  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    ICDL & OOo Impress

    Module #6


  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation



    Module Goals - taken from te Module 6 ICDL !"llaus

    Module 6 Presentationrequires the candidate to demonstrate competence in using presentation tools

    on a computer. The candidate shall be able to accomplish tasks such as creating, formatting,

    modifying and preparing presentations using different slide layouts for display and printed

    distribution. He or she shall also be able to duplicate and move text, pictures, images and charts

    ithin the presentation and beteen presentations. The candidate shall demonstrate the ability to

    accomplish common operations ith images, charts and dran ob!ects and to use various slide

    sho effects.


    $out ImpressThe "pen" presentation module #$mpress% automatically starts in &utoPilot function. This

    feature offers the choice of starting ith an '(mpty Presentation' #a blank slide%, using a template or

    opening an existing presentation. (ach option ill give you different choices for creating a

    presentation. )efore orking in this module you should be familiar ith the basics of formatting

    text and inserting graphics into a document, hich are covered in previous modules.

    !tarting %it an mpt" Presentation$f you decide to create your on design ithout using the opening template you ill still be offered

    guidelines to help create the presentation. &utoPilot ill ask for an *output medium+, hich is

    refers to either a paper, slide, overhead or onscreen presentation and also ask you to choose a

    design for the opening page. There are various designs available in this option, but you can also

    choose to ork ith an empty slide from the start.

    !tarting %it Presentation 'emplatesThere are to kinds of templates available-

    Presentations these include a background

    and designs for text layout

    Presentation backgrounds these include

    background designs but you create the textlayout. More templates are available online at-


    Opening an (isting PresentationThis option lets you open a presentation previously created in "pen" and the list ill

    automatically include all presentation files available.

    !lide !o%sThe pages in a presentation are called 'slides' and hen the slides are ready you present them as a

    'slide show'. &nimation and special effects can be added to any slide or presentation.

    ICDL & OOo Impress ) Module 6 - Presentation

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    6.* +sing te $pplication

    6.*.* ,irst !teps %it Presentations

    Open and close a presentation application.

    0rom 1indos, go to !tart/Programs/ This ill open the ""o

    presentation program. $f you are already in another "pen" module you can go to

    ,ile/0e%/Presentationto start the program. To close the program, go to ,ile/(itor use the exit

    shortcut #1% in the top right corner of the screen. $f you have made any changes to the open file, you

    ill be prompted to save.

    Open one2 se3eral presentations.

    2ou can open several presentations at the same time, or !ust ork ith one, as you choose. To open

    a presentation file, go to ,ile/Openor use the "pen icon in the 3tandard Toolbar. 4avigate to the

    directory here the file is stored and select it. $f you have a lot of files, open theFile Typelist at the

    bottom of the dialog box and select Presentation. $t ill be near the top of the list. The list of

    available files ill only sho those files that are presentations. 3elect a file and click on "pen.

    To open additional presentation files, repeat these steps. Move beteen the open presentations by

    clicking on the filename on the 1indos toolbar under the orkscreen, or go to 1indos in the

    Menu )ar and click on the filename.

    Create a ne% presentation default template.

    1hen you open the Presentation module from the 3tart menu, or from ,ile/0e%/Presentation,

    you activate the Presentation 1i5ard. This function guides you through the steps of creating a

    presentation based on the program's default templates. 0ollo the steps #see belo% and hen you

    have made your selections, click on Create.

    ICDL & OOo Impress 4 Module 6 - Presentation

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    Creating a Presentation using Presentation 5iard Default 'emplate.

    7efore "ou egin8

    You will be prompted to make choices for the slide show during the set-up, but any of the

    options can be changed later, so choices made here aren't final.

    f you ha!e a file open when you go to File"#ew"Presentation, the screen will look as

    though the presentation is opening in the e$isting file. This does not happen. %nce you click

    on Create at the end of the setup a new screen will open.

    . 7o to ,ile/0e%/Presentation. $n 3creen click onFrom Template. 2ou can also begin a

    presentation by going toFile"&iard"Presentation. "nce you choose the template option the

    screen changes slightly to give a different group of options.

