

    # Report number : # 15

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Love and be LovedAuthor : Harun Yahya

    Source : artikel


    Desire :diinginkan

    Infrequently : jarang

    Vigilant :waspada

    Demmed : menikah

    Summary Love and be Loved

    Love and be loved is something to be desiredby everyone. Love between parents and

    children, husbands and wives, brothers with sisters or between fellow human beings.

    Not infrequently some objects were not spared from our love, such as cars, clothes,

    phone, computer, etc.. Everything is human.But we need to be vigilantwhen our love of

    children, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters and even parents property has made us

    much or even forget to love the owners of the essentials.When we married, we have

    deemed to have been carrying out half of religion. This means that we must reach the

    other half with a partner in the household Mahligai.


  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    this article is good and make reader understad about Love

    # Report number : # 16

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Prosecutor Roles Science

    Author : Harun Yahya

    Source : artikel


    Presucutor : penuntut

    Sincrely : ikhlas

    Ignorance : kebodohan

    Gracefully : lapang dada

    Honoring : menghormati

    Scholars : ulama


    Prosecutor Roles Science

    Studying is a must for us Muslims. Lots of arguments that show the primacy of science,

    science and prosecutors who teach it.Roles in demanding science that we need to know

    that the science that we demand benefit for us and the people who are around us very

    much. Roles these include: sincerely for Allah, for eliminate ignorance of himself and

    others, Intend to defend in their studies of shari'ah, gracefully in accepting differences

    of opinion,practice of science that has been obtained ,honoring the scholars and honor

    them, seek the truth and patiently.


    This article is good , make reader known roles studies.

    # Report number : # 17

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Contaminated Water in Jakarta Bacterial "Coliform"

    Author : M Clara Wresti | Agus Mulyadi

    Source : JAKARTA,


    Enginnering : teknik

    Componds : senyawa


    Contaminated Water in Jakarta Bacterial "Coliform"

    M Clara Wresti | Agus Mulyadi | Wednesday, October 26, 2011 | 15:11 pm

    JAKARTA, - A large number of patients with infectious diseases in Jakarta

    was 50 percent are caused by clean water.The results of the Engineering Center for

    Environmental Health and Communicable Disease Ministry of Health show, 100 percent

    of the sample water in Jakarta is already contaminated with coliform bacteria. In

    addition, 5-57 percent of drinking water samples in Jakarta found to contain chemical

    compounds. "With this high rate of contamination, clean and healthy lifestyle should

    actually practiced in sehai-day activities," said Budi Haryanto of the Department of

    Environmental Health School of Public Health University of Indonesia in Jakarta,

    Wednesday (26/10/2011).


    This article is good but this article not describe complite

    # Report number : # 18

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Avoid fasting and Kidney Failure

    Author : Lucia Anna Kus

    Source : JAKARTA,


  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Renal / kidney : Ginjal

    Fast : puasa

    Blood pressure :tekanan darah

    Blood sugar : Gula darah


    Avoid fasting and Kidney Failure

    | Lucia Anna Kus | Thursday, July 28, 2011 | 6:57 pm

    Jakarta, Kompas- Renal failure requiring dialysis until mostly due to diabetes mellitus.

    The number of cases reached 45 percent, followed by a result of high blood pressure by

    28 percent."Kidney failure from diabetes mellitus or diabetic nephropathy could be

    prevented by controlling blood sugar and blood pressure," said a specialist in internal

    medicine Budiman Darmowidjojo. Imam Subekti said that people with diabetes(diabetes) could be running fast. For that diabetics should consult the associated

    changes in levels of the drug to the doctor first.Damage the brainn one study, the Imam

    said that fasting for diabetes benefits of weight loss to 50 percent. Only 6 percent of it to

    weight gain."As long as blood sugar levels can be well controlled, diabetes can be fast

    and stay healthy," said Imam.


    This article is good . it describe about fast can avoid kidney failure and it help someone

    to descrise Blood pressure and Blood sugar.

