Page 1: Dr. Angel M. Mergal Esquema del Curso I. Introducci&… · Dr. Angel M. Mergal Teologfa Contemporanea Esquema del

Dr. Angel M. Mergal

Teologfa Contemporanea

Esquema del Curso

I. Introducci&n:

1. Theologfa Perennis: Formulaci6n de la racionalidad de la vida

devota. Particularizaci6n hebreo-cristiana. Fundamento ra-

cional de la fe.

2. Jesus de Nazareth, El Cristo, y el cumplimiento del tiempo.

Eschat6n y Apocalipsis. (Gal. 1:10, 4:4; Marcos, 1:15; 1 Pe-

dro, 1:20, Efesios, 5:16 v Rom; 1:16)

3. Concepto de contemporaneidad. Cf. Kierkegaard, Fraqmentos;

Heidegger, Ser y Tiempo: Culmann, Christ and Time; Dodd, C.I

History and the Gospel.

4. El Fundamento: 1 Cor; 3:10-11; Col; 2:3-10. La tradicidn he-

brea: Epfstola a los Hebreos, Evangelio de San Mateo. Epfsto-

las de San Pedro. (1_P; 3:15 y 1:10 sqts.;.2_P. 1:19-21 y 3:14-lf

Epist. a los Galatas v Romanes. (Caps. 1-8) La visi6n paulina:

Epfstolas a los Galatas v Romanes. La mente de Cristo: 1 Cor;

2:16; 2 Cor; 5:16-17; Rom; 12:1-3 v Filip; 2:5. (Cf. J.A.

Mas Yo Os Dioo.)

Page 2: Dr. Angel M. Mergal Esquema del Curso I. Introducci&… · Dr. Angel M. Mergal Teologfa Contemporanea Esquema del

Curgo dg Tsoiogia CoiitctnporancaLr. Ange1. IV-.. Merge i

Bibliografia de ricfere-ucie

£.£ta es una bibiiograife tcieccionade con el proposito

compana. Hay muchas otras fueates especfficas para el temaque el atumno desee estudiar mas a fondo.

Ackroyd, Peter R. (Editor), Vvords..end Meanings, CambridgeUniversity Press, New iTork, 1863

Altizer, Ihomas J . J . , Radical Theology and The Death of God,The 3obbs-!v erril I Company, Inc., New /ork, 1366

Asimov, Isaac, The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science, BasicBooks, Inc., Mew York, 1360

Aulen, Gustaf , 'fhe Feith of the Christian Church. The Muhlen-berg Press, Philadelphia, li>43

Balthazar, Urs Von. Teoloqie de- la Historia. Ediciones Guadarra-ma, Madrid, 1959

Beadle, George and Muriel, The Language of Life, Loubledey £,Company, Inc., VTew York, D66

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Act end Being, Harper L Row, dew "ifork, 1361

Brant I, George, The Religious Experience, George BraziUer, (Editor)fork, IS 6 4

Brown, Raymond Edward, The Sensus Plenior of Sacred Scripture, St.Mary ' s University, Baltimore, Maryland, 1355

Buber, M . , Prophetic Faith, Harper's Torch Books, New fork, I960

Buitmann, Rudolf y Jaspers, Karl, Ls Lesmitologizacidn del NuevoTestamentpj Editorial Sur, S.A. , 1S63, Buenos Aires

Buri, Fritz, Theo 1 oqy of Exi&tence•, The Attic Press, Greenwood, S.C.,1265

Buri, Fritz, Thinking Faith, Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1963

Cox, Kervey, El Cristiano como Rebelde, Marova, Madrid, 1968

Cox, Eervey, La Ciudad Secular, Ediciones Peninsula, Barcelona, 196u

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Lubos, Rene, bo _ /lumen Qn Animal, Scribner's, .',1T.Y'./ 1^6 J

Freixedo, Oaivador S.J. , Iv4 Icjlesie Luerme, Editorial Is Is,£an juen, P.i-i. , U6~

Guerdini, Romano, --.a Eseacia de <. Crictianisrno, EdIW'r.x-lHr1 1 Q C O•

Guardini, Romano, Religion y Revelacion, Ediciones Guade-rr a m a , M a drid , 195 8

Hamilton, Kenneth, What'i iM'ew in Religion; , William 3, Eerd-mans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, IV-ichigan,

Hardy, Sir ALlister, The Living Stream, Gifford lectures, 1365,Harper, and Row, H./.

