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A ch t ctu a Stu s

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A c it ct i ci t ’ m t b ic, i ib a t. It f ct c ta d acti a tici at i a i it.

T t d a c it ctI you are someone who aspiresto be a pro essional with a socialmission, i you appreciate the valueo science and technology, and i you are intrigued by the revelationso ered by works o art—then thestudy o architecture may well bethe right choice or you.

Do you hAve whAT IT TAkes?Success ul architects have a deepconcern about society, culture and

the urban environment; an intuitiveunderstanding o the aesthetic,social, philosophical and structuralissues embodied in works o art,music, literature and technology;a passion or turning ideas intoreality; the ability to think criticallyand understand the relevance o history; and a strong sense o visionand compassion.

T Ca tad a taexCellenT prepArATIonAt Carleton, you will be prepared

or a career in the pro ession o architecture. You will also acquirean extraordinary oundation ormany interdisciplinary and relateddesign elds.

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Your imagination will be yourgreatest asset as an architect.At Carleton, your imaginativeabilities will be developed as youlearn to balance the cra t o image-making with the ability “to see”and “to see into” the images thatyou construct.

From the beginning, you will havethe opportunity to:

explore ideas through making

think creatively with yourhands and mind

evaluate ideas withinthe context o the humanexperience

knowleDge AnD experIenCe

As a result o this “practical art”approach, you will:

learn to handle the confictingdemands o unction,aesthetics, technology andeconomy

receive training in variousmeans o expression, includingwriting, model making,drawing, photography,

video, digital media and oralpresentations

acquire the knowledge andexperience you need or the


sTIMulATIng seTTIngAt Carleton, we emphasize discoverythrough making, discipline throughcra t, imagination through drawingand other media arts, conviction

through writing and advocacythrough public presentations.

As a Carleton ArchitecturalStudies student, you will have theopportunity to participate in or haveaccess to:

design studios with personalwork space

a co-op program that o ersup to 20 months o real-worldexperience

directed Studies Abroad optionand international exchanges

an active research centre

visiting critics studiosand lectures, taught byinternational architects

a variety o publications

unique workshop courses suchas stage design, urbanism,material studies and real estatedevelopment

joint programs with otherdepartments

ouTsTAnDIng ACIlITIesThe school’s acilities are recognizedas the nest in Canada and amongthe best in North America:

extensive abrication acilitiesor woodworking, metal

machining and welding

an assembly room or projectsand models, and design-buildstudios

a photographic studio withdarkroom and video editingsuites

extensive computer acilities an electronic resource centre

the David J. Azrieli Gallery orarchitectural exhibits

the Carleton Solids and LightTectonics Laboratory

Ca t has ba a th

stu y f a ch t ctus c 1968.

First-year students take a free-hand drawing course and are introduced to variousmedia and techniques through a wide range of studio and outdoor exercises.

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Marco Frascari Internationally recognized professorand architect Marco Frascari joinedCarleton’s faculty as the Director of the Azrieli School of Architecture andUrbanism in June 2005. Frascari choseto come to Carleton because of itsrenowned reputation. “I believe the

role of the architect is to make visiblewhat is invisible and what particularlyfascinates me about the Azrieli Schoolof Architecture and Urbanism is thatstudents here are already involved in thismagic act.”

T ca itaad a taCarleton students bene t rom theproximity o organizations situated inthe National Capital Region, such as:

National Research CouncilCanada

Canada Mortgage and Housing

CorporationNational Capital Commission

The National Arts Centre

The National Gallery o Canada

The Canadian Museumso Civilization, Nature,Contemporary Photography,Aviation, and Science andTechnology

The National Gallery of Canada's extensive collection and visiting exhibits serve as sources of research and inspirationfor Carleton students.

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T amYou will begin your studies in a

our-year pre-pro essional Bacheloro Architectural Studies (BAS)program. A ter your rst year o studies, you will select one o ourmajors allowing you to specialize

in a particular aspect o thearchitectural pro ession. I youintend to enter the pro ession, youcan then apply to continue into apro essional Master o Architecture(MArch) program o ered bythe David J. Azrieli Institute o Graduate Studies and Research inArchitecture.

Our BAS program has been designedto accommodate students enteringdirectly rom high school as well asthose with previous post-secondaryquali cations.

The CurrICuluMThe program’s common rst-yearcore courses consist o drawing;studio design; multimedia;history/theory; and technology. Insubsequent years, you will takecourses in pro essional practice,

and electives in conservation andsustainability, urbanism, philosophyand criticism.

Core courses are supplementedby electives drawn rom otherdisciplines, such as art history,industrial design, urban geographyand engineering.

The BAS program o ers studentsthe opportunity to complete a major

in an area o particular interest:A maj i D i will appealto those interested primarilyin a pro essional career inarchitecture with an emphasison design.

A maj i u ba i mexplores architecture in thelarger context o the cityand raises awareness andpromotes stewardship o thebuilt environment throughan examination o massurbanization in the 20thcentury.

A maj i C ati a ds tai abi it is o ered tostudents interested in theconservation o historicalarchitecture and the principleso sustainable design o buildings as well as the urban


A maj i p ia d C itici m emphasizesartistic and scienti c theoryin architecture and allowsstudents to specialize inhistorical and contemporaryarchitectural theories andprinciples.

Ma i t adFor admission to the program, youmust have an Ontario SecondarySchool Diploma (OSSD) or equivalentwith an average o 74–76 per cent,including a minimum o six 4 U/Mcourses.

