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  • 8/6/2019 Doplers Effect


    SESSION: 2010-11


    Submitted to - Submitted By -Mithlesh Mam Anshul Sharma

  • 8/6/2019 Doplers Effect




    Almost everyone has experienced the Doppler effect, though perhaps without knowing what causes it.

    For example, if one is standing on a street corner and an ambulance approaches with its siren blaring,

    the sound of the siren steadily gains in pitch as it comes closer. Then, as it passes, the pitch suddenly

    lowers perceptibly. This is an example of the Doppler effect: the change in the observed frequency of

    a wave when the source of the wave is moving with respect to the observer. The Doppler effect, which

    occurs both in sound and electromagnetic wavesincluding light waveshas a number of applications.

    Astronomers use it, for instance, to gauge the movement of stars relative to Earth. Closer to home,

    principles relating to the Doppler effect find application in radar technology.Doppler radar provides

    information concerning weather patterns, but some people experience it in a less pleasant way: when

    a police officer uses it to measure their driving speed before writing a ticket.

    How It Works

    Wave Motion and Its Properties

    Sound and light are both examples of energy, and both are carried on waves. Wave motion is a type

    of harmonic motion that carries energy from one place to another without actually moving any matter.

    It is related to oscillation, a type of harmonic motion in one or more dimensions. Oscillation involves

    no net movement, only movement in place; yet individual points in the wave medium

    are oscillating even as the overall wave pattern moves.

    The term periodic motion, or movement repeated at regular intervals called periods, describes the

    behavior of periodic waveswaves in which a uniform series of crests and troughs follow each other in

    regular succession. A period (represented by the symbol T) is the amount of time required to complete

    one full cycle of the wave, from trough to crest and back to trough.

    Period is mathematically related to several other aspects of wave motion, including wave speed,frequency, andwavelength. Frequency (abbreviated f) is the number of waves passing through a given

    point during the interval of one second. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), named after nineteenth-century

    German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894), and a Hertz is equal to one cycle of oscillation

    per second. Higher frequencies are expressed in terms ofkilohertz (kHz; 103 or 1,000 cycles per

    second); megahertz (MHz; 106 or 1 million cycles per second); andgigahertz (GHz; 109 or

    1 billion cycles per second.) Wavelength (represented by the symbol , the Greek letter lambda) is the

    distance between a crest and the adjacent crest, or a trough and an adjacent trough, of a wave. The

    higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.

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    Amplitude, though mathematically independent from the parameters discussed, is critical to the

    understanding of sound. Defined as the maximum displacement of a vibrating material, amplitude is

    the "size" of a wave. The greater the amplitude, the greater the energy the wave contains: amplitude

    indicates intensity, which, in the case of sound waves, is manifested as what people commonly call

    "volume." Similarly, the amplitude of a light wave determines the intensity of the light.

    Frame of Reference

    A knowledge of the fundamentals involved in wave motion is critical to understanding the Doppler

    effect; so, too, is an appreciation of another phenomenon, which is as much related to human

    psychology and perception as it is to physics. Frame of reference is the perspective of an observer

    with regard to an object or event. Things may look different for one person in one frame of reference

    than they do to someone in another.

    For example, if you are sitting across the table from a friend at lunch, and you see that he has a spot

    ofketchup to the right of his mouth, the tendency is to say, "You have some ketchup right here"and

    then point to the left of your own mouth, since you are directly across the table from his right. Then

    he will rub the left side of his face with his napkin, missing the spot entirely, unless you say something

    like, "Nomirror image." The problem is that each of you has a different frame of reference, yet only

    your friend took this into account.

    Relative Motion

    Physicists often speak of relative motion, or the motion of one object in relation to another. For

    instance, the molecules in the human body are in a constant state of motion, but they are not moving

    relative to the body itself: they are moving relative to one another.

    On a larger scale, Earth is rotating at a rate of about 1,000 MPH (1,600 km/h), and orbiting the Sun at

    67,000 MPH (107,826 km/h)almost three times as fast as humans have ever traveled in a poweredvehicle. Yet no one senses the speed of Earth's movement in the way that one senses the movement

    of a caror, indeed, the way the astronauts aboardApollo 11 in 1969 perceived that their spacecraft

    was moving at about 25,000 MPH (40,000 km/h). In the case of the car or the spacecraft, movement

    can be perceived in relation to other objects: road signs and buildings on the one hand, Earth and the

    Moon on the other. But humans have no frame of reference from which to perceive the movement of

    Earth itself.

    If one were traveling in a train alongside another train at constant velocity, it would be impossible to

    perceive that either train was actually moving, unless one looked at a reference point, such as the

    trees or mountains in the background. Likewise, if two trains were sitting side by side, and one train

    started to move, the relative motion might cause a passenger in the unmoving train to believe that his

    or her train was the one moving. In fact, as Albert Einstein (1879-1955) demonstrated with his Theoryof Relativity, all motion is relative: when we say that something is moving, we mean that it is moving

    in relation to something else.