    8. 2ou no have the choice of eitherPresentationsorPresentation (ackgroundsin the dropdon

    list. $f you choosePresentationsthen 'content' templates ill be offered. $f you choose(ackgroundsthen you ill be offered a choice of background colours. &ctually, you have the

    choice of both, since the next screen ill also offer these choices as ell.

    9. :hoosePresentations. There are to options-)ecommendation of a *trategyandntroducing a

    #ew Product. (ach offers different preset layouts. Make a choice and click on #e$t.

    ;. $n 3creen 8 choose a background from the same dropdon menu available in the first screen.

    2our choice ill sho in the . $n the bottom section choose eitherefaultorutomaticfor a Presentation Type. $f you choose

    &utomatic the presentation ill be 'looped', hich repeats the presentation continuously. $f you

    select this option you need to set the timing for the slides and the amount of time to pause

    before the presentation is repeated. The

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    if necessary. 1hen you have entered your information, click on 4ext. #4ote- screens four/five

    do not appear if you have chosen the *(mpty Presentation+ option in screen one.%

    @. $n the last screen the Previe box ill sho the title page ith the text from screen four. $f you

    ant to modify anything click on the(ackbutton and make changes. #2ou can also modify thistext hen you begin orking ith the presentation slides.%

    A. 4ext, select / deselect the pages to appear in the presentation. )eside each category is a plus

    sign #B% in a box. )y clicking on each of these boxes the category ill expand to sho sub

    categories in the list. "nce opened a minus sign #% appears in the box. :lick on it to close the

    list. 1hen you have made the page selection click onCreate.4ote- you can add/remove extra

    slides later.

    . The Title Page of the presentation appears on screen and you are ready to begin orking ith

    the document. /*ee instructions below for creating and formatting the slide show.0

    The last screen of the template setup. This

    screen lets you choose the number of pages

    and the types of templates used on each one.

    Click on the page titles to see a sample in the

    Pre!iew (o$.

    fter you click on Create your Title

    Page will open and you are ready to

    begin creating the presentation. #otice

    that there are now se!eral new toolbars

    that offer formatting shortcuts.

    ICDL & OOo Impress : Module 6 - Presentation

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    'ere are t%o %a"s to create a presentation2 eiter %it a default template or eginning %it

    an empt" presentation and designing "our o%n. 'e follo%ing steps take "ou troug creating

    a presentation from scratc2 ut are not part of te s"llaus.

    Creating a Presentation !tarting %it an mpt" Presentation

    7efore "ou egin8

    This option lets you create your own outline and design for the presentation and offers fewer

    options than those used abo!e. 1owe!er, all of the options will be a!ailable once you click on

    Create to begin working with the slides.

    f you ha!e a file open when you go to File"#ew"Presentation the screen will look as though the

    presentation is opening in the e$isting file. This does not happen. %nce you click on Create at the

    end of the setup a new screen will open.

    . 7o to ,ile/0e%/Presentation.3elect (mpty Presentation. :lick on#e$t.

    8. :hoose a background. $f you choose "riginal the background ill be hite and you can add

    color later. 3elect the %utput +edium - this determines ho the page ill be set up. :hoose

    *creento use the computer for the slide presentation. :lick on #e$t.

    9. $n screen three choose a Transition ffect and *peedfrom the dropdon lists. The effects and

    speeds can be seen in the Previe )ox on the right, as long as the Previe box is selected. $n the

    bottom section you can choose eitherefaultorutomaticfor a Presentation Type. &utomatic

    ill 'loop' the slide sho, meaning that it repeats the presentation continuously. $f you select this

    option you need to set the timing for the slides and the amount of time to pause before the

    presentation is repeated. The

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    =. )ecausempty Presentationas chosen in the setup, there is only one slide currently open. 2ou

    can format the slide using any of the slide styles from the Dayout pane, or create your on


    6. 3croll through the list and select a slide layout. Hold the mouse pointer over each slide style for a

    fe seconds and a brief description of its features ill appear. 2ou can only select one slide at atime in this screen. $f you click on any style it ill be inserted into the current slide. To add a

    ne slide, rightclick on the slide and choose $nsert 3lide.

    >. "nce you have formatted the first slide you can add more slides.

    To add a slide ith the same layout, rightclick on the

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    !%itc et%een open presentations.

    To move beteen open presentations, either click on the filename in the 1indos toolbar or go to

    1indos in the Menu )ar and click on the filename.

