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Hospitality English

class : 餐旅二乙name : 鄭琬儒 Rurunumber : 4A2M0058teacher: 羅尹希

Ka ma Teppanyaki

Open : Am11:00~Pm15:00 Pm17:00~Pm22:00

Phone : 06-2990717


locationAddress :

No.5, Chongde 17th St., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

AboutName : “ Kama “ means father in the Paiwan language.Long time ago,when the store was decoration,there was a news from the tribe.The news was talk about Kama works for the tribe.He was dead because of an accident.However,Kama is kindly and friendly,everyone has respect to him.So this restaurant named for it.Hope it’s business philosophy just like Kama.

There is a huge totem,means “protection”.

The interior of restaurant


Served with cabbage and bean sprouts

Ka ma C set meal

Thanks for your listening