    Doppler's Discovery

    Long before Einstein was born, Austrian physicist Christian Johann Doppler (1803-1853) made an

    important discovery regarding the relative motion of sound waves or light waves. While teaching in

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    Prague, now the capital of the Czech Republic, but then a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire,

    Doppler became fascinated with a common, but previously unexplained, phenomenon. When an

    observer is standing beside a railroad track and a train approaches, Doppler noticed, the train's

    whistle has a high pitch. As it passes by, however, the sound of the train whistle suddenly becomes

    much lower.

    By Doppler's time, physicists had recognized the existence of sound waves, as well as the fact a

    sound's pitch is a function of frequencyin other words, the closer the waves are to one another, the

    higher the pitch. Taking this knowledge, he reasoned that if a source of sound is moving toward a

    listener, the waves in front of the source are compressed, thus creating a higher frequency. On the

    other hand, the waves behind the moving source are stretched out, resulting in a lower frequency.

    After developing a mathematical formula to describe this effect, Doppler presented his findings in

    1842. Three years later, he and Dutch meteorologist Christopher Heinrich Buys-Ballot (1817-1890)

    conducted a highly unusual experiment to demonstrate the theory. Buys-Ballot arranged for a band of

    trumpet players to perform on an open railroad flatcar, while riding past a platform on which a group

    of musicians with perfect pitch (that is, a finely tuned sense of hearing) sat listening.

    The experiment went on for two days, the flatcar passing by again and again, while the horns blasted

    and the musicians on the platform recorded their observations. Though Doppler and Buys-Ballot must

    have seemed like crazy men to those who were not involved in the experiment, the resultas

    interpreted from the musicians' written impressions of the pitches they heardconfirmed Doppler's


    Real-Life Applications

    Sound Compression and the Doppler Effect

    As stated in the introduction, one can observe the Doppler effect in a number of settings. If a personis standing by the side of a road and a car approaches at a significant rate of speed, the frequency of

    the sound waves grows until the car passes the observer, then the frequency suddenly drops. But

    Doppler, of course, never heard the sound of an automobile, or the siren of a motorized ambulance or

    fire truck.

    In his day, the horse-drawn carriage still constituted the principal means of transportation for short

    distances, and such vehicles did not attain the speeds necessary for the Doppler effect to become

    noticeable. Only one mode of transportation in the mid-nineteenth century made it possible to observe

    and record the effect: a steam-powered locomotive. Therefore, let us consider the Doppler effect as

    Doppler himself didin terms of a train passing through a s tation.

    The Sound of a Train Whistle

    When a train is sitting in a station prior to leaving, it blows its whistle, but listeners standing nearby

    notice nothing unusual. There is no differenceexcept perhaps in degree of intensitybetween the

    sound heard by someone on the platform, and the sound of the train as heard by someone standing

    behind the caboose. This is because a stationary train is at the center of the sound waves it produces,

    which radiate in concentric circles (like a bulls-eye) around it.

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    As the train begins to move, however, it is no longer at the center of the sound waves emanating from

    it. Instead, the circle of waves is moving forward, along with the train itself, and, thus, the locomotive

    compresses waves toward the front. If someone is standing further ahead along the track, that person

    hears the compressed sound waves. Due to their compression, these have a much higher frequency

    than the waves produced by a stationary train.

    At the same time, someone standing behind the traina listener on the platform at the station,

    watching the trainrecede into the distancehears the sound waves that emanate from behind the

    train. It is the same train making the same sound, but because the train has compressed the sound

    waves in front of it, the waves behind it are spread out, producing a sound of much lower frequency.

    Thus, the sound of the train, as perceived by two different listeners, varies with frame of reference.

    The Sonic Boom: a Related Effect

    Some people today have had the experience of hearing a jet fly high overhead, producing a shock

    wave known as a sonic boom. A sonic boom, needless to say, is certainly not something of which

    Doppler would have had any knowledge, nor is it an illustration of the Doppler effect, per se. But it is

    an example of sound compression, and, therefore, it deserves attention here.

    The speed of sound, unlike the speed of light, is dependant on the medium through which it travels.

    Hence, there is no such thing as a fixed "speed of sound"; rather, there is only a speed at which sound

    waves are transmitted through a given type of material. Its speed through a gas, such as air, is

    proportional to the square root of the pressure divided by the density. This, in turn, means that the

    higher the altitude, the slower the speed of sound: for the altitudes at which jets fly, it is about 660

    MPH (1,622 km/h).

    As a jet moves through the air, it too produces sound waves which compress toward the front,

    and widen toward the rear. Since sound waves themselves are really just fluctuations in pressure, this

    means that the faster a jet goes, the greater the pressure of the sound waves bunched up in front of

    it. Jet pilots speak of "breaking the sound barrier," which is more than just a figure of speech. As the

    craft approaches the speed of sound, the pilot becomes aware of a wall of high pressure to the front of

    the plane, and as a result of this high-pressure wall, the jet experiences enormous turbulence.

