



I ~'" I,orf

, ,

\. . I, ,

I "


, , ,"-.J!!..I:'.Jf'~~~ 1;::t~~~~.~~~II!tM ~ •• t

NOTICE ; -_._' -- It

: . ' . ,

, . J

\ h.hil1~ to Lll~pose of t:'eir :: ' will SA \'E MONEY by It

or dropping n li,ne \0 It

• Rathwell i Auctioneer

';~"''J.;;r.,.,-oiJ¥.nr ......... ~' ••• It , • h 'r' ". ", '

.... • I ..... ,"" ~,. . .'", ,~~~lJf~

$I!! 00 O,,'en:ont1c:cillced to " $i,[ uu " .. $I:i ()().. " $20 011" ..

Reduction SltL£

: .'.S8iiO · ::; !) 1)0 · $10 DO · $lr,.'OO · S 17 nO' $~;) 00 I I It

---,~,--~------------------~~-------c. w. BARKWELL '. Ii Ii I,



its smooth cutting and self shar.pen-, l11g qualities recommend it to all. :,: i Made in 3 size~ and sold by.the



t -I

SEED; FEED, OR WEED? , , . A~ricultur.1 College Warn. A,, lit'.r.14 . .... .,

Grain Containin8 Noxiou. W •• d ••• : '

year considerable qunntilies of g~nin ar~ being- bro~,ght i1ftd'~ cer~ tain districts, and much of it is he­Iievcclto be hadly infested with seeds or weeds or u very .. n' .. hill

character. 'rite weed problem' hit,S alread V become a \'cry seriolls one in I11nn~" districts' Jhroilgh weed

, ~ '1,!

seeds heit!g introduced to withoul the knowledge of' ih~

'introducing them. " .

171'0111 sa;lIpleH sent recwti)· to the College, and examined by' the I-::ield Hhsbandry department, it has beed found that the'presell situatiQII is alarllling. A salllpie ' of. oats recently impqrted to oUIl, or.: ." the town5 in Houth·western Malli­tr)ba \vas found Lo contain seeds of M~.k".d A"'Dnd

Iho following wceds:-Bal1 ~~ust-. \ ' arel, wormseed Illustard,' bladder ~awpion, false flux. pepper 'g~ass, cinq lIcfoil, r.nTldock, shepherd' purse, wild· bl1ck~heat, la;:nb's .' , quurter, all(J'redwort pig Vlced: "rl·TirelleHie "Not only nrc"many of the w~eds

mell tioned in ,this. list of a very noxious character, but some" of

I,LlI>:ULI' new to this provi."., ..... ,.~

\ ,

transaction :W05

;rhe : p~r-out to. be n

affll i r to' De-


. " ror tbat rcason they, are th'e mi)r~lagaiinst:;;~\\;,ii:;i!~rio~rs·

be guarded a'gai~~t .... f


lIome 01 RoL.rt Latimer, ArLroatL Bur~cd to • tb. Ground·.Lo.. Unknown ,

Fire all Friday last destroyed the lion,e or Robert L'ltllller. Ar­broatb. The Llaze was disco\'cred abolll.' I 10. Ill., ami though there were rOllr mell in t1;c h()lIS~ at the t'illle, it wns iwpo5sihle to stop its progress. The fire startcd l1pslails, appart:lIt1v from the chimney, which bad burnt out a day or so berore: and it i5 thought lefllloflle smouldering sparks. 1'1'los't of the articles of most valne were 011 the npper fiol)l nnd it wns ollly with dimcflltv that lltey were saved. A trunk containing valuable )lap~rs.

etc" was got Ollt sarely, as wrll as , , '

n 101lng-c, kitchen cabinet, nnd

HORSf 61ankeiS -



FirstC€Jme First. Served , ,



, .

Big Discount~: SALE

25 per cen t, discOUll t from'January 28th to

February 25th.


Bronciwll\' , TI ehernc 'I' " '"

IS:;U~:11 01' MO\IlRI,\OE LICENSJ(S .

some chairs, but e\'erything clse was lost, including a quantity of new clothil)g of con~itlerabl~ \·,tlnc, and $20 in cash belongiug 10 Geo, Satchel, o!le of lhost! ill the hou~e.

The bililding, which was' of logs ................ •••••••• • ....................... .

covered with sidin/-t, burned quick: : V E ,I :

and few of tbe neighbors rtached: E _~ R Y T H I N G : scene beFore the fire was pract- • _.~ • • ieallyover. 'l'lle wind being froUl • • ~ north-west saved the stn',le : In Farm ncC'(ssitics can be had nt our warehonse :- • •

frolll catching'. ~ '.'

Tlie total loss has 110t yet beel! estimated. Insurance \yas carried in,"the Portnge !IIutllal, but the imollnt could not be asccrtained, as tile' policy was mislaid during the confusioll. .

All tbose in the hous~ at the

• 8 : 'Sleighs Feed Choppers :. : eu tter'" \ Str.a',v' Cutter'~ : : Carryalls Fanning :Nli11s : • • iCREAM SEPARATORS a· .' -• • - . - - .-, An nlll'"'''' sall1lp'Je,,~,u'.t:u • : w .. O. 'Barkwell « SOil, Treherne .:","

. . 8, ' ,

Soutb of TreberD~ dO'Ift;:J.brti' 1m and. ThulD~.


Work bas already been commen-, ••• 8 ••• 8 8 8 8. 8 ••• 88 ••••••••••••••••• 88 ••••• :·

HI;l,~,~.~Il~~.~~.'::',I~;'I~I.l!0 \:C:I":'~IIf' 16,X2r, u'nder . ' "

assist ill the opera­tions. ,The building will be 1I1ld..: ten.lporarily comfortable for til

1lI"'L-", winter, and I~ the spring will be , /

·',dlr).ftlk,liml:lVe~d::farther up the hill and

A first class liv~r)' and feed busi­neSSj g-ood reliable horsesj stylish rigs-e\'crything up-to-date.

Railway Ave., Treherne

I H~atcd by Hot Air, Lighted br Electricit\·. .'

Spednl attenlion t<> ..

r.nld:hlaivilig~l\qlior, i,u,a~:I!lc:Rl'c;pfiiciti pleted. •

Prompt and obliging rervice. Draying alltl teaming. The Commercial Trad'e

Sl\l11plr. ({nollls in connection .'

, . J. E.. L~~ppard' PhDne No. III ' Proprietor

Special attention to Commercials.

Pho~,: I,. . J. H. SMITH

., ATTENTION .. aM, ._.

