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F Ö R H A N D S K O P I AKansliets noteringarKod




Utbildningsvetenskap (UVK)Utlysning

Forskningsbidrag U 20 april 2010Totalt sökt belopp (tkr)


Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]

SÖKANDENamn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Personnr Kön

Lindblad, Sverker 460725-4614 ManE-post Titel Anställning

[email protected] Professor tillsvidareTelefon Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

031-786 2511 1976-12-10

NUVARANDE ADRESS/ARBETSGIVAREOrg./Univ./öretag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadress, etc.

Göteborgs universitetInstitutionen för pedagogik och didaktikEnheten för lärande i vuxenlivBox 30040530 Göteborg, Sverige


Göteborgs universitet

BESKRIVANDE DATAProjekttitel, svensk (max 200 tkn)

Migration och Utbildning i Globaliserande Landskap

Project title, English (max 200 char)

Migration and Education in Globalizing Landscapes

Sammanfattning (max 1500 tkn)

This is a propsal for planning a proposal for research funds from the European Commission and Research for the Socio-EconomicSciences and the Humanities. The main task it to construct a consortium and an international research team for the making of aproposal for comparative studies on the challenges that migration are producing for educational systems and how these challengesare dealt with. In part this consortium is at place due to previous research cooperation.

We are asking how educational systems are recognizing migration in their environment and translating them into educational affairs;what are in turn the consequences for these challenges for the interaction in interfaces between education and migration in differentsettings? We are here dealing with the working of educational systems and their tools ? such as those analyzed in curriculumtheorizing

The tasks for developing such a research program is as follows: ? To identify national and regional cases of relevance for capturingand analyzing interfaces between education and migration. ? To construct an international research consortium with the interestsand competences necessary to plan and carry out a research program with the focus presented above, ? To review the state of theart concerning relations migration and education in different settings and to present how these relations are researched in differentsettings ? To write a well integrated research proposal to the European Commission

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2010-12615-80577-25Sökandens namn

Lindblad, Sverker

Sökandens personnummer


Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]

Sammanfattning språk

EnglishNyckelord eller (M) Medline

Migration, Education, Globalization, Social geography, Curriculum theoryÄmnesområde/ Målområde

UtbildningssystemStatistisk klassificering (SCB, 6-siffrig kod)

113112, 131701, 131106Överväganden

Ansökan har även ingivits till

Liknande till: Identisk till:


Inga djurförsök

ÖVRIGA MEDVERKANDENamn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./öretag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./öretag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./öretag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./öretag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./öretag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Page 3: Dnr F Ö R H A N D S K O P I A Kod - Startpage · 2 Educational systems have been in many ways been placed at the forefront of migration policies stressing their similar characteristics


2010-12615-80577-25Sökandens namn

Lindblad, Sverker

Sökandens personnummer


Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)

Namn(Efternamn, Förnamn) Org./Univ./öretag, Institution, Avdelning, Postadressetc.


Sökandens personnummer Kön

Titel Dr.examen (åååå-mm-dd)


SÖKTA MEDEL DENNA ANSÖKAN Bidrag för perioden (fr.o.m - t.o.m.)

-- Personal/löner (tkr)

Huvudsökande % av heltid i sökt projekt 0

Sverker Lindblad 10

Övrig personal

Assistent 10

Summa löner (tkr):


Internationellt arbete nätverksarbete 50Meeting costs 50

Summa andra kostnader (tkr): 100

Totalt sökt belopp (tkr)


TOTALA FORSKNINGSRESURSERAndra VR-projekt (pågående och sökta) för sökande och ev övriga medverkande (tkr)

Bev 2010 Bev 2011 Sökt 2011Projektnr(gäller M) eller dnr

2008-500Projekttitel Huvudman

Network for studies on the politicalin Education

Bev 2010 Bev 2011 Sökt 2011Projektnr(gäller M) eller dnr

2008-499Projekttitel Huvudman

School results and lived curricula

Bev 2010 Bev 2011 Sökt 2011Projektnr(gäller M) eller dnr

2009-6052Projekttitel Huvudman

Contextualizing teaching andlearning

Bidrag från annan finansiär för sökande, inkl ALF-medel (tkr)

