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101年「台印尼對話」2012 Taiwan-Indonesia Dialogue

會議手冊Conference Handbook

主辦單位:中華民國外交部Host:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (TAIWAN).

承辦單位:南華大學、印尼哈比比中心Organized by:Nanhua University, Taiwan; The Habibie Center,


會議時間:2012年9月19、20日Date:September 19-20, 2012.

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2012 Taiwan-Indonesia Dialogue

會議地點:台北亞都麗緻大飯店Location:The Banquet Hall, B1F, The Landis Taipei.

會議議程 Conference Agenda (Tentative)2012.9.19 Wednesday

The Landis Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan)08:30-09:00 報到 Registration 09:00-09:30 開幕式

Opening 開幕致詞 Welcome Remarks 外交部政務次長董國猷Kuo-yu Tung, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs貴賓致詞 Opening Remarks 南華大學代理校長釋慧開Kai-Yu Chen, Acting President, Nanhua University

09:30-10:00 專題演講Keynote Speech

Optimizing Opportunity

主持人 Chair 南華大學代理校長釋慧開Kai-Yu Chen, Acting President, Nanhua University演講人 Speaker 哈比比中心民主人權機構主席德葳安華Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Chairwoman, Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, The Habibie Center

10:00-10:20 休息時間 Coffee Break 10:20-12:00 主題一

台印尼關係發展與回顧Session IDevelopments and Review of Taiwan-Indonesian Relations

共同主持人 Co-chair 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處大使夏立言Andrew Li-Yan Hsia, Representative, Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Indonesia共同主持人 Co-chair駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處代表夏福利Ahmad Syafri, Representative of the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei與談人 Discussant 台印尼雙方代表團員All participants from Indonesia and Taiwan

12:00-13:30 Lunch Break 午餐

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13:30-15:10 主題二民主化與中國大陸崛起對台印尼關係之契機與挑戰Session IIOpportunities and Challenges towards Taiwan-Indonesian Relations in the wake of Democratization and the Rise of China

共同主持人 Co-chair 台灣民主基金會副執行長游清鑫Ching-hsin Yu, Vice President, Taiwan Foundation of Democracy共同主持人 Co-chair 哈比比中心民主人權機構主席德葳安華Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Chairwoman, Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, The Habibie Center 與談人 Discussant 台印尼雙方代表團員All participants from Indonesia and Taiwan

15:10-15:30 休息時間 Coffee Break 15:30-17:10 主題三

台印經濟關係Session ⅢEconomic relations between Taiwan and Indonesia

共同主持人 Co-Chair 經濟部國際合作處副處長黃世洲Shih-chou Huang, Deputy Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Economic Affairs共同主持人 Co-chair印尼經濟統籌部亞洲經濟財政司司長巴比席格藍Bobby C. Siagian, Director, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs與談人 Discussant 台印尼雙方代表團員All participants from Indonesia and Taiwan

18:30- 中華民國外交部歡迎晚宴Welcome Dinner hosted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)

晚宴主持人 Hostess 外交部常務次長史亞平Vanessa Shih, Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs台印尼雙方代表團員及工作人員All participants and staffs from Indonesia and Taiwan

2012.9.20 ThursdayThe Landis Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan)

08:30-09:00 報到 Registration 09:00-10:30 主題四

台印社會與文化關係Session IVSocial and Culture relations between

共同主持人 Co-chair 教育部菁英來台留學辦公室主任黃博滄Po-Tsang Huang, Director, Elite Study in Taiwan Program Office, Ministry of Education共同主持人 Co-chair

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Taiwan and Indonesia 印尼國家伊斯蘭大學技職教育主任阿里斯曼Arisman, Head of Vocational Education, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, The State Islamic University, Jakarta與談人 Discussant 台印尼雙方代表團員All participants from Indonesia and Taiwan

10:30-10:50 休息時間 Coffee Break 10:50-12:00 圓桌論壇

Roundtable Discussion

主持人 Chair哈比比中心執行長拉希瑪阿布杜拉罕Rahimah Abdulrahim, Executive Director, The Habibie Center與談人 Discussant 台印尼雙方代表團員All participants from Indonesia and Taiwan

12:00-13:30 午餐 Lunch Break 14:00- 台北市區參觀

Taipei City tour印尼代表團員及工作人員All participants and staff from Indonesia

會議目錄Table of Content

會議緣起About the Dialogue….…………….…………...…………



哈比比中心簡介The Habibie Center….………………………….……..…44

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南華大學簡介Nanhua University….………………………………….…47



101年「台印尼對話」緣起於我駐印尼代表處與印尼「哈比比中心」於 96年合辦「台印尼青年對話」、97年合辦「台印尼二軌對話」及 98年結合該二對話改辦「台印尼對話」;99年駐處改與印尼著名政論週刊 TEMPO續辦「台印尼對話」,各年對話均於印尼舉辦,本(101)年「台印尼對話」首度改在台北舉行,由南華大學國際暨大陸事務學系/亞太研究碩士班/公共政策研究碩士班承辦,並由南華大學社會科學院與南華大學歐洲研究所協辦。 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處是中華民國(台灣)政府派駐印尼的代表機構,負責推動台灣與印尼間各領域雙邊關係,如經貿投資、教育文化、農業合作、科技交流及觀光旅遊活動等;同時亦辦理領務簽證業務及提供僑民服務。 1971年台印尼雙方同意在雅加達及台北互設代表機構。1989年我「駐雅加達中華商會」改名為「駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處」(Taipei Economic and Trade

Office in Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia)。現任駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處代表為夏立言(Andrew Li-Yan Hsia)。

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About the Dialogue

Taiwan-Indonesia Dialogue was originated in 1996 from Taiwan-Indonesia

Dialogue for Teenagers, Taiwanese-Indonesia Second Path Dialogue in 1997,

Taiwanese-Indonesia Dialogue in 1998 which combined the two just mentioned;

Taiwanese-Indonesia was continued with the cooperation from TEMPO magazine

from Indonesia, and the sessions above were all held in Indonesia. The forum is held

in Taipei for the first time and it is formed by Department of International and

Mainland China Affairs, Nanhua University.

Taipei Economic and Trade Office, Jakarta, Indonesia is the embassy which is

responsible for driving the relations between Taiwan and Indonesia in various fields,

such as economic investment, education, culture, agriculture, technology and tourism;

the embassy also deals with visa application and other relevant services.

Taiwan and Indonesia both agreed to set up embassies on each other in 1971.

The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce was changed to the name Taipei

Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia in 1989. The current

representative in Mr. Andrew Li-Yuan Hsia.

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「台印尼對話」係駐印尼代表處與智庫哈比比中心歷年來合作累積成果。本(2012)年則為本處與哈比比中心第三度合作辦理對話。 駐印尼代表處與哈比比中心過去曾在 2004年亞齊海嘯合作賑災,亦曾於 2006

年在雅加達合辦禽流感國際研討會,雙方享有極友好合作關係。 有鑑於雙方均有促進台印尼合作交流之共識及多次良好合作經驗,爰尋思建立制度化對話機制,以期促進台印尼雙邊交流及瞭解。基此,雙方在 2007年遂決定成立「台印尼對話」,以為雙邊產官學界交流平台。2007年「台印尼對話 」 主 題 為 「 Indonesia-Taiwan Relations within the Context of Asian

Challenges」。 2009 年對話主題則為「 Indonesia-Taiwan Relations toward

Regional Challenges」,對話內容涵蓋政治、經濟、社會、文化等多重面向。 該對話自成立以來,有效藉由論壇形式,促進雙方學者、官員及媒體界強化經貿、學術、文化、教育及政治對話與交往,歷年對話均獲印尼媒體報導,相當程度提升台灣在印尼能見度。 6 101年「台印尼對話」

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The Indonesia-Taiwan Dialogue is the product of years of cooperation between The

Habibie Center (THC) and the Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO). The

Indonesia-Taiwan Dialogue builds upon and reinforces the strong and successful

relations that have been established between Indonesia and Taiwan in a wide range of

sectors through non-official and non-diplomatic channels.

