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Equilibrium Model of Precipitation in Microalloyed Steels


The formation of precipitates during thermal processing of microalloyed steels greatly influencestheir mechanical properties. Precipitation behavior varies with steel composition and temper-ature history and can lead to beneficial grain refinement or detrimental transverse surfacecracks. This work presents an efficient computational model of equilibrium precipitation of oxides, sulfides, nitrides, and carbides in steels, based on satisfying solubility limits includingWagner interaction between elements, mutual solubility between precipitates, and mass con-servation of alloying elements. The model predicts the compositions and amounts of stableprecipitates for multicomponent microalloyed steels in liquid, ferrite, and austenite phases atany temperature. The model is first validated by comparing with analytical solutions of simplecases, predictions using the commercial package JMat-PRO, and previous experimentalobservations. Then it is applied to track the evolution of precipitate amounts during continuouscasting of two commercial steels (1004 LCAK and 1006Nb HSLA) at two different castingspeeds. This model is easy to modify to incorporate other precipitates, or new thermodynamicdata, and is a useful tool for equilibrium precipitation analysis.

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-010-0428-7  The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2010


MICROALLOYED   steels are strengthened mainlyby the dispersion of fine precipitate particles and theireffects to inhibit grain growth and dislocation motion.[1]

These precipitates include oxides, sulfides, nitrides, andcarbides, and form at different times and locations duringsteel processing. They display a variety of differentmorphologies and size distributions, ranging from spher-ical, cubic to cruciform shape, sizes ranging from nano-meters and micrometers and locations insidethe matrix or

on the grain boundaries, such as shown in Figure 1.

[2 – 6]

If properly optimized, these precipitate particles act to pinthe grain boundaries, serving to restrict grain growth andthereby increasing toughness during processes such asrolling and run-out table cooling. However, if largenumbers of fine precipitate particles accumulate alongweak grain boundaries at elevated temperatures, they canlead to crack formation, which plagues processes such ascontinuous casting.[7] There is a strong need to predict theformation of precipitates, including their composition,morphology, and size distribution, as a function of processing conditions.

Precipitate formation for a given steel compositiondepends on the temperature history in thermal processes

such as casting, and it is accelerated by the strain hist oryin processes with large deformation, such as rolling.[8]

The first crucial step to model precipitate behavior isto predict the equilibrium phases, compositions, and

amounts of precipitates present for a given compositionand temperature. This represents the maximum amountof precipitate that can form when the solubility limit isexceeded. This is also critical for calculating the super-saturation, which is the driving force for precipitategrowth. Thus, a fast and accurate model of equilibriumprecipitation is a necessary initial step toward the futuredevelopment of a comprehensive model of precipitategrowth.

Minimization of Gibbs free energy is a popularmethod to determine the phases present in a multicom-

ponent material at a given temperature. The totalGibbs energy of a multicomponent system is generallydescribed by a regular solution sublattice model.[9,10] Inaddition to the Gibbs energy of each pure component,extra energy terms come from the entropy of mixing, theexcess Gibbs energy of mixing due to interactionbetween components, and the elastic or magnetic energystored in the system. In recent years, many researchershave used software packages based on Gibbs energyminimization, including Thermo Calc,[11,12] FactSage,[6]

ChemSage,[3] and other CALPHAD models,[13,14] tocalculate equilibrium precipitation behavior in multi-component steels.

Gibbs free energy functions with self-consistentparameters for a Fe-Nb-Ti-C-N steel system have beengiven by Lee.[14] The carbonitride phase was modeledusing a two-sublattice model[15] with (Fe,Nb,Ti)(C,N,Vacancy), where the two sublattices represent thesubstitutional metal atoms and the interstitial atomsseparately. Since not all positions are occupied byinterstitial atoms, vacant sites were introduced in thissublattice. Mutual interaction energies between compo-nents incorporated up to ternary interactions, andaccuracy was confirmed by comparing predictions withthermodynamic properties of Nb/Ti carbonitrides

KUN XU, Graduate Student, and BRIAN G. THOMAS, C.J.Gauthier Professor, are with the Mechanical Science and EngineeringDepartment, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana,IL, 61801. Contact e-mail: [email protected] RON O’MALLEY,Plant Metallurgist, is with Nucor Steel Decatur, LLC, Trinity, AL,35673.

Manuscript submitted February 12, 2010.Article published online November 4, 2010



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measured under equilibrium conditions for a wide rangeof steel compositions.

Although these models based on minimizing Gibbsfree energy can accurately predict the equilibriumamounts of precipitates, and have the powerful abilityto predict the precipitates to expect in a new system, theaccuracy of their databases and their ability to quanti-tatively predict complex precipitation of oxides, sulfides,nitrides, and carbides in microalloyed steels is still inquestion. In addition, the solubility product of eachprecipitate is a logarithmic function of free energy, so asmall inaccuracy in the free energy function could causea large   deviation in calculating the amount precipi-tated.[16] Finally, the free energy curves and interactionparameters are very interdependent and so must be refitto incorporate new data.

An alternative method to predict the equilibriumphases in a multicomponent alloy is to simultaneouslysolve systems of equations based on solubility products,

which represent the limits of how much a givenprecipitate can dissolve per unit mass of metal. Theorigin of this equilibrium constant concept can be tracedback to Le Chatelier’s Principle of 1888. [17] The incor-poration   of mutual solubility was first suggested byHudd[18] for niobium   carbonitride, and later extendedby Rose and Gladman[19] to Ti-Nb-C-N steel.

Recently, Liu[20] developed a model to predict theequilibrium mole fractions of precipitates Ti(C,N),MnS, and Ti4C2S2  in microalloyed steel. The solubilityproducts are calculated from standard Gibbs energiesand account for the interaction between alloying ele-ments and the mutual solubility of Ti(C,N). Theprecipitation of complex vanadium carbonitrides andaluminum nitrides in C-Al-V-N   microalloyed steelswas discussed by Gao and Baker.[21] They used   twothermodynamic models by Adrian[22] and Rios,[23] andproduced similar results. Park[24] calculated the precip-itation behavior of MnS in austenite including two

Fig. 1—Example precipitates in microalloyed steels: (a) fine spherical   AlN,[2] (b) cruciform (Ti,V)N after equalization at 1373 K (1100 C),[3]

(c) (Ti,Nb)C on grain boundaries,[4] (d ) cubic TiN on grain boundaries,[5] and (e) and ( f ) coarse complex multiple precipitates by heterogeneousnucleation.[6]



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diff erent   sets of solubility products for Ti4C2S2   andTiS[11,20] and assuming sulfides and carbonitrides(Ti,V)(C,N) are mutually insoluble. In both works,[21,24]

the solution energy of mixing for C-N was assumed tobe constant (–4260 J/mol) with all other solutionparameters taken as zero. The Wagner interaction effectwas neglected for this dilute system and ideal stoichi-ometry was assumed for all sulfides and carbonitrides.

