Download pdf - Examen de Acreditacion b2

  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013


    [B2] Ejemplo de tarea de uso de la lengua vocabulario: Esta parte consta de 20 tems de vocabulario que pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una

    respuesta correcta de entre tres/cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, solo una es

    correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

    b. tem de respuesta corta con un mximo de palabras (entre 1 y 4). No es necesario escribir oraciones completas.

    Ejemplo item a.:

    Complete each sentence (1 to 10) with the most suitable word or phrase. Circle your choice.

    1. She broke . with her boyfriend when she found out that hed lied to her.

    a. off b. out c. down d. up

    2. He wrote a letter complaining the service in the restaurant.

    a. of b. for c. about d. on

    3. His parents died when he was very young so he was . by his aunt.

    a. brought up b. grown up c. taken care d. taken after

    4. Shes one of my friends.

    5. I had an argument with my about the housework.

    a. flat friend b. flat companion c. flatmate d. flatshare

    6. He phoned me to me about the traffic jam on the motorway.

    a. advert b. advise c. warn d. threaten

    a. closest b. nearest c. tightest d. familiar

    Ejemplo item b.:

    Complete the following sentences (1 to 5) with the correct form of the WORD in brackets.

    1. The results of the research were published in a well-know journal. (SCIENCE)

    2. I think theres too much sport and not enough interesting on television.


    3. It was really foggy and was down to five metres. (VISIBLE)

    4. After hours of negociation they finally came to an (AGREE)

    5. My . is more important than being famous. (PRIVATE)

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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    [B2] Ejemplo de tarea de uso de la lengua gramtica: Esta parte consta de 20 tems de gramtica que pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una respuesta correcta de entre tres/cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, solo una es correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

    b. tem de respuesta corta con un mximo de palabras (entre 1 y 4). Las contracciones cuentan como una palabra, por ejemplo isnt. La respuesta se considera incorrecta si excede del nmero de palabras especificado en las instrucciones del ejercicio. No es necesario escribir oraciones completas.

    Ejemplo tem a.: Complete each sentence (1 to 5) with the most suitable word or phrase. Circle your choice.

    1. We got up really early. be on time for our flight.

    a. so that b. so as c. for to d. in order to

    2. I like all flavours of ice cream for strawberry. a. apart b. except c. unless d. besides

    3. I dont think we should employ Mr Lawry hes got experience. a. very less b. very few c. very little d. a little

    4. Do you prefer the checked or the striped shirt? Frankly, I dont like .. of them.

    5. Keep searching. I am sure well find what we are looking for a. at last b. finally c. at the end d. eventually

    a. either b. neither c. both d. none

    Ejemplo tem b.: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same or a very similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given in brackets and up to three other words.

    1. I stole the money, said the man. (ADMIT)

    The man . the money.

    2. Can you please tell Dr Bowen to meet me in the lounge at 10 am? (MIND)

    Would you Dr Bowen to meet me in the lounge at

    10 am?

    3. I am receiving all sorts of spam about weight loss. (SEND)

    I..all sorts of spam about weight loss.

    4. It was a mistake to be so rude to the hotel receptionist. (SHOULD)

    I so rude to the hotel receptionist.

    5. Mark and his brother are not at all alike. (LOOK)

    Mark..his brother at all.

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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    [B2] Ejemplo de tarea de comprensin lectora: Esta parte consta de dos tareas: una que contiene una serie de textos cortos, entre 4 y 6, (textos expositivos personales que contengan puntos de vista, comentarios, opiniones o ancdotas de los mbitos pblico y profesional.) de entre 100 y 120 palabras cada uno, 600 palabras en total; una segunda tarea basada en un texto complejo de similar extensin (narrativo, descriptivo, de opinin, informativo, etc.) de entre 500 y 600 palabras. Habr entre 10 y 20 tems en total. Los tems pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una respuesta correcta entre tres o cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, slo una es correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

    b. tem de relacionar o emparejar. El candidato debe relacionar uno a uno los elementos de una lista de enunciados o preguntas con textos cortos o fragmentos de un texto ms largo.

    c. tem de reintegracin de un fragmento a un texto. El candidato debe insertar en su ubicacin original una palabra o un fragmento de texto que previamente se ha extrado del mismo. Puede haber fragmentos que no corresponden al texto y actan como distractores.

    d. tem de ordenamiento. El candidato debe ordenar los prrafos de un texto o poner en orden cronolgico los acontecimientos de un texto.

    Ejemplo de tarea con textos cortos e tem b.: You are going to read six forum entries different people posted on a website about the best and worst thing about being their age. For questions 1-12, choose from the people A-F.

