
8/12/2019 EDEL453 Spring2014 KendraCOPE LP 4 1/5


Lesson Plan #4: Integrating Language Arts &

Social Studies

Grade: 1

Social Studies Strand: Economics 

Submitted By: Kendra Cope

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science

Nevada State College –  Spring 2014

Instructor: Karen Powell 

8/12/2019 EDEL453 Spring2014 KendraCOPE LP 4 2/5

Lesson Plan #3 - Economics submitted by: Kendra Cope

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2

B.  Summary of the Lesson Plan:

This economics lesson is designed for 1st grade students to learn about what it means to

have a job and how to buy things with what we earn. The students will end up making an

advertisement. (pages 138-139 Social Students Teacher Edition and in the textbook page


C.  Basic Information: 

  Grade Level: 1st Grade

  Time to Complete this Lesson: 50 Minutes

  Groupings: Whole Group discussion, Independent for activity & assessment and

partners for final discussion

D.  Materials: 

  Advertisements  Social Studies Book

  Paper, Pencil, Ruler, Colored Pencils

E.  Objectives:

o  NV State Social Studies Standards

E9.1.4  –  Give examples of ways people earn money. 

o  Student-Friendly Standards

E9.1.4 –  I can identify different ways people make money.

F.  Vocabulary (pages 138-139) 

  Sell –  give things for money.

  Goods –  things we buy or use.

  Services –  jobs people do to help others.

  Volunteers –  people who help others for no money.


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Lesson Plan #3 - Economics submitted by: Kendra Cope

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 3

G.  Procedure: 

1.  Explain to the whole class what is work?

2.  Bring the student’s attention to the front board. What are some jobs that you canthink of? 

3.  Identify & discuss various jobs that we have come up with.

4.  Introduce vocabulary (sell, goods, services, volunteers) 

5.  As a whole class, discuss and interpret my job, teacher. Do I provide goods or


6.  Ask questions about the student’s parents jobs: 

o  What do they do to earn a living? 

o  Can you identify if they sell, provide goods and what services they do? 

7.  Explain what we do when we earn money: buy goods, etc.

o  What makes us want to buy something? 

o  Introduce advertisements 

8.  Share: two different advertisements. Do you want to buy this item? Let’s discuss why

you want to buy it: colors, slogans or taglines? 

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Lesson Plan #3 - Economics submitted by: Kendra Cope

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 4

9.  Create: Have the student’s create their own advertisements. They need to include

drawings, slogan and multiple colors. (page 142 in the textbook)

H.  Assessment: 

  What will you use to measure student understanding?

E9.1.4 give examples of ways people earn money. I know if my students understand

based on if they can provide me examples of how their parents make money.

  Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson.

The students will need to demonstrate what it means to work and be able to provide

me with an accurate advertisement.

I.  Closure:   I will have the student’s pair up with a partner and share their advertisement. I want

them to ask their partner if they would want to buy their product? How would you earn

the money to pay for it?

J.  Reflection: 

1.  Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach?

I think the easiest part of the lesson for me to teach will be completing the

classroom discussion on what a job is.

2.  Which part will be most challenging for you to teach?

I think the most challenging part will be incorporating the advertisement in the

lesson. I think it is a great strategy and I am trying to provide the concept of money

and how you have to earn money to buy the things you want.

3.  How will you follow up or extend this lesson? 

I will have the students write a passage about their dream job and what they would

buy with the money they earn. I think it will be a fun project.

4.  What can you do for students who don’t grasp the concepts? 

I would first find out which part they are struggling on. Then decide to break it down

piece by piece. While they are completing their own advertisement, they can

describe to me what they would like to buy and why. Then at least I am getting an

accurate idea of what they understand.

5.  Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? 

Including the advertising may not be the best part to include on learning about

 jobs, but it was the strategy that I could find to closely match this economics strand

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Lesson Plan #3 - Economics submitted by: Kendra Cope

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 5

6.  When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? 

Trying to keep the lesson fun and engaging. Using our textbook and reading

strategy 19 on page 139, helped me modify the lesson. I think the advertisement wil

fun and I think the students will want to create an art piece that they want to buy.

7.  Explain the strategy from “Integrating Language Arts & Social Studies” that youincluded in this lesson plan. 

I chose strategy 19 that starts on page 139. I found an economics standard in

grade level 1 and saw that strategy 19 is about approaches to econmics. On page

140, it provides information about how to modify advertisement skills for K-2nd grade

It helped me with deciding what to come up with for this lesson plan. I was going to

do something completely different with this lesson, but incorporating buying goods

with money that you earn, is a good way for the students to grasp how important it

is. Then next unit is based on needs and wants. This lesson could be provided as a

scaffold for that next unit.