, '

,'We have' ju~t'l~id in a ~tock Ot ~choot. ,,- < ' requisite~!' consisting, of :". , :. '. . . I

" Scribblers .' 'I Pen Roiders ": P'l:lr1 ,·~lib9 Leal Pencils

~nk,,",et~I .. ,

, ,

" , I , ~ / , ,


• t, ' ,




" /


I Itt shopo Not (IIr tram IIIltltllght, he "I'cd up th~ stllltS to the locnl roo III ILIlt! turtlell 111 h ~ • 01') "Ith IIl'doglOS for Ill. 1I1111'Ollnbic IlItclle"8 1t ,I esn t II Ilt ter ,. snltl Oil! of the cdltor., CIIIIIlIJ

Man Shorn of Stre ngth Wonk Llvcr So Undermined His Vltoltt'

That He Almost Died

~(f,"1 rllIlI 1111110 III ~ll"llIgrr DII IUC, troltt I nt :Sun 1 flillClhl ) '" ... ~ll


LN ttl« (lew Brat ~h I lrll, Icnt ,\ hleh "'III 1:o;:;tHllllt..! UII lantlln II t tho I It <K ,,,II hliH 1111' t pr CI"ol)

HORSE'S LEG SWELLED Anll 1111 Was Too Sore nnd Lame to

WOIk-QLtlckly Cured by NervlllllB

tbls IS ~IOlldul J 0\1 know IIl1d we prIlit SlIIelUoS ollly on SlItllrtln) 8 ..

• • • 'Enrl) mnllbootl \ Igor c"sll) leI )11

to I,"W Irregl ltmt \(l" of III) slslem IIICIII" hie of ulTer.tlllg Illy strellgth

UI til tillS lillie tbe 11111.' 1111 I ellrrle I the 1111111' I _luI' \1 \111 I" Uel IlS IS'" the b I) colt ~ roc I, lit b\ SlllJle \\ Ik,. d III I I ru D ow ~, \rtl urtOIl tlott. lIlt. _ 'YI lilt I """ Ihl hrHt lellr hllg to get 111111 tht ~ III h-l Oct 6 I~ II Bell Blld bJ' IlcdlOlleer 111111 I$tnlltltul Bell, cut till III rk t, _ '7 Yt helng the tu co III chalipiol h\ bll!ctlOll eer out of BCllutJlul Bell. to elll ture tho cit LIIIHIIIIHIIP UII Oct ~I Uell BITt! rellueed 111M record to _ lIP;' !lIst olle mOlltu Inter tlnt rOlllllrkubl) good Illl) Prou J rOll trotted II the 8 lIle II 110

thrco daYH Inler Jl1 22U Iud U ''teck Illter III 2 25 'II Tho recor,1 stood for t\\O yours wbell at Jl~ltoll KILII, all No, 18 the Ch08tllllt IlIh I'll II B) Mc Grogor by ] ergus McOregor dam Cor I \)y Uorl"ndor trottcil III 2 21 YI A) cnr Illter, Sept 2-, at Snn Juso Cal, tho well knowlI colt, Abdell b] A,I~erttscr,

hc ""t1e .trctlill h LS II I h! IIHt I II r!tll (!lIt tills C lUllS H!'! lit \ !oJ l!Xlltlln

111 t he other .1" "J Il Hnltsl 01 'orl or

, [ 111\" h I I I ""g oxponeuco b tTl Iltlllg horses 1111 I I ellll slIfel~ ""Y thllt I kllow of 110 Illtl 1I~lIt for .tm,"&, 'prlllllS nlld 811 Illlll: th It Is so uHeful lrouud tIc stnhlt! n~ Nen lIme 1 hut ~nt"s ~Ir 10HhuII f lIlurcblsoll ftlm

W lIEN' ClImb' JUS rIt I~ CHAsm chOKe tr Ullbelld 11I1II8elf I" COIII,I be 19 WItt) 119 well as ,,,.p At

a socml glltbertng III bls bouse. wben be wus Secretllr) uf 1"lIr, the _ubJect 01 tax.tlon 1111\ II g ueel 1II00ted • dIstIll glllsbed IIl1vnl oHlcer present 811111 ho hnt! pllid nil lIS tnxes exc~pt tbe IIICOIIIO til

I bll e II httlo propert)' 9111d bo, II whIch brlUgs lIIe \II n ) early rentnl, uut the tnx gatberers b.,e not spotted t 1 do 1I0t klluw wbetbor I ought to

let tile thing go on tllat way or not II bat would you do If you were III my

Hili n burrlstcr writes II weJllcn WI legtll itgbt '11111 tuere lire tlllle8 In 01 prufesKlOlllII "ork su excl tlllg IIntl e' hnustllll{ thnt DIIJ wonklle.B relolllB " self III nil Its nnked UWrllln08s Pre> Bure &f work prolll tCiI me to Ignor 80 lie Ol the h.tresslI g "ymptollls of un pIli red h\ or tlellv ty-sollr StOllllCb, ful lIeS8 nftor elltll g IInu dllinoss of IIItel lectuol netlvlty It WUH not untIl I severo attnek of sl00plc"snc8s followlII~ all CXllctlng 8088100 ot eourt, and n nor 'ous eliCIt Iblh ty thllt Inter develCipod tbnt 1 rellhzed fully my con lItlon M pi) 81etlln ordered complete cbnngo anr rest "ut my engllgemenlB rendered 1m l'0s.lole thIS co ITse

GCOl'le H. Durfu. 0' Robemoa St.. Fort William, a C. P. R. flrem.n, "Y': II The .. ller ,.ule 0' my locomod.1 bum and le.lded Ihe .. hole left aide 0' my '.ee terrlbl,. I had I box 0' Z.m-BulL ID my poclLet, .. hlch I .. u UIIDI 'or a .ore on my lip, Ind .. heD I had reeoyered 'rom Ihe flm .boclL of Ihe Iccldenl, I produced Ihe balm .ad h.d II applied 'reely to the .ellded plnL I .... lufferiDI .cule liDDY, but wllbln I wonderfully short time Zam BulL , •• e rne elle. I WI. able to continue my Journey and upon relchlnl bome. I obtllned more Zam-BulL .nd eoollnued Ibe Ire.lmenL ZIm-BulL Icted wonderfully well, lod In I fe .. day. had the .. ound Died, healinl. I don'l koow .nyrhlnl ao 'Ine a. Zam-BulL U I healer 0' burn., .ealds, curs, .nd .Imllar InJuries, .. hlch worlLers Ire so liable 10, and, In my opinion, I box 0' Zam­BulL .hould be kepi handy 10 every worker' I bome." _----1

Zam nak will 0.110 be 'nund. ,a ........ ,. eel" --. chappo<l ha..w.. fro.,~ blt.o, "I""ra blood poI .... ...rn.uM-, pi .... acalp .orea MnC" rm InB .m .... po"".'" '-bi •• • erup-tiona .... d oloappod pl&Oll'. oaLa. burD" brul_ .nd a.l. 18 Jan... ... ..... 111 All d ugllla~ •• ncl oto .. , .. II ., IIOe. Ion • ., P""~ fr .... from Zam lIuk Co • TONal<> ul_ ..... Ip' al prioa.

raat Remina Me

TuP laHt Oreek hlld JlIst sbinned down tho 011' htua leg of tbo TroJlln hor8.

