Page 1: Forumul Inovarii Editia a 9-a · Gabriel Neagu, NCP TIC, reprezentant Ideal-ist , ICI Bucuresti ... Cristina Ţoncu, GEA Consulting. 14.00– 15.00 Pauza Cafea 15.00– 16.30

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Forumul Inovarii – Editia a 9-a

Bucuresti, 13, 14, 15 octombrie 2016

TIB, Romexpo, Pavilion Central, Sala Cupola, Bulevardul Marasti, nr. 65-67, Bucuresti web site:

Motto: Nu este suficient sa stii Trebuie sa si aplici Nu este suficient sa vrei Trebuie sa si cunosti Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

O teorie trebuie incercata Un fapt trebuie dovedit Un adevăr trebuie să fie trăit! Alan Spence

Fa lucrurile simple, nu simplist!

Albert Einstein

Cunoașterea a devenit resursa-cheie de astăzi și obiectivul principal, pentru o dezvoltare durabilă. Pentru a crea valoare economică și prosperitate socială, cercetarea si inovarea trebuie să genereze cunoștințe sensibile la nevoile societății si la mediul economic și transferabil "exact unde trebuie si cand trebuie", prin soluții inovatoare pentru produse și procese.

Am lansat Forumul Inovarii cu scopul de a impinge cresterea inovația și a cercetarea în direcții noi, toate în același timp păstrând atentia cuvenita pe necesitățile și implicațiile practice pentru oameni din companii reale.

Scopul Forumului este de a descoperi, dezvolta, și prezenta cele mai bune practici, solutii robuste, accesibile, aplicate în domeniul inovarii și managementului inovarii.

Judecăm succesul prin capacitatea de a modela dezbaterea și a aduce noi abordări utile in sprijinul provocărilor de creștere, dezvoltare, valoare adaugata și inovare. Dorim sa gasim solutiile prin care, împreună, mediul de cercetare și cel de afaceri, creaza competitivitate.

Scopul nostru nu este să învețe comunitatea noastră ce să se gândească, ci să înțeleagă mai bine cum să se gândească. Gabriel Vladut

13 Octombrie 2016

Sala Cupola, Pavilionul Central

10.00– 10.15

Primire participant, Mesaj de bun venit si Introducere organizatori


Mesaj catre participanti in ceea ce priveste politica de inovare, competitivitate si creștere economica Moderator: Gabriel Vladut

Relatia dintre cercetare-inovare-creștere și competitivitate în România – Mihai Robert Dima, Presedinte ANCSI – Autoritatea Naționala pentru Cercetare Științifica si Inovare

Inovație, competitivitate și mediul de afaceri - Wolfgang Wolf, Senator, CEO Asociatia de Patronaj ( LVI ) Baden Württemberg Germany, Presedinte Consortiu Aerospace Baden Württemberg si membru al Comisiei Gurvernamentale mixte Romania - Baden Württemberg, Germania.

Inovarea ca sprijin pentru mediul de afaceri – Mihai Daraban, Presedintele Camerei de Comert si Industrie Romania

Rolul inovării în domeniul competitivității și al politicilor pentru stimularea ecosistemelor antreprenoriale - Bogdan Ceobanu, Responsabil cu Politicile – Comisia Europeana, Directia Generala pentru retele de comunicatie, Continut si Tehnologie

11.10 – 11.40

Conferință: Specializare SMART și Eco-sisteme; Stimularea inovării cu ajutorul cooperării internaționale Keynote speakers:

Specializare SMART si Eco-sisteme, Prof. Dr. Ing. Adrian Curaj, Înalt Reprezentant al prim-ministrului pentru dezvoltarea ecosistemului bazat pe știință, inovare și antreprenoriat

Stimularea inovării în cadrul Strategiei Dunării, folosind Cooperarea internațională și specializarea SMART, Jonathan Loeffler, Director Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, Germania.