    # Report number : # 19

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Diligent Brush Teeth Prevent Lung Inflammation Reuters

    Author : Lusi Ikas

    Source : REPUBLIKA.CO.ID


    Underestimate : sepelekan

    Gum : gusi

    Maintain :memelihara , menjaga

    Prevent : mencegah


    Diligent Brush Teeth Prevent Lung Inflammation Reuters

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    41 minutes ago REPUBLIKA.CO.ID

    Do not underestimateoral health. Diligent brushing your teeth and mouth clean is not

    only good for gumhealth and confidence, the mouth of the net was able to reduce the

    risk of pneumonia or the latest pneumonia. In studies conducted by scientists from Yale

    University say that the condition of oral health-related respiratory system. It is found inpatients with patients in some hospitals. The researchers found that people who have

    lung disease originally 'maintain'the bacteria in their mouth. The team found that about

    37 patients with pneumonia has change significant changes in the 'composition of the

    bacteria' in their mouths at the first.Relation between gum health and overall health

    have been studied, maintaining oral health actually help prevent disease, "Carter said.


    This article is very new and addition my knowledge

    # Report number : # 19

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Five Scientific Reasons Why Women Lose Weight Difficult

    Author : Lusi Ikas

    Source : REPUBLIKA.CO.ID


    Tissue :jaringan tend : cenderung

    Meanwhile : sementara itu prolife rate : berkembang biak

    Stature : perawakan


    Five Scientific Reasons Why Women Lose Weight Difficult

    Reuters - 3 hours ago REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Women sometimes find it difficult

    to lose weight than men. Apparently, it is not just a feeling. Many scientific factors that

    cause women are more difficult to burn body fat than men.This is the reason women

    difficult to lose weight:

    1.Women have more fat than muscle

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    2. Distribution of fat

    3. Women have a smaller body shape than men

    4. The body's hormones

    5. Pregnancy factor


    This article is good and I know that women fat caused some factor

    # Report number : # 20

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Watermelon, Fruit efficacious for Prostate Cancer and Heart

    Author : Lusi Ikas

    Source : REPUBLIKA.CO.ID


    Cope :mengatasi

    Anxiety : kecemasan

    Blindness : kebutaan


    Watermelon, Fruit efficacious for Prostate Cancer and Heart

    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in red fruits (except

    strawberries). Scientific research suggests that lycopene may reduce the risk of prostatecancer and heart disease.People who eat diets high in lycopene, are less likely to

    experience a heart attack. Juicy fruit with a Latin name Citrullus lanatus is also rich in

    Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is an important substance that can stimulate hormones in the

    brain to copewith anxietyand panic.Not only that, watermelon are also rich in vitamin

    C. Vitamin C is not only important to keep the knowledge of the body, vitamins are

    absolutely necessary to slow down aging and damage to medical conditions such as

    cataracts.Just like vitamin C, vitamin A found in a watermelon also helps boost

    immunity. In addition, vitamin A can help the body fight infections and prevent

    blindness.But unlike a banana or papaya can be grown throughout the season,

    watermelon has its own season. Therefore, do not be a waste if the watermelon season

    has arrived. If shopping at the supermarket, to know watermelon is ripe, you should try

    to listen for sounds when tapped her skin.

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)



    This article is good. It addition my knowledge about benefit watermelon.