Your six 4 U/M courses mustinclude:

4U English

4U Physics

4U Advanced Functions

3 additional credits (Calculusand Vectors stronglyrecommended)

Equivalent courses may besubstituted between the oldand new Ontario mathematicscurriculum.

Your 4 U/M credits or out-o -classco-op work experience will notbe considered as part o the sixcourses.

Th app cat a sF b ua y 1.

A p tf s qu a ustb sub tt by Ap 1.

It is Carleton University policy toconsider your best per ormancein any eligible course in theadmissions assessment. Since thenumber o quali ed applicantsmay be greater than the number o available spaces, cut-o averagesand required marks may vary.

Please visit

requirements or more details.

In third-year, architecture studentsdesign and build outdoor dinnerpavilions. They then prepare andserve dinner to faculty and invitedguests on University Day.

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tt iti

pro essIonAlMAsTer o ArChITeCTureThe pro essional MArch isaccredited by the CanadianArchitectural Certi cation Board(CACB).

The program o ers studiooptions. Typically, two o thesestudios are o ered as part o the Directed Studies Abroadprogram.

Studio investigations aresupplemented by core history/theory seminars and requisitecourses in integrated buildingsystems and pro essionalpractice.

In the nal year, there is theoption o developing a thesisor participating in a DirectedResearch Studio. Topicsrelated to the history, theoryand construction o Canadianarchitecture are encouraged.

Students applying to thepro essional MArch must holda BAS rom Carleton Universityor an equivalent degree.

posT-pro essIonAlMAsTer o ArChITeCTure

The post-pro essional MArch is

a our-term, non-pro essionaldegree.

You will consider the patternsand interrelationships o cultural issues and processesas they are mani estedin built orm and as theyin orm architectural design.The Canadian context isemphasized.

You will concentrate on theneed to engage technicallyadvanced tools within thediscipline o architecture. A tertwo terms o core seminars andelectives, you will develop athesis under the supervision o a aculty advisor.

For more in ormation on bothgraduate programs, visit theDavid J. Azrieli Institute o Graduate Studies and Research inArchitecture website .

The workplACeCarleton graduates work aroundthe globe in traditional and non-traditional architectural practices,as well as in disciplines ranging

rom lmmaking and ashion designto highly technical elds such ascomputer animation, buildingscience, environmental designand project management. Mostgraduates choose to practise in the

eld, while others go on to graduatework and teaching. Others are the

ounders o design/build rms whospecialize in cra ting their owndesigns.

Di ct d st diAb ad (DsA) a di t ati a

c aOur DSA and international exchanges

are popular options for studentsin both the BAS program and theMArch program. Carleton studentshave studied around the world in Italy,Turkey, Spain, the Czech Republic,France, Germany, Mexico, China,Zambia and the United States. Specialgroup visits have also been arrangedto India, Egypt and Thailand.

Tom SvilansTom Svilans originally thought he wasdestined for a career in music until he wasintroduced to Architectural Studies atCarleton. He was immediately attractedby a program that could appeal to hiscreative, expressive side, while providinghim with a strong technical education.

“In Architecture, you learn by making,”says Tom. “You are constantly encouragedto push yourself beyond the theory, toconstruct models and details, and toexamine how components and materialscome together.”

Imm it c iCarleton students have access to themost advanced immersive and digitaltechnologies available to architecture,design and manufacturing.

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w A c it ct ?I you aspire to be a pro essionalwith a social mission...I you appreciate the value o science and technology...

I you are intrigued by therevelations o ered by works o art...the study of architecture may well

be the eld or you.

whAT ChArACTerIzes A gooDArChITeCT?A deep concern about society,culture and the urban environmentAn intuitive understanding o theaesthetic, social, philosophicaland structural issues embodied in

C m a d i itCa tBook A CAMpus TourTours o our beauti ul riversidecampus, led by our own students,o er you the chance to visit ourresidences and acilities. You canbook your tour:


Select a date and time, and reserveyour tour spot at .

By telephone

Call us at 1-888-354-4414 (toll- reein Canada) or 613-520-3663.

By email

Drop us a line at [email protected] .

watc idDiscover even more about Carletonby watching our “Choose Carleton”video. You will get to peek in ona class or two, see some o ourstudents and pro essors in action,and nd out or yoursel whatthe city and campus look like. Toview our video, go to .

C ct it Ca tUndergrAdUATe AdmiSSionS WeBSiTeEverything a new student needs to know aboutCarleton University, including programs, campus li e,co-op, scholarships and awards can be ound

STUdenT BlogSStudents share their thoughts about campus li e, theirpro essors and programs, and the transition romhigh school to

eleCTroniC neWSleTTerReceive up-to-date news about Carleton University’sundergraduate academic programs, admissionrequirements, scholarships and nancial aid, co-opopportunities, and upcoming on- and o -campus

recruitment events. Register or our monthlyelectronic newsletter [email protected]/insight

ASk CArleTonYou have questions and we have the answers onlineanytime, day or

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421-08 2M 10

Do you want more in ormation?Please write, call or email us at:

Undergraduate RecruitmentO fceCarleton University315 Robertson Hall1125 Colonel By DriveOttawa ON K1S 5B6CanadaTel: 613-520-3663Toll- ree in Canada: 1-888-354-4414Fax: 613-520-3847Email: [email protected]:

Azrieli School o Architectureand UrbanismCarleton University202 Architecture Building1125 Colonel By DriveOttawa ON K1S 5B6CanadaTel: 613-520-2855Fax: 613-520-2849Email: [email protected]:
