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Page 2: Használati útmutató · 1. az egyik oszlopban kártyákon a Story kártyákon található rövid történetek KULCSKIFEJEZÉSEIT találod, amelyek segítségével a saját szavaiddal

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Az Instant Story munkafüzet a beszédfejlesztő Story kártyák melléklete – annak eredményességét erősíti.

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1. az egyik oszlopban kártyákon a Story kártyákon található rövid történetek KULCSKIFEJEZÉSEIT

találod, amelyek segítségével a saját szavaiddal elmesélheted a kártyán lévő történetet

2. a másik oszlopban pedig kérdéseket találsz, amelyek teljes mondattal való megválaszolásával

tulajdonképpen elmondod a történetet

Tanulási tippek:

1. A Story kártyákat NE úgy használd, mint a tipikus szókártyákat, vagyis, hogy megnézed a magyar felét,

és megpróbálod lefordítani! A magyar fordítás csak kapaszkodó. Úgy eredményes a használatuk, hogy

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2. Azt javaslom, először csak ismerkedj a szövegekkel, vagyis olvasgasd a Story kártyákat, és értsd meg a

sztorikat! Még jobb: ha HALLGATOD a hozzá tartozó hanganyagot, és közben előtted van a kártyák


3. A munkafüzetben lévő két extra „kártyacsomagot” (vagyis, a táblázat egy-egy oszlopát) használd

felváltva a Story kártyákkal, hogy ne legyen unalmas a tanulás.

4. Elsőként a kérdéseket tartalmazó kártyákat használd! Azokkal könnyebb a történet elmondása! Utána

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5. A két csomagot egy-egy oszlopba szerkesztettem Neked, hogy KOMBINÁLVA is használhasd. Mert

együtt szinte „kiadják” a sztorit, és így könnyebben el tudod majd mesélni a saját szavaiddal.

És a lényeg: beszélj, beszélj, beszélj!

Hangosan, beszélve menj végig az egyes kártyákon!

Baráti üdvözlettel:

Szalai Gabriella az elfoglalt felnőttek angoltanára

Page 3: Használati útmutató · 1. az egyik oszlopban kártyákon a Story kártyákon található rövid történetek KULCSKIFEJEZÉSEIT találod, amelyek segítségével a saját szavaiddal

Első extra kártyacsomag: a Story kártyák kulcskifejezései (ld. a lenti oszlop)

Feladat: puskázz a kulcskifejezésekből, és mondd el a segítségükkel a kártyán lévő rövid történetet!

Második extra kártyacsomag: kérdések a Story kártyák történeteire (ld. a lenti oszlop)

Feladat: válaszolj a kérdésekre teljes mondatban, majd a kérdések segítségével mondd el a kártyán lévő rövid történetet!

1. complained about the smell

found 1,200 rats

decided to knock it down

didn’t notice

What did the neighbours complain about?

What did health officials find?

What did they decide to do?

What did the owner of the house say?

2. swallowed a live goldfish

put into his glass

had no idea

threw the fish up

started jumping in the sink

it was alive

What did John Harkins swallow?

Who put it into his glass?

Did he know what he swallowed?

How did he feel?

What happened to the fish?

3. surprised vets

turned up in their surgery

to get her injured leg fixed

was waiting patiently

went inside

held up her wounded leg

can only imagine she remembered

Where did Piglet turn up?

Why did Piglet go there?

What was the dog waiting for at the doorstep?

What did he do when he went inside?

When did the dog last visit there?

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4. bought colour TVs

dogs in her care

watch their favourite programmes

why they should miss them

What did the kennel owner buy?

What can the dogs do now?

What did the owner say?

5. is causing chaos

trying to make love to parked cars

often comes out of the ocean

keen on a pick-up

also likes a rubbish bin

What causing chaos in a seaside town?

What does Homer try to do?

Why does Homer come out of the ocean?

What sort of cars does Homer like?

6. shot and killed a cat

he was putting away his gun

began teasing my dog

went mad

the dog jumped on the trigger

shot the cat dead

What did a hunting dog do in Austria?

When did it happen?

What was the cat doing?

How did the dog react?

How did the dog shoot the cat?

What happened to the cat?

7. caused trouble for

was fond of

followed him like a dog

cried angrily

saw the new couple holding hands

threw into a well

What caused trouble for a farmer?

How did Flower feel about the farmer?

What happened when the farmer married?

When did Flower cry angrily?