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Modul: Transfer de cunostinte si specializarea inteligenta intr-o regiune inovatoare a Dunarii

Gabriel Vladut, IPA CIFATT Craiova

Alexandru Marin, DTC UPB

Ecosisteme pentru valorificarea rezultatelor cercetarii pe piata - Gabriel Vladut, SC IPA SA sucursala CIFATT Craiova

Construirea unei conducte de tip IP de inalta performanta - Jeff Skinner, Director executiv la Institutul Deloitte de Inovare si Antreprenoriat, Scoala de Afaceri din Londra, UK

Retea de transfer tehnologic (Lieu), misiune și integrare în eco-sistemele din Belgia - Olivier Vande Vyver, Director Operational, Technology Transfer Network, Lieu, Belgium.

Inovare: conducatorii de maine ai industriei - Marian Victor Popa, Director / Sef al Deutsche Bank Global Technology.

Dezvoltarea capacitatii pentru transferul de cunostinte si comercializarea rezultatelor din cercetarea in mediul de afaceri, cercetare aplicativa in Romania - Alexandru Marin, UPB

Promovarea inovatiei prin transferul de cunostinte intr-un domeniu-cheie al specializarii inteligente (TIC, spațiu, securitate) - Raluca Muller, Dan Dascalu, IMT Bucharest.

Sesiune intrebari si raspunsuri

13.10 - 14.10

Pauza cafea

14.10– 16.00

Modul: Horizon 2020; Antreprenoriat & Inovare, stimularea investitiilor in IMM-uri. O noua abordare a nevoilor de inovare a IMM-urilor.

Moderator: Camelia Marinescu, NCP IMM, ANCSI

Bogdan Ceobanu, Responsabil cu Politicile – Comisia Europeana, Directia Generala pentru retele de comunicatie, Continut si Tehnologie

Gabriel Neagu, NCP TIC, reprezentant Ideal-ist , ICI Bucuresti

Cum pot IMM-urile sa beneficieze de un acces sporit la instrumente de gestionare a inovarii si a invatarii, prin Orizont 2020, prin COSME sau prin SMEs Instrument - Bernd Reichert, Sef al unitatii de instrumente pentru IMM-uri in cadrul EASME, Agentia Executiva pentru intreprinderi Mici si Mijlocii.

O nouă înțelegere a nevoilor de inovare ale IMM-urilor - Camelia Marinescu, NCP pentru IMM-uri, Consilier ANCSI, Autoritatea Națională pentru Cercetare Științifică și Inovare

Consolidarea peisajului economiei digitale prin programe care să stimuleze crearea, creșterea și internaționalizarea startup-urilor - Bogdan Ceobanu, Responsabil cu Politicile – Comisia Europeana, Directia Generala pentru retele de comunicatie, Continut si Tehnologie.

Horizont 2020 Apeluri pentru 2017 suport pentru Open Innovation; Servicii de rețea Ideal-ist pentru comunitatea TIC - Gabriel Neagu, NCP TCI, Reprezentant Ideal-ist, ICI Bucuresti

The SME Instrument; parteneriat pentru cele mai bune practici si schimb de cunostinte - Bianca Muntean, Manager la iTech Transilvania Cluster si Expert EEN, Onisim Gabrian, Inovatii Software & Design.

Cercetare si inovare in beneficiul IMM-urilor; cea mai buna practica - Dumitru Ulieru, Manager R&D, S.C. SITEX 45 S.R.L., Bucuresti.

Sesiune de intrebari si raspunsuri


Modul: Inovare Integrala

Moderator: Univ. Prof. George Teodorescu, Consortiu Academic Danubius

Inovare Integrala

De la idee la afacere; Calea spre Leadership prin Creativitate

Workshop, cu participarea:

Senator Wolfgang Wolf, CEO Asociatia de Patronaj ( LVI ) Baden Württemberg, Germania

Dr. Jürgen Jähnert, CEO BWCON - Promovarea talentului si spiritului antreprenorial, Stuttgart, Germania

Prof. George Teodorescu - Presedinte, Ecosistemul Dunarii pentru Inovare Integrala - Köln, Germania

Conf. Dr. Andy Pusca, Rector, Universitatea Danubius, Galati

Dr. Mihnea Ghildus, Universitatea Nationala de Arte, Fondator DIZAINAR, Bucuresti

