Page 1: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

Educazione Funzionale e ComportamentaleSecondo il concetto del Dr Daniel Rollet

EF Line.

Page 2: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

EF Kid*3 anni

4 anni

5 anni

6 anni


8 anni

9 anni

10 anni

11 anni

12 anni


14 anni

15 anni

EF Line Guida alla selezione


Dott� Daniel Rollet

EF Classe II two steps*

EF Classe II slim*

EF Classe II Standard

EF Classe II Grand / Large

EF Start**

EF T Slim**

EF Guide**

EF Profi l*

EF Braces EF Protect


Classe IImalocclusione

Classe Imalocclusione

Classe IIImalocclusione

EF Classe III Standard*

EF Classe III*Petit / Small

e II ps*


EF Start** EFPe


EF Profi l*

EF T Slim


ClasseEF C

Made inFRANCESecondo il concetto del �




�trattamento di overjets mmsuperiori a 10 m

Indents cuspid to cuspidI

I Indentazione mascellare

ndentazione da canin o a canino

ndentazione da canin o a canino

Apparecchi fissi

Diagnostica differenzialee trattamento delle ATM


indentazione da 1° premolare a 1° premolare:

disponibile in 8 misure

Disponibile in versionemorbida o rigida senza


* Senza indentazione: paziente con un importante affollamento ** Con indentazione: correzione linee mediane/mantenitore di spazio/guida dell’eruzione.

Gli apparecchi d’Educazione funzionale della gamma EF sono dispositivi medici di Classe 1 destinati ad essere prescritti nell’ambito di un trattamento globale da medici odontoiatri che determineranno le indicazioni, il tempo di utilizzo e gli esercizi da associare in funzione del paziente.

Fornitore di Soluzioni Globali per l’Ortopedia Dento- Facciale

Uso diurno, unicamente mascellare

a partire dai 3 anni

Page 3: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

Functional Education

Training program

According to Dr. Daniel Rollet’s conceptCommon features of the appliances in the EF Line:Orthoplus Functional Education devices appeal to effi ciency-proven techniques. They are combined in these appliances, taking into consideration the values each patient needs and individualized treatment goals.

Functional Education devices in the Orthoplus range exert combined actions:• Tongue positioning• Lips education• Mandibular growth release• Tooth prealignment.

In order to make the introduction of Functional Education in your offi ce a success, Orthoplus built a comprehensive training program.This program will enable an understanding of Functional Education at every level:

• Device selection

• Case selection

• Training and cooperation within the treating team (assistants, secretaries...)

• Motivation of patients and parents

• Back to the fi rst results of the use of the appliances

• Back to the introductions in the offi ces.

Below is the program Orthoplus recommends:

• Plenary conference: plenary conference by Dr. Rollet with numerous contributors

• Cases review: cases review and discussion

• Hand-on workshops: how-to implementation in the offi ce, how-to patients’ motivation

• Doctors Study Group: trading experience with successful Functional Education practitioners

• Assistants’ Study: trading experience with assistants from operational offi ces.


The tear-drop-shaped bumpers vary in size, depending on the appliance.

They act on the lower lip:

• Muscular stretching eff ect in lip hypertonicity cases, thus limiting tongue interposition

• Muscular stimulation in lip hypotonicity cases. The bumpers’ teardrops stimulate the lips.

Twin splints

The maxillary/mandibular twin splints free the dental arches

zone of equilibrium of any muscular interference and

contribute to good tooth positions.In some appliances, indents

or incisors reinforcements are additional benefi ts

for tooth pre-alignment.

Tongue ramp

All devices feature a tongue ramp that positions the tongue against

the palate when swallowing.This passive re-education trains

the patient and contributes towards the transversal development

of the palate.

Raised Molar Area

The thicker posterior structure of the occlusion plane is aerofoil-shaped. This allows a relief of the condyles and releases the mandibular growth.

Functional Education

Training program

According to Dr. Daniel Rollet’s conceptCommon features of the appliances in the EF Line:Orthoplus Functional Education devices appeal to effi ciency-proven techniques. They are combined in these appliances, taking into consideration the values each patient needs and individualized treatment goals.

Functional Education devices in the Orthoplus range exert combined actions:• Tongue positioning• Lips education• Mandibular growth release• Tooth prealignment.

In order to make the introduction of Functional Education in your offi ce a success, Orthoplus built a comprehensive training program.This program will enable an understanding of Functional Education at every level:

• Device selection

• Case selection

• Training and cooperation within the treating team (assistants, secretaries...)

• Motivation of patients and parents

• Back to the fi rst results of the use of the appliances

• Back to the introductions in the offi ces.

Below is the program Orthoplus recommends:

• Plenary conference: plenary conference by Dr. Rollet with numerous contributors

• Cases review: cases review and discussion

• Hand-on workshops: how-to implementation in the offi ce, how-to patients’ motivation

• Doctors Study Group: trading experience with successful Functional Education practitioners

• Assistants’ Study: trading experience with assistants from operational offi ces.


The tear-drop-shaped bumpers vary in size, depending on the appliance.

They act on the lower lip:

• Muscular stretching eff ect in lip hypertonicity cases, thus limiting tongue interposition

• Muscular stimulation in lip hypotonicity cases. The bumpers’ teardrops stimulate the lips.

Twin splints

The maxillary/mandibular twin splints free the dental arches

zone of equilibrium of any muscular interference and

contribute to good tooth positions.In some appliances, indents

or incisors reinforcements are additional benefi ts

for tooth pre-alignment.

Tongue ramp

All devices feature a tongue ramp that positions the tongue against

the palate when swallowing.This passive re-education trains

the patient and contributes towards the transversal development

of the palate.

Raised Molar Area

The thicker posterior structure of the occlusion plane is aerofoil-shaped. This allows a relief of the condyles and releases the mandibular growth.

Functional Education

Training program

According to Dr. Daniel Rollet’s conceptCommon features of the appliances in the EF Line:Orthoplus Functional Education devices appeal to effi ciency-proven techniques. They are combined in these appliances, taking into consideration the values each patient needs and individualized treatment goals.

Functional Education devices in the Orthoplus range exert combined actions:• Tongue positioning• Lips education• Mandibular growth release• Tooth prealignment.

In order to make the introduction of Functional Education in your offi ce a success, Orthoplus built a comprehensive training program.This program will enable an understanding of Functional Education at every level:

• Device selection

• Case selection

• Training and cooperation within the treating team (assistants, secretaries...)

• Motivation of patients and parents

• Back to the fi rst results of the use of the appliances

• Back to the introductions in the offi ces.

Below is the program Orthoplus recommends:

• Plenary conference: plenary conference by Dr. Rollet with numerous contributors

• Cases review: cases review and discussion

• Hand-on workshops: how-to implementation in the offi ce, how-to patients’ motivation

• Doctors Study Group: trading experience with successful Functional Education practitioners

• Assistants’ Study: trading experience with assistants from operational offi ces.


The tear-drop-shaped bumpers vary in size, depending on the appliance.