Over the years, THC and TETO institutions have worked together to co-organize

humanitarian aid for victims of the 2004 Tsunami in Aceh and to hold an International

Symposium on Avian Influenza, 2006 in Jakarta.

Building upon this successful partnership, THC and TETO made the conscious

decision to institutionalize their cooperation by holding a series of dialogues between

Indonesia and Taiwan to be carried out on a regular basis. These came to be known as

the Indonesia-Taiwan Dialogues and were first held in 2007 as the “Indonesia-Taiwan

Young Leaders’ Dialogue on June 12-14th” in 2007 under the theme of “Indonesia-

Taiwan Relations within the Context of Asian Challenges”. Since then, the Indonesia-

Taiwan Dialogues have expanded to address a number of issues across the three

dimensions of politics, economics and socio-cultural aspects to tackle a wide range of

questions related to trade, investments, agriculture, labor, tourism, and education. The

second Dialogues held in 2009 under the theme of “Indonesia-Taiwan Relations

toward Regional Challenges” talked about regional and global issues and saw

participants address cooperation on health matters, humanitarian support, human

trafficking and security as well as cultural differences.

Participants in the Indonesia-Taiwan Dialogues have been drawn from various

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backgrounds and organizations including officials from various departments &

ministries, academicians, members of the media, and representatives from NGOs &


會議記錄※外交部政務次長董國猷開幕致詞重點摘錄1.台灣融合中西方文化,台灣經由提供印尼學生、學術單位獎金與大學交換學生計劃,可加強印尼對台灣的瞭解。2.高層次議題互動,例如:台灣部長去年訪問印尼,希望印方可以推動更高層級官員互訪。印尼在東協扮演重要角色,台灣亦希望成為東協對話夥伴,台印雙方可以共同努力讓台灣成為東協對話夥伴。3.南海具有極大爭議,東協持續推動解決爭端的機制,台灣是聲索國之一,對於解決爭端有一定貢獻,協調才能促進合作。4.再次歡迎所有在場的嘉賓,我對台印尼未來關係深具信心,並認同此對話所扮演的重要角色。我僅代表中華民國外交部歡迎大家參與 2012年台印尼對話。台北代表處與哈比比中心在過去幾年來持續合作,希望制度化雙邊合作,加強台印尼關係。此一對話致力於成為政治、經濟、文化、社會的對話論壇。

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※專題演講主持人 南華大學代理校長釋慧開:我很榮幸邀請安華進行專題演講。演講人哈比比中心民主人權機構主席德葳安華安華:我很榮幸有機會參與此次台印對話,並感謝所有與會人士。面對中國的崛起,使得台印關係面臨挑戰,但是,由於二岸關係緩和,台印關係由於雙方民主化過程更加有活力,雙方共享民主概念,尤其是民間互動繁榮。其次,人類安全,跨國境問題是近十年來重要的議題。第三,全球經濟重心轉移至亞洲,印尼有豐富自然資源,勞力資源,台灣有科技業;第四,印尼外勞在台灣享有勞工保護的良好待遇,台灣社會所面臨的社會老年化問題可經由印尼提供優秀良好勞工獲得解決。第五;教育交換,科技合作、文化交流亦有助未來雙方關係強化。第六,台印雙邊關係不應該被現有政治性限制而停止發展,雙方應建構新方法,以合作增進雙方利益。最後,基於維護區域和平與穩定,亞洲的國家需要經由對話與合作以提升相互信任與瞭解,特別是台印對亞太地區皆深具影響力。台印對話行之有年,對於加強雙方瞭解深具貢獻。

照片三:德葳安華主席Optimizing Opportunity 演講。

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※主題一台印尼關係發展與回顧共同主持人 Co-chair 駐印尼台北經濟貿易代表處大使夏立言駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處代表夏福利夏立言:台灣方面持續強化在印尼投資,許多科技大廠皆先後在印尼設廠,雙方非政府組織更是密切往來,但是印尼強硬的一中政策是台印雙方交往的障礙,使得台印關係無法制度化。台灣採取軟性一中政策,認為民主可經由行為者的互動逐漸形成,傾向在維持現況的動態上,創造更大機會。夏福利:印尼做為南海議題非聲索國,想要瞭解台灣對南海議題的看法,黃介正:南海爭議主要在於島嶼部份,特別是在領海定義部份,中台看法與菲越看法有歧異。聯合國海洋法主張根據島嶼的擁有權而擁有領海權。台灣擁有南海中最大之太平島,但是,台灣是否有真正的實力執行太平島的完全管轄。印尼對南海議題所扮演的角色為何?印尼認為東協在南海議題扮演角色為何?夏立言:台灣擁有太平島,應該對南海議有發言權,更應該參與相關南海議題的討論,但是,台灣卻未受參加在雅加達舉行的南海議題討論。帕迪拉:台灣應該解釋立場並解釋為何台灣的南海主權宣示與許多回家重疊,尤其是九段線。黃介正:日本是第一個宣稱擁有南海主權的國家,在二次大戰期間,之後,中國則派海軍探查南海,劃定 11條線,1975中越劃定界線成為 9段線,帕迪拉:劃定領海邊境不能只是經由中國海軍的某次探勘。安華:印方不認為哪些國家擁有哪些島,印尼認為經由東協工作小組可以覺得爭端,確保和平解決爭議。東協峰會亦面臨中國崛起的挑戰。薩若尼:台新經貿已經協議取得進展。杜巧霞:台印經貿協議基於開放政策,印尼有豐富自然資源與勞力資源,台商可提供投資於印尼設廠。由於自由貿易協議,台印雙方的進出口可降低成本。夏立言:一中政策是在和平穩定的基礎上進行動態的維持現狀,二岸仍存在鴻溝,台灣的一中政策是「不統、不獨、不武」的維持現狀的政策。高少凡:2010年,東亞地區有二種變化,經濟自由化持續深入整合,政治則是圍繞現實主義氛圍。為何東協國家仍奉行一中政策,應該採行開放政策與台灣進行深度經濟整合。夏福利:台灣有可能與民主化中國進行統一嗎?夏立言:台灣智庫研究結果發現大多數人仍要求維持現狀。

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照片五:夏福利代表以印方觀點講述台印關係。 13 101年「台印尼對話」

