
UNIVERSITATEA BABE-BOLYAI, CLUJ-NAPOCA Centrul de Formare Continu i nvmnt la Distan Facultatea de Geografie Specializarea: Geografia turismului Disciplina: LIMBA ENGLEZ PENTRU TURISM


ANUL II Semestrul 2 (4)

CLUJ-NAPOCA 2010 - 2011


UNIVERSITATEA BABE-BOLYAI CLUJ-NAPOCA FACULTATEA DE GEOGRAFIE ANUL UNIVERSITAR: 2010-2011 ANUL II/SEMESTRUL II (IV) SPECIALIZARE: GEOGRAFIA TURISMULUI (NVMNT LA DISTAN) SYLLABUS DISCIPLINA: LIMBA ENGLEZ PENTRU TURISM I. Date de identificare ale titularului de curs i a cursului1) Date de contact ale titularului de curs Nume: Conf. univ. dr. Silvia IRIMIEA Birou: str. Clinicilor 5-7 Str. Clinicilor, nr. 5-7 Telefon: 0264-4322020 Fax: 0264-4322020 E-mail: [email protected] Consultaii: se vor comunica la nceputul anului universitar 2) Date de identificare a cursului Numele cursului: Limba englez pentru turism Codul cursului: AD 2201 Anul, Semestrul: anul II, semestrul II Tipul cursului: obligatoriu Pagina web a cursului: postat pe pagina web a Facultii de Geografie:, la seciunea Cursuri

II. Condiionri i cunotine prerechizite Cursul limba englez pentru turism i propune s dezvolte abiliti i cunotine lingvistice i profesionale n limba englez necesare persoanelor care vizeaz ocuparea unor posturi de conducere din domeniul activitilor de turism. Cursul se adreseaz tuturor studenilor nscrii la specializarea Geografia turismului- nvmnt la distan. Cunotinele cuprinse n modul se bazeaz pe cunotinele acumulate anterior (n cadrul moduleleor de pregtire preuniversitar), dar materialul propus spre predare va fi adaptat corespunztor nivelului cursanilor n cadrul ntlnirilor fa-n-fa precum i urmare a dialogului profesor-student iniiat pe internet/forum-ul de dialog. III. Descrierea cursului Disciplina are un coninut relativ bogat i complex din punct de vedere lingvistic i urmrete s asigure formarea/consolidarea competenelor i deprinderilor de utilizare a limbii engleze n situaii specifice domeniului vizat. Modulul propus depete sfera lingvistic oferind, totodat, i cunotine i deprienderi profesionale asociate cu diverse job-uri specifice sectorului turistic. Materialul propus este conceput ntr-o form interactiv, iar metoda utilizat este cea comunicativ. Aceasta nseamn c seciunile unitilor, pe lng partea expozitorie, cuprind i ntrebri, exerciii i sarcini de lucru practice care implic lucrul individual sau n echip. Materialele lingvistice incluse ca, spre exemplu, lectura unor texte sunt, de asemenea, direcionate spre formarea sau consolidarea unor deprinderi lingvistico-profesionale. Att textele ct i materialele lingvistice asociate cu probleme de gramatic, scriere, vorbire au n vedere i obiective educaionale, de formare/consolidare a deprinderilor socio-lingvistice i culturale. IV. Organizarea temelor n cadrul cursului Cursul limba englez pentru turism reunete cteva teme generoase, necesare i utile specialitilor i managerilor din turism, precum: Cadrul de distribuie n sectorul turistic, aagenti, tipuri de agenii, stiluri de management. Fiecare tem/modul incorporeaz patru segmente, n condiiile n care fiecare segment este dedicat formrii unei deprinderi: (1) lectur i comprehensiune, (2) utilizarea eficient i corect a limbii(gramatic), (3) vorbire i (4) scriere. Att problemele legate de utilizarea limbii ct i cele care


vizeaz scrierea i vorbirea sunt adaptate temei generale, care la rndul ei, urmrete nu numai formarea de deprinderi lingvistice ci i profesionale. Spre exemplu, n cadrul modulului Travel Agents. problema de gramatic expus se refer la utilizarea timpurile verbale, iar seciunile de scriere i vorbire intesc situaii specifice unui agent, precum: susinerea unei prezentri, descrierea (unui produs, destinaii, itineraretc.) Temele/modulele (coninuturile cursului i aplicaiile practice aferente) vor putea fi consultate pe site-ul Facultii de Geografie, la adresa, la seciunea Cursuri, precum i pe CD-urile ce vor fi oferite studenilor de la specializarea Geografia Turismului, varianta ID. c) Obiectivele generale ale cursului i Organizarea Obiectivele generale ale cursului limba englez pentru turism sunt : S ofere cunotine de limb specifice domeniului i activitilor; S formeze i consolideze deprinderile de utilizare a limbii engleze n mod corect i eficient n comunicarea verbal i cea scris de specialitate; S ofere cunotine generale i particulare legate de activitatea turistic S ofere cunotine despre activiti specifice managerului n asociere cu limbajul formal pe care acesta trebuie sa-l adopte i s-l utilizeze n comunicarea cu clienii, colaboratorii, media. Cursul va fi structurat n cinci pri dup cum urmeaz: 1. Mediating between torusits and services providers. 2. Flight issues. 3. Reporting on tourism activities. 4. The tourism guides responsibilities V. Formatul i tipul activitilor implicate de curs (sarcinile practice ale studentului) a) Sarcini Cursul Limba englez pentru turism se pliaz pe dou coordonate n ceea ce privete activitile/sarcinile practice de lucru ale studentului. Prima vizeaz ntlnirile fa-n-fa, prilej cu care studenii vor efectua sarcini de lucru din zonele lingvistice care presupun formarea i comsolidarea unor deprinderi de comunicare verbal. Tutorele de curs va insista asupra problemelor de pronunie i comunicare verbal corect i eficient n cadrul acestor sesiuni directe, oferind o pondere mai mare sarcinilor de lucru legate de comunicarea scris n atribuirea unor sarcini drept teme de cas. n cadrul sesiunilor directe, titularul de curs are ocazia s clarifice conceptele i noiunile teoretice prezentate a priori, insitnd asupra elementelor de limb care fie nu au fost receptate corect, fie pun probleme. Sarcinile practice de lucru presupun implicarea studenilor n realizarea unor proiecte care s solicite nu numai cunotine de limb ci i cunotiune legate de activitile specifice din turism. Ponderea sarcinilor practice (rezolvarea unor aplicaii practice) n nota final va fi de 50%; restul de 50% reprezint evaluarea cunotinelor finale dobndite n cadrul cursului. Sarcinile sunt centrate pe rezolvarea unor probleme concrete induse de activitatea agentului i managerului ageniei de turism i de adaptarea i soluionarea diverselor situaii pe care acetia le pot ntmpina. Stabilirea i afiarea sarcinilor de lucru se va face on-line. Este recomandabil ca acestea s fie realizate n timp util, pentru a evita suprapunerea i nerealizarea lor. b) Teme de cas Pentru fiecare modul se vor indica exerciiile i sarcinile de lucru; ponderea lor n nota final de promovare a examenului va fi de 50%. c) Examenul Examenul survine dup parcurgerea materialului i realizarea sarcinilor de lucru (a cror pondere n nota final va fi de 50%). Pentru examenul final sudenii vor nva din suportul de curs i din notiele luate cu ocazia fiecrei ntlniri modulare. Tematica examenului va fi transmis n cadrul ntlnirilor modulare i on-line.


d) Comunicarea on-line: Anunuri, E-mailuri i Forum de discuii Majoritatea informaiilor v vor fi transmise prin intermediul seciunii Anunuri de pe site-ul Facultii de Geografie, la adresa, precum i prin intermediul e-mail-ului. n consecin, consultarea zilnic a e-mail-ului i a site-ului Facultii de Geografie devine o necesitate. In consecin, studenii sunt obligai s urmreasc zilnic informaiile transmise. Este, de asemenea, deosebit de improtant ca adresa de e-mail s fie adus la zi. VI. Bibliografie obligatorie Irimiea Silvia Blanca, English for Travel Agents, Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, P. 196. Irimiea Silvia Blanca, A Guidebook to Professional Writing, RISOPRINT, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, P. 163 Irimiea Silvia Blanca, English for International Tourism. English for Tourism Managers, Presa Universitara Clujeana , Cluj-Napoca, 2006, P. 194 Irimiea Silvia, English for International Tourism,Presa Universitar Clujean, Cluj-Napoca, 2000. 5.Jacob, M. and Strutt P., (1997), English for International Tourism, Longman. Surse internet: 1. 2. www.nationalgeographic/expeditions 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Referinele bibliografice sunt precizate att n suportul de curs ct i on-line. Sursele bibliografice mpreun cu suportul de curs ofer condiiile de pregtire pentru o nsuire eficient a cunotinelor i deprinderilor. VII. Materiale i instrumente necesare Optimizarea secvenelor de nvare/formare reclam accesul studenilor de la specializarea Geografia Turimului, forma de nvmnt nvmnt la Distan la urmtoarele resurse: computer conectat la internet (pentru a putea accesa bazele de date i resursele electronice suplimentare dar i pentru a putea participa la secvenele de formare interactiv on-line care necesit respectarea termenelor i consultarea suporturilor de lucru, etc.); imprimant (pentru tiprirea materialelor-suport, a temelor redactate, a studiilor de caz); acces la resursele bibliografice; acces la echipamente de fotocopiere. VIII. Calendar al cursului Pe parcursul semestrului I sunt programate 4 ntlniri fa n fa (consultaii) cu toi studenii cu scopul monitorizrii modului n care sunt rezolvate sarcinile practice i clarificrii oricror nelmuriri legate de coninutul lingvistico-profesional al modulelor.