They act on the lower lip:

• Muscular stretching eff ect in lip hypertonicity cases, thus limiting tongue interposition

• Muscular stimulation in lip hypotonicity cases. The bumpers’ teardrops stimulate the lips.

Twin splints

The maxillary/mandibular twin splints free the dental arches

zone of equilibrium of any muscular interference and

contribute to good tooth positions.In some appliances, indents

or incisors reinforcements are additional benefi ts

for tooth pre-alignment.

Tongue ramp

All devices feature a tongue ramp that positions the tongue against

the palate when swallowing.This passive re-education trains

the patient and contributes towards the transversal development

of the palate.

Raised Molar Area

The thicker posterior structure of the occlusion plane is aerofoil-shaped. This allows a relief of the condyles and releases the mandibular growth.

Functional Education

Training program

According to Dr. Daniel Rollet’s conceptCommon features of the appliances in the EF Line:Orthoplus Functional Education devices appeal to effi ciency-proven techniques. They are combined in these appliances, taking into consideration the values each patient needs and individualized treatment goals.

Functional Education devices in the Orthoplus range exert combined actions:• Tongue positioning• Lips education• Mandibular growth release• Tooth prealignment.

In order to make the introduction of Functional Education in your offi ce a success, Orthoplus built a comprehensive training program.This program will enable an understanding of Functional Education at every level:

• Device selection

• Case selection

• Training and cooperation within the treating team (assistants, secretaries...)

• Motivation of patients and parents

• Back to the fi rst results of the use of the appliances

• Back to the introductions in the offi ces.

Below is the program Orthoplus recommends:

• Plenary conference: plenary conference by Dr. Rollet with numerous contributors

• Cases review: cases review and discussion

• Hand-on workshops: how-to implementation in the offi ce, how-to patients’ motivation

• Doctors Study Group: trading experience with successful Functional Education practitioners

• Assistants’ Study: trading experience with assistants from operational offi ces.


The tear-drop-shaped bumpers vary in size, depending on the appliance.

They act on the lower lip:

• Muscular stretching eff ect in lip hypertonicity cases, thus limiting tongue interposition

• Muscular stimulation in lip hypotonicity cases. The bumpers’ teardrops stimulate the lips.

Twin splints

The maxillary/mandibular twin splints free the dental arches

zone of equilibrium of any muscular interference and

contribute to good tooth positions.In some appliances, indents

or incisors reinforcements are additional benefi ts

for tooth pre-alignment.

Tongue ramp

All devices feature a tongue ramp that positions the tongue against

the palate when swallowing.This passive re-education trains

the patient and contributes towards the transversal development

of the palate.

Raised Molar Area

The thicker posterior structure of the occlusion plane is aerofoil-shaped. This allows a relief of the condyles and releases the mandibular growth.

L’Educazione Funzionale

Programma di formazione

Secondo il concetto del Dr Daniel Rollet

Perché l’introduzione dell’Educazione Funzionale nel Vostro Studio sia un successo, NewDentalsim ha costruito un programma completo di formazione

Questo programma consentirà la comprensione dell’Educazione Funzionale a tutti i livelli:· Scelta del dispositivo· Selezione dei casi· Formazione e cooperazione del team di studio (assistenti, segretarie…)· Motivazione dei pazienti e dei genitori· Valutazione dei primi risultati nell’uso dei dispositivi· Verifica in rapporto all’introduzione di tali dispositivi nello Studio

Di seguito il percorso consigliato da NewDentalsim· Conferenza plenaria: conferenza completa del Dr Rollet sulla “Presa in carico globale del paziente”· Riepilogo della messa in opera : come iniziare nel proprio studio e come motivare i pazienti· Presentazione dei casi: presentazione del singolo caso e sua analisi critica· Study Group di odontoiatri: scambio di esperienze con sanitari che hanno introdotto con successo l’Educazione Funzionale nella propria attività · Study Group Assistenti: scambio di esperienze tra assistenti di Studio

I dispositivi di Educazione Funzionale Orthoplus si rifanno a tecniche ortodontiche che sono riconosciute per la loro efficacia. Tali tecniche sono state combinate nei diversi dispositivi, tenendo in considerazione di quali elementi siano necessari per ciascuna tipologia di paziente e per ciascun obiettivo di trattamento.I dispositivi di Educazione Funzionale della gamma Orthoplus hanno delle azioni combinate:• Ri-posizionamento linguale• Ri-educazione labiale• Liberazione della crescita mandibolare• Pre-allineamento dentale


I Bumpers - in forma di goccia d’acqua – sono più o meno importanti in funzione dei dispositivi

Producono un duplice effetto sul labbro inferiore: • Effetto di stretching muscolare

nel caso di iper-tonicità labiale, limitano le interposizioni della lingua.

• Effetto di stimolazione muscolare in caso di ipo-tonicità labiale, le “gocce d’acqua” impresse nel bumper stimolano le labbra.

Doppio canale

Il doppio canale mascellare e mandibolare libera la crescita dentale da tutte

le interferenze muscolari parassite, contribuendo

al buon posizionamento dei denti.

In alcuni dei dispositivi leindentazioni oppure su altri

dei rinforzi inseriti a livello degli incisivi inferiori sono dei vantaggi ulteriori per

il pre- allineamento dentale.

Guida della lingua

La rampa linguale - comune a tutti i dispositivi – permette il

posizionamento della lingua sulpalato ad ogni atto deglutitorio.

Questa ri- educazione passiva è una sorta di “allenamento” che

contribuisce allo sviluppotrasversale del palato.

Area molare sopraelevata

La struttura posteriore del pianodi occlusione è a forma aerodinamica. Tale sopraelevazione consentedi decomprimere il condilo e di rendere libera la crescita mandibolare.

Page 4: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

EF KidEF Kid è un dispositivo destinato a intercettare qualsiasi deformazione che sia presente già a 3 anni. Dovendo accompagnare la crescita facciale e dentale del paziente, intercetta le abitudini viziate dei più piccoli, contribuisce a bloccare la suzione del pollice o del ciuccio, ristabilisce la ventilazione nasale.

Caratteristiche • Misura unica • Forma d’arcata che ne permette l’utilizzo fino all’eruzione dei molari dei 6 anni • Linguetta anteriore per il contatto labiale

Indicazioni • Applicabile in tutte le Classi dentali (i pazienti potranno in seguito essere indirizzati all’uso di un dispositivo/i più specifico della gamma: secondo la guida alla selezione)

• Trattamenti in dentizione di latte e dentizione mista precoce • Correzione dei morsi crociati

Caso trattato con EF Kid

Disponibile in 3 coloriEF Kid

EF Start Evolution

EF Kid is an appliance intended to intercept any dysmorphosis as early as 3 years of age. It supports the patient’s facial and dental growth, intercepts bad habits in the youngest, contributes to stop thumb and pacifi er-sucking, restores nasal breathing.

Specifi cities • Universal one-size-fi ts-all • Arch size allowing treatment until the eruption of the six-year molar • Anterior tag for lip contact.

