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    Masina de tocat carne cu accesoriu de rosii si razatoare

    Model: CombineMix 5500 / MG12TASH-RED


    Va rugam cititi cu atentie si pastrati instructiunile

    Alimentare: 220-230V, 50-60Hz, Putere maxima: 1200W

    Putere de referinta: 500W

    Pentru a evita ruginirea va recomandam sa ungeti cu ulei sitele si melcul de taiat dupa fiecare utilizare.

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    1Corp 11Cilindru

    2Cutia de depozitare 12Cutit

    3ON/0/R (Buton ON/OFF/Reverse) 13Sita (fina)

    4Indicator 14Sita (medie)

    5Buton viteza 15Sita (mare)

    6Buton de blocare 16Inel de fixare

    7Orificiul pentru tub 17Accesorii carnati

    8Dispozitiv de impingere alimente 18Accesorii Kebbe

    9Tavita 19Accesorii stoarcere tomate

    10Cap de tub 20Razatoare

  • - 3 -


    Acest aparat este dotat cu sistem termostat. Acesta va intrerupe alimentarea curentului electric a

    aparatului in cazul supraincalzirii.

    Daca aparatul se opreste brusc din functionare:

    1. Scoateti cablul din priza.

    2. Apasati butonul OFF pentru a opri aparatul.

    3. Lasati aparatul sa se raceasca pentru 60 de minute.

    4. Reintroduceti stecherul in priza.

    5. Porniti aparatul de la butonul ON.

    Va rugam sa contactati furnizorul de servicii autorizate daca sistemul termostat este activat prea


    Daca introduceti cablul in priza, lumina indicatorului va fi aprinsa.

    ATENTIE: Pentru a evita o situatie periculoasa, acest aparat nu trebuie conectat niciodata la un

    comutator de timp.


    1. Cititi cu atentie aceste instructiuni si studiati ilustratiile inainte de a utiliza aparatul.

    2. Pastrati aceste instructiuni pentru o consultare ulterioara.

    3. Inainte de a conecta aparatul, verificati daca tensiunea indicata pe aparat corespunde

    tensiunii prizelor.

    4. Niciodata nu folositi accesorii de la un alt producator. Daca astfel de accesorii sau

    componente sunt folosite, garantia devine nula.

    5. Nu utilizati aparatul daca stecherul, cablul sau alte parti sunt deteriorate.

    6. Daca se deterioreaza cablul aparatului, acesta trebuie inlocuit de producator sau de catre

    un service autorizat, pentru evitarea oricarui pericol.

    7. Inainte de a utiliza aparatul pentru prima data, curatati cu atentie componentele care vor

    intra in contact cu alimentele.

    8. Deconectati de la priza imediat dupa utilizarea aparatului.

    9. In timpul functionarii aparatului, nu folositi niciodata degetele sau alt obiect pentru a

    impinge ingredientele in tub. Folositi in acest scop dispozitivul special.

    10. Nu lasati aparatul la indemana copiilor.

    11. Nu lasati aparatul sa functioneze fara supraveghere.

    12. Opriti aparatul inainte de atasarea sau detasarea oricarui accesoriu.

    13. Inainte de a detasa orice componenta, asteptati mai intai ca partile mobile sa se opreasca

    din miscare.

    14. Nu introduceti niciodata in apa sau alt lichid unitatea motorului si nu o introduceti sub jet

    de apa. Pentru curatare, folositi numai o carpa moale si umeda.

    15. Nu incercati sa folositi aparatul pentru tocarea oaselor, a nucilor si a altor obiecte tari.

    16. Niciodata nu introduceti mana in partea in tubul in care sunt situate lamele. Utilizati

    intotdeauna dispozitivul de impingere a alimentelor.

    17. Nu lasati niciodata aparatul sa functioneze continuu pentru mai mult de 3

  • - 4 -


    18. Accesoriile includ instructiuni pentru utilizarea lor fara niciun pericol.

    19. Acest produs nu este destinat folosirii de catre persoane (incluzand copii) cu capacitati fizice,

    senzoriale sau mentale reduse sau cu lipsa de experienta si cunostinte de operare, decat

    daca sunt permanent supravegheate si instruite de catre o persoana responsabila de

    siguranta lor.

    20. Copiii trebuie supravegheati pentru a nu se juca la aparat.

    21. Daca aparatul este blocat, apasati butonul REV. Carnea blocata din aparat este netocata, iar

    aparatul isi reia functionarea.