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※主題二民主化與中國大陸崛起對台印尼關係之契機與挑戰共同主持人 Co-chair 台灣民主基金會副執行長游清鑫哈比比中心民主人權機構主席德葳安華安華:1.台灣在全球與區域角色日益重要。2. 由於權力分散決策過程無法由單一作為者決定,對於國家而言是住要障礙3.請問台灣代表可否陳述台灣民主實踐情況高少凡:1.台灣重要對中國發展至為重要2.台灣可成為中國未來民主模式3.台灣可成為可為中國資本主義發展提供借鏡游清鑫:1.台灣是民主國家,與中國相比,台灣的民主為中國提供實踐經驗,增加透明度,我們長期觀察選舉,發現基於台灣民主的生活方式,台灣人認同上升,對於獨統問題,應以不犧牲台灣民主為前題。因此,台印非官方交流有助於推動雙方關係。Julia:1.印尼民主化運動始於 1998年2.婦女是國家戰爭的犧牲者3.自 1990年代,印尼女性勞工大量進入台灣與其他國家4.台灣有民主體系與文化5.婦女是台印雙方民主化的關鍵,我希望了解台婦女在民主化過程扮演的角色張玉燕:1.台婦女參與台民主化過程,並深化台灣民主。台印婦女應加強交流,促進雙方民主。Julia:1.我認為台婦女地位受到傳統文化與社會結構制約。杜巧霞:1.台灣是一個十分現代國家,婦女未曾受歧視,男女並同時負擔家計,男女有同等機會進入公部門工作,參與考試、參與選舉。安華:1.印尼大學畢業生、公務員幾乎都是女性,雖然印尼宗教文化多元化,婦女在公部門有同等競爭力,但是,印尼家庭文化卻如女性發展形成制約。雖然,印尼在國際舞台上扮演重要角色,國內問題叢生。Rene台印關係需要強化,以分別台灣華人、中國華人與新加坡華人的歧異。夏立言:台灣工廠進入印尼尋找人力資源,轉移技術給印尼當地工廠。 14 101年「台印尼對話」

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照片七:與會者熱情參與討論※主題三台印經濟關係共同主持人 Co-Chair 經濟部國際合作處副處長黃世洲印尼經濟統籌部亞洲經濟財政司司長巴比席格藍安華:印尼官方認為經濟協議的簽署仍需呈送外交部,由於印尼一中政策的限制,外交部對協議簽署層次有所保留。杜巧霞:我認同安華提出加強台印經濟關係的重要性,台灣方面主張採行自由政策,並著手一系列台印簽署合作協議的研究,研究顯示對雙方GDP提升大有幫助,對印方經濟更是有正面影響,由於台灣增加投資與科技,會增加印方就業機會。台灣中小企業受惠政府出口政策,是台灣經濟發展的主力,印尼中小企業可以學習台灣中小企業的經驗,得到發展。此外,台灣是WTO成員,任何 WTO成員都可以簽署 FTA,台印可以在同屬WTO成員的架構下,簽署協議。貿易自由化是台灣奉行的政策,透明度使台灣官僚體系更加透明。台新協議正在進行中,一但台新協議啟動,服務業會因此受益。對印尼而言,印尼會由於台印 ECA使工業受益。賈亞帝:印尼有土地、自然資源、人力資源,仍需要台灣、日本、南韓協助邁向產業升級、台印 ECA有許多選擇,像是經濟貿易區;自由貿易協議。印尼出口競爭力不如中國大陸,出口產品的亦比不上中國大陸,印尼需要與台灣合作提升產業競爭力,建立科技導向的產業與中國大陸競爭。黃世洲:應該成立工作小組進行討論 ECA細節。台灣中華經濟研究院與印尼舉辦研討會 100年 12 月 1 日,中經院WTO中心與印尼國家科學院政治及經濟研究中心簽約,101年 5 月 9 日,進行「台印尼經濟合作協議可行性共同研究」。帕迪拉:台印應多強化雙邊關係,不受中國大陸影響,瑪莉亞:台印雙方交流應著重在年輕世代,甚至是電影產業合作。杜巧霞:台印 ECA簽署模式應超越香港模式,不應該以香港模式為主。安華:中國大陸向印尼外交部抱怨台印官員互訪繁榮,印方回應:如果中國願意接受 20萬印尼勞工,印尼將會更加深與中國關係,也不會派代表到台灣。

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照片九:經濟議題對台印雙方都是重要問題,與會者皆熱烈討論。 17 101年「台印尼對話」

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※主題四共同主持人教育部菁英來台留學辦公室主任黃博滄印尼國家伊斯蘭大學技職教育主任阿里斯曼Arisman:印尼的教育體系主要有以下架構,國家教育部與宗教事務部。印尼藉由人員交換、資訊交換、制度改革,跨國教育增加與其他國家的夥伴關係;印澳、印加都有合作計劃。2011印台簽定 MOU(菁英來台留學辦公室)。主要著重技能發展。期待未來經由定期學生與交換計畫,促進彼此文化了解。黃博滄:移除障礙使台印兩國貿易可獲得長足進展,創設研究中心。拉希瑪:台灣與印尼在高等教育持續合作。法西波:台灣的教育模式與印尼的教育模式的共同性與差異。安華:台灣學者、研究者應該在安靜交換意見的平台上,到印尼訪問印尼領導人或重要印尼官員。 瑪利亞:台印學生應持續進修碩士學程,印尼想瞭解台灣社會、文化、道德的價值。帕拉迪:台灣的生活水準高於印尼,對印尼學生是負擔黃:去年台給予印尼學生獎學金並增加名額。高少凡:台灣需要增加對穆斯林的瞭解,以化歧對在台印尼勞工的文化差異,並同時保障在台印勞的權益。台灣可以組成特定協會,以促進台印學者、學生互相了解。印尼學生可與台灣教授合作,共同進行研究。印尼學生代表(中興大學歷史所研究生):印尼學生應該多與台生交流,融入台灣社會,應該在印尼就先接受留學前訓練,以應對在外國求學的挑戰,期待每個印尼學生都能夠有豐富的台灣經驗。

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照片十一:帕迪拉主席對台印學生的生活表示關心。 19 101年「台印尼對話」

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※圓桌論壇主持人 Chair哈比比中心執行長拉希瑪阿布杜拉罕阿布杜拉罕:這二天的對話提出許多建議,應該建立一個經常性對話平台,維持交流,同時落實執行。瑪麗亞:所有合作須再包含私部門的合作,非政府組織的合作更是重要。印:科學合作,進一步實施更廣泛的合作。印尼應該更加焦注台灣,提升與台灣交往,不僅是與中國大陸加強關係,對中國與台灣同樣重要。台:馬政府希望亞洲學生來台就學,擴大交往。印尼須要學中文,台灣應該派員去印尼教授中文,讓印尼勞工、學生有機會學習中文。希望下次對話有更多工業代表參與對話,讓台灣的智識產業與印尼自然資源進一步有效整合。安華:我遊說印尼政府建立一個彈性(靈活)有創造力的一中政策。台印在打擊走私、人口販賣取得成效便是一個例子。帕拉迪:台灣人也應該學習印尼文,才能深入了解印尼文化,台灣政府更應採取行動更不只是紙上談兵。印:印尼無法解決二岸問題,過去 20年來,中印關係改變 ,中國認同印尼區域層次扮演重要角色,特別在氣候變遷與其他相議題上。印尼可以解決南海問題,也與美國深入交往,對中國亦持續增加影響力。中台問題屬於二岸,印尼無法介入。印尼不會對美、中選邊站。印尼不會採取先前強硬一中政策,印尼一中政策的本質正在改變,對台印關係的未來有正向影響,台印雙方在國際舞台有更多的合作機會。由於二岸經濟合作的深入交往,在這個前提下,印尼可採行較不強硬(柔合)的一中政策。安華:所有人都應該誠實地的討論一中政策,台灣外交部應該派高層高員討論第二天關於教育、社會、文化問題對話,,而不只是著重第一天的政治、經濟問題。

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Ching-hsin Yu 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

游清鑫 Ching-hsin Yu照 片Photo

職 銜Title

台灣民主基金會副執行長 Vice President, Taiwan Foundation of Democracy


美國賓州州立大學政治學博士 Ph.D., Political Science, Pennsylvania State University.