"Ab lIIel" sighed KIng Prmm, De be ~w whllt WD8 gOing 011 "If I'd only lIad tbe HCO.O to tell tho~e C0880B bearLUg ~ift8 thllt 1 wouhln't take anytblllg Irc/III tI ern sbort ot nn nlltollloltlio 1 .bould Dot now be 80 tor""I) lIagged by

J tbo enemy , , • • •

J OIlN,' 80ld :Mrs Dlllks. unon811y, tbe etbor nlgbt, 'I nm very mueb IIfmhl tbllt III) bllllil 18 ill a b\Ld

"lIy , Oh 1I01180n801 Illy .lenr Mum-lion

oonsol" 61LIII Blllks q\b) It'8 01 e of the 8trongo.t fillnllellli II atitutiol1ll In the coulltry \\ hlltolor put thllt notIOn IUtO your dOllr aiel I ond f '

\\ ell .~. ,ory fUIlllY " onld ~fT8 BlIllt. stili III1COlllllccd ' Tbey've Just rctllrtWl1 II check of mlno for tweuty dve tlollllTH mnrked no fund~ ,

• • •


It Is In Demand -So great 18 tbo tie mond fCir Dr Tholll1l8' Eclectrlc 011 tlmt • lurgo Cacturl I. kopt coutl IUlllly "uuy UlllklUg alld bottllllg It To o. \I de IlHind 8hows popular appreclUtloa of tbl. preparatloll, willch staaus nt tho hOIlt! of IlTopnetur) COlli [JOUO 18 as tbe 1.luhog Oil ID tu" lIIarket nlld It IB gener~lly AdmItted tbat It 18 de.ervlUg of tb" I~ .. d.

mlldo bl. uo~. very red TIonce, whon ho clIlled ut the pllrBonllge the old mlulster rOnLllrked 'TnckBon TuekBon my mllU, ['01 ntrald you've bocolllo 0 hllrd dTlnk cr " "0011 t Judgo by OPI,eIlTl1I1Ce8, Dr Stoenthly," 0111(1 WOI twortb 1 IIIlrdly eOUHume two g11l9,..S of beer II week ' II Well, tben' SOld the mlUlster, In R

BGOtlllllg VOIce "I 'lUe8A yuur fnce [nc"aon, 18 hke Illy gliB 1II0tor It relrlB tors morc thaD It consumes' J

• • • ON the stooplo ot an old Un" orBlIllBt

cbllrch In Bath, Mallie, thero IS n wooden Ogure of un IIl1gol It IS

not It romurkRbly fiuo specllllou ot IIrt, 1I11t! has IIlwll~S been 801ll01l'hllt Illughed IIbout ospeClully because of It8 IlIgh IIcolod .lwe8 Tb!? Blltb Enterprise re clIlIs tho story t1l1lt IL fonner pllstor of tho North \.,ongregutlonnl Church ollce lIecostod a do'Otetl UnlverBlIlIst ~ Itb tbe questlOlI _" J\[r lIa) m011(1 dIU you over seo lUI Ilugel "Ith hIgh hoeled shces 011 It. feelf" "\\by, no' ILnswored Mr Raymond, '1 CSII t sllY tbllt I ever d\(l, but did you e\ OJ' soo OnO wlthOllt thelll' ' • • •

l>lr CbllllO'" Tbere WIIS II merry 10 In tho eyes of Mr Cba8e u8 be

unawered I tlllllk It 18 the dllty of to hve uD8[lotted OB Ion" I1S

• • • • "To correct the systelll I bognn UBID~

Dr lIn IIllton • Pill., and to Illy l1elt~ht not ani) dId tlIO) 08tabllsb rOl{U18rtt) but tho hver acllv Ity of my onrller dny, returned TI e Rolutlun of my benlU problem WIIS IlIlllletillLto dluestlon 1111 proved Ilppetlte becnmo IIct" e, and m' netl es wero spcedll) up to my 01.1 figbt lug mark PlellRe bClld mo 118 a DI Htlmllton PIli iliaD"

No lIIedlclne so I nlutlble for tb08' 108(hnl( a .edentnry I fo ILS Dr HUIIIIl tOil " PIll. Holtl ID yellow boxeR 25c, ILl dOlllers, C,T The Cutnrrbozone Co, Klllg 8tou, CnDada

IT 18 B great thing tCi bo " janitor. IlD.I most ]lInltor8 kno ... It A eertlllll JOIJltor who fully reahzed )118 im

portance 0\ en went 80 fllr as to Iltcfer 1119 tItle of J"nltor to hIS n"me TIc oe ca8 011 callie wholl n couple wlsblng to be IIIllrrled blld stripped lit tile allartllle.t of 11 JlIIII18ter There wore 110 fnendo of unybody ID the brllllll party wlthlD rOllcb But the Illdy was Inslstont Somebotlv must glvo her away Abollt tblo tlllle the JUlIItor C\Lllle III SIght, .. lid .bo 801~ed upon blln ' WIll you gIve me IIwny' ' 8he plellded 'Suro I WIll, "I ___ "';"' __ ~~ __ ~"';"' ___ '-;' __ 81L1d tbe lord of the IIpnrtment hOllse The IIIlnlster took him nBlde anll eoacltod 111m carefully I' WhplI 1 Bay, WhCi gIves lllls tm"e awny' YOIl. nKwer '[ do • " When It eRllle tCi tbe queshoa ID tile "oremonr, the reply WI •• , 'Me, tbe Janl tor' ,

• • •

WHEN ~rnr8l1nl MncMahon wns pre81110nt of tbe }'ronch republic, au lUeldellt occurred wblcb IlIu8

trntc8 tbo Frel eltman • love of whnt Is dralllatlc A } ronch .oldler But on tbo .Intntlt of • Itlll ovorlrJoklllll a lIorrlson towu bl .. borBe was picketed close b). tho mlLn .... 8 emoklllg leisurely, oDti from tllll" to tlllle he glnnee<l from tbe .splan ado to a olg offiCIal onvlliope he held hlB bnnd A COlllrade pnssed by and Bsked "What are you doln~ bore' ., I am benrlOg the pre81dent • pardGn for our fTlenrl Fhebmann. who i8 to be shot tillS mortling" rel'hed tho smoker, call1lly wltbout chBngtng bl. comfort able attltudo "Well tbeD, you 8boul!1 hurry IIlou/7 with your pardon," ndnwn I.hed bls comratio < I Ab not 'exolalJnod tbe otber, In 80mo mdll(DatlOn, "soo, thero 19 hnrdly a 80ul yet Oil the OS)lllln Dtlo alld tbo firtng plutoen bna DOt eveu been formod 'all 8urely would not ha\o me rob m~ appearance of all drnmstle effect, my ftleud I"

• • • nowrlous

On ono

\\ hen a horBe persIstently !IlLlIUgOS, 110 mntter bo\\ slow or fllst the beat IS, to b. soc«nd er lit the worso tblrd It 18 tlllle for tho Judgo to wake up Whell u horso onll nu.1 doos Will In ,ory fast t 1110 19 lIIa(le fnvortte L11 tbe next mce, and gets dlstul ced or IS ILway back the judge 8hould get bIB giJ1Mses on WbelL II hbrse ,.hleb IH uSlllllly 1(00<1 mllnner cd lLitor wlllnlDg a hellt or two brellk. bndl) alld 18 Ollt ~f tbo ruce, the Judgo should lot tbe peeple kllow tbat be 10 1111\ 0. How u1:ten .. oos be do Itt

