
1Bitácora 2 © Difusión Centro de Investigación y Publicaciones de Idiomas S.L. (2012)

Abbreviations used:

f femininem masculinePl plural

Given in parentheses irregularities of the verbs in the present tense: (g), (i), (ie), (ue), (y), (zc).


a finales del siglo XV in the late 15th century U9T02a fuerza de due to U12T01a gusto comfortable U7T01a la semana a week U3T02a lo largo de throughout U9T02Ba lo lejos in the distance U12T01a medida que while U7T01a menudo often U7T02Aa orillas on the shores of U5T01a pares in pairs U1Ag9a partir de entonces from that point on U10T02a pie de playa beachside U5T01a punto de on the verge of U10T01¿A qué te dedicas? What do you do for a living? U6Ag9a su gusto to his/her liking U5T02a. C. (antes de Cristo) B.C. (before Christ) U9Ag8abajo below U5Ag4abanico m fan U12T01abogado m, abogada f lawyer U11T02ABS m ABS U4T01absurdo/-a absurd U8Ag3aburridísimo/-a really boring U3Ag3acabado/-a finished U9Ag3academia de español f Spanish academy U11T01academia f academy U11T01acceder To access U7T02accidente m accident U10Ag6acompañante m f companion U1Ag1acompañar To keep company U12T02acontecimiento m event U9T02acordarse (ue) to remember U12T02actitud crítica f critical attitude U4T02actividad artística f artistic activity U6T01Gactividad benéfica, f charitable activity U6T02actividad cultural f cultural activity U6T02actividad deportiva f athletic activity U6T01G

actividad festiva f festive activity U6T02actividad física physical activity U6T01Gactividad política f political activity U10T02actuar to act U4T02actuar to perform U6T01Hacueducto m aqueduct U9T02adaptarse to adapt U5T02adaptarse to adjust U11T01adecuado/-a suitable U5T01Eadjetivo m adjective U2Ag10administración f administration U6T01administrar to manage U8T01admitir to admit U6T02adolescente m/f teenager U6T01adoptar to adopt U9T01adorar to adore U3T01ADSL m ADSL U5T01afición f hobby U5T01Eaficionado m fan U6T01afueras f, Pl outskirts U1T02agricultura f agriculture U11Ag2agua potable f drinking water U9T02aguantar to endure U10T01ahorrar to save U2Ag1ahorrarse to save oneself U2T01ahorro de energía m energy efficiency U5T02ahorros m, Pl savings U11T02airbag m airbag U4T01aire acondicionado m air conditioning U5T01aire m air U2T01aislado/-a térmicamente insulated U5T02aislarse to isolate oneself U7T02ajedrez m chess U1T01al acabar upon finishing U6T02al aire libre outside U5T01al principio at the beginning U7T02alegría f joy U10T02algo something U1T01Balgo concreto something in particular U3T01alguna vez ever U2T01Dalgunas personas some people U3T01Balgunos some U2Ag3alimentación f diet U3T02Dalimentarse to eat U3T02aliñar to dress U4T02alrededor around U5Ag4alternativo/-a alternative U8T01Baltura f height U9T02amante m/f lover U12T01amar to love U10T01amarillo/-a yellow U4T01amenazado/-a de muerte received death threats U10T01amerindio/-a Native American U5T01E


Glosario Alphabetical glossary

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bachillerato m baccalaureate U10Ag2bailar to dance U3Ag2baile m dance U6Ag5bajarse (de internet) to download (from

the internet) U7Ag6balcón m balcony U5T01balneario m spa U1T02banco m bench U12T01banda de música, f band U6T02banner m banner U4T02baratísimo/-a very cheap U3T01barba f beard U1Ag4barbacoa f barbecue U5T01barra de pan f baguette U3T02Abase de la economía f basis of the economy U9T02base de misiles nucleares soviéticos f Soviet nuclear missile base U9T01basura f rubbish U2T01batalla f battle U9T02batería f battery U2T01batería f drums U6T02Dbeber to drink U6T02Dbebida no alcohólica f non-alcoholic drink U8T02belga Belgian U2T02bici f bike U1T01Cbicicleta de montaña f mountain bike U2T01Hbiciclown bicycle clown U11T02bien llevado/-a well handled U7T01billete de avión m plane ticket U11T02billón m billion U7T02biografía f biography U10T01Abit de información byte of information U7T02blanco/-a white U4T01bloc m notepad U1T02blog m blog U10T01bluetooth m Bluetooth U4T01boda f wedding U2Ag6bolígrafo de un euro m €1pen U1T02bolsa de plástico f plastic bag U2Ag5bolsa f bag U3Pbolsillo m pocket U1T01bolso m handbag U1T01bombardeo m bombardment U4T02bombilla f light bulb U2Ag5bosque m forest U5T01botas de esquí f, Pl ski boots U1T01Cbote de yogur m yoghurt pot U2Ag5brasileño m, brasileña f Brazilian U9T01brillar To shine U12T01buen good U4Ag1bufanda f scarf U3Ag6buscador m search engine U5T01buscar to look for U3T01buzón de correo electrónico m inbox U4T02buzón m mailbox U4T02


cabalgata f procession U6T02cabaña f cabin U5T01cada cuánto every how often U6T01Hcada vez a más more and more U6T01cada vez más more and more U8Ag8cada vez menos less and less U6T02caer (g) to fall U12T01

amistad f friendship U12T02amistosamente amicably U9T02amor de mi (tu, su…) vida m love of my (your, her...) life U7T02amor mío my love U12T01ampliación f extension U5T02amplio/-a spacious U5T01andén m platform U12T01anillo m ring U1Ag3animado/-a lively U5T01Eanimar to cheer on U6T02aniversario m anniversary U6T02Antártida f Antarctica U9T01ante before U2Ag6anticuado/-a antiquated U6T02Bantropología f anthropology U9T02anualmente annually U2T01anunciar to advertise U4T02Canuncio m advert U2T01Gaño sabático m sabbatical year U10T01apagarse to be turned off U2Ag7aparato m piece of equipment U2T01aparatos electrónicos m, Pl electronic equipment U2T01aparte aside U7T01apasionado/-a (por su trabajo) passionate (about work) U10T01Capasionar to enthral U6Ag9aperitivos m, Pl aperitifs U3T02Eaplicación f application U4Ag6apreciado/-a dear U5T01Haprovechar to salvage U2T02Baproximado/-a approximate U3T02Aapuntarse to sign up U6T02Fapuntes m, Pl notes U1T02argentino m, argentina f Argentinean U9T01aristocracia, f aristocracy U6T02Arquitectura architecture U12Ag4arrastrar to drag U12T02arreglar to mend U2T01arreglarse to get ready U3Ag2arriba above U5Ag4arriba del todo to the top U6T01artículo de vestir m article of clothing U8T02artista reconocido/-a m/f recognised artist U6T01aseo m toilet U5Ag3asesinato m murder U10T02Asia central Central Asia U11T02asistir to attend U10T01asociación ecologista f environmental association U6Ag5asociación f association U6T01aspecto m aspect U5T01Dasturiano/-a Asturian U11T02atentamente attentively U7Ag4ático m attic U5T01atractivo/-a appealing U5T01Datraer to attract U6T01atreverse to dare U7T01Gaún still U8T02aunque although U12T02ausencia f absence U1Ag8austero/-a austere U1T02autónomo/-a self-sufficient U5T02avanzar to advance U9Ag6avenida f avenue U9T02aventurero/-a adventurous U1T02averiguar to figure out U1T01Havión-torpedo m torpedo plane U9T01azteca Aztec U9T01

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cementerio tecnológico m technology graveyard U2T01centro administrativo m administrative centre U9T02centro comercial m shopping centre U9T02centro cultural m cultural centre U9T02centro de esquí m ski resort U5T01centro político m political centre U9Ag9centro turístico m holiday resort U5T01cercano/-a close U8Ag11cerebro m brain U7T01chalé m villa U5Ag2chaqueta f jacket U3Ag1charlar to chat U6T02charlatán/-a talkative U7T01chatear to chat U1T01chillón/a loud U4T01chimpancé m chimpanzee U10T01chip m chip U2T01chiste joke U7Ag4chocolate m chocolate U9T02ciclo m cycle U2T01cinco puertas m five-door U4T01cine m films U6Ag2círculo (de lectura, cultural...) m (reading, cultural...) circle U6T02Ecita f quote U10T02Aciudad-balneario f spa town U5T01clase de yoga m yoga class U8T01Eclasificar to classify U8T02Bclave f key U7T01club de lectura m reading group U8Ag1club m club U6T01HCO2 CO2 U4T01cobre m copper U10T02coche deportivo m sports car U1T02coche eléctrico m electric car U1T02cocina tradicional vasca f traditional Basque cuisine U6T02cocinar to cook U3Ag2colega de trabajo m colleague U7T02colgar (en Internet) to post (on the internet) U2T01Gcollar m necklace U2T02columna f column U9T01Dcombinar to combine U7Ag5combustible m fuel U8T02comenzar to begin U10T02comer to eat U6T02Dcomercial commercial U11T01comercio m trade U7T02Ecómic f comic strip U2T01Dcomienzo m beginning U11T02comodidad f comfort U3Ag5comodísimo/-a very comfortable U1T01compañero de estudios m, compañera de estudios f classmate U6T02Dcompañero de trabajo m, compañera de trabajo f workmate U6T02Dcomparable similar U9T02Bcomparar to compare U7T02comparsa f krewe U6T02componente del grupo m group member U6T01Bcomportamiento humano m human behaviour U1T01comprador m, compradora f buyer U3T01Ecomprador/-a compulsivo/-a compulsive shopper U3T01comprometido/-a committed U12T02Bcompromiso m commitment U10T02compromiso político m political commitment U10T02Bcomún common U1T01Dcomunicador m, comunicadora f communicator U7T01comunicarme to express oneself U1T01B

café, m coffee shop U6T02cafetera de filtro f filter coffee maker U1T02cafetera exprés f espresso machine U1T02cafetera italiana f Italian coffee maker U1T02caja de cartón f cardboard box U2Ag5caja de huevos f egg carton U2Ag5calcetines m, Pl socks U1Ag9callado/-a quiet U7T01calle f street U4T02cama doble f double bed U5T01cama single f single bed U5T01cámara de aire f air chamber U1Ag1cámara de fotos f camera U1T01cámara de vídeo f video camera U1T01Ccamarero m, camarera f waiter m, waitress U11Ag2cambiado/-a changed U12T01Dcambiarse de to change U5Ag1cambio change U7T02caminante m traveller U12T01caminar m to walk U7T02campaña publicitaria f advertising campaign U2T02campeonato de mus m mus (card game) championship U6T02campo m countryside U4T01canal de comunicación m communication channel U7T01Bcanal m channel U7T02canción española f Spanish song U12T01canción f song U4Ag6canoa f canoe U9T02cansar to tire U12T02cantar to sing U6Pcantautor m, cantautora f singer-songwriter U12T02caótico/-a chaotic U11T01capturar to capture U9T02cara a cara face to face U7T01cara f face U12T01carácter m character U12T01Hcaracterística técnica f technical feature U4T01caramelo m sweet U1Ag9cárcel f prison U11T02cargador del móvil m mobile phone charger U1T01Ecargar to charge U2Ag7carnavales m, Pl carnivals U6T01carne de cerdo f pork U8T02carné de conducir m driving licence U1Ag8carne de vaca f beef U8T02Acaro de mantener expensive to maintain U4T01Bcarrera diplomática f diplomatic career U10T02carrera f career U10T01carrito de la compra m shopping trolley U3T02carro de la compra m shopping cart U3Ag7carta f letter U6Ag9cartel de la droga m drug cartel U10T01casa adosada f semi-detached house U5Ag2casa de campo f country house U5T01casa ecológica f eco-friendly house U5T02casa inteligente f intelligent house U5T02Acasa modular f modular home U5T02Dcasa pasiva f passive house U5T02casa pasiva modular f modular passive house U5T02casa prefabricada f manufactured home U5T02Acastell m human tower U6T01castellano/-a Castilian U12T01casteller m, castellera f human tower builder U6T01castillo m castle U9Ag11catalán/-a Catalan U12T01catedrático m, catedrática f professor U7T01cazar to hunt U6T02cebolla f onion U1Ag4celebrar to celebrate U6T02celular de última generación m cutting-edge mobile U7T02

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comunidad científica f scientific community U7T02con ello in doing so U3T02con ganas keen U11T01con influencias with influences U12T02con personalidad with character U1T02con respecto a with regard to U1T02Ccon vistas looking onto U5T01concreto/-a specific U4Ag2concurso de radio m radio contest U9T01Cconducir (zc) to drive U1T02Dconducta humana f human behaviour U7T01conectarse to connect (to the internet) U5T01Hconector m connector U11Ag9confirmación f confirmation U9T01Bcongelados m, Pl frozen food U3T02Econgolés/-a Congolese U10T01conjunto indeterminado m undetermined number U1Ag9conservador/-a conservative U1T02conservar to retain U12T02conservas f, Pl tinned food U3T02Econsiderado/-a considered U7T02consistir (i) to consist U2T01consola de videojuegos f handheld videogame U1T02constante constant U4T02constantemente constantly U2T01constitución f constitution U9T02Ccónsul m(f consul U10T02consultar to consult U7T01consumidor responsable m responsible consumer U2T01Cconsumir to consume U2T01consumista consumerist U1T02consumo m consumption U2T01contacto m contact U5T01contado/-a told U12T01Icontaminación f pollution U7Ag8contaminar to contaminate U2T01contar conmigo to rely on me U12T02contexto m context U12T01Econtinente americano m American continent U9T01contrastar to compare U7T02Bcontraste m contrast U3T02controlar to monitor U7T02convenir (ie) to be advisable U5T01Fconversación f conversation U7T01conversar to talk U7T01convertirse (i) to become U11T01coordinador de comunicación m communications coordinator U10T01corazón m heart U10T02corbata f tie U3Ag6cordero m lamb U8T02cordial saludo m cordial greeting U5T01Hcoro m choir U6T02correctamente correctly U9T01correo m email U7T01corriente normal U1T02cosecha f harvest U9T02cosquillas f, Pl tickle U11T02costa f coast U5T01costar (ue) to be difficult U7T01coste ecológico m environmental cost U2T01cotidiano/-a ordinary U1T01creación f creation U2T02crecer (zc) to grow U5T02crema cream U1T01Ecrema hidratante f U1T01Ecrimen organizado m organised crime U10T01crisis política internacional f international political crisis U9T01Cruz Roja f Red Cross U12Ag3

cualquier any U4T02cuánto tiempo tardas en how long do you take to U3T01Ecuarto/-a fourth U8Ag9cuenca f basin U9T02cuenta bancaria f bank account U7T02cuento story U7Ag4cuento infantil m children's story U11T02cuerpo m body U7T01cuidar to take care of U8T01cultivo tradicional m traditional crop m U8T02cumpleaños m birthday U1T02curiosidad f curiosity U4T02Fcurso de cocina m cooking class U6T02


dama f lady U10T01dar (siempre) explicaciones to (always) give explanations U12T02dar igual to make no difference U1T01dar instrucciones to give instructions U5T02Edar miedo to frighten U7T01Ddar una visión actual to provide a current

perspective U8T02dar una vuelta to walk round U3T01dar vergüenza to embarrass U7T01darse cuenta to realise U8T01dato estadístico m statistical data m U8T02dato m piece of information m U6T01Cde acuerdo in agreement U3T01Bde arte on art U4Ag1de color coloured U1Ag1de cristal glass U2Ag8de cuero leather U1T01de domingo Sunday U12T01de enorme importancia of great importance U8T02de habla hispana Spanish-speaking U6T02Fde ida y vuelta round U11T01de madera wood U2Ag5de manga larga long-sleeve U4Ag2de marca brand-name U1T02de metal metal U2T02de momento for now U11T01de papel paper U2T02de piedra stone U5Ag1de piel leather U1T01Gde pino pine U12T01de plástico plastic U2T02de plata silver U1Ag3de poesía of poetry U1T02de propiedad privately-owned U5Ag3de rock rock U6Ag5de segunda mano second-hand U2T01de tela cloth U1T01Gde todas las clases sociales from all social classes U6T01de todas las edades of all ages U6T01de todo a bit of everything U3T01Ade todos los orígenes from all backgrounds U6T01de una semana a week's worth U3T02de usar y tirar disposable U2Pde verdad truly U5T01de vez en cuando occasionally U6T02debajo de underneath U5Ag4debate m debate m U6T02Fdecidirse to decide U4T01décimo/-a tenth U8Ag9decir la verdad to tell the truth U7Ag3

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documental m documentary U11T02documento m document U1Ag9dólar m dollar U3T02doler (ue) to hurt U12T02dolor m pain U10T01doloroso/-a painful U12T02Bdomicilio m domicile U5Ag1dominar to rule over U9T02Bdonar to donate U4T02donostiarra m/f person from San Sebastian U6T02dormitorio m bedroom U5T01droguería f drugstore U3T02Edueño m, dueña f owner U4T01Ddúplex m maisonette U5Ag2durar poco tiempo to last a short amount of time U2T01


echar de menos to miss U11T01echar la vista atrás to look back U12T02economía f economy U2T01Económicas economics U10T01Fedad media f average age U8T02educación f education U4T02EE. UU. (Estados Unidos) US (United States) U9T01efecto m effect U7T02ejecución f execution U10T01ejercer to practise U10T02ejército m army U9T02el 90 por ciento 90 percent U5T02el kiosco news-stand U9T01el mío, la mía mine U2Ag2el resto de the rest of U6T01el tiempo es oro time is money U8T01Aelección f choice U4T01Felectricidad f electricity U8T02elegante elegant U4T01elegido/-a elected U9T01elemento m element U5T02eliminar to abolish U9T01embajador m, embajadora f ambassador U11T02emisión de CO2 m CO2 emission U5T02emisión f emission U5T02emitir to emit U4T01emocionante exciting U6T01emocionar to excite U12T02emociones f, Pl emotions U4T02emperador m, emperatriz f emperor, empress U9T02Cempresa de construcción f construction company U10Ag5empresa familiar f family business U10T01en algunos casos sometimes U6T01en cada caso in each case U4T01Cen cambio conversely U3T01en cifras in figures U8T02en ese momento at that time U6T02en español in Spanish U2T01Fen la sombra in the shadow U10T01en parte in part U8T01Aen parte partly U9T02en peligro endangered U10T01en secreto secretly U10T02en silencio silent U7T01en todas partes everywhere U4T02en un momento determinado at a certain time U7Ag2enamorarse to fall in love U7T01

decir mentiras to tell lies U7Ag3decir tonterías to talk nonsense U7Ag3decisión f decision U11Ag6declaración f declaration U9T02Ddeclarado/-a declared U6T01declarar to declare U9T01dedicado/-a dedicated U6T01dedicarse to do (for a living) U5T01Adedicarse a los demás to devote oneself to others U8T01defender to defend U10T01del día daily U1T02del futuro of the future U5T02delante in front of U5Ag4delicia f delight U7T01demasiados/-as too many U4T01democráticamente democratically U9T01dentista m/f dentist U3Ag2dentro inside U5Ag4denunciar to report U8T01departamento m flat U11T01depender to depend U7T01Adepender de to depend on U6T01deporte acuático m water sports U5T01deportivo m sports U4T01depósito m tank U5T02desamor m falling out of love U12T02desaparición f disappearance U9T01desarrollado/-a técnicamente technically advanced U9T02Bdesarrollarse to develop U9T02descifrar to decipher U10T01Fdescribir to describe U2T02Adesde niños since (we) were children U7Ag1desdichado/-a unfortunate U10T02desear to desire U1T02desfilar to parade U6T02desfile de moros y cristianos m parade of Moors and Christians U6T01desmontar to dismantle U5T02destinado/-a intended U6T02destruir (y) to destroy U10T02detallar to itemise U11T02Edeterminante determiner U4Ag2detrás behind U5Ag4detrás de behind U5Ag4diariamente daily U9T02dictadura f dictatorship U9T01dictadura militar f military dictatorship U9T01diésel m diesel U4T01dieta f diet U4T02difusión f diffusion U6T01Bdios m god U9T02directamente directly U4T02directivo m, directiva f manager U6T01dirigido/-a lead U9T02dirigir to direct U10T01discreto/-a low-key U7T01Bdiscutir to discuss U1T01Cdiscutir to discuss U5Ag5diseñado/-a designed U2T01diseñador m, diseñadora f designer U2T02diseñar to design U5T02Edisponer (g) to have U5T02divertidísimo/-a great fun U3Ag3divertir (ie) to amuse U6Ag1dividir to divide U6T02divorciarse to divorce U10Ag2DNI m ID number U1Ag8doble double U5T01doctorado m Ph.D. U11T01

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encantar to love U3Ag1encargado m, encargada f person in charge U6T01encenderse (ie) to be turned on U2Ag7encima de on top of U5T02energía f energy U2Ag1energía solar f solar power U4Ag6enero m January U6T02enfermedad f illness U9T02enfermo m, enferma f sick person U8T01enfermo/-a sick U8Ag5engordar to get fat U2Ag1ensayar to rehearse U6T01ensayo m rehearsal U6T01enseñanza f teaching U10Ag2entonces so then U1T01Eentorno m surroundings U5T01entrada f entrance U6T02entrada f entrance U7T02entrar to enter U3T01entrar en contacto to come into contact U9T01Fentre otros among others U12T01entrenarse to train U6T01Hentrevista f interview U6T01Bentrevistado/-a interviewed U1T01Bequilibrio personal m personal balance U7T01equipo de fútbol, m football club U6T02equipo deportivo m sports team U6T02Eera digital f Digital Age U7T02érase una vez once upon a time U11T02es que it's just U3T01escalada f rock climbing U5T01Hescalar To climb U10T01escaparate m shop window U3T01esclavitud f slavery U9T01escoger To choose U8T02Aesfuerzo effort U8Ag6eslogan m slogan U4T02Feso that U2T01espacio de tiempo m space of time U8Ag11espacio verde m green area U11T01espectacular spectacular U5T01espectáculo m show U8T02espejo m mirror U7T01Fesperanza de vida f life expectancy U8T02esposa f wife U12T01Aespray m aerosol U2T02esquí náutico m water-skiing U5T01Eesquiar to ski U5T01esquina f corner U7T02estación de esquí f ski resort U5T01estación f station U12T01Estados Unidos m, Pl United States U9T01estadounidense American U9T01estar ahí para ayudar to be there to help U6T01estar bajo una presión enorme to be under immense pressure U8T01estar basado/-a en to be based on U2T01estar en forma to be in good shape U1T01Bestar especializado/a en to be specialised U10T01estar hecho de to be made from U2T02Aestar perdiendo to be losing U7T02este año se lleva/n (something) is/are in this year U4Ag6estepa f steppe U11T02estética f aesthetic U4Ag6estimular to stimulate U4T02Festrategia f strategy U12T01Eestrella Michelín f Michelin star U6T02estropeado/-a broken U2T01estropearse to break U2T01estudio fotográfico m photographic study U3T02

estudio m study U3T01estudio m studio apartment U5T01etapa f period U8T02etapa prehispánica f pre-Hispanic period U9T02europeo m, europea f European U9T02evidente obvious U8T01exactamente exactly U2T01exacto exactly U8T01excesivamente excessively U7T01Gexclusivo/-a para residentes for residents only U5T01exiliarse to exile U10T02éxito m success U5T01Iexperiencia única f unique experience U6T01experimentar to experiment U6T02experimento, m experiment U3T02experto/-a (en) expert (in) U1T01explicación f explanation U6T02exponer to present U5T01IExposición Universal f Universal Exposition U9T01Eexpulsar to force out U9T02extensión f length U8Ag9exterior outside U5T01extras m, Pl additional features U4T01extremo meridional m southern tip U5T01


fabricado/-a manufactured U2Ag10fabricar to manufacture U2T01Facebook m Facebook U6T01fallas f, Pl Les Falles Celebration U6T01familia con niños f family with children U4T01fan m/f fan U12T01Gfarmacia f pharmacy U2T02Dfatal awful U7T01febrero m February U6T02felicidad f happiness U1T01feliz happy U3T01fiable reliable U4T01fidelidad f fidelity U12T01Afiel loyal U12T01fiesta popular f popular festival U6T02fiesta sorpresa f surprise party U1T02figura f figure U12T01Filipinas Philippines U9T01final on the end U2Ag3finalmente finally U2T01financiar to fund U11T02Efinca f estate U5T01físico m physique U12T01Hflamenco m flamenco U6T01flexible flexible U8T01folclore m folklore U6T01folleto m brochure U4T02formar to form U6T02formar parte de to be part of U9Ag9formular to express U7T01Aforo m forum U7T01foto f photo U1Ag8fotógrafo m, fotógrafa f photographer U3T02fracasar to fail U12T02fracaso escolar m academic failure U8T02franquismo m Francoism U12T01frase exclamativa f exclamatory statement U3Ag1frase f sentence U1T01Bfrase relativa f relative sentence U1Ag5frecuencia f frequency U6Ag4

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hacer amigos to make friends U7T01hacer amistades f to make friends U6Ag9hacer balance to take stock U12T02hacer buen día to be nice (outside) U6Ag9hacer buen tiempo the weather is nice U6Ag9hacer caso to take notice U4T02Bhacer frío to be cold U6Ag9hacer gracia to be funny U6Ag9hacer mal día to be bad (outside) U6Ag9hacer mal tiempo the weather is bad U6Ag9hacer maletas to pack (suitcases) U12T02hacer sentir bien to make (someone) feel good U1T01hacer viajes largos to take long journeys U4T01Fhacerse adulto to grow up U8T01hacerse de una asociación to join an association U6Ag5hambre f hunger U10T02hecho m fact U6T02hectárea f hectare U5T01héroe m, heroína f hero m, heroine U11T02Ahíbrido m hybrid U4T01hipoteca f mortgage U8T01hispanohablante m/f Spanish speaker U6T01Ghistoria f history U5T01Ehistoria mundial world history U9T02Bhogar m home U8T02hoja f leaf U12T01home cinema m home cinema U5T01home f homef U5T01homenaje m tribute U6T02homo m homo U7T02horrible horrible U4T01Bhorror m awful U3T01hotel rural m rural hotel U10T01hoy en día nowadays U6T01hueco m gap U8T01Ehuerto m garden U12T01huevos m, Pl eggs U3T02Ehumo m smoke U4T01


idealista m/f idealist U11T02Aidentificarse to identify U3T01Digual the same U2Ag3imaginación f imagination U2T02imperativo afirmativo m positive command U2Ag3imperativo m command U4Ag4imperio mexica m Aztec Empire U9T02impersonal impersonal U11T01importante important U1T01Aimprenta f printing press U7T02impresionar to shock U10T01Dimpresora f printer U2T01improvisar to improvise U1T02imprudente reckless U10T01Cimpuesto/-a enforced U6T02in situ in situ U10T01inca Incan U9T01incluir (y) to include U11T02incómodo/-a uncomfortable U3Ag5inconsciente unconscious U4T02inconveniente m disadvantage U5T02Bindependencia f independence U9T02Cindependizarse (de) to gain independence (from) U9T01indígena m/f native U9T02individual single U5T01inexistente non-existent U9T02infancia f childhood U10T01

frente a towards U4T02fresco/-a fresh U1T02fuego m fire U4Ag6fuera outside U5T02fuerte strong U6T01fumador m, fumadora f smoker U5T01fumar to smoke U10Ag6función f role U6T01Bfundamental fundamental U6T01fundar to found U9T01furgoneta f van U1T02futuro m future U12T02B


ganar to win U10T01ganas de vivir lust for live U12T02Bgaraje m garage U5T01garantía f guarantee U2T01gas m natural gas U8T02gasolina f petrol U4Ag6gastado/-a worn out U4Ag3gastar to consume U4T01Dgastarse to wear out U2Ag7gasto energético m energy expenditure U5T02gastos de internet m, Pl internet costs U11T02gastos de la casa m, Pl household expenses U8T02gastos m, Pl costs U6T02gazpacho gazpacho U8T01generación f generation U8T01general m general U9T01genial great U2T02gente f people U1T01Dgeografía f geography U10T02Bgerundio m gerund U6Ag6gesto m gesture U6Ag9globo m hot air balloon U9T01gobernante m/f ruler U9T02gobierno m government U7T02golpe de estado m coup d'état U10T02gracias a thanks to U9T02gráfico m graph U8T01Hgran large U4Ag1gran amor de juventud m childhood sweetheart U12T01Dgran ciudad f big city U6T01granadino/a in Granada U5T01grande large U4T01Bgrandes cantidades large amounts U2T01grave serious U8T01griego m Greek U11T01griego/-a Greek U11T01grupo m group U6T02Dguardar to keep U1T01Gguía de viajes f travel guide U6T01Fguitarrista m/f guitarist U6T01


habitado/-a inhabited U9T01habitual usual U1T01Fhablar bajo to speak softly U7T01Ghablar claro to speak clearly U7Ag2hablar en público to speak in public U7T01Dhablar por teléfono to talk on the phone U7T01hace varios millones de años millions of years ago U9T02

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infantil children's U12T01infinidad f endless amount U7T01infinitivo m infinitive U2Ag3influir (y) to influence U4T02informar to report U8T02Ainformarse to enquire U7T02infraestructura turística f tourist infrastructure U5T01Ingeniería Técnica Industrial

technical industrial engineering U10T01

ingeniero m, ingeniera f engineer U7T02inglés English U9T01inicio m start m U9T02innecesario/-a unnecessary U1T01inspirado/-a inspired U12T01Hinspirarse to be inspired U4T02Finstalarse to install U7T02institución f institution U6T01inteligencia emocional f emotional intelligence U4T02Finteligente intelligent U7T02intercambiar to swap U2T01intercambio de casa m home exchange U5T01intercambio m exchange U5T01Hinteresado/-a interested U5T01Hinteresante interesting U3T01interior m inside U5T02internauta internet user U7T02internet inalámbrica wireless internet U7T02interpretar to interpret U4T02Cinterrupción f interruption U4T02inútil useless U2Ag1invasión f invasion U9T01invención f invention U7T02inventado/-a made up U5T01Iinvestigador m, investigadora f researcher U6T02ir de camping to go camping U4T01ir de compras f to go shopping U3T01ir de viaje to travel U1T01Bir por la montaña to go through the mountains U4T01ironía f irony U7T02irregular irregular U2Ag3italiano/-a Italian U2T02


Japón Japan U11T02Jordania Jordan U11T02joya f jewellery U2T02jubilarse to retire U10Ag2juego m game U2T01EJuegos Olímpicos m, Pl Olympic Games U9T01juguete m toy U2T02Bjunio m June U6T02junto a next to U5T02Ejuntos together U6T01


katana f Samurai sword U2T02D


la mayor parte de most U6T01lácteos m, Pl dairy products U3T02E

lámpara f lamp U2T02las 24 horas 24 hours U5T01lata de cerveza f beer can U2Ag5lavabo m toilet m U5Ag4lavadora f washing machine U5T01lejano/-a far away U7T02lentillas f, Pl contact lenses U1Ag9letra f lyrics U12Plevantar to raise U6T01levantarse contra to rise up against U9T02ley f Law U2Ag6libre free U7T02libreta f notebook U1T02libro electrónico m electronic book U4Ag2libro m book U3T02limpiar to clean U1T01Glimpieza f cleaning U9T02lista de la compra f shopping list U3T02Gllamada de trabajo f work call U7T01llamar to call U7Pllamar por teléfono to call on the phone U4T02llaves de casa f, Pl house keys U1T01Ellegada f arrival U9T02llegar to arrive U7T02llenito wide U12T01llevar to carry U1T01Dllevar (algo) a todas partes

to carry (something) everywhere U1T01

llevar a cabo to carry out U6T02Fllevar encima to have on (me, you...) U1T01Gllevarse to take with U1T02llorar to cry U6Ag9local m premises U6T01lógicamente logically U11T01login m login U5T01Londres London U10T01Flucha f fight U10T01luchador/-a fighter U10T01luchar (por) to fight (for) U10T01lugar de ensayo m place to rehearse U6T01lugar de juegos m play area U5T02lugar de procedencia m place of origin U8T02Dlugar de reunión m meeting place U6T02lugar de vacaciones m holiday destination U5T02lujoso/-a luxurious U5T01luz f light U11T01


machista chauvinist U6T02BMadres de Plaza de Mayo f, Pl Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo U9T01madrugar to get up early U12T02mágico/-a magical U4T02Fmail m email U5T01Hmal bad U4Ag1malaria f malaria U6T02mandar to send U2Ag2manipular la información to manipulate information U7T02mano f hand U12T02mantener (ie) to maintain U7T02mantener (ie) el contacto to keep in touch U11T01mantequilla f butter U6Ag8manzana block U11T01máquina de vapor f steam engine U9Ag11maravilloso/-a marvellous U6Ag1marchitarse to wilt U12T01más plus U5T01

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mus m mus (Basque card game) U6T02música mp3 f mp3 music U7T02músico m, música f musician U6T01


nacido m, nacida f born U8T02nacimiento m birth U8T02nacionalizar to nationalise U10T02Nápoles Naples U9T01narcotráfico m drug trafficking U10T01naturaleza f nature U5T01navegador GPS m GPS navigation device U1T01Cnecesario/-a necessary U4T01Dnecesidad f need U3T01necesidad real f real need U2T01negativo/-a negative U7T02negocios m, Pl business U11Ag2negro/-a black U4T01neumático m tyre U2T02nevera f refrigerator U4Ag2nicaragüense m/f Nicaraguan U9T01no decir (i) nada to not say anything U6Ag1no se aceptan are not accepted U5T01no ser más que to be nothing more than U12T02no servir (i) para nada to be useless U4T01Dno tener arreglo to be beyond repair U2T01no tener nada que ponerse to not have anything to wear U3T01no tener ni idea to have no idea U3T01Enoble noble U10T02nombrar to name U10T02norma f rule U6T02normal y corriente ordinary U1T02notaría f notary public's office U11T02noticia f news U5T01Hnoveno/-a ninth U8Ag9nueva vida para new life for U2T02Nueva Zalanda New Zealand U11T02nuevas tecnologías f, Pl new technologies U7T01Bnúmero medio de...por... average number of...per... U8T02numerosos/-as numerous U6T02


o sea or rather U6T01objeto de decoración m decoration U2T02objeto personal m personal objects U1Ag2obligación f obligation U2Ag6obligar to force to U2T01obra de arte f work of art U2T02obra f construction work U5T02obra f work U10Pobsolescencia programada f planned obsolescence U2T01obviamente obviously U7T02océano m ocean U10T02octavo/-a eighth U8Ag9oficio m trade U9T02oír (y) to hear U12T01ojo m eye U7T01Golimpiadas f, Pl Olympic Games U9Ag11olivo m olive tree U8T02ombligo m bellybutton U9T02ONG f NGO U2T02DONU f United Nations (UN) U10Ag5

más bien rather U1T02mascota f pet U3T02EMaster m Master's Degree U10T01materia orgánica f organic matter U2Ag5maternidad f motherhood U8T02matriarcal matriarchal U6T02maya Mayan U9T01mediano/-a medium-sized U4T01mediante through U8T02medicamento m medicine U1T01Emedio kilo half a kilo U3Ag4medio litro half a litre U3T02Gmedioambiente m the environment U4T02medios de comunicación m, Pl media U7T02EMediterráneo m Mediterranean U4T02memorias f, Pl memoirs U12Ag3mencionar to mention U4T02Amenear to shake U12T01mensaje de texto m text message U7T02mensaje publicitario m advertising message U4T02mente f mind U7T02mentira f lie U4T02menú m menu U6T02mercadillo de intercambio m swap market U2T01Hmercadillo m flea market U3T01mercado central m central market U9T02mercado m market U3Ag2metro m metre U5T01mexica m Aztec U9T02mezclarse to mix U10T02mi segunda familia my second family U6T01microondas m microwave U1T01Cmiedo m fear U12T02mientras while U6T02milenio m millennium U9Pmilitar to serve U12T02militar m/f soldier U9T02minimizar to decrease U5T02mínimo/-a minimum U5T02mitad half U1Ag9mochila f backpack U1T01modelo m model U2Ag2moderno/-a modern U1T02Amódulo m module U5T02molestar to annoy U7T01molestia f nuisance U5T02momento actual m present time U8Ag11momento m moment U7T01moneda f coin U1Ag8moneda f currency U9T02monovolumen m minivan U4T01montañismo m mountaineering U5T01montar to assemble U5T02monte m mountain U10T02moreno/-a dark-haired U11T01Gmostrar (ue) to show U3T02moverme por to get around U1T02móvil m mobile phone U1T01Cmovimiento m movement U9T01movimiento musical m musical movement U12T01muchacho m, muchacha f young man, young woman U12T02muchísimos loads of U3T01muchos lots of U3T01mudarse to move U5T02mundo del trabajo m job market U8T01mundo digital m digital world U7T02muñeco m doll U12T01muro m wall U7T01

Glosario Alphabetical glossary

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opción f option U4T01operación bancaria f bank transaction U7T02Aopinar to voice an opinion U7T01opinión f opinion U7T01oración condicional conditional sentence U5Ag6ordenador personal m personal computer U9T01ordenador portátil m laptop computer U1T01ordinal m ordinal U8Ag9orfanato m orphanage U11T02organización f organisation U6T02organizado/-a organised U9T02orientación f position U5T02Oriente Próximo m Middle East U11T02original original U4T01originalidad f originality U3Ag5oro m gold U8T01otra basura f other rubbish U2Ag5otras another U3T02Doutlet m outlet U3T01Eoyente m listener U7T02


pagar a partes iguales to split the costs equally U6T02página de venta de segunda mano f second-hand sales page U2T01Fpágina web f website U4T02Países Bajos m, Pl Netherlands U9T01pájaro m bird U5T01Epalabra clave f keyword U2T02Epan seco m dry bread U2Ag5panel solar m solar panel U5T02pantalón m trouser U3T01Epantalones m, Pl trousers U1Ag9pantalones vaqueros m, Pl jeans U3T01Epañuelo de papel m tissue U1T01Epapel usado m used paper U2T02Bparado m, parada f unemployed person U8Ag8parapente m paragliding U5T01Hpararse to stop U2Ag7parecido/-a similar U2T01Dpariente relative U8T01parque natural nature park U5T01parrilla f grill U5T01parte f part U5Ag3participante m/f participant U6T02participio m participle U2Ag10particular particular U4Ag2pasado m past U7Ag7pasado/-a de moda out of style U2T02Bpasar (algo a alguien) to happen (to someone) U2T01Dpasar de moda to go out of style U2Ag7pasar la tarde to spend the afternoon U3T01pasarla bien to have a good time U11T01pasión f passion U10T01patinar to skate U1T01patines m, Pl skates U1T01patria f motherland U10T02Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad m Intangible Cultural Heritage U6T01payaso m, payasa f clown U11T02Payasos sin Fronteras Clowns without Borders U11T02pegarse to stick U11T01peine m comb U1T01Epeligro m danger U7T02peligroso/-a dangerous U6T01Bpelo m hair U1Ag4pena de muerte f death sentence U10T01

peña flamenca f flamenco association U6T01perder el tiempo to lose time U8T01Aperezoso/-a lazy U7T02perfume m perfume U3T01perfumería f perfume and cosmetics U3T02Eperífrasis f roundabout expression U2Ag4periódico digital m digital newspaper U7T02Aperiodismo en internet m online journalism U10T01periodo de la vida m life stage U10Ag4periodo m period U9Ag11permitir to permit U5T01permitir to enable U9T02personaje famoso m famous person U10T01Epertenecer to belong U6T01pertenencia a un grupo f membership in a group U6Ag5peruano m, peruana f Peruvian U9T01pesadilla f nightmare U3T01pesadísimo/-a extremely tedious U3Ag3pesado/-a tedious U3Ag3pescar to fish U6T02peso m weight U3Ag4petróleo m oil U4Ag2piedra f stone U1Ag3piel f skin U12T01pieza f piece U2T02pila recargable f rechargeable battery U2T01Cpintura f painting U9T02pinzas f, Pl tweezers U1T01Epionero m pioneer U12T01pirámide f pyramid U9T02piscina cubierta climatizada f heated indoor swimming pool U5T01piso compartido m shared flat U8T02Dpiso m flat U5T02Apista de tenis f tennis court U5T01plan de futuro m future plans U11T01Eplan m plan U11T01planchar to iron U3Ag2planificar to plan U1T02planta baja f ground floor U5Ag4plateado/-a silver U4T01platos preparados m, Pl prepared meals U3T02EPlaystation f PlayStation U5T01pleno/-a surrounded U5T01plomizo/-a grey U12T01pluma estilográfica f fountain pen U1T02pluma f pen U1T01poblado/-a populated U9T02pobre infeliz poor wretch U12T01poco más tarde soon after U9T02poder m power U4T02poema m poem U10T02poesía f poetry U10T02policía m/f police officer U1T01política f politics U7T02Epolo m polo shirt U3Ag6polvo m dust U4T01poner en marcha to start up U2Ag7poner música to set to music U12T01popular popular U6T01por eso that's why U11T02por internet online U3Ag2por otro lado on the other hand U8T01por placer for pleasure U11T01por supuesto of course U8T01por un lado … por otro lado on one hand ... on

the other hand U8T01porque sí just because U11T01portal m portal U2T01Gportátil m laptop U1T01C