Page 4: Dnr F Ö R H A N D S K O P I A Kod - Startpage · 2 Educational systems have been in many ways been placed at the forefront of migration policies stressing their similar characteristics


2010-12615-80577-25Sökandens namn

Lindblad, Sverker

Sökandens personnummer


Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]

POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG BESKRIVNINGPopulärvetenskaplig rubrik och beskrivning(max 4500 tkn)

Detta är en ansökan om bidrag för att planera en internationell komparativ studie om utbildning och migration. Fokus ligger på hursamspelet mellan utbildning och migration utvecklas i olika sammanhang och för olika grupper. Hur uppfattas och hanterasmigration som uppgifter för utbildning och hur översätts sätts dessa uppgifter till organisatoriska och pedagogiska verksamheten ochprogram? En annan fråga är vilken expertis som utvecklas i olika sammanhang - då även av internationella organisationer - och hurdenna expertis utnyttjas. Vidare är det av vikt att fånga de röster som inte hörs i den offentliga diskussionerna om utbildning ochmigration.

Ansökan bygger på antagandet om att frågor som hur migration samspelet mellan migration och utbildning skapas i konkret handlingav människor som utnyttjar sina resurser och redskap för att skapa en framtid för sig själva och de verksamheter de ingår i. Då börman också studera hur detta går till i betydelsefulla hänseende och vilka verktyg som utnyttjas därvidlag. Ett andra antagande byggerpå betydelsen av att undersöka och jämföra hur detta samspel går till olika sammanhang och med olika resurser. Av särskilt intresseär då variation i expertis och i tillgången till olika sociala och kulturella resurser.

Genom den föreslagna forskningen hoppas vi kunna bidra med ökad insikt om det komplexa samspelet mellan utbildning ochsamhälle. Mer exakt har vi ambitionen att fånga hur migration görs till en fråga för utbildning och vilka kategorisering och distinktionersom används när migration översätts till utbildningsinsatser. Vi hoppas också att fånga hur och på vad sätt migranter hanterarutbildningsfrågor och vilka erfarenheter som utvecklas i samspelet med utbildningssystemets olika ingångar och verksamheter.Denna forskning menar vi kommer att vara av stor relevans, särskilt för dem som är verksamma i gränssnittet mellan utbildning ochsamhälle.

Följande är uppgifter som ska genomföras i planeringsarbetet: (1) att identifiera nationella och regionala sammanhang av betydelseför projektets genomförande, (2) att skapa ett internationellt forskarkonsortium som kan delta i det aktuella programmet på ettfruktbart sätt, (3) att göra en positionsbestämning av relationen utbildning och migration i valda sammanhang och vilken expertissom är för handen i dessa sammanhang, (4) att utveckla ett väl integrerat forskningsprogram rörande utbildning och migration.

Ansökan bygger på tidigare internationellt forskningssamarbete med forskargrupper från olika länder. Vi har där kunnat se hurmigration slår igenom som uppgifter för utbildning och i lärares verksamhet. Vi har också kunnat undersöka och analysera hurmigration används vid kategoriseringar och praktiska förklaringar av vad som sker i utbildning och dess konsekvenser.

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VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.As Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]





Bilaga AForskningsprogram

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Planning a Research Program: Migration and Education in Globalizing Landscapes

INTRODUCTION In focus for this planned research is how education is dealing with issues of migration. It is

argued that this is a most important and challenging research area where international

cooperation is of vital interest. The plan is to develop and international research consortium

and to to apply for funds for an international research project. The planned target for the

proposal is the European Commission and the Specific Programme for Research on Socio-

economic Sciences and Humanities.

BACKGROUND Migration in relation to education is in Sweden in many ways a surprisingly under-researched

area (Bunar, 2010). Similar statements could in many ways be stated in an international

perspective. This is surprising as well, considering the recognition of migration issues as vital

in welfare state strategies and regarded as urgent targets for socio-economic research (as

emphasized by e.g. the recent METRIS report, European Commission, 2009) and for

educational systems of regions where migrations are initiated as well as the receiving nations

and regions. The United Nations and in OECD reports, for example, report long term massive

immigrations from rural areas to cities, and across borders of nation-states that today has

reached unprecedented levels (Cohen & Kennedy, 2007).