• • • Thoro Is 0 great deal In taking eare

of truck8 In wlDter Thero 18 DotblDg equlli to n good tblCk cout of IIIUDure for tUl8 purpQ.o The .now falls ou top of tbe mallure, BOllks gradually througb carrIes tho IIIl1l1ure down nnd ellncbes tbe sot! When the spun" tllUO eome8 II lIgbt plougb 1'111 put tho reolduo of the manure I I tbo so I, and n horrow Ilnd roller WIll tio the rost Tho truck 1'111 be safe, f ... t aud el1L8t.c · . ,

At LexlDgtoll, Ky , In Deeember, J 00 Ren cam~ to tho front wltb a yeurhllg trotter thnt IS doclared to be aoout ad good S8 nuy nl covored In Kentucky thl8 J. It Tilla one 18 by lJlroctulll ~I"or, 2]\ y" alld out of Brown 811k, 2 I~'t\ (dalll of II), )jy BIlTon \\ like. next dam Nnnllle Ettlc«at, by Bolhyoo<l 110 WILS brollght up ufter tue LOXlllgtOIl fILII moet"'g and tho first tlllle bo IVIIS ask od to 8tep n qunrter dId .t w 34't\ 80e ollds

• •

1111 t III II' it I" I III. t he I ote rN tlOIl t seo "hy tllO)

hOllld be cllllcil 111011 to I lilt II~ LIII "I' II II 'I1I08t10U "llIch the) tholll:ht till)

'1U I Hcttled n \ CI r I H } Ho mun of uelll hl\CI t ,del lit IIIl 1I111 th!sc

dIll t bll I C ,otetl h 1\ C dOlo"" JlIst llU~lIt

'" h II (rofts 11111. 0 ] hid I fille

.... I\VILI"'E lu1llg mare tbt.9 " .. I' "rcnched Iter

IS A right fore leg and

tho mark to 2 23 Thcre tho rocord .tood tCir fifteen ~ ellrB tIll 1\1,," Stokes nstoulNhed tbo trottlO!; wMld 011 Sept 17,1909 by trottlUg lit I.exlOgton Ky In 2 JO'4 Ilnd WIIS tDe first )lIlThnl( to enter tbo 2 ~O hst ~lt9S SlokeR IH by thnt grent 81t0 Petor the Grellt 207'4. dnln, Tllho 1 hompson by Guy WIlkes rillo YOllr tho J o"rllng colt \\ Ilbur Lou by Killnev I'~lI, 2 U;'Ya dllm Loul •• Cllrter, went a ~on.ntlonol mIle III

2 Ill¥.. lIow did the.o infant. cOllie Ollt Intor

" Itb the excoptlOn ot M,ss Stokon or them ~ ero exccOtllllgly COUHplC

UOIIS a8 two )OI\r ohls MISS StCike, trot tod to n record of 2 09 VI II the three }onr old hst of chllmplon. tho only 'ear ling .1111011'1011 WlllCh roappear. Is Hindll Rose who at lInrtf«Td 011 Urt 3 1883 trotted In 2 20 \l1It1 at Lexlllgton \I .. oek hlter ID 2 19 1,{ Not one of the cbnmploll yellrling8 npI ellr III the 11\ e yenr old chnllll on tllhle or In tho chllnt pion stall 0118 ~f the world 8 champloll tables Wo think the gOlleml tleductlOn frOIll tbo stntlstlC" 18 thllt tTl\lnlDg ) e lr hng. I. au expon"l\ e blt.lness ILlld thot It docs not pny In tho 10llg run -

A TEA BUBBTITUTE .l N attempt i. belnll' ulade to pl.el

.. '1. mnte tl e substItute fur ten 80 DIU

ver8lllly ueed In 80uth Amerlen u~n tbe EuropeaD mark.t, and eS(a ClaUy UI France In Parnlllny, In till MI"lOnce dlstnct of Argt'ntllll,I, nud It Parana,, the preplLTIltion of tb, loaves of tb.B specIes of !tollJ lS a staplt IDdnstry, tbo export to \ aTloua part. of Boutb AmerIca frOID I'aralla amUllnt log In ,alue to about one and IL ball nllihons sterling 'I he shrllb IIrows wUr­In 'the for08ts, RDII thOUSAnds of labor ers lire emph.yed ,D J{lItherllll tho lelL'o. wblch are drlell over fir.. made 01 woods ItIVlDg forth arOlnatl1! fume. The 8hrtvellod lenlos al J ilround t. eoarBe powder aotl Bewn up Into bBIl' ready tor tb. 1II0rket TCi IIIfuoe mat. bOIling water 18 ponred all tho powder ed lenle8, and the IIqUlIr 18 Hllcker. tbrollgb n long 81h or or ebina tube II hn. Bllllllar effecb to tOI In tbe bUIIIlI1 conetltutlOll, allougb 00111" thlllk It h .lij!htlv le88 .xbll.ratIDK It i" C. Pnroj(\lllyall sCiltllcr8, ho\\o,er, IIlcren. ed power of phY81CIII cu.lursnce, nnc tbe IVnr ~ltnl.r es of Oermony alld lilt UUlt",1 Stutes h,l\. IIIIL I. tl"portlnent>

Ita UBe Cowboys of tell do Q 101 ~ 's work on 1\ bowl of IIIU te token It

IIg eoming into It ben vy 1110111 tho evelling An lIunlY"1I Hh(ws tUII

nm, sllcobntlllO IIIl1tter 0 lit. flllli cnf feluo In II slIghtly le8s pr"portlon thnl In tell It hILS 110 IIgroe Ill. IIrOIIID uu< U pleas II t though 80lllewh Lt bltler tuste A BTltlsh reAldent II Buellos Ayres r. ports tb It Ibo hnblt ot tnktng mal. tbore IH rutl er III dhrol'lIto OWlllg por hllp, to tho prllellce of hllU"1I1( tb tube by willch the "qultl 18 Bueked Int, tho lII(uth from oue to anolher wIth 0111 W Ishlllg It But there IH 110 necesBit' for IlIlhorlllg to tlt18 untidy Dnd Ilnti bygleulc Illode of USlllg tlto berb..



