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House Bill No. 4244Presented by:

Arabel Belmonte & Keris Filipino

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House Bill No. 4244

In substitution of House Bill Nos. 96, 101, 513, 1160, 1520 & 3387

Introduced by Honorables Edcel C. Lagman, Janette L. Garin, Kaka J. Bag-ao, Walden Bello, Rodolfo G. Biazon, etc.

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SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the "The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011."

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SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. SEC. 3. Guiding Principles. SEC. 4. Definition of Terms. SEC. 5. 

Midwives for Skilled Attendance.  SEC. 6. Emergency Obstetric Care. SEC. 7. Access to Family Planning. SEC. 8. 

Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Crisis Situations. 

SEC. 9. Maternal Death Review. SEC. 10. 

Family Planning Supplies as Essential Medicines. 

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SEC. 11. Procurement and Distribution of Family Planning Supplies.

SEC. 12. Integration of Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood Component in Anti-Poverty Programs.

SEC. 13. Roles of Local Government in Family Planning Programs.

SEC. 14. Benefits for Serious and Life-Threatening Reproductive Health Conditions. 

SEC. 15. Mobile Health Care Service.

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SEC. 16. Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education.

SEC. 17. Additional Duty of the Local Population Officer.

SEC. 18. Certificate of Compliance.

SEC. 19. Capability Building of Barangay Health Workers.

SEC. 20. Ideal Family Size. SEC. 21. Employers’


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SEC. 22. Pro Bono Services for Indigent Women.

SEC. 23. Sexual And Reproductive Health Programs For Persons With Disabilities (PWDs).

SEC. 24. Right to Reproductive Health Care Information.

SEC. 25. Implementing Mechanisms.SEC. 26. Reporting Requirements. 

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SEC. 27. Congressional Oversight Committee.

SEC. 28. Prohibited Acts.SEC. 29. Penalties. SEC. 30. AppropriationsSEC. 31. Implementing Rules and

Regulations.SEC. 32. Separability Clause.SEC. 33. Repealing Clause.SEC. 34. Effectivity. 

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According to DOH Secretary Enrique Ona








Maternal Mortality Rate

number per 10,000

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WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and The World Bank estimates maternal mortality ratio (maternal deaths per 100 000 live births)




















Number of maternal death

Number of maternal death

Estimates have been computed to ensure comparability across countries, thus they are not necessarily the same as official statistics of the countries, which may use alternative rigorous methods.

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Sixty-five countries with civil registration data characterized as complete, with good attribution ofcause of death

Argentina /Guatemala /Republic of Moldova

Australia /Hungary /Romania Austria /Iceland/ Russian Federation Bahamas /Ireland /Saint Lucia Barbados /Israel /Saint Vincent and

the Grenadines Belarus/ Italy/ Serbia Belgium /Japan/ Singapore Belize/ Kazakhstan/ Slovakia Bulgaria/ Kuwait/ Slovenia

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Sixty-five countries with civil registration data characterized as complete, with good attribution ofcause of death

Canada/ Latvia/ Spain Chile/ Lithuania/ Suriname Colombia/ Luxembourg/ Sweden Costa Rica/ Malta/ Switzerland Croatia/ Mauritius/ Macedonia Cuba/ Mexico/ Trinidad and Tobago Czech Republic /Netherlands/ Ukraine Denmark/ New Zealand/ United Kingdom Estonia/ Norway/ United States of America Finland/ Panama/ Uruguay France/ Poland/ Uzbekistan Germany/ Portugal /Venezuela Greece/ Republic of Korea

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National Demographic & Health SurveyNational Statistics Office, 2003

200 Filipina for every 100,000 births die. Roughly over 11 Filipina die every day. 7 out of 10 deaths occur at child birth or

within a day after delivery. 4 out of 10 deaths are due to

complications and widespread infections For every death, 40 more women get sick. 8 out of 10 births in rural areas are

delivered outside a health facility

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Infant mortality rate(deaths/1,000 live births) (CIA,2008)

Rank 4 – Singapore – 2.31 Rank 106 – Malaysia – 14.57 Rank 117 – Thailand – 15.90 Rank 124 – Philippines – 18.75

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List by the United Nations Population DivisionInfant mortality (deaths/1,000 live births)

1. Singapore – 1.72 28. Brunei – 5.55 52. Malaysia – 9.97 68. Thailand – 15.38 93. Vietnam – 24.36 103. Philippines – 26.48

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Increasing number of Teenage Pregnancy incidents (UNFPA)

1999 – 114,205 2009 – 195,662 (70%)

53 births per 1,000 aged between 15 and 19

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