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Full name: 梁文史 , ID student number: 1101403123


I. Problem 1:1. Sensors and Actuators (S&A)

- Address website: And:

- Name of Publisher: ELSERVIER, Science Direct- Vol 181- 190 (July – 2012 to 1 February 2013). This year: Vol 191-195 (1 March – 1 June)

2. IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS)- Address website:

Homepage JMEMS: - Name of publisher: IEEEExplore Digital Library- 6 issue per year: Up to year 2012 Vol 21. This year is Vol 22 issue 1.

3. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM)- Address website: - Name of publisher: IOPscience (IOP publishing)12 number per year: Up to 2012 Vol 22. This year is Vol 23 and number 4

II. Problem 2:

List of University involving the MEMS researches:

1. University of California Berkeley:Homepage:

2. California Institute of Technology:Homepage:

3. University of California at Los Angeles:Homepage:

4. Stanford University:Homepage:

5. Kyoto University:Homepage:

6. The University of Tokyo:Homepage:

7. National Tsing hua University:Homepage:

8. National Cheng Kung University:Homepage:

III. Problem 3:

No People have been working in the development of microsystems technology for long time1 1. History and past: [1]

Name: William Trimmer


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Full name: 梁文史 , ID student number: 1101403123

2001 to Present. President of Belle Mead Research.1999 to September 2001. Chief Technical Officer, Standard MEMS, Inc.1990 to 1993 Visiting Fellow at Princeton University.1982 to 1990 AT&T Bell Laboratories; started micromechanics research in 1985; co-developed robotic system to handle ultra-fragile semiconductor chips, transfered this robot from research to factory floor.1979 to 1982 Senior Scientist of Johnson & Johnson's Special Research Group; helped develop acoustical system for early detection of breast cancer.1977 to 1979 Staff Physicist in Singer's Corporate Laboratory; consultant to Sewing Products Group and the Climate Controls Division.1972 to 1977 Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Physics Department at The College of Wooster, Ohio.1966 to 1972 Ph.D. degree in Physics at Wesleyan University, Graduate Student Body President. Belle Mead Research, Inc -- Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502 -- Phone 908 359 0012 -- Fax 980 359 2094

2. Present research interested in MEMS:Comments on Writing an Article - by William TrimmerScaling of micromechanics and MEMS - how things change as they get smallInvited Talk at the MEMS '97 Workshop in Nagoya Japan mems_97_talk.html "Grand in Purpose, Insignificant in Size"The Other Side of Computing - A presentation at the Conference on High Speed Computing.Editorials:Editorial in JMEMS Volume, Number jmems_V6N4.html "Final Editorial"Editorial in JMEMS Volume, Number jmems_V5N4.html "The Internet and Web"Editorial in JMEMS Volume, Number jmems_VN.html

2 1. History and past: [2]Name: Richard S. Muller

Richard S. Muller received the degree of Mechanical Engineer (with highest honor) from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey in 1955. Supported by Howard Hughes and NSF Fellowships, he earned an MS degree in Electrical Engineering in 1957, and a doctorate in Electrical Engineering and Physics in 1962 at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. From 1955 to 1962 he was a member of the technical staff at the Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, and from 1957 to 1960, a lecturer at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He was also a lecturer at Caltech during 1961-62. In July, 1962 Dr. Muller joined the Electrical Engineering faculty at the University of California, Berkeley. His initial research and teaching on the physics of integrated-circuit devices led to collaboration with Dr. Theodore I. Kamins of Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in writing Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, first published by John Wiley & Sons in 1977, with a 2nd edition in 1986, and a 3rd edition appearing in 2002. This textbook has been translated into Spanish, Italian, Russian, and both orthodox and simplified Chinese. Dr. Muller changed his research focus in the late 1970s to the general area now known as micro electromechanical systems (MEMS), and he joined in 1986 with colleague Professor Richard M. White to found the Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC), an NSF/Industry/University Cooperative Research Center.

Professor Muller has been awarded: NATO and Fulbright Research Fellowships; an Alexander von Humboldt Senior-Scientist Award; the UC Berkeley Citation (1994); Stevens Institute of Technology Renaissance Award (1995); the Transducers Research Conference Career Achievement Award (1997), the IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award (with Roger T. Howe, 1998) and an IEEE Millennium Medal (2000). He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering,


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Full name: 梁文史 , ID student number: 1101403123

a Life Fellow of the IEEE, and has served as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. In 1990, he proposed to IEEE and ASME the creation of a MEMS technical journal, which began publication in 1991 as the IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (IEEE/ASME JMEMS). Professor Muller has served as the JMEMS Editor-in-Chief since 1998. He is also a Trustee of the Stevens Institute of Technology, a past member of the NRC National Materials Advisory Board, a Trustee (and Secretary) of the Transducer Research Foundation, and a member of the Technical Advisory Board for several companies doing business in MEMS. Dr. Muller is presently the review Chairman for Microsystem Technologies for the Helmholtz Association(an agency reporting to the government of Germany); in 2003, he served on a similar review committee for the Government of Finland. Professor Muller is the author or co-author of more than 300 research papers and technical presentations and of 19 issued patents. More than 3,150 citations to his published research have been recorded through May, 2009

2. Present research interested in MEMS: MEMS Micro-Optical Systems for Process Characterization MEMS Biomedical Applications MEMS Systems for Adaptive Optics

And: Editor-in-Chief: IEEE/ASME Journal of Micromechanical Systems (1997-2012) Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2007-

present) Founding Director: Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (1986-present) National Materials Advisory Board of the National Research Council(NRC) (1994-1998) NRC Naval Studies Board (2012-present) NRC Panel on Computing, Information, and Communication Technology (2002-2003) NRC Transportation Research Board: Committee for Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (1999-

2001) Trustee: Stevens Institute of Technology (1995-2005) Trustee and Secretary: Transducer Research Foundation (2005-present) Panelist: Review of MEMS Research in Finland (2002) Chairman: Microtechnologies Advisory Committee-- Helmholtz Association (Germany)

(2003-2004) Liaison Officer: National Academy of Engineering/National Research Council (2003-

2005), (2006- present) Section 7 Officer: Nominating Committee: National Academy of Engineering (2009-

present) Chairman and Report Editor: NRC Committee on the future of MEMS

Technologies (1997) Executive Advisory Board: NSF Center for Embedded Networks of Sensors (2001-2009) Reviewer: Lawrence Livermore National Radiation Laboratory Programs (1990-2000) Panel Reviewer: NASA Ames Research Laboratory Programs (2002-2003) Selection-Committee Member: Berkeley Regent's and Chancellor's Fellowships (2000-

present) Advisory Boards: Several MEMS startup companies

3 1. History and past: [3]Name: C. M. Ho (Chih-Ming Ho)Education

B.S., National Taiwan University, 1967


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Full name: 梁文史 , ID student number: 1101403123

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1974Dr. Chih-Ming Ho holds the Ben Rich-Lockheed Martin Professor in UCLA School of

Engineering. After receiving his Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Ho started his career at the University of Southern California and rose to the rank of Full Professor. In 1991, he moved to the University of California, Los Angeles to lead the establishment of the micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) field in UCLA and served as the founding Director of the Center for Micro Systems. To this day, the UCLA MEMS research has been recognized as one of the top three programs in the world. He is the Director of NIH supported Center for Cell Control (CCC) and was the Director of NASA supported Institute for Cell Mimetic Space Exploration (CMISE). He served as UCLA Associate Vice Chancellor for Research from 2001 to 2005.

