  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Horizontal Convective

    RollsMPO 551 Paper Presentation

    Dan SternHorizontal Convective Rolls : Determining the Environmental

    Conditions Supporting their existence and Characteristics.

    Weckwerth et al. 1997

    The Effect of Small Scale Moisture Variability on Thunderstorm

    Initiation. Weckwerth 2000

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    What are horizontal convective rolls?

    Counter-rotatinghorizontal vortices whichcommonly occur within

    the convective boundarylayer.

    AMS Glossary of Meteorology

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Results of Previous Studies

    Both sfc. layer heat flux and vertical wind shearare necessary conditions for roll occurrence.

    Roll wavelength is proportional to the depth ofthe boundary layer.

    Roll orientation is along mean CBL wind and/orshear directions.

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    Problems with Previous Studies

    Lack of consistent and objective means ofdefining and classifying rolls.

    Few observational platforms for sampling ofrolls and of surrounding environment.

    Small sample size of roll cases.

    Lack of comparison with null cases (non-rollconvection, no convection)

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    Motivation and Objectives

    Determine environmental parameters whichfavor roll formation and define theirwavelengths and orientation.

    Objectively define rolls from radar reflectivity.

    Further examine results using 3-D numericalmodel.

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    Theories for roll formation

    Thermal Instability: Energy is obtained frombuoyancy, with bands organized so as tominimize shear.

    Dynamic Instability: Energy is extracted fromthe kinetic energy of wind normal to roll axes.

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    Thermal Instability

    Past studies have shown that a modest sfc heatflux is necessary.

    Rolls are most commonly observed in slightlyunstable environments.

    But as thermal instability increases, 2Dconvection becomes less likely, and 3D ispreferred.

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    Dynamic Instability

    Inflection PointInstability

    There must be an

    inflection point in thecross-roll component ofthe mean large scale

    wind profile.

    Faller, JAS 1965

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Combination of Instabilities

    Monin-Obukhov length:

    |L| is approximately the height at whichbuoyancy dominates over shear in turbulenceproduction.

    Convective instability decreases as L increases.

    Studies have shown rolls to exist within aspecified range of L

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    Objective classification of convective


    Reflectivity within 15X15km box wasinterpolated onto a cartesian grid

    Spatial Autocorrelation field was calculated andplotted (pattern recognition)

    Ratio of major to minor axis of .2 correlationcoefficient contour defines the convectivemode.

    Horizontal Aspect Ratio (HAR) >6 for rolls.

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  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Measurement of CBL Characteristics

    Winds retrieved from VAD radar routine withhighest elevation angle used.

    CBL depth determined from the well-mixedpotential temperature layer from soundings,when available. Otherwise, the height at which achange in slope of reflectivity occurs is defined

    as the top of the CBL.

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    Effect of Sensible Heat Flux

    No convection cases areless unstable

    Cellular cases occur in

    narrow range of heat flux Rolls occur in broader

    range, still limited.

    Unorganized convection

    has broadest range.

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    Model results of varied heat flux

    No minimum thresholdof heat flux for rolls

    Beyond a certain point,

    increased heating causesconvection to becomeless organized.

    Maximum implied bymodel results.

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    Effect of Wind Shear

    All cellular cases occurwith shear less than2x10-3 s-1

    All rolls occur with sheargreater than 2x10-3 s-1

    Shear was typically lowthroughout experiment.

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    Effect of Wind Speed

    All rolls occur with meanCBL wind speed greater than5.5m/s

    All rolls occur with 10mwind speeds greater than3m/s

    Cellular convection occursonly at lower speeds while

    unorganized convectionvaries over a broad range.

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Model Results of Varied Wind Speed

    Simulation with lowwind speed (2m/s)produced unorganizedconvection.

    Higher wind speeds(5m/s, 10m/s) producedlinear convection.

    This supports theobservations that there isa minimum threshold of

    wind speed for rolls.