Indications • For all dental Class (later, patients could be re-directed to another more specifi c appliance in the range)

• For primary and early mixed dentitions • Corrects crossbites.

EF Start Evolution is especially adapted to pre-orthodontic treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition in children from 4 to 8.

EF Start Evolution acts on facial and dental growth, while correcting bad habits as: swallowing, breathing, posture, thumb-sucking and all other dysfunctions, as a preamble to a multibanded treatment.

Specifi cities • Small indents from 3 to 3, upper and lower.

Indications • Treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition • Class II and Class III correction, except severe Class II cases (over 6 mm) • Crossbites correction (anterior and posterior) • Correction of deep-bites, open-bites and cross-bites • Correction of crowdings and open-bites • Midlines centering.

Case treated with EF Kid

Case treated with EF Start Evolution

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

Yann 3 anni. Inizio del trattamento: morso crociato con latero-deviazione

Dopo 7 mesi di uso di EF Kid

Risultati: ri-centrate le ATM. Buona masticazione.

EF Start EvolutionEF Start Evolution è adatto in modo particolare per il trattamento pre-ortodontico in dentizione decidua o dentizione mista, in bambini tra i 4 e gli 8 anni. EF Start Evolution agisce sulla crescita facciale e dentale, mentre corregge le abitudini viziate come succhiamento, respira-zione, postura, succhiamento del pollice e tutte le altre disfunzioni. E’ anche da considerarsi preparatorio al trattamento multibrackets.

Caratteristiche • Lieve indentazione superiore ed inferiore, da 3 a 3.

Indicazioni • Trattamento in dentizione decidua o dentizione mista • Correzione della Classe II e pseudo-Classe III, eccetto i casi di Classe II severa

(oltre 6 mm di discrepanza) • Correzione dei crossbite (crossbite dentale sia anteriore che posteriore) • Correzione dei morsi profondi e dei morsi aperti • Correzione di affollamenti e delle beanze • Centratura delle linee mediane

Caso trattato con EF Start Evolution

Disponibile in 3 colori

EF Kid

EF Start Evolution

EF Kid is an appliance intended to intercept any dysmorphosis as early as 3 years of age. It supports the patient’s facial and dental growth, intercepts bad habits in the youngest, contributes to stop thumb and pacifi er-sucking, restores nasal breathing.

Specifi cities • Universal one-size-fi ts-all • Arch size allowing treatment until the eruption of the six-year molar • Anterior tag for lip contact.

Indications • For all dental Class (later, patients could be re-directed to another more specifi c appliance in the range)

• For primary and early mixed dentitions • Corrects crossbites.

EF Start Evolution is especially adapted to pre-orthodontic treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition in children from 4 to 8.

EF Start Evolution acts on facial and dental growth, while correcting bad habits as: swallowing, breathing, posture, thumb-sucking and all other dysfunctions, as a preamble to a multibanded treatment.

Specifi cities • Small indents from 3 to 3, upper and lower.

Indications • Treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition • Class II and Class III correction, except severe Class II cases (over 6 mm) • Crossbites correction (anterior and posterior) • Correction of deep-bites, open-bites and cross-bites • Correction of crowdings and open-bites • Midlines centering.

Case treated with EF Kid

Case treated with EF Start Evolution

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

Amelie 8 anni – Inizio del trattamento: overbite – DDM – Deviazione delle linee mediane

Dopo 6 mesi con EF Start (semestre ortodontico) + 6 mesi con EF Slim (monitoraggio semestrale)

Risultato: Risolto overbite /buona la forma d’arcata

EF Kid

EF Start Evolution

EF Kid is an appliance intended to intercept any dysmorphosis as early as 3 years of age. It supports the patient’s facial and dental growth, intercepts bad habits in the youngest, contributes to stop thumb and pacifi er-sucking, restores nasal breathing.

Specifi cities • Universal one-size-fi ts-all • Arch size allowing treatment until the eruption of the six-year molar • Anterior tag for lip contact.

Indications • For all dental Class (later, patients could be re-directed to another more specifi c appliance in the range)

• For primary and early mixed dentitions • Corrects crossbites.

EF Start Evolution is especially adapted to pre-orthodontic treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition in children from 4 to 8.

EF Start Evolution acts on facial and dental growth, while correcting bad habits as: swallowing, breathing, posture, thumb-sucking and all other dysfunctions, as a preamble to a multibanded treatment.

Specifi cities • Small indents from 3 to 3, upper and lower.

Indications • Treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition • Class II and Class III correction, except severe Class II cases (over 6 mm) • Crossbites correction (anterior and posterior) • Correction of deep-bites, open-bites and cross-bites • Correction of crowdings and open-bites • Midlines centering.

Case treated with EF Kid

Case treated with EF Start Evolution

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

EF Kid

EF Start Evolution

EF Kid is an appliance intended to intercept any dysmorphosis as early as 3 years of age. It supports the patient’s facial and dental growth, intercepts bad habits in the youngest, contributes to stop thumb and pacifi er-sucking, restores nasal breathing.

Specifi cities • Universal one-size-fi ts-all • Arch size allowing treatment until the eruption of the six-year molar • Anterior tag for lip contact.

Indications • For all dental Class (later, patients could be re-directed to another more specifi c appliance in the range)

• For primary and early mixed dentitions • Corrects crossbites.

EF Start Evolution is especially adapted to pre-orthodontic treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition in children from 4 to 8.

EF Start Evolution acts on facial and dental growth, while correcting bad habits as: swallowing, breathing, posture, thumb-sucking and all other dysfunctions, as a preamble to a multibanded treatment.

Specifi cities • Small indents from 3 to 3, upper and lower.

Indications • Treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition • Class II and Class III correction, except severe Class II cases (over 6 mm) • Crossbites correction (anterior and posterior) • Correction of deep-bites, open-bites and cross-bites • Correction of crowdings and open-bites • Midlines centering.

Case treated with EF Kid

Case treated with EF Start Evolution

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

EF Kid

EF Start Evolution

EF Kid is an appliance intended to intercept any dysmorphosis as early as 3 years of age. It supports the patient’s facial and dental growth, intercepts bad habits in the youngest, contributes to stop thumb and pacifi er-sucking, restores nasal breathing.

Specifi cities • Universal one-size-fi ts-all • Arch size allowing treatment until the eruption of the six-year molar • Anterior tag for lip contact.

Indications • For all dental Class (later, patients could be re-directed to another more specifi c appliance in the range)

• For primary and early mixed dentitions • Corrects crossbites.

EF Start Evolution is especially adapted to pre-orthodontic treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition in children from 4 to 8.

EF Start Evolution acts on facial and dental growth, while correcting bad habits as: swallowing, breathing, posture, thumb-sucking and all other dysfunctions, as a preamble to a multibanded treatment.

Specifi cities • Small indents from 3 to 3, upper and lower.

Indications • Treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition • Class II and Class III correction, except severe Class II cases (over 6 mm) • Crossbites correction (anterior and posterior) • Correction of deep-bites, open-bites and cross-bites • Correction of crowdings and open-bites • Midlines centering.