Education has been and is expanding over the world, as measured by the numbers enrolled in

education at different levels (Meyer et al, 1992) and in the construction of educational

systems that can meet the challenges of the new economies and the cultural/social demands of

a Knowledge Economy. In national and international discourses, the priority given to the

educational sector is most clear in the tasks related to development of democratic

participatory structures related to citizenship as well as in terms of competitiveness through

ambitions to produce e.g. a sustainable knowledge society. However, education is not only

qualifying but also disqualifying based on e.g. cultural hierarchization and language politics,

which often disfavours migrants in significant ways. And migration is in turn related to

difficulties for education, challenging traditional identities and notions of national sovereignty

and authority (e.g. Krasner, 2000; Appadurai, 2006) as well as territorial boundaries and

borders producing grey-shading economies and exploitation of women (Sassen, 2002). Given

this, interfaces between migration and education is vital to study.

Education and its governance practices are changing through simultaneous cultural demands

on what e.g. schools are to produce and the new institutional actors through which those

demands get articulated and acted on. The former changes through trans-nationalization (e.g.

Djelic & Sahlin Andersson, 2006) as well as internal migration, producing social policy, for

example, that restructure instructional programs to give attention to issues of diversity

expressed in educational systems as interculturalism/multiculturalism, or multi-lingualism. At

the same time, there is an entry of a number of external actors that play a significant role in

contemporary decision-making, such as supranational organizations as well as privatization

(Ozga & Lindgard, 2007) and the operation of international and national education markets.

For instance, the new networks of actors have brought new public management strategies to

restructure the governance practices through measurements of outputs and expectations in

public institutions such as schools (e.g. Lindblad & Popkewitz, 2004; Foss Lindblad &

Lindblad, 2009).

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Educational systems have been in many ways been placed at the forefront of migration

policies stressing their similar characteristics in different international settings when

confronting important societal and cultural changes – e.g. via policymaking, or interaction

with students and parents, or mass-media reports. Interestingly enough, international

education comparisons – such as the PISA –are used to identify immigrants and their

resources in different contexts and suggesting policies to deal with migration issues (e.g.

Entorf & Minoiu, 2005) indicating a transnational flow of expertise concerning migration and

education policy agendas.

PURPOSE OF PLANNED RESEARCH In order to deal with the complex issues outlined above, concerning education and migration

in a globalizing world, we are asking how educational systems are recognizing migration in

their environment and translating them into educational affairs; what are in turn the

consequences for these challenges for the interaction in interfaces between education and

migration in different – often interconnected – settings? We are here dealing with the working

of educational systems and their tools – such as those analyzed in curriculum theorizing

(Popkewitz, 2008).

From a social constructionist point of view (Hacking, 1999) this working is displayed in

interfaces between migration and education. The workings of these interfaces are determining

what is recognized and not recognized in the surroundings (be it poverty or categorizations of

populations) with what implications. Conceptually, such interface constructions are here

called landscapes. These are constructed by means of navigation tools (statistics, mass-media,

etc) used in the interface in order to be informed about characteristics and events in the

landscape considered to be of relevance.

OUTLINE OF A RESEARCH PLAN Here, we are dealing with the interface between migration and education from a social

constructionist point of view. Based on such considerations, the following main research

questions are to be further developed in an international research consortium, as well as ways

to deal with them:

1. How is the interface between migration and education constructed in different settings?

What actors are at work here – what are their positions and resources and how are they

related to each other? How do these actors enable or hinder access in relation to issues of

gender? What are their horizons, perspectives and strategies? What discursive and

programmic tools are used and how do they inform about the interplay between migration

and education?.

2. What is recognized as a landscape of migration for education in different settings and how

are these landscapes and their relations defined and demarcated as social facts with

constraints and opportunities? How is education responding to and working with matters

of migration – how are migrants categorized and recognized as “human kinds” and thus

differentiated and diversified in education systems and in education outcomes?

3. How is education recognized as a landscape for migration? How is education a social fact

for migration – with what kinds of classification and differentiation? How is migration

responding to and working with matters of education?

4. Who are the experts and what is counted as expertise when dealing with migration in

education and migration? Whose work is used as information and rationales for strategies

and decision-making and what knowledge is at use here? How are the limits in the

boundaries setting and spaces established for problem-setting and strategies of reform?