    # Report number : # 21

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :The Success Key of BlackBerry in Indonesia

    Author : Lusi Ikas

    Source : REPUBLIKA.CO.ID


    Figure : angka

    Incessant : tak putus

    Subscribers : langganan

    Aggressively : giat


    The Success Key of BlackBerry in Indonesia

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    - Compared to all countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia does have the largest number of

    BlackBerry users. So what makes this phone so successful? There are about three

    million BlackBerry subscribers in Indonesia. This figure is believed to still be growing

    along with the incessantactivity of RIM's marketing partners in Indonesia. Indonesia it

    self has a mobile market with a rate of more than 180 million subscribers. Behind the

    success of the BlackBerry was not spared from the habits of the users in Indonesia. It is

    utilized RIM to continue to aggressively promote their products. "The people of

    Indonesia is fond of texting. So they get a better experience with the fuel features, email

    and social media. That's what makes the BlackBerry sold in Indonesia," said Francois

    Mahieu, Senior Director, Head of Product Management Asia Pacific Rim. In addition, RIM

    also implement their various strategies such as building community, providing a diverse

    selection of products, or offer efficiency and durability of products that claimed to be

    the best in its class.


    BB is very famous in Indonesian most people wii try make it. BB have good interisting

    # Report number : # 22

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Flu No Antibiotik

    Author : Lusi Ikas

    Source :


    Inflammatory : yang menyebabkan radang

    Necessarily : kebutuhan

    greater burden : beban yang besar


    Flu No Antibiotik

    Infection is a term used when the entry of microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and

    fungi into the body. Infection is not the same as inflammatory. When inflammation

    occurs the infection would arise, but if the inflammation, not necessarilydue to infection.One way to confirm it is the observations made by the physician. Doctors usually will

    provide anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation, while the infection is treated with

    antibiotics (for bacteria). In the case of a child coughs colds, for example, may only occur

    in areas of inflammation due to irritation of the throat, so not every sore need of

    antibiotics.According Zunilda, the majority of health problems that exist in society can

    actually be solved alone. However, communities also need to dicerdaskan through

    proper education."Knowledge of patients and the public in the most frequent diseases

    such as diarrhea and fever, can stop yourself without having to use antibiotics. Flu is

    clear the virus, do not need antibiotics. Flu seven days are also baseball's all right, do

    not use antibiotics," said Zunilda, when found in a seminar and panel discussion

    "Microbial Resistance: Why and What Should We Do?" at the Faculty of Medicine

    University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine) recently.Irrational use of antibiotics in the

    community, he added, will only lead to resistance of germs. If this is not handled quickly

    and appropriately, can be bad and cause agreater burden.


    this article make me awarness about antibiotic. Antibioic use to disease cause bacteri.

    # Report number : # 23

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :When the tonsils stubborn

    Author : Lucia Anna Kus | Asep Candra

    Source :


    Inflamed :meradang

    Interfare :mencampuri

    Patches : menempeli

    Concuer : menaklukan


    When the tonsils stubborn

    Lucia Anna Kus | Asep Candra | Friday, March 18, 2011 | 14:03 pm

    Tonsils actually serves as the body's defenses leading to conquergerms that come from

    the mouth. However, due to its function it can be inflamed tonsils or an infection and

    should be removed.There are several things that can interferewith thyroid problems,

    partly because of inflammation and bacterial infection. "If it is caused due to infection

    will usually look white patches on the tonsils. Sometimes tonsilnya swollen, but some

    are not," said dr.Agus Subagio, Sp.THT of RS.Puri Indah, Jakarta.Children who suffer

    from severe allergies most also suffer from inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis).

    "Children are often clogged nose, frequent colds usually tonsils to be easily exposed to

    the bacteria so inflamed. Tonsil This can cause swelling," he said.Inflammation of the

    tonsils is characterized by swollen tonsils circumstances, sometimes the tonsils covered

    with a layer of white. Patients will have a fever and difficulty swallowing.Act of removal

    of tonsils (tonsillectomy) is recommended to be done in a year if the child has

    experienced seven episodes of pain or inflammation of the tonsils lasted more than two



    This article make me remember when i amandel at child, and now with read this articlei now caused amandel

    # Report number : # 24

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Facts On Caffeine

    Author : Christina Andhika Setyanti | EarlySource :

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)



