Page 1: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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英    語

第 1 問 次の問い(問 1 ~10)において,(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,


問 1 It is very kind(   )you to drive me home.  1

a by b for c of d with

問 2 I took it(   )granted that you knew about it.  2

a with b for c from d over

問 3 Would you care(   )another glass of wine?  3

a of b with c on d for

問 4 I asked John to help me(   )my English.  4

a for b on c with d to

問 5 The car broke down, so we walked for an hour on the road(   )Rome.  5

a for b at c up d of

問 6 He was indifferent(   )what Mary was talking about.  6

a from b to c during d over

問 7 The man turned(   )to be a criminal.  7

a out b on c in d off

Page 2: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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問 8 I ran(   )an old friend of mine on my way home.  8

a for b off c up d into

問 9 Canada is located(   )the north of the United States.  9

a at b in c to d on

問10 I have no idea what is(   )her sudden change of mind. 10

a after b behind c in d under

Page 3: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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第 2 問 次の問い(問 1 ~10)において,(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,


問 1 That was the reason(   )he gave for his late arrival. 11

a what b how c why d which

問 2 I found this book(   )from beginning to end. 12

a amused b interesting c excited d enjoying

問 3 Cathy was almost asleep when she heard her name(   ). 13

a call b calls c called d calling

問 4 Mary was made(   )all the dishes after the dinner. 14

a to wash b wash c washed d washing

問 5 In this group, (   )the members are over thirty. 15

a almost b most of c mostly all d most

問 6 Kate, (   )at the sight of the accident, couldn’t talk for a while. 16

a shocked b shocking

c was shocked d having shocked

問 7 I was very sleepy. Otherwise, I(   )to the movies with you yesterday. 17

a went b had gone

c would go d would have gone

Page 4: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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問 8 Please use my car(   )emergency. 18

a in case of b by means of

c at risk of d on condition of

問 9 She cannot speak English, (   )French. 19

a much more b as for c still less d still more

問10 (   )do you think you are to talk to me like that? 20

a Why b Who c How d What

Page 5: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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第 3問 次の問い(問 1~ 3)において,(   )内の語句を用いて日本文に相当する

英文を完成させる際に,(   )内で 5 番目にくるものを,それぞれ下のa~dのう


問 1 君が急がないと我々はきっと遅れてしまう。 21

We( late / to / are / hurry / unless / you / bound / be )up.

a late b bound c unless d be

問 2 私は口を開けて,その光景を見つめていた。 22

I was( at / mouth / staring / my / with / the sight )open.

a the sight b with c staring d my

問 3 私の言ったことが彼女を傷つけるとは考えもつかなかった。 23

It( me / occurred / my words / hurt / to / that / would / never )her feelings.

a me b would c that d my words

Page 6: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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第 4問 次の英文を読み,下の問い(問 1~12)において,本文の内容に一致する最も


 The inclusive cultures see food as something to be shared. The people there would

never take out a sandwich in front of others and not offer to share it. I am told there

is a saying in Japanese, “Even if you only have a single pea, you divide it up equally

according to the number of people in the room.” In these inclusive cultures, there is

no concept of “Will there be enough for everyone?” The Maoris of New Zealand also

have a proverb : “You bring your basket, I’ll bring mine, and together we’ll feed

everyone.” The important thing is that it is shared.

 On a bus in Thailand once, with other delegates returning from a conference, I had

packed a lunch for the four-hour ride. Having learned about hot-climate inclusion, I

brought fruit, cookies and other items that could be shared. About lunchtime, two

European men in front of me took out their packed lunches and began to eat. That got

me hungry, so I got out my lunch too.

 I offered the men some grapes. They said, “Thank you, but we brought our own

lunches.” They also refused the cookies. Then I got up and offered the grapes to others

around me on the bus : Africans, South Americans and Asians. They all happily

accepted the offering and then pulled out their own food to share. Soon we were

handing around bags of dried figs, potato chips, hunks of bread, cheese and other items.