Previous solubility-product based models oftenneglect effects such as the differences between substitu-

tional and interstitial elements during precipitation,mutual solubility between precipitates, and the Wagnereffect between solutes, so are only suitable for particularsteel grades and precipitates. Moreover, the analysis of molten steel and ferrite is lacking as most works onlyfocus on precipitation in the austenite phase.

Although many previous attempts have been made,an accurate model of equilibrium precipitation behaviorin microalloyed steel has not yet been demonstrated.The complexity comes from many existing physicalmechanisms during precipitation processes, such assolubility limits of precipitates in different steel phases,change of activities due to Wagner interaction between

elements, treatment of mutually exclusive and solubleproperties among precipitates, and mass conservation of all elements.

The current work aims to establish and apply such athermodynamic model to efficiently predict the typicalprecipitates in microalloyed steels. Mutual solubility isincorporated for appropriate precipitates with similarcrystal structures and lattice parameters. The model isapplied to investigate the effect of mutual solubility. It isthen validated with analytical solution of simple cases,numerical results from commercial package JMat-Pro,and previous experimental results. Finally, the model isapplied to predict equilibrium precipitation in twocommercial microalloyed steels with different casting

speeds in practical continuous casting condition.


The equilibrium precipitation model developed in thiswork computes the composition and amount of eachprecipitate formed for a given steel composition andtemperature, based on satisfying the solubility productsof a database of possible reactions and their associatedactivity interaction parameters. The database currentlyincludes 18 different oxide, sulfide, nitride, and carbideprecipitates (TiN, TiC, NbN, NbC0.87, VN, V4C3,Al


, Ti2

O3, MnO, MgO, MnS, MgS, SiO

2, TiS,

Ti4C2S2, AlN, BN, and Cr2N) and 13 different elements(N, C, O, S, Ti, Nb, V, Al, Mn, Mg, Si, B, and Cr), inFe, and is easily modified to accommodate new reac-tions and parameters.

A.  Solubility Products

Each reaction between dissolved atoms of elements Mand X gives a solid precipitate of compound MxX y:

xM þ yX $  MxX y   ½1

The temperature-dependent equilibrium solubilityproduct,  K , is defined as

K MxX y ¼ ax

M   a yX=aMxX y


where aM,  aX, and aMxX y are the activities of M, X,  and

MxX y, respectively. The solubility products in steelsdecrease with lower temperature, so there is usually acritical temperature below which precipitates can form,given sufficient time.

The solubility products of the precipitates in liquidsteel, ferrite, and austenite used in this study are listedin Table I. The solubilities in liquid are about 10 to 100times larger than those in austenite, which are about 10times greater than those in ferrite at the same temper-ature. These observed ratios are assumed to estimateunknown solubility products for oxides in solid steeland for the other precipitates in liquid steel. Thesolubility products generally decrease from carbides, tonitrides, to sulfides, to oxides, which corresponds toincreasing precipitate stability. Thus, oxides generallyprecipitate first, forming completely in the liquidsteel, where they may collide and grow very large,leaving coarse oxide particles (inclusions) and very

little free (dissolved) oxygen remaining in the solidphase after solidification. In addition, oxide precipitatesin the solid often act as heterogeneous nucleation coresof complex   precipitates, which form later at lowertemperature.[63,64]

The solubilities and amounts of nitrides and carbidesadded to microalloyed steels typically result in theseprecipitates forming in the austenite phase as small(nanometer-scale) second-phase particles, which inhibitgrain growth. A notable precipitate is TiN, which isroughly 100 to 1000 times more stable than othernitrides and carbides. The large variations between theratio of carbide and nitride solubility products alsodepend greatly on the alloying elements. This ratio isabout 10 for niobium, so NbC0.87   precipitates arecommonly observed in steels because carbon is alwaysrelatively plentiful. This ratio is about 100 to 1000 fortitanium and vanadium, so these elements typicallyprecipitate as nitrides. When the concentration of sulfuris high enough, the corresponding sulfides and carbo-sulfides are also observed in these steels.

For the low solute contents of the steels, the activity  aiof each element i (weight percent) is defined usingHenry’s law as follows:

ai ¼  ci  pct i½


log10 ci ¼X13


e ji  pct j½ ½3

where   ci   is the activity coefficient,   ei j is the Wagner

interaction coefficient of element i as affected byalloying element j, and [pct i] is the dissolved massconcentration of element i (wt pct). The summationcovers interactions from all alloying elements, includingelement i itself. This relation comes from the Taylorseries expansion formalism first proposed by Wagner[65]



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and Chipman[66] to describe the thermodynamicrelationship between logarithm of activity coefficientand composition of a dilute constituent in a multicom-ponent system. Larger positive Wagner interactionparameters encourage more precipitation. If the alloy-ing concentrations are higher, then higher-order inter-action coefficients   using the extended treatment byLupis and Elliott[67] should be used. Since alloyadditions are small in the microalloyed steels of interest

in this work (<~1 wt pct), they are assumed to bedilute, so only first-order interaction coefficients werecollected. Relative to the solubility product effects,these interaction parameters are a second-order correc-tion to precipitation in these steels. Each referencedvalue was determined in either the liquid melt or solidsteel. They are assumed independent of steel phase andare summarized in Table II.

During phase transformations, when the steel hasmore than one phase (liquid,   d-ferrite, austenite, anda-ferrite), the solubility product of the precipitate MxX y

is defined with a weighted average based on the phasefractions as follows:

K MxX y ¼ f l K l MxX y

þ f dK dMxX yþ f cK 

cMxX y

þ f aK aMxX y½4

where   f l ,   f d,   f c, and   f a  are the phase fractions of liquid,d-ferrite, austenite, and  a-ferrite in steel.