Pentru prima ntlnire este obligatorie lecturarea atent a primului modul (Unit 1) i rezolvarea aplicaiilor; se vor preda i discuta aplicaiile aferente modulului 1; Pentru a doua ntlnire este obligatorie lecturarea atent a modulului 2 (Unit 2) i rezolvarea aplicaiilor; se vor preda i discuta aplicaiile aferente modulului 2; Pentru a treia ntlnire este obligatorie lecturarea atent a modulului 3 (Unit 3) i rezolvarea aplicaiilor; se vor preda i discuta aplicaiile aferente modulului 3; Pentru a patra ntlnire este obligatorie pregtirea modulului 4 (Unit 4) i se va verifica nelegerea coninutului acestuia. Aplicaiile practice vor fi discutate i rezolvate n cadrul fiecrei ntlniri (acestea vor constitui 50% din nota final). n cazuri deosebite, titularul de curs va monitoriza i pe alte ci realizarea sarcinilor de lucru, pstrnd permanent contactul cu studenii via internet(forum-ul studenilor) Examenul final, cu pondere de 50% din nota final se va desfura n perioada sesiunii de examene. Cursanii vor primi rezultatele sarcinilor de lucru i activitii nainte de prezentarea la examen. Numrul maxim de puncte obinute pe baza rezolvrii aplicaiilor practice de la modulele parcurse este 50. ntlnirile de lucru se vor desfura conform calendarului sintetic al disciplinei exprimat n tabelul de mai jos. Calendarul sintetic al disciplineiNr. crt ntlniri directe Pondere aplicaii practice/e xamen final 15 puncte


Data 12 martie 2011 orele 10,00 12,00 (sala C5) 9 aprilie 2011 orele 10,00 12,00 (sala C5) 14 mai 2011 orele 10,00 12,00 (sala C5) iunie 2011 (sala C5)


ntlnirea 1

- discutarea problemelor legate de modulul 1(Unit 1) - discutarea (verificarea) aplicaiilor practice de la modulul 1 - discutarea problemelor legate de modulul 2(Unit 2) - discutarea (verificarea) aplicaiilor practice de la modulul 2 - discutarea problemelor legate de modulul 3(Unit 3) - discutarea (verificarea) aplicaiilor practice de la modulul 3 - derularea examenului final


ntlnirea 2

15 puncte

3 5

ntlnirea 3 Examen final

15 puncte 50 puncte

IX. Politica de evaluare i notare Procesul de evaluare i stabilirea notei finale la acest curs va avea dou componente: 1. nsumarea punctajelor obinute pentru rezolvarea sarcinilor de lucru (aplicaiilor practice existente n fiecare din cele patru module): 50 puncte maxim; 2. nota obinut la examenul final (derulat n cadrul celei de a patra ntlniri directe): 50 puncte maxim. Astfel, rezult un punctaj total maxim de 100 puncte, aferent notei finale 10. Fiecare modul cuprinde un numr de 3-10 aplicaii practice, care vor fi puse la dispoziia tutorilor i a cursantului, prin intermediului suportului de curs i a materialelor bibliografice obligatorii. De asemenea, fiecare aplicaie practic va fi discutat n cadrul ntlnirilor cu studenii, urmnd ca ulterior, ele s fie rezolvate i transmise titularului de curs. Pentru predarea temelor, se vor respecta cu strictee cerinele titularului de curs, orice abatere de la acestea aducnd dup sine penalizri sau pierderea punctajului corespunztor acelui set de sarcini practice. Evaluarea aplicaiilor practice se va face imediat


dup primirea lor, iar afiarea pe site-ul facultii a punctajelor obinute de ctre fiecare student se va realiza n cel mult dou sptmni de la data depunerii/primirii aplicaiilor. Dac studentul consider c activitatea sa practic a fost subapreciat de ctre evaluator, atunci poate solicita feed-back suplimentar prin contactarea direct a evaluatorului, prin e-mail sau direct. Nota final la acest curs va fi bazat pe procentele cumulate din ntreg, iar notele vor avea la baz criterii de performan. Pentru obinerea unui punctaj complet este nevoie de rezolvarea tuturor aplicaiilor practice existente i de prezena la examenul final, punctele fiind cumulate din aceste dou forme de evaluare; lipsa uneia dintre aceste dou componente se soldeaz cu lipsa notei finale din ecuaia de notare i, implicit nepromovarea examenului la disciplina Limba englez pentru turism. Studenii trebuie s tie c silabusul de fa reprezint un suport minimal, a crui simpl parcurgere nu este suficient pentru promovarea examenului. n vederea promovrii examenului cu o not satisfctoare, studenii vor parcurge bibliografia indicat n cadrul acestui syllabus. X. Elemente de deontologie academic Frauda se penalizeaz prin notarea cu 0 a lucrrii respective. Se consider fraud, plagierea total sau parial a coninutului lucrrii predate (fie c e plagiat din lucrri publice, fie din lucrrile altor colegi). Cadrul didactic i asum responsabilitatea de a dovedi material frauda. n cazul n care doi sau mai muli studeni predau lucrri identice sau similare n totalitate sau parial, nota pe lucrarea respectiv se va mpri la numrul de studeni care au predat aceeai lucrare sau lucrri, vdit similare n form i coninut. Pentru predarea temelor se vor respecta cu strictee cerinele formatorilor. Orice abatere de la acestea aduce dup sine penalizri sau pierderea punctajului corespunzator acelei lucrri. Evaluarea acestor lucrri se va face imediat dup preluare, iar afiarea pe site a notelor acordate se va realiza la cel mult 2 sptmni de la data depunerii/primirii lucrrii. Dac studentul consider ca activitatea sa a fost subapreciat de ctre evaluatori, atunci poate solicita feed-back suplimentar prin contactarea tutorilor sau a titularului disciplinei prin e-mail. Contestaiile pot fi adresate n maxim 24 de ore de la afiarea rezultatelor, iar soluionarea lor nu va depi 48 de ore de la momentul depunerii. XI. Studeni cu nevoi speciale n vederea oferirii de anse egale studenilor afectai de dizabiliti motorii sau intelectuale, titularul de curs i manifest disponibilitatea de a comunica cu studenii prin intermediul potei electronice. Astfel, studenii cu dizabiliti vor putea adresa ntrebrile lor legate de tematica cursului Limba englez pentru turism pe adresa de email a titularului de curs, menionat la nceputul acestui silabus, putnd primi lmuririle necesare n maxim 48 de ore de la primirea mesajului. XII. Strategii de lucru recomandate Pentru a obine performana maxim, studenii trebuie s in cont de urmtoarele recomandri n ceea ce privete studiul individual, precum i activitile colective realizate n cadrul cursului: 1. Este recomandat ca studiul acestor probleme s se fac n ordinea numerotrii unitilor de curs. 2. Este recomandat ca studiul s se bazeze pe o bibliografie minimal, indicat n silabus i pe alte surse bibliografice indicate de tutori. 3. Se recomand participarea la discuii i analize mpreun cu tutorii, pe marginea temelor indicate spre studiu. 4. CLUJ-NAPOCA, Conf. univ. dr. IRIMIEA SILVIA


Contents1. Unit1Mediatingbetweentouristsandtourismstaff 7 Reading:Guiding.HistoricalbuildingsinClujNapoca 7 Speaking:Mediatingbetweenthetouristandtheserviceproviders: Advisingtouristsonhotels,meals,optionaltrips 11 Writing:Writingpositivefeedbackandnegativefeedback 13 HowtoComplainEffectivelyatYourHotelGetMe theManager 15 Questionnaires 17 2. Unit2

Carryingoutguidingspecificactivities.FlightissuesReading:Luggageissues Speaking:Preparingthetouristfortheflight Writing:Baggageclaim.Isyourluggagemissing? Writingclaims

2020 21 23 25

3. Unit3

Reportingontourismactivities(trips,calls,customers)26 Reading:RyanairReport 26Speaking:Conveyinginformationonfinancialitems Writing:Reportwriting 27 28