    Asamblare 1. Apasati butonul de blocare, tineti de capul de tub si introduceti-l in orificiul de pe baza

    aparatului. La introducere, trebuie sa rasuciti tubul in directia indicata (fig.1) si apoi rotiti in

    directia inversa acelor de ceasornic, pentru

    ca tubul sa se fixeze bine. (fig.2)

    2. Introduceti cilindrul in tub, capatul lung

    inainte si rotiti usor pana se fixeaza in axul

    motorului (fig.3).

    3. Puneti lama pe cilindru, cu partea ascutita

    spre exterior, ca in fig. 4. Daca nu este

    fixata in mod corespunzator, carnea nu va fi


    4. Pozitionati apoi sita de dimensiunea dorita

    langa lama (fig.5).

    5. Sustineti sau apasati centrul sitei cu un deget,

    apoi insurubati inelul de fixare strans cu

    cealalta mana (fig.6). Nu strangeti foarte


    6. Plasati tavita pe capul de tub (fig.7)

    7. Plasati aparatul pe o suprafata tare.

    8. Nu blocati niciodata orificiile de aer de la

    baza si laterala unitatii motorului.

  • - 5 -


    1. Introduceti axul cilindric, cu capatul de plastic inainte, in dispozitivul de taiere.

    Plasati unitatea lamelor pe ax (cu marginile ascutite in fata). Plasati sita medie sau cea mare

    (in functie de consistenta pe care vreti sa o obtineti) pe ax (asigurati-va ca acele crestaturi de

    pe disc se potrivesc pe capul tocatorului.) Rasuciti inelul de fixare in directia sagetilor de pe

    unitatea lamelor de taiere pana cand este fixata bine.

    2. Atasati unitatea lamelor la unitatea motorului.

    3. Puneti tava pe partea de sus a tubului in care se afla lamele.

    4. Aparatul este gata de functionare.

    Taiati carnea in fasii lungi de 10 cm, groase de 2 cm. Indepartati oasele, cartilaje si tendoane cat

    mai mult posibil. (Nu introduceti niciodata carne inghetata in aparat!)

    Puneti carnea in tava. Utilizati dispozitivul pentru impingerea alimentelor in tubul de tocare.

    (Pentru friptura tartar, tocati carnea folosind sita medie de doua ori).

    Puteti schimba viteza de tocare folosind butonul de viteza.

    Prepararea kebbe

    1. Introduceti axul cilindric in tub, capatul de plastic inainte.(fig.8)

    Plasati accesoriile pentru kebbe pe ax, introduceti axul in

    unitatea motorului si insurubati inelul pentru fixare.(fig.9)

    2. Plasati tava in partea superioara a tubului.

    3. Aparatul este pregatit acum pentru prepararea kebbe-ului.


    Introduceti treptat mixul pentru kebbe in aparat. Taiati cilindrul gol pe

    dinauntru preparat la dimensiunea dorita si umpleti cu ingredientele


    Kebbe este un preparat traditional din Orientul Mijlociu compus in

    principal dintr-o faina speciala si carne de miel, care se amesteca

    pentru a forma o mixtura omogena, ca o pasta. Aceasta este trecuta

    prin masina de kebbe, si taiat in bucati de lungime mica. Acesti cilindri

    goi de pasta se umplu cu un preparat de carne tocata, capetele si

    unesc si sunt prajiti in ulei.

    Prepararea carnatilor

    1. Tocarea carnii

  • - 6 -

    Introduceti axul cilindric in tubul aparatului. (fig.11)

    Atasati pe ax lamele, sita si apoi dispozitivul pentru prepararea carnatilor. Insurubati bine

    inelul de fixare.

    2. Plasati tubul in unitatea motorului.

    3. Plasati tavita pe partea superioara a tubului.

    4. Aparatul este pregatit pentru prepararea carnatilor.

    Puneti ingredientele in tava. Utilizati dispozitivul pentru impingerea carnii in tub.

    Puneti matul pentru carnat in apa calduta pentru 10 minute. Apoi introduceti matul pe

    dispozitivul de preparare. Apasati carnea preparata deja in tubul aparatului. Daca matul

    pentru carnati se lipeste de dispozitiv, udati cu putina apa.

