Page 1: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Fragmentation Functions Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densitiesand Polarized Parton Densities

Stefan KretzerBrookhaven National

Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL

32nd International Conference on High Energy PhysicsAugust 16 - 22, 2004

Beijing, China

*** Mini-Review ***

Page 2: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Subset of functions from a graphical classification. R. Jakob

S. Moch NNLO

Next 20 min: (Some of) The rest of it

Page 3: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

π π







c c



Factorization and universalityFactorization and universality

Page 4: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

• Applications (“Partons in Operation”): Hard reactions involving hadrons / nuclei are ubiquitous. pQCD provides a predictive and quantitative (“Next-to-next-to-leading-order”: NNLO) field theoretic framework in terms of the quark and gluon degrees of freedom. It also “measures” the parton luminosities for hadron colliding machines.

• Investigations (“Partons under the Microscope”): pQCD is rich in structure in itself. (Some of it - which I will not minireview - is yet being investigated experimentally at the discovery level. )

Page 5: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Here are both aspects …

Page 6: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Forward high pT particle production in Forward high pT particle production in DISDIS

Daleo & Sassot:

• Inhomogeneous Evolution

• Mixing with Fracture Functions

• (Similar to n-hadron FFs: de Florian, …)

Aurenche & Basu & Fontannaz & Godbole:

• Signal for BFKL

Page 7: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

To begin at the beginning, going back 25 years …

Page 8: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

The The Field & FeynmanField & Feynman picture of cascade fragmentation picture of cascade fragmentation

Page 9: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High



Bilocal operatorBilocal operator

P+ = z k+



Collins & Soper

Page 10: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Collinear factorization:

e+e- annihilation (1h inclusive)

Page 11: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

FFragmentation (or “ragmentation (or “DDecay”) ecay”) FFunctionsunctions

Scale dependence from renormalization or mass factorization: DGLAP

Page 12: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

2 2 Analysis of e Analysis of e++ee--→hX→hX Data Data

Alternative model approaches:

Indumathi et al.

Bourrely & Soffer

Kniehl & Kramer & PötterKretzer

Bourhis & Fontannaz & Guillet & Werlen

Page 13: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

What do we know about Fragmentation Functions from What do we know about Fragmentation Functions from ee++ee--??

Sum over all flavours (singlet combination)

u,d,s flavours and gluons

Page 14: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic ScatteringScattering

Flavour Separation

Page 15: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

E. Christova, SK, E. Leader

“valence”“favoured”“rank 1”

“sea”“unfavoured”“rank 2”

favoured > unfavouredfavoured » unfavoured

Well described by leading particle ansatz



Page 16: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

From Guzey, Strikman, Vogelsang hep-ph/0407201

Page 17: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Factorized NLO pQCD and RHIC pp dataFactorized NLO pQCD and RHIC pp data

PHENIX central rapidity

STAR forward rapidity

Gluon FF and large-z constraints from hadroproduction.Gluon FF and large-z constraints from hadroproduction.

Page 18: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

The gluon fragmentation function has been measured.

Hasn’t it?

Page 19: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

OPAL hep-ex/0404026

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Page 21: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Transit to longitudinally polarized parton distributions …

Schematic example: Semi-inclusive DIS

Page 22: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Crucial test:Factorization!

What Factorization?

Page 23: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Collinear factorization:


leads to the approximate factorization of x and z dependence in LO:

Page 24: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

HERMES DIS pion multiplicities

(unpolarized hydrogen target)





Stratmann & Vogelsang &

SK **** Under investigation by HERMES


Page 25: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Blümlein & Böttcher

ΔG is constraint by not much else than positivity:

|ΔG(x)| < g(x)


Page 26: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Quark ModelQuark Model QQCCDD




•Axial anomaly


Page 27: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

In hadronic collisions (RHIC) …

… gluons are “leaders”.


Page 28: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

The double-spin asymmetry

for .

can be shown to be (basically) positive definite in the few GeV range (at leading twist accuracy).

Page 29: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

AALLLL is (perturbatively) bounded by:is (perturbatively) bounded by:


Underlying parton (gluon) dynamics

The upper bound holds up to dependence on the scale where positivity is saturated. The lower bound is obtained under low p? approximations. The order of magnitude must be correct in both cases if the dynamics are:

Jäger, SK, Stratmann, Vogelsang (PRL 2004)

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Frank Bauer @ DIS04

PHENIX hep-ex/0404027

Page 31: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Summary : (with apologies for your favorite omission)

Fragmentation functions are determined from, mostly, e+e- annihilation data. Other processes, such as hadro/photo-production have provided tests of consistency / universality. Post-LEP/SLD steps:

1. Include new data & processes in the fit:

i. Update e+e- fits (large-z data from uds continuum at e.g. BELLE)

ii. Semi-inclusive DIS (flavour)

iii. Hadroproduction (gluons, large-z, RHIC pp norm predictions for AA and spin), enabled by NLO Mellin moment evaluation.

iv. Consistency checks with jet data.

2. Error analysis and coupled analysis with parton densities

3. Resummations

Global analysis of polarized PDFs quantifies partonic decomposition of spin, with experimental inputs beyond inclusive DIS:

1. Semi-inclusive DIS asymmetries (sea decomposition)

2. High pT RHIC-spin processes (longitudinal gluon polarization)

And again, this mini-review left out many a maxi-topic.

short term

not-so-short term

Page 32: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

***** Leftovers *****

Page 33: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Of particular importance, for physical (“axial anomaly”) and historical (“spin crisis”) reasons, is G :

Page 34: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Factorization Factorization

The Factorization is a statement in pQCD about the seperation of scales in

The LO DIS process is so simple, indeed is just a vertex / (1-x) (1-z) so that (x,z) / F(x)D(z) : The approximate (LO) factorization of x and z dependence (following from the one-particle “phase space” of LO DIS)Factorization ' Factorization for SIDIS

Page 35: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Every distribution is one component of a field-theoretic decomposition of nucleon structure

collinear part:

Page 36: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Stratmann & Vogelsang & SK

Page 37: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Is SIDIS ' q(x)D(z) at not-so-high Q?

Higher-twist interactions?E.g. Glück & Reya 02 suggest spin dependence of fragmentation into pionsStrictly Dq+

´ Dq-

Possible effects beyond leading twist

And if not … then what?

Page 38: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Comparison with previous leading particle guess:

As seen in the HERMES pion multiplicities

Leading particle ansatz works well.

Page 39: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Global analysisof

Fragmentation Functions

(largely avoiding advertisement plots)

Page 40: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Fractional contributions from initial/final state partons

Central Rapidity Forward Rapidity







P? [GeV]



E [GeV]



Hadroproduction: pp→Hadroproduction: pp→ X at 200 GeV X at 200 GeV cmscms

Page 41: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Average Scaling VariablesAverage Scaling Variables

Symmetric / asymmetric kinematics for central / forward rapidityLarge z fragmentation is probed.



P? [GeV]

E [GeV]

Page 42: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Taking Moments, e.g.turns the non-local (xa ≠ xb) convolution into a local (in N) product

The minimum [by variation δ(Δσ)/δ(Δg)=0] is at

Page 43: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Inverted (from N to x)bounds Δσ from below:

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T. Hira

no @ Q



(1/ ppTT)()(dNdN// dpdpTT))

??? GeV

Onset of pQCD in hadronic collisionsOnset of pQCD in hadronic collisions

Page 45: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Energy Conservation:

Not a practical constraint.

kT orderingDGLAPangular ordering



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Page 47: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Some Theory …

Parton Distributions:Local operator product expansion in inclusive DISBilocal operator definition

Fragmentation Functions:No local OPE (no inclusive final state)Bilocal operator definition

Scale dependence enters through renormalization: DGLAP

Just as PDFs, FFs are well defined in terms of

Page 48: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

2→2 channels:

Only (ii) has a negative asymmetry at parton level.

(i) >> (ii) by about a factor 160!

Does this mean that ALL has to be positive?

No: Polarized parton densities may oscillate!

Page 49: Fragmentation Functions and Polarized Parton Densities Stefan Kretzer Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL 32nd International Conference on High

Predictions for ALL are all positive. Is this

accidental or is ALL bounded from


The upper bound on ALL depends on the

scale at which positivity |Δg(x,μ)| ≤ g(x,μ) is saturated.

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Factorization and UniversalityFactorization and Universality““Add” polarizationAdd” polarization

π π







c c


