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05/09/2014 1. 感謝Clarissa von Spee, 陳昱全、林莉娜、Kevin McLoughlin, Mei Mei

Rado, Cherry NK Wong, Ling-en Lu, 張華芝、板倉聖哲、黃蘭茵所提供的資訊。部分訊息轉貼自Nixi Cura維護之Arts of China Consortium網站。

2. 目前原則上固定於每周五寄發,包括展覽、演講、會議議程與徵文、網路資源、徵人啟事等訊息,歡迎大家多多貢獻資訊。

3. 若有與中台藝術史或文化史相關的研究、演講、展覽、或會議之訊息,不論來自何地,都歡迎提供,我會將之轉給大家。雖然未必能與會,分散於天涯海角的我們卻可對各地情況有所瞭解。

4. 最新訊息以紅色標示,內容包括中(Big5)、英、日文(IME)碼。5. 本期更新:展覽、演講、研討會。6. 如有其他同好對此電子報有興趣,請告知電子郵件地址,我將加入寄送名單中。若不願收到,也請告知,以方便作業。

展覽:■ 台灣1. 國立故宮博物院2. 國立歷史博物館3. 國立台灣史前文化博物館4. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所歷史文物陳列館■ 亞洲1. 香港藝術館2. 香港中文大學文物館3. 澳門藝術博物館4. 中國故宮博物院5. 北京首都博物館6. 中國國家博物館7. 南京博物館8. 上海博物館9. 浙江博物館10.蘇州博物館 11.廣東省博物館12.廣州藝術博物院13.遼寧省博物館

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17.京都國立博物館18.泉屋博物館19.大和文華館20.奈良國立博物館21.九州國立博物館22.黑川古文化研究所23.大阪市立美術館24.MOA美術館25.福岡亞洲美術館26.韓國國立博物館■ 歐美

1. Freer Gallery of Art 2. The Metropolitan Museum of Art3. Asian Art Museum of San Francisco4. Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art5. Asian Art Museum, National Museums in Berlin6. Smart Museum of Art7. British Museum8. British Library9. Royal Ontario Museum

台灣1. 國立故宮博物院:

1)通嚏輕揚—鼻煙壺文化特展 展期:2012/07/25 ~ 陳列室:303

2)定州花瓷-院藏定窯系白瓷特展展期:2013/11/30~2014/09/30(2014年 5月將作局部更換展件)陳列室:展覽區一 203


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陳列室:展覽區一 202,204,206,208,210,212本院所藏明四大家沈周(1427-1509)、文徵明(1470-1559)、唐寅(1470-1524)、仇英(約 1494-1552)作品質量均美,特別於今年度推出四大家系列特展,繼第一季沈周展之後,第二季展出文徵明書畫。  此次展覽分書法和繪畫兩部分。書法以「書法發展」和「書法入畫」二單元,說明其書風變化與其書法對繪畫的影響。繪畫以「繪畫發展」、「仿古風貌」「一稿多本」和「花鳥人物」四單元,呈現其山水畫不同階段多樣的風格特色,並展出量少質精的花鳥、人物畫作品。4)近代書畫名品展展期:2014/05/01~2014/07/25陳列室:展覽區一 105,107

2. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所歷史文物陳列館1)重慶到臺北──董作賓甲骨研究展

 展期:2014年 4月 2日起展區:二樓特展區(207室)及一樓甲骨區年 12月 25日,第三次全國美展在重慶舉行。主辦單位原本要求歷史語言研究所,以殷墟出土美術品參展,但因種種原因,史語所傅斯年所長幾番思量後,決定「只以殷墟出土之各期甲骨文字十餘項,詳具說明,由董作賓先生親自送會展覽。」這次展覽,董作賓選了殷墟出土的甲骨五十件,重點放在「從盤庚到帝辛,五個時期的甲骨文字」。為了紀念董作賓先生的甲骨研究,我們將這五十件甲骨在臺北「移地」展覽,以最大的程度再現當年展品的原貌。除了重現第三次全國美展的五十件甲骨,另外,也標示出近五十年來這些甲骨新綴合的成果。如甲骨有新綴合,將原拓用黑色表示,而加綴部分,則刷淡拓片,以示區別。 這個「董作賓甲骨研究展」是具有學術價值,足以看出董先生當時對甲骨分期、斷代的看法,可謂是甲骨文研究方法的重大創獲與突破。2)「與佛有約──佛教造像題記中的祈願與實踐」佛教拓片特展展期:103年 5月 3日起展區:二樓豐碑拓片區(205室)「與佛有約」拓片特展選自傅斯年圖書館收藏石刻佛教拓片的精品。拓片內容主要是修行者或信徒為發願造像、建塔廟供養佛,寫下的題記,通稱為發願文。「與佛有約」主題展呈現佛教文化中特有的修行者與佛陀之間密切互動的關係。修行者虔誠地供養佛陀,並藉此祈請佛陀慈悲,護持眾生現世平安,走上菩提之道。代表

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啟動此互相感應關係的發願文刻在造像座上、摩崖、或刻在石碑上,不但公諸於世有如契約,更代表發願者以精進的菩提心,與佛立下彼此永恆的誓約,從此學佛,長相伴隨。「與佛有約」三十六件展品共分六大主題,說明發願文的多元面向:莊嚴、崇因樹果、現世利益、修行實踐、佛法復興與往生淨土。拓片時間涵蓋南北朝到晚唐,五世紀到九世紀,地域遼闊,其中頗多活潑生動的圖像與歷代多變的書風。3)「鳴沙遺珍──傅斯年圖書館藏敦煌遺書」特展展期:103年 5月 3日(六)至 8月 30日(六) 展區:二樓珍藏圖書區(202室)歷史語言研究所在廣州成立之初(1928)曾設「敦煌材料研究班」,本所傅斯年圖書館藏有 51件四至十一世紀的敦煌文獻,內容主要是佛經寫卷。今年五月初,歷史文物陳列館精選具有代表性的文書,推出「鳴沙遺珍──傅斯年圖書館藏敦煌遺書」特展。展件跨東晉、南北朝、隋、唐、吐蕃統治、歸義軍統治等各時期寫卷,可一覽書體在歷史長河中的變遷軌跡,不啻敦煌歷史文化縮影;佛教經、律、論俱足,其中《圓明論》歷代經錄佛藏未收,九卷散見英、法、俄、日,可補他卷不足;《四分律》可與上海圖書館及天津博物館所藏的《四分律》綴接;《大般涅槃經》、《隨求即得大自在陀羅尼神咒》為異本,可校經文的異同;還有儒家《周易正義》「賁卦」殘卷,為稀見珍本。亞洲