Case treated with EF Kid

Case treated with EF Start Evolution

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

EF Kid

EF Start Evolution

EF Kid is an appliance intended to intercept any dysmorphosis as early as 3 years of age. It supports the patient’s facial and dental growth, intercepts bad habits in the youngest, contributes to stop thumb and pacifi er-sucking, restores nasal breathing.

Specifi cities • Universal one-size-fi ts-all • Arch size allowing treatment until the eruption of the six-year molar • Anterior tag for lip contact.

Indications • For all dental Class (later, patients could be re-directed to another more specifi c appliance in the range)

• For primary and early mixed dentitions • Corrects crossbites.

EF Start Evolution is especially adapted to pre-orthodontic treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition in children from 4 to 8.

EF Start Evolution acts on facial and dental growth, while correcting bad habits as: swallowing, breathing, posture, thumb-sucking and all other dysfunctions, as a preamble to a multibanded treatment.

Specifi cities • Small indents from 3 to 3, upper and lower.

Indications • Treatment in the deciduous or mixed dentition • Class II and Class III correction, except severe Class II cases (over 6 mm) • Crossbites correction (anterior and posterior) • Correction of deep-bites, open-bites and cross-bites • Correction of crowdings and open-bites • Midlines centering.

Case treated with EF Kid

Case treated with EF Start Evolution

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

Page 5: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

EF Class II Slim available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim is a specifi c appliance for interceptive phases and early treatments.It is active in retraining the tongue, lips and cheeks, in tooth pre-alignment and in mandible unlocking. EF Class II Slim is ideal for treating deep bite and open bite Class II cases (over 6 mm).

Specifi cities • Short bumpers for the patient’s comfort • Reduced tongue ramp.

Indications • Mixed dentition treatments • Severe dental crowding.

Case treated with EF Class II Slim

EF T SlimEF T Slim in indicated in pre-orthodontic phases in patients from age 8 to 11 in the mixed dentition.Its unique features offer many corrective abilities, including midlines correction, specifi c to EF T Slim.It will also correct dysfunctions as: breathing, swallowing, thumb-sucking and posture.

Specifi cities • Indents 3 to 3 upper and lower.

Indications • Mixed dentition up to the 12-year molar • Correction of Class II and midlines control • Correction of Class III and midlines control • Space maintaining when deciduous cuspids have been extracted

- Space maintaining when premature shredding of deciduous teeth occurred- Correction of open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crowdings.

Case treated with EF T Slim

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim is a specifi c appliance for interceptive phases and early treatments.It is active in retraining the tongue, lips and cheeks, in tooth pre-alignment and in mandible unlocking. EF Class II Slim is ideal for treating deep bite and open bite Class II cases (over 6 mm).

Specifi cities • Short bumpers for the patient’s comfort • Reduced tongue ramp.

Indications • Mixed dentition treatments • Severe dental crowding.

Case treated with EF Class II Slim

EF T SlimEF T Slim in indicated in pre-orthodontic phases in patients from age 8 to 11 in the mixed dentition.Its unique features offer many corrective abilities, including midlines correction, specifi c to EF T Slim.It will also correct dysfunctions as: breathing, swallowing, thumb-sucking and posture.

Specifi cities • Indents 3 to 3 upper and lower.

Indications • Mixed dentition up to the 12-year molar • Correction of Class II and midlines control • Correction of Class III and midlines control • Space maintaining when deciduous cuspids have been extracted

- Space maintaining when premature shredding of deciduous teeth occurred- Correction of open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crowdings.

Case treated with EF T Slim

Available in 5 colors:EF T SlimEF T Slim è indicato nelle fasi pre-ortodontiche in pazienti tra gli 8 e gli 11 anni in dentizione mista.Le sue caratteristiche uniche offrono molteplici possibilità di correzioni ed in particolare la correzione delle linee mediane: è specifica dell’EF T Slim.Correggerà ugualmente le disfunzioni tipo: respirazione, deglutizione, suzione del pollice e postura.

Caratteristiche • Indentazione da 3 a 3 superiore ed inferiore

Indicazioni • Dentatura mista fino ai denti dei 12 anni • Correzione delle II Classi e controllo delle linee mediane • Correzione di pseudo III Classi e controllo delle linee mediane • Mantenitore di spazio da utilizzarsi nei casi di estrazione dei canini di latte • Mantenitore di spazio quando vi sia la perdita prematura di un dente deciduo • Correzione nelle sovra-occlusioni, morsi aperti, morsi profondi, morsi crociati ed affollamenti

Disponibile in 5 colori

Caso trattato con EF T Slim

EF Class II Slim available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim is a specifi c appliance for interceptive phases and early treatments.It is active in retraining the tongue, lips and cheeks, in tooth pre-alignment and in mandible unlocking. EF Class II Slim is ideal for treating deep bite and open bite Class II cases (over 6 mm).

Specifi cities • Short bumpers for the patient’s comfort • Reduced tongue ramp.

Indications • Mixed dentition treatments • Severe dental crowding.

Case treated with EF Class II Slim

EF T SlimEF T Slim in indicated in pre-orthodontic phases in patients from age 8 to 11 in the mixed dentition.Its unique features offer many corrective abilities, including midlines correction, specifi c to EF T Slim.It will also correct dysfunctions as: breathing, swallowing, thumb-sucking and posture.

Specifi cities • Indents 3 to 3 upper and lower.

Indications • Mixed dentition up to the 12-year molar • Correction of Class II and midlines control • Correction of Class III and midlines control • Space maintaining when deciduous cuspids have been extracted

- Space maintaining when premature shredding of deciduous teeth occurred- Correction of open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crowdings.

Case treated with EF T Slim

Available in 5 colors:

Manon 8 anni – inizio del trattamento: Deviazione delle linee mediane - perdita prematura di 7.3 e 8.3

Dopo 1 anno di utilizzo di EF T SLIM

Risultato: creato spazio per 3.3 e 4.3 – ridotto l’affollamento da 11mm a 4 mm - Inizio della terapia fissa

EF Classe II Slim (precedentemente denominato EF3)Disponibile in 5 colori

L’EF Classe II Slim è un dispositivo destinato al trattamento delle fasi intercettive e di trattamento precoce.E’ attivo nella rieducazione della lingua, labbra e guance; nel pre-allineamento dentale e nello sblocco della mandibola.L’EF Classe II Slim è ideale nel trattamento delle Classi II deep bite e open bite (oltre 6 mm).

Caratteristiche • Bumpers corti per il comfort del paziente • Ridotta rampa linguale

Indicazioni • Trattamento in dentizione mista • Affollamento dentale severo

Caso trattato con EF Class II Slim

EF Class II Slim available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim is a specifi c appliance for interceptive phases and early treatments.It is active in retraining the tongue, lips and cheeks, in tooth pre-alignment and in mandible unlocking. EF Class II Slim is ideal for treating deep bite and open bite Class II cases (over 6 mm).