Dr. Costin Lianu, Director USH Business, Bucuresti

Prof. Dr. Catalin Fetecau, Profesor, University Dunarea de Jos, Galati

Dr. Ing. Constantin Enachioiu, ANCSI

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Ing.Radu Crisan, UCL Tg Mures, Sistem integrat de urgenta pentru Orase Inteligente

Alexandru Petru Fratean, Senator

Maria Precup, Primar Reghin


Sala pentru Brokerage:

Brokerage de tehnologii cu reprezentanti din Consortiul Academic Danubius

Invitam managerii companiilor inovatoare interesate in a stabili legaturi pentru implementarea unor proiecte care au ca scop dezvoltarea de tehnologii, transfer de tehnologii, educatie, inovare si dezvoltarea unor sisteme ecologice inovatoare. In acest context european si regional incert trebuie dezvoltate astfel de solutii in Romania. Va invitam sa participati.

14 Octombrie, 2016

10.00 – 12.00

Modul: Parteneriat pentru competitivitate, innovare si export

Moderator: Cristian Pârvan, Secretar General al Asociatiei Oamenilor de Afaceri din Romania, Presedintele Asociatiei Inventatorilor Romani.

De la idee la prototip si introducere pe piata- Cristian Pârvan, Secretar General al Asociatiei Oamenilor de Afaceri , Presedinte al Asociatiei Inventatorilor Romani

Noi cai catre Hydrogen Society - Hans Marius Schuster, ARENA-INNOVATION, Stuttgart, Germania

Specializare Inteligenta si Instrumente de finantare pentru inovare 2014-2020 - Magdalena Susan Resiga, Director General Adj, UEFISCDI, Catalin Molagic, Department pentru Inovare, UEFISCDI

Modelarea relatiei dintre inovare si competitivitate in contextul European - Bogdan Ciocanel, Director, IRECSON

Softronic, un nou concept de locomotiva, Radu Zlatian, Softronic, Craiova.

Rolul IMM –urilor in doua cuvinte si al antreprenoriatului in dezvoltarea inovarii regionale, Corina Pascu, Evaluator, EU Technology Analyst Digital Economy.

Noi modele de inovare pentru parteneriate strategice de tip cluster - CLUSTERIX 2.0 - Cornelia Muraru-Ionel, INMA Bucuresti.



Modul: Formare Antreprenoriala, Inovare si Proprietate Industriala.

Florin Nicolae Jianu, Presedinte, Consiliu National al Intreprinderilor Mici si Mijlocii din Romania

Harry Yuklea, STEP Program Academic Director, Technion, Israel

Alexandru Cristian Strenc, Director “STRENC Solutii pentru Inovare”

Entrepreneurial Clouds (TM) si Activism Academic, Dr. Harry Yuklea, STEP Program Academic Director, Technion, Israel

Inovare si formare antreprenoriala pentru IMM –uri si tineri intreprinzatori - Florin Nicolae Jianu, Presedinte, Consiliul National Pentru Intreprinderi Private Mici si Mijlocii in Romania

Proiect nou pentru standardizarea sistemul de Manageament in Inovare. Cerinte; Patentarea inventiilor- un indicator cheie al scoreboardului inovatiei tehnologice - Alexandru Cristian Strenc, Strenc Solutii pentru Inovare

EUR-ACE®, sistem de acreditare care respecta standardele internationale pentru programe de instruire de inalta calitate in inginerie la nivel european si in afara - Prof. Dr. Iordan Petrescu, Presedinte, ARACIS – Agentia Romana pentru Asigurarea Calitatii in Mediuil Universitar

RICAP - Programul Roman de Asistenta in Comercializarea Inovarii - editia a III-a - 2016-2017 – Ana-Cristina Ţoncu, GEA Consulting.

14.00– 15.00

Pauza Cafea

15.00– 16.30

Modul: Locul produselor din construcții într-o economie circulară

Moderator: Claudiu Georgescu, Presedinte, Asociatia Producatorilor de Materiale de Constructii.