He is known for his contributions in bio-nano technology, micro/nano fluidics, and turbulence. He was ranked by ISI as one of the top 250 most cited researchers in all engineering category around the world. In 1997, Dr. Ho was inducted as a member of the National Academy of Engineering. In the next year, he was elected as an Academician of Academia Sinica which honors scholars of Chinese origin with exceptional achievements in liberal arts and sciences. Dr. Ho holds seven honorary professorships. He has published 300 papers and 10 patents. He presented over 150 keynote talks in international conferences. Dr. Ho was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society as well as American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics for his contributions in a wide spectrum of technical areasHe has made extensive contributions to the professional societies around the world. He has chaired the Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) in American Physical Society, which is the leading platform in the United States for scientists interested in fundamental fluid dynamics. He was on the advisory board for AIAA Journal. He is a member of the IEEE/ASME JMEMS coordinating Committee. He was an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering and an Associate Editor of the AIAA Journal. He also has served as a Guest Editor for Annual Review of Fluid Dynamics.On the international level, he has served on advisory panels to provide assistance to many countries and regions, China, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and United Kingdom on the developments of nano/micro technologies. Dr. Ho also has chaired or served on numerous organizing committees of international conferences on high technology topics.

2. Present research interested in MEMS:Recent Papers

1. Chen T.-H., Zhu X., Pan L., Zeng X., Garfinkel A., Tintut Y., Demer L. L., Zhao X., Ho C.M., “Directing Tissue Morphogenesis via Self-Assembly of Vascular Mesenchymal Cells,” Biomaterials, vol. 33, pp. 2019-2026, 2012.

2. Chen T.-H., Guo C., Zhao X., Wong M. N., Tintut Y., Demer L. L., Ho C.M., Garfinkel A., “Patterns of periodic holes created by increased cell motility,” Interface Focus, vol. 2, pp. 457-64, 2012.

3. Wei F., Bai B., Ho C.M., "Rapidly optimizing an aptamer based BoNT sensor by feedback system control (FSC) scheme," Biosens Biolelectron. 2011 Dec 15;30(1):174-9. EPub 2011 Sep 20.

4. Valamehr B., Tsutsui H., Ho C.M., Wu H., "Developing defined culture systems for human pluripotent stemcells," Regen Med. 2011 Sep;6(5):623-34.


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Full name: 梁文史 , ID student number: 1101403123

5. Yu F., Al-Shyoukh I., Feng J., Li X., Liao C.W., Ho C.M., Shamma J.S., Sun R., "COntrol of Kapori's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation induced by multiple signals," PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e20998. Epub 2011 Jun 28.

6. Chen Y.L., Huang C.Y., Chien T.Y., Huang S.H, Wu C.J., Ho C.M., "Value of pre-operative serum CA125 level for prediction of prognosis in patients with endometrial cancer," Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011 Oct;51(5):397-402. Epub 2011 Jun 9.

Wong T.S., Chen T.H., Shen X., Ho C.M., "Nanochromatography driven by the coffee ring effect," AnalChem. 2011 Mar 15;83(6)1871-3. Epub 2011 Feb 2.

4 1. History and past: [4]Name: Gary K. Fedder

Gary K. Fedder is the Director of the Institute for Complex Engineered Systems (ICES), the Howard M. Wilkoff Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Professor of The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.Dr. Fedder earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in EECS from MIT in 1982 and 1984, respectively. From 1984 to 1989, he worked at the Hewlett-Packard Company on circuit design and printed-circuit modeling. In 1994, he obtained the Ph.D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley, where his research resulted in the first demonstration of multimode control of an underdamped surface-micromachined inertial device. His research interests include design and modeling of microsensors and microactuators, fabrication of integrated MEMS with electronic circuits using conventional CMOS processing, and implantable microsystems.