    +se a3ailale =elp functions.

    The last item on the Menu )ar is FHelpF. This feature ill provide information on every aspect of

    the program. $f you run into difficulty, click on =elp / =elp.& general

    description of the Help features ill appear on the right side of the dialog box. "n the left you can

    choose a topic, or click on thende$tab and type in keyords to search. There is also a Find

    feature hich lets you type in ords to search for.

    *hortcut3 click on the Help icon in the 3tandard toolbar. $t looks like a question mark on a yello

    background. Geyboard shortcut- 0.

    Topics in the Help section are context sensitive. $fyou are in a Presentation indo and click on Help,

    the information related to that module should be

    displayed. 1hen Help opens, check the listing box

    at the top left side of the screen. $f necessary, click

    on the dropdon arro and select $mpress.

    To vie an item in the list of topics, double click on it or click once and then click on

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    Close a presentation.

    7o to ,ile/Closeor click on the '1' at the top right corner of the screen. $f you have more than one

    file open, this ill only close the active indo #the one you are orking in%. 2ou ill be

    prompted to save if you have not already done so.

    6.*.) $d?ust !ettings

    +se magnification @ oom tools.

    2ou can increase or decrease your page vie by using the oom command. This doesn't change the

    actual page si5e, it !ust lets you see larger or smaller parts of it on the screen. This feature is useful

    for checking the layout of the text on a page. Go to Aie%/Boom. Make a selection. To restore the

    page to its normal orking si5e, go to Aie%/Boomand choose AAI.

    *hortcut- Jse the oom button in the 3tandard Toolbar. &lternately, there is a box in the3tatus bar under the orking screen hich indicates the si5e of your page vie. 4ormally it

    ill sho AAI. To change the vie, rightclick on this box and make a selection.

    To ork ith aFull *creen, here all toobars / menu bars are hidden, go to Aie%/,ull !creenand

    select. 2ou ill be orking ith a full screen, but a small grey 'toggle' box ill appear hich ill

    let you return to the normal orking screen. 2ou can also toggle beteen a full screen and normal

    screen by using the keyboard shortcut- C';L !ift .#Hold don the control and shift key and

    press K.%#ote that the *croll (ars remain in Full *creen mode unless you ha!e turned them off in

    the Tools 4 %ptions menu.

    &nother vie option exists for 1eb Dayout. 4ormally the screen shos Print Dayout, hich is the

    normal orking screen, but you can also see a eb version of your file by going to Aie%/5e

    La"out. To return to the normal orking screen, click on Aie%/5e La"outand click on it again.

    Displa"2 ide uilt-in toolars.

    To open or close a Toolbar, go to Aie%in the Menu )ar, and choose Toolbars. There are several

    toolbars available for different features of creating a presentation. :lick once to turn it off or on. $f

    there is a checkmark beside the Toolbar it is activated. Those ithout checkmarks are off. 2ou can

    also turn off/on the 3tatus and Euler toolbars, these are listed separately in the Cie menu.

    2ou can also rightclick on the dropdon arro on the right of each open toolbar to turn it off.

    3elect :lose Toolbar. 4ote- toolbars can only be turned on in the Aie%/'oolarsmenu.

    Modif" asic options@preferences in te application8 user name2 default director"@folder to

    open2 sa3e presentations.

    Jser name hen a document is created in ""o, the program ill store the name of the author, if

    that information is available, along ith other file information, such as si5e/date created. To set the

    Jser 4ame for ""o, go to 'ools/Options.

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    6.) De3eloping a Presentation.

    6.).* Presentation Aie%s

    +nderstand te uses of different presentation 3ie% modes.

    There are various vies available hich make it easier to ork ith the presentation.

    #ormal 4rawing 7iewshos one slide at a time. 1hen you click on Createto begin orking ith

    slides the first page opens in 4ormal vie.

    The screen is divided into three sections, ith a 3lide pane, a

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    6.).) !lides

    $dd a ne% slide %it a specific title la"out2 suc as8 title slide2 cart and te(t2 ulleted list2


    To add a ne slide to the presentation-3ame 3tyle to add a ne slide ith the same formatting as the existing slide, rightclick in the

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    6.).4 +sing Design 'emplates.