    A D

    This year has been good because my parents have begun to trust me more. They say I can stay out late now even six months ago I wasnt allowed to go out on a weeknight, and at weekends I had to phone them every hour to say where I was. So thats the best thing, I guess, and, of course, that I can hang out with friends. The worst thing about being my age is not having enough money. Like, last Friday, I couldnt pay for my own cinema ticket because I didnt have the cash, so I had to borrow from my friend.

    The thing I find most difficult about being my age is that I feel obliged to give everyone the impression that Im successful. Older people keep telling me Im in my prime, that I should enjoy this period of my life, so I pretend I have a good job, that Im happy, but its a pretence. In fact, so far my working life hasnt been all that satisfying. And my friends seem to do the same, you know, trying to outdo each other. But the best thing I reckon is that theres plenty of time ahead of me, time to get things right.

    B E

    At my age, the best thing is you appreciate your friends and family and every moment you spend with them, you dont take anything for granted. All of my friends are still healthy and active, so we can do a lot of things together, such as travel, and were lucky enough to have the money to do it. I must admit that if there is a worst thing its the fear of growing older and that, one day, I wont be able to do the things I want to do. I dont think of myself as elderly Im still middle-aged. As they say, Old age is always ten years older than you are.

    I think the best thing is that I dont have to work and I dont need to worry about money. The worst thing? Homework! The teachers make us do two hours homework a day and we have to do four hours at the weekend. Oh, and my mums always yelling at me for being noisy, shes always saying, Tina, act your age! I tell her Mum, I am acting my age. Anyway, Mum says I mustnt write any more now cos Ive got to do my maths. Then maybe shell let me watch some TV. Im never allowed to do anything fun before I finish my homework.

    C F

    The best thing about being my age is living away from home! I live in a hall of residence and although were supposed to attend lectures, I only go when I feel like it. To be honest, I prefer going out and enjoying myself. I do some reading for lectures and I study, but I know I

    When I look back at the past, at how insecure I felt fifteen or twenty years ago, I have to laugh, because one thing I appreciate now is how comfortable I feel in my own skin. Ive outgrown the need to seek other peoples approval I guess that is part of the maturity

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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    [B2] Ejemplo de tarea de comprensin auditiva: Esta parte consta de dos textos grabados de diferente tipologa, por ejemplo: dilogos breves, textos narrativos, descriptivos o de opinin; pueden ser de tipo formal o informal, con una duracin de entre 3 y 5 minutos por texto o conjunto de microtextos. Cada grabacin se escucha dos veces. Habr entre 10 y 20 tems en total. Los tems pueden ser de diferentes tipos:

    a. tem de respuesta alternativa o respuesta mltiple. El candidato debe elegir una respuesta correcta de entre tres opciones. En todos los casos, slo una es correcta, mientras que las dems son distractores, es decir, respuestas no correctas.

    b. tem de relacionar o emparejar. El candidato debe relacionar enunciados con las distintas partes de la audicin.

    c. tem de respuesta corta con un mximo de cuatro palabras. No es necesario escribir frases completas.

    Ejemplo de tarea con microtextos e tem b.:

    You will hear six different people talking about their attitude to time; match the sentence on

    the right (A-G) to the speakers (1-6). Use each letter only once. There is one extra letter

    which you do not need to use. [Duracin 245]

    ought to do more. So far its been enough. I managed to pass my first set of exams, though it wasnt easy. The only bad thing for me is that I dont look my age, I still look quite young for my age and girls think Im immature, so I havent managed to find a girlfriend yet.

    that comes with age and experience. Im happy with the things I have achieved: my professional life has been OK, my marriage is fine, we dont have kids yet but Im not in a panic about that. So, I feel pretty content. I dont have a worst thing, or at least I cant think of one.

    Which person

    is ten? 1

    is fifteen? 2

    is twenty? 3

    is thirty? 4

    is forty-five? 5

    is sixty-five? 6

    feels much more confident? 7

    is afraid of something in the future? 8

    exaggerates his or her achievements? 9

    only sees the positive aspects of their life? 10

    is clearly unhappy with his or her life? 11

    is aware he or she should work harder? 12

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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    A Does not get too stressed out about deadlines.

    Speaker 1

    Speaker 2

    Speaker 3

    Speaker 4

    Speaker 5

    Speaker 6

    B Doesnt like working late.

    C Doesnt like to leave things unfinished till the following day.

    D Doesnt mind public transport running late if she/he is on holiday.