Masa rotunda care va cuprinde o prezentare si discutii pe urmatoarele teme :

a) Necesitatea abordarii conceptelor economiei circulare in lumina tendintelor dezvoltarii sustenabile

b) Documente ale UE privind economia circulara si implementarea lor in Romania

c) Produsele de constructii- abordarea ciclului de viata al produselor prin prisma economiei circulare

d) Avantajele valorificarii produselor pentru constructii in economia circulara

e) Legea privind deseurile in constructii in Romania. Legea privind deseurile de ambalaje Stadiu si perspective .


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1. Reprezentantii Ministerului Mediului , Ministerului Economiei Ministerul dezvoltarii si Ministerul Administratiei Publice si Internelor.

2. Reprezentantii patronatelor din domeniu si stakeholderii industriali si comerciali

3. Reprezentantii ONG-urilor de profil

4. Studenti si cadre didactice de la facultatile de profil..



Modul: Materiale Nanostructurate pentru Sănătate

Moderator: Teodor Velea, Director , Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Metale Neferoase și Rare


Direcții strategice și obiective prioritare ale cercetării, dezvoltarea și inovarea în domeniul resurselor minerale care conțin metale neferoase

Dezbatere, masa rotundă privind valorificarea metalelor neferoase si rare primare și a resurselor secundare în aplicații High-Tech

15 Octombrie, 2016

10.00 – 12.00

Panel: Nanostructured Materials for Health

Moderator: Dr. Roxana M. Piticescu, Scientific Director National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals

Noi tipuri de materiale nanostructurate hibride dezvoltate prin procedee chimice noi la presiuni ridicate și temperaturi joase,- Dr. Roxana M. Piticescu, Dr. Madalina L. Popescu, IMNR

Noi tendințe și aplicații ale materialelor nanostructurate pentru implantologie în afecțiunile de cancer la ochi - Dr. Liliana Voinea, Dr. Sanziana Gradinaru (UMF Carol Davila Bucharest), Dr. Ulieru Dumitru (SITEX 45 srl), Dr. Roxana M. Piticescu (IMNR)

Cluster de inovare pentru sănătate și nanomedicină, Flaviana Rotaru (Președinte a cluster-ului ROHEALTH si Senior Consultant FMMC )

Dezbatere, masa rotundă privind aplicații ale metalelor neferoase în medicină



Modul: Materiale Avansate pentru Aplicații de Nișă

Moderator: Radu Piticescu, Cercetător Principal, Director la Centrul de Transfer Tehnologic pentru Materiale Avansate din cadrul Institutului Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Metale Neferoase și Rare

Materiale și soluții tehnologice pentru stocarea energiei termice, Radu Piticescu (IMNR), Dr. Maria Dolores Romero Sanchez (Dicector de proiect Fonduri structurale POC A1.1.4-E-P_37_776 Enerhigh)

Materiale avansate bazate pe aliaje cu entropie mare, având proprietăți termo-mecanice controlate- Dr. Vasile Soare, Dr. Dumitru Mitrica (IMNR), Prof. Dr. Gabriela Popescu (UPB-SIM)

Proiectarea și dezvoltarea de noi senzori pentru detecția gazelor toxice bazată pe filme subțiri, Marcel Ionica (IPA-filiala Craiova), Arcadii Sobetkii (MGM Star Construct srl), Adelina Stanoiu (INCDFM), Roxana Piticescu (IMNR)

Dezbatere la masa rotundă: Nanomateriale pentru aplicații de nișă

Produse textile și din piele : soluții inovative oferite de INESCOP Spania, Dr. Maria Dolores Romero Sanchez (INESCOP Spain).

Materiale Avansate pentru condiții extreme de mediu, Centru European Virtual SUPERMAT- Dr. Radu Piticescu (INMR)

14.00– 15.00

Pauza Cafea

15.00– 16.30

Modul: Materiale Avansate pentru materiale supuse mediului extrem

Moderator: Teodor Velea, Director al Institutului Național de Cercetare - Dezvoltare pentru Metale Neferoase si Rare

Dezbatere; masa rotundă privind triada educație-cercetare-afacere într-o dezvoltare economica durabilă

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Profile pentru Moderatori Gabriel VLADUT

Engineer, PhD, Researcher 1st Degree, Automation systems and IT, Director at IPA CIFATT