In 2007, he was elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to integrated micro-electro-mechanical-system processes and design methodologies. His awards include the 1993 AIME Electronic Materials Society Ross Tucker Award, the 1996 Carnegie Institute of Technology George Tallman Ladd Research Award, and a 1996 NSF CAREER Award. Currently, he serves as a subject editor for the IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, on the editorial boards of the IoP Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, IET Micro & Nano Letters, and SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, and as co-editor of the Wiley-VCH Advanced Micro- and Nanosystems book series. In 2005, he served as general co-chair of the IEEE MEMS Conference and as general chair of the IEEE Sensors Conference in 2010. Professor Fedder has contributed to over 200 research publications and holds several patents in the MEMS area.

2. Present research interested in MEMS:Present Project:- CMOS-MEMS Gravimetric Biosensor- A hydraulics-based microfluidic pump in mock-CMOS micromachining- CMOS-MEMS Ultrasonic sensors- Chip-based microdialysis system- Low Power Reconfigurable RF LC VCO using MEMS based passives- SYNBIOSYS Microfluidic Lab on a Chip Component Modeling- Gas Sensors Using CMOS MEMS- Fabrication and design rules for CMOS microstructures with sub-micron gaps- Efficient On-Chip Antennas at GHz Frequencies- RF CMOS-MEMS Mixer/Filter Devices- CMOS/BICMOS Self-assembling and Electrothermal Microactuators for Tunable Capacitors- CMOS MEMS Downconverting Mixer-Filter Array- Silicon-Neuron Interface- Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Electrostatic and Thermomechanical Effects- Damping in CMOS-MEMS Resonator


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Full name: 梁文史 , ID student number: 1101403123

5 1. History and past: [5]Name: Gwo-Bin LeeGwo-Bin Lee received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Department of Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1989 and 1991, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles, USA in 1998. Dr. Gwo-Bin Lee was a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Engineering Science at National Cheng Kung University. Currently, he is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering at National Tsing Hua University. His research interests are on nano-biotechnology, micro/nanofluidics and their biomedical applications. He is the directors of “MEMS Design and Microfabrication Lab” and “Microfluidics Biochip Lab”. Dr. Lee has been active in the field of micro/nanofluidic systems, and is developing integrated micro/nano systems incorporated with nano/biotechnology for biomedical applications

2. Present research interested in MEMS:Specialities

Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems(MEMS) Micro Sensors Micro Actuators Microfluidics Micro-optics Nanobiotechnology DNA manipulation Bio-sensing

6 1. History and past: [6]Name: Hiroyuki Fujita

Bio Nano MechatronicsThe target of my research is to develop MEMS tools for handling an individual molecule or cell and for its visualization and characterization; the characterization includes its chemical, mechanical and electrical properties. Three sub-theme are investigated: (1) To fabricated MEMS tweezers that is 1/1000 of usual tweezers in size. The micro/nano fabrication method is based on semiconductor technology. The tweezers will be combined with micro fluidic devices in order to analyze DNA molecules, microtubules, artificial supra molecules and bio molecular motors. (2) To fabricated MEMS structures for bio nano science based on the request from other researchers in the project. For example, micro/nano channels and nano tags having precisely defined shapes and dimensions or modified locally and specifically by some materials. (3) To analyze the function of membrane proteins on a micro chip. The chip has a small through hole in which a lipid bilayer embedded with membrane proteins. The analysis will lead to a better understanding of material transportation into or out from the cell.

2. Present research interested in MEMS:He have techniques to manipulate the single molecule or single cell using the MEMS devices

(Micro-machine) made by state-of-the-art micro/nano fabrication techniques. Such systems enable them to visualize and analyze the biological properties such as chemical, mechanical, electronic natures. By integrating the knowledge of electronics, chemistry and life science, They hope that to reveal novel biological insights, which cannot be found by the conventional methods of biotechnology. Details of their researches are as following:- They machined MEMS tweezers with Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) process, which consist of

twin-sharp-probes and actuators. Also they fabricated a microfluidic device to isolate DNA molecules. As a next step, they will try to trap of a single molecule (for example, DNA molecule, microtubule, synthesized polymer) by combining the MEMS tweezers and the


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microfluidic device.- They fabricated silicon nano-needles of 140nm in diameter and 1.5 um in length for

visualization of motor protein movement. Due to the geometry of the needles, they are ideal to amplify and visualize angular movement. Fabricated needles was attached to F1 with reaction of biotin-streptavidin. Fifty percent of needles were successfully attached to F1 by this process.