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Fellow and Director of the Election Study Center, National Chengchi UniversityAdjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University




E-Mail:[email protected]

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Bih-jaw Lin 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

林碧炤 Bih-jaw Lin照 片Photo

職 銜Title

國立政治大學副校長 Vice President, National Cheng Chi University


英國威爾斯大學國際政治學博士 Ph.D., International Political Science University of Wales.

經 歷Employment

and other experience

總統府副秘書長 國家安全會議副秘書長 政大外交研究所教授兼國際關係研究中心主任 政大外交研究所教授兼所長 政大國際關係研究中心副研究員

Deputy Secretary-General of the Office of the PresidentDeputy Secretary-General of the National Security CouncilProfessor, Department of Diplomacy, and Director, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi UniversityProfessor and Director, Institute of Diplomacy, National Chengchi UniversityResearch Associate, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University




Tel: 02-2938-7800Fax: 02-2938-7801E-mail: [email protected]

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Chieh-cheng Huang 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

黃介正 Chieh-cheng Huang照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University

教育背景Education 美國喬治華盛頓大學政治學系博士

Doctor of Philosophy in Politics, George Washington University, USA

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Vice Chairman, Mainland Affairs Council, Executive YuanTaipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S.Graduate Institute of American Studies, Tamkang University.




Tel:02-2621-5656 # 3068

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Hsin -yi Chang 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

張心怡 Hsin -yi Chang照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Associate Professor, Department of International and Mainland China Affairs, Nanhua University



Ph.D. ,International Relations, British Leicester National University

經 歷Employment

and other experience

中州技術學院通識中心專任助理教授兼校長助理國立中央警察大學國境警察學系兼任助理教授行政院大陸委員會法政處研究員(簡任十職等)2001.2- 南華大學國際關係學系專 任助理教授

Assistant Professor, General Education Center,and Assistant to the President, Chung Chou University of Science and TechnologyAssistant Professor ,Department of Border Police, Central Police UniversityResearcher, Mainland Affairs Council, Executive Yuan 2001.2- Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Nanhua University




Mail:[email protected]

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Chih-mei Luo 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

羅至美 Chih-mei Luo照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Policy, National Taipei University

教育背景Education 1995台灣大學政治學系國際關

係學士1999淡江大學歐洲研究所碩士2004英國東英格蘭大學政治學 博士

1995 Bachelor of International Relation, Department of Political Sciences, National Taiwan University

1999 Master, Institute of European Studies, Tamkang University

2004 Ph..D in Political Science, University of East Anglia

經 歷Employment

and other experience

2005-2007銘傳大學國際事務研 究所,助理教授2007.2.1-2009.07.31 台北大學公共行政暨 政策學系,助理教授

2005-2007 Assistant Professor, Institute of International Affairs, Ming Chuan

University 2007.2.1-2009.07.31 Assistant Professor, Department of Public

Administration and Policy, Taipei University


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Tel:(02)8674-1111分機 67462Fax:(02)8671-9223Mail:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Jyun-yi Lee 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

李俊毅 Jyun-yi Lee照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Assistant Professor, National Chung Cheng University, Institute of Strategic and International Affairs Studies.


英國東英格蘭大學國際關係博士 Ph.D., University of East Anglia, UK,.

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Assistant Professor, National Chung Cheng University, Institute of Strategic and International Affairs Studies.




Mail:[email protected]

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Ruo-yu Lin 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

林若雩 Ruo-yu Lin照 片Photo

職 銜Title

淡江大學亞洲研究所所長 Director, Graduate Institute of Asian Studies, Tamkang University


國立台灣大學政治學博士 Ph.D. in political science, National Taiwan University

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Associate Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Asian Studies, Tamkang UniversityVisiting Fellow, Brookings InstitutionVisiting Researcher, Asian Studies Program, Georgetown University. Visiting Fellow, East Asian Institute National University of Singapore,




Mail:[email protected]:02 2621-5656 轉 3075

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Shaw-fawn Kao 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

高少凡 Shaw-fawn Kao照 片Photo

職 銜Title

東海大學政治系副教授Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Tunghai University


美國維吉尼亞大學國際關係博士 Dr. international relations of the University of Virginia in the United States

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Tunghai UniversityDean of International College, Director of Graduate School of International Affairs, Director of Research and Development, Dean of Student Affairs, Director of International Education and Exchanges at Ming Chuan UniversityDeputy Secretary General, People-to-People International (PTPI-ROC).Senior Staff Officer, Taipei Office on Education Forum, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

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Mail:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Shih-chou Huang 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

黃世洲 Shih-chou Huang照 片Photo

職 銜Title

經濟部國際合作處副處長Deputy Director of International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs


國立政治大學公共行政研究所碩士 Master’s, Graduate School of Public Administration, National Cheng-Chi University

經 歷Employment

and other experience

經濟部國際合作處科長、專門委員 Section chief, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Economic Affairs




15, Fu-Zhou St., Taipei 10015, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Tsai-wei Sun 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

孫采薇 Tsai-wei Sun照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Assistant Researcher, Institute of International Relations, National Cheng Chi University


新加坡國立大學政治學博士 National University of Singapore

經 歷Employment

and other experience

2005- 2008 新加坡國立大學(NUS) 政治系教學助理2008- 2009 中央研究院人文社會科 學博士候選人培育計畫2010- 2011 行政院國家科學委員會 社會科學研究中心博士 後研究員 2011- 2012 中央研究院人文社會科 學研究中心博士後研究

2005- 2008 Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, National

University, Singapore (NUS)2008- 2009 Ph..D Candidate, Cultivate Plan,

Research Center for Humanities and social science

2010- 2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Institute for Humanities and social science, National Science Council

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員 2011- 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Center for Humanities and Social Science




Tel:(02) 8237-7276Mail:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Chaw-hsia Tu 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

杜巧霞 Chaw-hsia Tu照 片Photo

職 銜Title

中華經濟研究院研究員 Researcher, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research


美國維吉尼亞大學經濟所 Institute of Economics, Virginia University, United States

經 歷Employment

and other experience

1987.7- 1993.6 中華經濟研究院第二研究所副研究員

1999.12-2001.12中華經濟研究院第 二研究所研究員兼所長2007.4- 2009.12 中華經濟研究院台


2003.9- 中華經濟研究院台灣

1987.7 -1993.6 Associate Researcher, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research Institute.