    E Isnt bothered if people arent punctual.

    F Gets cross with guests if they are late.

    G Was brought up to be punctual.

    Ejemplo tem c.: You will hear a radio interview with Dr. Reynolds. For questions 1-10, listen and complete the sentences using a word, a number or a short phrase. [Duracin 439]

    Alarming headlines in newspapers seem to suggest that antibiotics will no longer be

    effective from now.

    Superbugs such as MRSA have patients in hospitals for a

    number of years.

    This has resulted in being massively improved by the


    Now most and visitors clean their hands with

    on entering or leaving patient wards .

    A group of researchers have discovered a new gene called

    that makes some bacteria highly resistant to antibiotics.

    The spread of bacteria with this gene is due to international travel and

    Antibiotic research is very difficult and not very for

    pharmaceutical companies, since antibiotics are taken for only short periods.

    Besides, resistance to the drugs makes antibiotics

    after a while.

    People need to be more careful when taking antibiotics and complete the

    , not doing so can be dangerous and result in even

    more drug-resistant bacteria.











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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    Transcripcin textos listening Speaker 1 I do prefer to keep to deadlines and if I dont I tend to get a bit stressed out, I dont like to disappoint

    people and I like to feel as though Im quite organised. I dont mind working late sometimes if its to get something finished, and I feel much more satisfied getting something completed at the end of the day and Im more likely to go home and relax. But, otherwise, Ill end up going home and just thinking about everything that Ive got to do the next day, so that stresses me out more.

    Speaker 2 I think its really important for transport, public transport to be punctual when youre working, and that, thats thats just normal but I think when Im on holiday Im a bit more relaxed about whether trains or buses are a little bit late, obviously you dont want to waste a whole day waiting for your transport when you want to get from A to B and you want to make the most of your holiday but, yeah, I think Im definitely more relaxed when Im abroad than when Im in my own country.

    Speaker 3 Yeah I was taught from an early age that time keepings really important. Because of that I find it quite annoying when other people dont have that same sort of line of thought. An example I can give is my friends at university, they were always late. I t makes me feel incredibly frustrated because, obviously, youre there on time waiting and it can be quite lonely at times.

    Speaker 4 I generally dont have a problem at all with people turning up late because it gives me time cos Im generally running late anyway so, it gives me plenty more time to get myself ready. If were preparing for a dinner party, and people turn up late it really doesnt worry me at all. It gives me plenty more time to get ready.

    Speaker 5 If Im holding a dinner party and people come late then usually Im quite annoyed because Im quite organized and so the food will probably be ready, and o Ill be a little bit cross that perhaps the dinner will be ruined.

    Speaker 6 Deadlines are important but I try not to let them stress me out too much, I just try to forget about the pressure and get the work done. As for working late, I dont mind working late, we all have to do it from time to time.

    I = Interviewer D = Dr Reynolds I: Hello and welcome to our weekly broadcast of Science and Discovery. Our topic today is

    antibiotics or rather the future of antibiotics. And to discuss it with us today, we have Dr Amanda Reynolds, medical researcher and specialist in infectious diseases. Good afternoon, Dr Reynolds. Thank you for joining us.

    D: Thank you. Its a pleasure to be here. I: Dr Reynolds, the headlines in the newspapers this week have been rather alarming. They seem

    to suggest that antibiotics will no longer work ten years from now. But havent scientists been saying this for a long time? Is this latest development really any different?

    D: Well, its all part of the same process really. As we all know, superbugs such as MRSA have been infecting patients in our hospitals for quite a number of years now. And we are all aware that hospital hygiene has been massively improved by the NHS as a result. Now most hospital staff and visitors clean their hands with antiseptic gel almost automatically when they enter and leave the patient wards.

    I: Yes, youre right. So can you tell us more about this latest development, Doctor? D: Basically it was the discovery of a new gene called NDM-1. Professor Tim Walsh, from Cardiff

    University discovered that NDM-1 makes some bacteria highly resistant to almost all antibiotics. And worse still, its becoming very widespread.

    I: Do they have any idea where its come from? D: They say its due to the increase in international travel and medical tourism. I: Sorry, medical tourism? D: Yes, many people go abroad for medical treatment now because its much cheaper. For

    example, some infected British patients in Britain travelled to India for treatments. For example, kidney transplants, cosmetic surgery and so on. And they came back with the NDM-1 bacteria.

    I: So are new antibiotics being developed to fight it? D: Well antibiotic research is very difficult. And its also not very profitable for pharmaceutical

    companies. People usually take antibiotics for only very short periods of time, while medication for heart conditions, for instance, are usually fairly long-term. Apart from that, resistance to the drugs makes antibiotics useless after a while so researchers have to start all over again. Interestingly, Fleming himself warned us about this about 80 years ago!