We had a feast that day.

 The two Europeans enjoyed their own lunches, but they missed the more important

event. It wasn’t as much about food as it was about sharing with one another, leaving

no one out. It took care of those who didn’t have anything by including them in the

group. Because everyone shared, ①we were not aware of the “haves and have-nots.”

They were ②covered by the community. The inclusion value of hot-climate cultures

means that no one is left out, no one is lonely.

 When I lived in Amsterdam, a common topic of discussion among colleagues was the

loneliness of the city. I spent years trying to brainstorm with others on what to do

Page 7: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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about our feelings of isolation and lack of relationship.

 Then I lived in Chile for nine months. At the end of that time I realized I’d never

met a lonely person. It was almost impossible to be lonely. People were always

dropping in, settling into your kitchen while you cooked and chatting away. If you

wanted to be with people, you just walked out of your door and started visiting. If you

didn’t, you had to hide.

 As a cold-climate person my greatest sacrifice was giving up my privacy, my time to

myself. I never knew when I would be interrupted. It seemed exhausting until I got

used to it. Then it became second-nature to me.

 I remember another time I visited wonderful Uganda. I was shown my room. It was

simply furnished with a bed and a mosquito net. Next to my bed another mattress had

been placed on the floor and a make-shift mosquito net tied to the window to cover it.

My hostess said, “Here is your room, but don’t worry. I have put another person in here

with you, so you won’t have to be alone.” I smiled and thanked her for her


問 1 What does the Maori proverb mean? 24

a Everyone should be responsible.

b Excessiveness is not desirable.

c Being full is virtuous.

d No one should be excluded.

問 2 Why did the writer bring fruit and cookies? 25

a She wanted to bring people together.

b She thought sweet food is popular in Thailand.

c She liked sweet food.

d She knew the European men would refuse.

Page 8: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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問 3 Why did the European men say “thank you”? 26

a They were very hungry.

b They wanted to decline the food.

c They liked the writer’s lunch box.

d They happily accepted her food.

問 4 What did the European men’s action on the bus symbolize? 27

a their independent character

b their considerate tendency

c their love of harmony

d their concern about food safety

問 5 Why did the writer feel that she had a feast that day? 28

a She enjoyed unfamiliar food.

b She had an exhausting bus ride.

c She had a good time with others.

d She felt full.

問 6 What does ①we were not aware of the “haves and have-nots” mean? 29

a The people in the group didn’t think about their differences.

b The people left out in the group didn’t complain.

c Everyone in the group had more food than they needed.

d Everyone in the group was thrilled with the food.

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問 7 What does ②covered by the community mean? 30

a The community covers the people with something.

b The community protects the less fortunate people.

c The community is cooler and calmer than before.

d The community is warmer and safer than before.

問 8 What feeling did the writer have to hide in Chile? 31

a her wish to drop in other houses all the time

b her wish just to walk out her door

c her desire to be alone

d her desire for her own kitchen

問 9 What became second-nature to the writer after her nine-month stay in Chile? 32

a accepting her feelings of loneliness

b spending more time with her family

c sacrificing anything for the community

d being less concerned about her privacy

問10 Why did the hostess put another person in her room? 33

a to prevent danger

b to prevent loneliness

c to save money

d to save space

Page 10: 英 語 第1問 - 川崎医療福祉大学...2018/02/17  · 問6 Kate,( )at the sight of the accident , couldn’t talk for a while. 16 a shocked b shocking c was shocked d having

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問11 Why did the writer thank the hostess for her words? 34

a She could enjoy the woman’s humor.

b She couldn’t insist on following her own culture any more.

c She could appreciate the woman’s kindness.

d She couldn’t understand the woman’s culture.

問12 What is the most suitable description of inclusive cultures? 35

a People enjoy social activities together.

b People eat the same food regularly.

c People include food from different cultures.

d People discourage human relationships.