    Asamblare 1. Plasati surubul de plastic in dispozitiv. (fig.1)

    2. Introduceti sita cilindrica in dispozitiv langa

    surubul de plastic. (fig.2)

    3. Plasati inelul de fixare prin dispozitiv, pana la

    capatul acestuia. (fig.3)

    4. Plasati axul cilindric in capul tubului, capatul lung

    inainte, si insurubati pana se fixeaza bine in

    unitatea motorului. (fig.4)

    5. Introduceti axul cilindric secundar in partea

    centrala a surubului primului ax (fig.5)

    6. Plasati intregul dispozitiv pentru stoarcerea

    tomatelor, impreuna cu inelul de fixare, pe ax,

    apoi rasuciti inelul de fixare pana se fixeaza


    7. Plasati tavita de plastic pentru suc prin dispozitiv

    si fixati la pozitia potrivita.(fig.7)

    8. Introduceti surubul de plastic in orificiul de pe

    dispozitiv, apoi rasuciti in directia acelor de ceas

    pana este fixata in mod corect. Fixati apoi capacul

    de plastic peste dispozitiv. (fig.8)

    Aparatul este pregatit pentru stoarcerea tomatelor.


  • - 7 -


    1. Tineti apasat butonul de blocare si introduceti tubul de plastic in orificiu (fiti atenti la sagetile

    indicatoare), apoi rasuciti tubul de plastic in directie inversa acelor de ceas, pana se fixeaza bine,

    si apoi eliberati butonul de blocare. (fig.1)

    2. Introduceti razatoarea cilindrica in tubul de plastic, apoi rasuciti in sensul acelor de ceas pana

    se fixeaza bine. (fig.2)

    3. Plasati dispozitivul de impingere a alimentelor in partea de sus a tubului de plastic, si folositi-l

    pentru a impinge usor legumele care urmeaza a fi maruntite in tub. (fig.3)

    4. Aparatul este gata pentru a marunti/razui legumele.


    Carnea ramasa in tubul de plastic poate fi indepartata din aparat prin

    trecerea unei felii de paine prin tub.

    1. Inainte de a curata aparatul, opriti de la butonul OFF si scoateti

    cablul din priza. (fig.12)

    2. Apasati butonul de blocare si rasuciti tubul in directia sagetii/

    Scoateti dispozitivul de impingere si tavita. (fig.13)

    3. Desurubati inelul de fixare si scoateti toate componentele din tub.

    Nu spalati niciuna dintre aceste componente in masina de

    spalat vase!

    4. Spalati toate componentele care au intrat in contact cu

    alimentele in apa fierbinte cu detergent. Curatati componentele

    imediat dupa utilizare.

    5. Clatiti cu apa curata fierbinte si uscati-le imediat.

    Este recomandarea ungerii dupa folosire a sitelor si a lamelor cu

    ulei vegetal.


  • - 8 -

    Protejati mediul inconjurator: acest aparat nu se arunca impreuna cu gunoiul

    menajer. Va rugam contactati cel mai apropiat centru de reciclare.

    Importator si distribuitor:

    Asesoft Distribution

    Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania

    Tel: +4021 256 00 86,,

  • - 9 -


    Model: CombineMix 5500 / MG12TASH-RED


    Please read carefully and keep the instruction well

    Max. power/rated power: 1200W/500W

    Voltage: 220-240V, 50/60Hz

    In order to avoid rust we advise you to lubricate the cutter unit and the grinding discs with some

    vegetable oil.

  • - 10 -


    1Body 11Snake

    2Storage box 12Cutting blade

    3ON/0/R (ON/OFF/Reverse Switch) 13Cutting plate (fine)

    4Indicator 14Cutting plate (medium)

    5Speed switch 15Cutting plate (coarse)

    6Fasten button 16Fixing ring

    7Tube inlet 17Sausage

    8Hopper plate 18Kebbe

    9Food pusher 19Tomato juicer

  • - 11 -

    10Head Tube 20Shredder


    This appliance is equipped with a thermostat system. This system will automatically cut off the

    power supply to the appliance in case of overheating.

    If you appliance suddenly stops running:

    6. Pull the mains plug out of the socket.

    7. Press the switch button to turn off the appliance.

    8. Let the appliance cool down for 60 minutes.

    9. Put the mains plug in the socket.

    10. Switch the appliance on again.

    Please contact your dealer of an authorized service center if the thermostat system is activated too


    If you plug in, the indicator light will be on.

    CAUTION: In order to avoid a hazardous situation, this appliance must never be connected to a

    time switch.


    22. Read these instructions for use carefully and look at the illustrations before using the


    23. Keep these instructions for future reference.

    24. Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage

    before you connect the appliance.

    25. Never use any accessories of parts from other manufacture .Your guarantee will become

    invalid if such accessories or parts have been used.