19 they d,,1 before

TRUSTY t rom tho ahollld .. IOWD she waa or COllr"e HCllIs ha\e blCI lust alld

Non b,) both Rules 0\ or 1 fit ne e leh ""~ but thoso o,erhlm' CIIII be sllfol) retlltod IU prnchcIIlIl C" ry II .llIlIeo

to 10cIII 0llU8e8 ~lr ,Isqullh COlltlUUOS

LINII'IENT sllfT 80re and ~_= ____ -l R"ollnn I aJ plied ~'f\ Illne 1I11t1 It worked like a chnrmJ 11 {net, thnt mare '" f 8 lit shnJlO to wari'

L t1n~ nftcr ~ used Nen lhno n 10\\ or '\ Ith III. f«TCCH II II d 1111 III 18he I "lit • II tbo othor hllll,1 \\ Ith III" forc08 lIIstrcngthened 110 ahll depolliM "1'011 ho nllllllleo \\ Ith the Llbcrnl I'nrt) of ho 1,lIborttes nnd the Irtsb Nlltlollllh.ts

(or the prosen Rtlon of h" mnJoTlty 10 ho 11 OUOc of COlli U(>l19 Co IhtlOIlS of ~ 11101) d ITem g elolllollts lire locllitarl) IlIIble to IIttueks of tuo unexpected nnd be I'renucr "III ncod till of hI. 8kill ,f whIch ho hilS ropoatedl) 1:11011 110 <IItnll I'roo! to hold hiS trtplo longue IOlted nllti stcndy Fortllnutely, tbe) Ife 1111 IIgreeti (tbo Igh for Itll"erellt \nCi \11 C8) 111'011 tI 0 18sue "hlcb IS mo.t ITO IIIlIontlv befuro tbe COUI try-tho nb ,hhon of tile \oto of lbe lIolIse of Lord. lont mllst he the fi rst qllohtlon 1'0 co ne beforo tho new P nil ullent 1111£1 III hi It I. scttled "1'1'"re Illy lIothlllg ~I.c cun be thollgl t of ~Ir \_qllltl. oglcal eOllroo III pllrsllllllre of the pltlll .llIeh ho hllK follo"ed I\lthollt 1101llltlO1I <lnee tbo fir.l IIttlL,k b) the I.CTds on he (10) d OeorJlo Bndget WIll be to III

ro Illce IIglll1 ItIA Voto nlll p"a8 It II be HOII.e of COlllnIUII" \I d send It to be LordK Tho Lord. \\ III reJect It, or

<eok to slIbKtltllte fuT It 80llle plnll of cform of tbo 11011.0 of I ortl. 1 I tbnt nent !>Ir Asqllltb mllst nll'nrelltlv aek he KIng to ol(ree to crollto enollgh IborAI poorB to 'SWIlIllP' the HOII.o

,f Lords anti tbereltJ IIIl1ke II IIIILJOrlt) A that ennmlter tCi perllllt tho p"Nsllge ,t tbe bIll If th. KllIg IIgroos th, brent 'II' tlollbtle .. be 81 ffie cnt WIth

:lilt the actual crclltlOn of tbo nonrly hree hllndred lIeeeSBllr) peors 118 It waB

.. lib tbo Reform BIll lIellrly ell(hty yoar. ago rho 1.0rt!H· ,ot .. WIll bo done Iway WIth lind tbe path WIll be eloaret! lor Llbertll loglslntlon Thell ... 1II BriBe bo questIon of 110me Rilla fuT Irolollll

lor],[r AS(lulth K 00\ erlllllollt lK pleug Id to I(rant tho OliO l1eKlre of the NatIOn Ih.b In return for thlllr Hllpport. Itt tl e "reBellt struggle A ntl of tho frlHlllllg

f a 1I0me Rule bIll but one thllg onu be pretllctetl-trUllhle If all the otber ~oud the "tng rofll.e tlte Prelllier s ro

luo.t It 18 diffIcult to Hee "hilt clln be one except tbe re81gllntlon ot l\lr As

IUltb nnd ollothor olecltull But wbnt Iver comes, we t1l1l1k It 1111 J fll r1y be upected, III spIte of tho WIld electlOlI lonllir propbocles ot hoth pllrtles to the present .Iecltml tllit tho BttltRh (011 ltltUtiOIl WIll be 8llfo, Illld ne thor re\ 0 UltOIl slInrchy IIor rUIn "U1 confront bo BTltlsb ,,~oplc ---


TUI!] Tchlllg PliO of Poklllg 80m. time. enlled tbo P9klllg Gnzette I. UllelOi bted!y the, oldest lew.

pllper III the "orld rl 0 1I10mi ttl"" Iutlon of tllC tItle of thlB JoutJIlIl I. 'the Dews of the CIlPltll1 "

] hl! chUJII 18 IIllldt! th it .. lhlR newt­Pili or W ... fOllllled ae\ en hUlIdred unr !urt~ J ollr. "eCore tl e UhrlHtllln or \

t I bore IS 110 C\ "lullce to Btlpport stlcl II cltllm lor IIIdoctl 10 Hhow tllllt II WIIB I ubh.hod IIny ellritor thllll our OWl MlIltlle \gc. bl t It 18 rOll801l0hle t Hllppose tillt It hll" IIILlI U COlltlOlIOU eXI"tollce from a <lIte cun.ulombly e," Iler tllllll tho Ii:llropelllL in\ontion a prtntlllg

It I. bel<l by 8cholllr. tlillt tbe Tsad III({ of thIS lour 1111 IS II mOHt III.trllctn thlllg IlInSllllltl ns It IInfoltl_ II 'erll ohl~ pnllomlllll 1I0t olliv at official Itf! hilt nlHCi of Uhllle •••• ellli hf~ The rend er WIll Gnd III It, t 'get her With othN OffiCIHI tlocllllent. lip dnll! "POU Wh1Cl II e rel(ent hRS dr.ehle.1 to replnce bit III n or bllt " tit 1\ IV IItor hilt Th

rmllirr WIll ob8.TI 0 III one ,""LID tbnt At) uf the ""ces.tul oil "hdlltcs for II do tor s dt (troe fire nlUe'" ,cIUM 01<1 nn

of th! II mure thllll elghtl ) ellf. old 1.hllll( ]>110 I" lilt I. "I' Of "everll

1'lIl1rtlll( IItS 0110 of "hlrh C Ille I tit ["Illg lIIen < It'll. • r ' 'Or} of tho I'll' lice gllto," I. \er) sllllllllr to tile ('eollr

We hnvo used Non Ihno on our farm (or twent) It. e ) enr8 lIud nelor faun I It wlultlng 1<'or man or bo".t it IS a woo terflll IlIlImellt '

\\ 0 hn\ 0 reeo!\ od I enrl( Iho thollsand It ttOTH rocommOl ding Non: Ilme .ut 8 ~OlloTIII hOllscboll1 hnllllent .. H nn all­rou HI curo for ncbeB and palM 0", 11111100 bottleK u.otl eacb yellr Try it Hi\llHOIt In two 811.C8 'iOe an] 2t:e. \11 denier. or The Catarrbozone ColD pnn) KlIIgBtou Out

clfellillr' pubhsbcd by Ellgh.b 1I0WI>

p8per8 onti rocords the dOlDg. of tho ruler nn 1 b.8 cOllrt.

AnCJtbor dopnrtmellt, the 81 ling yu, comnstH of 1l1lpcrlnl dccruct:l, uud titill nnother tho Tsow pno IS IUlldo u)l of 1II01l0rllll. or oillclIIl 1"II>or. of the of fioe .. of the emptre Mauy of tuoso I ro requests for c rdors or Mlhogs nud are umn"orcd O1thor III tho decrees or lD special memorllnda prtnted IlIIlIIetllatuh After tho Inqll ry

A curl01l8 felltllre of tbo officlIIl d~ Cr09f1, to thoso .. ho hlHO !lomo kn(" Jedge of the Chllleso Inngullge IS tb. uttempt to tfllllsittomte or relltior I h 10

elicnlly, fore ~u "ord8 Iota ChIIlOS" in aile decree the' European" word 00-tl mn tong" OC(1:\1fS twvcrnl tUllOS It lit nmther more nor le68 tban the Llltln word "ultimatuDl," nM'tl In Ita dlpl ... mntto IIOnllO

Another Ellropena word froqlleot~ u.od III ILll0tber doeree 18 to h fooa, 11111 tbls lIIean. tho telephone

TJ pogrnphlclll IlIstllkes ure troqu6Jt\> Iy foulld ID tho Tcblng Pno It IB I rID" cd frolll mo, ablo typos u( wood lind tbe proof retulor!:! uro not. tho most I'ecurabt III the world.