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5. How is the interface between education and migration working and what are the dynamics

in this interface? What are significant events and what are their logic as an interplay

between actions, opportunities and preferences?

6. What are the significant similarities, differences, and scaling between different settings

and regions in terms of the construction of interfaces between migration and education, in

the recognized landscapes of migration and education, as well as in the establishment of

social facts and expertise? How are the configuration of such elements displayed in

interface dynamics and in logics of events?

The identification of significant events and their boundaries is crucial and demanding

reflexivity at work. This needs to be complemented by analyses of empty spaces – who are

not represented in the landscape mapping and whose voices are not heard – which also put

forwards demands on reflexivity? There is also a need to identify what is recognized as

expertise is at work in different settings and to capture dynamic relations in the making of the

logics of significant events in different settings. This means that the interfaces, landscapes and

their extensions, as well as social facts have to be identified by empirical investigations. This

also means that the communities of expertise and imported strategies are regarded as

empirical issues – to be based on studies of the interface at work in different landscapes by

means of different research approaches.

The research is based on a comparative approach over settings where different research teams

cooperate. This does not only mean that we are planning to make comparisons over settings

but also over the workings of the different teams and to develop operational procedures that

respects the contextual and linguistic differences across settings while maintaining

theoretical/conceptual consistency. In turn, this means planning to deal with the north-south

dimension in a symmetric way as compare to e.g. other examples of regional research

cooperation (e.g Connell, 2007).

TASKS FOR PLANNING The tasks for developing such a research program is as follows:

To identify national and regional cases of relevance for capturing and analyzing interfaces

between education and migration.

To construct an international research consortium with the interests and competences

necessary to plan and carry out a research program with the focus presented above,

To review the state of the art concerning relations migration and education in different

settings and to present how these relations are researched in different settings

To write a well integrated research proposal to the European Commission

RESEARCH ORGANISATION: This proposal is based on long term experiences of planning and coordinating international

research consortia, e.g. the EGSIE studies 1998-2001 (Education Governance and Social

Integration and Exclusion, a ten-country study financed by the EC, FP4) and the Profknow

2005-2009 (Professional knowledge in restructuring welfare state institutions, a seven country

study). The current planning is located at the research program The Political and Pedagogy

(Pedagogik och Politik) at the university of Gothenburg. The POP-group is participating in

the Gothenburg Centre for Globalization and Development – a strong research profile for the

university – and in the Swedish Network for Studies on the Political in Education. In the

current planning we will cooperate with researchers from different contexts. The selection of

contexts is depending on piloting research. However, at present researchers from the

Universities of Lisbon, Portugal; Granada, Spain; and Wisconsin-Madison, the US will be

part of the planning team. We have been cooperating in previous projects and have already

been engaged in discussions on these issues.

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DEMANDS FOR RESOURCES: In order to plan the current research we need resources for surveying differences and

similarities concerning education and migration in European contexts and their surroundings.

This will be supported by a research assistant (not as doctoral studies). In order to discuss and

construct the proposal resources for travelling is needed. I will use time for research in my

position as a professor devoted to this strategically important research program.

SELECTED RESEARCH REFERENCES Appadurai, A. (2006): Fear of Small Numbers. An essay on the geography of anger. Duke

University Press

Bunar, N. (2010): Nyanlända och lärande. En forskningsöversikt om nyanlända elever i den

svenska skolan. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 6:2010.

Cohen, R. and Kennedy, P. (2007), Global Sociology (2nd Ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave


COM (2008). Migration and Mobility: Challenges and Opportunities for the EU education

system. EC Green paper COM 2008:423).

Connell, R. (2007). Southern theory: The global dynamics of knowledge in the social sciences. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

Djelic, M.-L., & Sahlin-Andersson, K. (2006). Transnational governance: Institutional

Dynamics of Regulation. Cambridge University Press

Entorf, H. & Minoiu, N. (2005):What a Difference Immigration Policy Makes: A Comparison

of PISA Scores in Europe and Traditional Countries of Immigration. German Economic

Review, Volume 6, Number 3, August 2005 , pp. 355-376(22)

ESF Workshop on Immigration and Education in Southern Europe. (2009):


European Commission. (2009). METRIS Report – Emerging Trends in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in Europe. Brussels: European Commission.