    Encountered : yang sering ditemui

    Palpitation : berdebar

    Beverages : minuman


    Facts On Caffeine

    Christina Andhika Setyanti | Early | Friday, December 2, 2011 | 15:07 pm - Caffeine is a compound that is often encountered in a variety of daily

    drink, such as chocolate, tea, coffee, and soft drinks. Various negative effects of caffeine

    were already known to the public in general, among other causes palpitation of the

    heart stronger and faster, causing high blood pressure, to increase production of

    stomach acid.According to data from the U.S. Food and Beverage, soft drinks like Coca

    Cola, Sprite, or Fanta, has a caffeine content of 23-31 mg per 240 ml, whereas coffee

    contains 65-120 mg per 240 ml, and tea 90 mg per 240 ml. Caffeine is actually not only

    cause negative effects on the body, but also the influence of good for the body, such as

    resist sleep, preventing tooth decay, and eliminate the headaches.All the good benefits

    of caffeine can be obtained if caffeine is consumed in a portion that is not excessive.

    Especially for pregnant women or women who are planning pregnancy, should consult

    with your doctor about medical history, and the maximum limit of caffeine that may be

    consumed.In addition, some other facts about caffeine are beverages containing

    hydrates, including caffeine.Vocabulary

    Encountered : yang sering ditemui

    Palpitation : berdebar

    Beverages : minuman


    This Article change my mind, in the time I think cafein only have in coffe and very

    danger but after I read this article i know Cafein have many benefit.

    # Report number : # 25

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Let's Learn to Switzerland

    Author : Sary Peaseu

    Source :


  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Sovereignty : kedaulatan

    Livelihood : hajat hidup

    Disband : membubarkan


    Let's Learn to Switzerland

    July 21st, 2010

    Prior to Switzerland, my understanding of democracy is only two. Namely, the

    Westminster-style parliamentary system in Britain or the presidential system in the

    United States. But, now I need a correction because there is no system of direct

    democracy or Swiss-style direct democracy.system of direct democracy has a long

    tradition and at least in the Swiss constitution in 1849 is being included. The core

    system is sovereignty in the hands of the people and exercised by the people. In such

    systems, all government policies that affect the livelihood of many people could be

    canceled if not supported by the majority of the people through referendum

    mechanism.For example, when the Swiss decided to become a member of the United

    Nations, were about to disbandthe army, and finally of course a matter of minarets. The

    referendum initiative could come from government and the people. Every Swiss citizen

    entitled to submit a referendum to overturn parliamentary decisions, provided that can

    mengumpullan 50,000 supporting signatures within 100 days since the Act was passed

    parliament.For example, the Swiss parliament and the government decided theconstruction of nuclear power plants (NPP). If there are people who do not agree, they

    can cancel the referendum mechanism.


    This article make me compare goverment Indonesian and Switzerland. In Switzerland

    very hear aspiration government people not in Indonesian government, but in

    Switzerland aspirastion ppooulaze accept and dipertimbangakan.

    # Report number : # 26

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :Many sit make you old fast

    Author : Sary PeaseuSource :

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)



    Experts : ahli

    Leisure : waktu luang

    Susceptible :mudah terserang

    Accelerates : mempercepat


    Many sit make you old fast

    LONDON, TUESDAY - If you want to stay young, one of the key is an active

    lifestyle. Sedentary life or more sitting just makes you old fast.Then one of the

    conclusions of a study by experts from The King's College London recently. Research

    published in the Archives of Internal Medicine is the result of monitoring the

    development of the twin pairs who for several years.Research results showed that twins

    who are physically active during leisure time are biologically younger looking than his

    brother or a sedentary lifestyle more sedentary. The researchers also found that a key

    piece of DNA called telomeres shortened more quickly in people who are less active.

    This is what the researchers expected to be one marker of rapid aging process in

    cells.Active lifestyle has long been associated with low risk of cardiovascular disease,

    type 2 diabetes and cancer. However, recent research indicates that sedentary lifestylewill not only make people susceptible to disease, but also acceleratesthe aging process.

    People who are most active in this research has telomere length could be compared

    with those who were not active were 10 years younger.