}'rolll tholr expectnnt hnlls Ilfar rbe Eastorn \\ IHe Men-were th")'

KIII({S' Came wltb thClr proclon8 otT.lrlllgll.

Lcd to tbo lofunt It) n .tnr N otll1ng of got J 1I0r ",eol He .woot

] bey "rought who wntcbod tlwu flucks IIll'ht 101lg

Bllt led by Slll~tng enmo WIth 801 g \ ,d doubted lOt II eIT gIft WIIH 1II00\;.

\u I 1 wbo hnve bllt IIttlo gold Nor lIICOUHO of r He Yt 1t CRn f;ond For ( IltIBtlllllS groet'"g to tUllE>,

J rleu,1 Only a Hong IIko shopberl. old

Tlll'Y wero qu te contont wllh thoro .01\ eH tho .Ix J oUllg WOIII( II "bo bOllTlletl n 1I0rlh b<>1l1ltl llrolllwIL7

ar snd tho\ e\ 111<0(1 vory htth eun corn for tUG It 11 routll 0 onl C )Inmon IllIce c1etntl. of Itfo It W IS t I" an 110111"011 Illtelttion of III to ttllltMfl r to tbe Thlrt) FOllrth Streot eroHHtl WI hI e 111,,1 tu tim elld tho gIrl In the rc I h.t u~ked for nnd recCI\od SIX trnnNf rll B It tho oillor 0, 0 chnngotl tlll Ir tI II II before thoy rencbet! tho tran.fer I" Int, clot laTl I~ thelllsoil es In !nvor of II "hop. ping forny so only the gltl W t h the re I lilt hell to tbe Orlll" al 111111 •• d b~lIrdctl tbe Thirty Fourth St" It ellr \\ hel tho cOllductor CIIIIIO for ber raNI sl. III I(letl hIm tbe wholo hunch uf trnllsfer!!-the oTlglIIlI1 SIX Tho. olllue tor loolled lit Iter un ellcb Hltlo of h r IIntl 1111 IIrlU It! her ApPllrenlh .be ""8 111,,"0 \ IHO Hlo wns ubi" 101 s Thon he HIII<I \\ heru nre the othor." rho glfl WIth the rotl h Lt loekotl lip Ht ITtlr'G "lid !O Ifll"l 1 for the 11IBt \I tTl" II .ho rephed WIth coil dlgn ty IIThat,.ar IS IIIl the trullsfor 1111111 1:1". 1110 '

We gRin llIost not b) l1"olllog Ob

be wellk poillts of ollr T1\ niB, bllt b" .tu,h mg tholT strong pOlDts

Scarlet Quality. the

letter Red

of W

It IItands for unequalled merit, enure rehablllty and invariablo umfonnlty in

RlfLE&, &nOTGUN& Ar--ID A~~UNITION of all kinds. It means that ,oOda

:/'''rn~r.k<e4. ~~clpN.iinc:hc:ster.~.ake and "WlDchester make" giJ:nsl'all1d ammunitlon be


.. \

'" /



• ,


---_ ... -----=-~---

The Steamless Battleship I

b=~=========S=e=n=s=a=ti=o=n========~_~, 1It.TO a.val newy or rccunl IOllrH hll"1 hk!l,l IlInt Iuug hal un 1\1 rrllch Ihc l.' erented Much exc.tou,"lIt '" lh~ ngo uf tho Internlll cU'llIuMtlOlI cIIg.ued

ongiueorlltg worlo! t. "'y .IItl1lllg 11111111. It." r [II t til • 1110 II .ttlO"D.p • t .he III1\al eXI erts •• thc 1I11110llUC nil tho trouble lhe IIrlIIlO"" 111111 lhe meut thllt the J)rclldllought baLLlosh.p "I lice I ruhlcll .,r cv tlll g ,,,II hll '" 'ens ."pe of tbe IlIIlIIc.llllte tulure 18 lu bu e.1 \0 es,ot.hcc IIIHO we shull 1m,. 10llg w.thout funnolH, bOllors HtGkcholda nlltl he~1I IIKI ~ 11(1111 I (IIrl '" CUllllccL1U1I tbe other prolllllleut (cntures of Mtcam wltb stoum ouglDeR The Internal COli II .0t.01l euglUe • to \\ III II lItlly Le u8kell docs such el. ,"ark these mllncla, uuo! II the wonl. 'olullllel L "celli nellrcr Ihe posslb.litlos .t LOllden bllg,"corlllg to rOilier of till" .ge thnll tho glllut aenle 'llterllnil .". mlgbty battle"h'l H uow .0 tho Brit co nbu"t,ulI • ngll e """Ig "qu r] fuol1 I»h aavy ~b.oloto \t (lre.ent II np rhl III1SIl. r ,H th.t .t •• n 1II00t POIllt pea,. from ",hat our ex!",rt contempor .f We .hnll not hn\o e,ohell tbe eXI.le orT Ita]sJ the IIIwrual combustIOn OD tllon tnrLlllc 011 \\ hi('u IIIRny of c,llr rae of the IIIllrll e type h". heell 118ml groulc.t n Ilfl Ie engll eer. I nve heon enly In ~UbmllrlnOH lind .11 other smllll workll II for ~ ellrH 1'0.1 boforo wo .ltllll •• ft Wbether It h". yl>t booll hrought ho IIhlo to (onstruct petroi or heB\lor \ ... neb 1,~rf~II"n 11M tn I<'elul tho fllel IlIleflnl cOlllhll.t,OIl ellll.le. 1111' ler'y tloc._nd Ioor"" I'u",or thnt would nblo IIf de,"I"JI.llg the OIlOrllll>". horHo .. ~ "" III tho grellt bnttloahll'8 i I'0wer ne"O"R'"\ to propel b"ttleHhlp" '00. to be IKIII dowlI for KlDg Oeorgo H 111111 IJlg 1I0rr I ant or I nOMngor ,eH"ol. leet II l"oblemntlClIl A aoilltion of \. rnr n. lhe I're8o, I knowledge goeH .h. prob em-which ollr cOlltclllportlry there lire \ en stl1et-one nllght nlHo ioenl. pract.oall] f"\ 118 to 'ny nnrrol\-lIm I. to the ",1.e8 ",h eh ,I tbe dawo of II lIew om In na,"1 ,,(fa.r. I. po.".bln to lh. cyltltdera c;t t1 ~ ?bere Bre to be plBeel] on the 0008 h~II I rllol II INnll1 rlllllh".IIO. "gllle smokeloH" II<)II&drOIl8 ot Krellt .peeu, Ro fllr the .ntrr 1111 combllRt 011 en ,".t~ no tUllllels to honrlor toro and aft 1!tnr ItUH h. ell RII.tnhl. on11 ror w"ter CUD aro, and An ellormODH In raft of COInl nn,tll I 11 !!lllnll p"\fer 'f"oOO whlc~ would ~ deyoted to Slid Increulllg fuel IIncl IIlIImllOlt.oD ThIS wOllld add gr~ .. t11 to the rudluB of • battleship Mild to ItA IlfleetlveneSi In ., tlon hl otbor "ords onr contolOllor ..-y do.lnr.H tbe IIlIghty hllttlOHh.p Oro on, lau .cbec! for tltt Ilrliloh navy .. few .... k. a~o .8 all nlt.olele VOH"ol

