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1. Actual (empirical) Self = eul empiric = the total of everything we are in the present, body and psyche, healthy and neurotic, including the original core constituted by the real self. (Karen Horney)

2. Anima= In the unconscious of a man, this archetype finds expression as a feminine inner personality. (Carl Jung)

3. Animus = in the unconscious of a woman it is expressed as a masculine inner personality (Carl Jung)

4. Anxiety = anxietate = the emotion found in all neuroses. Includes helplessness before an invisible danger, irrationality, and an indicator that something's wrong internally. In our culture we tend to rationalize it, deny it, narcotize it, or avoid anything internal or external that arouses it rather than probing its sources. Its source is not a sexual impulse, as Freud thought, but a hostile one perceived as threatening and therefore repressed into unconsciousness.(Karen Horney)

5. Assimilation = asimilare = According to Piaget, the process whereby new cognitive elements are fitted in with old elements or modified to fit more easily; this process works in tandem with accommodation. (Jean Piaget)

6. Attribution theory = Teoria atribuirii = A social-cognitive approach to describing the ways the social perceiver uses information to generate causal explanations. (Heider Fritz)

7. Attributions = atribuiri = Judgments about the causes of outcomes. (Heider Fritz)8. Analytic psychology = psihologia analitica = the name Jung gave to his personality theory (Carl

Jung)9. Automaton conformity = conformism de automat = is changing one's ideal self to conform to a

perception of society's preferred type of personality, losing one's true self in the process (Erich Fromm)

10. Authoritarianism = autoritarism = is giving control of oneself to another. By submitting one's freedom to someone else, this act removes the freedom of choice almost entirely. (Erich Fromm)

11. Being needs (B-needs) = motivatie de crestere = propel a person beyond self-actualization and drive them to fulfill their inherent ultimate potential (Abraham Maslow)

12. Compensation = compensare = a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustrations, desires, or feelings of inadequacy or incompetence in one life area through the gratification or (drive towards) excellence in another area. (Alfred Adler)

13. Congruence = congruenta = When self-experiences are accurately symbolized, and are included in the self-concept in this accurately symbolized form, then the state is one of congruence of self and experience (Carl Rogers)

14. Daimonic = daimonic = a primal force of nature which contains both constructive and destructive potentialities, but ultimately seeks to promote totality of the self (Rollo May)

15. Dasein = faptul-de-a-fi-in-lume = a basic unity that exists between people and their environments; being-in-the-world. (Rollo May)

16. Deficiency motivations = motivatii de deficit = or D-Motivations, are described as the type of motivation that operates on the lower four levels of his hierarchy of needs. These deficiency

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motivations are drives that arise when a physiological or psychological deficit is perceived, leading toward actions to alleviate tension and restore equilibrium. (Abraham Maslow)

17. Destructiveness = agresiune maligna (distructivitate) = is any process which attempts to eliminate others or the world as a whole, all to escape freedom. (Erich Fromm)

18. Distortion = distorsionare = a defense mechanism that occurs when the individual perceives a threat to their self-concept. They distort the perception until it fits their self-concept. (Harry S. Sullivan)

19. Dynamism = dinamism = the transformation of physical energy in behaviors that can satisfy the needs.(Harry S. Sullivan)

20. Dissociation = disociere = This includes all those experiences that we block from awareness (Harry S. Sullivan)

21. Externalization = externalizare = seeing something inner as occurring outside instead. A broader term than projection; in externalization, all feelings, even positive ones, are experienced as an aspect of someone or something else, consciously eliminating them from oneself (Karen Horney)

22. Identity crisis = criza de identitate =The result of a weak ego, or one which has not fulfilled most of the psychosocial stages of development. A weak ego lowers self esteem and impedes the creation of identity. As a result, people try to compensate for lost stages and ends up acting the way that they should have during an earlier stage that went unfulfilled. (Eric Erikson)

23. Incongruence = incongruenta =gap between the real self and the ideal self, the "I am" and the "I should". Incongruent individuals, in their pursuit of positive regard, lead lives that include falseness and do not realize their potential. (Carl Rogers)

24. Inferiority complex = complex de inferioritate = is a term used to describe people who compensate for feelings of inferiority (feeling like they're less than other people, not as good as others, worthless, etc.) by acting ways that make them appear superior. They do this because controlling others may help them feel less personally inadequate. (Alfred Adler)

25. Intimacy = intimidate = The conjunctive dynamism marked by a close personal relationship between two people of equal status is called intimacy. Intimacy facilitates interpersonal development while decreasing both anxiety and loneliness. (Harry S. Sullivan)