1999.12-2001.12 Research Fellow and Director, Chung-Hua Institution for

Economic Research Institute2007.4 -2009.12 Vice President, Taiwan WTO

Center, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research

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WTO中心研究員2010.1- 中華經濟研究院台灣


2003.9- Researcher, Taiwan WTO Center, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research

2010.1- Economic and Trade Research Group Leader of the Taiwan WTO

Center, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research




E-mai:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Chia-chang Yu 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

余佳璋 Chia-chang Yu照 片Photo

職 銜Title


International News Main Dial/ News Department Assistant Manager, Public Television Service


中國文化大學政治系博士 Ph.D., Department of Political Science Chinese Culture University

經 歷Employment

and other experience

TVBS 新聞編輯年代電視台主播、採訪組副組長公共電視台主播、主持人、製作人、國際新聞中心主任台灣新聞記者協會會長國際記者聯盟後補執行委員中國文化大學講師

TVBS News EditorThe ERA TV Anchor, Interviews Deputy Director of Public Television Anchor, Host, Producer, International Director of the NewsChairman, Association of Taiwan JournalistsAlternate Executive Member, International Federation of JournalistsLecturer, Chinese Culture University


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E-mai:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Wei- ren Liao 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

廖為仁 Wei- ren Liao照 片Photo

職 銜Title

勞委會職訓局副局長Deputy Director-General, Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan


中國文化大學勞工研究所碩士 Master, Institute of Labor Science, Chinese Culture University

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Section Chief, Senior Specialist, Deputy Director, Director of Foreign Workers Division, Secretary General of Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive YuanDirector, Taishan Training Center, Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan


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台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Ching-lung Tsay 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name 蔡青龍 Ching-lung Tsay

照 片Photo

職 銜Title 淡江大學亞洲研究所教授 Professor, Institute of Asian

Studies, Tamkang University

教育背景Education 美國布朗大學人口學博士 Demography Ph.D., Brown University, USA

經 歷Employment

and other experience

2003-2006 中央研究院經濟研究所兼任研究員



 2003-2006 Adjunct Research Fellow of the Institute of Economics at Academia Sinica

2009- 2011 Commissioner, Population Association of Taiwan

2007 - Executive Director, New Immigrants Research Association in TaiwanAdvisory Committee, Council for Economic Planning and DevelopmentMember of Immigration Policy

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心(Mahidol Migration Center)研究員國立暨南國際大學「台灣東南亞學刊」編輯委員淡江大學國際事務雜誌編輯委員國立台灣大學「人口學刊」編輯委員

Committee of National ImmigrationAgencyResearcher, Migration Center, Thailand Mahidol UniversityEditor of Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan UniversityEditor of Journal of International Affairs, Tamkang UniversityEditor of Journal of Population Studies, National Taiwan University




Tel:(02) 2621-5656 轉 3076 ; 2709Mail:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Po-tsang Huang 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

黃博滄 Po-tsang Huang照 片Photo

職 銜Title

教育部菁英來台留學辦公室主任Director, Elite Study In Taiwan Program Office, Ministry Of Education



Ph.D., Industrial Education and Technology, Iowa State University, USA

經 歷Employment

and other experience

喬治亞南方大學機械與電機工程技術系助理教授 中原大學工業與系統工程學系助理教授

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology, Georgia Southern UniversityAssistant Professor, Department of Zhongyuan University School of Industrial and Systems Engineering


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Tel:+886-3-265-1290Email:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Jian Yu 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

于 健 Jian Yu照 片Photo

職 銜Title

南華大學全球交流處處長 Director, Office of Global Exchange, Nanhua University


淡江大學管理科學學博士 Ph.D. in Management Science, Tamkang University

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Management Master Program of Leisure Environment Management, and Director, Office of global exchanges, Nanhua University


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Tel:(05)272-1001 ext. 56544   E-mail:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Xiang-yu Ma 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

馬祥祐 Xiang-yu Ma照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Chair, Department of International and Mainland China Affairs, Nanhua University



Ph.D., Institute of Political Science , Chinese Culture UniversityPh.D., CASS Institute of Industrial Economics

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Chair of Department, International and Mainland Affairs, Nanhua University


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Mail:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Kuo-hsiang Sun 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

孫國祥 Kuo-hsiang Sun照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Associate Professor, Department of International and Mainland Affairs, Nanhua University


國立政治大學政治學博士 Ph.D. in political science, National Chengchi University

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Studies National Taiwan Normal UniversityAssociate Professor, Department of International and Mainland Affairs, Nanhua University

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Mail:[email protected]

台灣代表 Taiwanese Deputation

Shih-yueh Yang 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

楊仕樂 Shih-yueh Yang照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Assistant Professor ,Department of International and Mainland Affairs ,Nanhua University


國立政治大學國際關係學博士 Ph.D. in International Relations, National Chengchi University

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Assistant Professor ,Department of International and Mainland Affairs ,Nanhua University

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Mail:[email protected]

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Prof. Dr. Dewi Fortuna Anwar 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

德葳·安華 Prof. Dr. Dewi Fortuna Anwar照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Deputy Secretary of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia for Political AffairsChair of the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights at The Habibie Cente



BA (Hons) and MA from SOAS, University of LondonPh.D. in Monarsh University, Australia

經 歷Employment

and other experience



1998-1999 Assistant Minister/State Secretary for Foreign Affairs ( the Habibie administration.)

2001-2010 Deputy Chairman for Social Sciences

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2010-迄今 副總統辦公室政治事務主任


聯合國秘書長裁軍事務 諮詢委員

and Humanities at The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

2010- Deputy Secretary of the Vice PresidentOther Positions Held Currently:

Member of Bali Democracy Member of the UN Secretary General’s

Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters

曾否訪台 是興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁食酒及豬肉



Tel: 62-21- 384 6737; Fax: 62-21-344 6670E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Dr. Santo Darmosumarto 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

衫多·達摩蘇馬 Dr. Santo Darmosumarto照 片Photo

職 銜Title

研究員 Researcher



1997-1999 加拿大維多利亞大學政治學碩士

2001-2005 澳洲Monash大學政治學博士

1993-1997 University of British Columbia, Canada – B.A. Political Science and International Relations (Double Major)

1997-1999 University of Victoria, Canada – M.A, Political Science

2001-2005Monash University, Clayton, Australia – Ph.D., Political Science

經 歷 哈比比中心副研究員 Associate Fellow - Habibie Center, Jakarta

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Employment and other experience

Sampoerna商學院兼任教授 Adjunct Professor - Sampoerna School of Bsuness, Jakarta

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁酒及豬肉



[email protected]

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Rene Ludwig Pattiradjawane 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

帕迪拉 Rene Ludwig Pattiradjawane照 片Photo

職 銜Title


Chairman of Center for Chinese Studies, University of Indonesia/Senior Journalist of Daily Kompas


1979-1983 臺灣師範大學1986 印尼大學學士2000-2002 香港 Flinder大學碩士

1979 – 1983 National Taiwan Normal University1986 Bachelors Degree in Literature, University of Indonesia. Dissertation: “Analysis on China Foreign Policy: 1949-1979.

2000 – 2002 MA in International Relations in Economic and Trade, Flinders University, Hong Kong

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經 歷Employment

and other experience

1995-1997 印尼大學講師1998 創辦印尼最大網路 新聞網站Detik.com1997-2008 羅盤報特派員

1995 – 1997 Lecturer of the University of Indonesia. Assisted lectures on Chinese Studies atthe Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences.1998 Creator of, the biggest online news portal in Indonesia.1997 – 2008 Correspondent for the Daily Kompas. Responsible for covering political and economic issues in the East Asia Region covering Hong Kong SAR, China, Taiwan, and the South East Region.

