Page 1: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

Vasospasm patient

Intern 陳凱峰

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Vasospasm in SAH

Rational of HHH therapy

Pulmonary edema

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Vasospasm in SAH

SAH hydrocephalus, meningeal irritation, fluid and e

disturbances, cerebral vasospasm

Vasospasm True vasospasm after clipping / coiling Limitation of CBF More due to remodeling of blood vessel Peak: 7~10 days after bleeding

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Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 595–630, 2004

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Avoid hyperthermia

Avoid hyperglycemia

Triple H ( hypertension, hemodilution, hypervolemia) ↑CBF and prevent ischemia

Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology

Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 595–630, 2004

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Calcium channel blocker





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HHH therapy

First in 1976

For Reduced blood volume, plasma volume, erythrocyte mass

1. CVP ( hypervolemic)

2. Hct ( Hemodilution)

3. BP ( Hypertension)

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Hypovolemia ( cerebral salt-wasting)

Reduced delayed cerebral ischemia


Complicated with pulmonary edema, brain edema

Hard to monitor and target

Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology

Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 595–630, 2004

Page 9: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for


↓Hct to 30%~35%

Cerebral oxygen transport and cerebral O2 metabolism

Crystalloid, plasma volume expander Dextran, albumin

Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology

Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 595–630, 2004

Page 10: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for


30~40% more than baseline SBPIschemic Symptom resolve↑ regional CBF in ischaemic brain areasVasopressor delayed global brain edemaPhenylephrine, Dopamine preferred

Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology

Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 595–630, 2004

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Journal of Clinical Neuroscience Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 1994, Pages 78-92

Page 12: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

How Hypervolemic?

Prophylactic post-op fluid therapy

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Norway study

Normovolemic GrA(16): 1000ml D5W + 1000ml N/S Until POD12 Keep I/O balance

Hypervolemic GrB(16): 2000ml D5W + 2000 ml N/S + 1000~1500 ml colloids Colloid: 500 ml of 4% albumin solution and/or 500–

1000 ml of Rheomacrodex (Dextran 40) Until POD 12 CVP: 8~12 MAP: 20%> baseline with Dopamine 5–15 g/kg/min

Neurosurgery, Vol. 49, No. 3, September 2001

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Neurosurgery, Vol. 49, No. 3, September 2001

Page 15: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

Follow up with TCD and SPECT

Neurosurgery, Vol. 49, No. 3, September 2001

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Normal life



Neurosurgery, Vol. 49, No. 3, September 2001

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•June 1991 and October 1994

•Aneurysmal SAH

2000;31;383-391 Stroke

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•HV: PADP>14mmHg


•NV: PADP 7mmHg

CVP: 5 mmHg


HV & NV: D5W 80ml/h

0.9% saline 80ml/h

HV: 250ml 5% alb q2h 2000;31;383-391 Stroke

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2000;31;383-391 Stroke

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Cerebral edema 7 (17%) 6 (15%)

CHF 0 1 (3%)


2(5%) 2(5%)

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Universal protocol?

No double blind randomized clinical trial with exact dosage of fluid

Collect three trials CPMC, Presbyterian Medical Center, New

York 1999 2 quasi-randomised

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 Oct 18;(4):CD000483

Page 23: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

Only the Philadelphia trial ->reduce the frequency of preoperative secondary ischemia (1984)

Others even more complication

insufficient data on the effect of volume expansion

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 Oct 18;(4):CD000483

Page 24: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

How to reduce pulmonary edema rate?

Reduction of Pulmonary Edema After SAH With a Pulmonary Artery Catheter-Guided Hemodynamic


Page 25: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

How to reduce pulmonary edema rate?

Sample: 453 spontaneous SAH

Group I: 174 (July 1998 – Jan 2000 )

Group II: 279 ( Feb 2002 - Jun 2002)

identical Average age , Co-morbidity, hemorrhage severity, incidence of vasospasm

Neurocritical CareAugust 2005, Volume 3, Issue 1, pps. 011-015

Page 26: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

Method – PA catheter guide

Group I: 174 (July 1998 – Jan 2000 ) Hypervolemia : CVP > 8mmHg Hypertension: MAP: 110-130 mmHg

Group II: 279 ( Feb 2002 - Jun 2002) normovolemia :wedge pressure: 10–14 mmHg Cardiac index: >4.5 L/minute/m2 Moderated HTN: mean pressure: >100 mmHg

Neurocritical CareAugust 2005, Volume 3, Issue 1, pps. 011-015

Page 27: Hemodilution, Hypervolemic, Hypertension Therapy for

Group I Group II P value

Pulmonary edema

14% 6% <0.03

Sepsis rate 14% 6% <0.03

Mortality 34% 29% <0.04


Neurocritical CareAugust 2005, Volume 3, Issue 1, pps. 011-015

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3 H therapy

No randomize trial proved

Monitor directed therapy is important

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Thanks !