Craiova Research Institute for Engineering and Automatic Systems, coordinator of the 14 FP7/Horizon 2020 projects. NCP - SME Programme Research in benefit of SMEs, INNOVA - The Knowledge Intensive Services (KIS-IP), Expert Validation Platform (EVP), Trainer and mentor for entrepreneurial formation, leadership, broker of technologies, manager of innovation, PBL – Problem Based Learning. Coordinator of the business and innovation incubator IPA CIFATT Craiova, Member of the National Commitee for Innovation and the Commitee for Export. More than 10 years, member of the IRC and Enterprise Europe Network. More than 70 articles and papers at internationals events. President ARoTT - Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation,

He is President at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dolj County and coordinator of the Forum. He received the Order of Cultural Merit in rank of Knight, category H: Scientific Research, awarded by the President of Romania in 2008. Jonathan LOEFFLER

Managing Director at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (SEZ) Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum was founded as the operational unit of the Commissioner for Europe of the Minister of Economic Affairs Baden-Württemberg and is a partner in the European Commission's Enterprise Europe Network. 1988-1991 - ECPM Ecole européenne de chimie polymères et matériaux de Strasbourg. Many Conferences in Europe regarding the Improve framework conditions for innovation including in Danube Region. SEZ is the Contact Point for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Baden-Württemberg.


Executive Director of Deloitte Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, London Business School, UK. Jeff led technology commercialization at Hoechst Celanese Photonics in New Jersey and was previously photonics research manager at General Electric. His first degree was in physics and he holds a PhD in thin film photonics from UCL and a MBA from LBS. He remains deeply involved in technology commercialization through teaching, consulting and speaking around the world. He chairs the Review Committee of the Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals –the global technology transfer professional body – and is past president of the leading UK and European Technology Transfer Associations (PraxisUnico and ASTP Proton).

He is author of the Leadership Foundation’s publication Commercialization Skills for Academics and Researchers. Prof. Alexandru MARIN

Manager of the Technology Transfer Office from UPB. He is an EU IPR Helpdesk Ambassador -, fostering a network of regional IP focal points in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network, providing on-site training events in the different European countries, by participating in local awareness raising events, and by developing and disseminating a broad range of useful publications such as guidelines, checklists and fact sheets that deal with different aspects of IP – in business or in collaborative research. He is Project manager for an EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs – acronym PROSME - Services in support of business and innovation -, in the frame of Enterprise Europe Network - offering information and assistance services regarding European economic environment, helping the enterprises, mainly SMEs, in developing

the businesses at European Level, increasing their own competiveness, accessing European funding and programs. Camelia MARINESCU

PhD, Eng. Senior advisor, National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research She is Organization responsible for the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Brussels Coordinator RINNO - a model for enhancing the benefits of Romania-Bulgaria cross - border region cooperation by using R&D&I. She is NCP for Horizon 2020, Innovation in SMEs. In 2014 in Tel Aviv, Israel, she conducted a series of international events in the field of scientific research, innovation and cyber-tech:

Festival on innovation - Digital Life Design

One-day seminar organized by the EU Delegation, entitled "The Place of Venture Capital in

the Innovation Ecosystem" dedicated to CDI units, particularly innovative SMEs. In 2012 she organized a workshop at OMPI (Intellectual Property as a tool for advancing from innovation to business) in Geneva.

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Head of the SME Instrument unit at EASME, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. University studies and PhD in physical chemistry and quantum physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. After Post-Doc studies at the Technical Universities of Berlin and Munich, he joined the European Commission, Directorate General for Research, in 1992. There he has held several assignments as programme officer in the areas chemistry, biotechnology, nanotechnology as well as science and society, until he became Head of Administration of the directorate "Industrial Technologies" in 2003. From 2007 until 2013 he was heading the unit "Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" in the

Commission's R&I Directorate General. Since 1 January 2014 he is responsible for setting-up the activities "Horizon 2020: Small and Medium-Sized Companies", in particular the implementation of the SME Instrument under the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020, within the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Companies. Bogdan CEOBANU

