Page 1: Gin-cured Salmon w Beetroot & Feta Canapé by Penum


Page 2: Gin-cured Salmon w Beetroot & Feta Canapé by Penum


• Half fillet of Salmon (Centrepiece) • Juniper berries x 2 teaspoons • Flakey sea salt x 125g • Sugar x 300g • Bay leaves x 4 • Pink Peppercorns x 1 teaspoon • Dill x 1 bunch • Gin x 30ml • Rice wine vinegar x 200ml • Coriander seeds x 1 teaspoon • Raw beetroot x 1 • Feta cheese x 100g • Double cream x 100ml

This makes approx. 30 canapés.

Page 3: Gin-cured Salmon w Beetroot & Feta Canapé by Penum


1. Blend 200g sugar, salt, juniper, pepper and 3 bay leaves to make the cure.

2. Sprinkle small amount of cure in a vacuum bag. Place salmon filled skin side down on the cure, and place the remaining cure on top of the salmon, making sure that all the flesh is covered. Seal the vacuum bag. This can be done in a normal bag or cling film, but will have to have a weight placed on top to create the same pressure as the vacuum will create.

3. Place in the fridge for 16 to 24 hours depending on how cured you would like it.

4. After desired time of curing, rinse the cure off with gently running cold water, then pat dry and remove the skin.

Page 4: Gin-cured Salmon w Beetroot & Feta Canapé by Penum


5. Chop dill and sprinkle on topside of salmon followed by the gin. (Optional) Wrap in cling film for at least 2 more hours before serving.

6. Make pickling liquor from 200ml vinegar, 100g of sugar, bay leaf and coriander seeds.

7. Peel beetroot and finely slice on a mandolin. Cut into 2cm square pieces and place in pickling liquor for at least 30 mins.

8. Blend feta cheese and cream to a smooth thick paste and place in piping bag and chill.

9. Dice cured Salmon in to 2cm cubes.

10. To serve; pipe feta mix on to salmon cube, and place a piece of pickled beetroot on top.

Page 5: Gin-cured Salmon w Beetroot & Feta Canapé by Penum







Serving Suggestion: with a glass of schnapps, or a fruity white wine.

Page 6: Gin-cured Salmon w Beetroot & Feta Canapé by Penum


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