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=TINGKAT PENCEMARAN UDARA DI INDONESIAKehadiran satu atau lebih substansifisik, kimia, atau biologi di atmosfer dalam jumlah yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan , mengganggu estetika dan kenyamanan, atau merusak propertiIndonesia adalah negara dengan tingkat polusi udara tertinggi ketiga di dunia. (WORLD BANK)

Penyebab tertinggi pencemaran udara di indonesia berasal dari emisi transportasi, yaitu sebanyak 85%


MACETDAILY TRAFFICHasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa populasi yang beresiko tinggi terhadap timah hitam (Pb) yang merupakan salah satu zat yang dikeluarkan oleh kendaraan bermotor adalah Polisi Lalu Lintas yang bekerja dijalan raya(Mery Bidangan Pasorong- Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta tahun 2007)

APA ITU ISPA?DEFINISI ISPAISPA (Infeksi Saluran Napas Akut) adalah infeksi yang terjadi pada saluran napas yang berlangsung tidak lebih dari 14 hari.


1. BAKTERI 2. VIRUS 3. DEBUNext to the common cold, influenza or "the flu" is perhaps the most familiar respiratory infection in the world. In the United States alone, approximately 25 to 50 million people contract influenza each year. The symptoms of the flu are similar to those of the common cold, but tend to be more severe. Fever, headache, fatigue, muscle weakness and pain, sore throat, dry cough, and a runny or stuffy nose are common and may develop rapidly. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with influenza are sometimes experienced by children, but for most adults, illnesses that manifest in diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are not caused by the influenza virus though they are often inaccurately referred to as the "stomach flu." A number of complications, such as the onset of bronchitis and pneumonia, can also occur in association with influenza and are especially common among the elderly, young children, and anyone with a suppressed immune system.

8PENYEBAB ISPABakteri : Staphylococcus, Virus : virus influenzaPenyebab lain: terjadi karena tersedak makanan atau benda asing (debu). ( ISPA dapat ditularkan lewat air ludah, bersin, & udara yang sudah tercemar)

This should look similar to any person that has any experience with microbiology. This is Staphylococcus Aureus, which is a Gram-positive bacteria, and if you are unable to tell by the name, it is coccus in shape, and are usually arranged in a grape like cluster. It is also facultative anaerobic which means it can grow with or without oxygen. Staph is able to thrive in harsh conditions such as high osmotic pressure and low moisture, which is why it can grow and live in the nose and on the skin, as well as foods like cured ham which is to salty for most competitors. This interesting yet scary organism has a fairly high resistance to heat, drying and radiation. Believe it or not, Staph is carried around naturally by many people on the skin or in the throat and nose. It is found normally on the skin and in the nose of 20-30% of healthy adults. This means it is not a transient bacteria and just because it is present on your skin, does not mean that it will necessarily be pathogenic, and in fact, it is harmless in the majority of cases. If it is however, it can cause infections in the skin and in any organ of the body, but usually infects the skin or respiratory tract. Staphylococcus can be broken down to its Greek roots.Staphyle, means a bunch of grapes, andkokkos, means berry. Staphylococcus Aureus literally means the golden cluster seed. This name was given to it for the golden colored clusters it has when grown on agar plates. The color may actually give it some protection from the antimicrobial effects of the sun.9


GEJALA ISPABatukKesulitan bernapasSakit tenggorokanPilekDemam dan sakit kepala

1. PAKAI APD2. ROLLING3. PERIKSA KESEHATANAPAKAH BISA DICEGAH?PENCEGAHAN ISPA1.Membiasakan anggota yang bertugas dilapangan agar menggunakan APD2.Melakukanrollingatau perputaran posisi bertugas secara periodic3.Melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara rutin dan berkala.

Alat Pelindung Diri bro..APD?? APA ITU?APDMASKER : Masker adalah alat penutup muka atau kain penutup muka dan hidung (topeng) yang berfungsi untuk melindungi muka dan paru-paru terhadap gas beracun. (kamus besar bahasa Indonesia).

VSAPAKAH APD YANG DIGUNAKAN SUDAH BENAR?APAKAH APD YANG DIGUNAKAN SUDAH BENAR?APD (terutama masker) yang digunakan oleh POLANTAS saat ini kurang memenuhi syarat karena tidak memiliki saringan debu, saringan polusi udara, serta pengeluaran sisa-sisa pernafasan. Hal ini yang menyebabkan profesi POLANTAS menjadi salah satu kelompok masyarakat yang rentan terhadap dampak pencemaran udara.

LALU, BAGAIMANA SOLUSINYA?LALU, BAGAIMANA SOLUSINYA?Gunakan masker gas agar dapat menyaring udara, namun karena satuan POLANTAS belum memiliki anggaran terhadap masker gas, maka gunakanlah masker yang telah diberikan oleh oleh institusi pada saat bekerja.