What did Flower do with the farmer’s wife?

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8. has bought Madonna's house

left £100 million for

when she died

made himself at home

likes playing in his pool

knows a good buy

Who bought Madonna’s house?

How could Gunther buy it?

How does Gunther feel in the house?

What does Gunther like doing in the house?

How does Gunther handle his money?

9. has got into trouble with

crocodiles living in his house

neighbours are afraid

take the animals away

they just lie around

sleep with me at night

Who has Sam got into trouble with?

Why has he got into trouble with them?

How do the neighbours feel?

What do the neighbours want?

What does Sam say about the animals?

10. has been sent out from

for sitting on the back of a donkey

his only friend

he can’t drive

his only way of transport

Where has a New Zealand farmer been sent out from?

Why has he been sent out?

Why did he take the animal with him?

11. a three-foot shark bit his arm

walked to shore with the shark

lifeguards killed it

took the shark home

served his family shark fillets

What attacked an Australian man?

What did he do to get rid of the attacker?

Who helped him?

How did he punish the attacker?

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12. frightened customs officials

wearing a chameleon on her head

couldn't leave her pet

wore it as a hat

saw that it was moving

the air hostesses didn’t notice

Who frightened the custom officials at the airport?

What was she wearing?

Why was she wearing it?

Who noticed her?

What did the passenger notice exactly?

What doesn’t the passenger understand?

13. got the surprise of her life

working in her garden

saw the animal enter

getting into the shower

turning on the water

wiped his face on

What surprised an Alaskan woman?

What was she doing outside?

What did she see?

What did she hear from the house?

What did she realize after he left the house?

14. has been called for jury duty

must go to jail

turn up for the trial

the dog's owners called

heard better excuses

Who has been called to jury duty?

Why must she go to jail?

What did the owner try to do?

What was the answer to the explanation?

15. a hen was tied to 100 helium balloons

shot the balloons

bird fell down

has been named

What did a police officer rescue?

Why did they have to rescue it?

How did they rescue it?

What did they name it?

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16. authorities have found

animals have to leave

buildings were not built for

is causing damages

residents are angry

kept the flats warm

What have Kiev authorities found?

What do the animals have to do now?

Why do they have to leave the flats?

What causes damages?

How do the residents feel?

Why do they keep the animals in the flats?

17. has chosen a mule as its mayor

former mayor is in prison

stood behind a mule

won by 80 votes

known for his honesty

Who has been chosen as a mayor?

Where is the former mayor?

Who else is in prison from the village?

Whose idea was it?

How many votes did Pickles win by?

What is Pickles known for?

18. advise wives to beat up their drunken husbands

must love and serve them

make them give up liquor

doesn’t drink anymore.

What do activists advise wives in Malaysia?

What must wives do?

What do their husbands have to give up?

What can wives do to make them give it up?

19. won £6m on the lottery

wasn't sure he wanted

didn’t claim it

launched a poster campaign

think things through in peace

presented his ticket

Who won the lottery?

How much did he win?

How did he feel about it?

What did he do for ten weeks?

What did WestLotto do to find him?

What did he say when he finally claimed it?

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20. pay him £40,000

destroyed his Viagra

throw the pills into the toilet

lost interest in sex

sleeping through the night

life became hell

What did a 65-year-old man’s wife do?

How much money does he want?

Where did Judith put the pills?

Why did he throw the pills out?

21. he asked her 8,500 times

their 24 years together

left romantic notes

during candlelit dinners

was afraid of marriage

How many times did Keith ask Beverly to marry him?

How many years did they spend together?

How did Keith ask Beverly during those years?

How did Beverly feel about marriage?

22. taking his girlfriend to court

gave him female hormone in secret

after a big fight

had baby-soft skin

getting on much better

Why is a body builder taking his girlfriend to court?

What did she give him?

What did he feel after that?

What did his girlfriend say?

23. preparing to jump off

managed to bring him down

offered him a pair of new trainers

try them on for size

life was not so bad

What was a young man preparing to do?

Who managed to bring him down?

What did they offer him?

Where did he try them on for size?

What was his decision after that?

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24. divorcing his wife

her special powers

finished my sentences

could never surprise her

could never tell even the tiniest lie

he had an affair with his colleague

haven’t touched her yet

Why is Alvin divorcing his wife, Judith?

What happened before Alvin said half of the words?

What couldn’t Alvin do?

When did the problems start?

What did Alvin say?