4. Unit4




Unit 1

Mediating between tourists and tourism staff

Tourist attractions in Cluj-NapocaAncient Historic Buildings The Tailors BastionTailors Bastion ( in Hungarian Bethlen bstyja, alternative Szabk bstyja, in translation "Bastionul Bethlen" or "Bastionul Croitorilor") is one of the few fortification towers that were part of the Old Fortress of Cluj and which is relativly well preserved until today.It was funded by the Tailors Guild from Cluj. Each bastion(tower) of the medieval defence wall was funded by a guild ( tailors,cobblers,carpenters, wheelwrights,potters, bricklayers/masons,saddlers etc.) The history of the tower The tower represents the south-east corner of the medieval wall built at the beginning of the XV century ( it was historically evidenced in 1475). Between 1627-1629, during the reign of prince Gabriel Bethlen, the tower was rebuilt. Its form is still traceable. It has been build from polished stone and the massive walls still show the holes used for shooting. To the north, against it , a piece of stone wall with battlements and a guard path have been preserved . The tower was named after the tailors guild of Cluj who maintained it and had the obligation to defend the town in that point. It is the only tower of the old fortress which is well preserved even today. After the battle of Mirslu, Baba Novac and the priest Saski were captured, tortured and executed in the old city of Cluj by the Transylvanian nobles. Baba Novacs body was exposed near the tower, in 1601. He was Mihai Viteazus general. In Baba Novacs memory, a statue made by the sculptor Virgil Fulicea was built in 1975 . The tower The tower was rebuilt in 1924 and transformed into a museum by the Historic Monuments Commission. It was reconstructed again in 1959. In recent decades the bastion was left in decay although there were declared intentions from the municipal representatives to use its tourist potential. Nevertheless, in 20072009 it was restored and put to tourism use. Now it is hosting the Center of Urban Culture, which has a coffee house located in the basement, a conference room and exhibition spaces.


Saint Michaels Church(Biserica Sf. Mihail)

The Roman-Catholic Church of St. Michael(Sfntul Mihail)(in Hungarian Kolozsvri Szent Mihly-templom, in German Klausenburger Michaelskirche)is one of the most valuable architectual monuments, built in the Gothic style, of Cluj-Napoca. The building has been raised in the Central Square(the nowdays Piata Unirii) and is among the emblematic monuments of the Somes Valley. Along with the Black Church of Brashov and the Evangelical Cathedral of Sibiu, St. Michaels (Sfntul Mihail) Church of Cluj is considered to be one of the most towering buildings in a gothic style of Romania, having a length of 70 meters and a maximum height of almost 80 meters. Despite its towering aspect, it is necessary to mention that the building has not been and it is not a Cathedral, but a Church.History In a document issued on the 19th of august 1316, Carol Robert of Anjou granted a series of privileges and freedoms to Cluj, among which the citys right to choose freely its priest and its vicar. This freedom had to be materialized by building a parish Church. The Church was raised on a stripe of land that served as cemetery and where there was a chapel dedicated to St. Jacob. Very little data on the rising of the building have been still preserved. The main document is one issued on January 1349, by the pontiff court of Avignon, in which indulgences were granted to those who would financialy contribute to the construction of the halidom. The construction of the halidom evolved in two phases: the first one started in 1316 and was completed in 1390, followed by the second phase lasting from 1410 till 1487. In 1390 the altar was also completed. Two towers were designed to flank the main facade, but only the one from the north-west side has been raised between 1511 and 1543. In 1697, the tower was destroyed by the fire and then rebuilt in the baroque style in 1744. This last tower had to be demolished in 1763, due to the risk of collapsing, following an earthquake that had damaged it very much. In 1837, the nowdays clock tower, in the neogothic style, of the northen facade of the Church, was being built, and it was completed in 1860. The tower remains even nowdays the highest church tower in Romania. During the turbulent period of the Reformation, the church successively served a number of religious communities: thus, between 1545 and 1558, the church bellonged to the Lutheran community, between 1558 and 1566 to the Calvinist one, and from 1566 to the Unitarian Church , remaining so for a period of 150 years, until it was returned, by force, to the Roman-Catholic parish, as a result of the Counter Reformation. After returning to the catholics, the church was restored in the baroque style by the artists Johannes Nachtigall and Anton schuchbauer, under the guidance of the vicar Janos Biro. It was then that the two artists carried out the pulpit. Over time, the building witnessed various important moments: here got baptized Matia Corvin, Queen Izabella handed the royal insignia to the emissaries of the Emperor Ferdinand I. The Transylvanian


sovereigns :Gabriel Bethlen, Sigismund Rkoczi, Sigismund Bthory and Gabriel Bthory, were invested here. Starting the 18th century, around the Church were built a series of buildings, small shops, that the parish rented, this way insuring herself a pretty income. Along with the adjustment of the Central Square(Pieei Centrale), in 1890, these buildings were demolished, under public pressure, due to the fact that they were hiding the church. It is now that the baroque porch in front of the church was moved in front of St. Peter and Pavels Church ( Biserica Sf. Petru i Pavel). Instead, the parish was refunded with some land from the central part of the city, land on which the Church built the 2 buildings "in the mirror" of the nowdays Iuliu Manius street (Strada Iuliu Maniu). Description The building is a church with elongated altar, groined on ogives and flanked by lateral altals. The vault, the stained-glass windows and the sculptures impress with a surprising grandeur for that period, seen especially in the western Cathedrals. Above the main door is a blazon representing Saint Michael(Sfntul Mihail), beneath him being the imperial blazon of the Holy Roman Empire, the one of the Hungarian kingdom and the one of the Czech Kingdom. Their existence there is explained by the fact that Sigismund of Luxembourg (1387-1437), under whose rule seems to have been completed the building, was at the same time, Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and of Czech. The portal of the sacristy, stone Renaissance sculpture, dating from 1528, being ordered at the time by the vicar of the church, Johannes Klein, was manufactured by a German master. The neo-gothic altar, creation of the carpenter master Lojas Back, was awarded at the World Exposition of 1873. In the center of the altar is sculpted Virgin Mary, along with St. Stefan and St. Ladislau. Most of the frescoes from the 14th-15th century couldnt stand the time transition and the human intervention. A large amount of them have been damaged during the numerous religious reforms, in order to correspond to the new ideas. The church was decorated with numerous statues and reliefs, wherefrom very few are left today, most of them being destroyed. The numerous restorations of the Church revealed several mural paintings, dating from the first half of the 15th century. The latest restoration process of the church took place between 1957 and 1960, when part of the paintings of the XIV-XVth century have been restored.

The Biasini Hotel The Biasini Hotel in Cluj Napoca is a building dating from the XIX century on Avram Iancu street near the entrance of the Hajongrad Graveyard Gaetano Biasini (1790-1847) arrived in town as a sword instructor and after his marriage he became a citizen of Cluj .In 1818 he opened a private sword school in Redutei building and in 1824 a public sword school.In 1837 he bought the building that was an inn in those days and transformed it into a hotel. On the ground floor the was a coffee house and still here there was the station for the run between Budapesta and Bucharest (when there was good weather the distance between Budapesta-Cluj took 3 days).Until 1870 the local post office was operating in the rental space of the hotel.The coffee house became the roumanian students favourite place .They organized there meetings and


manifestationes.At the coffe house Nicolae Balcescu and Sandor Petofi had a lot of discussions threw which they tried to unificate the revolutions from 1848 but the discussions failed because of the divergences between the two leaders. People who lived here :

november-december 1846: Franz Liszt october 1847: Sndor Petfi with his wife july 1849: Nicolae Blcescu may 1853: Mr Jkai

After the establishment of the New York Hotel (today Continental) Biasini Hotel declined,losing his original position.In 1913 a cabaret was opened on the ground floor.In april 1926 the owner closed the cabaret and the hotel.transforming the building into an apartment building.

SpeakingAdvising the tourist Giving information and advice on hotel accommodation, meals, entertainment and optional programmes

ExercisesLead-in questions for group work How many tourists does the tourism guide deal with in a day? Can you imagine one day in the life of a tourism guide? How does he receive his customers? How does he talk to them? What information does he provide to the customers? How does he work out the daily programme? How does he inform the tourists about the programme?

Task 1 Information on the hotelCheck-in procedures. You will have to fill in the form with your name and surname, address and other personal information. You will get your key then you may go up to the room. Take the elevator for the other floors. The receptionist will be available for any reception-related services. The chamber-maid will clean your room a d change the sheets and the towels.

Information on meals


Breakfast is included in the accommodation package. It will be served from 6.30-10.00 am in the first floor restaurant. All other meals, if ordered in advance, will be served in the same restaurant. For any further inquiries or services please address me or the receptionist.

Information about the town and attractionsWe shall start our programme with the city tour. It will take place in the morning. We shall all meet in the hotel lounge at 10.00 You can ask the receptionist for city maps.

