
Doktrin Bush: Jawaban yang Tepat untuk Terorisme?

Politik Luar Negeri Amerika SerikatS-1 HI UGM, 5 April 2012



























Apa itu Doktrin Bush?

Doktrin Bush merujuk pada serangkaian kebijakan luar negeri yang dijalankan oleh Presiden George W. Bush setelah peristiwa 9/11. Doktrin ini dikenali dari kebijakan utamanya: membolehkan pre-emptive warterhadap lawan-lawan potensial sebelum mereka menyerang AS. Inilah yang menjadi salah satu alasan invasi AS ke Irak pada Maret 2003.

Asal-usul Doktrin Bush • Doktrin Carter: “An attempt by any outside force to gain

control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.”

• Doktrin Reagan: lawan komunisme dan dorong kapitalisme.

• Doktrin Clinton: “We cannot, indeed, we should not, do everything or be everywhere. But where our values and our interests are at stake, and where we can make a difference, we must be prepared to do so.” and “if somebody comes after innocent civilians and tries to kill them en masse because of their race, their ethnic background or their religion, and it's within our power to stop it, we will stop it."

• Doktrin Bush dan kaum Neokonservatif (PNAC).

Formulasi Awal

• “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them” (G.W. Bush, ‘Statement by the President in Address to the Nation’, 11 September 2001).

• “And we will pursue nations that provide air or safe haven to terrorism … Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime …” (G.W. Bush, ‘Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People’, 20 September 2001 – cetak tebal ditambahkan).

Formulasi Lanjutan

Korea Utara, Iran dan Irak adalah ancaman nyata bagi AS: “States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world …”(G.W. Bush, ‘State of the Union’, 29 January 2002 –cetak tebal ditambahkan)

‘Axis of Evil’ atau ‘Axis of Oil’?

Formulasi Lanjutan

Bush menyatakan prinsip ‘serang lebih dulu’: “Our security will require all Americans to be forward-looking and resolute, to be ready for preemptive action when necessary …” (G.W. Bush, ‘Graduation

Speech at West Point’, 1 June 2002 – cetak tebal ditambahkan)

Aksi Militer ‘first strike’

• Dokumen NSS 2002 menyebutkan: “Today, our enemies will use weapons of mass destruction as weapons of choice … We cannot let our enemies strike first.” (The White House, ‘The National Security Strategy of the United States of America’, 17 September 2002)

• NSS 2002 juga mengatakan bahwa hasil potensial dari penggunaan WMD adalah nyata sehingga preemption dibolehkan, khususnya bila WMD dimiliki oleh hostile armed groups “whose so-called soldiers seek martyrdom in death and whose most potent protection is statelessness.” (Grant Smith, Deadly Dogma #1 Strike “First”)

• Doktrin ‘serang dulu’ meningkatkan kemungkinan bahwa AS akan menyerang musuh yang salah tanpa pertimbangan dan perhitungan yang matang. (Smith)

Implikasi-implikasi (1)

• Pada November 2003, pengamat Timur Tengah Fawaz Gerges mengatakan bahwa “[it is] simply unbelievable how the war has revived the appeal of a global jihadi Islam that was in real decline after 9-11”.(Noam Chomsky, ‘Understanding the Bush Doctrine’, Information Clearing House, 2 October 2004).

• Aplikasi dari Doktrin Bush lebih pada penekanan dominasi militer AS di dalam dan luar negeri ketimbang melawan terorisme. (Marty Jezer, ‘The Bush Doctrine on Nuclear Weapons’, <>, 15 March 2002)

• Aspek paling berbahaya dari Doktrin Bush adalah “its resurrection of the idea of tactical nuclear weapons … The predictable result of the Bush Doctrine will be a new arms race.” (Jezer – emphasis added)

Implikasi-implikasi (2)

• Kegagalan Wasington untuk mendefinisikan terorisme membuatnya bisa melabeli siapa saja yang menentang kebijakannya sebagai teroris/organisasi teroris (lihat Terrorist Watch List dan No Fly List).

• “Bush views the violence of Palestinians as ‘terror’ and the inevitable Israeli response as ‘legitimate self-defense’. By ruling out the peaceful settlement of disputes in Iraq, Palestine, and elsewhere, the White House has not eliminated terrorism. It has provoked it. And it has also legitimized terrorism in many parts of the world.” (Ronald B. St. John, ‘Bush Doctrine Breeds Terror and Tyranny’, <>, 29 May 2004 –cetak tebal ditambahkan)

Doktrin Bush ‘Revisited’


Doktrin Bush ‘Revisited’


Doktrin Bush: Usaha yang gagal untuk menemukan WMD

Doktrin Bush: Never ending wars?