25. tried to take an exam for

his fake breasts were too big

dressed as a girl

take the entrance exam

became suspicious

Who did a man try to take an exam for?

Why was he caught?

How was he dressed for the exam?

What exam was it?

Why did the head of department become suspicious?

26. must not use the town pool

make fat and ugly swimmers feel bad

the others feel happy

Who can’t use the town pool?

Why can’t they use it?

How do others feel about the management’s decision?

27. cars stopped outside the home of

asked the old lady

lived opposite

collect their registration numbers

a few days later

a pile of number plates

removed them from

What did a police officer notice?

Who lived opposite the house?

What did he ask the old lady to do?

When did he return?

What did the old lady give him?

What did she do to get them?

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28. broke down and cried

sent him to prison for

his unlucky number

an understanding judge

gave him eight years instead

What did a burglar do when they sent to prison?

For how many years did they sent him to prison?

What was his problem?

What did an understanding judge do?

29. took pictures of himself

before they crashed the car

ran away from the scene

left the camera behind

What did a car thief do when he was stealing a car?

What camera did he use?

What happened to the car?

What did they do after the crash?

What did they leave behind?

30. the same burglar

a single mother’s house

when she is out

does the housework

a bit strange

Whose house did a burglar break into?

How many times did he break into the house?

When does the criminal get in?

What does the burglar do in the house?

How does she feel about it?

31. under house arrest

begged police to put him in prison

driving him mad

to save the state money

put me in jail

Who is under house arrest?

Who else was in the house with him?

Why is he under house arrest?

What did he beg police to do?

How many years of punishment did he get?

What was he saying after three years?

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32. camera caught a motorist

sent a photograph of

twenty-dollar bills

paid the real cash

a photo of a pair of handcuffs

What caught the motorist?

What did he send to pay the fine?

When did he pay the real cash?

33. broke into a building several times

staff put a sign on

broke in anyway

left a note saying

Who broke into the building in Croydon?

What did the staff do?

What was the sign saying?

What did the thief do?

What did he leave?

34. police officer saw a man stealing

jumped out of his car

couldn’t catch him

began to bark loudly

put his hands up

call his dog back

What did a Los Angeles police officer see?

What did the police officer do to run after him?

What did he do when he saw he couldn’t catch him?

What did the young man ask the police officer to do?

35. tried to rob a bus

among the passengers

threatening the driver

heard a familiar voice

stop it at once

get off the bus

What did a teenager try to do?

What did he discover?

Who was among the passengers?

What did the boys threaten the driver with?

Whose voice did the boy hear?

What did she tell the boy?

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36. police arrested

made four telephone calls

a high-rise building

was about to be destroyed

did it for a friend

get the day off

Why did police arrest a Californian man?

How many calls did he make?

What did he say on the phone?

Why did he do it?

What did his friend want to get?

36. police caught

the most organised bank robber

a routine check-out

an unusual to-do list

the note said

Who did police catch?

When were the police officers doing when they caught him?

What did the police officers find?

What did the note say?

38. hired a robber

robbed it more than 100 times

knows everything about

it’s better if

Who hired a robber?

What position did they hire the robber for?

How many times did the man rob the place?

Why did the owner hire him?

39. spent £85m on the internet

on a stolen credit card

just finished an IT course

hacked into the credit card account

during their lunch break

police caught them

How much money did the schoolboys spend?

How did they spend the money?

What course did the boys finish?

What did the boys hack into?

What did they buy during their lunch break?

Where did police catch them?

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40. felt so guilty that

return to the shops

enclosed letters

gave them advice on

for the sender’s address

How did a German shoplifter feel?

What did he post to the police?

Why did he post them to the police?

What did he give for the sender’s address?

What did he enclose? Who did he give advice?

What advice did he give?

41. had brain tumour

finish it quickly

shooting himself in the head

found him in blood

called an ambulance

recovered from his injury

shot the tumour out of his brain

What illness did the man have?

What did he decided to do?

Who found him?

What did he do after finding him?

What happened to the man in the hospital?

Why can he have a normal life now?

42. his relatives visit his grave

wants an ATM built in his headstone

give $300 once a week (to)

each of their heirs

What does an American man want his relatives to do?

What does he want on his grave?

What will the machine do?

43. spending over 60 years

waited for the end of the world

became famous (when/for)

the hills of Nepal

wasted my life

Where did Michael Bums spend 60 years?

What was he waiting for?