1. 香港藝術館1)畫遊記 ─ 虛白齋藏畫選展期:2013.8.30 –陳列室:虛白齋藏中國書畫館 (二樓)

2)南京瑰寶 ─ 南京博物院 / 南京市博物館紫砂茶具精選展期:2014.3.26 – 7.10陳列室:茶具文物館 (地下)南京博物院以收藏古代宜興茶具聞名於世,是次展覽所展出的藏品精選自南京博物院藏明、清代到現代的紫砂茶具,當中更包括標年最早的明代太監吳經墓出土紫砂茶壺──南京市博物館藏明嘉靖年間的柿蒂紋提樑壺。這把紫砂壺是我國目前出土最早的一件有紀年可考的紫砂器,為我們提供不可多得的實物資料。 是次展覽除展示明、清的珍品外,亦包括 20世紀的製壺名家作品,包括有王寅春、裴石民、顧景舟、朱可心、蔣蓉等。

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3)長青館藏明清瓷、玉、角、竹、畫琺瑯日期:2014.5.3 – 9.28地點:中國文物展覽廳 (1) (三樓)

2. 香港中文大學文物館 1)殊「塗」同歸: 香港中文大學與英國牛津大學所藏高劍父、呂壽琨作品展期:2013年 12月 7日-2014年 5月 15日地點:香港中文大學文物館(西翼)展廳 I

2)北山汲古──中國書法地點:香港中文大學文物館(東翼)展廳 II 、III及 IV展覽日期:2014年 4月 12日-2014年 10月是次展覽分兩期展出由唐至清各朝書蹟一百項,包括寫經、詩文、尺牘、對聯、書論、文稿等,亦有罕見的忠臣血書與文人借券,當中有皇帝御書,有倪瓚、祝允明、文徵明、董其昌、黃道周、傅山、張瑞圖、何紹基等歷代名家手筆,亦有具地區特色的廣東書法,如陳獻章、鄺露、蘇仁山等的作品,品類豐富,風格紛陳,足以展現中國書法的藝術魅力與文化意涵。

3. 澳門藝術館白石造化──北京畫院藏齊白石作品展 展期:25/4/2014 -- 15/6/2014適逢二零一四年是二十世紀藝術大師齊白石誕生一百五十周年,民政總署轄下澳門藝術博物館與北京畫院合作,舉辦“白石造化──北京畫院藏齊白石作品展”,展出齊白石各時期作品共三百件套,包括一百五十件套書畫及一百五十方篆刻,藉此展現這位一代宗師的藝術成就。“白石造化”展覽以“手段”、“題記”、“清吟”、“篆字”及“石印”五大專題展示齊白石書畫篆刻藝術。

4. 中國故宮博物院 1)孫瀛洲捐獻文物精品展展期:2013年 09月 12日-2014年 05月 12日陳列室:景仁宫

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2)色彩絢麗——故宮博物院鈞窯瓷器展展期:2013年 09月 20日-2014年 07月 31日陳列室:延禧宮古陶瓷研究中心展廳3)清宮藏雕刻版畫展展期:2014年 04月 30日-2014年 06月 29日陳列室:武英殿配殿4) 故宮藏歷代書畫展(第八期)展期:2014年 4月 30日~6月 29日展場:故宮武英殿書畫館

121610.html  此次展覽共展出 64件(套)文物,可謂件件皆是精品。例如:五代阮郜《閬苑女仙圖》、宋代馬和之《鹿鳴之什圖》均為人物畫精絕之作;王居正的《紡車圖》則代表了宋代風俗畫的新風;趙孟頫《浴馬圖》反映了元代人馬畫的藝術成就早期的書法作品有北魏和唐代書寫的經卷,北宋米芾、南宋趙孟堅與元代楊維楨的書法作品也在展陳之內。本期展出的明清書畫主要仍是藝術史發展中主要流派和代表書畫家的作品,精彩紛呈,佳作不勝枚舉。在明代的書畫展品中,有明“院體”“浙派”繪畫、“臺閣體”書家、吳門書畫家和董其昌、陳洪綬的作品。清代的繪畫展品中,有當時主要流派“四王吳惲”、“四僧”、“金陵畫派”、“揚州畫派”、“海派”的代表畫家的作品,還有艾啟蒙具有西洋風格的“院畫”作品。而清代帖學和碑學名家,例如劉墉和尹秉綬等人的作品,則是書法展出的重點。  

5. 北京首都博物館1)贛水流韻 輝耀千載──江西古代文物精品展展覽時間:2014年 2月 25日—5月 25日開館時間:9:00—17:00展覽地點:首都博物館方廳三層本展覽薈萃了從江西各地博物館藏品中精選的百餘件珍品,包括青銅器、陶瓷器、玉石器、金銀器、絲織品和書畫作品等。一 青銅王國二 天下瓷都三 文韻流芳2)掛雲帆濟滄海——海上絲綢之路特展

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6. 中國國家博物館東亞之華—陶瓷名品展時間: 即將開展      地點: 中國國家博物館本展由日本東京國立博物館、韓國國立中央博物館和中國國家博物館首次聯合主辦,為“中日韓國家博物館館長會議”框架下專案。本展將與第八屆“中日韓國家博物館館長會議”同期舉辦,以紀念該會議召開,並向觀眾介紹三國陶瓷名品的概貌。觀眾可以在本次展覽中同時觀賞到日本桃山陶器、中國唐三彩、韓國高麗青瓷等世界上獲得極高評價的、具有各國特色的陶瓷器。同時,展覽也將聚焦於各館陶瓷器藏品的特徵。

7. 南京博物館1)為愛紅芳滿砌階 教人扇上畫將來——南京博物院藏明清扇面繪畫特展展覽地點:藝術館二樓  此次推出的扇面繪畫特展即是從南京博物院收藏的明清扇面繪畫作品中遴選出較有代表性的藏品九十餘幅。其中參展作品不乏明清大家的手筆,如周臣、沈周、文征明、陳淳、董其昌、程邃、王時敏、髡殘、龔賢、王翬、華岩、黃慎、吳熙載、任熊、任頤等。2)新中國 新花鳥 新面貌——陳之佛新時期工筆花鳥畫特展展覽地點:藝術館二樓  