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rana calzonuda f red-eyed tree frog U8Ag11rápidamente quickly U3T01raro/-a strange U1T02Arascacielos m skyscraper U1T02reaccionar to react U8Ag4realista realistic U12T01Irealizado/-a organised U6T02realmente really U4T01rebajas f, Pl sales U3T01recargar to recharge U2Ag7recibir to receive U4T02recibir to greet U9T02reciclable recyclable U2Ag10reciente recent U4T02Erecitar to read aloud U12T02Drecoger to pick up U5T02recogida de basuras f rubbish collection U9T02recomendación f recommendation U2T01reconocer (zc) to recognise U7T02recorrer to travel U11T02recorrido m journey U11Ag1recuerdo m memory U12T02Dred f net U2T02Ereducido/-a small U1Ag9reducir (zc) to reduce U2T02reescribir to rewrite U12T02Dreferido/-a referring U8T01Freflejar to reflect U4T01refugio de montaña m mountain refuge U3T02Gregalar to give away U2T01regresar to return U10T02regreso m return U12T01Aregular average U3T02Crehabilitado/-a refurbished U5T02Areír to laugh U6Ag9reivindicación social f social protest U12T02relación f opinion U3T01Crelación social f social relationship U7T01relacionado/-a related U6T01relaciones personales f, Pl personal relationships U7T02Erelajar to relax U1T01relámpago m bolt of lightning U12T02relato m story U9Ag6releer to reread U6T01Frelevante significant U10T01Frenta per cápita f per capita income U8Ag9reparación f repair U2T01reparar to repair U12T02repartido/-a spread U11T01repartirse to spread out U9T01Brepasar to look through U12T02repetirse (i) to repeat itself U2T01reportaje m report U2T01Arepresentar to represent U8T02república de tipo centralista f centralist republic U9T02Crepública federal f federal republic U9T02Cresiduo m waste U5T02respetar to respect U6T02respirar to breathe U7T01responsabilidad f responsibility U8T01restos m, Pl leftovers U1T02restos vegetales m, Pl plant debris U2T02Bresultado m result U7T01Breutilizar to reuse U2T02revolución agrícola f agricultural revolution U9T02revolución f revolution U7T02revolucionar to revolutionise U4T02Frey m king U12T01Aring-tone m ring tone U7T02

portero m, portera f doorkeeper U5T01posible possible U10T02posición f position U2Ag4práctica f practice U7T02practicar To practise U7T01Fprácticas f, Pl work placement U10T01práctico/-a practical U1T02precio de mercado m market price U8T02preparación f preparation U6T01Bpreparación física, m physical training U6T01preparado/-a prepared U6T02presencia f presence U1Ag8presente de indicativo m present indicative U2Ag3presidente m, presidenta f president U9T01primate m primate U10T01primer piso m first floor U5Ag4prisión f prison U10T02probar (ue) to try U6T02probarse to try on U3T01problema social m social issue U10T02Bprocedimiento m procedure U8T02Aproducción pesquera f fish production U8T02producto básico m basic product U6T02productor agrícola m, productora agrícola f agricultural producer U8T02productor ganadero m, productora ganadera f livestock producer U8T02productor pesquero m, productora pesquera f fisherman U8T02profesor de inglés m, profesora de inglés f English teacher U7T02programa de radio m radio programme U7T01Dprohibido/-a prohibited U6T02promedio m average U8T01Hpropiedad f ownership U8T02proponer (g) to suggest U5Ag5protagonizar to star in U11T02protección f protection U10T01protestar to protest U9T01provincia f province U11T01proyecto m project U11T02publicación (anual) (annual) publication U8T02publicar to publish U10T01publicidad engañosa f misleading advertising U4Ag2público m audience U6T01Gpuerta f door U5T02punto de reciclaje m recycling facility m U2T01punto m point U9T02puré purée U8T01


qué es exactamente what is it exactly U4T01qué tipo what kind U3T01Aqué va absolutely not U11Ag3qué vestido tan mono what a cute dress U3T01quedarse to stay U5Ag1quedarse sin batería to run out of battery U2Ag7querer (ie) decir to mean U7T01Aqueso feta m feta cheese m U11T01quinto/-a fifth U8Ag9


racional rational U8T01raíz f root U9Ag3

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simple simple U1T01sin servicios without services U5T02sincero/-a honest U7T01ASiria Syria U11T02sistema agrícola m agricultural system U9T02sitio de trabajo m workplace U10T02situar to situate U5Ag4SMS m text message U4T02sobrevivir to survive U3T02sociable sociable U7T02sociedad del consumo f consumer society U2T01sociedad f society U6T02sociedad f society U7T02sociedad gastronómica f gastronomic society U6T02socio m, socia f member U6T02sociólogo m, socióloga f sociologist U8T01sofá cama m sofa bed U5T01Hsofisticado/-a sophisticated U1T02soldado m/f soldier U9Ag6soler to usually (verb) U6T02soluble soluble U1T02solución f answer U1T01Bsombrero m hat U2T02sonreír (i) To smile U12T01sonrisa f smile U11T02sorteo m raffle (for) U9T01sostenible sustainable U5T02spam m spam U4T02subida de precios f price hike U9Ag11subir to climb U6Ag7subrayar to underline U2T01Bsubsuelo m subsoil U10T02sucio/-a dirty U4T01Sudeste asiático m Southeast Asia U11T02Suecia Sweden U8Ag3suela f sole U2T02suelo m soil U2T01suelo m floor U5T02sueño m dream U4T02sufrimiento m suffering U10T02Bsufrir to suffer U10T02superficial superficial U7T02supermercado online m online supermarket U3T02Esustituir (y) to replace U2Ag3