. Task 2 Optional trips1. Read the information about an optional trip to a resort from the leaflet about the hotel and take notes on important and relevant issues, including: a. Where is the resort? b. How do you get there? c. How long is the trip? d. When do you return? 2. What pieces of information are provided on the following items: a. area b. attraction c. amenities d. facilities e. rates f. discounts g. cuisine 3. What information is provided about the resort and the surrounding area? a. Transport b. Special/specific equipment hire c. Eating out options d. Shopping e. Weather On a Safari The local people are very warm and friendly. You must start your day with an early morning game drive before breakfast and relax during the heat of the day when the wildlife is at rest. You may take an afternoon game drive after lunch when the wildlife is out again. You can also enjoy our cultural tours, full day game drives, nature walks and more. The roads will be dusty and bumpy. Flying to game parks is also possible, but the cost increases. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


WRITING SKILLS Writing positive feedback and negative feedback. Sometimes your customers(tourists) are unsatisfied with the services provided by the hotel or the restaurant. They turn to yoy for help to write a letter of complaint to the hotel/restaurant manager. Positive reviews/feedbackDear Sir I write as one who has been affected by the original flight delays from Edinburgh Airport on 15 April, but eventually did travel on 24 April to Palma Mallorca. My wife and I have used Ryanair many times from Edinburgh and Prestwick to travel to our holiday home. The real point of my letter is to congratulate Ryanair for having arguably the very best and most informative web site of any of the current airlines. The site is easy to use and I did find it absolutely no problem to navigate through the site for rebooking tickets when advised (3 times). Also in obtaining the latest information re the volcanic dust issue, and its effect on Ryanair flight cancellations. I see once again that you are first to be fully informative regarding the current situation indicating clearly the flight cancellations and the volcanic dust map link well done. Ryanair are often criticised and maligned in the press but I have to say that if customers follw the rules clearly laid out on the website, and follow them to the letter, then yours is a great airline to travel with. We shall certainly continue the good experience. 8th May 2010 Dear Sirs I write to congratulate your organisation for the efforts being made to keep your passengers informed of the situation regarding the cancellations due to the closure of Northern European Airspace. I have a flight booked, that has been rebooked, and looks as though it will have to be rebooked again. The information to initiate this process, and the process itself has been seamless, and simple. I thank you the prompt information, and guidance in the online process. I wish your detractors in the British press were able to understand the efforts your organisation is making, and acknowledge the resource committed to enabling this process. I am a regular Ryanair traveller who accepts, and appreciates the Ryanair service. Nevertheless, I am even more appreciative of the efforts being made to alleviate the difficulties being made by this unfortunate incident unlike the Stansted airport operator, BAA, that seems to have disconnected all their parking customer service telephone options resulting in a number unobtainable tone. Thank you. 17th April 2010 Edinburgh to Marseille return. The plane was clean, seats comfortable, crew friendly and efficient, but made a lot of announcements to sell phone cards, car hire, scratch cards etc which was annoying after a while. Seat belt sign was turned on for 5 mins on the way out, and when the same happened on the way back I noticed that the crew were using the seat belt sign whenever the cockpit door was unlocked. A bit of confusion when boarding in Marseille (MP2 low cost terminal), we were sent down to the gate before they were ready. It did mean that the people who purchased priority boarding had to push their way to the front of the queue. At L50 per person return we thought this trip was excellent value for money.


Edinburgh - Malta. First time flying with Ryanair, next time I will pay for priority boarding to save the mass rush that takes place even before the gate is open. I saw no problems with hand luggage, did not see anyone having their bags sized up by staff. The staff on our flights were helpful, constantly selling one thing or another, which of course you don't have to buy. When three of you are seated together it is a bit squashed but you get what you pay for.

Source: feedback

IntroductionI fly around Europe a couple times a year. Like most US citizens, I had heard of RyanAir as a discount airline and hadn't heard of the alternatives. The flights they offered seemed so cheap that there had to be a catch. There is. I had such nightmarish experiences with RyanAir that I've compiled a list of alternative airlines that fly around Europe.

My RyanAir Nightmare I often travel to Stockholm where RyanAir flies for around $30 US. My first flight on RyanAir was uneventful. Thanks for the savings! (or so I thought). RyanAir: 1 success, 0 failures Next time I bought RyanAir tickets, but then they couldn't find my reservation info when I showed up at Stansted airport. I spent about 8 hours at the airport, most of the time waiting in line at their complaint counter. The entire 8 hours I was there the complaint desk had a 1 hour wait, and the answer from RyanAir was always the same, "Sorry, can't help you" to every single person, regardless of who was at fault. I had never seen such a brazen display of company callousness. I was shocked, because I had become used to the FAA we have in the USA which protects our rights as an airplane passenger. Keep in mind that while Europe has the CAA, and while the CAA is dealing with many RyanAir complaints, RyanAir seems to be able to get away with quite a bit more than the FAA would allow. Eventually I managed to jump on a plane that was flying to Southern Sweden, and had quite an adventure trying to figure out how to get to Stockholm, but that's another story. RyanAir RyanAir: 1 success, 1 failure Sucks! 14

Evidently RyanAir didn't like the fact that they had a continuous queue at their complaint counter, so they came up with a RyanAir solution, they closed it. In its place they instituted a pay per minute complaint phone number. If you called it, you would hear a recording that was exactly one minute long explaining that you were now paying 1 Euro per minute. Then it would put you on hold. The next year I decided to give it another try. RyanAir completely screwed up my flights again, and ruined part of my trip. RyanAir's feelings on the matter: "That's too bad" RyanAir Sucks! RyanAir: 1 success, 2 failures The year after I tried to find a different way to fly to Sweden but the options were either $30 on RyanAir or $300 on one of the major carriers (such as Lufthansa). I figured that it must have just been bad luck, and decided to save $270 and give them one last try. I was flying from Paris to Stockholm. I took the 1 hour bus ride which cost about $20. At the airport, they kept delaying the flight until they finally cancelled it "due to fog." I checked the schedule, and RyanAir still had undelayed planes leaving before and after ours with no problem. So a plane-full of people get in line and the answer is the same for all, we can put you on the Wednesday flight. This was a Sunday. I was supposed to be in Stockholm from Sunday until Thursday early morning, they've effectively destroyed the Stockholm portion of my flight, including going to see my friend in Stockholm who was the whole reason for the trip in the first place. No amount of begging would change their mind to let any of us fly earlier. Many people just threw away their tickets and went home, their weekend plans ruined. They also wouldn't reimburse us for the bus ride. So I took another $20 bus back to the West side of Paris and started to try to call my host (who lives on the East side) while taking the Metro. The Metro shut down while I was on it, leaving me stranded in the center of town near the Louvre, which is dead at night, no taxis to be seen. It was only by sheer luck that one of my friends happened to see my as she drove by, and I hitched a ride back to my host. I then spent all night (and lots of money on international phone calls) trying to find a way to get to Sweden. After a full night of this, I finally reach someone on RyanAir who tells me that he can squeeze me onto the (Monday) morning flight. So I once again take a $20 bus to the airport and wait. It's a little foggy out again, so I'm nervous that we won't take off, but eventually we do. And in relief I look around the plane and it is 2/3rds empty. So, more than half of those people who had been forced to wait until Wednesday, they could be sitting here with me, only a couple hundred dollars short and 14 hours late.

HowtoComplainEffectivelyatYourHotelGetMetheManagerGet the Results You Want When You Have a ProblemThings fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, WB Yeats, The Second Coming

Yeats may not have acquired many frequent travel points, but he obviously knew that "stuff happens" on business trips. Problems often occur on hotel stays: no hot water, no heat or air-conditioning, filthy rooms, overcharges or other problems. Successful complaining is a skill that can be acquired. Just follow these easy steps the next time something goes terribly wrong. How to Prevent "Bad Luck" 1. _________________ Inexpensive lodging can often mean slow check-in, hard-to-find staff, dirty rooms, faulty plumbing and just about anything else you want to avoid. When an airplane is delayed, first-class passengers are stuck waiting along with the cheap seat guys in coach. With hotels, more money almost always means better service. And if they do make a mistake, it is easier to get it fixed when you are paying the big bucks.