8. 浙江博物館守望千年:唐宋元書畫珍品特展——“草聖”張旭領銜 36件(組)唐宋元國寶珍品 4月來杭

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展期:2014-04-18 - 2014-05-18展覽地點:浙江省博物館武林館區   4月 18日起,杭州西湖文化廣場浙博武林館區,浙江省博物館、遼寧省博物館與錢江晚報將共同推出《守望千年:唐宋元書畫珍品特展》。與張旭狂草一起展出的,還有宋徽宗《草書千字文卷》、宋高宗《草書洛神賦卷》、宋李成《茂林遠岫圖卷》、宋徐禹功《雪中梅竹圖卷》、元王蒙《太白山圖卷》、元趙孟頫《飲馬圖卷》等總共 36件(組)唐宋元國寶級珍品。2011年赴臺灣合璧展出轟動一時的浙博鎮館之寶黃公望《富春山居圖剩山圖卷》也將現身。因古書畫之彌足珍貴,展期僅為 31天,至 5月 18日閉幕。

5. 蘇州博物館1)蘇州博物館明清書畫典藏展之二十一展覽時間:2014年 3月 1日—2014年 6月 27日展覽地點:蘇州博物館二樓書畫展廳2)世紀回眸——二十世紀中國畫發展歷程展覽時間:2014年 4月 25日—2014年 7月 20日展覽地點:蘇州博物館現代藝術廳  20世紀的中國經歷千年未有之變局,逐漸由傳統社會向現代國家邁進。以水墨形態為主的中國畫創作受到政治、經濟發展和各類新思潮、新觀念的影響,形成了多元化的風格和面貌。  立足傳統面向現代,藝術家們在繼承明清以來中國畫傳統的同時上溯至唐宋元,以發掘古典繪畫中的現代意義。而世紀初的新文化運動,則為中國畫帶來了西方的寫實主義繪畫技法與觀念,使之在中西文化的碰撞與融會中取得了進步和發展。  新中國建立後,中國畫走上了一條與現實主義緊密結合的道路,湧現出一大批反映時代精神和時代面貌、內涵豐厚的優秀作品。而隨著“文革”的到來,美術為政治服務被推向極致,中國畫發展進入低谷。改革開放以來,國畫獲得了新生。充滿新的文化意義與時代特點的作品構成了 20世紀末中國畫壇豐富多彩的局面。  此次展覽在天津博物館豐富的近現代繪畫館藏作品中,精心挑選出上個世紀最具影響力的 90餘位畫家的 120件繪畫精品,以 1950年為界分為上下兩

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期進行展出。希望回顧 20世紀中國畫在繼承與創新中發展的同時,為蘇州博物館的廣大觀眾帶來美的體驗和享受。  

6. 廣東省博物館1 )歷史的釉光——中國•清代醴陵釉下五彩瓷珍品展展場:三樓畫廳展期:2014-3-28至 2014-6-29

2)琅玕蘊德——拾貝齋藏玉精品展展場:3M展廳展期:2014-4-30至 2014-6-1展覽介紹玉器是中華民族的瑰寶,具有悠久的歷史傳承、渾厚的文化底蘊和獨特的藝術魅力。拾貝齋主人劉曉雄先生,傾心收藏玉器 20餘年,所藏玉器品類豐富,數量可觀,精品疊出,堪稱我國民間藏玉之佼佼者。

7. 廣州藝術博物院1)廣州藝術博物院藏嶺南畫僧作品展展出時間:2013年 4月 28日 至 2014年 12月 31日展覽場館:二樓高劍父藝術館2)風雨行間——廣州藝術博物院藏明末清初書法展展出時間: 2013年 8月 13日 至 2014年 6月 26日展覽場館: 三樓陳樹人藝術館3)嶺南畫派世紀經典作品展(第六回)展出時間: 2013年 8月 16日 至 2014年 8月 26日展覽場館: 一樓嶺南館4)以畫會友──國畫研究會成員合作畫展展期: 2014年 2月 23日 至 2014年 6月 30日展場: 二樓黎雄才藝術館

8. 吉林省博物館《異趣同輝——館藏清代外銷藝術精品展》

Page 10: 展覽 · Web viewTo be considered for participation, please provide a single document in Microsoft Word. It should consist  本次展覽是五年來廣東省博物館館藏清代外銷藝術品徵集最新成果的集中亮相,展出了外銷藝術精品 124件/套。  

9. 東京国立博物館1)唐から奈良、奈良から地方へ・奈良時代

展期:2013年 7月 9日(火) ~ 2014年 6月 29日(日) 陳列室:平成館 考古展示室唐文化を模倣した白鳳・天平文化の一端を唐三彩・奈良三彩と火葬墓出土




展期: 2013年 7月 9日(火) ~ 2014年 6月 29日(日)陳列室:平成館 考古展示室平安時代の貴族に愛好された中国の青磁・白磁・黄釉陶・三彩と、それを




展期:2013年 7月 9日(火) ~ 2014年 6月 29日(日) 陳列室:平成館 考古展示室武家社会で珍重された中国の陶磁器とそれらを写した瀬戸の製品、そして



展期: 2013年 7月 9日(火) ~ 2014年 6月 29日(日)陳列室:平成館 考古展示室東京大学構内・旧加賀藩前田家江戸屋敷出土の中国・日本 朝鮮・ヨーロッ・パの陶磁器を伝世品と対比して並べ、大名文化の粋を紹介します。

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5)中国 墳墓の世界

展期:2014 年 1 月 15 日(火) ~ 2014 年 5 月 11 日(月)

陳列室:東洋館 5室


展期:2014 年 3 月 4 日(火) ~ 2014 年 5 月 25 日(日)

地點:東洋館 9室清時代にはさまざまな材質・技法の工芸品が作られました。それらはいず



7)中国の染織 遼時代の染織

展期:2014年 3月 11日(火) ~ 2014年 6月 8日(日)地點:東洋館 5室 近年、中国からの新しい出土品によって関心が高まりつつある遼時代の染




展期:2014年 3月 11日(火) ~ 2014年 5月 25日(日)地點:東洋館 9室

9)中国の絵画 文人たちの肖像

展期: 2014 年 4 月 1 日(火) ~ 2014 年 5 月 11 日(日)

