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Worshippers at a temple in Wembley London, pou

on the linga. It represents Shiva as the male, crea


Shaivism is the second largest religious community in cotemporary India. It has several dis

and important branches, and is commonly associated with asceticism. Lord Shiva himself is

often depicted as a yogi sitting in meditation in the Himalayas. Shaivism includes the princi

of avatar , but the concept is less developed than in Vaishnavism. Shiva has important form

Rudra (in a fierce and angry mood), Nataraja (the King of Dance), and the Linga. Shiva's

followers often consider him the Supreme deity, above all others.


The roots of Shaivism are anchored in pre-historic

India. Evidence of the worship of Shiva has been

found in ancient archaeological sites, such as

Harappa and Mohenjo Daro. In the Rig Veda, he is

referred to by the name Rudra.The oldest story

about Shiva concerns his destruction of the

sacrificial arena of Daksha after Shiva's wife (Sati)

voluntarily gave up her life upon being insulted by

her father, Daksha.

Between 700 and 1000 CE there lived sixty-three

Nayanmars (singer-saints) whose poems are still

recited today. Thereafter, Shaivism became the

prominent religion of India, particularly in the South.

The rulers of many major kingdoms became

Shaivites and patronised its representatives.

Magnificent temples were built in Shiva's honour and many impressive sculptures were inspired by

him. Shiva is mentioned in the four Vedas, and

particularly the Svetashvatara Upanishad, the Shaivite equivalent to the Vaishnava Bhagav

gita. There are numerous references to Shiva in the epics and Puranas. Most Shaivite theo

though, derives from later scriptures, particularly the Agamas.There are five main traditions

shown below.

Main Writings

Svetashvatara Upanishad

Shiva Purana

The Agamas

Tiru-murai (poems)

Important Places












aditionistorical Perspective

octrine and Scripture

Movements and Leaders

The Four Main





The Smarta Tradition

Founders and Theologians

The Bhakti Saints

The Reform Movements

Socio-Political Movements

Recent Spiritual and Cultural


Modern Hindu Groups and


Famous Women within


Hinduism in Britain Today


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Important Stories

Shiva drinks poison

Shiva destroys the three cities of the demons

Killing Andhaka and other demons

Daksha's sacrifice

The Main Traditions


Perhaps the oldest school within Shaivism. The school of Shaiva Siddhanta (below) is a

continuation of this tradition.

Shaiva Siddhanta

Followed by many intellectuals. It has a personal doctrine, stressing the plurality of souls (a

opposed to the advaita idea that all souls and God are ultimately one).

Kashmiri Shaivism

 Almost defunct today. Its most prolific writer is Abhinavagupta (c. 960 – 1020). The goal of

movement is to "become Shiva "and regain one's universal nature. It is also called Shiva-


Virashaivism (the Lingayats)

Closely associated with the twelfth-century reformer, Basava. It opposed caste differences.

Followers wear a small Shiva-linga round the neck.The present community is centred round


Shaiva Asceticism

Shaiva has long been connected with rigorous asceticism. Well known are the naked Naga

Many yogis are Shaivites. Prominent are the Nathapatnis, followers of Gorakhnatha, and th

 Aghori who deliberately contravene moral norms.

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