    $ppl" an a3ailale design template to a presentation.

    Templates can be applied hile using the Presentation 1i5ard, as explained in the section above oncreating a presentation. 7o to ,ile/0e%/Presentation. $n the opening dialog box, 3creen , select

    '0rom Template'. The available templates in the ""o default directory are- Presentations and

    Presentation )ackgrounds. 1hen creating a ne presentation, you can choose from these options.

    & template can be added to an existing presentation, even if it asn't selected in the initial setup.

    0irst, make sure you are in 4ormal Cie in the

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    The picture is opened in the Master 3lide. $t ill probably be too large and ill need to be resi5ed

    and moved. To change the si5e, click on a corner handle and drag it into the picture to make it

    smaller. 1hen you have the si5e you need, click on the picture and drag it to the location here it

    should appear on the slide. 1hen you close the Master Cie you ill see the graphic on each of theslides.

    rawn %b9ects

    Jnder the

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    There are no preset header placeholders for slides, only for 4otes pages, so you need to create these.

    3elect the Text tool icon from the

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    6.4 'e(t and Images

    6.4.* 'e(t Input ,ormatting

    $dd te(t into a presentation in standard2 outline mode.

    (ntering text in a slide differs somehat from a text document because ""o treats a slide as a

    graphic. )ecause of this, all of the text in the slides must be created inside text boxes. 2ou create

    these frames using the Text icon in the

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    and a preformatted outline. :hange or add text as necessary. Jse the+o!e 6p 4 own 4 emote

    4 Promotearro keys in the "b!ect Toolbar to create different levels for the outline.

    $f you started ith an (mpty presentation, the "utline screen ill open blank and you can begin

    typing. :reate a ne slide/page by pressing (nter or use the+o!e 6p 4 own 4 emote 4

    Promotearro keys in the "b!ect Toolbar to create different levels for the outline.

    &dd text to each page as needed. To move text select it and use the Promote/

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    To change JPP(E:&3( letters to loercase, or loercase to JPP(E:&3(, select the text and go

    to ,ormat/Cange Case. :hoose Jppercase or Doercase. 2ou can also rightclick and select

    Case4 Characters"6ppercase48owercase.

    $ppl" different colours to te(t.

    3elect the text and click on the dropdon arro beside the 0ont :olour icon on the toolbar, or go

    to ,ormat/Caracter/,ont and make a selection.

    $ppl" sado% to te(t.

    3elect the text and click on the Text 3hado icon on the toolbar, or click on the :haracter

    0ormatting icon. 2ou can also go to ,ormat/Caracter/,ont or rightclick and select

    Character"Font ffects and select 3hado.

    $lign te(t rigt2 left2 centre in a slide.

    3elect the text and click on the Eight/Deft/:entre !ustification icons in the 0ormatting toolbar. 2ou

    can also select the text and go to ,ormat/Paragrap/$lignmentor use the Paragraph 0ormatting

    icon from the toolbar. $n addition, you can rightclick and selectParagraph"lignment.

    $d?ust line spacing efore2 after ulleted numer points.

    3elect the bulleted text and click on the Paragraph formatting icon in the toolbar, or rightclick and

    selectParagraph"ndents and *pacing. 2ou can also go to ,ormat/Paragrap/Indents and

    !pacing. 0ind 3pacing and make changes to the amount of spacing above/belo the paragraph.

    2ou can also change the Dine 3pacing, to make the text automatically .= or doublespaced. To

    change the space beteen the bullet and the text, selectndent"(efore te$tand increase or decrease

    the amount of space. :lick on "G hen you have made the necessary changes.

    Cange et%een te st"le of ullets2 numers in a list from standard options.

    3elect the text and go to ,ormat/7ullets and 0umeringor rightclick and choose4umbering/)ullets. $n the )ullets and 4umbering dialog box, select either the )ullets or 4umbers

    tab. 0or fancy bullets, click on the 7raphics tab. Make a selection and click on "G.

    +se te +ndo2 ;edo command.

    2ou can restore text or a slide to the ay it as before you applied a change by clicking on the

    6ndobutton in the 3tandard )ar. This button looks like a backardpointing arro, or a Jturn

    symbol. 2ou can also go to dit/+ndo, or press :TEDB.