Foss Lindblad, R. & Lindblad, S. (2009). Transnational governance of higher education. In

Popkewitz, T. & Rizvi, F., (Eds.) (2009): Globalization and the Study of Education. Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook, Volume 108:2.

Krasner, S. (2000). Compromising Westphalia. In D. Held and A. McGrew (Eds.), The global transformation reader (2nd ed., pp. 124–135). Cambridge: Polity Press.

Hacking, I. (1999). The Social Construction of What? Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ.


Lindblad, S., & Popkewitz, T.S. (2004). Educational restructuring: International perspectives on traveling policies. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Meyer, j.F., Ramirez, F. & Nuhoglu Soysal, Y. (1992). World Expansion of Mass Education,

1870-1980. Sociology of Education, Vol. 65, No. 2 (Apr., 1992), pp. 128-149.

Ozga, J., & Lingard, B. (2007). Globalisation, education policy and politics. In B. Lingard &

J. Ozga (Eds.), The RoutledgeFalmer reader in education policy and politics (pp. 65–82).

London: Routledge.

Popkewitz, Tom (2008). Cosmopolitanism and the age of school reform: Science, education and making society by making the child. New York: Routledge.

Popkewitz, T.S. Rizvi, F. (2009): Global mobility and the challenges of educational research

and policy, p 268-288. In Popkewitz, T.S. & Rizvi, F. (Eds): Globalization and the study of Education. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell

Sassen, S. (2002). Countergeographies of Globalization: The Feminization of Survival. Paper

presented at the conference on “Gender Budgets, Financial Markets, Financing for

Development, in Berlin February 2002.

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VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Bs Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]





Bilaga BCurriculum vitae

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CV (abbreviated) professor Sverker Lindblad Higher education exam: BA 1971 (Psychology, Sociology, Education)

Doctoral degree (year) 1976 in Education at Uppsala University. Simulations and Games in Comprehensive Education.

Postdoctoral work (year and position) Post-doc (Forskarassistent) 1977-1983 at Uppsala University

Associate professor (Eo Docent) 1983 – 1989 at Uppsala University

Qualification as Associate Professor (year) 1980 at Uppsala University

Current position, period of appointment, time for research in the position Professor at Gothenburg University 2004, Co-director of the Linnaeus Centre for Research on

Learning, Interaction and Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society (LinCS). 30

percent of time for research. Coordinator of the research collegium “Pedagogy and Politics”.

Previous positions and periods of appointment Research assistant 1968-1975 at the University of Göteborg

Research assistant 1975-1977 at Uppsala University

Forskarassistent 1977-1983 at Uppsala University

E.o Docent 1983-1989 at Uppsala University

Acting professor: 1989-1994 at Uppsala University

Professor (Chair): 1994-2004 at Uppsala University

People awarded doctorates for whom the co-application has been the main supervisor Calander, F (1999); Carlsson, L-G (1997); Per Ekstrand (2004), Falk, E-M (1999); Falkner, K

(1997); Garpelin, A (1997); Hellsten, J. (2000); Hjälme, A (1999); Käller, K. (1990); Linde, G.

(1993); Lindhe, V (1999); Löthman, A. (1990) Ivarsson, P.-M. (2003); Naeslund, L (1991);

Olsson, U (1997); Pérez Prieto, H. (1992); Sahlström, F. (1999); Säll, E (2000); Wijk, K (2003);

Hellblom-Thibblin, T. (2004)

Scientific leadership and international research coordination

Lindblad was the scientific leader and co-ordinator for several research projects founded by

different research councils, including a completed nine-country study on Education

Governance and Social Inclusion and Exclusion funded under the EU-TSER programme

(FP4). Lindblad is now coordinating another EU-financed seven country research project on

Professional Knowledge under Restructuring in Education and Health and is directing the

Swedish team in an international research cooperation – the Learner Perspective Study, with a

focus on complex interaction studied by means of advanced digital recordings. Lindblad was

the coordinator for a Nordic network for Ethnography in Education financed by NoFA 1999-

2003 and is since 2007 convening a Nordic network for research on Politics in Education

On research positions and services

Sverker Lindblad is Professor of Education at University of Gothenburg since 2003 where he

also is acting as a head for research issues. He was Professor (Chair) of the Department of

Education at Uppsala University 1994 – 2004 where he served as a member of the University

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Equity Committee (1992-1998), the University Committee on Multicultural issues (1999-

2001), and also chaired the scientific committee for teacher education as well as different

university commissions (e.g. selections for chairs and professorships). At the University of

Gothenburg Lindblad served as a member of the Research board 2006-2008, as a member of

Internationalisation advisory board 2008 -, as a member of the board of the Centre for

research on Europe 2006 - 2008, as a member of the board for a Safe and Secure City (a

cooperation between Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg and the

City of Gothenburg) 2006, and as a member of the board of the Gothenburg Centre for

Globalization and Development 2009 - and onwards.