Hsidegger, IVartin, Sendas Perdides,, Editorial Losada, S.A.,Buenos Aires, li.60

K'asemann, Ernst, 1-Tew Testament Questions of Today, FortressPress, Philadelphia

Kting, Hans, Justification, The Doctrine of Karl Berth and a Ca-tholic Reflection, Thomas Welson & Sons, New fork,1964

Lepp, Ignace, Psicoanalisis del Atetsmo Moderno, Ediciones Car-los Lohle, Buenos Aires, 1^63

Iv^acquarrie, John, An Existentialist Theology, Harper TorchbooksYork, 1955

Rantovsni, Juan, Educacion y Plenitud Humana, Librerfa 'E l Atenso"Editorial, Buenos Aires, 1363

Maritain, ]'., E agrees of Knowlodge, Scribner's, V T . Y . , l»5^

iv.arty, Martin £. (Editor), Hew Theology, Np. l , The Macmillan Co. ,:j'ew /ork, 1964

Karty, Martin E. (Editor), .i\_ew IjieoloQv ii'o. 2. The fv:scmillan, Co.,X.TSW fork, 1^65

K-.arty, Iviartin E. (Editor), New Theology To, 5, The IV'ecmiilan Co.,New /ork, IS 6 6

iVarty, l>.,artin E. (Editor), Uew Theology rlo. 4, The Macmillan Co.,Hew ifork, 1^67

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Iv erty, L'Jortin 2. (Editor), j tVcvy Theology lip, 5f Ths IvscmiUan Co.,New York, ICC 3

iv^erty, I ; e r t i nE . (Editor), _Mow rng piggy ^Io. 6, The Iv.ecmilian Co. ,.Mew York, i t G ^

^.4-^^*4-.14r.4.« AT V. > L - v . u4. . J. i- L . ^ • • ,

bner's, ii/56

i:iehbuhr, Reinhoid, JMeture and Destiny of K- an, Gifford Lectures,Scribner's, r.i. 4/. 1^41

Pike, Jemes A . , If This Be Heresy. Elarper and Row, Hew York,

Quevedo, Oscar G. S.J., El rostrojpculto de la mente. Editorial SanTerrae, Espsna, 1969

Rahner, Karl, Hearers of the Word, Herder and Herder, is!, i7., ii'6^-

Rahner, Karl, _On the Theology of Dcoth, Herder and Herder, .v:-Tewrk, 1361

Robinson, James M.,Sincero para con Dios, Libros rJopal, EdicionesAriel, S .A. , 1967, Barcelona

Robinson, Jemes iV ic , The Later Heidegger end Theology, /oi.4,Harper c": Row, New /ork, 1£63

Robinson, Jemes M . (Editor), The Uew Ilermeneutic, -/ol. II, Herperc. Row, New ibrk, l;J64

Robinson, Jcmes Iv; . (Editor), r'neology as liistory, liarper 6; Row, ri'ev/ork, 1^67, \/ol. Ill

Scheler, Max, £1 puesto del hombre en el cosmos, Bs. Ars., Losada,IS60 (Trad. J. Gaos)

Sponheim, Paul, Kierkegaard on Christ end Christian Coherence,Kerper &. Row, xsfew :{orkt li/63

Staats, Arthur Vv . , Learning, Laiiquage and Cognition, Holt, Rinehartand "Winston, Inc. New York, li/60

Stahmer, Herold, " Speak tha t I>:B y £ e e Ihes I " , The- Iv1 a cmilian Com-pany, .i<Jew fork, 136d

'Ihielicke, Helmut, Between Heaven and £arth, lisrper o. Row, NewYork, Ij65

Thielicke, Helmut, I Believe, The Christian's Creed. Fortress Press,Philadelphia, 1263

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Tiiiich, P . , Courage to be, /ole, Terry Lectures, 1252

Tiliich, P f U J , by £ terns tic Theology, 'The. J Diversity of ChicagoPress, Chicago, iJSl

Vehanien, Gabriel, The Death of G;-od, George Braziller (editor),!,, ,-,».» C"".-, ' " J .

Valverde, Jose Maria, £il Probl.ema de Eios en el Hombre Actual,Ediciones Guadarrama, IViodrid, 1£'60

Vveber, Max, Ancient Judaism, The Free Press, New iTork, 1;>52

Vviies, M.eurice F. , The t'ivine Apostle, Cambridge at the Univer-sity Press, Great Britain, 1367

Esquema del Cur so.