How did he become famous?

What did he say after he returned?

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44. had to say sorry

landing in Belgium instead of

the cabin crew

they were off course

they assumed they were being hi-jacked

What did an American pilot do?

What did he say when he landed?

What did the cabin crew know?

What did the cabin crew assume?

45. on their way to hospital

driver stopped for a drink

returning to the empty bus

picked up passengers

spent three days there

Who was on the bus? Where were they going?

Why did the driver stop?

What did the passengers do when the driver stopped?

What did the driver do when he returned to the empty bus?

How many days did the new passengers stay in hospital?

46. a fake lottery ticket

died of excitement

never forgive myself

wanted to play a little trick

she died happy

When did a Brazilian woman die?

What did she die of?

What was she like?

What did his husband want to do to her?

How does his husband feel?

47. the stingiest man in the world

reuses his dental floss

washing each strip in alcohol

saves $3.50 a year

won an award

beating a man who

get free food

Why is Peter Nowak the stingiest man in the world?

How much money does he save a year?

What did he win?

Who did he beat?

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48. boarding a plane

greeted the pilot

knew each other

air-traffic controllers

sent armed Swat teams

realized their mistake

What did a man do when he was boarding a plane?

What did the passenger say?

Why did the passenger say that?

Who was listening?

Who did they send to the plane?

49. undercover reporter (for)

got a job as a porter

write about a hospital

on his first day

recognised him at once

Who got a job in a hospital?

What kind of job did he get?

Why did he want the job?

What happened on his first day?

Who was his new colleague?

50. arrested a housewife

held a washing machine repairman hostage

was so angry (with)

held a gun to the repairman's head

forced him to sign a document

never break down again

Why did police arrest a housewife?

What was she so angry with?

What did she do to the repairman?

What did she force him to do?

What did the repairman have to promise?

51. unhappy bank customer

took his life savings (of)

set fire to it

wanted to show (that)

bank's low interest rates

police managed to stop

a total of £1,600

What did an unhappy bank customer do?

What did he set fire?

What did he want to show?

What did police manage to do?

How much money did he destroy?

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52. debit card was stolen

soon made her happy

appeared on her account

place two £50 bets

chosen horses won

paid the winnings directly into

What was stolen from a woman?

How did it make her feel?

What appeared on her account?

What did the thief used her card to?

How did the bookmakers pay?

53. burnt his parents' house down

to kill a mosquito

relaxing outside the family home

began to irritate him

chased it with a bug spray

lit a cigarette

the gas caught fire

exploded into flames

What did a Japanese man do?

What was he trying to kill?

What was he doing when the mosquito began to

irritate him?

What did he chase the mosquito with?

What did he do after a while?

What caught fire?

What happened to the house?

54. truly feel invisible

got stuck in a lift

delivering a takeaway

without food or water

pressed the button for help

thought he was drunk

How can you feel in New York?

Where did the man get stuck?

What was he doing when he got stuck?

How did he ask for help?

What was he shouting?

What did the caretaker think?

55. people of a little village

caught a helicopter

believed it was a giant bird

forced to land the helicopter

climbed all over it

took him prisoner

demanded $100,000

say they will kill the helicopter

What did people in a little village do?

What did they believe?

What did they force the pilot to do?

What did they do to the helicopter?

What did they demand?

What will happen if they don’t get the money?

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56. shot a pizza deliveryman

had a hole in his cheek

he wanted to deliver the pizza first

didn’t want it to get cold

What did criminals do to a pizza deliveryman?

What happened to his chook?

What did he want to do before going to hospital?

Why did he want to deliver the pizza?

57. giving out free plastic surgery

transform themselves into

have to write an essay

why they deserve

look like the pop star

What is a US radio station giving out to its listeners?

Why are they giving them out?

What do the listeners have to do for it?

58. was choking on rice

rushed to the rescue

took out her father's false teeth

put the pipe into his mouth

turned the power to “high”

useful in an emergency

wouldn't recommend it (to)

What was a pensioner choking on?

Who rushed to his rescue?

What did the woman take out?

Where did she put the pipe of the vacuum cleaner?

What did the rescue official say about the case?

59. first nude flight

specialises in holidays for nudists

fully dressed

for check-in and take-off

take off their clothes

up in the air

What is a travel agency organizing?

What does the agency specialises in?

What did they book?

When can the passengers take their clothes off?

