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Guo Yue Ran Jie He JiayiVirtual Reality

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The origin of VR

In 1935 American science fiction writer Stanley G.Weinbaum presented a comprehensive and specific fictional model for virtual reality in his short story Pygmalion's Spectacles. In the story, the main character, Dan Burke, met an elfin professor, Albert Ludwig, who invented a pair of goggles which enabled "a movie that gives one sight and sound [...] taste, smell, and touch. [...] You are in the story, you speak to the shadows (characters) and they reply, and instead of being on a screen, the story is all about you, and you are in it."

The book——“Pygmalion’s Spectacles”

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1011011000101011100010111010011100011010022 years later


In 1957,Morton Heilig invented the Sensorama——a simulator with 3D images along with smells,wind and sound——to creat the illusion of reality.

(But sensorama is enormous and has complex structure,consisting chair,stereophony,and large monitor.It is far away from reality applications.)

From the concept to the entity

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1960——2000 exploring period



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2000——2016 applicating period


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HTC Vive

LG VR 360



It is developed by HTC and valve.

It came out this year with smart appearance but bad immersive experience.

Playstation VR is a device for PS4,selling from last month.GoogleCardboard





It is a pair of cheap glasses,only support for iOS.Gear VR $99

It is developed by SUMSUNG,only support for itsproducts.

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resolution ratio inside camera? inside earphones? field of view

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Products in China

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10110110001010111000101110100111000110100Application areas


newschina:Net EaseAmerica:NY times,NBC,BBC

MedicaltreatmentFor the mind-cureFor relieving painFor the medical training

MilitaryThe submarine simulatorFlight simulator

vedios and games

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10110110001010111000101110100111000110100How to buy things


choose a product change the color

virtual guide add to shopping car pay

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VR NEWSSoak into news——“ 浸新闻”

The application of VR in the area of news reporting can bring users into virtual reality, users are able to participate in news events by observing and experiencing on their own.

The users become the really present one which cannot be achieved by traditional reporting.


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Logic Of


However, the VR news provide more initiative power to users and help them to experience not just read or watch, so in order to achieve this, not only the information related to news , but also the background images would be presented.

Traditional news tends to focus on a point which the editors and journalists believe it is worth to explaining or investigating, then they start to seek for related information or do interviews, next these materials would be selected and combined into a news.

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While in the VR news, audiences are entitled to select plots, they are not the outsiders but the circle of the story.

Traditional visual coverage usually adopts an objective angle of view which also is the angle of reporters, all the connect between news and audience is the screen.

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Nowadays, more and more teams begin to concern this topic, and Net Ease try to use VR reporting , and launched four main series reporting : Spring Festival travel , two sessions VR , Chernobyl VR story and Air Net Ease-Air China VR program.

Other media like Cai Xin also released a VR documentary :kindergarten of mountain village.

Project A

Project B

Project c

VR news in China

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At the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear explosion, NetEase news group arranged a team go to the NO.4 reactor of Chernobyl nuclear power station and abandoned nearby ghost town of Pripyat. By using unmanned aerial vehicles、 VR and Gopro, this group recorded relics of the past and life of local people. Users who enter this story would become the leading role Basil, what you watched is the memory of yourself at 30 years ago. The story consists of 7 scenes, which are arranged in chronological order。 

Chernobyl VR story

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10110110001010111000101110100111000110100Chernobyl VR story10110110001010111000101110100111000110100

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Foreign VR news

Virtual reality news has opened the door to boundless possibilities allowing viewers to be anywhere we are at any time. Last year, NY times made a 360-degree news 'The Displaced’ immersed the viewer in the lives of three child refugees. The New York Times has built the world’s largest platform for journalistic virtual reality——“NYT VR”.

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This summer, NBC 、 BBC also released VR reporting for Rio 2016 Olympics , providing perfect and real watching experience with multiple cameras and 360-degree view angle.