    26. Do not use the appliance if the mains cord, the plug or other parts are damaged.

    27. If the mains cord of this appliance is damaged ,it muse always be replaced by manufacture

    or a service center authorized, in order to avoid hazardous situations.

    28. Thoroughly clean the parts that will come into contact with food before you use the

    appliance for the first time .

    29. Unplug the appliance immediately after use.

    30. Never use you finger or an objection to push ingredients down the feed tube while the

    appliance is running. Only the pusher is to be used for this purpose.

    31. Keep the appliance out of the reach of children.

    32. Never let the appliance run unattended.

    33. Switch the appliance off before detaching and install any accessory.

    34. Wait until moving parts have stopped running before you remove the parts of the


    35. Never immerse the motor unit in the water or any other liquid, nor rinse it under the tap.

    Use only a moist cloth to clean the motor unit.

  • - 12 -

    36. Do not attempt to grind bones, nuts or other hard items.

    37. Never reach into the cutter housing. Always use the pusher.

    38. Never operation the appliance continuously for more than 3 minutes at 600W.

    39. Accessories shall include instructions for their safe use.

    40. It shall warn of potential injury from misuse.

    41. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,

    sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been

    give supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for

    their safety.

    42. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

    43. If the appliance is locked, please press Reversal button(REV). The meat locked in cutter

    housing is untrodden, so the appliance can renew its usual condition.


    Assembling 9. Press the fasten button, hold the head and insert it into the inlet when inserting please pay

    attention the head must be slanted as per arrow indicated on the top, see (fig.1), then move

    the head anticlockwise so that the head

    being fastened tightly. (fig.2)

    10. Place the snake into the head, long end first,

    and turn to feed the screw slightly until it is

    set into the motor housing (fig.3).

    11. Place the cutting blade onto the snake shaft

    with the blade facing the front as illustrated

    (fig.4).If it is not fitted properly, meat will not

    be grinded.

    12. Place the desired cutting plate next to the

    cutting blade, fitting protrusions in the slot


    13. Support or press the center of the cutting

    plate with one finger then screw the fixing

    ring tight with another hand (fig.6). Do not

    over tighten.

    14. Place the hopper plate on the head and fix it

    into position.

    15. Locate the unit on a firm place.

    16. The air passage at the bottom and the side of

    the motor housing should be kept free and

    not blocked.

  • - 13 -


    4. Insert the worm shaft into the cutter housing, the plastic end first.

    Place the cutter unit onto the worm shaft. (The cutting edges should be at the front ) Place

    the medium grinding disc or coarse grinding disc (depending on the consistency you prefer)

    onto the worm shaft. (Make sure the notch of the grinding disc fit onto the projections of the

    mincer head.) Turn the screw ring in the direction of the arrow on the cutter housing until it

    is properly fastened.

    5. Attach the cutter housing to the motor unit.

    6. Place the tray on the upright part of the cutter housing.

    4. Now the appliance is ready for mincing.

    Cut the meat into 10cm-long, 2cm-thick strips. Remove bones, pieces of gristle and sinews as much

    as possible. (Never use frozen meat!)

    Put the meat in the tray. Use the pusher to gently push the meat into the cutter hosing. (For steak

    tartare , mince the meat with the medium grinding disc twice.)

    You can change the output of motor by Speed switch.

    Making kebbe

    4. Insert the worn shaft into the cutter housing, the plastic end first.(fig.8)

    Place the cone in the cutter housing.

    Place the former on the cutter housing and screw the ring on

    the cutter housing.(fig.9)

    5. Attach the cutter housing to the motor unit.

    6. Place the tray on the upright part of the cutter housing.

    7. Now the appliance is ready for making kebbe.(fig.10)

    Feed the prepared kebbe mixture through the kebbe maker. Cut the

    continuous hollow cylinder into the desired lengths and user as


    Kebbe is a traditional Middle Eastern dish made primarily of lamp and

    bulgur wheat which are minced together to form a paste the mixture

    is extruded through the kebbe maker and cut into short lengths. The

    tubes can then be stuffed with a minced meat mixture, the ends

    pinched together and then deep fried.

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    Making sausages

    5. Mince the meat

    Insert the worm shaft into the cutter housing, the plastic end first.(fig.11)

    Place the separator in the cutter housing.

    Place the sausage horn on the cutter housing and screw the ring on the cutter housing.

    (Make sure the notches of the separator fit onto the projections of the mincer head.)