    I: Really? You mean Alexander Fleming, the scientist who first discovered penicillin in 1928?

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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    D: Yes. He said that resistance would happen and suggested the use of antibiotics should be very carefully restricted.

    I: Im amazed! That certainly hasnt happened though, has it? People want antibiotics to cure everything, including colds, coughs and sore throats.

    D: Exactly. We do try to explain to patients that antibiotics are useless against viral complaints like colds. But people often beg for them so as to get on with their normal lives more quickly. Its often hard for doctors to resist.

    I: Yes, I can imagine. I think Ive been guilty of that myself! But seriously, what is the outlook for antibiotics, do you think?

    D: I wish I could be more optimistic. Better hygiene is the key thing here, not only in hospitals but at home. Things like keeping your kitchens and cooking areas clean, washing your hands before meals, and so on.

    I: Right - and campaigns in schools and on the TV to support it? D: Absolutely. And the second thing is to use antibiotics more sparingly and more carefully. Many

    people stop taking them once they start feeling better and dont complete the full course. This is dangerous because it can create even more drug-resistant bacteria. And last but not least, theres the issue of global health. This is not just a British problem. Its worldwide. Its vital that world governments get together with global pharmaceutical companies. They urgently need to fund more research to discover new ways of fighting these superbugs.

    I: Dr Reynolds, thank you very much for coming here today.

    [B2] Ejemplo de tarea de expresin escrita: Consiste en la redaccin de dos textos:

    uno de interaccin (carta informal/formal, correo electrnico, entrada de blog o foro) de entre 120 y 150 palabras.

    otro de expresin (texto formal en forma de artculo, narracin, opinin, etc.) de entre 150 y 180

    En ambas tareas se proporcionar informacin que ayude a acotar y contextualizar el texto de salida. Longitud mxima entre los dos de 350 palabras.

    Ejemplo de interaccin:

    You have received an email from a friend about your arrangements for the weekend. Read the email and then write your reply to your friend. Write between 120-150 words.

    Hi Sam!

    Im really looking forward to coming to stay with you over the weekend. Just a couple of things can you meet me at the station @ 3pm on Friday? If not, should I get a taxi or take the bus? I dont know how far from the station your new flat is or how expensive a taxi can be. Now, did you manage to get tickets for any of the two concerts we talked about? Which one? Also, would you like me to bring anything? See you real soon! Chris


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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    Ejemplo de expresin:

    You have seen this advertisement in an online magazine. Write an article to enter this competition. Write between 150-180 words. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    [B2] Ejemplo de tarea de expresin oral: Consiste en una entrevista en pareja de entre 12 y 15 minutos. Incluir:

    a. Preguntas sobre la vida cotidiana, trabajo, estudios, intereses etc. b. Descripcin de una foto o comparacin de dos fotos. Preguntas generales sobre un

    tema relacionado con la(s) foto(s). c. Dilogo entre los dos candidatos (basado en estmulos visuales o verbales).

    Ejemplo tarea a.:

    Ask your partner questions to find out some information about each other.

    Ejemplo tarea b.:

    Think about your photograph for a few seconds, then describe it to your partner for about a minute. Listen to your partners description of his photo and ten compare an contrast them and speculate about them. Talk about:

    Where are the people? What are they doing? What are they wearing?

    Who are they? Why are they there? How do they feel?

    What has happened before? What may have happened afterwards?

    Candidate A

    Candidate B

    Enter our monthly competition. This month is:

    Id love to have.

    Write an article about something you would like to have, saying why you would like to have it and what difference it would make to your life.

    The winner of the best article will win an Ipad3

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  • Avenida de la Trinidad, 61. Aulario de la Torre Profesor Agustn Arvalo, planta 0 Campus Central de la Universidad de La Laguna. 38071 San Cristbal de La Laguna, Tenerife. Telfono 922 319 937Fax 922 319 197 email: [email protected] web: C.I.F. G-38083408. Inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones Canarias con el n 15

    DF-D-351 Edicin: 2 01/02/2013

    Ejemplo tarea c.:

    You are going on a camping trip in the mountains with some friends. There are some things you could take with you. Decide together which of the things you will take. Discuss things like:

    What the weather is likely to be like

    Which things would be most useful, what you will/may need

    The best place to go, how to get there and the things to do there

    Your previous experiences camping and how you feel about it

    How much technology would you take?

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