地點:東洋館 8室文人の肖像を中心に展示します。中国絵画の鑑賞者であり、制作者でもあった文人たちは、自分たちのあるべき理想を肖像画のなかに表現していきました。伝説的な北宋の雅会である「西園雅集」を起点に、それにならった歴代文人たちの雅会の情景や、釣魚や隠逸などといった文人たちがあこがれた

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展期:2014年 4月 8日(火) ~ 2015年 4月 5日(日)地點:東洋館 1室インドから西域を通って中国に仏教が伝わったのは漢時代ですが、定着し、


代まで造形 的に魅力のある仏像作品が生み続けられました。この部屋では


など)を中心に展示しま す。なお、檀像の名品、多武峰伝来の十一面観音



展期:2014 年 4 月 8 日(火) ~ 2015 年 4 月 12 日(日)

地點:東洋館 7室後漢時代(1~2 世紀)の中国山東省や河南省南部等では墓の上に祠(ほこ







展期:2014 年 4 月 8 日(火) ~ 2014 年 6 月 8 日(日)

地點:東洋館 8室魏晋から唐時代までの貴族文化に代わって、宋時代からは知識階級である






13)中国の書跡 漢時代の書

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展期:2014年 4月 8日(火) ~ 2014年 6月 8日(日)地點:東洋館 8室現在の西安を都とした前漢(前 206~後 8)と、洛陽を都とした後漢(25~220)の前後 410 年にわたる時期には、書が芸術として意識され、素朴





14)台北國立故宮博物院-神品至宝-展期:2014年 6月 24日(火) ~ 2014年 9月 15日(月)地點:平成館 特別展示室わが国では古くから中国の文化に親しみ、積極的にその摂取につとめてき









15)中国の青銅器 展期:2014 年 5 月 8 日(木) ~ 2014 年 8 月 24 日(日) 地點:東洋館 5 室おもに古代から唐時代にかけて中国青銅器がたどった変遷について容器を中心に紹介します。昨年日本国内で初めて触角式銅剣の鋳型が出土して中国北方青銅器への関心が高まったことから、触角式銅剣を含む中国北方青銅器を集中的に展示します。中国の典型的な青銅器との違いを比較してみてください。


不折コレクション 「美しい隷書―中国と日本―」

展期:4月 4日(金)~7月 13日(日)

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shodou_news20140404.html本展では、漢時代の石碑の拓本を中心に、敦煌・トルファンの 文書に見る

肉筆の隷書、中国や日本の書家たちによる隷書作品を、 当館の収蔵品より



(日)まで、特集陳列「漢時代の書」を開催しています。 2館で繰り広げ


11.京都國立博物館南山城の古寺巡礼展期:平成 26年 4月 22日(火)~6月 15日(日)南山城はいまの京都府南部、木津川の流域にあたります。奈良と京都の間





12.大和文華館1)酒井抱一 ―江戸情緒の精華―

展期:2014年 11/21(金)~12/25(木)茶湯文化は日本美術に大きな影響を与えています。茶湯では、目利き、す







展期:2014年 7/4(金)~8/17(日)様々な文様には、唐草文や屈輪文のように連続することで成り立つものが





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13.奈良國立博物館1)武家のみやこ 鎌倉の仏像-迫真とエキゾチシズム-

展期:平成 26年 4月 5日(土)~平成 26年 6月 1日(日)展場:奈良国立博物館 東新館・西新館

2)中国古代青銅器展場:青銅器館(坂本コレクション)坂本五郎氏より寄贈された中国古代の青銅器 380余点のうち一部。なら仏






A.D.3 世紀)までの青銅製容器や楽器が主体を占め、武器や車馬具、農工

具、文具類なども含まれます。 中国の青銅器時代は紀元前 2,000 年ごろに

始まり、夏(か)、商、周(しゅう)の三代を経て、紀元前 3 世紀(戦国時代後





B.C.15 世紀)から、商時代後期(殷墟期)、周時代を通して秦漢時代に至





14.九州國立博物館1)華麗なる宮廷文化──近衛家の国宝 京都・陽明文庫展

展期:平成 26 年 4 月 15 日(火)〜6 月 8 日(日)



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平成 26 年 4 月 8 日(火)〜5 月 18 日(日)

展示場所:文化交流展示室 関連第 11室

3)クリーブランド美術館展 - 名画でたどる日本の美 - 展期:平成 26年 7月 8日(火)~8月 31日(日)全米屈指の規模と質を誇るクリーブランド美術館の日本美術コレクション


数 51件をご紹介します。



物語』など古くから親しまれてきた物語の世界を描いた絵画の 4 つのテー




展示期間: 平成 26年 5月 27日(火)~7月 6日(日)展示場所: 文化交流展示室 関連第 11室日中の文化交流を端的に示す書跡の一つの柱に、墨蹟(禅僧の書)があり

ます。 鎌倉時代から南北朝時代にかけて、新たな仏教を大陸の禅に見出そ






すること 30 年と長く、多くの師友と交流をもちました。それを証するか

のように、無夢のために書き贈られた文章や詩、すなわち墨蹟が 9 通伝存



僧に与えられた現存する墨蹟数として、9 通は突出した多さであり、無夢


帰国後は、京都・東福寺の第 30 世住職をつとめましたが、師の玉渓慧瑃ゆ






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を陳列する「松 竹 梅」展の一環で、松の様々な造形と意味をご紹介します・ ・ 。



16.大阪市立美術館工芸 かたちと文様

展期:2014 年 9 月 2 日(火)~10 月 13 日(月・祝)原始から 19 世




17.韓國國立博物館1) Asian Religious Icons through Western Eyes

Location: Asian Art SectionDate: 02-25-2014 ~ 05-25-2014


Europeans first came to Asia in the 16th century for missionary work, trade, or colonial pursuits. They traveled to India, China, and other parts of Asia, leaving behind travel accounts and reports of missionary activity, some of which offer details of the writers' first impressions of Asia. While these records shed light on what was unknown and unfamiliar, they also reveal the Europeans' long-held view and prejudices. This exhibition shows how Asian religious icons

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were seen through Western eyes and offer an interpretation of their implications.

