Download pdf - Estimating Temperatures

Page 1: Estimating Temperatures


Page 2: Estimating Temperatures


• Memodelkan data suhu dari stasiun suhu

yang dikenal untuk memperkirakan suhu-

suhu pada titik tertentu secara akurat

Page 3: Estimating Temperatures


• Perbandingan

• Persamaan linier satu variabel

• Membaca, menafsirkan dan memahami


Page 4: Estimating Temperatures


• Penggaris atau benda lurus lainnya

• Kertas grafik

• Kardus, tongkat/sedotan, gunting (untuk

pemodelan 3 dimensi)

Page 5: Estimating Temperatures


• Memperkirakan suhu pada titik dalam peta

diantara dua titik lainnya yang suhunya

sudah diketahui (diukur)

Page 6: Estimating Temperatures
Page 7: Estimating Temperatures
Page 8: Estimating Temperatures

• How would you expect temperatures to change in between

two towns? Use your experience to make an educated

guess. Would you expect the temperature to change

gradually or suddenly?

Page 9: Estimating Temperatures

• temperature appears to change linearly

Page 10: Estimating Temperatures

• How can you estimate the change in temperature between

two towns? Use your ideas from above to estimate the

temperature in between those towns with known


Page 11: Estimating Temperatures

• The only variable affecting the temperature, as far as we

can see, is distance. Many other variables affect

temperature, but those data are not given here. The

student may be able to refine the model to include those

variables later, if necessary

Page 12: Estimating Temperatures

• Bagaimana menjelaskan model matematika

untuk mengukur suhu di kota yang

diberikan diantara dua kota yang suhunya

sudah diketahui?

Page 13: Estimating Temperatures
Page 14: Estimating Temperatures

• How would you estimate

the temperature in a town

that isn’t between

two towns where

the actual


are measured

Page 15: Estimating Temperatures
Page 16: Estimating Temperatures

• It is a cold, rainy day. You and your friends want to drive to an indoor skate

park (S) from home (H).

• Your parents are worried that it will get colder as you get closer to the skate

park and the rain will freeze; you’re not allowed to drive if there’s a chance of

sleet or snow. Use the map below to determine if it’s safe to go.

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Page 18: Estimating Temperatures
Page 19: Estimating Temperatures
Page 20: Estimating Temperatures

• Apakah pemodelan yang telah dilakukan

selalu dapat memperkirakan suhu disetiap


• (dengan hanya mempertimbangkan jarak)

Page 21: Estimating Temperatures

• Faktor lain yang dapat memperkirakan suhu

yaitu topografi daerah.

• Bukit dan lembah mempengaruhi aliran

udara dan suhu.

Page 22: Estimating Temperatures


• Definisi fungsi linier

• Menggunakan grafik

• Deskripsi rata-rata perubahan dan

hubungannya dengan fungsi linier

Page 23: Estimating Temperatures

• Menggambarkan titik-titik setiap soal di

lembar kerja tahap satu pada bidang


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Page 25: Estimating Temperatures
Page 26: Estimating Temperatures
Page 27: Estimating Temperatures
Page 28: Estimating Temperatures

• Using functions is one way to model the change in

temperature. A linear function is a function that grows by

equal distances over equal intervals. The amount that they

change is called the slope and is usually denoted by m.

• Linear functions describe the rate of change (in their

slope) of the temperature. The distance is the x-value and

the temperature is the y-value

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