Bogdan Ceobanu is a policy officer in the Startups and innovation unit of the European Commission, within the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology. Bogdan holds a BEE & MA from Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava. He works closely with the Startup Europe and FIWARE Accelerator initiatives where he engages into policy, programs, events and research around startup ecosystems, community building and mechanisms to enhance the launch and growth of European startups. As a former entrepreneur he creates value by approaching problems from an interdisciplinary perspective using new technologies. He believes that best innovation often come from combining

ideas from different and often disparate fields. He searches for new experiences and ways to bring new ideas into life while solving big challenges together with some of the most creative entrepreneurs. You can follow Bogdan on and find more at Gabriel NEAGU

Engineer in Automatic Control, PhD in Applied Informatics, Scientific Reseracher 1st degree at ICI Bucharest. 28 years experience in management of the research activity at various levels: research team, laboratory, department. He has been director of 14 R&D projects financed from the national R&D budget and representative for 15 projects funded by EU programmes. Vice-president of the ICI Scientific Council (2003-2005 and 2010 onwards). NCP for H2020 – ICT domain and National representative in the European Idealist network. Expert evaluator for national / European project proposals. More than 70 published papers in interantional journals and at international conferences. Member of about 50 International Program Committees of international conferences.


Chairman Executive Board-Danubius Academic Consortium, the Ecosystem for Integral Innovation of Euro-region Danube. Head of the Institute for Integral Innovation. Univ.Professor for Integral Innovation, head of Master Program, author of the Integral Innovation theory & methodology; International expert for higher education & consulting in Integral Innovation. Innovation is Hope Projects for Creative Communities: India, South Africa, Peru, Namibia Since 2001- Visiting Professor Beijing Institute of Technology, China Since 2014 Danubius Academic Consortium Euro region Danube. Since 2008 Member of Scientific Board LVI- Baden-Württemberg, Germany Since 2005 Founder and Head of Institute for Integral Innovation, Köln, Germany Since 2012 Visiting Professor University Wuppertal- Integral Innovation Course, Germany

Cristian PARVAN

General Secretary of Association of Businessmen (AOAR), President of Association of Romanian Investors. AOAR was established in response to the need to support the Romanian capital. AOAR is an apolitical organization, recognized as a supporter of the most valuable ideas and actions that make the Romanian economy to develop and integrate increasingly European and global economy. Through its membership, AOAR constitute a representative structure of the business environment in Romania, bringing together diverse experiences and economic issues in various fields.

Florin Nicolae JIANU

Mathematician by profession, Florin Jianu graduated from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Mathematics (in English) and Masters at the National School of Political Studies and Administrative. Currently are President of the National Council of Private SMEs from Romania - CNIPMMR and Vice President of the European Union of Craft, SMEs – UEAPME. In 2014, he was designated Minister of SME Business Environment and Tourism. Florin Jianu has a very good perception of the needs of entrepreneurship at national and European level, on the basis of experience as Vice President CNIPMMR and President of the

Young Entrepreneurs Association from Romania - PTIR (2008 - April 2016) and the Young Entrepreneurs Organization of the European Union - JEUNE (2012 - 2014).

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Alexandru Cristian STRENC

Dr. Ing Advisor national and European industrial property. Strenc Solutuions srl for Innovation, Automation and Computer Engineering. Deputy General Director - State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, coordinates directions Patents, Trademark Law, Design-national collection-Computer-Services Internships at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property - Munich, Germany, in the European Patent Harmonization. Vice General Assembly WIPO World Intellectual Property Geneva, member of the Romanian delegation in Administrative Concill of the European Patent Organisation. He received the Order of Cultural Merit in rank of Knight, category H: Scientific Research, awarded by the President of Romania in 2008.