    )edo- the Jndo button ill go back 8A steps, but if you Jndo too much, or decide that you

    ICDL & OOo Impress *> Module 6 - Presentation

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    anted to keep the changes, click on)edo. This is the button to the right of the Jndo button, and

    has its reverse symbol. This function is only available after you use the Jndo button. 2ou can also

    go to dit/;edo#Eestore% or press CT)8 ; Y.

    6.4.) Pictures2 Images

    Insert a picture into a slide.

    $n the $:

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    (mpty slide go to Insert/Picture/,rom file. 4avigate to the graphic file and click on

    "pen. Move and resi5e the graphic as needed.

    3lide ith ob!ect placeholder doubleclick on the slide to open the $nsert "D( "b!ect

    dialog box. 3elect Create from file. :lick on the search box and navigate to the graphic file.

    :lick on "pen. The graphic ill be opened in the

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    To cut and paste text beteen open presentations, repeat the above steps to cut the text. "pen the

    presentation here the text ill be inserted, locate the slide, click in the text box and use any of the

    above methods to paste the text.

    Te$t bo$es to move the text box, including the text, select the box and click on the :ut icon. Moveto the ne slide and click on Paste. The text box and original text ill be inserted. 4ote- you need

    to select the box. $f the cursor is flashing inside the box, you can only ork ith the text. :lick

    again to turn off the text cursor and select the hole text box.

    Pictures4images click on the picture or image to select it, then click on the :ut icon. Move to a

    different slide or presentation and click on the Paste icon. #2ou can use any :ut and Paste method

    to do this.%

    ;esie Pictures2 images in a presentation.

    1hen you click on a picture or image to select it, 'handles' appear at each corner and each side. #Thehandles are the little green boxes or squares.% Jsually a graphic is resi5ed 'proportionally', hich

    means that both the height and idth change equally. To change the si5e and keep the proportions

    of the graphic, click and drag on a corner handle. To make it larger, pull aay from the picture. To

    make it smaller, pull it back in on the picture. To make a graphic ider, pull hori5ontally on a side

    handle. To make it taller/shorter, pull up or don on a top or bottom handle. $f the si5e isn't right,

    use the Jndo command and start over.

    *iing 1andles

    Delete te(t2 pictures2 images in a slide.

    3elect the text, text box, image or picture and press the

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    6.9 Carts@Graps@Dra%n O?ects

    6.9.* +sing Carts@Graps

    Input data to create2 modif" different kinds of uilt-in carts@graps in a slide8 column2 ar2

    line2 pie.

    $nsert a slide ith a chart placeholder.

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    Cange te column2 ar2 line2 pie slice colours in te cart@grap.

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    8. :lick onFrom Fileand click on ""oChart.

    9. :lick on the *earchbox, navigate to the file and click on %pen. The chart ill open in

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    Creating an Organiation Cart @ ,lo% Cart in OOo Impress

    There are to ays to create an organi5ation chart #also called a 0lo :hart%, equally as easy.

    There is a difference in the ay the chart is saved, hoever. $f you create the chart in $mpress, it is

    saved as part of the slide and each ob!ect is independent. $f you create the chart in

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    6.9.4 Dra%n O?ects.

    $dd different t"pes of dra%n o?ects to a slide8 line2 free dra%n line2 arro%2 rectangle2 sHuare2

    circle2 te(t o( and oter a3ailale sapes.

    )efore creating dran ob!ects, it's useful to kno the purpose of each of the icons in the

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    :onnectors can be used to !oin different ob!ects, such as boxes in a flo chart. :lick on the

    dropdon arro beside the :onnector icon to select from a choice of different connectors. To add

    a connector, click here it should begin, then drag and click here it should end.

    The next group of icons allos you to insert different types of shapes into the document,including basic shapes such as diamonds, symbols such as happy faces, or different types of fancy

    arros. :lick on the dropdon arro beside each icon to see the selection of shapes.

    Jse this to create a polygon. :lick to start, then drag, click to stop the line and drag again. &

    series of clicks lets you create straight lines to form a polygon.

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    Cange dra%n o?ect ackground colour2 line colour2 line %eigt and line st"le.

    )ackground colour rightclick on the ob!ect and select &rea, or go to ,ormat/O?ect/$rea .