2) A New Collection of Asian ArtLocation: Thematic Exhibition Gallery in the Medieval and Early

Modern History Section, 1FDate: 2014-03-25~2014-06-22


Relocated to Yongsan, Seoul in 2005, the Asian Art Department of the National Museum of Korea currently runs six exhibition sections including the India, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, China and Japan sections, and a section dedicated exclusively to the cultural heritages salvaged from the seawaters off Sinhan. At its latest theme-based exhibition, the museum will display recently collected artifacts that have not yet been presented to the public.

3) Landscapes: Seeking the Ideal Land Location: Special Exhibition Gallery

Date: 2014-07-29~2014-09-28


For the first time ever in Korea, this exhibition will compare and appreciate traditional landscapes paintings of East Asia. The main purpose of this exhibition is to present various interpretations of the ideal life style depicted within East Asian painting.

4) Blue and White Porcelain of the Joseon DynastyLocation: Special Exhibition GalleryDate2014-09-30~2014-11-16


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=SC1_1_1&pageSize=10&langCodeCon=LC2&showID=9833Throughout the Joseon Dynasty, blue-and-white porcelain was

cherished not only for its splendid elegance and beauty, but also for its embodiment of the Confucian ideals revered by both royalty and the literati. This exhibition presents diverse examples of blue-and-white porcelain vessels from throughout the Joseon Dynasty, exploring the history and development of this superlative ceramic form.

5) A History of Asian Collection during the Japanese Colonial PeriodLocation: Special Exhibition GalleryDate2014-10-28~2015-01-11


During the Japanese Colonial Period (1910-1945), the Japanese Government General actively sought to gather cultural artifacts and works from throughout Asia, in the context of imperialist expansion. Many of these items were used to build the early Asian art collection of the National Museum of Korea, which is the focus of this exhibition.

歐美1. Freer Gallery of Art

1)Promise of Paradise: Early Chinese Buddhist SculptureOpens December 1, 2012- Indefinitely

2)CHIGUSA AND THE ART OF TEAFebruary 22–July 27, 2014Arthur M. Sackler Gallery

3)Chigusa and the Art of TeaFebruary 22, 2014 – July 27, 2014Museum: Sackler GalleryLocation: Sublevel 1Japanese collectors in the 16th century used the compact tea room as the setting for interacting with objects. Looking closely at form

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and surface, they singled out exceptional works and gave them personal names. These named objects could develop a reputation and a history as they were displayed and used in tea gatherings. This exhibition shows how one Chinese storage jar was transformed into a vessel worthy of display, adornment, and contemplation. Diaries of tea events reveal what the writers admired about Chigusa (tea-leaf storage jar), which appears alongside other cherished objects -- Chinese calligraphy, Chinese and Korean tea bowls, Japanese stoneware jars, and wooden vessels -- used during this formative era of Japanese tea culture. 

4)JarsMarch 15, 2014 – July 27, 2014 Museum: Sackler GalleryLocation: Sublevel 3 utilitarian storage jar is one of the most useful ceramics to have emerged from ancient Chinese kilns. Its basic structure—a compact container with four lugs on the shoulder, suitable for packing, shipping, and storage—was imitated throughout East and Southeast Asia. A complement to the exhibition Chigusa and the Art of Tea (on view through July 27, 2014), this display of 10 jars include the prototypical Chinese version, as well as variations from Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Burma.

5)Chinese Ceramics for Tea in JapanMarch 8–September 14, 2014Freer Gallery of Art, gallery 6a by Charles Lang Freer, these Chinese bowls, small jars, and other ceramics were used as tea utensils in sixteenth-century Japan as part of chanoyu,or the “art of tea.” Highlighting Chinese tea objects with long histories of use and admiration in Japan, Chinese Ceramics for Tea in Japan complements the Sackler’s exhibition Chigusa and the Art of Tea, on view February 22–July 27, 2014.

2. The Metropolitan Museum of Art1)Small Delights: Chinese Snuff Bottles

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July 19, 2013–June 15, 2014Location: Gallery 207

2)Colors of the Universe : Chinese Hardstone CarvingsDecember 11, 2013–July 6, 2014Location: Gallery 221

3)Out of Character: Decoding Chinese Calligraphy—Selections from the Collection of Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry Yang April 29–August 17, 2014Galleries 210–216 exhibition will feature more than forty outstanding examples of calligraphy from the collection of Jerry Yang and his wife, Akiko Yamazaki, created by leading artists of the Yuan (1271–1368), Ming (1368–1644), and Qing (1644–1911) dynasties. The selection of artworks and their interpretation in the galleries are intended to speak to beginners and specialists alike, using calligraphy of the highest quality to introduce key concepts of format, script type, and style. Some of the most notable works are a standard script transcription of a Buddhist sutra by Zhao Mengfu (1254–1322); a clerical script transcription of The Thousand-Character Classic in an eighty-five-leaf album by Wen Peng (1498–1573); a powerful cursive writing by Xiong Tingbi (1569–1625), a Ming general charged with defending the Great Wall; a selection of works by Dong Qichang (1555–1636), the preeminent calligrapher, painter, and art theorist of the late Ming dynasty; and an important group of nineteenth-century pieces by masters of the "Epigraphic School," who based their calligraphy on the archaic scripts found on bronze vessels and monumental stone steles.

3. Asian Art Museum of San FranciscoThe Carved Brush showcases 24 artworks by acclaimed Chinese artist Qi Baishi.

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October 29, 2013 —July 13, 2014

4. Nelson-Atkins Museum of ArtLiving with the Spirits: Decorating Homes in Traditional China January 31, 2014–July 20, 2014Gallery 222 festivals and seasonal occasions in China, family members select brightly colored prints to display on their doors, windows, walls and furniture. These prints, called New Year pictures (nianhua), heighten the cheerful holiday feeling.More than decoration, they represent cultural and spiritual values. They depict positive images of deities that protect the family, emblems of good fortune and theatrical scenes. The installation in the gallery re-creates the decoration of a traditional Chinese home. Laurence Sickman, the former curator and director who started the world-renowned collection of Chinese art at the Nelson-Atkins, acquired this collection of popular prints. While living and studying in China from 1930 to 1935, he decorated his own home with the colorful prints.