Project A

Project B

Project c

Foreign VR news

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Tips of VR news watching10110110001010111000101110100111000110100


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The development of VR news should be synchronized with the VR devices, so that news produced with special manners may generate better effect. Regarding to the VR market, Oculus Rift created by Facebook , Google Cardboard developed by Google and Gear VR researched by SAMSUNG only have users in millions all over the world, which is not enough for this industry. In China, we still have no mature products.

How to tell story can reduce the influence of editors and improve users’ participation?

How to cut the videos showing clear news point without disturbing users experience.

VR devices Making technology

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How to change PGC to UGC creating more diversified and personalized contents?How to let users manipulate the plots and interact in this scene?

Personalization and interaction

It is hard to switch people from a traditional news exploration way to a totally new one, just like the popularization of e-books took a long time, so at least now, VR news is not the mainstream of accepting information.

Users’media habits

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Future VR News

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Two Interesting Questions worth discussing

When the virtual world and the reality are just very SIMILAR:

The Uncanny Valley(恐怖谷假说)

When the virtual world and the reality are SAME:

Anti-utopia Guess(反乌托邦假设)

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The Uncanny Valley(恐怖谷假说) .

When the virtual world and the reality are just very SIMILAR:

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1.What is the Uncanny Valley?

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the Uncanny Valley

The Uncanny Valley Theory is a hypothesis about human perception of robotic and nonhuman objects, which was introduced in 1969, which shows that when robots resemble human beings more than a certain degree, human reactions to them suddenly become extremely hate. Even if the robot and humans only have a little bit of difference will be very conspicuous, so the robot has a very stiff feeling of terror, like the face of zombie.

What is the Uncanny Valley?

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10110110001010111000101110100111000110100Use of the Uncanny Valley






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use of the Uncanny Valley in VR area

Benefit:In the horror theme, the original banner ( the screen ) which separates players from game characters no longer exists, the original feeling of staying out which protects players no longer exists, players immersed in the game, enhance the horror effect.

Challenge:Some people think that the Uncanny Valley is

the difficulty of making computer animation.

Many critics of computer animations

have cited the Uncanny Valley as the reason

they do not like a particular movie.


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Woody in Toy Story is considered as a typical example of the Uncanny Valley.

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Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)

The productionsompany spent a lot of money to build the role as real as possible, but it is TOO REAL made a lot of people have a fear of this movie, it made them feel uncomfortable when they saw those characters such real on the screen.Finally, the final box office was so bleak, let the game company, which is also the production company lost everything, almost closed down.


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·DO YOU THINK THIS MAY ALSO EXIST IN VR AREA? such as VR vedios and games, even VR news.


In some occasions, VR is designed to be as close to reality as possible, it can not use the way animation use to avoid the Uncanny Valley Trap ( to make the characters more cartoonized), so ·HOW CAN WE AVOID THE UNCANNY VALLEY TRAP IN VR AREA ?


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Anti-utopia Guess(反乌托邦假设)

When the virtual world is almost the SAME as the reality :

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2.What is my Anti-utopia Guess?

“The experiment was more powerful than intended, Mr. cooper.”

How to Distinguish Virtual and Reality?

——《 Black Mirror》 S03 E02

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2.What is my Anti-utopia Guess?Will the virtual world affect our real life?——How to divide the boundaries of violence? “It is a lot easier

to pull the trigger when you're aming at the bogeyman .”——《 Black Mirror》 S03 E05

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2.What is my Anti-utopia Guess?Will the virtual world affect our real life?——How to affect our sensory functions? ·More intense


·Stronger dependency

·Less real life

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2.What is my Anti-utopia Guess?

Will VR be used to manipulate others?

“Virtual reality to me is the only reality.”——《 Uncanny Valley》(《恐怖谷》)

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Technology itself is INNOCENT.

What we need to focus on is that HOW TO USE IT APPROPRIATELY?

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