曾否訪台 是興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁食酒及豬肉



印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

A. Ibrahim Almuttaqi 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

伊伯拉罕·阿姆塔其 A. Ibrahim Almuttaqi照 片Photo

職 銜Title

哈比比中心研究員 Researcher


2006-2009 倫敦大學學士2010-2011 馬來西亞大學亞歐 研究所碩士

2006-2009 School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK

2010-2011 Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya, Malaysia

經 歷Employment

2008國際特赦組織義工2012- 哈比比中心東協事務研究員

2008 Office Volunteer, Asia-Pacific Program, Amnesty International, London, UK

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and other experience

2012- ASEAN Studies Program Officer, The Habibie Center, Jakarta, Indonesia

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁酒及豬肉



Mobile number: +62(0)82260207615 Email: [email protected]

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Amelita Lusia 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

露西亞 Amelita Lusia

職 銜Title

大學講師 Lecturer


2005 印尼大學碩士 2005 Master Degree, University of Indonesia, Salemba, Jakarta

經 歷Employment

and other experience

2005年迄今 自由撰稿人及翻譯2008年迄今 印尼大學講師2011年迄今 巴克利大學講師

2005 – Present Freelance writer and translator 2008 – Present Lecturer, Mass Communication Dept University of Indonesia2011 – Present Lecturer, Mass Communication Dept ,Bakrie University

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曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌



Email: [email protected], (021) 820 12 71, 08989704069

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Bobby Chriss Siagian 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

巴比·席格藍 Bobby Chriss Siagian照 片Photo

職 銜Title

經濟統籌部亞洲經濟財政司司長Director for ASEAN Economic and Financing Cooperation, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs

教育背景Education 西維吉尼亞大學商學學士


Bachelor of Business Administration, Western Michigan University, USAMaster of Business Administration (MBA) University of Maryland, USA

經 歷 2001-2005 經濟統籌部科長 2001-2005 Head of Section, The Coordinating

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Employment and other experience

2005-2007 便捷外國投資司副司長2007-2008 東協經濟財政司副司長2008-2012 東亞經濟財政合作司 副司長2012-東亞經濟財政合作司司長

Ministry of Economic Affairs.2005-2007 Deputy Director for Foreign Investment Facilitation.2007-2008 Deputy Director for ASEAN Economic and Financing Cooperation.2008-2012 Deputy Director for East ASIA Economic and Financing Cooperation.2012- Director for ASIA Economic and Financing Cooperation.

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌基督徒



(021) 8460152 (Home)(021) 3521849 (Office), 0816811024 (Mobile)[email protected]

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Prof. H. Fashbir Noor Sidin, SE, MSP, Ph.D 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

法虛彼·西丁 Prof. H. Fashbir Noor Sidin, SE, MSP, Ph.D.

照 片Photo

職 銜Title

印尼國家活力機構政治研究主任Director of Political Studies, LEMHANNAS(National Resilience Institute) RI



BA, Andalas UniversityMaster Degree, Bandung Technology InstituePh.D., Malaya University, Malaysia

經 歷Employment

2005-2009 Andalas大學社會變遷與發展所執行長

2005- 2009 Executive Director, Institute of Development and Social Change,

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and other experience

2010.04-2010.06青年體育部研究員2009- 印尼國家活力機構政治研究

主任Andalas University.

2010.04-2010.06 Research Expert, Ministry of Youth and Sports.

2009- Director of Political Studies, Lemhannas RI (National Resilience Institute of Republic of Indonesia)

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁食酒及豬肉



印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Zamroni Salim, Ph.D 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

薩若尼·沙林 Zamroni Salim, Ph.D照 片Photo

職 銜Title

印尼國家科學院研究員 Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences


1992-1997 Airlangga大學學士2000-2003 紐西蘭Massey大學應用 經濟碩士2005-2009 日本Nagoya大學國際發 展博士

1992-1997 Bachelor Degree, Airlangga University2000-2003 Master of Applied Economics, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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2005-2009 PhD in International Development, Nagoya University, Japan

經 歷Employment

and other experience


The Habibie CenterEconomic Research centre (P2E), The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁食酒及豬肉



[email protected] 1157 1921

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Thomas Darmawan Tjokronegoro, Ir 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

湯瑪士·達馬溫 Thomas Darmawan Tjokronegoro, Ir

照 片Photo

職 銜Title

印尼漁產加工及行銷協會主席Chairman of the Indonesian Fishing Processing and Marketing Association


Diponegoro大學學士 1970-1975 Bachelor Degree, Diponegoro University

經 歷Employment

and other

2012 印尼漁產加工及行銷協會主 席印尼工商會館食品、飲料及

2010- Chairman of the Indonesian Fishery Product Processing & Marketing Association.

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experience 煙草常設委員會主席 Chairman of Permanent Committee on Food, Beverage & Tobacco Industries, KADIN Indonesia

曾否訪台 是興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁酒及豬肉



Ph : ( 021 ) 30485586Fax : ( 021 ) 30485598E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] .id

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Akhmad Jayadi 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

賈亞帝 Akhmad Jayadi

職 銜Title

大學講師 Lecturer, University of Islam Madura


2010-2012 印尼Gadjah Mada大學 經濟學碩士

2010-2012 Master degree, University of Gadjah Mada

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經 歷Employment

and other experience

2006-迄今 經濟改革機構副研究員2007-迄今 印尼城鄉研究中心副 研究員2010-迄今 馬度拉伊斯蘭大學講師

2006- Present Associate Researcher ECORIST (Economic Reform Institute)2007- Present Associate Researcher CIRUS (Center for Indonesia Regional and Urban Studies)2010- Present Lecturer in University of Islam Madura

曾否訪台 是興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁食酒及豬肉



印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Hermono 中、英文簡歷 姓 名Name

賀摩諾 Hermono照 片Photo

職 銜Title

印尼勞工安置保護局國際合作處處長 Director of International

Cooperation, BNP2TKI

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日本 Saitama大學碩士 Master Degree, Graduate School of Policy Studies, Saitama University, Japan

經 歷Employment

and other experience


2012年 5 月出任印尼勞工安置保護署國際合作處處長

1986 Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he had been posted in Bogota, Tashkent and Wellington.

May 2012–Present Director for International Cooperation, BNP2TKI

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁食酒及豬肉



印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Arisman 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

阿里斯曼 Arisman照 片Photo

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職 銜Title

資深講師 Senior Lecturer


1994-1998 Pasunda大學國際關係 學士

1999-2001 印尼大學公共政策碩士2006-2009馬來西亞科技大學博士

1994-1998 Bachelor Degree , University of Pasundan Bandung

1999-2001 Master in Public Policy, University of Indonesia2006-2009 PhD, University of Science Malaysia

經 歷Employment

and other experience

2010-2011 印尼國會(DPR) 第十委員會特別助理2011-

印尼國家伊斯蘭大學技職教育部主任「獨立民調」機構執行長Asanusa基金會營運執行長UIN 東南亞研究中心執行長

2010-2011 Experts Staff for DPR RI/Parliament Member Commision X Republic of Indonesia.

2011-Head of Vocational Education, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, The State Islamic University, Jakarta. Director of Independent Polling(InPoll), an NGO for national survey for public opinion on contemporary issues in Indonesia.Managing Director of Asanusa Foundation Executive Director Center for Southeast Asian Studies(CSEAS) UIN Jakarta

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁食酒及豬肉



[email protected]

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Julia Indiati Suryakusuma 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name 茱利亞·蘇雅蘇馬 Julia Indiati Suryakusuma 照 片


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職 銜Title 專欄作家、時事評論員、作家 Columnist , Socio-Political

Commentator, Author


1974-1976 印尼大學1976-1979 倫敦城市大學1986-1988 荷蘭社會研究學院碩士

1974 – 1976 Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, Jakarta

1976–1979 City University, London, Great Britain. Second-class BSc. Honours division A in Sociology

1986 – 1988 Institute of Social Studies (ISS), the Hague, the Netherlands. MA in Politics and Development Studies

經 歷Employment

and other experience

1995-1996 首屆雅加達國際女性電影節創辦人及主辦人

2000-2001 Almanac of Indonesian Politics 創辦與執行人2007-迄今 雅加達郵報專欄作家2010-迄今 性別與身體自主權聯


1995 – 1996 Founder and organiser of the first Jakarta International Women’s Film Festival (7-10 March) held on the occasion of International Women’s Day, March 8, supported by UNESCO.