Lindblad was a previous member of the Education Science Committee and Research in the

Humanities and Social Sciences at the Research Council of Sweden. He was also a member of

The Research Council for Development studies connected to the Swedish Development

Agency. Lindblad is now a member of the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ), an independent

foundation with the goal of promoting and supporting research in the Humanities and Social


Lindblad has served as a reviewer for different national and international research funds, such

as The Academy of Finland, The Norwegian Research Council and the Estonian Research

Council and evaluated the Danish University of Education in 2008. He is now reviewing

research at the European Science Foundation and the European Commission research

frameworks. Lindblad is also a member of a Higher education ranking group established by

the Association of Swedish Higher Education. On behalf of the National Agency for

Education Lindblad presented in 1992 an analysis of Research programmes and university

departments doing research on education. On behalf of the Swedish Research Council

Lindblad researched and analysed international arenas for educational sciences in 2003, which

he is revising now. He is now - on behalf of the Swedish Research Council – analysing

publications and citations of Swedish educational research in international scientific journals.

Lindblad has served as a member of the board of Nordic Educational Research Association

(of which he was one of its funders and first secretary 1973-1975) in several rounds, the last

period in 1995-1999 and as President of the European Educational Researcher Association

(1999-2001). Lindblad sits on the editorial board of many scientific journals including

Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige; Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Bildungswissenschaften;

European Educational Research Journal; Social Psychology of Education; Journal of

Educational Change; Identity: an international journal of theory and research; and Change -

Transformations in Education. In recent years he has given keynote speeches and invited

presentations concerning major educational issues in e.g. in Barcelona, Moscow, Oslo, Hong

Kong, Capetown, Edinburgh, Malaga, Taipei, Turku, Keele, Lille and Lahti.

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VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Cs Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]





Bilaga CPublikationslista

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Sverker Lindblad: List of recent publications:

Journal articles: Hamilton, D., Lindblad, S. & Wernesson, I. (2003): Doctoral studies in pedagogik in Sweden.

Nordisk Pedagogik, 23(4), 246-261

Houtsonen, J., Lindblad, S., Sohlberg, P., Dupont, M. & Czaplicka, M. (2008): World-Wide

Restructuring in Education and National Refractions: Finnish, Irish and Swedish

Teachers‟ Perceptions of Current Changes. Accepted for publication in Current Sociology.

Johannesson, I. A., Lindblad, S., Simola, H. (2002). An Inevitable Progress? Educational

restructuring in Finland, Iceland and Sweden at the turn of the millennium,

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol 46 nr 3, s. 325-339

Lindblad, S. (2008): Navigating in the Field of Research Driven Universities: On Research

Governing and the Making and Using University Ranking Lists. European Educational Research Journal. (accepted)

Lindblad, S. (2008): Teacher education and teachers as intellectuals: Comments on recent

policy discourses in Sweden. Zeitschrift für Pedagogische Historiographie. (In print)

Lindblad, S., Jenny Ozga & Evie Zambeta (Guest Editors): Changing Forms of Educational

Governance in Europe. European Educational Research Journal, Volume 1 Number 4


Lindblad, S., Johannesson, I. A. & Simola, H. (2002). Education Governance in Transition: an

introduction, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol 46 nr 3, s. 237-245

Lindblad, S., Lundahl, L., Lindgren, J. & Zackari, G. (2002). Educating for the New Sweden?