The I]ueshr.n .. hether Blly such ti~ v.loplllent .s 1'0"H.hle .11 tho pro.ont I .tato of t!lIgll1(!Orl g Helene.:! ohHerVCH Mr Spo. enr \1 Ilkll 8011 .11 0 of the fam 1 ell n.\nl eXI ert. of I::ttrope •• 0110 for e. gin. erR to ,IecIIII Tholr techlllcni press lIIel noft to "ew tho IIIlItter 1\8 prn.Lic dl v • XI e 110. t IIOt Lo "II) Ihlo ""1tlll(or. hll'o lookod rnthor W tb ... ub.tltl tl)n of HI 1111 I fur coal, lAyS Mr ..... lklDson 11\ lite IJODllu" • PORt a"d til) IInle I","tel Lilt ttlllt Lhe gnH IlIgllle I r01 or .f KIlllc.Ollt ruwcr er u,,1 he <11' (I I col It) 1I01lllS .f it would g" I.- fRr grt uter ,,1\ BI tngos thnD could he hnol fro II IlIIJ lll.tnlln t.oo of producer gliB plllDt

rhe bellor tI nt tltr rlllur. III. IUI110 form uf gua 01 gil U to the exelu "" of coni, •• no" ftr III) cHtltl)ll.hed Bueh lRm. d lIIurllle eugll' or. "" 81l Wilham IVh.le nnd Sir lohll I horney eroft to mentioll 110 "thora hllvo 118600' aled. tholr IJlII e8 It Mil thlll the genorul IItt.tude hila fvr HOllie lllne p8"t been one of expoctsllcy

• or courRe the 11 h ILlltlllt"R to he ,nlneri fron, Ihe .He of wterllnl co 11

bU5t1011 ongl! OH would be 'Of) grcllt If speed wnR to he tI.e eOIlHtllllt tho tugll f room wOlghta wOIII<l be II licit ro anced, nnr!, ,n nthlc I prop'rtlllll wonll tbe MI1.C 1111 I cunsoquolltly .o.t ot the .hl) (onvorsel> Ir 8'ZO

""8 tho e 'tlBlllllt, o.thcr a hIgher .peod .. ould bo IIttalllOd, or It va.tly IncrollBed rftd.IIB of netloll-HIHlUld thnl be ludgod '> -or porhnl'" tho tonld be pro I c; It mUHt be relllombered hOll evor, 'he wc.gllt sa' 0] "ould be low down In the sh.p HO thl\t It .R by no monns corlaln thl\t any slIch ndelltlon uf we'~ht eould be matle to tI 0 IIrlllnlllcut which '" aow placod ,ery IlIgh nbove the w"tor hno lit nny CIlHO .t ,. that a motor drh on 8h.p woull Dot. cod tho IlIlgo en glUe un 1 bOllor room ~ompio 1II0llt , .telllll eng.nos .11111 bOllors domnnd alld porhn)ls moat IlIIportllut of all, tho Olhng "l' wltb 011 fllel ,voulit be 11 spoedy IIl1d clelln etond of tI 0 In honou8 saling '8 It Will be .. ''',ORlf,

a slup en I HIm ply go or tank ftllcl ftll horHolf u/' 1brougb u pipe Tho gn III ID tuno, aUII ,hoI e all III fntigue to tho crow, w11l bo an uloKtlmRblo 1I,Ivantllge III tlmo of .... r Also.t I~ rClIsonllbl) certain tbat It will be 1'088.1.1. to tllke 0.1 fuol 011 board safely at HCII a tiling wbleh, Ie ep.te lh. exorcise (f milch ngonu.ty, bas O(l'or bOCOlllo fellslblo wIlh caul "he absence of smoke Slid of lunnels Dre othor obvlO 18 nrlvnnLJlKu" LasUy, tbe elltilll IH tlllt lho nbolt

-of tllllnel. woulol grelltly \nerOll8e tho arC8 of 11ro or th" guus It ma) bo Inggcsted nowo\ or, thltt tillS Illst nn,uel.".I: .. "; ad vnntngo has prohn hi) beon lIIated 'nyono wbo w.1I look ot leok plnu of a 1lI0tiern battlesbip, OrtOU, for illstl\lICI, or evon tho "01' tunol will 800 thnt vury littl. nehllnce en tllolr arrnngemoDt IS to be expoctod Tbere mUA! always be AOillO dock hllm per Stnllo1l1rcl COmp""8eS er, centrnl control8 anll evon honl8 nn.BI be Cllrrt~ I be doubtod thorefore, whether the ~'Ion ot funnela would make nil tb. terence wltleh i. e:rpc.t~d ten

'As to the r!hladval~tn~H itaol!, It k Tho


'\c hu\~ HO' \!cn f\:ar lh~ 1011

ru tI':J1.lh l.nHIII ,I hlllll" ur I:!pct!l\[ur thu r.u~1 tt ~l'lIerlt1l~ IH\Hr II O"T pre80nt de"'glls (( hilI!. hilt we IJlI\ I lellrut Ilrellrl~ for 6"".111''' I hilI II lIy Jrc,plllI10 USlIlp: II ~O hOh t! lowor 1II0t)r l;al J.::U Jlh [li~1 un It ruclng llutor hu \l fitted with n 2uII hor~e pow r Mure o\cr the h~tlroplnllt WIll ride tbe bet ttlr tor 1111\ lilt! murn erc" ll)O uti tbuu clln be b] the rllnl tJ po of erllCt It. qllOStlOu It •• 1111 n mll\ler o[ .Ie lilgllu g l4 lltHl!"HU"l t uti h.) (clhl( IIIg Iht "",,llIlIeO In Ihe trll,~1 of the VeH st! ::lir lohll 1 hurnycrllft h"8 beeu ex I erm rt tll1J;l for ,,)nrN H h~ Irol,lnn('~ Rllcl 111 hI. IlIto.t nxnmple. Ions lI:ot Mome "trllorrltnarJ rcsult. At proseat t~or.