- They developed a system to reconstitute planer lipid bilayers in a micro-fluidic device. Simultaneous reconstitution of multiple bilayers in array was demonstrated. Recording of ion channel current across the bilayer membrane was also performed successfully.

IV. Problem 41. “There is plenty of room at the bottom” [7]

- Feynman asked why not put the entire Encyclopedia Britannica (24 Volumes) on a pin head (requires atomic scale recording).

He said that: “There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom” not just “There is Room at the Bottom”. What I have demonstrated is that there is room that you can decrease the size of thing in a practical way. I now want to show that there is plenty of room. I will not now discuss how we are going to do it, but only what is possible in principle in other words, what is possible according to the laws of physics. I am not inventing anti-gravity, which is possible someday only of the laws are not what we think. I am telling you what could be done if the laws are what we think; we are not doing it simply because we haven’t yet gotten around to it.

- He proposed to use electron-microscope to “write” the words, and to “read” the words.

Better electron microscopes: He said that: If I have written in a code, with 5 times 5 times 5 atoms to a bit, the question is: How could I read it today? The electron microscope is not quite good enough, with the greatest care and effort, it can only resolve about 10 angstroms. I would like to try and impress upon you while I am talking about all of these things on a small scale, the importance of improving the electron microscope by a hundred times. It is not impossible ; it is not against the laws of diffraction of the electron. The wave length of the electron in such a microscope is only 1/20 of an angstrom. So it should be possible to see the individual atoms. What good would it be to see individual atoms distinctly?

- He also thought that biological systems were already writing and reading information at the molecular (or nano) scale.

He said that: It is very easy to answer many of these fundamental biological question; you just look at the thing! You will see the order of bases in the chain; you will see the structure of the micro some. Unfortunately, the present microscope sees at a scale which is just a bit too crude . Make the microscope one hundred times more powerful, and many problems of biology world be made very much easier. I exaggerate, of course, but the biologists world surely be very thankful to you and they would prefer that to the criticism that they should use more mathematics.

2. “Infinitesimal Machinery” [8]


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In this talk He said that: My talk today could be called “There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom, Revisited.”

- What we can do today?

He said that: You can create the pattern in a material in several ways. One is to shine light through a mask that has design that you want, then focus the light very accurately onto a light-sensitive material and use the light change the material, so that it gets easier to etch or gets less easy to etch. Then you etch the various materials away in stages … This technology was incredible twenty-three years ago, but that’s where we are today.

He showed a picture. It presents an eye. The interesting thing about this eye is that it’s the smallest drawing a human being has ever made. It’s a quarter of a micron across-250millimicrons and the center spot of the pupil is something like one hundred atoms in diameter. That’s the bottom.

- Small Machines – How to Make Them

How can we make small machines? And he said that: “It’s very easy”. He put those evaporated layers down, and made all kinds of structures. After series of tutorials he concluded: “It seem to me perfectly obvious that with today’s technology, if you wanted to, you could make something one-fortieth the size of McLellan’s motor”.

- Electrostatic Actuation

If you had, for example, any object like a dielectric that could only move in slot, and you wanted to move the object, then if you had electrodes arranged along the slot, and if you made one of them plus, and another one minus, the field that’s generated pulls the dielectric along. When this piece gets to a new location, you change the voltages so that you’re always pulling, and these dielectrics go like those wonderful things that they have in the tube, and it goes whshhhhht! To where it has to go.