B.  Treatment of Mutual SolubilityAlthough many different precipitates are included in

the previous section, several groups are mutually soluble,as they exist as a single constituent phase. There is ampleexperimental evidence to show the mutual solubility of (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) carbonitride in steels. The treatmentof mutual   solubility follows the ideas of Huud,[18]

Gladman,[19] and Speer[68] et al., and assumes idealmixing (regular solution parameters are zero) for mutu-ally soluble precipitates. The activities of precipitates thatare mutually exclusive with each other remain at unity

Table I. Lattice Parameters and Solubility Products of Precipitates

Composition (Mass Pct) Crystal Form Lattice Parameter Log10K l    Log10K a,d   Log10K c


[pct Al]2[pct O]3hexagonal[25]

a ¼  4:76A; c ¼  13:0A 64;000

T   þ 20:57[33] 51;630

T   þ 7:55 51;630

T   þ 9:45[38]


[pct Ti]2[pct O]3hexagonal[26]

a ¼  5:16A; c ¼  13:6A 56060

T   þ 18:08[34] 56060

T   þ 14:08 56060

T   þ 15:98

MgO[pct Mg][pct O]


a ¼  4:21A 4700

T    4:28[35] 4700

T    6:28 4700

T    5:33


[pct Mn][pct O]


a ¼  4:45˚



  þ 4:666[36] 11749T 

  þ 2:666 11749T 

  þ 3:616


[pct Si][pct O]2trigonal[28]

a ¼  4:91A; c ¼  5:41A 30;110

T   þ 11:40[33] 30;110

T   þ 9:40 30;110

T   þ 10:35

MnS[pct Mn][pct S]


a ¼  5:22A 9020

T   þ 3:98 9020

T   þ 1:98 9020

T   þ 2:93[39]

MgS[pct Mg][pct S]


a ¼  5:20A 9268

T   þ 2:06 9268

T   þ 0:06 9268

T   þ 1:01[40]

TiS[pct Ti][pct S]


a ¼  3:30A; c ¼  26:5A 13;975

T   þ 6:48 13;975

T   þ 4:48 13;975

T   þ 5:43[41]


[pct Ti]4[pct C]2[pct S]2hexagonal[30]

a ¼  3:30A; c ¼  11:2A 68;180

T   þ 35:8 68;180

T   þ 27:8 68;180

T   þ 31:6[41]

AlN[pct Al][pct N]


a ¼  3:11A; c ¼  4:97A 12;950

T   þ 5:58[37] 8790

T   þ 2:05[37] 6770

T   þ 1:03[37]

BN[pct B][pct N]


a ¼  2:50A; c ¼  6:66A 10;030

T   þ 4:64[37] 14;250

T   þ 4:61[37] 13;970

T   þ 5:24[37]

NbN[pct Nb][pct N]


a ¼  4:39A

12;170T    þ 6:91


T    þ 4:91[37]


T    þ 3:79[37]


[pct Nb][pct C]0.87fcc[19]

a ¼  4:46A 9830

T   þ 6:33 9830

T   þ 4:33[37] 7020

T   þ 2:81[37]

TiN[pct Ti][pct N]


a ¼  4:23A 17;040

T   þ 6:40[37] 18;420

T   þ 6:40[37] 15;790

T   þ 5:40[37]

TiC[pct Ti][pct C]


a ¼  4:31A 6160

T   þ 3:25[37] 10;230

T   þ 4:45[37] 7000

T   þ 2:75[37]

VN[pct V][pct N]


a ¼  4:12A 9720

T   þ 5:90 9720

T   þ 3:90[37] 7700

T   þ 2:86[37]


[pct V]4[pct C]3fcc[19]

a ¼  4:15A 28;200

T   þ 24:96 28;200

T   þ 16:96[37] 26;240

T   þ 17:8[37]

Cr2N[pct Cr]2 [pct N]


a ¼  4:76A; c ¼  4:44A 1092

T    0:131 1092

T    2:131 1092

T    1:181[42]

*Estimated values used in the present work; temperature is in Kelvin.**For consistency, these solubility products are rewritten in the form MxX y, according to log10 K Mx X y

 ¼ x log10 K MX y=x.



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because they exist separately in the steel. On the otherhand, the activities of mutually soluble precipitates areless than unity because they always appear together with

other precipitates. Instead, their activities are representedby their respective molar fractions in the mixed precip-itates, so the sum of the activities of the precipitates thatcomprise a mutually soluble group is unity. The crystalstructures and lattice parameters of the precipitates aregiven in Table I. Precipitates with the same crystalstructures and similar lattice parameters (within 10 pct)are assumed to be mutually soluble, and this assumptioncould be adjusted by further experimental observations.

According to the preceding criterion, the 18 precip-itates in the current work are separated into thefollowing 10 groups: (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N), (Al,Ti)O,(Mn,Mg)O, (Mn,Mg)S, SiO2, TiS, Ti4C2S2, AlN, BN,and Cr2N. Precipitates can form from the element

combinations that comprise each of these groups,including those for the four mutually soluble groupsshown in Table III. The 18 solubility limits provide thefollowing constraint equation:

aMxX y ¼

 axMa y


K MxX y


The activity of precipitate MxX y,   aMxX y, is deter-

mined differently for mutually soluble and exclusive

precipitates. Its value is 1 for the six mutually exclusiveprecipitates (SiO2, TiS, Ti4C2S2, AlN, BN, and Cr2N).For the four mutually soluble precipitate groups, theprecipitate activities must satisfy

aTiN þ  aNbN þ  aVN þ  aTiC þ  aNbC0:87 þ  aV4C3

 ¼ 1   ½6

aAl2O3 þ  aTi2O3

 ¼ 1   ½7

aMnO þ  aMgO ¼  1   ½8

aMnS þ  aMgS ¼ 1   ½9

The   y/x   ratio of each precipitate MxX y   is easilycalculated from Table I and is often a nonstoichiometric

Table II. Selected Interaction Coefficients in Dilute Solutions of Microalloyed Steel

Element j   eN j eC

 j eS j eO

 j eTi j eNb


N 6294/T [43] 5790/T [46] 0.007[37] 0.057[50]  –19,500/T  +8.37[47]  — C 0.06[37] 8890/T [44] 0.11[37]  –0.42[33]  –221/T  – 0.072[33]  — S 0.007[37] 0.046[37]  –8740/T  – 0.394[45] –0. 133[50]  –0.27[33]  — O 0.05[37]  –0.34[37]  –0.27[37]  –1750/T  + 0.76[33] –3.4[33]  — Ti –5700/T  + 2.45[47]  –55/T  – 0.015[33]  –0.072[50]  –1.12[33] 0.042[33]  — Nb –235/T  + 0.055[48]  –66,257/T [54]  — — — –2[46]

V –356/T  + 0.0973[49]  — — — — — 

Al –0.028[50]





 — Mn –8336/T  – 27.8+3.652 ln  T [51]