2. _________________ Or at least the business traveller equivalent -- a top-tier frequent travel program member. You may not be Bill Gates or Cindy Crawford, but you'll be you'll be treated like a VIP if you have elite program status. Hotels really care about loyal business travelers -- they are a valuable commodity. Be sure that you have every stay tracked and posted. It means free nights and better perks. 3. _________________ You may change jobs and spouses with abandon, but be true to your chosen hotel in cities where you travel frequently. Get to know the staff. When disaster strikes, the familiar face usually gets the best treatment. Familiarity also means that you will know the best rooms to ask for. Write nice notes to the General Manager when you have received good treatment -- mention staff names. These letters are usually posted behind the front desk -- the place where you will be complaining the next time something goes wrong. 4. __________________ Credit card companies can back you up if you didn't get what you paid for. What to Do When You Have a Problem 5. __________________ Business travelers are often stressed out and tired. Little problems can loom large. Is the problem really worth complaining about, or are you trying to avoid finishing the presentation for tomorrow morning's meeting? 6. __________________ If you have one and the problem can wait, let them deal with it. They book all the business, they have the clout and the time. Write down the pertinent data (or send them an email) and forget about it. Do you really want to waste your precious time? If you are part of a convention, let the convention services manager deal with it. 7. __________________ If you've decided it must be handled now, decide what you want. A new room? A discount? Hotel frequent travel points? What will make you feel properly compensated for the problem at hand. 8. __________________ It's not likely that you will get a free room because someone forgot to put mints on your pillow -- believe me, I know people who have asked. It is fair to ask for a new room if you have been inconvenienced by faulty plumbing, a dirty linen, etc. Most business travelers are less concerned with a discount for poor service -- after all the company is footing the bill, unless it is your company. Many ask for extra frequent travel points for their account. You should too. 9. __________________ If you've decided that the situation must be addressed, go to the front desk immediately. Ask for the Front Desk Manager or the Rooms Exec. The assistant behind the counter may try to solve your problem -- give them a chance. Empowerment is a buzz word in the hotel industry today -- many front line staff people can solve your problem quickly. If they can't , then... 10. _________________ The Rooms Exec (usually second in command at the hotel) can solve many issues. They do most of the day-to-day work at the hotel. Even if you end up dealing with the General Manager, the Rooms Exec will most likely execute the solution, so don't alienate him or her. 11. _________________ You may have every reason in the world to be angry, but keep your cool. Hotel employees have a great deal of discretion in handling problem situations. No one will go the extra mile to help out a raving idiot. Be nice, you'll end up with a better room, and maybe even a fruit basket. If you are a jerk, you will get the "standard" response. And your "jerk status" will be documented in your permanent hotel record -- for everyone to see the next time you have a problem. 12. _________________ Just deal with the basic issue and what you want as compensation. If you mention every little problem that has arisen since you entered the hotel, you'll sound like a whiner. The real problem will get obscured. 13. _________________ Remember, everybody is wired now. Don't say that you are a top-tier program member if you're not (they check). Just be specific and accurate.


14. _________________ If the problem has been resolved to your satisfaction, thank everyone involved and drop a note to the General Manager naming the individuals who helped. This will stand you in good stead the next time something happens (and something always happens). ( Fill in the gaps in the text above with the following sub-headings: a. Know what you want b. Say "thank you"! c. Don't be a jerk d. Be quick e. Don't be greedy f. Let your corporate travel department handle it g. Stay at the best hotel you or your company can afford. h. Is it really worth your time? i. Be concise, don't embellish j. Don't lie k. Be loyal l. Pay with a credit card m. Escalate, escalate, escalate n. Be rich and famous

QuestionnairesQuestionnaireDesign Questionnairesaregenerallywrittenandconductedtoprovidefeedbackon an activity or something. They can serve other purposes as well, such as a long term backwash effect. Nevertheless, it is generally agreed that a questionnaire can provide useful information only if it is devised properly. Thus, a successful questionnaire must basically rely on the following prerequisites:

the subject matter of the questions should be centred on the investigated issue(s); the layout and design of the questions should be simple, clear and appealing; the actual wording and the sequence of questions should be clear, logical and helpful to the respondent; the theoretical concern, including both the nature of the investigation and the methods of analysis used should be clear to the questionnaire designer, otherwise he will not be able to elicit satisfactory answers from the respondent. Furthermore, a good questionnaire should: be interesting to the respondent; develop the subject logically and stimulate both interest and consistency in reply; have an adequate length, i.e. questions must not be too long; should contain clear questions and each question should contain a single issue; use a simple language;


avoid the use of leading questions; classify the respondents adequately, i.e. in consonance with to the pursued investigation; the classification usually includes personal information and is left to the end of questionnaire; use adequate scales to measure or evaluate responses.

For example: - using a 5 point scale where: very good = 5, good = 4, neither good nor poor = 3, poor = 2, very poor = 1, dont know = 0 How would you grade the following services of a hotel visited by you? - early morning call; - daily change of bed linen; - mini bar in the room; - gymnasium; - room service; - bar service; - using itemized scaling: How interested are you in a holiday in the Caribbean Islands?; - very interested, - somewhat interested, - not interested.

Exercises1. Your guests are requiested by the owner of the guesthouse to fill in a questionnaire about their stay at your house. Fill in the questionnaire?Guest House Survey: Summer Period

Guest House: Period: Rooms booked: Respondents: x - indicate the most common results Excellent Location Room comfort General comfort Cleanliness Staff attentiveness Food Services provided x x x x x x Good x Fair Poor

Do you agree with the items used? What other points would you add? Would this form suit a hotel survey? How would you change the form to meet your needs? 2. Look at the grid below: Can your tourists fill in the grid. Help them to do so.


Hotel Survey: Summer Period Hotel: Belvedere Period: May 4 June 30 Rooms booked: 420 Respondents: 100 = indicates the most common result Excellent Location Room comfort General comfort Cleanliness Food Staff attentiveness Bar service Waiter service Sports facilities Overall Good



3. Work out a questionnaire on client satisfaction regarding the hotel you stayed in. Decide on the items to be included in the survey, select a sample or the number of respondents and carry out the survey. Write a short report on the findings. End your report with a recommendation section. Dont forget to put in your signature, position and date.


Unit 2

Carrying out guiding-specific activities

FLIGHT ISSUESLUGGAGE GUIDEIn a quiet moment write down your own personal check list that you can go What I should take through whenever you pack for your next trip. We recommend a check list for along on my journey? every type of journey you do regularly: Business trips, long distance flights, short breaks etc. Lufthansa transports a certain amount of checked in baggage (free baggage How much baggage allowance) and hand baggage free of charge. These amounts may vary depending am I allowed to take on the route, booking class, Miles & More status etc. You will find more backfree of charge? ground information on our Free baggage allowance and Carry-on baggage pages. If you exceed the free baggage allowance or if you take along particularly bulky What happens with or damageable baggage (bicycles, surf and snowboards, skis, large musical excess baggage or instruments, wardrobe trunks etc.) you may have to pay an additional fee and register your baggage with us prior to your departure. Please check on our page special baggage? Excess and special baggage. Not only the amount but also the contents of your carry-on baggage has to What may I take on comply with our regulations. Certain things may not by carried in your hand board as carry-on baggage. Further information you may find on our pages regarding Hand baggage? baggage and Dangerous goods. All valuables such as your laptop, mobile phone, PDA, documents, identity papers, jewellery etc., should be carried in your Hand baggage. Please note that we will carry items of baggage that exceed the permitted limits for hand luggage in the cargo hold, as the stowage space in the cabin is limited. How do I transport In this case please remove all valuables and any medicines from your hand luggage. valuable goods? Please note that we will carry items of baggage that exceed the permitted limits for hand luggage in the cargo hold, as the stowage space in the cabin is limited. In this case please remove all valuables and any medicines from your hand luggage. Is there anything to look out for when We have compiled Recommendations for the transport of medications for you. transporting medication? May I take animals on You may only take animals on board under certain conditions. Therefore please check our Regulations and recommendations for the transport of animals. board? Before driving to the airport please make sure that you have not packed any dangerous goods. You find a check list on our page on Dangerous goods. Which items may not Please check with your local customs which items you may export from your be taken on board? place of departure and import into the country you are flying to. Find out in particular about the regulations on importing foods of animal origin. What do I have to On flights to the USA, the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) may


consider when flying break open suspicious, locked baggage to check its contents. There are special locks available that can only be opened without destroying them by you and TSA to the USA? staff. TSA baggage information (, in English) A clearly visible baggage tag or sticker - with your name and, at the very least, your telephone number (ideally your mobile number) on it - should be attached to each piece of baggage that you are checking in. Suitable tags and stickers can be obtained at the check-in counters free of charge. We also recommend that you put a tag or sticker with your name on it inside each How should I mark bag that you are checking in. You can print out the following baggage ID card for my baggage? this purpose. Please remove all tags from previous journeys as they can easily lead to baggage being misdirected. To avoid mix-ups you should mark each item of baggage uniquely with, for example, an eye-catching sticker, a striking colour, a special belt, etc. What is the latest time Information on check-in deadlines at local airports, including deadlines for to check in my checking in baggage, can be found here. baggage? Please report the loss of your baggage immediately at the appropriate counter. If What should I do if you do not report the loss until later, you will need to prove it retrospectively, which is clearly more complicated. You will find detailed information on this my baggage is lost? subject on our page Lost or damaged baggage.

Speaking Preparing the tourist for the flight. At the airportYour body and your luggage are searched by a security officer. You wait in the departure lounge until your flight is called and you are told which gate number to go to. Finally, you board your plane and you are shown to your seat by a flight attendant. When you arrive at an airport, you should go straight to the check-in desk where your ticket and luggage are checked. You keep your hand luggage with you but your suitcases are taken to the plane on a conveyor belt. You can now go to the departure lounge. If you are on an international flight, your passport is checked, and then your bags are x-rayed by security cameras.