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60. have discovered why

without getting drunk

have a spare set of

find out about

after a car accident

a routine-check up

never have a hangover

isn’t planning to sell

What did two Bosnian brothers discover?

What do they each have?

When did they find out about it?

What does it explain?

What are they planning to do with it?

61. rivals in a beauty contest

separated by police

started fighting

heard the result

competing for the title

What did rivals in a beauty contest do?

Who separated them?

When did they start to fight?

What were they competing for?

62. selling his urine over the internet

go through workplace drugs tests

in a special container

strapped to the body

has sold 100,000 urine samples in six years

What is a man selling over the internet?

Who does he sell it for?

What sort of container does it come with?

How many samples has he sold in six years?

63. was called to court

making a fortune

call a press conference

more than £1,100 a week begging

complained that his client had to

because of the publicity

Why was a beggar called to court?

What did the newspaper say?

What did she do to deny it?

What did her lawyer complained about?

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64. angry London commuter

rode on the outside of a train

couldn’t get on

jumped on to the outside

travelled for 20 minutes

What surprised passengers on a London train?

How did the man travel?

Why was he upset?

Where did he jump?

How long was he travelling?

65. saved hundreds of lives

relieving himself by the train rails

rail was broken

took his red underpants off

began waving it

just in time

What did the man use to save lives?

What was he doing by the train rails?

What did he notice?

What did he do when the train came?

What did the driver do?

66. kept his guests hostage

protested about the dirty

he went angry

locked the guests in

had to be rescued (by)

Why did the hotelier keep his guests hostage?

What did the guests protest about?

What happened when they talked to the owner?

Where did the owner lock the guests?

Who rescued the guests?

67. designers have created

bedtime mate for single women

hug its owner all night

comes in three colours

a built-in alarm clock

gently shakes the sleeper awake

What have designers created?

What does it promise?

How many colours does it come in?

What is built in the pillow?

What does it do in the morning?

Page 20: Használati útmutató · 1. az egyik oszlopban kártyákon a Story kártyákon található rövid történetek KULCSKIFEJEZÉSEIT találod, amelyek segítségével a saját szavaiddal

68. all the people

escaped in panic

took disco light for alien invasion

thought they were under attack

the lights came from an outdoor disco

were so happy when

not an alien invasion

Why did the people in the village escape in panic?

What did they think when they saw the lights?

Where did the lights come from? Who found that out?

How did the people feel when they heard the truth?

69. work half-naked

his job is made permanent

in only his underpants

protesting about the fact (that)

is still a temporary employee

until I get justice

What has a librarian promised to do?

When will he stop doing that?

What is he wearing for work?

What is the man protesting about?

What does he want to get?

70. asked two of his students

break into his house

see him fighting them off

paid the teenagers to tie up his wife

pretended to attack the boys

managed to free herself

called the police

told them everything

What did the teacher ask his students to do?

What did he want his wife to see?

How much did he pay the teenagers?

What did he pay them for?

What did he pretend to do when he came home?

What did his wife manage to do?

What happened when the police arrived?

71. escaped from a prison

found in a toy store

for several months

built himself a home

under a staircase

put up posters

spent his time playing games

living on baby food

Where did the robber escape from?

Where was he found?

How long was he hiding there?

What did he build under a staircase?

What did he put up for himself?

How did he spend his time?

What was he living on?

Page 21: Használati útmutató · 1. az egyik oszlopban kártyákon a Story kártyákon található rövid történetek KULCSKIFEJEZÉSEIT találod, amelyek segítségével a saját szavaiddal

72. sent secret agents (to)

steal parts from the waxworks

wanted to know if

were as good as

stole two fingers

Where did the culture minister send secret agents to?

What were the agents supposed to do?

What did the minister want to know?

What did the agents steal?

73. surprised spectators

crossed the finishing line

stop for the first prize

she called in sick

was worried that

see her on television

What surprised spectators?

What happened when she crossed the finishing line?

What didn’t she stop for?

What turned out later?

What was she worried about?

74. leaving money to themselves

come back to life

have their bodies frozen

in a few centuries' time

he will wake up the richest man

What do rich Americans do?

What do they hope for?

What happens to their bodies?

When do they hope to return?

What does the man from Arizona say?

75. cannot read and write

won a place at university

ticked answers at random

in a multiple choice test

his test result was excellent

hopes to study law

What did a butcher win?

What is special about him?

What did he do at the multiple choice test?

What did the examiners think at the university?

What does he hope for now?