Specifi cities • Short bumpers for the patient’s comfort • Reduced tongue ramp.

Indications • Mixed dentition treatments • Severe dental crowding.

Case treated with EF Class II Slim

EF T SlimEF T Slim in indicated in pre-orthodontic phases in patients from age 8 to 11 in the mixed dentition.Its unique features offer many corrective abilities, including midlines correction, specifi c to EF T Slim.It will also correct dysfunctions as: breathing, swallowing, thumb-sucking and posture.

Specifi cities • Indents 3 to 3 upper and lower.

Indications • Mixed dentition up to the 12-year molar • Correction of Class II and midlines control • Correction of Class III and midlines control • Space maintaining when deciduous cuspids have been extracted

- Space maintaining when premature shredding of deciduous teeth occurred- Correction of open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crowdings.

Case treated with EF T Slim

Available in 5 colors:

Andrè 10 anni – Inizio del trattamento: Mesiodens – Classe II 1 – Dente soprannumerario tra 11 e 12

Dopo estrazione del mesiodens: 6 mesi con EF Classe II Slim (semestre ortodontico) e 6 mesi con EF T Slim (monitoraggio ortodontico)

Risultato: Rimodellamento dell’arcata/ Riduzione della discrepanza antero-posteriore

EF Class II Slim available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim is a specifi c appliance for interceptive phases and early treatments.It is active in retraining the tongue, lips and cheeks, in tooth pre-alignment and in mandible unlocking. EF Class II Slim is ideal for treating deep bite and open bite Class II cases (over 6 mm).

Specifi cities • Short bumpers for the patient’s comfort • Reduced tongue ramp.

Indications • Mixed dentition treatments • Severe dental crowding.

Case treated with EF Class II Slim

EF T SlimEF T Slim in indicated in pre-orthodontic phases in patients from age 8 to 11 in the mixed dentition.Its unique features offer many corrective abilities, including midlines correction, specifi c to EF T Slim.It will also correct dysfunctions as: breathing, swallowing, thumb-sucking and posture.

Specifi cities • Indents 3 to 3 upper and lower.

Indications • Mixed dentition up to the 12-year molar • Correction of Class II and midlines control • Correction of Class III and midlines control • Space maintaining when deciduous cuspids have been extracted

- Space maintaining when premature shredding of deciduous teeth occurred- Correction of open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crowdings.

Case treated with EF T Slim

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Slim is a specifi c appliance for interceptive phases and early treatments.It is active in retraining the tongue, lips and cheeks, in tooth pre-alignment and in mandible unlocking. EF Class II Slim is ideal for treating deep bite and open bite Class II cases (over 6 mm).

Specifi cities • Short bumpers for the patient’s comfort • Reduced tongue ramp.

Indications • Mixed dentition treatments • Severe dental crowding.

Case treated with EF Class II Slim

EF T SlimEF T Slim in indicated in pre-orthodontic phases in patients from age 8 to 11 in the mixed dentition.Its unique features offer many corrective abilities, including midlines correction, specifi c to EF T Slim.It will also correct dysfunctions as: breathing, swallowing, thumb-sucking and posture.

Specifi cities • Indents 3 to 3 upper and lower.

Indications • Mixed dentition up to the 12-year molar • Correction of Class II and midlines control • Correction of Class III and midlines control • Space maintaining when deciduous cuspids have been extracted

- Space maintaining when premature shredding of deciduous teeth occurred- Correction of open bites, deep bites, cross bites, crowdings.

Case treated with EF T Slim

Available in 5 colors:

Page 6: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

EF Class II Standard Available in 5 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Standard is a soft functional appliance, well adapted to interceptive treatments in the mixed dentition.EF Class II Standard retrains the tongue, lips and cheeks, pre-aligns the teeth and unlocks the mandible.EF Class II Standard is ideal for treating deep-bite Class II cases.

Specifi cities • Large lip bumper for treating lip interpositions • Deep tongue ramp featuring a progressive protraction plane

that progressively corrects Class II cases.

Indications • Correction of severe deep bite Class II cases and open bite over 6 mm.

EF Class II Two StepsEF Class II Two Steps is a fi rst-line treatment device for overjets over 10 mm.It allows a reduction of these overjets and then a transition to a second step with an EF Class II (slim, standard or large) for a total correction of the overjet.

Specifi cities • Built-in anterio-posterior 6 mm offset between the arches • Thick buccal bumper • Rest area for the tongue • Progressive mandibular growth.

Indications • For a 2-step treatment of overjets over 10 mm • Prevents rabbiting • Increase the patient’s feeling of comfort • Acts in a physiological way on soft tissues through stretching,

especially in the labiomental fold area.

Case treated with EF Class II Standard

Case treated with EF Class II Two Steps

EF Class II Standard Available in 5 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Standard is a soft functional appliance, well adapted to interceptive treatments in the mixed dentition.EF Class II Standard retrains the tongue, lips and cheeks, pre-aligns the teeth and unlocks the mandible.EF Class II Standard is ideal for treating deep-bite Class II cases.

Specifi cities • Large lip bumper for treating lip interpositions • Deep tongue ramp featuring a progressive protraction plane

that progressively corrects Class II cases.

Indications • Correction of severe deep bite Class II cases and open bite over 6 mm.

EF Class II Two StepsEF Class II Two Steps is a fi rst-line treatment device for overjets over 10 mm.It allows a reduction of these overjets and then a transition to a second step with an EF Class II (slim, standard or large) for a total correction of the overjet.

Specifi cities • Built-in anterio-posterior 6 mm offset between the arches • Thick buccal bumper • Rest area for the tongue • Progressive mandibular growth.

Indications • For a 2-step treatment of overjets over 10 mm • Prevents rabbiting • Increase the patient’s feeling of comfort • Acts in a physiological way on soft tissues through stretching,

especially in the labiomental fold area.

Case treated with EF Class II Standard

Case treated with EF Class II Two Steps

EF Class II Standard Available in 5 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Standard is a soft functional appliance, well adapted to interceptive treatments in the mixed dentition.EF Class II Standard retrains the tongue, lips and cheeks, pre-aligns the teeth and unlocks the mandible.EF Class II Standard is ideal for treating deep-bite Class II cases.

Specifi cities • Large lip bumper for treating lip interpositions • Deep tongue ramp featuring a progressive protraction plane

that progressively corrects Class II cases.

Indications • Correction of severe deep bite Class II cases and open bite over 6 mm.

EF Class II Two StepsEF Class II Two Steps is a fi rst-line treatment device for overjets over 10 mm.It allows a reduction of these overjets and then a transition to a second step with an EF Class II (slim, standard or large) for a total correction of the overjet.

Specifi cities • Built-in anterio-posterior 6 mm offset between the arches • Thick buccal bumper • Rest area for the tongue • Progressive mandibular growth.

Indications • For a 2-step treatment of overjets over 10 mm • Prevents rabbiting • Increase the patient’s feeling of comfort • Acts in a physiological way on soft tissues through stretching,

especially in the labiomental fold area.

