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Chapter 1 Lock, Hook and Salt ............................................................ 2 Chapter 2 Skin ......................................................................... 4 Chapter 3 Face ..................................................................... 7 Chapter 4 Dirt ........................................................................ 9 Chapter 5 Tell ............................................................................11 Chapter 6 Lunch ..................................................................14 Chapter 7 House ..................................................................17 Chapter 8 ( ၂) ............................................20 Chapter 9 (Black & White) ......................................22 Chapter 10 Animal ...................................................................25 Chapter 11 Sale ...................................................................30 Chapter 12 Nothing ...............................................................33 Chapter 13 .......................................................................................................................35 Bed .....................................................................................35 Chapter 14 .......................................................................................................................38 Shirt ...........................................................................38 


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Chapter 1 

29 March 2010  

"Mr. Rockefeller bought the whole oil company lock, stock, and barrel"


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"I warned Sally not to believe that man's story about how rich he was, but she

swallowed them hook, line and sinker. After she married him, she found out he owed

money to everybody in his office."


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"Uncle Tom tells some great stories, but he sometimes makes things up. So, we take

what he said with a grain of salt."


Chapter 2 22 March 2010  



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"In a bar in Chicago last week, these three guys invited me to a friendly poker game.

They let me win the first couple of hands and then up the stage. Do you know I lost

five thousand bucks by the time I realized I have been caught in a skin game?"






"When the door opened, I almost jumped-out of my skin. There was my brother arms

loaded with Christmas presents. He lives all the way out in California, but he decided

to surprise me by flying to Washington for Christmas."


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"Oh, there's Mr. Grey. I bet he has a million dollar in a bank, but he is such a skinflint

that's his wife and daughter dress like baggers. And, never get to go out."


George Crow

"Have you seen Henry lately? For two months, he has been on this special diet to lose

weight. Well, he is taking off forty pounds, and now he is all skin and bones."

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Chapter 3 

15 March 2010  



"When I saw him climb out all wet and muddy, it was so funny. It was hard to keep a

straight face. But, I knew if I laughed, I'b be in trouble at the office next day."


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George Cro


"Sue usually wins the poker. She keeps the same straight face whether she has four

aces or nothing at all in her hand. Her cards usually surprise you, so be ready to lose

some money."


"My job as a straight man is to set up his jokes and act dumb, so he can make people

laugh at me. He pays me well though. He knows I won of the best straight man in the

business, and he wouldn't be half as funny without me."

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Chapter 4 09 March 2010  

"We spent weeks trying to dig up dirt on this guy. We talked to his enemies and

looked at court records. The only dirt we found is two traffic tickets for speeding."

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"I hear Pete and Mary aren't getting along these days. In fact, they say she is talking

about a divorce. Bill, you are their closest friend. So, come on dish up the dirt about



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"The Mayor tried to sweep the corruption (dirt) at the city hall under the rug, but a

smart TV reporter dug it up anyway. And, now three top city officials face criminal

charges and maybe jailed."



"Bill bought that house dirt cheap. Also, he thought. Then he heard it was haunted by

the ghost of a murdered young woman. Now, he and his wife lie awake all night

listening for strange noises."


Chapter 5 01 March 2010  

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"Hey, tell me about it. First, Susie's wedding grown caught fire at the dress-maker.

Then, my best man Tom fell and broke his ankle. I'm going crazy trying to find

somebody to take his place."


"Yeah, tell me about it. This guy drinks, gambles, and spends money like water, but

he's sure a way with women. I'm worried she ends up really getting hurt by this guy."

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"To tell you like it is. I think you are the most selfish person on earth. You know why

you don't care about our marriage. You don't share any interest with me. All you care

about is your own career."


"Sir, you drop another 20 percent in the opinion poll. I tell it like it is. Voters are fed

up with your silence on gun control and health care. If you don't say something quick,

I'm afraid this time they vote you out of office."

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Chapter 6 22 February 2010  

a free lunch, power lunch, hand somebody his

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"I've never let lobbyists buy me lunch, or do any favour for me. Early in my political

career, I learned the truth as the old saying there is no such thing as a free lunch."


"My brother works in a place that is very popular for power lunches. And, he gets

plenty of nice big tips because these people like to show off in front of each other."

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"We haven't been able to beat that school for more than ten years, but we sure

handed them their lunch today. We buried them 35 to 7."


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"I am afraid it's time for our president to retire. He is so forgetful and mix it up these

days. He doesn't know what is going on around here. In fact he has been out to lunch

for years."


Chapter 7 15 February 2010  

in order

"Before he died, Uncle Bob put his house in order. He paid all his debts and left his

insurance policy, his will and other important papers in a big envelope on his wife's


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"We have to put the house in order in two days. I want desks clean, the whole place

looking good, and we need account balance up to date by five o'clock tomorrow



to put the house in

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"Folks, send me to the Congress, and I promise the first thing I will do is clean house. I

will get rid off all those bureaucrats who sit around all day doing nothing, but wait for

quitting time."