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Addenda Bibdogrsfioa

Adam, Kori, ill? Christ of Faith, A Menter ^mega Book, I V E W York, i^2

Alexander, £ . , Space, Time, and Lgity, Vol. I, Lover Publication, lac.riew '/ork, ib66

Alexander, £ . , Cpace, Time, and Deity, 7oL II, Dover Publication, IncNew jfork, 1066

Armitage Robinson, J., St. Iren Aeus, The Macmillan Co., New York, IS

Attwater, Eonald (Editor), IVodern Christian Revolutionaries, The Eevin-Adair Company, r,iew York, 1947

Balthasar, Urs \!on, El Cristiano v la Anqustia, Ediciones Guedarrama,IV-adrid, 195S

Barth, Karl, Dogmatics in Outline, Philosophical Library, Mew York, 194

Beevers, John, fhe Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, Image Book^New ifork, 1957

Bell, Hermon F. (Editor), iieligion Through the Ages, Philosophical LibraryNew York, 1948

Berdiaeff, Nicolas, Cinq IVleditations Sur L'existence, Editions Montaig^i?Parfs, 1S36

Berdiaeff, Micolas, £ssai de M eta physique Eschatologigue, Editions Mow; ^taigne, Paris, 1941

Berdiaeff, Nicolas, Dialectique Existentielle D-u Divin et de L'human,J .B. Janin, Paris, 1947

Berdyaev, Nicolas, The Destiny of, Geoffrey Bles, London, 1S37

BergsoJJ^Ienri, Les Deux Sources de la Morales et de la Religion. Press*?5Universitaires de France, Paris, 1948

Bevan, Edwyn, Symbolism and Belief, Beacon Press, Boston, 1S38

Blondel, Iv.aurice, Exigences Philosophigues du Christianisme, PressesUniversitaires de France, Peris, 1950

Bryan, "Wilson, La Religion en Sociedad, Ed. Labor, Barcelona, 1969

Buber, kiartin, Eclipse of God, Harper £• Brothers, Publishers, Ixlew Yorl1952

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Caillois, Roger, 21 Hombre y lo Seqrado, Fondo de Cultura Economica,

Cardinal Gibbons, James, The Faith of Our Fathers, John iV.urphy Co.,iviaryland, 1317

Commoner, Barry, Science and Survival. The Viking Press, New York,1S63

Cullmann, Oscar, Christ and Time,, Philadelphia, The Westminster Prest1S50

. Saint Augustin, Ceuvres, La Fpi Chretienne., Descl§e de Brouwer er •:.Paris, 1951

De Wolf, L. Harold, A Theology of the Living Church, Harper & BrothersPublishers, New fork, 1953

Eodd, C.H., History and the Gospel, Charles Scribner's Sons, New Yoi1938

Cow, fe>hn M.A. , This is Cur Faith, The Board of Evangelism and SocialService, The United Church of Canada, Toronto, 1943

Dubos, Rene, The Torch of Life Continuity in Living Experience. PocketBooks, Inc., Hew fork, 1962

Du Nouy, Lecomte, Human Destiny, Longmans, Green and Co., HewYork, 1947

Lu -oiotiy, Lecomte, The Road to Reason, Longmans, Green and Co., iie\, 1949

Eiseley, Loren, The Testament. of Time, M./. , Atheneum, 1960

Erikson, E.K. , Gond hi"s Truth. Horton, Mew /ork, 1969

Fadiman, Clifton, I Selieve, Simon and Schuster, New /ork, 1939

Ferre, Mels F.S., The Christian Faith. Harper & Brothers Publishers,Mew York, 1942

Feu er bach, Ludwig, La Esencia del Cristianismo, Editorial Claridad,Buenos Aires, 1341

Glatzer, N .N. (Editor), The W a / of Response: Martin Buberf SchockenBooks, New /ork, 1966

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Grossman, Rcinhard, La ^structure de la E-Asntg,. Edit. Lobor, Barcelona,1S,6S

Keim, Karl, Christian ._Faith__andjjaturaljci^nGi:, Harper o. Brothers Pu-blishers, New fork, 1953

James, "William, The Varieties of Religious Experience. The ModernLibrary, New 'ork, 1902

Jaspers, Karl, flea son, and £xistenz, The Noonday Press, New iork, 195;

Jones, 3ufus M., Pathways to the Reality of God, The Macmillan Co.,New "brk, 1931

Jurji, £dward J., The Christian Interpretation of Religion, The RacmillaiCo. New fork, 1952

Kroner, Richard, Culture and Faith, The University of Chicago Press,Chicago, Illinois, 1951

Lsnge, A., Historia^del^aterialismQ^ fomo Frimero, Eaniel Jorro, EditcIv.ed.rid, 1203

j-.ange, A . , Historia del kateriaUsmo, Tomo Eegundo, Eaniel Jorro, BditKedrid, 1&03

Lyman, ^ugeri William, rhe Iv.eaninq and. Truth of Religion, CharlesCcribner's Sons, New _'ork, 1£33