 –5070/T [55]  –0.026[37]  –0.021[33]  –0.043[33]  — 

Mg — –0.07[50]  — –1.98[33]  –1.01[59]  — Si –286/T  + 0.202[52] 162/T  – 0.008[50] 0.063[37]  –0.066[33] 177.5/T  – 0.12[52] 77265/T  – 44.9[54]

B 1000/T  – 0.437[53]  —    — — — —  Cr –65,150/T + 24.1[51] –21,880/T  + 7.02[56] –0.011[50]  –0.046[57]  –0.016[57]  –216,135/T  +140.8[54]

Element j   eV j eAl

 j eMn j eMg

 j eSi j eB

 j eCr j

N — –0.058[50]  — — — — — C — 0.091[33]  –0.0538[33]  –0.25[59] 0.18[33]  — –0.12[50]

S — 0.035[33]  –28418/T+12.8[39]  —    0.066[33]  —    153/T+0.062[50]

O — –1.98[33]  –0.083[33]  –3[33]  –0.119[33]  —    0.14[50]

Ti — 0.004[58]  –0.05[33]  –0.51[59] 1.23[33]  — 0.059[50]

Nb — — — — — — —  V 470/T0.22[60]  — — — — — — Al — 0.043[33] 0.027[61]  –0.12[59] 0.058[33]  — 0.023[57]

Mn — 0.035[61]  –175.6/T+2.406[43]  — –0.0146[33]  — 0.0039[33]

Mg — –0.13[59]  —    — — — 0.042[62]

Si — 0.056[33]  –0.0327[33] -0.088[33] 0.103[33]  — –0.0043[50]

B — — — — — 0.038[53]  — Cr — 0.012[57] 0.0039[33] 0.047[59]  –0.0003[33]  — –0.0003[50]

 —: Values not found in the literature; they are assumed to be zero in current calculation.

Table III. Mutually soluble Precipitate Groupsand Their Precipitates

Mutually solublePrecipitate Group Precipitate Types Involved

(Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) TiN, NbN, VN, TiC, NbC0.87, V4C3,(Al,Ti)O Al2O3, Ti2O3

(Mn,Mg)O MnO, MgO(Mn,Mg)S MnS, MgS



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fraction, according to experimental observations. Withwide uncertainties in measured solubility products,[19]

further research is needed to modify these data to bestmatch new measurements.

C.  Mass Balance on Alloying Elements

The total of the molar fractions of each group of precipitates in the steel is

vtotal ¼v  Ti ;Nb;Vð Þ  C;Nð Þ þ  v  Al;Tið ÞO þ  v   Mn;Mgð ÞO þ  v  Mn;Mgð ÞS

þ vSiO2 þ  vTiS þ  vTi4C2S2

 þ  vAlN þ  vBN þ  vCr2N


The following equations must be satisfied for the massbalance of each of the 13 alloying elements, by summingover all 18 precipitate types, as summarized in Table  IV:

vM0 ¼   1  vtotalð Þv M½  þ X


i ¼1

xvMxX y i


vX0 ¼   1  vtotalð Þv X½  þ


i ¼1

 yvMxX y



where   vM0 ¼ AsteelM0=   100AMð Þ   and   v M½  ¼  Asteel  M½ =

100AMð Þ  are the molar fractions of the total mass con-centration, M0   (wt pct), of the given element in thesteel composition and the dissolved concentration [M](wt pct) for the element M.   Asteel   and   AM   are theatomic mass of the steel matrix and element M. A sim-ilar relation holds for element X in Eq. [12]. The rela-tion indicates that the total concentration of eachalloying element is divided into that in solution andthat in precipitate form. The molar fraction   vMxX y

  of precipitate MxX y   is the product of the activity of thisprecipitate and its corresponding molar fraction of theprecipitate group

vMx X y

¼ aMx X y

v g   ½13

where   v g   is the molar fraction of mutually solubleprecipitate group   g, which contains precipitate MxX y.For example, the group   g   = (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) contains

MxX y   precipitates TiN, NbN, VN, TiC, NbC0.87, orV4C3.

Generally, there are   P   equations for the solubilitylimits of   P   precipitates,   M   equations for the massbalances of  M  alloying elements, and  Q  extra constraintequations for the   Q  groups of mutually soluble precip-itates. The total number of equations is  P + M + Q. In

addition, there are M unknown dissolved concentrationsof the   M   alloying elements,   R  molar concentrations of the R  groups of mutually exclusive precipitates,  Q  molarconcentrations of the   Q   groups of mutually solubleprecipitates, and   P  2   R   mutually soluble coefficients.Thus, the total number of unknowns is also  M + Q +P. The current study includes   P = 18   precipitates,M = 13 alloying elements, and Q = 4 mutually solublegroups, giving  35  equations and  35  unknowns. With anequal number of equations and unknowns, the equationsystem can be solved by suitable numerical method.

D.  Numerical Solution Details

The preceding equations are solved simultaneouslyusing a simple iterative scheme. To achieve fasterconvergence, the method takes advantage of the factthat results are desired over a wide temperature range,as it runs incrementally from above the solidus temper-ature to below the austenite to  a-ferrite transformationtemperature. Starting at a high temperature in liquidsteel, complete solubility of every precipitate phase isassumed. The temperature is lowered at each time-step,using the results from the previous step as the initialguess. The 35 equations are solved using the Newton– Raphson method until the largest absolute errorbetween the left and right sides of all equations

converges to less than 106

. The (35 9 35) matrix of the derivatives of the equations with respect to theunknowns is calculated analytically. The solution of thissystem of equations  F i   is given as

zkþ1 ¼  zk   kJ zkð Þ1F zkð Þ ½14

The Jacobian matrix  J  is computed from

J zð Þf gij¼ @ F i   zð Þ

@ z j


Table IV. Precipitates Considered for Each Alloying-Element Mass Balance

Element Groups of Precipitates Types of Precipitates

N (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N), AlN, BN, Cr2N TiN, NbN, VN, AlN, BN, Cr2NC (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N), Ti4C2S2   TiC, NbC0.87, V4C3, Ti4C2S2S (Mn,Mg)S, TiS, Ti4C2S2   MnS, MgS, TiS, Ti4C2S2O (Al,Ti)O, (Mn,Mg)O, SiO2   Al2O3, Ti2O3, MnO, MgO, SiO2

Ti (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N), (Al,Ti)O, TiS, Ti4C2S2   TiN, TiC, Ti2O3, TiS, Ti4C2S2Nb (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) NbN, NbC0.87

V (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) VN, V4C3

Al (Al,Ti)O, AlN Al2O3, AlNMn (Mn,Mg)O, (Mn,Mg)S MnO, MnSMg (Mn,Mg)O, (Mn,Mg)S MgO, MgSSi SiO2   SiO2




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The parameter   k   is continuously halved from unityuntil the norm of the equations system decreases. Aftersolving the equations, the dissolved concentrations of each alloying element and the amounts of each precip-itate formed are stored at each temperature. It is worthmentioning that the computational time is typicallysmaller than 0.1 seconds for each temperature, so thecurrent model gives a relatively quick prediction of theequilibrium phases for microalloyed steels. Such anefficient model is needed for coupling into a kinetic

model in future work.