    The speed of sound is referred to as Mach 1, and at a speed of between Mach 1.2 and Mach 1.4, even

    stranger things begin to happen. Now the jet is moving faster than the sound waves emanating from

    it, and, therefore, an observer on the ground sees the jet move by well before hearing the sound. Of

    course, this would happen to some extent anyway, since light travels so much faster than sound; but

    the difference between the arrival time of the light waves and the sound waves is even more

    noticeable in this situation.

    Meanwhile, up in the air, every protruding surface of the aircraft experiences intense pressure: in

    particular, sound waves tend to become highly compressed along the aircraft's nose and tail.

    Eventually these compressed sound waves build up, resulting in a shock wave. Down on the ground,

    the shock wave manifests as a "sonic boom"or rather, two sonic boomsone from the nose of the

    craft, and one from the tail. People in the aircraft do not hear the boom, but the shock waves

    produced by the compressed sound can cause sudden changes in pressure, density, and temperature

    that can pose dangers to the operation of the airplane. To overcome this problem, designers

    ofsupersonic aircraft have developed planes with wings that are swept back, so they fit within the cone

    of pressure.

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    Doppler Radar and Other Sensing Technology

    The Doppler effect has a number of applications relating to the sensing of movement. For instance,physicians and medical technicians apply it to measure the rate and direction of blood flow in a

    patient's body, along with ultra-sound. As blood moves through an artery, its top speed is 0.89 MPH

    (0.4 m/s)not very fast, yet fast enough, given the small area in which movement is taking place, for

    the Doppler effect to be observed. A beam ofultrasound is pointed toward an artery, and the reflected

    waves exhibit a shift in frequency, because the blood cells are acting as moving sources of sound

    wavesjust like the trains Doppler observed.

    Not all applications of the Doppler effect fall under the heading of "technology": some can be found in

    nature. Bats use the Doppler effect to hunt for prey. As a bat flies, it navigates by emitting whistles

    and listening for the echoes. When it is chasing down food, its brain detects a change in pitch between

    the emitted whistle, and the echo it receives. This tells the bat the speed of its quarry, and the bat

    adjusts its own speed accordingly.

    Doppler radar

    Police officers may not enjoy the comparisongiven the public's general impression of bats as evil,

    blood-thirsty creaturesbut in using radar as a basis to check for speeding violations, the police are

    applying a principle similar to that used by bats. Doppler radar, which uses the Doppler effect to

    calculate the speed of moving objects, is a form of technology used not only by law-enforcement

    officers, but also by meteorologists.

    The change in frequency experienced as a result of the Doppler effect is exactly twice the ratio

    between the velocity of the target (for instance, a speeding car) and the speed with which the radar

    pulse is directed toward the target. From this formula, it is possible to determine the velocity of the

    target when the frequency change and speed of radar propagation are known. The police officer's

    Doppler radar performs these calculations; then all the officer has to do is pull over the speeder and

    write a ticket.

    Meteorologists use Doppler radar to track the movement of storm systems. By detecting the direction

    and velocity of raindrops or hail, for instance, Doppler radar can be used to determine the motion of

    winds and, thus, to predict weather patterns that will follow in the next minutes or hours. But Doppler

    radar can do more than simply detect a storm in progress: Doppler technology also aids

    meteorologists by interpreting wind direction, as an indicator of coming storms.

    The Doppler Effect in Light Waves

    So far the Doppler effect has been discussed purely in terms of sound waves; but Doppler himself

    maintained that it could be applied to light waves as well, and experimentation conducted in 1901

    proved him correct. This was far from an obvious point, since light is quite different from sound.

    Not only does light travel much, much faster186,000 mi (299,339 km) a secondbut unlike sound,

    light does not need to travel through a medium. Whereas sound cannot be transmitted in outer space,

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    light is transmitted by radiation, a form of energy transfer that can be directed as easily through a

    vacuum as through matter.

    The Doppler effect in light can be demonstrated by using a device called a spectroscope, which

    measures the spectral lines from an object of known chemical composition. These spectral lines are

    produced either by the absorption or emission of specific frequencies of light by electrons in the source

    material. If the light waves appear at the blue, or high-frequency end of the visible light spectrum,

    this means that the object is moving toward the observer. If, on the other hand, the light waves

    appear at the red, or low-frequency end of the spectrum, the object is moving away.

    Hubble and the Red Shift

    In 1923, American astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) observed that the light waves from distant

    galaxies were shifted so much to the red end of the light spectrum that they must be moving away

    from the Milky Way, the galaxy in which Earth is located, at a high rate. At the same time, nearer

    galaxies experienced much less of a red shift, as this phenomenon came to be known, meaning that

    they were moving away at relatively slower speeds.

    Six years later, Hubble and another astronomer, Milton Humason, developed a mathematical formula

    whereby astronomers could determine the distance to another galaxy by measuring that galaxy's red

    shifts. The formula came to be known as Hubble's constant, and it established the relationship

    between red shift and the velocity at which a galaxy or object was receding from Earth. From Hubble's

    work, it became clear that the universe was expanding, and research by a number of physicists and

    astronomers led to the development of the "big bang" theorythe idea that the universe emerged

    almost instantaneously, in some sort of explosion, from a compressed state of matter.