Iv,acka,;, John A . , Christian Theology. The Macmillan Co., Hew fork,IS

Mackay, John A., God's Order, The Macmiilan Co., Nevv- :ork, 1953

Iwackay, Juan A. , ; .. .Mas fo us Ligo:1 , Editorial IVlundo Huevo, 3uen^Aires, Montevideo, 1927

Iwacmurray, John, The Structure, of Religious j^xperience. ,'ale UniversitPress, U.S .A. , 1936

Marcel, Gabriel, Existentialisms Chretien, 'Presences' Librairie Fion,Paris, 1347

Marcel, Gabriel, The 3>. ^stery of Being, Henrv -^egnery Company,Chicago, 134^

Marcel, Gabriel, The Philosophy of Existentialism, The Citadel Press,New :;ork, 1261

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- 4 -

Maritain, Jacques, Court Trait§ de L'existence et de L'existant, PaulHartmann Editeur, Paris, 1947

Maritanin, Jacques, De Bergson A Thomas D'aquin. Editions de la MaisoiFrancaise, Inc., New /ork, 1944

Marshall Horton, Walter, Contemporary English Theology. Harper & Bro-thers Publishers, New York, 1S36

Marshall Horton, Walter, Contemporary Continental Theology, Harper &Brothers Publishers, New York, 1938

Marshall Urban, Wilbur, Humanity and Deity. George Allen & Unvin Ltd.London, 1951

May, Rollo, Symbolism in Religion and Literature. George Braziller, Inc.New fork, 1960

Mircea, Eliade, The Quest: History, and Meaning in Religion. Univ. ofChicago,Press, 1969

Neill, Thomas P., PH.D., Makers of the Modern Mind. The Bruce Publi-shing'Company, Milwaukee, 1949

Norborg, SV., Ph. D., Varieties of Christian Experience. AugsburgPublishing House, Minneapolis, 1937

North Whitehead, Alfred, Religion in the Making, Meridian Books, Inc.,New fork, 1960

Northrop, F.S.C., Man, Mature and God, Pocket Books, Inc., New York1962

Gates, Wayne £., Christ and Selfhood, Association Press, New fork, 196

Otto, Rudolf, The Idea of the Holy. Oxford University Press, New fork,1923


Przywara, Erich, An Augustine Synthesis. Harper & Brothers Publishers,New fork, 1953

Reade, W.H.V. , The Christian Challenge to Philosophy. S.P.C.K.,London, 1951

Romaine Hopper, Stanley, The Crisis of Faith. Abingdon-CokesburyPress, New fork, 1944

Royce, Josiah, The Sources of Religious Insight. T £ T Clark, Edinburgh,1912

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Shafer, Robert, Christianity and Naturalism^ Yale University Press,London, 1S26

Sloane Coffin, rfenry, Religion Yesterday and Today. Cokesbury Press,Nashville, 1940

Stace, W.T., Religion and the Iv'odern Iv'ind, J.3. Lippincott Co.,New York, 1960

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, The Phenomenon of Man. Harper & BrothersPublishers, New York, 1959

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, The Divine Milieu. Harper & Brothers Publi-shers, New York, 1960

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, Hymn of the Universe, Harper & Row, pu-blishers. New York, 1961

Tillich, Paul, The Religibus Situation. Henry Holt and Company,Nev; York, 1932

Tillich, Paul. The Interpretation of History. Charles Scribner's Sons,New York, 1936

Torrance, Thomas F., Theological Science. Oxford, 1969

Toynbee, A. (Editor), The Crucizble of Chtv.. World Publishing,New York, 1969

Toynbee, A.]",, Civilization on Trial, Oxford Univ. Press, N.Y., 1948

Wagner de Reyna, Alberto, La Qntologia Fundamental de Heidegger,Editorial Los a da, S.A., Buenos Aires, 1939

Whale, J.S., Christian Doctrine, Cambridge at the University Press,Great Britain, 1952

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Biblioqraphica B

Aul§n, Gufctei, Christus Victor, Society for Promoting ChristianKnowledge, London, 1^31

Aulen, Custaf, "cformation and CgthoUcity, Muhlenberg Press,Philadelphia, 1361

Breastead, J .H. , Development of Religion and Thought in AncientEgypt, Scribner's, N.Y. , 1912 (Morse Lectures Uniontheoi. Senr.) cf. The Dawn of Conscience (Ibid)

Brock, Werner, An Introduction to Contemporary German Philosophy,Cambridge Univ. Press, 1S35

Bultmann, R. , Tesus and the Word. Scribner's, N.Y., 1934 (Edicn.alemana de 1926)