The molar concentration of precipitate can be trans-formed to the mass concentration or volume fraction insteels. For precipitate MxX y, its mass concentrationwMxX y

 (wt pct) and volume fraction mMxX y are calculated

from its molar fractionvMxX y, as follows:

wMxX y ¼

100AMxX yvMxX y



mMxX y  ¼

 qsteelAMxX y

qMxX yAsteelv

MxX y   ½17

where   Asteel   and   AMxX y are the atomic mass, and  qsteel

and   qMxX y  are the density of the steel matrix and

precipitate separately. As the alloy additions are small,these properties of steel are simply taken to be constants(55.85 g/mol and 7500 kg/m3).


A.  Validation with Analytical Solutions of MutuallyExclusive Precipitates

For simple single-precipitate systems with   y/x  = 1,such as NbN, Wagner interaction can be neglected andthe element activities are equal to their dissolved massconcentration in the very dilute systems. The firstprecipitate occurs when the product of the initialconcentrations, Nb0   and N0, exceeds KNbN. AfterNbN forms, the solubility limit requires

½Nb½N ¼ K NbN   ½18

The stoichiometry requirement for this chemicalreaction is

Nb0    Nb½


¼ N0    N½



The analytical solution can be summarized as follows.

(a) At high temperature, when Nb0*N0   £   K NbN, thereare no precipitates.

(b) At lower temperature, when Nb0*N0>K NbN,

For mutually exclusive precipitates composed with y/x  = 1, if these precipitates do not share any alloyingelements, the analytical solution is simply two sets of equations such as those for NbN. Alternatively, if theyshare a common element, such as with the Nb-Al-Nsystem with NbN and AlN, all of the different possibleconditions, such as Nb0*N0>K NbN and Al0*N0>K AlN,are tested to find which precipitate forms first. After oneprecipitate forms, the initial nitrogen concentration isreplaced with its dissolved value to judge whether the

other precipitate forms or not and the results change if both precipitates form.

If both precipitates form, the solubility limits andchemical reaction require

Nb½  N½ ¼  K NbN   ½21

Al½  N½ ¼  K AlN   ½22

Nb0    Nb½


þ Al0    Al½


¼ N0    N½



The solution can be summarized as follows.(a) At high temperature, when Nb0*N0   £   K NbN   and

Al0*N0  £  K AlN, there is no precipitate.(b) At low temperature, when either Nb0*N0> K NbN

and Al0*N0>K AlN   is satisfied:

(i) If Nb0*N0> K NbN, the solution is given like asingle NbN case

(ii) If Al0*N0 > K AlN, the solution is similar toEq. [20], but all values of Nb are replaced withthe corresponding values of Al instead.

N½ ¼ANbN 0   ANNb0ð Þ þ

 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbN0   ANNb0ð Þ2þ4ANbANK NbN

q 2ANb

Nb½ ¼   ANbN0  ANNb0ð Þ þ

 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbN0   ANNb0ð Þ2þ4ANbANK NbN

q 2AN 

wNbN ¼   ANb þ ANð ÞANbN0 þ  ANNb0ð Þ

 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbN0  ANNb0ð Þ2þ4ANbANK NbN

q 2ANbAN








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(c) If the temperature continues to decrease so thatboth Nb0*N0> K NbN  and Al0*N0> K AlN   are sat-isfied, Nb0*N0/K NbN   and Al0*N0/K AlN   are com-puted and compared

(i) If Nb0*N0/K NbN   is larger, the following condi-tion is checked

Al0    N½ >K AlN   ½24

If true, then both precipitates form. Otherwise, onlyNbN precipitates exist.

(ii) If Al0*N0/K AlN   is larger, the next condition ischecked:

Nb0    N½ >K NbN   ½25

If true, then both precipitates form. Otherwise, onlyAlN precipitates exist.(iii) If both precipitates form,

For mutually-exclusive precipitates, which sharealloying elements, the formation of the first precipitatephase changes the dissolved concentration of sharedelements and delays the formation of other precipitates.The interaction parameters are all set to zero fornumerical simulation of these test cases. Figure  2 showsthat the numerical results match the analytical solution

very well for all three hypothetical steels. By adding0.02 pct Al into steel with 0.02 pct Nb and 0.02 pct N,AlN forms first, consumes some of the dissolvednitrogen, which delays the formation of NbN precipi-tate, and decreases the equilibrium amount of NbN.Instead, if 0.01 pct B is added to the 0.02 pct Nb and0.02 pct N steel, the early precipitation of BN delaysNbN to form at an even lower temperature. This isbecause BN has a lower solubility limit and reacts withmore nitrogen in forming BN because of the lower

atomic mass of boron.A precipitation diagram for the Nb-Al-N-Fe system

at different temperatures in austenite was calculatedfrom the current model and is shown in Figure  3. Thesum of the mass concentration of elements Nb, Al, andN is set as 0.05 wt pct. Each curve in this diagram showsthe boundary between stable and unstable precipitationof AlN or NbN in these hypothetical steels. At 1573 K(1300   C), AlN forms first because of its lower solubility

limit. The composition region for stable AlN precipita-tion increases with decreasing temperature. When tem-perature drops below 1423 K (1150   C), either AlN orNbN may exist for certain compositions. Finally, attemperatures below 1398 K (1125   C), either AlN,NbN, or both precipitates can coexist. Similar progres-sions occur in other systems.