- Mobile Micro-robots

He said that: I think that Hibbs’s “swallowable surgeon” is not such a bad idea, but it isn’t quite appropriate to the tiny machines, the “infinitesimal machines.” It’s something that should be appropriate for small machines on the way to the infinitesimal machines.

V. Problem 5:


The first micro machined accelerometer was designed in 1979 at Stanford University, but it took over 15 years before such devices became accepted mainstream products for large volume applications [10]. In the 1990s MEMS accelerometers revolutionized the automotive-airbag-system industry. Since then they have enable unique features and applications ranging from hard-disk protection on laptops to game controllers. More recently, the same sensor-core technology has become available in fully integrated, full-featured devices suitable for industrial applications [11]. Micro machined accelerometers are a


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highly enabling technology with a huge commercial potential. They provide lower power, compact and robust sensing. Multiple sensors are often combined to provide multi-axis sensing and more accurate data [3].

1. iPhone 4 Teardown

Figure 1 below shows the top side of the main printed circuit board. The STMicroelectronics LIS331DLH accelerometer and the L3G4200D gyroscope devices are placed side-by-side, adjacent to the Apple designed. These three motion sensors appear to independently provide signals to the A4 microprocessor iOS operating system. These signals are then integrated in software by the apps.

Figure 1: iPhone 4 main board top side.

Figure 2: iPhone 4 main board bottom side.

2. iPhone 4 Three-Axis Accelerometer: STMicroelectronics LIS331DLH

The LIS331DLH device comes packaged in a 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm thick LGA type package. It contains two chips, an ASIC and a MEMS. The MEMS chip incorporates a cap, as can be seen in Figure 3, which sandwiches the micro-machined layer in a cavity between the MEMS die and the cap die. A lead-doped frit glass seal is used to hermetically seal the cavity. The ASIC die lies on top of the MEMS cap, and is


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wire bonded to both the MEMS die and the package substrate, which provides interconnection to the outside world. The stacked, ASIC over MEMS, geometry has been used in all the ST inertial sensors analyzed by Chip-works. Other vendors use a side-by side geometry, which makes thinning the package to below 1 mm easier, but makes shrinking the linear dimensions more challenging.

Figure 3: LIS331DLH package cross section.Decapsulation of the LGA package, followed by removal of the cap, reveals the structure of the MEMS die, shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: LIS331DLH C4L12B three-axis accelerometer MEMS die.A detailed view of the XY sensor, showing a portion of the proof mass supported by the leaf spring, is given in Figure 5. The interdigitated capacitor plates are attached alternately to the proof mass and to fixed anchors to the substrate.


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Figure 5: LIS331DLH XY sensor detail.

Below is Block Diagram of LIS331DLH

Figure 6: LIS331DLH block diagram [12]In calculate We have the parallel-plate capacitance is:

C=ε 0 . εAd

=εA .1d '


The capacitances between the moveable plate and two stationary outer plates C1 and C2 with displacements x1 and x2:

C1=εA .1x1

= 1d+x


and C2=εA .1x2

= 1d−x

=C0+∆C (2)


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Figure 7: Accelerometer structure [13]

We have(V x+V 0 )C1+(V x−V 0 )C2=0 (3)


V x=V 0C2−C1C2+C1

= xdV 0 (4)

For an ideal spring, according to Hook’s law, the spring exhibit a restoring force Fs which is proportional to the displacement x. Thus F s=kS x, where k S is the spring constant. From Newton’s second law of motion, neglecting the air friction (which is negligibly small), the following differential equation result

ma=md2 x

d t 2=k S x (5). Thus, the accelerometer, as a function of the displacement, is


mV 0V x (6)

This was the simplest example of one axis accelerometer. It’s capacitance changes due to changes od distance d between capacitor plates. This is explains for one axis. And this signals from V x will send to charge amplifier and then go to D/A converter and to control logic this is ASIC.The ASIC controller processes signals from the MEMS structure. It is likely that the ASIC actually uses capacitive feedback to maintain a DC bias on the plates, such that the capacitance (plate spacing) remains constant. This DC bias would be the output signal. The ASIC delivers a digital I2C/SPI serial interface standard output to the A4 processor.