Case treated with EF Class II Standard

Case treated with EF Class II Two Steps

EF Class II Standard Available in 5 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Standard is a soft functional appliance, well adapted to interceptive treatments in the mixed dentition.EF Class II Standard retrains the tongue, lips and cheeks, pre-aligns the teeth and unlocks the mandible.EF Class II Standard is ideal for treating deep-bite Class II cases.

Specifi cities • Large lip bumper for treating lip interpositions • Deep tongue ramp featuring a progressive protraction plane

that progressively corrects Class II cases.

Indications • Correction of severe deep bite Class II cases and open bite over 6 mm.

EF Class II Two StepsEF Class II Two Steps is a fi rst-line treatment device for overjets over 10 mm.It allows a reduction of these overjets and then a transition to a second step with an EF Class II (slim, standard or large) for a total correction of the overjet.

Specifi cities • Built-in anterio-posterior 6 mm offset between the arches • Thick buccal bumper • Rest area for the tongue • Progressive mandibular growth.

Indications • For a 2-step treatment of overjets over 10 mm • Prevents rabbiting • Increase the patient’s feeling of comfort • Acts in a physiological way on soft tissues through stretching,

especially in the labiomental fold area.

Case treated with EF Class II Standard

Case treated with EF Class II Two Steps

EF Classe II Standard Disponibile in 5 colori

L’EF Classe II Standard è un dispositivo funzionale morbido, adatto ai trattamenti intercettivi in dentizione mista.L’EF Classe II Standard agisce sulla ri-educazione della lingua, delle labbra e delle guance; svolge un pre-allineamento den-tale e sblocca la mandibola.EF Classe II Standard è ideale per la correzione delle II Classi deep bite.

Caratteristiche • Ampio Lip Bumper per il trattamento delle interposizioni labiali

• Rampa linguale profonda con piano di propulsione che corregge progressivamente i casi di Classe II

Indicazioni • Correzioni di II Classi deep bite importanti ed open bite superiori a 6 mm

Caso trattato con EF Class II Standard

EF Class II Standard Available in 5 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Standard is a soft functional appliance, well adapted to interceptive treatments in the mixed dentition.EF Class II Standard retrains the tongue, lips and cheeks, pre-aligns the teeth and unlocks the mandible.EF Class II Standard is ideal for treating deep-bite Class II cases.

Specifi cities • Large lip bumper for treating lip interpositions • Deep tongue ramp featuring a progressive protraction plane

that progressively corrects Class II cases.

Indications • Correction of severe deep bite Class II cases and open bite over 6 mm.

EF Class II Two StepsEF Class II Two Steps is a fi rst-line treatment device for overjets over 10 mm.It allows a reduction of these overjets and then a transition to a second step with an EF Class II (slim, standard or large) for a total correction of the overjet.

Specifi cities • Built-in anterio-posterior 6 mm offset between the arches • Thick buccal bumper • Rest area for the tongue • Progressive mandibular growth.

Indications • For a 2-step treatment of overjets over 10 mm • Prevents rabbiting • Increase the patient’s feeling of comfort • Acts in a physiological way on soft tissues through stretching,

especially in the labiomental fold area.

Case treated with EF Class II Standard

Case treated with EF Class II Two Steps

Lisa 8 anni – Inizio del trattamento: Overjet di 12 mm

Dopo 3 mesi di uso dell’EF Classe II Standard Miglioramento della postura

Disponibile in 5 coloriEF Classe II Due FasiEF Classe II Due Fasi è un dispositivo destinato a correggere gli overjet superiori a 10mm.Permette una prima riduzione dell’overjet per poi passare alla 2a fase con uso del EF Classe II (Standard oppure EF T Slim) in modo che il risultato finale sia la totale correzione dell’overjet.

Caratteristiche • Costruito con una discrepanza antero-posteriore delle arcate di 6mm • Bumpers vestibolari spessi • Area di arresto della lingua • Crescita progressiva della mandibola

Indicazioni • Per un trattamento in due tappe negli Overjet oltre 10mm • Evita l’effetto “coniglietto” • Aumenta la sensazione di comfort del paziente • Agisce in modo fisiologico sui tessuti molli, tramite lo stretching,

soprattutto a livello del solco labio-mentoniero

Caso trattato con EF Class II Due Fasi

EF Class II Standard Available in 5 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

EF Class II Standard is a soft functional appliance, well adapted to interceptive treatments in the mixed dentition.EF Class II Standard retrains the tongue, lips and cheeks, pre-aligns the teeth and unlocks the mandible.EF Class II Standard is ideal for treating deep-bite Class II cases.

Specifi cities • Large lip bumper for treating lip interpositions • Deep tongue ramp featuring a progressive protraction plane

that progressively corrects Class II cases.

Indications • Correction of severe deep bite Class II cases and open bite over 6 mm.

EF Class II Two StepsEF Class II Two Steps is a fi rst-line treatment device for overjets over 10 mm.It allows a reduction of these overjets and then a transition to a second step with an EF Class II (slim, standard or large) for a total correction of the overjet.

Specifi cities • Built-in anterio-posterior 6 mm offset between the arches • Thick buccal bumper • Rest area for the tongue • Progressive mandibular growth.

Indications • For a 2-step treatment of overjets over 10 mm • Prevents rabbiting • Increase the patient’s feeling of comfort • Acts in a physiological way on soft tissues through stretching,

especially in the labiomental fold area.

Case treated with EF Class II Standard

Case treated with EF Class II Two StepsEvan 9 anni – Inizio del trattamento: overjet di 12 mm

Dopo 3 mesi di uso dell’EF Classe II 2 Fasi

Risultato: Overjet ridotto da 12mm a 5mm

Page 7: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

EF Guide EvolutionEF Guide corrects orthopedic malformations and dental malpositions.In addition to the functional corrections of other devices, it corrects the midlines.Its availability in different sizes allows to customize the appliance for the patient.

Specifi cities • Indents 4 to 4 • Available in 8 sizes • Distal extension to encompass second molars.

Indications • Patients when 12-year molars appear • Class I, II and III cases correction with midlines control • Finishing functional education treatments • Retention after fi xed appliance treatment • Eruption guide.

Case treated EF Guide Evolution

EF Profi lEF Profi l is a stiffer device (hard version) for a stronger action on the transversal dimension. The buccal shields have been thinned in order to prevent any proversion of the incisors in biprotrusion cases and to avoid the accentuation effect.

Specifi cities • 2 stiffness: Hard and Soft • Includes all the features of the devices in the EF Line • Stiffer device for a stronger action in the transversal direction • Thinner buccal shields: less bulky • Very low lingual height from the maxillary bicuspids on.

Indications EF Profi l Hard (clear / orange) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • All dental Class • In bruxers • Transversal action.

Indications EF Profi l Soft (blue) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • Along with a Quad Helix.

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Profi l

EF Guide EvolutionEF Guide corrects orthopedic malformations and dental malpositions.In addition to the functional corrections of other devices, it corrects the midlines.Its availability in different sizes allows to customize the appliance for the patient.