N½ ¼   ANbAAlN0   AN   ANbAl0 þ AAlNb0ð Þ½ 2ANbAAl


 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbAAlN0   AN   ANbAl0 þ  AAlNb0ð Þ½ 2þ4ANbAAlAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

q 2ANbAAl

Nb½ ¼ K NbN ANbAAlN0   AN   ANbAl0 þ  AAlNb0ð Þ½

2AN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

þK NbN

 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbAAlN0  AN   ANbAl0 þ  AAlNb0ð Þ½ 2þ4ANbAAlAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

q 2AN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

Al½ ¼ K AlN ANbAAlN0   AN   ANbAl0 þ  AAlNb0ð Þ½

2AN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

þK AlN

 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbAAlN0   AN   ANbAl0 þ AAlNb0ð Þ½ 2þ4ANbAAlAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

q 2AN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

wNbN ¼   ANb þ  ANð Þ  K NbN   ANbAAlN 0 þ AN   AAlNb0  ANbAl0ð Þð Þ þ 2ANbANNb0K AlN

2ANbAN   ANbK AlN þ AAlK NbNð Þ


 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbAAlN0   AN   ANbAl0 þ AAlNb0ð Þ½ 2þ4ANbAAlAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

q 2ANbAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ


wAlN ¼   AAl þ ANð Þ  K AlN   ANbAAlN0 þ  AN   ANbAl0  AAlNb0ð Þð Þ þ 2AAlANAl0K NbN

2AAlAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ

K AlN  ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiANbAAlN0   AN   ANbAl0 þ  AAlNb0ð Þ½ 2þ4ANbAAlAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þq 

2AAlAN   ANbK AlN þ  AAlK NbNð Þ35




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B.  Calculation for Mutually Soluble Precipitates

A prediction of mutually soluble precipitation isshown in Figure 4   for a hypothetical Ti-Nb-N steelwith 0.01 pct Nb, 0.01 pct N, and 0.005 pct Ti. Theprecipitates form as the single group (Ti,Nb)N, and evenfor this simple example of a mutually soluble system, ananalytical solution could not be found. In addition toprecipitate amounts, Figure 4 shows how the precipitatecomposition evolves with decreasing temperature. Forexample, at 1573 K (1300   C), the precipitate groupcomposition is 72 pct Ti, 6 pct Nb, and 22 pct N, whichcorresponds to the molar-fraction expressionTi0.48Nb0.02N0.50. When titanium is present, TiN is the

dominant precipitate at high temperature, owing to itshigh stability. Its molar fraction  f TiN  decreases at lowertemperature, as NbN forms from the remaining N andincreases the Nb content of the precipitate. This result isconsistent with experimental findings, such as those of Strid[69] and Craven,[70] where the core of complexcarbonitrides is mainly TiN. The model suggests thatprecipitates generated at high temperature are Ti rich,and the precipitate layers that form later become richerin Nb as the temperature lowers. Figure  4(a) also showsresults for the same steel without Ti. With mutual

solubility, adding titanium remarkably increases theinitial precipitation temperature and decreases theequilibrium activity of NbN, which allows more NbNto form. If TiN and NbN were mutually exclusive, thenadding titanium would decrease NbN precipitation.This result illustrates the importance of proper consid-eration of mutual solubility in the model.


A.  Validation with Commercial Package

The chemical composition of the two commercialsteels in this work, 1004 LCAK (low carbon aluminumkilled) and 1006Nb HSLA (high strength low alloy), aregiven in Table V. The results from the commercialpackage JMat-Pro 5.0 with general steel submodule[71]

and the current model are compared in Figure 5.JMat-Pro predicts separate precipitation of a TiN-rich‘‘MN’’ phase at higher temperatures and a NbC-rich‘‘M(C,N)’’ phase at lower temperatures. These are treatedtogether as a single (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) phase with evolvingcomposition in the current model, as previously men-tioned. The oxide M2O3   predicted by JMat-Pro corre-sponds with the (Al,Ti)O phase in the current model.

Fig. 2—Comparison of mutually-exclusive precipitation model predictions with analytical solution in austenite for three Fe alloys containing

0.02 pct N and 0.02 pct Nb and either 0.02 pct Al or 0.01 pct B.

Fig. 3—Calculated precipitation phase diagram for the quaternaryNb-Al-N system with 99.95 pct Fe.



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The comparison shows qualitative agreement for thepredicted precipitate types, and the amounts of (Al,Ti,)O, MnS, and (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) between the twomodels are all similar. For the latter phase group,JMat-Pro predicts a double-humped curve, owing to itstwo precipitate groups, MN and M(C,N), which isroughly approximated by a single smooth curve with thecurrent model. The composition of (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) inthe current model also matches reasonably with theaverage composition of the two precipitate groups inJMat-Pro. For example, in 1006Nb steel, the calculatedcomposition is Ti0.48Nb0.02V0.00C0.00N0.50   at 1577 K(1304   C) and Ti0.28Nb0.22V0.00C0.23N0.27   at 1077 K

(804   C) for JMat-Pro, and Ti0.47Nb0.03V0.00C0.02N0.48

at 1577 K (1304   C) and Ti0.29Nb0.21V0.02C0.14N0.35   at1077 K (804   C) for the current model. The currentmodel predicts that (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N) and MnS first formin the  d-ferrite phase, but dissolve after the transforma-tion to austenite, where the solubilities are larger. Thistrend is missing in JMat-Pro. JMat-Pro consistentlypredicts more AlN than the current model, likely due tohaving less solubility for this precipitate in its database.Below 1073 K (800   C), a jump in AlN is predicted byJMat-Pro. This is because cementite transformation isignored in the current model. The carbon-rich Fe3Cphase provides plenty of carbon to allow MN and

Fig. 4—Model calculation of mutually soluble precipitation in aus-tenite for two Fe alloys containing 0.01 pct N and 0.01 pct Nb, with

and without 0.005 pct Ti: (a) precipitate amount and (b) molar frac-tion of (Ti,Nb)N precipitates.

Table V. Compositions of 1004 LCAK and 1006Nb HSLA Steels (Weight Percent)

Steel Al C Cr Mn Mo N Nb S Si Ti V O

1004 LCAK 0.040 0.025 0.025 0.141 0.007 0.006 0.002 0.0028 0.028 0.0013 0.001 0.000151006Nb HSLA 0.0223 0.0472 0.0354 0.9737 0.0085 0.0083 0.0123 0.0013 0.2006 0.0084 0.0027 0

Fig. 5—Comparison of precipitate calculations by software JMat-Pro and the current model: (a) 1004 LCAK steel and (b) 1006NbHSLA steel.



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M(C,N) to form nearly as pure carbide, which leavesmore nitrogen to react with Al. In conclusion, thedifferences between the two models are not considered

to be significant, considering that both models neglectthe important effects of kinetics.

B.   Validation with Measured Equilibrium-Precipitated Nb Amount

Zajac and Jansson[72] investigated equilibrium precip-itation in several Nb-based industrial microalloyedsteels, including the two compositions shown inTable VI. The steels were first solution treated at 1573or 1623 K (1300 or 1350   C) for 1 hour followed byquick water quenching. Then, specimens were aged attwo different temperatures isothermally for 24 to

48 hours. The precipitated amount of Nb in Nb(C,N)was measured by the inductively coupled plasma emis-sion method on electrolytically extracted compounds for

each sample. Figure 6   compares these experimentalmeasurements with the calculated results of the precip-itated niobium amount for these two steels and showsthat the current model matches well with the experi-mental data.