    This article make ill active daily activities, but i afraid old fast.. hehehehe

    # Report number : # 27

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095


    Author : Sary Peaseu

    Source :


  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    Presucutor : penuntut

    Sincrely : ikhlas

    Ignorance : kebodohan

    Gracefully : lapang dada

    Honoring : menghormati

    Scholars : ulama



    Studying is a must for us Muslims. Lots of arguments that show the primacy of science,

    science and prosecutors who teach it.Roles in demanding science that we need to know

    that the science that we demand benefit for us and the people who are around us very

    much. Roles these include: sincerely for Allah, for eliminate ignorance of himself and

    others, Intend to defend in their studies of shari'ah, gracefully in accepting differences

    of opinion,practice of science that has been obtained ,honoring the scholars and honor

    them, seek the truth and patiently.


    This article is good , make reader known roles studies.

    # Report number : # 28

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095


    Author : Sary Peaseu

    Source :


    lit up : cahaya

    thunderous : bergemuruh

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    comparison :perbandingan

    incandescent :lampu pijar




    A flash of lightning produces electricity generated is greater than American.

    At night, in heavy rain, the sky suddenly lit up, shortly followed by a thunderous voice.

    A flash of lightning is a bright light that formed during electrical discharge in the

    atmosphere during rain storms. Thunderstorms can occur when the voltage at two

    separate points in the atmosphere - is still in a cloud, or between the cloud and the

    ground surface, or between two ground level - to achieve a high level.A lightning strike

    average-sized has an energy that can power a 100 watt light bulb for more than 3

    months. A bolt of lightning contains an average sized electric force of 20,000 amps. A

    welding using a 250-400 amps to weld steel. Moving with lightning speed of 150,000 km

    / sec, or half the speed of light, and 100,000 times faster than sound.Issued by the

    lightning light brighter than the light bulb 10 million 100-watt incandescent helpless.

    For comparison, a single flash of lightning illuminates arund more light than when one

    incandescent bulb lit in every house in Istanbul. A flash is formed very rapidly down to

    earth with a speed of 96,000 km / hour. The first strike reached the point of the meeting

    or the earth's surface within 20 milliseconds, and a bolt in the opposite direction toward

    the cloud within 70 microseconds.


    This article is good lightning have hidden strong and addition my knowledge

    # Report number : # 29

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle :How Foods Lower Blood Pressure

    Author : Chris

    Source : How Foods Lower Blood

    Pressure /

    Vocabulary :

  • 8/10/2019 Dida H Asmarabbiah(095)


    1. regulate : mengatur 3. blood pressure : tekanan darah

    2. consider :pertimbangkan 4. excellent : sangat baik

    Summary :

    Vitamins for high blood pressure are needed in order to stabilize or regulate a personsheart. One of the vitamins for high blood pressure is potassium, can be found in

    vegetables, dairy products, fish and fruits are good sources to consider. Vitamins for

    high blood pressure can also include magnesium and calcium. Essential fatty acids are

    also excellent vitamins for high blood pressure. Vitamin C and zinc can help any

    hypertensive person as well.

    Common :

    This article is good for me because I know how foods lower blood pressure

    # Report number : # 30

    Name : Dida Hafizah Asmarabbiah

    Department : PSIK FIKES

    Students number : 201110420311095

    Tittle : Lose Weight By Building Muscle

    Author : SJB exsprit

    Source : Lose Weight By

    Building Muscle/111

    Vocabulary :

    1. burning : pembakaran 3. Gym : ruang olahraga

    2. machines :mesin

    Summary :

    the muscle wont grow that much more but it will still be burning fat day in and day out.

    When people dont want to build muscle, the only other thing to do at the gym is to go

    on one of the cardio machines. the energy we need to use is stored as fat so if we arent

    burning as much energy, then we arent burning as much fat.

    Comment :

    With this article, we know lose weight not only with diet programe but by building


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