Specifi cities • Indents 4 to 4 • Available in 8 sizes • Distal extension to encompass second molars.

Indications • Patients when 12-year molars appear • Class I, II and III cases correction with midlines control • Finishing functional education treatments • Retention after fi xed appliance treatment • Eruption guide.

Case treated EF Guide Evolution

EF Profi lEF Profi l is a stiffer device (hard version) for a stronger action on the transversal dimension. The buccal shields have been thinned in order to prevent any proversion of the incisors in biprotrusion cases and to avoid the accentuation effect.

Specifi cities • 2 stiffness: Hard and Soft • Includes all the features of the devices in the EF Line • Stiffer device for a stronger action in the transversal direction • Thinner buccal shields: less bulky • Very low lingual height from the maxillary bicuspids on.

Indications EF Profi l Hard (clear / orange) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • All dental Class • In bruxers • Transversal action.

Indications EF Profi l Soft (blue) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • Along with a Quad Helix.

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Profi l

EF ProfilEF Profil è un dispositivo in materiale più rigido (versione dura) per accentuarne l’azione sulla dimensione trasversale. Gli scudi buccali sono più assottigliati, in modo da prevenire qualsiasi proclinazione degli incisivi nei casi di biprotrusione ed evitare di accentuare l’effetto “coniglietto”. Caratteristiche • 2 rigidità: Rigido e Morbido • Dispositivo in materiale rigido per un’azione più marcata nel senso trasversale. • Scudi vestibolari più sottili: meno ingombrante. • Scudo linguale abbassato nei segmenti mascellari posteriori per uno sviluppo

trasversale che venga potenziato dalle forze esercitate dalla lingua

Indicazioni EF Profil rigido (trasparente/arancione) Indicazioni EF Profil morbido (blu)• Come l’apparecchio della Fase II dopo una terapia • Può essere utilizzato prima dell’EF Profil rigido, funzionale con dispositivi EF morbidi per il maggiore comfort del paziente• Per migliorare la forma d’arcata ed aumentarne • Per malocclusioni lievi (Classe II e disfunzioni dei tessuti molli) la larghezza (dimensione trasversale) • Per malocclusioni lievi (Classe II) e disfunzioni dei tessuti molli

Disponibile in 3 colori

Caso trattato con EF Profil

EF Guide EvolutionEF Guide corrects orthopedic malformations and dental malpositions.In addition to the functional corrections of other devices, it corrects the midlines.Its availability in different sizes allows to customize the appliance for the patient.

Specifi cities • Indents 4 to 4 • Available in 8 sizes • Distal extension to encompass second molars.

Indications • Patients when 12-year molars appear • Class I, II and III cases correction with midlines control • Finishing functional education treatments • Retention after fi xed appliance treatment • Eruption guide.

Case treated EF Guide Evolution

EF Profi lEF Profi l is a stiffer device (hard version) for a stronger action on the transversal dimension. The buccal shields have been thinned in order to prevent any proversion of the incisors in biprotrusion cases and to avoid the accentuation effect.

Specifi cities • 2 stiffness: Hard and Soft • Includes all the features of the devices in the EF Line • Stiffer device for a stronger action in the transversal direction • Thinner buccal shields: less bulky • Very low lingual height from the maxillary bicuspids on.

Indications EF Profi l Hard (clear / orange) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • All dental Class • In bruxers • Transversal action.

Indications EF Profi l Soft (blue) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • Along with a Quad Helix.

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Profi lManon 8 anni. Inizio trattamento: bi-proalveolia

Dopo 6 mesi con EF Slim (semestre d’ortodonzia) e altri 6 mesi con EF Profil (monitoraggio semestrale)

Risultato: EF Profil, grazie alla forma d’arcata, ha evitato l’aumento della naturale bi-protrusione della paziente

EF Guide EvolutionL’EF Guide corregge le malformazioni scheletriche e le malposizioni dentali. In aggiunta alle correzioni funzionali che sono presenti in tutti i dispositivi, è stato finalizzato alla correzione delle linee mediane.La disponibilità in diverse misure consente di personalizzare l’apparecchio al singolo paziente.

Caratteristiche • Indentazione da 4 a 4 • Disponibile in 8 misure • Estensione distale per comprendere i secondi molari

Indicazioni • Pazienti al momento in cui erompono i denti dei 12 anni • Correzione della Classe I, Classe II e Classe III con controllo delle linee mediane • Rifinitura dei trattamenti di Educazione Funzionale • Contenzione dopo trattamenti di ortodonzia fissa • Guida dell’eruzione

Caso trattato con EF Guide Evolution

Disponibile inEF Guide EvolutionEF Guide corrects orthopedic malformations and dental malpositions.In addition to the functional corrections of other devices, it corrects the midlines.Its availability in different sizes allows to customize the appliance for the patient.

Specifi cities • Indents 4 to 4 • Available in 8 sizes • Distal extension to encompass second molars.

Indications • Patients when 12-year molars appear • Class I, II and III cases correction with midlines control • Finishing functional education treatments • Retention after fi xed appliance treatment • Eruption guide.

Case treated EF Guide Evolution

EF Profi lEF Profi l is a stiffer device (hard version) for a stronger action on the transversal dimension. The buccal shields have been thinned in order to prevent any proversion of the incisors in biprotrusion cases and to avoid the accentuation effect.

Specifi cities • 2 stiffness: Hard and Soft • Includes all the features of the devices in the EF Line • Stiffer device for a stronger action in the transversal direction • Thinner buccal shields: less bulky • Very low lingual height from the maxillary bicuspids on.

Indications EF Profi l Hard (clear / orange) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • All dental Class • In bruxers • Transversal action.

Indications EF Profi l Soft (blue) • As a fi rst-line treatment from age 9 on • Along with a Quad Helix.

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Profi l

Clemente 11 anni.- Inizio del trattamento

Dopo 6 mesi con EF T Slim (semestre ortodontico) + 6 mesi con EF Guide (monitoraggio semestrale) + 1 anno di EF Guide come contenzione

Risultati: Caso trattato senza apparecchiatura fissa

Page 8: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

EF Classe II LargeL’EF Classe II Large è un apparecchio specificatamente predisposto per le arcate più ampie.E’ ideale per la correzione dei casi di Classe II deep bite nel bambino/nell’adolescente al momento del picco puberale.

Caratteristiche • Arcate grandi

Indicazioni • Trattamento delle Classe II

Disponibile in 5 colori

Caso trattato con EF Class II Large

EF Class II LargeEF Class II Large is an appliance specifi cally adapted to larger arches.It is ideal for the correction of Class II deep bite cases in children and teenagers at the pubertal spurt.

Specifi cities • Large arches.

Indications • Treatment of Class II

EF Class IIIEF Class III is a device especially designed for treating Class III malocclusions.It prevents any anterior sliding of the mandible and frees the premaxilla.Its raised buccal wings (Lip Bumper) act on the perioral musculature.

Specifi cities • Indents from 3 to 3 upper • Raised maxillary bumpers • 2 mm overjet between arches.

Indications • Class III.