An academic and practitioner at once, Dr. Yuklea has been directly involved for the last 40 years in the remarkable build-up process of the Israeli high-tech sector, his career ranging from technology development and engineering to marketing, management, consulting and investment. Dr. Yuklea has held executive management positions at leading publicly traded hi-tech companies like Sapiens International Corp., Lannet Data Communications Ltd. and Fibronics Ltd. as well as at a series of technology start-ups such as OptoSTORAGE, XOsoft, Bacsoft,

Snapshield and OptoSTORAGE and serves in the Board of Directors of several high-tech firms. He co-founded Quantum China-Israel Investment Ltd, specialized in creating Israel-China technology joint ventures. On the academic track he serves as Director of the International School at Peres Academic Center in Israel, as permanent visiting professor in ORTU Montevideo, IITGn, PDPU India where is teaching graduate courses in innovation and entrepreneurialship. He holds a MSEE / TUI, a MSM / Boston University and a PhD / The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Claudiu GEORGESCU

President, Association of Producers for Construction Materials. University studies and PhD in Materials Technology Engineering at the Politehnical Institute Bucharest. Graduated in 1983. Residential construction sector is the largest consumer of materials, followed by engineering works. The market is still small, but the year has started well, although major projects which we rely for increased sales have not started yet. We try to find export outlets. Recently, we ended an international fair in Lebanon, contracts of over 1.5 million. the required export products are top quality sanitary ware, special adhesives, insulation products and polypropylene piping systems.

Teodor VELEA

Senior researcher, PhD in Materials Science. Director of Insitute for Nonferrous and Rare Metals from 1995 to 2004. General Director since 2004 Main area of expertise: non-ferrous metals metallurgy, hydrometallurgy, bio-metallurgical processes, purification of waste waters from metallurgical industrial sites. Author of different research papers and overviews in MarketWatch. Project responsible in FP5, FP6 and H2020 programs. Romanian Representative in European Techonological Platform for Mineral Resources.

Roxana Mioara PITICESCU

Senior researcher, PhD in Applied Physical-Chemistry and Electrochemistry. Scientific Director of the National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals since 2010. NATO Fellowship in the field of nanomaterials 2004-2005. Trainer of trainees, Post-Universitary course in the management of European Projects –University Politehnica Bucharest. Innovation Manager diploma from 2015. Main area of expertise: nanomaterials, green chemical processes, nanobiomaterials, nanomedicine, biosensors. Member and Institute representattive in European Technological Platform Nanomedicine. Author of of over 25 ISI papers and 60 Conference papers, 2 books and 1 chapter book.


Senior researcher, PhD in Materials Science. Director Centre for Technology Transfer in Advanced Materials from the National Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals. Stagies: NATO workshop on Intellectual Properties Rights (2001); short terms work stages in Italy, France and Germany (2001-2006). Post-Universitary course in the management of European Projects –University Politehnica Bucharest. Technology Broker diplomat since 2014 Romanian Ligthouse for European Technological Innitiative Nanofutures. Expert member in High Level Group for task force Pilot Lines. Author of over 25 ISI papers and 50 Conference papers, author of 1 book and 1 chapter book

Page 8: Forumul Inovarii Editia a 9-a · Gabriel Neagu, NCP TIC, reprezentant Ideal-ist , ICI Bucuresti ... Cristina Ţoncu, GEA Consulting. 14.00– 15.00 Pauza Cafea 15.00– 16.30

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9th Forum for Innovation


web site:

1. Problem Based Learning an efficient way to bridge innovation, education and industry, Ileana Hamburg – IAT Institute, Germany, Gabriel Vladut - IPA CIFATT Craiova, Emma O’Brien, Emma O’Brien - University of Limerick, Ireland

2. Inclusive Entrepreneurship Education, Ileana Hamburg – IAT Institute, Germany, Gabriel Vladut - IPA CIFATT Craiova, Alexandra David – IAT Institute, Germany,

3. Integral Innovation and Innovation Management Assessment, Prof. George Teodorescu, Danubius Academic Consortium, Germany, Gabriel Vladut - IPA CIFATT Craiova

4. Managerial instrument for increasing effectiveness of technology / knowledge transfer, Prof. Alexandru Marin – University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest, Romania

5. Financial and SWOT Analysis for a Pilot Model of a TTO from ReNITT, Prof. Alexandru Marin, Laura Boanță – University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest, Romania

Page 9: Forumul Inovarii Editia a 9-a · Gabriel Neagu, NCP TIC, reprezentant Ideal-ist , ICI Bucuresti ... Cristina Ţoncu, GEA Consulting. 14.00– 15.00 Pauza Cafea 15.00– 16.30

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