Talking to the customs officer. Answering his questions.What is your name and surname? Could you show me your passport, please? Where do you travel sir/madam? How long do you plan to stay at the destination? When do you return


Transfer informationIn Rome Fiumicino (FCO) airport, we provide low-cost bus transfers for our passengers. With this service, you can travel between the airport and Rome, Termini Station.Our passengers are granted the following extra services in addition to the transfer ticket: Priority boarding and guaranteed free places on the bus confirmed in the voucher. To use these extra services, you need to board the bus minimum 5 minutes before scheduled transfer start time. If you arrive to the bus later than this, you will have to join the queue of passengers and can only board the bus if there are free places left. If you cannot travel with the given bus because it is full, you can travel with the next bus. We can only guarantee free places for our passengers boarding at the airport or at Termini Station, due to technical reasons. Please note that also with a free place guaranteed, we suggest you arrive to the bus as soon as possible, because once they have boarded the bus, passengers choose their seats in the bus in order of arrival. Within the same day, you can travel with any of our transfer buses in the timetable (will be included in the voucher.) Our buses run according to a timetable and cannot wait for late passengers. If you cannot get to our meeting point on time, you can travel with the next bus. At the airport, our buses pick up passengers in front of the terminal building, usually 30-70 minutes after flight arrival (the exact meeting point, timetable and pickup times will be sent in your voucher.) From the city, our buses start from Termini Station. The buses also stop on Piazza Cavour. Modifications, cancellations: Your voucher is valid only for the date and time stated in the voucher. If your travel date or time changes, we can only help you if you inform us at least 2 workdays before you travel. After that we cannot accept your modification request! Please note that if you have changed your flight at Wizzair you have to send us your new travel data at least 2 workdays before both your original and new flight date, otherwise we cannot modify it. Would you like to cancel your transfer booking, please note that our travel regulations apply. If you cancel your transfer booking in time, you have the following options for refund: You may use the same transfer another time for any flight in Rome Fiumicino, in 12 months; or you may give it to someone else for free of charge. You can only use the transfer with a voucher valid for the given date and time, so please contact us at least 5 workdays before your new travel date to book your place on the transfer. If your flight has been cancelled, please contact us as soon as possible and give us your new travel data! If we do not get your new data in time, we cannot guarantee you will be transferred. If your transfer booking failed to be fulfilled through no fault of our own, we cannot accept your claim for a refund of the transfer fare(please see our Travel regulations.) We can only modify transfer bookings and answer our mail in the office hours, on workdays 09:00 17:00 CETDo you have a question? Please check the Frequently Asked Questions Our Travel Regulations are available here: You can check our current timetable at our website at

You can contact us at:Call centre: (+36) 1 999 1931 (available weekdays 9-17h, CET) (administration, general information) Mobile: (+36) 30 664-9355 ( non-stop in emergency )


Please, note that we can only accept modification requests, cancellations and complaints in e-mail, with the booking code. E-mail: [email protected] ( administration, claim ) Website: ;

Writing BAGGAGE ISSUESWe apologize for the mishandling of your baggage and understand that this will be inconvenient for you. Please be assured that we will do all possible to assist you through this experience. Your baggage details have been entered into our worldwide computerized baggage tracing system. If any of your information has changed or if, after reviewing your file you have corrections, it would be appreciated if you would notify us immediately so we can update your file accordingly. It would also be most helpful if you would ensure your name, address and bag type details are correct. This will help us in returning your baggage to you quickly.

We will advise you once your baggage has been received and arrange a convenient time for delivery. To display information about your delayed bag, enter your 10-character file reference in the first box below, your last name in the second box and click the "Submit" button.

Filling in luggage claim forms


Reporting your missing baggage to us We are searching for your baggage What else can you do? Compensation, liability and insurance Contact us

We very much regret that your baggage was not available at your destination airport. Please be assured that we are taking all necessary measures to reunite you with your baggage as quickly as possible.


ReportingyourmissingbaggagetousShould you be unable to find one or more of your bags on arrival, please report this immediately to the local Lufthansa baggage tracing desk or to the local Lufthansa representative so that an official report can be filed. You will then receive a written confirmation with a reference number. Please keep this safe as you will need it again.

WearesearchingforyourbaggageWe are searching for your baggage with the help of a worldwide baggage tracing system to which several hundred airlines are affiliated. Our Customer Call Centre will be able to tell you of any progress in tracing your bags. You will find their telephone number on the written confirmation of your lost baggage report, where you will also find the reference number (e.g. FRALH12345) which you need for identification. You also have the option of checking the current status of your baggage tracing online by means of the reference number on your report. Should the details shown be incorrect - in particular your name, address and the description of your baggage please let us know. As soon as your baggage is located, we will contact you to arrange delivery. Please enter the details in the online form

File Reference Example:

Name FRALH12345 Mueller

Whatelsecanyoudo?We find most missing items of baggage within the first 24 hours. In rare cases we may not be able to locate an item of baggage within five days. In this instance we will require exact details of the contents of your baggage for a further detailed search procedure.

Compensation,liabilityandinsuranceYou will be compensated for necessary expenses under our conditions of liability. Please contact your local Lufthansa office. You will find information on our conditions of liability here...

RegulationsaccordingtotheMontrealConvention In international and German domestic travel, the liability for damage, destruction, loss or partial loss and for late delivery of baggage is limited to a cumulative 1,131 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) per journey and traveller. The SDR is the accounting unit of the International Monetary Fund (IMF); 1,131 SDR currently corresponds to about 1,213 (Please regard that this amount is subject to currency fluctuation and may vary.). 24

Notification deadlines You should report the loss of or damage to your baggage directly at the airport. You can also report the loss or damage in writing later, within the legal notification deadlines. However, the burden of proof is then reversed, and you must prove that the irregularity occurred during your flight. Please observe the following deadlines.

Damage and partial loss: Within seven days after baggage hand-out Total loss: html_list Within two years Replacement purchases in the case of delayed baggage delivery: html_list Within 21 days of baggage hand-out The postmark or automatic date of receipt in the case of a fax or e-mail notification is decisive for the observance of the deadlines.

Writing claim letters Lost and Damaged Luggage Claim Office Date: February 21, 2011 Dear Sir/Madam, I hereby report my missing luggage. I boarded on flight no 247 Lufthansa from Cluj-Napoca to Munchen at 12.55 and on arrival, in Munchen I did not get my luggage. The staff advised me to inquire at the customers office and file a claim. My bag is a large brown one and I described it to the airport staff. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Susana Ionescu Cluj-Napoca, 2, Ciresilor street. Tel 0040 75 223 344


Unit 3 REPORTING Reading Official Report Confirms Ryanair's Customer Care is better than BA'sRyanair, Europes largest low fares airline, today (30 June) welcomed the publication of punctuality, flight cancelation and baggage performance statistics by the Association of European Airlines (AEA), for November 08 March 09,which confirmed that Ryanair is Europes number one airline for customer service with the best on time performance, the fewest cancelations and the least lost bags. Ryanair confirmed that over 90% of its fights were on-time, 99.6% were completed and less than one bag (0.67) per 1,000 passengers was misplaced by Ryanair between November and March while AEA statistics confirmed that 17% of British Airways flights were delayed, 97.9% were completed and BA lost sixteen bags per 1,000 passengers, more than 20 times the number of bags lost by Ryanair. Ryanair celebrated the official confirmation of its better customer service, and its guaranteed lowest fares, by releasing 1 million 5 seats for travel across its European network in late August, September and October which are available for booking until midnight Thursday 2nd July on Ryanairs Stephen McNamara said: AEAs figures prove yet again that nobody beats Ryanair on customer service delivery while Ryanair continues to guarantee the lowest fares and no fuel surcharges ever. BA charges passengers high fares but delivers a dismal on-time performance and a ridiculously high rate of lost baggage. Ryanair delivers the customer services passengers really value which is why 67 million passengers will travel with Ryanair this year and why Ryanair is the only major European airline which continues to grow during this recession.No.1 for Customer Service Airline Ryanair Lufthansa British Airways bmi Iberia Air France % on Time 92 85 83 87 70 83 Bags missing / 1,000 pax 0.67 10.9 15.6 17.0 19.2 18.9 % Completions 99.6 98.4 97.9 98.5 97.2 96.9




Financial Information Airflight tickets The tourism agent must inform or notify the tourist on the cost of the ticket. The fare may include airport taxes and luggage taxes. Although, nowadays every traveller may have easy and almost instant access to the fligth company website, the guide must make sure that all tourists he is responsible for, know how much the ticket costs and all other flight details or items. The guide must tell the tourist how many luggage items he may carry, as conditioned upon by the flight arrangement. Accomodation expenses The tourist must also know what the room rate is and what bonuses, if any, are included in the rate. Health insurance Prior to their departure, the tourists should have due health insurance for the period of their stay abroad or at the destination. This task is taken up by the guide who makes all tourist insurances. According to law, the tourist is not obliged to possess an insurance at his passing the border of another country, but most tourists normally wish to have an insurance. However, there are countries which do not require a health insurance, while some countries do require such a document. The guide must make sure he knows all procedures involved and fulfils them duly. He must eqaully inform the travellers about the procedures and their safety. The tourism guide must inform the tourists at all times with all due information and keep them updated on all changes. Exercises Listen to a conversation between the tourism guide and a traveller about the customs procedures that the latter must undergo. Role play a conversation between a guide who tells the tourists all they need to know about their travel and insurance.