VI. Problem 6:- Micro-sensors: [14]

Micro-sensors are the most widely used MEM devices today. According to Madou [1997], a sensor is a device that converts one form of energy into another and provides the user with a usable energy output in response to a specific measurable input. And in so doing detects and conveys information about some


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physical, chemical or biological phenomena. A sensor is a transducer that converts the measured (a quantity or parameter) into a signal that carries information. The transfer function relates the ideal or theoretical output of a sensor to the measured, and may be linear or nonlinear. An ideal sensor output would follow the actual value of the measured without deviation. In practice a sensor will deviate from the transfer function.

Sensor reviewed today included: thermal, radiation, mechanical, flow, magnetic and optical. The principal means are:

1. Capacitance2. Resonance3. Piezo-resistance4. Thermoelectric power

Figure 8: Working principles for Micro-Sensors- Micro-Actuation:

The actuator is very important part of a microsystem that involves motion. Four principal means are commonly used for actuating motions of micro-devices:

1. Thermal forces2. Sharp memory alloys3. Piezoelectric crystals4. Electrostatic forces

Figure 9: Working principles for Micro-ActuatorsElectromagnetic actuation is widely used in devices and machines at macro-scales. It, however, is rarely used in micro-devices because of the unfavorable miniaturization scaling laws.

An actuator is designed to deliver a desired motion when it is driven by a power source. Actuator can be as simple as an electrical relay switch or as complex as an electric motor. The driving power for actuator varies, depending on the specific applications. An on/off switch in an electric circuit can be activated by the deflection of a bimetallic strip as a result of resistance heating of the strip by electric current. On the other hand, most electrical actuators, such as motors and solenoid devices, are driven by electromagnetic induction, governed by Faraday’s law.

- The common point for the above commercial MEMS based products

Both of Micro-sensors and Micro-actuators use the same principles: In that, micro-sensors are used to convert one form of energy (motion of a solid, pressurized liquids or gases, biological and chemical substances, etc…) into another, and provide some useful information in response to the input measured (Accelerations, biological and biomedical, forces, optical, pressure, thermal, etc). While micro-actuators


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are used to convert command from power supply via micro-actuating element (Electrostatic, thermal, piezoelectric crystals, sharp memory alloys) to output action (Movement).

Both of Micro-sensors and Micro-actuators are indispensable components of the micro system.

Figure 10: Components of Micro-systems


[1]. William Trimmer ‘s Homepage:

[2]. Richard S. Muller’s Homepage:

[3]. C. M. Ho’s Homepage:

[4]. Gary K. Fedder Website information:

[5]. Gwo-Bin Lee Website informations:

[6]. Hiroyuki Fujita Lab’s Homepage:

[7]. Richard Feynman, “There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom”, Dec 29th 1959 at the meeting of the American Physical Society at the Caltech


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[8]. Richard Feynman, “Infinitesimal Machinery”, Feb 23 1983, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA


[10]. I. Lee, G. H. Yoon, J. Park, S. Seok, K. Chun, K. Lee, Development and analysis of the

vertical capacitive accelerometer, Sensors and Actuators A 119 (2005) 8-18

[11]. F. Chollet, H. Liu, A (not so) short introduction to MEMS ( (18.2.2008))

[12]. Datasheets, MEMS digital output motion sensor ultra low-power high performance 3-axes “nano” accelerometer, LIS331DLH, ST.

[13]. Matej Andrejaši ˇ Seminar MEMS ACCELEROMETERS handout, Marec 2008

[14]. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS & Microsystems: Design and Manufacture 1st ISBN 0-07-239391-2 McGraw Hill, p 34-52, 2002.

Some websites address is searched by:

- Sensors and Actuators (S&A)- IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS)- Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM).