5. Asian Art Museum, National Museums in Berlin Collection of East Asian Art in the Museum für Asiatische Kunst

6. Smart Museum of Art  Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture February 13 – June 15, 2014

During the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) dynasties, Chinese passion for opera and theater permeated the visual and material world of everyday life. Opera lay at the heart of Chinese social life, from the village to the court, and the spectacle of theater was enjoyed not only on the stage—in costumes, props, and

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face painting—but also across the full spectrum of Chinese visual culture, from scroll paintings to popular prints.

One of the first major exhibitions of its kind in the West, Performing Images focuses on the vibrant imagery, rather than ethnographic artifacts, of Chinese opera. The exhibition examines the extent to which operatic characters and stories were represented in pictorial and decorative motifs in a wide array of media including ceramics, illustrated books, painted fans, prints, photographs, scroll paintings, and textiles. Featuring nearly eighty remarkable objects on loan from major museum collections, the exhibition and its catalogue reveal how Chinese visual and performing traditions were aesthetically, ritually, and commercially intertwined.

7. British Museum1)Ming: 50 years that changed China18 September 2014 – 4 January 2015The Sainsbury Exhibitions Gallery

Loans will be coming from 10 Chinese institutions and 21 international lenders

Features new research and discoveries

2)Gems of Chinese painting: a voyage along the Yangzi River3 April – 31 August 2014FreeRoom 91 /Open late Fridays the beauty and culture of south-east China in this selection of paintings dating from the 6th to the 19th centuries. The display includes the famous Admonitions Scroll (from 5 June) and examples of rare ceramics from the region.The Yangzi River runs through an area of south-east China known as Jiangnan (literally 'south of the river') that has been one of the country’s most prosperous and culturally productive regions. The

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paintings and ceramics in the exhibition reflect the diverse life of its inhabitants, such as the elegant literati scholars and wealthy merchants, as well as fishermen and farmers. Landscape paintings from along the Yangzi River show lush, fertile fields and rolling hills and highlight the region’s famous gardens. Paintings and ceramics from Jiangnan have shaped in great part our image of traditional China.Jiangnan is also a region where some of the finest examples of the Chinese concept of the three arts – poetry, calligraphy and painting – were produced. It is the home of China’s patriarchs of calligraphy and painting, including Gu Kaizhi (c. 344–406).The famous Admonitions Scroll, traditionally attributed to Gu Kaizhi, is an early example for the combination of the three arts. It is one of the most important Chinese paintings to survive anywhere in the world. Due to its fragility and for conservation reasons, it is rarely shown and will now be on display in the exhibition between 5 June and 16 July. After this you will be able to see a digital version of the scroll on an interactive touchscreen.

8. British LibraryExhibition: ‘The Diamond Sutra and Early Printing’March 2014 – August 2015Sir John Ritblat Gallery The Dunhuang Diamond Sutra, the world’s earliest, dated, complete printed book, will be on display at the British Library for the first time since a programme of long-term conservation was completed. It will be shown alongside other examples of early printing in Asia.

9. Royal Ontario Museum1)Explore The Forbidden City over 500 years, the gates of the world's largest imperial palace were closed to all but the emperor, his family and servants. This stunning new exhibition invites you to cross the threshold to see over 200 national treasures from Beijing's Palace Museum – some travelling outside China for the first time. Compelling characters, engaging stories, and family adventure frame these extraordinary objects as you journey from the gates of the outer court, through

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the inner court and into the emperor's private spaces, revealing the everyday lives of all those who paid a price to live inside The Forbidden City…

2)Collecting Asia: The First 50 Years, 1908 – 1958 | Level 1 Opens June 14, 2014Herman Herzog Levy Gallery, Level 1 1908 to 1958 a group of influential individuals, scholars and art dealers were instrumental in building the ROM’s renowned Asian collections through offering financial support , their collecting prowess and knowledge of Asian cultures. A remarkable collection was assembled, which brought awareness and understanding of distant cultures to Canadians, and a century later continues to connect visitors to the world and to each other. The exhibition will include objects that have never been or are rarely on display, as well as fascinating letters illuminating the stories behind the acquisition of many of the pieces. The ROM was established as an international museum and forged a long-standing relationship with China, echoed today by the partnership with Beijing’s Palace Museum to present The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors Presented by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation; Lead Sponsor Manulife.

演講:1. 松-美と徳の造形-鑑賞講座


地點:黑川古文化研究所 研究所講演室(入館者は聴講無料)にて

5月10日(土) 講者:杉本欣久講題:「松に込めたおもいー江戸時代の絵画ー」




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2. Literati Taste of Supervisor Tang Ying: A Study Based on Newly Discovered Ceramics He Commissioned" May Huang (Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute) Oriental Ceramic Society, Sotheby's, London, UK 11 May 2014 As an excellent supervisor of the imperial kilns, Tang Ying(1682-1756) has achieved brilliant results during the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods. At the same time he took advantage of his access to the manufactories to make a number of porcelains for himself and his friends. These wares, which were commissioned by Tang Ying and not by the Emperor, genuinely embody his literary taste and personality. This lecture will present several categories of such porcelains including some newly discovered pieces auctioned recently, and by analyzing their style and design philosophy and looking at documentary records identify the characteristics of this type of porcelain and offer a new view on Supervisor Tang Ying. Admission is free but places are limited and booking essential. RSVP: [email protected] or phone +44 (0)20 7293 6442.