Writing Report writingTHEREPORT


Functions. Types of reports. Parts of a report. Characteristics of good reports. Sample report. Useful language. Exercises Functions A report is an informative formal piece of writing which objectively and accurately describes an event, process, etc. Reports are mainly written to put together accurately, concisely and briefly, important data or to transmit the findings regarding a particular matter. Different audiences, circumstances, purposes and events call for different types of reports. Reports are generally written for a variety of reasons but, above all, they are guides to management and organisations as they may be requested by the management to explore an area of concern. As such they may be routine reports, annual reports, monthly sales reports etc. In many cases whatsoever, reports follow a written proposal. However, reports may also precede a proposal and serve as part of the background information on which the proposal is based. TypesofReports According to the purpose of the document and the requirements dictated by the audience, reports can be categorised into the following types: assessment reports, informative reports, survey reports and proposal reports. -Assessment reports present and evaluate the positive /negative features of a process, event, plan, person etc. thereby including a personal opinion and a recommendation. -Informative reports present information concerning a project, a meeting, an event that has taken place, etc. Thus, its primary function is to inform on a specified subject matter. -Survey reports present and analyse information collected from surveys, questionnaires, adding the conclusions which derive logically from the exposed information. Recommendations or suggestions may also be attached to reports, depending on the specific aim and the requirements of the report. -Proposal reports reflect plans, projects, decisions etc submitted for approval to a superior, a manager, a board etc. Some written reports may be shorter, only a page or two following the memo pattern or may have a long formal letter format. These reports usually start with information indicating who the report is written to, who it is composed by, the subject, and the date: To: From: Subject: Date:

Parts of a report Reports usually consist of the three basic parts, that is: 1. an introductory paragraph, in which both purpose and content are clearly stated, 2. a main body supplying the relevant information in details and 3. a conclusion which summarises the information conveyed.


However, most short formal reports have a format similar to this: Title page or heading 1. TERMS OF REFERENCE Terms of reference/ objectives states why the report was drawn up. 2. PROCEDURE This represents the part in which the method used to collect information. Data is mentioned.

This section points out what has been discovered 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIOS It summarises the report and attaches suggestions for the future. Name: Research Assistant Date


Long reports, however, according to many authors, and especially to the authors of Harraps American Business Writing Handbook (1988) integrate the following parts:

-Preliminary materials--Title page This contains all the identifying information (title of the report, company reader, date, and the writers name). It is sometimes, depending on the company formats, followed by a blank sheet of paper. Some reports may also include: --A letter of authorisation which comes from the person who authorised the report and mainly outlines the purpose and the importance of the matter.

--A letter of transmittal which indicates who the report is written for. It may have the format of a memo or a regular letter comprising a list with all the persons entitled to receive a copy of the report.--Table of contents This page is designed to list the topics and all the materials. All preliminary pages are numbered with Roman numerals, whilst the pages in the body of the report make use of Arabic numerals. --Summary The summary conveys the reader a quick, concise overview of the aim, main points of the report, and results. It is usually one half to one page long, but its length is generally in proportion with the length of the report. As a rule, it does not contain figures, data, or graphs. -The body of the report falls into: --Introduction It mainly states clearly and concisely the reason for writing the report, its purpose, methods used for data collection, sources, definitions, and a brief survey of the report organisation. It is essential that this part should be carefully planned and written as it occupies a front position, and is, consequently, the first section to be read. It also indicates the writers knowledge of the subject matter and his ability to transmit a message in a pertinent and effective business style.


--Body This section represents the central part of the report. It is the largest section and its size is given by the number of points presented. It comprises all the pertinent data collected and examined, sequenced logically, it states or substantiates the points or arguments, and presents the results of the research. Illustrations or other relevant auxiliary materials may be included in this section as well. This part is usually fragmented into smaller text units in consonance with the points presented, each smaller section dealing with one point. The sections and sub-sections bear subheadings and subsubheadings which reflect their content in order to facilitate the readers quick access to the information delivered. --The conclusions represent the final section of the report. They should be written clearly and concisely, perhaps in a series of numbered points or statements. They should be the logical outcome of all the information and data supplied in the body. --Recommendations are not always required and may be omitted sometimes. Nevertheless, they represent suggestions, which indicate a starting point for a possible next stage of the process, or research. -Supplementary material This is the last section of the report intended to list all the sources used and all substantiating data that could not appear in the body, such as: bibliography and appendixes.Characteristics of good reports - Heading The report should have a brief, accurate subject heading. In addition, if the text is divided into smaller parts, each part may have a title to suggest the point or the points discussed. -Style The style of the report is dictated by the readership and its expectations. However, business reports are usually addressed to managers, committees etc, that is to readers, who impose certain business relationships. Therefore, the style of the report should be formal, including: complex sentences, non-colloquial English, advanced vocabulary, frequent use of passives, a wide range of sentence connectors etc. -Aim The aim of the written text, alongside the full background of the report and/or the reason why it has been produced should be stated clearly in the introductory section, so as to eliminate any possible misunderstanding or confusion. -Identification of readership Both drafting and writing follow a prior identification of the readership, as this will enable the writer to better select what is relevant and delete the redundant, unnecessary information. -Sequencing bits of information or points In order to make the information fully comprehensible to the reader, it must be logically sequenced and structured according to appropriate subdivisions and subheadings. -Linking of information and text cohesion The relationships between various sentences of the text should be expressed and signalled clearly and unambiguously. -Focus The writer must clearly emphasise what is relevant to the reader, thus drawing the latters attention to important points. He can achieve this, firstly by arranging the points effectively, and secondly, by using adequate sentence connectors. -Tone The choice of tone goes hand in hand with the choice of the right style and the adequate language. Failure to use the proper tone may often result in communication disruptions, rejections and refusals. However, the writers may choose from a tentative, decisive or neutral tone. -Sentence length Sentences must neither be too long, as they might hinder comprehension, nor too short as they may indicate a simplistic mind. Perhaps the average length of a sentence is around 20-25 words with two or three clauses. -Language Both grammar and spelling must be correct in an effective report, and formal.


-Conclusion The conclusion should be clear, showing a direct link with the introduction, and should contain no new or surprising elements. Before engaging upon the difficult task of writing, it is always helpful to know the audience and the purpose of your report, as they will determine the role you will play as a composer, the level of detail required, method of exposition, arrangement of information, types of examples, range of vocabulary, emphasis etc.

Many formal reports are addressed to a group of people with a variety of backgrounds. In order to better understand the target audience and its specific needs a brief scrutiny of the following points should be considered: o Who are the readers? o What is their background? o What are their expectations? o How familiar are they with the issue? With a clear statement of the purpose, the audience and the own role in mind, the writer can dive into the processes of researching and experimenting. Thus, the stage of data collection should be followed by a correct interpretation and organisation of the items to be examined. The next step is to carefully plan the draft, choose the adequate format and tone. The tone of the reeport bears a great significance. First of all, it tells something about the writing skills of the author, and then it indicates the rapport between the sender of the message and the reader. It also mirrors the respect or disregard shown to the person who will read it. In the business world and especially in any work environment the professional or work relationships between superiors, subordinates and peers must be carefully observed. This concern is further reflected in the tone of the comminication carried out in an organisation. Thus, all items of business communication fall under three categories: upward, downward and horizontal communication. The first type of communication, the upward communication, refers to the way in which a subordinate addresses his superior, employing a respectful, tentative tone. The functions of this communication are rather to put forward ideas and to suggest courses of action. Question forms and longer sentences are the main characteristics of this form. The downward type of communication is suited for the way in which a superior contacts a subordinate. In this case the tone is firm, direct and decisive, as this is supposed to cover such functions as issuing orders, stating decisions etc. One can notice the frequent use of imperatives( Please comment....), modals and of statements rather than questions( I would like .. as opposed to:Could I have...). Horizontal communication is the role relationship very much used between peers, that is two people of equal authority and status. However, the choice of the tone cannot be separated from that of the language used.

SamplereportTo: From: Subject: Date: P. Jones, Marketing Director, Sunflower Cosmetics Ltd. Tom Smith, Consumer Research Institute Consumer Survey: Tiger Lily Products 20th January 1999


Purpose The aim of this report is to present the findings of a survey conducted to investigate the consumer awareness and opinion of the Tiger Lily product range. The data included in this report are the results of a questionnaire survey obtained from a random sample of 1,000 men and women carried out on 15th January. The subjects addressed were aged 18-40. Consumer Awareness of the Product Range From the total number of respondents thirty per cent reported that they were familiar with the product range as they had seen it on television or displayed in stores. The remaining seventy per cent were unaware of the product range. This result suggests that the advertising campaign conducted in this respect failed to attract the attention of consumers and produce the desired effect. Packaging A great number of the respondents aware of the product range agreed that the packaging was unattractive and unable to persuade the potential buyer to purchase the product. The remaining respondents stated that they preferred to buy competitors products, as they were more attractive. Quality and Price Of the thirty per cent persons who knew the product twenty admitted that they did not repurchase it because the price was too high and the product itself did not meet their expectations. Conclusion On the basis of the findings above it would seem that a large percentage of the consumers are unaware of the product range. In addition, those who sampled the product are unsatisfied with the quality, the price and the packaging of the products. Therefore, our recommendation is that your company reconsider the quality, the prices and the packaging of the product range. We also suggest that the company launch a new advertising campaign to increase consumer awareness.