"I want our citizens to know I've never tolerated corruption. I am going to clean house

and fire every body who was involved, and will do our best to send the worst offenders

off to jail."

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Chapter 8  (၂) 

08 February 2010  


- ။ 





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 “I know that with all the lobbying and horse-trading, the process left most Americans

wondering, "What's in it for me?”  


 “But families across the country are tightening their belts and making toughdecisions.”  


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 “Like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we



Chapter 9 25 January 2010  

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"Uncle Joe is the black sheep in the family. Instead of getting a job, all he does is

drink too much, gamble away any money he gets and chases after women."


"When the newspaper found out the highway commissioner was taking a bribe from

paving contractors, it gave a black eye to the whole city government."


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"I told a white lie when I told Jenny her boyfriend was good looking. The truth is he

 just about the ugliest man I have ever seen."


Geo"The official report on the train incident was nothing, but a white wash. They didn't

try to find out who was to blame."


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Chapter 10 21 December 2009  

 “One of our biggest sacred cows is the national social security program, which pays

many older Americans a pension. This program costs more money every year but

politicians are afraid to touch it because older folks have a lot of vote”. 


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 “Our Congressman had been in Washignton for 20 years. I thought we keep voting for

him forever. This year though, the other party nominated a dark horse out of nowhere.

Well, he kept telling voters it was time for a change and he won the election”. 


 “When it comes to giving money to baggers, Bill is a real clay pigeon. He can’t turn

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anybody down. He has his hands in his pockets reaching for money before they finish



 “This year the other party is way ahead of us when it comes to campaign money. They

have all the fat cats supporting them, so they can buy twice as much TV time as we can



15 December 2009  



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 “My elder brother doesn’t feel so good this morning. He gave our younger brother a

stag party last night because he is getting married today. They stayed out way too late

and way too much to drink.”  



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 “We had a great tailgate party before the Washington Redskins played the New York 

Giants. That was the only good part of the day. The Giants beat our Redskins by 21



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 “Tomorrow is Susan’s baby shower. I will be really happy to have a grandchild, but

seems like only yesterday she was a little girl herself. Now, she will be a mother. Where

does the time go I wonder.”  


Chapter 11 01 December 2009  


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"Tomorrow, Saturday Save, Save, Save, at the early bird sale at Mann's furniture store.

Everything is thirty percent off. Doors open at 6, and prices are good until 10 o'clock."


"Hey, honey if we are going to that sale, let's go early. One of the door busters they

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have until 10 o'clock is video tapes at 99 cents! And, I'd like to get at least a dozen."



"Bargain shopppers headed to the nation's stores and malls before sunrise this Black 

Friday to get specials on everything from toys to wide screen TVs."


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Chapter 12 

02 November 2009  

 “Sis, be careful of that guy, Peter, you have a date with tonight. I hear he is expert at

using sweet nothings to get his way with a girl. Later, she finds out that what they

mean. Nothing!”  


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 “Well, Jack, here goes nothing. Right now, I wish I spent a lot more time preparing. It’s

a tough audience I hear. Right now I’d rather be anywhere else. Even at the dentist.” 


Nothing doing


 “No, I won’t do it and I mean it”.

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 “I tell you nothing doing. I just paid nine hundred dollars to fix my car after that

accident you got into last week. Didn’t I tell you you can’t drive my car again until you

learn to be a safe driver”. 




Chapter 13 

26 October 2009  

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bed of roses, a bed of nails

Bed of R 


 “My sister Irene works out of a full time job and has two young sons to take care of 

when she gets home. Her husband, Bob, tries to help out, of course but he just isn’t toohandy with kids. Believe me. Her life these days is no bed of roses”.

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 “Mike is looking for another job. His boss is rude and very bad temper. And, the five

people who work for Mike are lazy and untrained. So Mike has to explain everything to

them at least three times. So, his job is a real bed of nails for him”.


 “I am sorry. I am in such a bad mood today. I just got up on the wrong side of the bed.

I forgot to set the alarm. So I had no time to eat breakfast. After a good night sleep, I

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will be ok again”. 


Chapter 14 

05 October 2009  

"Keep your shirt on, Harry. We have plenty of time to catch the train."


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"Honey, keep your shirt on please. I am sorry, but the boss made me work late at the



Shirt အ


"Did you hear what happened to Joe? He has lost his shirt. The poor guy invested all hismoney in a fancy restaurant and it just went out of business."


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"My boss is a stuffed shirt. All he talks about is how important his ancestors are, how

he was the number one in his class in university, and the wonderful things he thinks

and he's done for our company."


"He is a very kind hearted and helps everybody. He is willing to give the shirt off hisback."


Chapter 15 28 September 2009  

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"My friend is a penny wise and pound foolish. She economizes on small things, but

wastes all of her money on big things."


"My grandmother always pinches pennies and never spends her money foolishly."


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"A penny saved is a penny earned and it is better to be thrifty sometimes than to only

work more hours."