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol 46 nr 3, s.283-303

Popkewitz, T & Lindblad, S (2001): Estatísticas educacionais como um sistema de razão:

relações entre governo da educação e inclusão e exclusão sociais. Educação & Sociedade, vol.22 no.75

Popkewitz, T. & Lindblad, S. (2000). Educational Governance and Social Inclusion and

Exclusion: A Conceptual Review of Equity and Post-Modern Traditions. Discourse, vol 21, no 1, p 1-44

Popkewitz, T.& Lindblad, S. (2004): Historizing the future: Educational reform, systems of

reason, and the making of children who are the future citizens. Journal of Education Change 5: 229-247

Wolter, S, Keiner, E., Palomba, D., Lindblad, S. (2004). OECD Examiners‟ Report on

Educational Research and Development in England. European Educational Research Journal. 3 (2) pp. 510-526.

Peer-reviewed Conference Contributions Callewaert, G. & Lindblad, S. (2004). Introducing teacher education under restructuring. Paper

presented at the ECER Congress in Rethymnon, Crete, 22-25 September

Emanuelsson, J., Häggblom, J., Häggström, J., Liljestrand, J., Lindblad, S., Marton, F., Runesson, U.

& Sahlström, F. (2002): The way we do things in Sweden: On school cultures and maths

lessons from different perspectives. Presentation to the Learner‟s Perspective Study

symposium in Melbourne, December 2002.

Foss Lindblad, Rita, Lindblad, Sverker (2006). A pyrrhic victory: the progressive movement into

Swedish welfare state education. Invited contribution to the symposium Policy Making in the

Public Interest: The Dream and Its Consequences. Sponsored by the International Relations

Committee . AERA, in San Francisco, April 7-11, 2006. GUP 5131

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Foss Lindblad, Rita, Lindblad, Sverker (2006). Knowledge at work: On the politics of knowledge in

the reconfiguration of the teaching profession (2006). Kenneth Petterson, Ulf Olsson,

Thomas S. Popkewitz [editor(s)]. “The Future Is Not What It Appears To Be”. Pedagogy,

Genealogy and Political Epistemology. ISBN/ISSN: 91-7656-623-4 GUP 5132

Foss Lindblad, Rita, Lindblad, Sverker, Wärvik, Gun-Britt (2006). On the Politics of

Knowledge in the Reconfiguring of the Teaching and Nursing Profession. A

contribution to the symposium “Comparative Studies on Professional Expertise,

Authority and Work Life Organisation in Education and Health”.

Fridlizius, Rita Foss; Lindblad, Sverker; Andersson, Ewa Pilhammar; Warvik, Gun-Britt

Wärvik (2005): On institutional restructuring and the professional knowledge in

education and health care: the Swedish case. A contribution to the symposium

“Professional knowledge in education and health: restructuring work and life

between state and citizens in Europé” at the EERA meeting in Dublin, September


Lindblad, S (2001): Education by the Number: On international statistics and policy making. Presented at the conference „Travelling Policy/Local Spaces: Globalisation, Identities and

Education Policy in Europe‟ held at Keele University, UK in June 2001‟.

Lindblad, S. (2001): Researching Swedish School Culture: Notions on classroom interaction. contexts

and cultures of schooling. Presentation of a Swedish research project to Learner‟s

Perspective Study Teamin Durban January 27/28, 2002, following the 2002 SAARMSTE


Lindblad, S. (2002): Notes on the construction of teaching and learning in international comparative

studies: LPS, PISA and TIMSS. Paper presented at the LPS meeting in New Orleans, March


Lindblad, S. (2003): The new utopians: On international assesment and the construction of schooling.

A contribution to the symposium ”Curriculum and globalization: An international

perspective” at the AERA meeting in Chicago 21-25 April 2003.

Lindblad, S., & Marton, F. (2004). What is compared in comparative studies? Paper presented at PME,

Bergen, 2004.

Lindblad, S., & Sahlström, F. (2002): From teaching to interaction: On recent changes in the

perspectives and approaches to classroom research. Current Issues in Classroom Research: practices, praises and perspectives conference, Oslo, May 22-24 2002.

Lindblad, S., & Sahlström, F. (2003): Contexts in classroom research: concepts and research strategies. A contribution to the symposium ”Classroom research methods” at the NERA

meeting in Copenhagen 6-9 March 2003.

Lindblad, Sverker, Lundahl, Lisbeth (2006). Education Research in Sweden. A contribution to

the EERA roundtable “The Social Organization of Education Research: a Cross-

national Conversation” . EERA meeting in Geneva, September 13-15, 2006.