Case treated EF Class III

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Class II Large

Available in 2 size

Blandine 12 anni. Inizio del trattamento: Overjet + arcata stretta

Dopo 3 mesi di uso di EF Class II Large, poi 20 settimane con EF Braces + Quad Helix

Risultato: segue terapia fi sa con contemporaneo uso di EF Braces

EF Classe IIIL’EF Classe III è un dispositivo espressamente dedicato al trattamento delle malocclusioni di Classe III.Previene lo scivolamento mandibolare mentre libera la pre-maxilla.Le alette vestibolari alte (Lip Bumper) hanno un’azione positiva su tutta la muscolatura peri-orale.

Caratteristiche • Indentazione da 3 a 3 superiore Indicazioni • Classe III • Bumpers mascellari elevati • Overjet di 2 mm tra le arcate

Caso trattato con EF Class III

Disponibile in 3 colori

Disponibile in 2 misure

EF Class II LargeEF Class II Large is an appliance specifi cally adapted to larger arches.It is ideal for the correction of Class II deep bite cases in children and teenagers at the pubertal spurt.

Specifi cities • Large arches.

Indications • Treatment of Class II

EF Class IIIEF Class III is a device especially designed for treating Class III malocclusions.It prevents any anterior sliding of the mandible and frees the premaxilla.Its raised buccal wings (Lip Bumper) act on the perioral musculature.

Specifi cities • Indents from 3 to 3 upper • Raised maxillary bumpers • 2 mm overjet between arches.

Indications • Class III.

Case treated EF Class III

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Class II Large

Available in 2 size

Quentin 9 anni. Inizio del trattamento: III Classe

Dopo 1 anno di uso di EF Classe III standard

Risultati: segue terapia fissaAnthony 9 anni. Inizio del trattamento: III Classe

Dopo 7 mesi con EF Class III small

Risultati: Correzione del morso inverso anteriore. Buona la forma d’arcata

EF Class II LargeEF Class II Large is an appliance specifi cally adapted to larger arches.It is ideal for the correction of Class II deep bite cases in children and teenagers at the pubertal spurt.

Specifi cities • Large arches.

Indications • Treatment of Class II

EF Class IIIEF Class III is a device especially designed for treating Class III malocclusions.It prevents any anterior sliding of the mandible and frees the premaxilla.Its raised buccal wings (Lip Bumper) act on the perioral musculature.

Specifi cities • Indents from 3 to 3 upper • Raised maxillary bumpers • 2 mm overjet between arches.

Indications • Class III.

Case treated EF Class III

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Class II Large

Available in 2 size

EF Class II LargeEF Class II Large is an appliance specifi cally adapted to larger arches.It is ideal for the correction of Class II deep bite cases in children and teenagers at the pubertal spurt.

Specifi cities • Large arches.

Indications • Treatment of Class II

EF Class IIIEF Class III is a device especially designed for treating Class III malocclusions.It prevents any anterior sliding of the mandible and frees the premaxilla.Its raised buccal wings (Lip Bumper) act on the perioral musculature.

Specifi cities • Indents from 3 to 3 upper • Raised maxillary bumpers • 2 mm overjet between arches.

Indications • Class III.

Case treated EF Class III

Available in 3 colors:

Available in 5 colors:

Available only in:

Case treated with EF Class II Large

Available in 2 size

Page 9: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II

EF Braces Evolution Pazienti bandati

EF Protect Evolution Pazienti bandati

EF Braces è un dispositivo da portare in associazione con gli apparecchi fissi.EF Braces può essere indossato dai bambini e dagli adulti: in dentizione mista e/o permanente

Caratteristiche • Corridoio dei bracktes mascellari e mandibolari • Svincolo distale per l’utilizzo dei tubi molari vestibolari e dei dispositivi linguali • Guida della lingua con piano di appoggio

Indicazioni • Utilizzo prima o durante il trattamento di ortodonzia fissa • Ideale nelle fasi di svolgimento dell’allineamento dentale • Indossabile in dentatura mista e/o permanente dal bambino e dall’adulto • A protezione della mucosa; come educazione funzionale all’inizio del trattamento fisso

Dispositivo mono-mascellare con integrata guida linguale, destinato alla protezione dei dispositivi dei pazienti (bambini/adulti) durante la pratica di uno sport.

Caratteristiche • Monomascellare • Guida superiore della lingua • Corridoio per i brackets dell’arcata superiore • Svincolo distale per l’utilizzo dei tubi molari vestibolari e degli accessori palatini

Indicazioni • Uso diurno durante il trattamento con EF Braces • Trattamento funzionale durante la terapia fissa • Protezione delle ATM durante la pratica dello sport

Disponibile in

Disponibile in


Intercettore Labiale/Pediatrico

L’EF TMJ (Giunzione Temporo-mandibolare o Articolazione Temporo Mandibolare) è un dispositivo che permette un’azione sul bruxismo: invia un segnale di risposta per disattivare il riflesso del serramento e inibisce le tensioni muscolari tramite stretching della muscolatura.

Caratteristiche • Libertà di posizionamento sui piani del canale mandibolare • Non è di guida al paziente, ma lo agevola nel trovare la sua posizione di comfort • Azione sul bruxismo e sulla roncopatia • Agisce sulla ventilazione e sul tono muscolare

Indicazioni • Diagnostica differenziale: determina se i dolori dell’ATM sono d’origine muscolare, occlusale o strutturale (ossa/menisco) oppure no (uso per breve periodo del dispositivo)

• Curativo per sblocco del condilo in caso di lussazione del menisco, problemi occlusali • Centrare e riequilibrare le ATM

L’intercettore labiale è un dispositivo ortodontico destinato a neutralizzare le forze labiali ed a rieducare la chiusura delle labbra.Caratteristiche • Dà al paziente un repere propriocettivo per la chiusura delle labbra.

Il paziente ritrova allora respirazione nasale, postura mandibolare corretta, un free way space ottimale: senza contatto occlusale

Indicazioni • Bruxismo: neutralizza il sistema della masticazione per cui il paziente ritrova un free way space fi iologico

• Sindrome di resistenza delle vie aeree superiori: i test effettuati nella clinica del sonno dimostrano che l’intercettore labiale diminuisce sensibilmente il russamento del paziente

• È efficace nei casi di apnee notturne lievi

Disponibile in

Disponibile in 3 colori

Page 10: EF Line. · EF Kid* 3 anni 4 anni 5 anni 6 anni 7 8 anni 9 anni 10 anni 11 anni 12 anni 13 14 anni 15 anni EF Line Guida alla selezione Orthoplus Dott˜ Daniel Rollet EF Classe II






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EF Kid

EF Start Evolution

EF Classe III Small

EF Classe II Slim

EF T Slim

EF Classe III Standard

EF Classe II Standard

EF Classe II Due Fasi

EF Classe II Large

EF Profil

EF Guide Evolution

EF Braces Evolution

EF Protect Evolution


Intercettore Labiale/Pediatrico

ISO 9001 : 2008 - ISO 13485 : 2012

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