    :lick on the &rea tab. Jnder 0ill, select a type of 0ill. 2ou have the choice of :olour, 7radient,

    Hatching or )itmap. :lick on each one to see a display of available fills belo your selection.

    :hoose a background fill and click on "G.

    Dine :olour, Dine 1eight, Dine 3tyle rightclick on the ob!ect and select8ine"8ineor go to

    ,ormat/O?ect/Line/Line. $n the Dine dialog box, under Properties, select a line 3tyle. 4ext,

    select a line :olour and 1idth. &ny changes you make ill be shon in the

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    the picture. To make a graphic ider, pull hori5ontally on a side handle. To make it taller/shorter,

    pull up/don on a top/bottom handle. $f the si5e isn't right, use the Jndo command and start over.

    This is exactly the same as si5ing a picture in other ""o modes.

    7ring an o?ect to te front2 ack.

    To do this, to or more ob!ects must be overlapping. That is, at least part of one ob!ect

    must be on top of another ob!ect. :lick on the ob!ect to select it, then rightclick and

    select &rrange, or go to ,ormat/$rrange. Make a selection.

    6.9.9 Duplicate2 Mo3e2 Delete.

    Duplicate a cart@grap2 dra%n o?ect %itin te presentation2 et%een open presentations.

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    6.: !lide !o% ffects

    6.:.* Preset $nimation

    $dd preset te(t2 image animation effects to slides. Cange preset animation effects on te(t2


    $dding @ canging animation effects for te(t8

    )asic animation to add animation to text, select the text box and then rightclick and choose Te$t,

    or go to ,ormat/'e(t.

    . 3elect the Text &nimation tab.

    8. :hoose an (ffect for the text. 2ou can also choose the direction for the (ffect to play.9. 4ext, choose hether the (ffect should play in a continuous cycle, or hether it should play

    once or a fe times.

    ;. Make any other changes needed and click on "G.

    =. To change the animation, repeat the above steps and make a different selection.

    $dding @ canging animation effects for te(t@images8

    :ustom animation for text/images these effects offer more variety than the animated text above.

    0irst, select the text box.

    . 7o to!lide !o%/Custom $nimation. The :ustom &nimation indo opens inside theTask indo. 2ou can also click on the :ustom &nimation button at the bottom of the Task

    pane. $f it isn't shoing, click on the dropdon arro beside Cie in the Task pane and

    select it.

    8. :lick on &dd under+odify effect. The :ustom &nimation dialog box opens. There are four

    tabs available ith special effects to add to the presentation. :lick on each tab to see the


    9. Thentrance effectcontrols ho the slide first appears in the presentation. The mphasis

    effectcontrols ho the ob!ect appears hile the slide is being shon. The$it effect

    controls ho the slide closes, and the+otion Pathdetermines the movement/speed of the

    effect. Make sure that the &utomatic Previe box is checked, and try the effects. They illbe displayed for a fe seconds on the slide screen.

    ;. Make your choices for the effects and click on "G.

    =. The :ustom &nimation dialog box no shos the (ffect you have selected, and the ob!ect

    that it effects. There are options for applying the effect. 2ou have the choice of changing the

    speed and direction, plus ho the animation should start #ie- on the click of the mouse%. $f

    there is more than one animation on a page, you can change the order of the action. Make


    6. To change the applied effects, repeat the above steps and make a different selection. (ach

    setting is saved once you have deselected the ob!ect.

    ICDL & OOo Impress 4* Module 6 - Presentation

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    $dd transition effects et%een slides. Cange slide transition effects et%een slides.

    &dding a transition effect is like adding an animation effect, but it affects the entrance of the slide

    instead of an ob!ect. 1hen you are making a selection, the last selection you make is the one that

    ill be applied to the slide#s%.

    . To apply a transition effect to one slide, in 4ormal vie, select thefirst slide in the transition.

    8. 7o to !lide !o%/!lide 'ransitionin the Menu )ar or click on the

    3lide Transition button at the bottom of the Task pane. The 3lide

    Transition options ill open in the Task pane.

    9. 3elect a transition from the list. The effect ill be played on the slide

    in the ork screen. Make a selection.

