Download pptx - How to make cup ramen!!

Page 1: How to make cup ramen!!


Page 2: How to make cup ramen!!

1. Go to convenience store and Buy your fa-vorite cup-ramen. My favorite ramen is 참깨라면 .

Page 3: How to make cup ramen!!

2. Ready to Make deli-cious food, cup-ra-men.

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3. Take off plastic and Pour into cup. You need to Don’t pour sesame oil!

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4. Fill your cup with hot water. Watch out hot water! It’s very hot.

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5. Wait about 4-minute until the Ra-men is boiled. It’s very long time. ㅠㅠ

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6. After the long wait-ing, Don’t forget to Take off plastic of sesame and Pour it in the cup.

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7. Because Ramen is very hot, you Need to drink something.

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8. Soup is very deli-cious, too, so you need to Drink almost all of it.

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9. This is the most important step! You need to Throw your trash away.

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10. You need to Throw your can away to Re-cycling bin.