26. Life cycle = ciclul vietii = lifespan model of development, taking in five stages up to the age of 18 years and three further stages beyond, well into adulthood. (Erik Erikson)

27. Malevolence The disjunctive dynamism of evil and hatred is called malevolence, defined by Sullivan as a feeling of living among one's enemies.(Harry S. Sullivan)

28. Metamotivation = metamotivatii =describes the motivation of people who are self-actualized and striving beyond the scope of their basic needs to reach their full potential. (Abraham Maslow)

29. Metaneed = metatrebuinte = any need for knowledge, beauty, or creativity. Metaneeds are involved in self-actualization and constitute the highest level of needs, coming into play primarily after the lower level needs have been met. Metaneeds are associated with impulses for self-actualization (Abraham Maslow )

30. Metapathology = metapatologie =the thwarting of self-development related to failure to satisfy the metaneeds. Metapathology prevents self-actualizers from expressing, using and fulfilling their potential. (Abraham Maslow )

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31. Neurosis = nevroza = a form of psychological suffering involving unconscious inner conflicts around basic anxiety and partially determined by cultural factors. All neuroses include anxiety, the defenses against it, numerous fears, a dissipation of energy, pretense, and impairment in vitality, spontaneity, freedom, enjoyment, and achievement. (Karen Horney)

32. Neurotic need for compliance = trebuinta de afectiune umana (docilitate) = refers to a tendency to move towards people, manifested by a need to seek approval from others. (Karen Horney)

33. Neurotic need for aggression = agresivitate fata de semeni = refers to a tendency to go against people by being selfish, bossy, or demanding. (Karen Horney)

34. Neurotic need for detachment = fuga de oameni(izolare) = a tendency to move away from people by insisting on one's self-sufficiency and insistence on perfection. (Karen Horney)

35. Neutral operants = contingente neutre = responses from the environment that neither increase nor decrease the probability of a behavior being repeated. (B. F. Skinner)

36. Operant conditioning = conditionare operanta = changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response (B. F. Skinner)

37. Parataxic Level = modalitate paratactica = Experiences that are prelogical and nearly impossible to accurately communicate to others are called parataxic. Included in these are erroneous assumptions about cause and effect, which Sullivan termed parataxic distortions. (Harry S. Sullivan)

38. Orientation for assimilation = orientare catre acumulare = in the process of living, we relate to the world by acquiring and assimilating things (Erich Fromm)

39. Personification = personificare = One of the structures of personality. He believed that people acquire certain images of self and other throughout the developmental stages. Subjective perceptions are referred to as personifications.(Harry S. Sullivan)

40. Positive psychology = psihologie pozitiva = is the branch of psychology that uses scientific understanding and effective intervention to aid in the achievement of a satisfactory life,rather than treating mental illness. The focus of positive psychology is on personal growth rather than on pathology (Abraham Maslow)

41. Proprium = proprium = suggests the core of one's personhood (G. Allport)42. Reinforcement = intaririe = behavior which is reinforced tends to be repeated, strengthened (B.

F. Skinner) 43. Reciprocity = reciprocitate = the ideal form of a human relationship, in which the partners help

each other develop healthy potentials. (Eric Erikson)44. Search for Glory = glorie = self-realization of the idealized, rather than the real, self. The search

for glory is a drive that self-idealization eventually grows into when neurotic conflicts go unaddressed. This compulsive, indiscriminate, insatiable and imaginative urge to express the idealized self is also accompanied by the need for perfection, neurotic ambition, and the need for vindictive triumph. (Karen Horney)

45. Selective inattention = neatentie selectiva = This involves blocking only certain experiences from awareness to reduce . (Harry S. Sullivan)

46. Superiority complex = complex de superioritate = is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.(Abraham Maslow)

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47. Social learning theory = teoria invatarii sociale = learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. (Alfred Bandura)

48. Stereotype = stereotip = a rigid personification applied to a group of people, that doesn’t take into account the differences between them. (Harry S. Sullivan)

49. Syntaxic Level = modalitate sintactica = Experiences that can be accurately communicated to others are called syntaxic. Logical, rational, and most mature type of cognitive functioning of which a person is capable. (Harry S. Sullivan)

50. Unfinished business = criza de dezvoltare = Refers to the missing accomplishments that come out of each developmental phase according to Erikson's psychosocial theory and his psychoanalytical ego theory. When a psychosocial developmental stage is not completed, then the individual would want to compensate for the lacking knowledge that could have come out of a completed task. (Eric Erikson)