    ;. Jnder the list of effects you ill see+odify Transition. This lets you

    determine the speed of the effect and you can also to add sounds to the

    effect. Make a selection.=. d!ance *lideslets you choose hether to forard the slides

    automatically or move the slides manually #by clicking the mouse or

    pressing (nter or the 3pacebar.% Make a selection.

    6. $f you choose to run the slide sho automatically, select the amount of

    time to ait before advancing the slide. #&utomatic after... of


    >. To apply the same transition effect to all slides, click onpply to ll

    *lidesunder the list of effects.

    ?. To change transition effects, repeat the above steps.@. To apply different slide transitions, select another slide and make


    A. To see the effects, click on Play. To see the 3lide 3ho you have created, click on 3lide

    3ho. 3ave the file.

    4ote- )e carefulQ & presentation shouldn't have too many special effects, or the effects ill distract

    the audience and they may lose interest in the actual content of the presentationQ

    ICDL & OOo Impress 4) Module 6 - Presentation

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    6.6 Prepare Outputs

    6.6.* Preparation

    !elect appropriate output format for slide presentation2 suc as8 o3eread2 andout2 4:mm

    slides2 on-screen so%.

    4ote- 1hen you initially created the presentation you selected the "utput Medium. This as

    selected in the 1i5ard screens before the slides ere formatted. The options ere- "riginal,

    "verhead, 3creen, 3lide #9=mm% or Paper. &t this point you can determine the "utput 0ormat

    hat are you going to do ith the presentation

    Output format options

    %!erhead the slides can be printed on overhead transparencies. 3ee 3ection 6.6.8 belo for

    detailed information on Printer "ptions for slides.

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    1hen the program finds an error it ill offer you a choice of replacements. &ny ord that is not in

    the ""o dictionary is considered an error. &t this point you have several options-

    . $f the ord is misspelled and the correct ord is in the list, click on it and then click on Change.

    8. $f it is a ord that you mistype constantly, you can choose Change ll.9. $f the ord is correct, you can choosegnore, orgnore llif it appears in the file several times.

    ;. $f the ord is not correct, but the correct form is not listed, you ill have to make the correction

    manually. $n the *1ord+ box you ill see the misspelled ord. :lick inside this box and make

    the corrections. :lick on Change. $f you don't kno the correct spelling, look in the dictionary or

    consider using another ord.

    :hecking 3elected Text

    )y highlighting a passage of text you can do a quick check of the spelling in that selection hile

    ignoring the rest of the document.

    &uto 3pellcheck

    &uto 3pellcheck ill sho you the errors in your text as you type. 1hen a ord appears that is not

    in the program's dictionary, it ill be underlined ith a avy red line. 2ou can make corrections as

    you type or ait until you have completed the sentence, paragraph or document. To turn on/off

    uto *pellcheck, click on theutocorrecticon in the 3tandard toolbar or go to ,ormat/

    $utoformat/5ile '"pingand deselect the option.

    To correct text using 3pellcheck options hile you type, rightclick on the underlined ord. (ither

    select a spelling suggestion from the list, or click ongnore allif the ord is spelled correctly.

    3et Danguages

    "pen" offers dictionaries in a range of languages. To change the 3pellcheck to different

    languages, go to 'ools/Options/Language !ettings/Languages. 3elect a language under the

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    ell. 7o to ,ormat/Page/Page . $f you are orking ith an onscreen presentation the Paper 3i5e

    ill sho 3creen. :hange it to 3lide, or &;, or any other paper si5e. 3elect Portrait for the

    "rientation. )ecause the slide as originally created for a Dandscape orientation, you should also

    selectFit ob9ect to paper formatunder the 0ormat category. This ill scale the contents of the slide

    to the ne orientation. :lick on "G to apply the changes.

    Duplicate2 mo3e slides %itin te presentation2 et%een open presentations.

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    6.6.) Printing

    Print entire presentation2 specific slides2 andouts2 notes pages2 outline 3ie% of slides2 numer

    of copies for a presentation.

    To print entire presentation-

    . 7o to ,ile/Print/Options. To revie the various options, see Print "ption 0ormats belo,

    under "utput. 3elect the appropriate options related to your requirements #handout, outline, etc.%

    :lick on "G.

    8. $n the Print screen, select the number of copies.