tableta f tablet U1T02talla f size U3T01tallas grandes f, Pl large sizes U3T01Ataller m workshop U5T02Tamborrada f drum festival U6T02tango m tango U11T01tarjeta f card U9T01Dtebeo m comic book U12T02tecla f key U2T01teclado m keyboard U2T01teclear to type U5T01Htecnología f technology U7T02tejer to weave U12T01teléfono m telephone U4Ag2televisión satelital f satellite television U7T02televisor m television set U2T01tema social m social issue U12T02Btener (ie) algo en común to have something in common U10T01tener (ie) lugar to take place U9T01tener (ie) sentido to make sense U8T01

risa f laugh U12T02romántico/-a romantic U1T02romperse to break U2Ag7roto/-a broken U2T01rueda f wheel U11T02ruso m Russian U7Ag2rutina f routine U8T01E


sábado m Saturday U6Ag4sacar más provecho to gain more from U8T01sacerdote m, sacerdotisa f priest, priestess U9T02sacrificio m sacrifice U6T01safari m safari U10T01sala de cine f cinema U5T01sala de internet f internet café U5T01sala de juegos f game room U5T01salida f start U9T01salir (g) más barato to be cheaper U4T01salir de noche to go out (at night) U10Ag6salir juntos to date U12Ag5salir mal to turn out badly U12T02Bsalón m living room U5Psalón-comedor m living room-dining room U5T01Sanfermines m, Pl Festival of San Fermín U6T02sanidad f healthcare U9T01sauce m willow U12T01sauna f sauna U5T01sección f section U3T02Eseco/-a dry U2Ag5secretario m, secretaria f secretary U11T02secreto m secret U4T02sector primario m primary sector U8T02seguir (i) con to stick with U4T01seguir la moda to follow fashion U3Ag3seguir una recomendación to follow a recommendation U2T01Csegunda lengua f second language U11T01segunda residencia f second home U5T02seguro m insurance U4T01seguro/-a safe U4T01Dsemejante similar U6T02Dsemilla de cacao f cocoa bean U9T02sencillo/-a simple U1T02Asentirse (ie) esclavo/-a de la moda to feel like a slave to fashion U3T01seña f signal U6Ag9separado/-a separated U12T01Dsepararse to separate U9T01séptimo/-a seventh U8Ag9ser hora de to be time to U4T02Fser igual to be of no difference U3T01ser querido m loved one U7T02ser un genio de algo to be a genius at something U2Ag6ser un rollo to be boring U3T01serie f series U8T01Gservicio de limpieza m housekeeping U5T01servicio militar m military service U8T01servir (i) para to be for U4Ag6sexto/-a sixth U8Ag9siglo m century U9Psiguiente following U2T02Bsílaba tónica f stressed syllable U9Ag1silbar to whistle U12T01sillón m armchair U1T01símbolo m symbol U4T02Fsimilar similar U4T02E

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un cuarto de kilo a quarter of a kilo U3Ag4un día por semana one day a week U6T01un solo espacio one single room U5T01una segunda vida a second life U2T02una serie de a series of U8T02una tontería silly U3Ag3Unesco f UNESCO U6T01únicamente only U6T02Unión Europea f European Union U8T02Aunión f union U6T01uno tras otro one after the other U12T01unos meses a few months U2T01Durbanización f housing estate U5Ag1urgencia f urgency U12T02usado/-a used U4Ag6uso m use U8T01utopía f utopia U12T02uva f grape U3Ag2


valer la pena to be worth it U4T01Dvaliente brave U10T01valorar to assess U3Ag3varias personas several people U1T01vasco m Basque U7Ag2vasco/-a Basque U6T02vaso m glass U2Ag5vegetal vegetarian U1T02vehículo m vehicle U4T01Bvendedor m, vendedora f salesperson U7T02venta f sale U11Ag2ventaja f advantage U5T02Bventilación f ventilation U5T02veraneante m/f holidaymaker U6T02verbo m verb U2Ag3verdadero/-a true U2T02vergüenza f embarrassment U7T01versión f version U5T02verso m verse U10T02Cvértigo m vertigo U12T02veterinaria veterinary medicine U10T01viaje espacial m space travel U9T01vida corta f short life U2T01vida cotidiana everyday life U5T01Bvida cultural f culture U11T01vida f life U1T01vidrio m glass U2Ag5viejísimo/-a very old U3T01viejo/-a old U2Ag2vínculo m bond U7T02viña f grape vine U8T02viñedo m vineyard U8T02Virreinato de la Nueva España m Viceroyalty of New Spain U9T02visado m visa U11T02víspera f eve U6T02vivienda f home U5T01Gvivienda propia f own home U8T02vivir como reyes to live like kings U8T01volcán m volcano U5T01vos you (informal) U7T02vuelta al mundo f trip around the world U11T02vuelta f return U12T01D

tener (ie) una gran influencia to have a major influence (on) U10T02tener acceso to have access U7T02tener calor to be hot U1Ag10tener consecuencias to have consequences U8T01tener frío to be cold U1Ag10tener hambre to be hungry U1Ag10tener prisa to be in a hurry U1Ag10tener que ver to have to do U6T01Gtener sueño to be tired U1Ag10tener un momento to have the chance U1T01Teoría de la Comunicación f communication theory U7T01terapia f therapy U3T01tercera parte f one-third U7T02terraza f terrace U5T01terreno m terrain U5T02tesoro m treasure U12T02tiempo m tense U2Ag4tienda de campaña f tent U11T02tierra firme f mainland U9T02tigre m tiger U9T01tijeras f, Pl scissors U1Ag9tímido/-a shy U7T01Btirar to throw away U2Ptitular m headline U6T01Btocar to play U6T01tocar (el piano) To play (the piano) U1T01todas las comodidades fully appointed U5T01todo el año entire year U4T02todoterreno m all-terrain U1T02tomar to seize U9T02tomar el sol to sunbathe U6Ag6tomate m tomato U9T02tonelada f tonne U2T01tonto/-a stupid U7T02torre f tower U6T01Btotal complete U4T01total m total U8T02trabajar fuera de casa to work outside the home U8T01trabajo en equipo m teamwork U6T01tradición f tradition U6T01traducción f translation U9T02Atraducir to translate U4Ag6traductor m, traductora f translator U11Ag2tráfico m traffic U11T01tranquilidad m peace and quiet U5T01transformar to transform U2T02transmitir to transmit U4T02Ctransportar to transport U1T02transporte público m public transportation U4T01trasladar to move U5T02tratado m treaty U9T02Ctratarse de to be about U1T01Htratar de to try U2T02Atren m train U12T01tres cuartos de kilo three-quarters of a kilo U3Ag4tres veces por semana three times a week U6T01tribu f tribe U9T02triste sad U1T01tristeza f sadness U10T02tupper m Tupperware U1T02Twitter m Twitter U6T01


UE f EU U8T02último modelo latest model U1T02

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web especializada en coches f car website U4T01Wikipedia f Wikipedia U12T01G


yo mismo myself U2T01CYoutube YouTube U7T02A


zapatilla f trainer U1Ag1zapatos de tacón m, Pl high heels U12T01zona de playa f beach area U5T01zoo m zoo U10T01zumo m juice U7Ag6