3. 臺北故宮博物院藏玉器時間:2014-05-11 周日 10:00-12:00地點:上海博物館觀眾活動中心主講人:臺北故宮博物院器物處 蔡慶良*本講座需報名,報名網址:

4. 青銅迴響——故宮青銅器巡禮時間:2014年 5月 11日(週日)9:30-11:30地點:北京故宮學院教學樓 408階梯教室主 講 人:丁孟(故宮器物部副主任)講座提綱:  中國青銅器研究不僅是中國文化史、考古學研究中的重要課題,而且中國青銅文化在世界文化史、文明史中也具有突出地位。由於青銅禮樂器在古代中國被貴族階級視作等級身份的象徵,所以青銅器研究不單從物質文化角度看有價值,從社會史研究角度來看亦有突出意義。  本次講座將涉及有關故宮博物院藏中國青銅器研究的各項重要專題,包括:中國青銅時代與青銅器的特徵,古代青銅器和皇家的聯繫,故宮青銅器的類別

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5. 殷墟出土青銅器的化學分析成果主講人:內田純子 博士(中研院史語所助研究員)時 間:2014年 5月 12日(週一)上午 10:00地 點:中研院史語所文物陳列館五樓會議室

6. 103年中研院史語所歷史文物陳列館第二次通俗演講專題演講第一場主講人:王三慶 教授(國立成功大學中國文學研究所)講 題:從敦煌塔的倒塌到張大千的無意挖寶第二場主講人:朱鳳玉 教授(國立嘉義大學中文系)講 題:藏經洞之謎與敦煌小學堂時 間:2014年 5月 17日下午 2:00-4:00地 點:中研院史語所文物館B1演講廳

7. 古塔遺珍時間:2014-05-18 周日 14:00-16:00地點:上海博物館觀眾活動中心主講人:上海博物館考古研究部研究員 何繼英*本講座需報名,報名網址:

8. Explore The Forbidden City lecture series The Forbidden City lecture series will present multiple perspectives and deeper exploration of themes from the exhibition, from China and all around the world, both historical and contemporary.MAY 20Imperial Costumes and Projections of DesireDr Angela Sheng, formerly of the Royal Ontario Museum and a key historical consultant on the film,The Last Emperor, will highlight both the symbolism behind the garments, as well as how she used the ROM’s collections to create the fantastic costumes in The Last Emperor.

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Register for this lecture onlyJUNE 17Nature All Around UsJoin a team of experts, from a Biologist to an expert in ancient Chinese paintings, as we piece together the historical flora and fauna of dynastic China. Experts include Senior ROM Curator Bob Murphy and the Louise Hawley Stone Chair for East Asian Art, Dr Wen-chien Cheng.Register for this lecture only

9. The Dawn of Buddhist Art in China: Models, Copies and Transformations演講者:Prof. Nicoletta Celli(University of Bologna, Italy)


10.眉目不老,都待書成時候藏——《隸辨》、《隸篇》與漢碑拓本考訂時間:2014-05-23 週五 19:00-21:00地點:上海博物館觀眾活動中心主講人:上海博物館副研究館員 魏小虎*本講座需報名,報名網址:

11.展覽的教育視角——長沙窯瓷的收藏與展示時間:2014-05-31 週六 10:00-12:00地點:上海博物館學術報告廳主講人:湖南省博物館副館長 李建毛*本講座需報名,報名網址:

12.「武家のみやこ 鎌倉の仏像 -迫真とエキゾチシズム-」 公開講座

会場:奈良國立博物館講堂5月31日(土)13:30 ~ 15:00「鎌倉地方で花開いた肖像彫刻」

講者:内藤 浩之(鎌倉国宝館副館長補佐)13.發現霸國時間:2014-06-01 周日 14:00-16:00

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地點:上海博物館學術報告廳主講人:山西博物院院長 石金鳴*本講座需報名,報名網址:

14.Civil War and the Chinese Garden Thursday, June 05, 20144:15 pm – 5:30 pmTobie Meyer-Foung - Professor, History Department, Johns Hopkins UniversityThe Chinese garden now symbolizes timeless national, cultural, and aesthetic values. But as real property in the past, gardens inevitably were subject to the vicissitudes of their times. This talk focuses on gardens and the Taiping Civil War (1851-1863). During the war, many gardens were reduced to tile shards and ash. Surviving gardens functioned as objects of longing and nostalgia, sites of refuge (physical and emotional), or a means to display status under the new regime. In the post-war period, gardens served as status symbols, places to commemorate loss or celebrate restoration, and venues for renewed sociability. In her talk, Professor Meyer-Fong will explore the multiple meanings associated with gardens, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the Qing regime--in the past--and today.TBA, Please check back for updates.

15.黃易•訪碑時間:2014-06-06 週五 19:00-21:00地點:上海博物館觀眾活動中心主講人:故宮博物院書畫部館員 秦明*本講座需報名,報名網址:

16.碑帖的裝裱與修復時間:2014-06-07 週六 10:00-12:00地點:觀眾活動中心主講人:日本大阪漢和堂 陸宗潤*本講座需報名,報名網址:

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17.「長青館藏明清瓷、玉、角、竹、畫琺瑯」配套活動講題:昌南遺韻 ─ 漫談長青館藏明清官窰瓷器(粵語)講者:林業強教授(香港中文大學中國文化研究所名譽研究員)時間:2014.6.7 (星期六)2:30 – 4:30pm

研討會:1. 談何容藝:國立臺灣師範大學美術研究所理論組碩博生第一屆學術研討會時間:2014/5/23-5/24,9:00-17:30 地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館,B1國際會議廳(106臺北市和平東路 1段129號)議程:

台師大美術研究所理論組碩博生學術研討會流程 Day 1

時間:103年 5月 23日(五)地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館B1‧國際會議廳



開幕暨貴賓致詞國立臺灣師範大學美術學系 楊永源 主任



第一場次主持人:白適銘 教授

時間 發表人 題目 評論人09:45|













喬治.錢納利與中國圖像:論 19世紀廣東地區的中西文化


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上半場 開放討論主持人:白適銘 教授





第二場次主持人:廖新田 教授














中場 開放討論主持人:廖新田 教授






從第 55屆威尼斯雙年展台灣館事件,觀察台灣當代藝術之機制運作與生產關係










下半場 圓桌討論主持人:廖新田 教授


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17:30 第一天研討會結束

台師大美術研究所理論組碩博生學術研討會流程Day 2

時間:103年 5月 24日(六)地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館B1‧國際會議廳



第三場次主持人:林承緯 教授

時間 發表人 題目 評論人09:05|
























上半場 開放討論主持人:林承緯 教授



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第四場次主持人:楊永源 教授


















下半場 開放討論主持人:楊永源 教授



報名網址:聯絡信箱:[email protected]

2. Scholars' Day: Chinese Paintings from Japanese CollectionsLACMA, Brown AuditoriumWednesday, May 28 | 9:30 am–5 pmFree, reservations required | Participation is limitedThe Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) invites you to Scholars’ Day, held in conjunction with the exhibition Chinese Paintings from Japanese Collections. This program brings together curators, academics, collectors, and graduate students to examine themes in the exhibition when it is closed to the public. The day features five lectures exploring the history of collecting Chinese paintings in Japan from the Kamakura through early Shōwa periods presented by the following speakers: 