C.  Validation with Observed Titanium Precipitate Types

Titanium sulfide and titanium carbosulfide are alsoobserved in high-titanium steels. The equilibrium pre-cipitation behavior of titanium-stabilized interstitial-freesteels was studied quantitatively using dissolution exper-iments by Yang   et al.[41] Several steels with differentcompositions were reheated at different temperaturesvarying from 1373 to 1623 K (1100 to 1350   C), and theholding time to reach the equilibrium state varied from1.5 to 3 hours for different reheating temperatures. Thesteel compositions and the types of precipitates observedat each holding temperature in the experiments are listedin Tables VII   and   VIII, respectively. The calculatedmolar fractions of the precipitates in these steels withtemperature are shown in Figure 7. The model predic-tions are consistent with the observed stability of theseprecipitates. The oxide Al2O3   begins to form in theliquid steel, so was likely removed by the flux/slag andnot recorded in the experiments.

D.  Validation with Measured Inclusion Compositions for Welding

Inclusion formation in steel welds is important todecide the final microstructure and improve toughnessin welds. It is also a good resource to validate thecurrent model since many measurements are available inthe literature. Kluken and Grong[73] measured the

Table VI. Compositions of Nb-Based Microalloyed Steels (Weight Percent)

Steel C Si Mn P S Nb Al N V Ti

Nb4 0.158 0.28 1.48 0.008 0.002 0.010 0.016 0.005 0.013 0.003Nb8 0.081 0.31 1.44 0.010 0.002 0.033 0.017 0.004 0.011 0.003

Fig. 6—Comparison of predicted amounts of Nb precipitation withexperimental measurements at different temperatures (Table Vsteels[71]).

Table VII. Compositions of Ti-Based Microalloyed Steels (Weight Percent)

Steel C Si Mn P S Al Ti N O

B 0.0036 0.0050 0.081 0.011 0.0028 0.045 0.095 0.0019 0.0028

C 0.0033 0.0040 0.081 0.011 0.0115 0.037 0.050 0.0022 0.0036

Table VIII. Precipitates Observed in Two Steels after Holding Several Hours at Different Temperatures

Steel 1300   C 1250   C 1200   C 1150   C 1100   C

B TiN TiN, TiS* TiN, TiS TiN, Ti4C2S2   TiN, Ti4C2S2C TiN, TiS TiN, TiS TiN, TiS TiN, TiS TiN,<TiS>, Ti4C2S2

*Very scarce.<>Means minor amount.



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inclusion compositions in term of average elementconcentrations of aluminum, titanium, manganese, sil-icon, sulfur, and copper in nine submerged arc weldswith different steel compositions using the wavelengthdispersive X-ray (EDX) intensity analysis and carbonextraction replicas method. The observed inclusions inthe solidified weld pool consist of an oxide core formingdue to reoxidation in the liquid state, and are covered

partially by sulfides and nitrides on their surfaces.Simple empirical relations were suggested to computethe dissolved concentrations of alloying elements tomatch the measurements, and the order of precipitateformation was always Al2O3, Ti2O3, SiO2, MnO, MnS,and TiN regardless of the weld composition.

Hsieh[74] used Thermo-Calc software to predict inclu-sion development in these low-alloy-steel welds. Multi-phase equilibrium between oxides and liquid steel wasassumed since the precipitation reactions are very fast at

these high temperatures. The oxidation sequence wasfound to be sensitive to small changes in the weldcomposition. The calculation stopped at liquidus tem-perature 1800 K (1527   C), so the possible formation of sulfides, nitrides, and carbides after solidification wasnot found.

The distributions of various precipitated compoundsin the inclusions are computed by the current model asfunctions of steel composition. Since precipitates includ-ing copper are not considered in this study, the originalmeasured inclusion composition data were normalizedto make the sum of the mass concentration of alumi-num, titanium, manganese, silicon, and sulfur total

100 pct, in order to allow for a proper comparison. Thechemical compositions of the experimental welds aregiven in Table IX. A comparison of the calculatedinclusion compositions at 1800 K (1527   C) in liquidsteel and 1523 K (1250   C) in austenite with themeasurements is shown in Figure 8, and reasonableagreement is found especially at 1523 K (1250   C), afterhigh-temperature solid-state reactions alter the normal-ized compositions, but before kinetics stops the diffusion(slope = 0.644 and correlation coefficient = 0.911 at1800 K (1527   C), and slope = 0.988 and correlationcoefficient = 0.932 at 1523 K (1250   C)). This findingindicates that the current model can be used as a firstapproximation to describe the formation of complex

inclusions for different weld metal compositions. Theagreement is likely adversely affected by the lack of consideration of kinetics and segregation during solid-ification in the current model.


Temperature and phase fraction evolution during thesolidification and cooling process is the first crucial step

Fig. 7—Calculated molar fractions of precipitates for Ti steels inTable VI: (a) steel B and (b) steel C.

Table IX. Compositions of Experimental Weld Steels (Weight Percent)

Weld C O Si Mn P S N Nb V Cu B Al Ti

1 0.09 0.034 0.48 1.86 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.004 0.02 0.02 0.0005 0.018 0.0052 0.09 0.037 0.55 1.84 0.010 0.009 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.03 0.0006 0.020 0.0253 0.10 0.035 0.69 1.88 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.004 0.02 0.03 0.0008 0.028 0.0634 0.10 0.030 0.52 1.87 0.010 0.007 0.005 0.007 0.01 0.06 0.0004 0.041 0.0055 0.09 0.039 0.58 1.95 0.009 0.009 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.03 0.0006 0.037 0.0226 0.09 0.040 0.69 1.97 0.009 0.009 0.006 0.007 0.02 0.03 0.0006 0.044 0.0587 0.09 0.032 0.53 1.90 0.009 0.008 0.005 0.006 0.02 0.03 0.0004 0.062 0.0088 0.10 0.031 0.62 1.92 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.03 0.0006 0.062 0.0329 0.09 0.031 0.62 1.78 0.011 0.007 0.006 0.004 0.01 0.08 0.0006 0.053 0.053



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to predict microstructure and ductility. In this study, thetransient heat conduction equation is solved in the moldand spray regions of a continuous steel slab caster usingthe CON1D program.[75] This finite-difference modelcalculates one-dimensional heat transfer within thesolidifying steel shell coupled with two-dimensionalsteady-state heat transfer in the mold and a carefultreatment of the interfacial gap between the shell andmold. Below the mold, the model includes the temper-ature and spatially-dependent heat-transfer coefficientsof each spray nozzle, according to the local water flowrates and the heat extraction into each support roll. Anonequilibrium microsegregation model, based on ananalytical Clyne–Kurz equation developed by Won andThomas,[76] was applied to compute the liquidus tem-perature, solidus temperature, and phase fractions.