Bultmann, Rudolf, Theology of the New Testament, Charles Scribner'sSons, New York, 1951

Bultmann, R . , Existence and Faith. Meridian, N.Y. , 1960, (Essays,1917-1957)

Cornford, F.1V;., From Relign. to Philosophy. A stud, in the originsof Western speculation, Harper and Row, New fork,1957 (Primera edici6n, 1912, Trinity College, Cambridge)

de Sales, S. Francois, Introduction...a la Vie devote. Nelson, Editeurs,Paris, 1935

Dewar, Lindsay, The Holy Spirit and Modern Thought, Harper & Bro-thers Publishers, New fork, 1959

Dibelius, Martin, A Fresh Approach to the New Testament and EarlyChristian Literature, Charles Scribner's Sons, N./. ,193f

Dimnet, E., What we Libe B/ . Simon & Schuster, Ix i . iT . , 1932

Dubos, Ren£, So Human an Animal, Scribner's, N.Y. , 1968

Frankfort, H., et al, Before Philosophy, The Univ. of Chicago Press,1946

Freud, Siqmund. £1 Porvenir de las Reliqtones. Ediciones Ercilla,Santiago de Chile, 1936

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- 2 -

Garcfa Bacca, J.D., Hueve Grandes Fildsofos Cpntemporaneos. Cara-cas, iv.inisterio de £duceci6n, 1947 (2 Vols.)

Gilson, E., Dips / la Filosoffa, Bs. Ars., Enrece, 1945

Jaspers, K. Ambiente Espiritual de.Ntrp. Tiempo. Barcelona, Labor,1933 (Die Gestige Situation der Zeit)

Jaspers, K, Man in the Modern Age, Doubleday, N./., 1957

Jung, C.G., Psyche and Symbol, Doubleday, N./ . , 1958

Jung, C.G., Answer to Job. Meridian, M . i f . , 1960

Leighton, Archbishop, Rules and Instructions for a Holy Life and Prayer:and Meditations, Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1910

Manheim, K,, Piaqn6stico de Mtro.Tiempo, Mexico, F.C.E., 1944,Parte I. pp. 157-184-E1 Cristiano -j la Ed. de la Planifi-ci6n. Parte II. pp. 185-250-Los Valores Cristianos enun Medio en Iransformaci6n.

Martin, R .F . , Carmen Christi, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967, Con unaextensa bibliograffa sobre investigacidn (exegesis)bfblica.

Muirhead, L.A. , The Terms Life and Death in the Old and New Testa-ments. London, Andrew Melrose, 1908 (Antecedentesbiblicos de la fe cristiana)

Rahn, Carl, Science and the Religious Life. Yale University Press,U.S .A. , 1928

Randall, T.H.. The Making of the Modern Mind. Houghton Mifflin,N.Y. , 1926

Robinson, J.H., The Mind in the Making. Harper & Brothers, N.Y. ,1921

Sinnontt, Edmund W., The Biology of the Spirit. The Viking Press,New York, 1961

Tillich, Paul, The Protestant Era. The University of Chicago Press,Chicago, 1948

Weigel, Gustave, S.J., Faith and Understanding in America. TheMacmillan Co., New York, 1959

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Addenda Bibliografica C

Allport, Gordon W., The Individual and his Religion. The MacmillanCompany, New York, 1960

Buber, Martin, Between Man and Man, Routledge & Kegan Paul,London, 1947

Casserley, J .V. Langmead, The Christian in Philosophy, CharlesScribner's Sons, New York, 1951

De Jesus, Santa Teresa, Libro de su Vida, Coleccion Hispanica,Doubleday & Company, Inc., New York, 1961

Emmerich, Anne Catherine, The Life of The Blessed Virgin Mary,Templegate, Illinois, 1954

Emmerich, Anne Catherine, The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord JesusChrist, Burns & Gates, London, 1955

Gilson, Etienne, Christianity and Philosophy, Sheed & Ward, NewYork, 1939

Heim, Karl, The World: Its Creation and Consummation, MuhlenbergPress, Philadelphia, 1962

Horton, Walter M. f Theology in Transition, Harper & Brothers Publi-shers, New York, 1931

Huxley, Aldous, The Perennial Philosophy, Harper & Brothers Publishers,New York, 1945

Masaryk, T.G., Modern Man and Religion, George Allen & Unwin Ltd.,London, 1938

Pittenger, Norman W., The Historic Faith and a Changing World. OxfordUniversity Press, New York, 1950

Sheean, Vincent, Lead, Kindly Light, Random House, New York, 1949

Tillich, Paul, The Shaking of the Foundations, Charles Scribner's Sons,New York, 1948