    9. To print the entire presentation, click on the button next to &ll. :lick on "G.

    To print a range of slides / specific slides-

    . To print specific slides, #a range of slides%, first make a selection of slides in 3lide 3orter Cie.(ach slide is numbered. Make a selection, then go to ,ile/Print.

    8. $n the Page Eange area, select Pages. To print a series of pages, type in the numbers separated

    ith a dash #9?%. To print selected pages, type the numbers separated by a semicolon #9R=R@%.

    To print a series plus selected pages, use the format- 9=R>R@R.

    9. :lick on "G.

    To print handouts-

    . To print Handouts, you must first select the style of handout.

    8. :lick on the Handouts tab or go to Aie%/=andout Page. 3elect the number of slides to be

    printed on a page by clicking on a style in the Task pane. The maximum is six slides per page.

    9. The Handout screen has placeholders for headers/footers. 2ou can add the date, presentation

    title, page number or any other information, as needed.

    ;. The page layout is automatically Dandscape. To print in Portrait vie go to ,ormat/Pageand

    change the orientation.

    =. 2ou ill only see the first page of the handouts in this mode, but all of the slides ill be

    formatted ith the same setting applied to the first page.

    6. Handout vie is automatically a Master vie #also called )ackground vie%, hich means all

    changes made here apply to each page of the handout. &dd titles, dates or graphics if needed.

    >. 1hen the handout modifications have been made, go to ,ile/Print/Optionsand choose

    1andoutin the :ontents box. :lick on "G.

    ?. 3elect the number of copies. 3elect hether to print &ll or specific pages and click "G.

    To print 4otes-

    . &fter you have prepared the notes, go to ,ile/Print/Optionsand choose#otes. :lick on "G.

    8. 3elect the number of copies. 3elect hether to print &ll or specific pages and click "G

    ICDL & OOo Impress 46 Module 6 - Presentation

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    To print "utlines-

    . &fter you have prepared the "utlines, go to ,ile/Print/Optionsand choose %utline. :lick on


    8. 3elect the number of copies to print and click "G

    !et Printer Options

    Most of the time a presentation is designed to be used ith a computer, so is shon onscreen.

    Hoever, you may ant to print some of the pages associated ith the presentation, to use as

    handouts or notes for example. 2ou may also ant to change the print quality and print in )lack

    and hite to save on colour ink cartridges. There are several print options available.

    . 7o to ,ile/Print/Options. Make changes. /*ee e$planation of %ptions below.0

    8. 1hen you have completed selecting the options, click on "G.

    9. :hoose the number of copies. :hoosellto print the entire set of slides. :lick on "G.

    ;. To print a range of slides, first make a selection of slides in 3lide 3orter Cie, then go to

    ,ile/Print. $n the Page Eange area, select Print. 1hen the selected pages appear in the box

    click on "G.

    Output format options8

    :ontents specifies hich elements of the presentation ill be printed.

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    Page "ptions defines additional printing options for pages.

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    . "pen the presentation. 7o to 3lide 3orter vie.

    8. There is a 3lide 3ho timer icon in the 3lide Cie bar. :lick on this to start the timer.

    9. The 3lide 3ho ill start ith the current slide. & timer ill appear at the bottom left side

    of the screen.

  • 8/10/2019 ICDL Module 6 Presentation


    previous slide. The slide sho ill end automatically after the last slide and a message ill prompt

    you to click to stop the sho, unless you have set the sho to 'spool'. $n this case it ill repeat itself

    automatically. To stop the slide sho before it is completed, press the (scape key #(sc%.

    'o start te !o% on an" slide.

    To alays start a sho from the current slide, go to 'ools/Options/

    Impress/General.$n the 3tart Presentation box, selectlways with current page. 4ote- do

    not select this box if you are using a :ustom 3lide 3ho.

    To start a sho from the current slide in 4ormal or "utline vie, select the first slide for the

    sho, rightclick and choose *lide *how, or click on the icon in the Presentation Toolbar.

    !ortcut e"s in !lide !o%s

    These shortcuts are from the ""o Help section. 0or additional keyboard shortcuts, go to.elp>Impress>Sort&ut -e+s> In presentations*

    !ortcut e"s ffect

    (scape #(sc% or )ackspace or #% Minus

    key on the numerical keypad

    (nd presentation.

    3pacebar 4ext animated ob!ect or next slide.

    (nter or &rro