The casting conditions are chosen to model twoNucor commercial low carbon steels, 1004 LCAK and1006Nb HSLA, in a typical thin slab casting machine,with a 950-mm-long parallel mold. Details of thespray zone cooling conditions are given elsewhere.[77]

Simulations are run for a slab with 1396-mm width and90-mm thickness. The pour temperature is 1826 K(1553   C), and the casting speeds are 2.8 and4.6 m/min. The water spray zones extend from the endof mold to 11.25 m below the meniscus. The chemicalcompositions of both steels are shown in Table V. Thephase evolutions of 1004 LCAK and 1006Nb HSLAsteels with temperature are shown in Figure  9, and smalldifferences are found for the two steels. The calculatedtemperature and phase fraction histories at the slabsurface are input to the current model for computing thecorresponding equilibrium precipitation behaviors.

Figures 10(a) and (b) compare the predicted temper-ature and the predicted equilibrium precipitate phases of the two commercial steels with casting speed 2.8 m/min.It is seen that only precipitates (Ti,Nb,V)(C,N), MnS,and AlN form during casting for both steels, except thata small amount of oxides (Al,Ti)O exist from the liquid

state for 1004 LCAK steel. The amounts of precipitatesvary significantly due to the different steel compositions.

The influence of different casting speeds 2.8 and4.6 m/min on the precipitation behavior of 1006NbHSLA steel is shown in Figures 10(b) and (c). Thehigher casting speed causes higher surface temperature,for the same spray flow rates, and correspondingly lessprecipitates. TiN is the main precipitate at high temper-ature, especially in the mold, because of its lowestsolubility limit. Precipitates of MnS and AlN then beginto form in succession. With the higher temperature of the high casting speed, AlN does not precipitate in themold, and does not fully come out of solution until afterexiting the caster (>15 m). This is significant becausesurface cracks often initiate in the mold due to strainconcentration at the boundaries of locally enlargedgrains, especially if   they are embrittled by many fineprecipitate particles.[78] Below the mold, thermal stressesin the spray-cooling zones and mechanical stresses fromunbending can exacerbate surface cracking if precipi-tates are present. The results in Figure  10 explain whyhigh casting speed may sometimes be beneficial inpreventing these types of surface cracks.

It is important, however, to consider the kineticeffects, which are neglected in this model. Precipitation

Fig. 8—Comparison of calculated and measured inclusion composi-tions for welding metals:[72] (a) 1800 K (1527 C) and (b) 1523 K(1250  C).

Fig. 9—Evolution of phase fractions with temperature for 1004LCAK and 1006Nb HSLA steels.



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is diffusion controlled and requires time to proceed,especially at lower temperature. The current model wasused to simulate equilibrium precipitation on a similarthin-slab continuous caster for similar microalloyed Nbsteel grades and somewhat overpredicted the measuredprecipitate amounts,[79] as expected, even after 15 min-utes of reheating. This shows that this casting process istoo fast to reach the equilibrium state shown in

Figure 10. Thus, the real precipitate amounts for thesecases are expected to be lower and not to vary as muchwith the temperature oscillations in the spray zones.Considering the combined effects of shorter time andhigher temperature, the drop in precipitation found in the1006Nb HSLA steel, at the higher casting speed, shouldbe more pronounced than that shown in Figure 10. Muchmore work is needed to make realistic predictions of precipitate formation during steel processing, includingkinetic effects, and to further extend the models to gain

insight into ductility and crack formation.


A thermodynamic model is established to predictequilibrium precipitation behavior in microalloyedsteels. This model calculates the solubility limit of 18common precipitates including the Wagner interactioneffect, mutual solubility effect, and complete massconservation of all 13 alloying elements during precip-itation. The model can predict the occurrence andstability of these common oxide, sulfide, nitride, and

carbide precipitates in microalloyed steels, as well astheir equilibrium compositions.The impact of mutual solubility on precipitation is

demonstrated. For mutually exclusive precipitates, theformation of a second precipitate phase may delay theformation and decrease the equilibrium amount of otherprecipitates when they share some alloying elements.However, this result tends to reverse for mutuallysoluble precipitates, because the mutual solubilitydecreases the equilibrium activities of these precipitates.

Precipitation diagrams constructed from the modelresults for a given temperature show how phase com-position regions evolve. Starting from no precipitationat high temperature initially, precipitation begins for the

most stable (least soluble) precipitates and increaseswith decreasing temperature, leading to overlappingphase regions where more than one precipitate can format lower temperatures.

The model is validated with an analytical solution forsimple cases involving mutually exclusive precipitates. Itis further validated by comparison with the commercialpackage JMat-Pro. It is then validated by comparisonwith the measured amounts, types, and compositions of many different experimental results from previous liter-ature. The current model matches reasonably well in allcases.

The precipitation behavior of commercial 1004LCAK and 1006Nb HSLA steels in continuous castingwith different casting speeds is calculated. TiN is thedominating precipitate in the mold because of its lowestsolubility limit. The precipitates are mainly(Ti,Nb,V)(C,N), MnS, and AlN for both steels, butthe amount of each precipitate varies greatly due to theirsteel composition differences. With higher casting speedfor 1006Nb HSLA steel, higher temperature and lessprecipitates are obtained under the same spray flow andAlN does not precipitate in the mold.

In conclusion, an efficient solubility-product-basedmodel of equilibrium precipitation in microalloyed steels

Fig. 10—Equilibrium precipitation behaviors of 1004 LCAK and1006Nb HSLA steels in continuous casting with two different castingspeeds: (a) 1004 LCAK steel with 2.8 m/min casting speed,

(b) 1006Nb HSLA steel with 2.8 m/min casting speed, and(c) 1006Nb HSLA steel with 4.6 m/min casting speed.



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has been developed, which is easy to revise by addingnew types of precipitates or to change the solubilitydata. Equilibrium models such as this one represent thefirst step in development of a comprehensive model of precipitate formation in steel. Future work will incor-porate other important effects, such as segregationduring solidification and kinetic effects that governprecipitate growth and size distribution.


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