    6. Attach the cutter housing to the motor unit.

    7. Place the tray on the upright part of the cutter housing.

    8. Now the appliance is ready for making sausages.

    Put the ingredients in the tray. Use the pusher to gently push the meat into the cutter


    Put the sausage skin in lukewarm water for 10 minutes. Then slide the wet skin onto the

    sausage horn. Push the (seasoned) minced meat into the cutter housing. If the skin gets stuck

    onto the sausage horn, wet it with some water.

    Assembling 9. Place the plastic

    screw locking ring into the sleeve.(fig.1)

    10. Place the gauze into

    the sleeve next to the plastic screw locking


    11. Put the fixing ring

    through the sleeve and make it at the end of the


    12. Place the snake into

    the head, long end first, and turn to feed the

    snake slightly until it is set into the motor


    13. Insert the shaft of the snake into the central axis

    of the screw.(fig.5)

    14. Put the whole sleeve along with the fixing ring


  • - 15 -

    through the screw, then move the fixing ring clockwise so that it being fastened tightly.(fig.6)

    15. Put the plastic juice tray through the sleeve and make it on the suitable position.(fig.7)

    16. Insert the plastic screw into the hole of the sleeve, then move it clockwise until it is properly

    fastened. Then place the plastic cover onto the sleeve.(fig.8)

    Now the appliance is ready for juicing.


    5. Press the fasten button, hold the plastic cutter housing and insert it into the tube inlet (when

    inserting please pay attention the plastic cutter housing must be slanted as per arrow

    indicated), then move the plastic cutter housing anticlockwise until it is fastened tightly, and

    release the fasten button.(fig.1)

    6. Place the shredder drum into the plastic cutter housing, then move the shredder clockwise so

    that it being properly fastened.(fig.2)

    7. Place the pusher on the upright part of the plastic cutter housing, and use the pusher to gently

    push the vegetable into the plastic cutter housing.(fig.3)

    8. Now the appliance is ready for cutting.


    Meat left behind in the cutter housing may be removed from the

    inside of the appliance by passing a slice of bread through the cutter


    6. Before you clean the appliance, switch the appliance off and

    remove the plug from the socket.(fig.12)

    7. Press the release button and turn the whole cutter housing in the

    direction of the arrow. Remove the pusher and the tray.(fig.13)

    8. Unscrew the screw ring and remove all parts of the cutter

    housing. Do not clean the parts in the dishwasher!

    9. Wash all parts that have come into contact with meat in hot

    soapy water. Clean them immediately after use.

    10. Rinse them with clear hot water and dry them immediately.

    11. We advise you to lubricate the cutter unit and the grinding discs

    with some vegetable oil.


  • - 16 -

    Environment friendly disposal

    You can help protect the environment!

    Please remember to respect the local regulations: hand in the non-working

    electrical equipments to an appropriate waste disposal center.

    Importer: Asesoft Distribution

    Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania

    Tel: +4021 256 00 86,,

  • - 17 -

    : CombineMix 5500 / MG12TASH-RED

    , .

    : 220-230V, 50-60Hz, : 1200W

    : 500W

    , .

  • - 18 -

    1 11

    2 12

    3 ON/0/R ( ON/OFF/Reverse) (


    13 ()

    4 14 ()

    5 15 ()

    6 16

    7 17

    8 18 Kebbe

    9 19

    10 20

  • - 19 -

    , .



    1. .

    2. OFF() .

    3. 60 .

    4. .

    5. ON.

    , .

    , .

    : ,

    . , ,




    2. .



    4. . ,


    5. ,


    6. , ,



    7. , ,


    8. .


    . .

    10. .

    11. .

  • - 20 -

    12. ( OFF)


    13. ,


    14. () .

    . .

    15. , .

    16. . .

    17. .

    18. ( )


    . . ,


    19. (REV).

    , .

    20. ( )


    . . ,


    21. (REV).

    , .

    1. , ;

    .1 ( .1),





    3. ,

    . 4. , .

    4. , ,


  • - 21 -






    (. 7).





    1. .

    ( ).

    ( ).



    2. .

    3. , .

    4. .

    10 . 2 . ,

    . !

    . (

    , (.7).



    1. (.8).


    2. .

    3. .

    4. kebbe (.10).

  • - 22 -




    Kebbe ,

    . kebbe

    . ,

    , .


    (fig.11). .

    , (


    2. .

    3. .

    4. .

    . .

    10 . ,


    . , .

  • - 23 -






    . (.3).







    . (. 6)


    (. 7).



    , . .

    9. .


    ( ),



    2. ,



  • - 24 -


    4. / .



    1. ,

    . (. 12)


    . .


    3. .


    4. ,

    . .

    5. .



    . ,