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Stephen LITTLE, Curator and Head of the Chinese and Korean Art Department, LACMA 

Christina YU, Assistant Curator of Chinese Art, LACMA Yoshiaki SHUMIZU, Professor Emeritus, Japanese Art, Princeton

University and 2014 Guest Scholar, Getty Research Institute Masaaki ITAKURA, Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Study

of Asia, University of Tokyo Maromitsu TSUKAMOTO, Curator of Chinese Art, Tokyo National

MuseumThe lectures will take place in the morning and early afternoon and will be followed by a private viewing of the exhibition in the late afternoon. We hope this day will be informative, provocative, and a forum for potential new study.Participation is limited; please RSVP below by May 7.3. 9th Young Scholars Symposium of Buddhist StudiesChinese University of Hong Kong25-28 July 2014[from H-NET, 2/12/14]Ever since 2006, The Center for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism has organized Young Scholars Symposium of Buddhist Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This year, the centre and the Academy of Chinese Buddhism will co-organize [the] 2014 9th Young Scholars Symposium of Buddhist Studies and International Conference on the Studies of Chinese Buddhism. We take this opportunity to invite you to come to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to present your research and articulate your views on the study of Chinese Buddhism. The theme of this year's event is Chinese Buddhism in various aspects such as history and philosophy through different approaches such as sociology and hermeneutics. It will provide a unique platform for scholars as well as postgraduate students to expand their research and exchange their views on the study of Chinese Buddhism, hopefully establishing close relationship of scholars from the East and the West.Opening ceremony is scheduled to be held in the afternoon of 25 July, three panels will be held simultaneously on the whole day of 25 July and 26 July. Participants may leave Hong Kong on 28 July, 2014.All scholars including Ph. D candidates in Chinese Buddhism studies are welcome.How to Apply:

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1. Applicants should download the relevant application form for registration. 2. Full paper should be about 8000 words in Chinese or 5000 in English, including the title, author, abstract, key words, main text, footnotes and references. 3. Please e-mail your registration form and full paper to [email protected] Dates and Deadlines: Deadline for all registration: 15 March, 2014 I For Scholars: Date of notification of acceptance: on or before 30 March, 2014 Deadline for paper submission: on or before 30 June, 2014 II. For Ph.D. Candidates: Deadline for paper submission: on or before 15 June, 2014 Date of notification of acceptance: 30 June, 2014Registration: 1. Registration fee: free of charge. 2. The organizers may provide a package of HKD 3500 (maximum) for invited participants to subsidize their accommodation and transportation fees. The organizer has the right to decide the exact amount of subsidy to each participant, and it will be clearly stated in the invitation letter. 3. Invited participants should book hotels themselves with the subsidy offered; the organizers only recommend some close by hotels for reference. (All invited scholars' information will be provided at the end of March) 4. luncheons and tea breaks will be served during the event.Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism Rm 221, 2/F Leung Kau Kui Building The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, Hong Kong tel +(852) 3943-6707 fax +(852) 3943-4132 e-mail [email protected]

4. "Zheng He's Maritime Voyages (1405-1433) and China's Relations with the Indian Ocean" World from Antiquity conference 

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University of Victoria Victoria, BC 22-24 August 2014

[from H-ASIA, 6/23/13]Eighty-seven years before Christopher Columbus's first transatlantic voyage, another of the world's greatest navigators, the Chinese admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho), launched the first of the seven voyages he would lead across the Indian Ocean between 1405 and 1433. This international conference on August 22-24 at the University of Victoria, focuses both on Zheng He's epic voyages in the early fifteenth century, and on China's millennia of relations with the Indian Ocean world (extending from East Africa and the Middle East through South and Southeast Asia to the Far East).Conference themes will include ecological diversity and interconnections, transportation over land and sea, the migration of plants, animals and people, the exchange of goods and gifts, contacts through diplomacy and warfare, the spread of religions and technologies, as well as other forms of interactions between China and the Indian Ocean world from ancient to modern times, especially around Zheng He's era. The conference's working languages will be English and Chinese, and papers can be written and presented in either language. The Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI) at the University of Victoria is hosting the conference.The deadline for submission of abstracts (maximum 300 words) and personal contact information is February 15, 2014. The deadline for submission of papers in English or Chinese (max. 10,000 words in MS Word) is July 31, 2014. The early registration fee is CAN$100 (CAN$50 for students), payable by May 15, 2014. (The registration fee will be waived for a student presenter of an accepted paper). The late registration fee (after May 15, 2014) is CAN$150 (CAN$100 for students).Participants are expected to pay for their own travel and lodgings. We can provide information on travel and lodging in Victoria and have a preferred conference rate with the Inn at Laurel Point.This conference reflects active participation by the University of Victoria in the international Major Collaborative Research Initiatives program, “The Indian Ocean World: The Making of the First Global Economy in the Context of Human-Environment Interaction.”

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Please send abstracts and contact information (name, title, institution, e-mail address, postal address, and phone number) to [email protected]. For more information see

5. Fifth Annual Feminist Art History Conference American University Washington, DC 31 October - 2 November 2014 This annual conference builds on the legacy of feminist art-historical scholarship and pedagogy initiated by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard at American University. To further the inclusive spirit of their groundbreaking anthologies, we invite papers on subjects spanning the chronological spectrum, from the ancient world through the present, to foster a broad dialogue on feminist art-historical practice. Papers may address such topics as: artists, movements, and works of art and architecture; cultural institutions and critical discourses; practices of collecting, patronage, and display; the gendering of objects, spaces, and media; the reception of images; and issues of power, agency, gender, and sexuality within visual cultures. Submissions on under-represented art-historical fields, geographic areas, national traditions, and issues of race and ethnicity are encouraged. To be considered for participation, please provide a single document in Microsoft Word. It should consist of a one-page, single-spaced proposal of unpublished work up to 500 words for a 20-minute presentation, followed by a curriculum vitae of no more than two pages. Please name the document "[last name]-proposal" and submit with the subject line "[last name]-proposal" to [email protected]. Submission Deadline: May 15, 2014 Invitations to participate will be sent by July 1. Keynote speaker: Professor Lisa Gail Collins (Vassar College)