Lindblad, Sverker; Callewaert, Staf (2004): Introducing teacher education under restructuring.

A contribution to the symposium “Teacher education in Scandinavia: reform,

recruitment and professional identity under restructuring” at the EERA meeting in

Crete, September 2004

Books and book chapters Foss Lindblad, R., Lindblad, S. (2006). Knowledge at work: On the politics of knowledge in

the reconfiguration of the teaching profession (2006). In Peterson, Olsson, Popkewitz

(Eds): "The Future Is Not What It Appears To Be". Pedagogy, Genealogy and Political

Epistemology. Stockholm: HLS

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Foss Lindblad, R. & Lindblad, S. (2007). X som i x -axel. I A. Björnsson & B. Rombach (red.) Tidens tecken. Svenska Humanistiska Förbundets skriftserie 121. s. 217-224.

Stockholm: Santérus Förlag

Foss Lindblad & Lindblad (2008): The politics of professionalising talk on teaching. In Re-reading education policies: studying the policy agenda of the 21st century. Editors:

Maarten Simons, Mark Olssen, Michael Peters. Sense Publisher (Forthcoming)

Foss Lindblad, R., Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2009): Narratives on Educational Research

Evaluation in Sweden. In Besley, A.T. (Ed): Assessing the Quality of Educational Research. Sense Publisher.

Goodson, I. & Lindblad, S. (Eds) (2010): Teachers’ Professional Work and Life under Restructuring in Europe. Rotterdam: Sense. (In print)

Lindblad, S. (2006). Om internationell utbildningsvetenskaplig publicering från svensk

horisont. I Sandin, B. & Säljö, R. (Red): Utbildningsvetenskap: ett kunskapsområde under formering. s. 153-175. Carlssons Förlag

Lindblad, S. (2006): The education system and mathematics education in Sweden. In D.,

Clarke, C. Keitel & Y. Shimizu (Eds). Mathematics Classrooms in 12 countries: The Insider's Perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Lindblad, S. (2001). Ett pedagogiskt perspektiv. I Andersson, B -E. (Red): Ungdomarna, skolan och livet. Stockholm : HLS Förlag.

Lindblad, S. (2001). Släpp fångarna loss, det är höst! I Sandqvist, K. (Red): Ungdom - hela livet. Stockholm : HLS Förlag.

Lindblad, S. (2006): A European perspective on international arenas for educational research.

In Coulby, D., Ozga, J.,Popkewitz, T., & Seddon, T. (Eds): World Yearbook in Education 2006: Education Research and Policy.

Lindblad, S. & Foss Lindblad, R. (2009): Transnational Governance of Higher Educaiton

Popkewitz, T. & Rizvi, F., (Eds.) (2009): Globalization and the Study of Education. Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook, Volume 108, Number


Lindblad, S. & Lundahl, L. (2001). Från medborgare till systemoperatör? I Agell, A. (Red.): Fostrar skolan goda medborgare? Uppsala : IUSTUS FÖRLAG AB.

Lindblad, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1998). Elevers, föräldrars och lärares bilder av inflytande i

skolan. I Skolverkets rapport nr 144: Vem tror på skolan? Attityder till skolan 1997.

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2003). Comparative Ethnography: Fabricating the new

millenium and its exclusions. A contribution to Beach, Gordon & Lahelma: Democratic Education Ethnographic Challenges. Ondon: Tufnel

Lindblad, S. & Popkewitz, T. (2004) (Eds): Educational Restructuring: International perspectives on travelling policies. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publ.

Lindblad, S & Sahlström, F (Red) (2001): Interaktion i pedagogiska miljöer. Stockholm:


Lindblad, S. (2008): Mellan Profession och Akademi: Habitus och Fält under Omstrukturering. Petersen, K-A & Hoyen, M, (Red) (2008): At sætte spor på en

vandring fra Aquinas til Bourdieu - æresbog til Staf Callewaert. Copenhagen: Hexus

Lindblad, S. (2009). Epilogue: Teaching professions in restructuring contexts. Bayer, M.; Brinkkjaer, U.; Plauborg, H. & Rolls, S. (Eds): Teachers' Career Trajectories and Work Lives. s. 211-223. Dordrecht: Springer.

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