2000–2001 Founder and Director of API (Almanac of Indonesian Politics) Foundation, an organization involved in political research, information and publication.

2007– Present Fortnightly columnist in The Jakarta Post, and incidental feature articles, profiles, book and film reviews

2010– Present Member of faculty of CSBR (Coalition for Sexuality and Bodily Rights, for their yearly Sexuality Institute.

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌禁食牛肉



Jl. Sindanglaya G4/7, Puri Cinere, Pangkalan Jati, Limo, Depok 16513, West Java, IndonesiaTel/fax. 62-21-7543846, mobiles: 0811-968.294, 0812-85321382Email: [email protected]:

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Mohammad Anthoni 中、英文簡歷姓 名Name

穆罕默德·安東尼 Mohammad Anthoni照 片Photo

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職 銜Title

安塔拉通訊社記者 Reporter, Antara News



ANTARA School of Journalism, Jakarta.Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy, Jakarta

經 歷Employment

and other experience


Chairman of the Muslim Union of Journalists in Indonesia (PJMI)Member of the Association of Indonesian Journalist (PWI)

曾否訪台 是興趣、飲食禁忌 回教徒,禁酒及豬肉



081314156686Tel : (+6221) 3523552 Fax : (+6221)3865577

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Maria Rosaline Nindita Radyati 中、英文簡歷姓 名 瑪莉亞·羅沙林 Maria Rosaline Nindita Radyati 照 片

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Name Photo

職 銜Title

Trisakti大學主任 Program Director of MM-CSRTrisakti Universtiy


1986-1990 Trisakti大學管理碩士1994-1996 印尼大學財政碩士2005-2010 雪梨科技大學管理博士

1986-1990 Bachelor Degree in Management, Trisakti University1994-1996 Master Degree in International Finance, University of Indonesia.2005-2010 PhD in Management, University of Technology Sydney.

經 歷Employment

and other experience

2000- Trisakti大學企業、改變及第三部門中心主任

2007- Trisakti大學MM-CSR計畫主任

2000- Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, Change and Third Sector, Trisakti University.

2007- Program Director of MM-CSR, Trisakti University.

曾否訪台 否興趣、飲食禁忌



[email protected]

印尼代表 Indonesians Deputation

Rahimah Abdulrahim 中、英文簡歷

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姓 名Name

拉希瑪•阿布度拉罕 Rahimah Abdulrahim 照 片Photo

職 銜Title

哈比比中心執行長 Executive Director, The Habibie Center




PhD Candidate at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, United Kingdom.M.A. in International Studies and Diplomacy from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London (Graduated 1998)B.HSc in Political Science from the International Islamic University Malaysia (Graduated 1996)

經 歷Employment

and other experience

哈比比中心執行長 Executive Director at The Habibie Center in Jakarta, Indonesia.




哈比比中心簡介哈比比中心成立於 1999年 11 月 10 日,起因前印尼總統哈比比明白意識到

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The Habibie Center

As a former President who understands that democracy is a concept that should

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be further developed by leading modern Indonesia, Habibie realized there was a need

to establish an institution dedicated to promoting and developing the concept of

democracy in Indonesia. Realization is the establishment of The Habibie Center on

November 10, 1999 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Founded by Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie and family as independent organizations,

non-governmental and non-profit. With a vision to promote the modernization and

democratization in Indonesia based on the morality and integrity of cultural and

religious values, and its mission statement is:

First, to create a democratic society is culturally and structurally recognizes,

respects and upholds human rights, as well as reviewing and raise issues of

democratic development and human rights.

Second, promote and improve human resource management and technology

dissemination efforts. This mission is used as the basis for the strategic development

program of The Habibie Center agenda that includes democratization and human

rights, human resources in science and technology, media and information, marine

resources, dissemination and deployment of technology, establishment of networks

and cooperation.


Occupation by a foreign power to make a strong sentiment among the people of

Indonesia to the importance of freedom and democracy, based on the belief of all

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nations have a right to freedom and self-determination. However, we must also

recognize that colonization also brought an important role in national unity. Based on

the vision, the Indonesian nation began the process of uniting unity with the

distinction of being one mind, declared the Charter Youth Pledge on October 28,

1928. Charter declares that the similarity of opinion among young people there is only

one country, one nation and one language, namely Indonesia. Proclamation of

Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945 by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who

eventually became the first President and Vice President of Indonesia and the

establishment of the Republic of Indonesia, has laid the groundwork for the

development of an independent nation, independent, united, just and prosperous

society based on people and for the people.

Failure of the New Order government in addressing these crises wake the nation

calling for democracy in the social, economic and political. Led by students, the

people began to go down to the streets and called for "reform" or change. This

movement resulted in the collapse of the New Order government, led by President

Suharto and the appointment of Vice-President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Sc.h.c. Bacharuddin

Jusuf Habibie as President for three.

The Habibie CenterJI. Kemang Selatan No.98 Jakarta 12560

Phone (62-21)7817211, Fax(62-21)[email protected]

南華大學簡介 創校源起南華大學於民國 85年創立,源起於民國 82年由佛光山星雲大師發起「百

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萬人興學」募款活動,每人每月捐資 100 元,為期三年,集結眾人心力成就建校志業。本校以「公義與公益的大學」為創校宗旨,依「有教無類、因材施教、敦品勵學、濟弱扶貧」為辦學理念,並秉承星雲大師所訂立的「慧道中流」校訓。 本校前身為「南華管理學院」,樹立二十一世紀新型大學為目標,民國 88年,獲教育部核准升格為綜合型大學,逐步增設管理學院、人文學院及社會科學院。民國 95年,又增設科技學院與藝術學院,整體發展方向以持續精進教學及強化研究為重點,現階段定位為「重視通識與創新的教學型大學」,以追求「教學卓越」為中程目標,並以發展成「重視通識與創新的教學研究型大學」為長程願景。

承辦單位南華大學國際暨大陸事務學系/亞洲及太平洋研究所/公共政策研究所國際暨大陸事務學系,原名國際關係學系,民國 87年成立,後因應兩岸關

係深化與中國大陸的開放與發展,於民國 93年改名,旨在國際與大陸事務領域方面,培養具備「國際視野」、「公民素養」、與「談判溝通」等核心能力之通識人才,期能提升學生解決問題的視野、邏輯思辨的能力、和協商溝通的技巧,最終以協助學生發展性向、實現自我為目標。而本系的專業訓練導向,力圖符合政府部門、民間組織、和國內外企業之人才需求,以協助畢業生就業,或者奠定深造的基礎。亞太研究所成立於民國 86年,為全國首間亞太區域研究所,基於充實師資