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    Sensible Heat Flux vs. Wind Shear

    Rolls only occur within aspecific range of heatflux and above a

    threshold value of shear. Shear magnitude

    separates cellular fromroll convection.

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    Forcing Mechanisms of Rolls

    TKE Budget:

    Buoyancy dominates forunorganized convection at alllevels.

    For rolls, buoyancydominates in the upper

    boundary layer, but theforcing from shear iscomparable to buoyancy atlow levels.

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    Roll Wavelength vs. CBL Depth

    Wavelength is wellcorrelated with CBLdepth (r=.84), in

    agreement with theoryand prior observations.

    Wavelength increaseswith increasing depth.

    Average aspect ratio is5.7

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Influences on aspect ratio

    Previous studies hadsuggested that aspect ratio isrelated to CBL wind shearand/or wind speed. This

    study found them to beuncorrelated however.

    Aspect ratio is found to bewell correlated withconvective instability.

    Aspect ratio increases withincreasing convectiveinstability.

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Roll Orientation

    Orientation is highly correlated with CBL windshear direction, mean CBL wind direction, and10m wind direction.

    This is because these variables were all highlycorrelated with each other in the experiment(very little directional wind shear).

    Therefore, it was not possible to determinewhich variable is most relevant.

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Summary (this is not yet the end)

    Rolls were objectively classified, and characteristics of rolls andtheir environments were determined from both observations andmodeling.

    Minimum wind speed and shear criterion, although required

    shear is quite low and directional shear is unnecessary for rollformation.

    Low-level shear is important, but could not be well measureddue to limitations of experiment.

    There is a preferred roll regime constrained by heat flux andwind.

    Wavelength proportional to CBL depth and orientationcorrelated with wind direction.

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  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Storm Day

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  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    No Storm Day

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Inability of soundings to predict

    convective potential.

    Storm Case: LFC at 2.3km while CBL depth isonly .8km; CAPE=644 J/kg; CIN= -30 J/kg

    True potential for deep convection is

    underestimated because the sounding isunrepresentative of the region of initiation.

    It is necessary to measure the environment of

    the roll updraft branches, since this is wherethunderstorms form.

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    Sounding modified by aircraft data

    Variability oftemperature is small, butmoisture variability is

    large. Using maximum CBL

    mixing ratio for parcelascent, LFC=1.2km;


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    Sounding for No Storm Day

    Original Sounding:LFC=2.3km while CBLdepth=.85km;

    CAPE=966 J/kg; CIN=-44 J/kg

    Modified Sounding:LFC=1.85km;

    CAPE=1847 J/kg;CIN=-18 J/kg

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    CBL Depth vs. LFC

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    CBL Depth vs. LFC continued

    Difference between CBL depth and LFC issmaller on storm days (.8km vs. 1.3km)

    However, this is not a good predictor of

    convection. Using modified soundings, there is good

    discrimination between storm days and no-

    storm days. LFC-CBL depth for modified storm day

    soundings is only .1km

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Some parameters which are useless

    for predicting convection

    Using sfc moisture variability to modify soundingsincorrectly suggests convection will occur on every day.

    No difference between storm and no-storm days wasfound from surface mixing ratios, RH, temp., windspeed or direction, etc

    Wind shear was always very small, and there was nodifference between storm and no-storm days.

    Topography and geography had no influence. The roll circulation and updraft strength were very

    similar between storm and no-storm days.

  • 7/30/2019 Horizontal Conveadasdastive Rolls


    Summary (yes, this is the end)

    Most soundings do not sample the updraft branches ofrolls. Therefore, soundings by themselves areinsufficient for predicting the potential for deepconvection due to rolls alone.

    Soundings modified by aircraft data are able to indicatethe true convective potential. Surface measurements are useless In the absence of synoptic forcing, CBL water vapor

    variability must be measured with rather high spatialresolution (~500m) to accurately forecast the initiationof deep moist convection.