Usefullanguage Whenever communication is involved, three basic elements are to be considered: the sender, the message and the receiver. Further on, the message is composed of facts, language and tone. Therefore, a skillful writer should master and employ the adequate language to suit the reader, a language which is, most frequently, formal. Once the writer adopts the right language, this in its turn will gear the entire tone of the piece of business communication. Nevertheless, Evens V.(1998) suggests a number of useful formulas for report writing: -To begin reports: ---The purpose/aim/intention of this report is to examine/assess/evaluate the results of a survey in which....., ---This report outlines the results of a survey conducted/carried out to determine/discover establish the reaction/popularity/attitudes/opinion of ---As requested, this survey report contains information compiled from.... ---The data included in this report was gathered/obtained by means of a questionnaire/a telephone survey/door-to-door interviews...

-To conclude reports---To conclude/To sum up/ In conclusion, the survey clearly shows ...


---On the basis of these findings, indicate/suggest/demonstrate/reveal that...



seem that...,

The results




-To express facts and figures ---A significant proportion/percentage of the consumers interviewed.. reported/replied ---Over half/one third of those asked...preferred/chose ---Of the people who were questioned/interviewed/ asked...were of the opinion ---The majority /minority of those who responded...felt/believed that... -To express generalisations: ---On the whole/mainly/In general terms/ generally speaking.... ---Most consumers prefer/feel ...a demonstrated/proved/shown/illustrated by the fact that..... ---This fact suggests/indicates/ confirms /points out...

Exercises1. Devise a questionnaire with the title A Question of Service envisaging a particular hotel. Incorporate the questions: Were you met by the Hotel Lobby Manager? Were you addressed by name in the restaurant? Did you receive your morning call on time? Would you choose to stay in this hotel again? Then write a report on the findings. 2. Look at the grid below representing a questionnaire survey : Hotel Survey: Summer Period Hotel: Belvedere Period: May 4-June 30 Rooms booked: 420 Respondents: 100 x = indicates the most common result Excellent Good Location Room comfort x General comfort Cleanliness x Food Staff attentiveness x Bar service Waiter service Sports facilities x Overall x Write a report on the data given by the questionnaire. Fair x x x x x Poor


3. Read the two sentences and indicate which best supports the following recommendation? While the implementation of the new system has determined a few administrative problems, it has also contributed to a significant drop in absenteeism. While the introduction of the new system has caused a significant drop in absenteeism, it has also determined a few administrative problems. It is therefore recommended that that the new programme should be continued. 4. Below you will read two versions taken from the final sections of two reports. In which the ideas are expressed more logically and clearly, and what is the difference between the two versions ? To conclude although Mr Adams performs his duties extremely efficiently and with exceptional responsibility, he seems to have had certain problems with the members of the staff. It is therefore recommended that he should not be promoted to a higher position at this time. To sum up, although Mr Adams seems to have had certain problems with members of the staff, he performs his duties extremely efficiently and with an exceptional responsibility. It is therefore recommended that he should not be promoted at a higher position at this time.


Unit 4 The tourist guides responsibilitiesTranslated from Corina Chiriac - Ghidul de turism The main specific tasks of the national tourist guide are those which (s)he has to complete on a regular basis as part of his/her activity regardless of the group, season or tour by using a large variety of technical and cultural knowledge, information and skills as follows: Presentation of the itinerary and the included tourist attractions; Presentation of the city tour; Presentation of a museum; Presentation of the tour in a rural touristic area; Presentation of a touristic locality; Presentation of mountain/ seaside resorts and spas; Presentation of particular tourist attractions (reservations, caves).

Presentation items: o Name of the tourist attraction/locality (history, historical evidence); o Location (region, surrounding area); o Information on physical geography (relief, altitude, climate, flora and fauna, etc.); o Information on human geography (population, industrial/agricultural particularities, tourist amenities); o Historical information (regarding the objective, locals, myths and legends); o Information on culture and the arts (period identification, style, local specificity); o Information on architecture (urban/vernacular); o Ethnic/religious particularities; o Traditions/ crafts/ handicrafts/popular art; o Taboos; o Markets, bazaars (shopping locations). Main activities Meets the tourists and escorts them along the trip; Assists the tourists all through the entire trip; Prepares informative materials for the tourists; Secures meals and accommodation for tourists; Provides the tourists with economical, historical, cultural, geographical information on the visited localities and areas; Plans out optional trips on tourists demand; Plans out alternative activities if objective reasons demand a change in the original trip schedule; Books tickets for various performances; 35

Writes an activity report; Fills in the expense account for the advanced money;

Responsibilities Answers for tourists security; Answers for the providing of services at the level contracted by the tourists at the agency; Cashes the due amount for the optional trips and gives receipts; Settles the grounded claims coming from tourists; Is respectful towards the tourists; Shows interest in assisting the tourists; Treats all tourists equally regardless of their attitude; Shows special attention towards tourists with heath issues; Adapts to all new situations and acts accordingly; Is responsible for protecting the environment; Follows health and safety regulations as well as customer protection regulations; Acts with self composure and calm during crisis; During the tour, (s)he provides tourists with general information and information on the itinerary and localities; Offers information on local exchange rates and opening hours for tourist attractions, shops, etc. Maintains constant communication with the tourists; Maintains a pleasant ambiance within the group; Manages responsibly the entrusted payment instruments during the tour; Suggests improvements for touristic programs based on personal experience and tourists suggestions; Supplies tourists with advertising materials (brochures, maps, leaflets) provided by the organizers; Completes the final stage of the tour by handing in the tour file at the agency within the required period. The file contains the expenses account and the guides report; Manages any unpredicted situations during the tour; Guides the group all through the entire trip; Provides the tourists with information on the daily schedule; Sets the rules to be followed during transportation; Sets the participation rules for various optional activities (trips or games); Depending on the available resources, plans out together with the tourists various entertainment activities; Offers additional information upon tourists request; Advises tourists on various leisure activities; Properly uses the microphone; Checks the condition of the means of transport before departure (dashboard and cleanliness of the coach);


Identifies the meeting point with the tourists in time, so as to check their attendance and to guide them to the departure point (to the platform when it comes to train transportation) categorizes the luggage per person Checks the rooms` conditions and the inventory at the tourists` check-out Checks if the tourists have got into the possession of all their documents left at the checkin desk and if the keys have been handed in Is in a permanent contact with the organizing tourism agency with a view to settling any unexpected problems (e.g.: booking cancellation for tourists who have not shown up) Introduces the other participants (driver, local and specialized guides etc) to the tourists Checks whether the accommodation, meal and transport bookings have been made and confirmed Reaches the meeting point approximately 45 minutes before the established schedule Provides specialized information appropriatedly to the group before and during the schedule Ensures the tourists` and their luggage`s boarding Checks, when getting off the bus, if the tourists have not forgotten any personal belongings on board Ensures the tourists` check in according to their room distribution Draws the tourists` attention concerning the environment protection Ensures the preparation of a variety of special meals, and, also, special meals for vegetarians or for persons on a diet Intervenes whenever special medical assistance is needed Checks the rooms` conditions when the tourists` check in and when they check out Checks whether the tourists have handed the keys in and whether they have got into the possession of all their documents Ensures the reconfirmation on the passengers` list (if they travel by plane) Checks if the tourists have paid their supplementary services (telephone, room service) Ensures the possible services the tourists can benefit from during transportation (takeaway meals, meal in the restaurant car) Is in charge of the trip`s accomplisment by handing in the file to the agency in due time. The file comprises the financial reimbursment and the guide`s trip report.

Minimal training requirements: No criminal record Highschool graduation diploma 2 foreign languages Background knowledge Professional qualification Professional specialization Communication skills


Career prospects: Agency Manager POSITION DESCRIPTION NATIONAL TOURIST GUIDE 1. Responsibilities Welcomes the tourists and accompanies them throughout the entire trip Offers/provides assistance at all times during the program Prepares informative materials for the tourists Is in charge of ensuring accommodation and meals for the tourists Provides the tourists with information regarding economic, historic, cultural, geographic aspects relative to the visited spots and regions Organises, on the tourists` demand, optional tours Organises activities when the schedule cannot be followed from various reasons Books tickets to shows Draws up a report on the program Draws up the financial reimbursement in order to justify the cash advance obtained

2. The position`s integration within the organizational structure 2.1. Its position within the organizational structure: operative 2.2. Relations: hierarchic: subordinate of the agency director of collaboration: with other specialized or local guides functional: with all the agency`s employees and drivers of representation: with the clients, the service providers (hotel, restaurant etc.)

3. Conditions of the position 3.1. General: trial period : 3 months normal tenure : as much as is needed type of activity: intellectual payement fixed salary + allowance established by the employing agency occasional bonuse