與豐富課程內涵之考量,故於民國 96年 8 月 1 日與國際暨大陸事務學系合併,教育部核定改稱國際暨大陸事務學系亞太研究碩士班。合併後除加強國際關係研究的共同學術訓練,研究重點範疇更著重於(1)亞太區域研究、(2)中國大陸研究、(3)人權、和平相關之研究。藉此,厚植畢業生繼續從事國際關係相關工作的厚實基礎,或協助畢業生赴國內外研究機構深造,並滿足國內公私部門對於嫺熟亞太事務人才之需求,實現教育目標。公共政策研究所成立於民國 88年,以結合學術理論與在地實踐,培育公共


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協助來自弱勢家庭及弱勢地區的學生為創所之理念。特別關注彰、雲、嘉、南等政經資源薄弱地區的社會發展及人才培育,也結合理論研究與實務發展,在以學習作為教育發展的核心價值下我們重視的是學生素質在 [產出/產出]間差距的最大化,並匯合為真正以學習為導向的教學方針,使各項學習機制相互配合,確實做到「質」的顯著提升。


亞太研究碩士班、歐洲研究所、教育社會學研究所、公共政策研究碩士班、社會學研究碩士班、傳播學系碩士班、國際暨大陸事務學系、應用社會學系、傳播學系等 6所 3系。歐洲研究所,成立於民國 86年,以區域研究和國際整合為經緯,著重在歐

洲歷史文化、政治、經濟、法律、社會和國際關係等範疇,歐洲整合的動態歷程亦都集中呈現在教學課程中,並因應歐盟擴大整合,成立歐盟研究中心以加強歐盟相關研究。民國 92年獲得歐盟文教總署「莫內教學活動計畫」,成為台灣第一所獲得歐盟補助之單位,透過莫內課程引領研究生進入歐洲研究領域,以宏觀視野提升學生縱向歷史觀與橫向國際觀。

Nanhua University

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Situated in the Dalin township of Chiayi county, Taiwan, Nanhua University is a

miraculous accomplishment realized by the dedication and commitment of millions

worldwide. At the time of its establishment in 1996, the founder, Venerable Master

Hsing Yun, launched the “Millions of Education Sponsors Initiative” where each

contributor pledged to donate one hundred New Taiwan Dollars a month for a period

of three years.

Prior to its inauguration in 1999, Nanhua University had already firmly

established its goals to propagate the traditions of ancient Chinese academies, rebuild

humanism, and establish a university of the 21st century. Nanhua University began

with the College of Management, followed by the College of Humanities and the

College of Social Sciences. Impressed by its unique educational beliefs, teaching

quality and environment, mentorship programs and students' personal growth, the

Ministry of Education granted full university status to Nanhua University a mere three

years after its establishment. This achievement is a record for higher education in


To address ever-growing demands, Nanhua University further expanded to

include a College of Science and Technology and a College of Arts in 2006 on its

tenth anniversary. Nanhua has become the only general university that offers a

comprehensive approach to the humanities, arts, management, and science and

technology in Chiayi, Taiwan.

Organizer Department of International and Mainland China Affairs

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Department of International and Mainland China Affairs was used to be called

Department of International Relation and formed in 1998. The name was changed in

2004 due to the rise of China and importance of cross-straight relations. The

department aims to train up students to have the abilities in vision, citizenship,

communication and know how to solve problems. We also would like to help students

expand their interests and realize the goals. The graduates from the program would

meets the needs of both private and public sectors and have bright future.

M.A. Program of Asia-Pacific Studies

Graduate Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies was established in 1997, which was

the first graduate school in Asia-Pacific area study. The institute was merged with

Department of International and Mainland China Affairs on August 1st, 2007 due to

the consideration of having stronger faculty and curriculum. After the combination,

the research would focus on 1. Asia-Pacific area study 2. China study 3. human rights

and peace keeping. Students from the institute would have solid knowledge in

international relation while dealing with the relevant jobs. The school would love to

help graduates to continue the future studies and offer talents in the Asia-Pacific


M.A. Program of Public Administration and Policy   

Graduate Institute   of   Public   Administration   and   Policy  was set in 1999, which

combined the theory and practice. The institute trained professionals in public

administration, public policy and management science. The program not only

provides education, but also emphasizes social justice; students from disadvantaged

minority always receive proper help. The institute cares about the development and

student training in the southern Taiwan and expects students to get the best education;

in other words, student can have the lessons in the highest quality.

Assistance UnitCollege of Social Sciences

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College of Social Sciences College of Social Sciences, Nanhua University, looks

after domestic concerns and looks forward to addressing the problems of the whole

world as its purposes. The College expects to cultivate modern citizens with global

mindedness who cherish domestic concerns. The College provides six graduate

institutes and three departments. In the future, the College will be extended to include

related programs to support a future doctoral program to enhance academic research

that integrates related studies to fulfill the needs of social concerns. The College

provides a group of faculty members whose research potential is excellent.

Curriculum planning exhibits foresight and integration, and it is also combined with

theory and practical facts. A tutor system is well designed, enhancing the relationship

between faculty and students. Students of this College truly concentrate on learning.

Social science focuses systematic research on practical aspects of the society and

related fields. The qualification of the faculty and the equipment of library may

influence teaching results. The College of Social Sciences at Nanhua University has

become famous for its assiduous teaching. In advance, both the equipment of library

and faculty outstrip that of their peers on the island. In the future, the College hopes to

set the research aim on the understanding of living environment to help people adjust

their lives and contribute to national policy decision making.

Graduate Institute of European Studies

The Graduate Institute of European Studies at the Nanhua University is one of

the two graduate institutes of European research in Taiwan. Some of the most

prominent scholars in the field of European Studies are members of staff here. Our

outstanding research reputation and teaching quality were confirmed by the Higher

Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) in 2010. We

have been engaged and proud of the atmosphere of friendliness and good staff-student


There are 14 academic members of staff and all actively engaged in research and

teaching. This provides a breadth and depth of expertise focused around our two

groups of elective courses: the economic, social and cultural group, and the law and

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political group. We also offer Eurasia Research English Program and Human Security

Program for graduate students to achieve their objectives of research.

Nanhua University55, Sec. 1, Nanhua Rd., Dalin Township, Chiayi County

62249, Taiwan(R.O.C.)Phone 886-5-2721001 ext 2351, Fax 886-5-2427180

工作人員名單 Staff

我方 67 101年「台印尼對話」

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黃瓊玉Chiung-yu Huang

中山大學中國與亞太區域研究所博士生Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, PH.D

Student, Sun Yat-sen University朱永暉

Yung-hui Chu

南華大學亞洲太平洋研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies,

Master Student, Nanhua University蔡慧侰

Hui-chung Tsai

南華大學亞洲太平洋研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies,

Master Student, Nanhua University甘東立

Tung-li Kan

南華大學亞洲太平洋研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies,

Master Student, Nanhua University顏靖容

Ching-jung Yen

南華大學亞洲太平洋研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of European Studies, Master

Student, Nanhua University殷奇煌

Chi-huang Yin

南華大學歐洲研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of European Studies , Master

Student, Nanhua University張佑瑞

Yu-jui Chang

南華大學歐洲研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of European Studies, Master

Student, Nanhua University盧彥宇

Yen-yu Lu

南華大學歐洲研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of European Studies, Master

Student, Nanhua University賴宜君

Yi-chun Lai

南華大學歐洲研究所碩士生Graduate Institute of European Studies, Master

Student, Nanhua University

印方Natassa Irena Agam 哈比比中心工作人員

Staff , The Habibie CenterVita Handayani 哈比比中心工作人員

Staff , The Habibie Center

68 101年「台印尼對話」