IHe 11180111 11IItall68 to tillS forlll O( oralt parlicularly for havai 118el ID tliat the

hUll. I'" I".' • f th" •• du08 lIut glva I ;·11 h ~II tll:ttflrm \Vt.:.urc howo\t~r 100roly nt the beg.un nJ{ 01 .lIe II ,Ic\ ,lop rOE ntf( Menntllue Oltl H.'1"Y Inturr.~tl I).! h~s IJNII iellrllt, n~molYI tlll\t III

U \U thu~ UlJUllU III ,-torml for com I \\ uh lll" We 11 \IIU:! currw 1 ltJ thn •• " I ht hi 'I'" lJclIIg L,,"ll .111 I of tho bLruJet" "hlth lh~ hclc. co or lCuliliury­ul b.uilJg 1111 .lIelll\ IIrst III I IlItt.lIg hill. h ".Icril-hll~ III I Ie I h" I rugre" of gUlIlIer) I". Lelll lue to thc 1111.".1 10 UA HeflCH of trnlllll'h. ach.c, cd 1J) th ~'UII IIl11kl." of thl ",,101 ." .rrc I 011 t. IlIrlher Illort b) a "1.111 of ollllllallOn L " 11\1 It! IIrrll g lUll r \C Hunts III urn 01

III \11011( turn \S II rt2suit btratug~ nil J Illct..c" .U\lut fllr 1I0tlll g .f th .hll' 01111 ",lS :11 d II!!!. CI Iliot u~e the gun ., 11" 10 1111 the e lIenl\ Till 0111) uh IceL uf • IIInl •• f wllr 11111 )f 1111 the III horluu. trllllllng • f thl erow 10 tG b.1 flrsl 10 I.t 111 r I nil I to keel' "" hll tlng


~'un u goucratlOl.' has douol Tbe IU'" h Juot I""i! lHvbolL KUell) Will

,,"'u tl> Ilia fcllu\\ lIIe' tho cOlltrol 0 "bulorll RUlli tho "tor) uf) ellow CO\ 0 I III1'UIIII KId 111 Uru1..llf )UU \\ •• h t

gst an 111011 of the poworH of o~porllllon tul Ulothclno, thero .s oot/llog to matcl It 11, thtJ llltitury vi ltUUIU' u'" l C~ cu c Uufore uur oJos to dllY the 1II0"t strlkID! eX crllllout O\! c~ IIIIlliu 111 HUflltatwll 1 .11 I'ru~w." rbt, ItgglUg of tho 1'11111 IIll \..ouIJa! \V lS lck uWlcdgcd tu ue I

luestloll 01 the health uf tho workor • I ur the (uur CCllillllt!5 the lsthl1luS hal IcUll U ,,, Jute lUun t! gru \ c alltt

LIllie duriltg tho I rCllcb cOlltwl ul th Ga. III the n unallty reliehd tbo api lill IIlg tigures 01 I, U I or thuua" d I::VCl uuiur tbo most fnvofnblo ClrcUlUstuucc

It "aa extraordlllUrlly h'gh Houth b 1II0llth I get tl.~ rOI urt. "h.cb form b far the 1II0at IIItefllstlllg all •• tury road "I! "f the pres, ut lu~ UI l1uro tbul ) I,OUO e IIplvyeoa (ubuut H 000 of whull arc willte), the do ,th fIIte per thUU"lIl1t (ur tho lIIulltb of ,'lllrcb i Wll" ~ tJl I luwer porcolltllge, 1 heliUl 0 tbtlll II. ~u t;;lt) 111 tl e U I Ited 1\.11 gdun J unci \ ur lIuch lower tbull III allY c.t) In the UlllI

cd t:>t It08 It hilS beo I hrought about I grullt put by researches .uLo tho hI list. rv uf tlo lurnslte pruducm

.lIIlnrlll and by tho elfooll, ° 1II01l.urm taken for'lts ,I •• tr .. t."u Hero "K" lij 11 cbuptcr 111 hUll uu ncbw\ OlUelit fo

"b.cb .t would be hllrd to llnu Il pllrn) lui

Mils mo.' Iioudl) Ollelll) till. grell URnlldlllu ph) B'CJlIl. gOO" 011 tu HII), • tulJOrculotfltt-ouc of tho greut IltCf

tlOIIH of the world whose clluao .t b.It b<ell olle of tbe trlulllphs of our gellol

tlO' to doturlllllle \\ .th 1I1111f0\0 ,""itlltlUl .t" Ilortllhty h. H beo, ro luced a nuo 1~!i0 uturo th III 10 per co It I lit .t Htdl kill. u Inrgcr 1I111ulJer 01 I cUllc thllll IIn~ other rlt"e'lsl~'UII' 11111110 III G.eut Br tll.1I II ,,1 Irolllil I I!lOS nncl 5811 ID 1.0111011 Ilolle Pmull cllily lH twer , 10 ,",,1 II lor COllt f III I. ItI" IfO Ii II tu It \\ 0 rell I fUI thor

\ Ilalll I rup"H.lIUIl " beluru tl I I ulle \\ 0 kllow the It.cuse b"" It

II IHcd ho" .t I~ "preltd huw.t sl .. III< til: pre\ elltec1 huw 1Jt sUItahle c un ~ I ,ut) he cllro 1 How to (lllke th Icll"wloxlge ciTcet"e I. the pr II 0 thlllg It .8 11 ell "pllIglI ror the pllbJIl I"" Illstor) sbuws t hilt • t • I ell "I" .gll 01 IIUI c I he JIll I HurCH t, r ltH !it ItIlplU~ out though BlIlplu (11 luqJllr, prUHCllt lit Ilculties .lItor"O'011 ".tb the \cry fabn f H e,el), b.t they lire 1I0t I. tiUI omull

IIDtI uro grudullllv peurlllg 01110 [J.olollged und III1.t d olIortM Cllrflet hrol1~1 so, ernl gener Il'OIlK ell ph .. h, eh"e~HC '11 the "111110 clltegory 'Yltl

t~ pbu. fo\ or, typhol(l lIud ollllllllUX


~Ol LOW [NO closell Ul'lll tho ]ellth ['. uf ~ lorollce N.ghtlngale tbe Angel

of tHO t:!rlnl( a CUI1lC lultngM of tho lellth of Hellrl DUlIllllt tho Good ~~

flltll of SoHem 0 E, ery 0110 kuow "hilt the EIIgll8b' oman Imtl done Very Ie," cvllid recall what Dutlllltl 1011,1 lie rllllll1l8bed lie butl beell forgutten by

Lhe worlo! But h a tlo Itb rcnllntlor! a httle COlli pliny \It alnt08t every lIutlOn of tbo slIlglo handed olrort. winch procurod [or tbe bU1II1I1I ruco tho LllterllutlOulll Hell Uro." Soc.ety, the Slgltlllg (f ' the IIrst ,"terIlRtlOnal trellt~ of nterev" '" tl.e blstory of the worlu It \fa~ Duullot who lIIauo tho IlInhlllllllcO a neutral of war Rpparatus RDd tho nureo 8 non con b'ltallt

Dllllltllt hIli self acknowiedgod to Florellce Nlght.ngnle Through

yellrs of curly manhood he hlld rl~:~~:;~~I~ of 1111 IIItarulltlOolll lougua to ,; IUlsfortllnes to ~lIm"" belllgs

callie tbe Urulleau Wnr and II tho .... Ith the LDIIII' ' I She IUllde

lifo liVing" !1I\.d DUllant "A. bll I sn vea thou8nlld •• n her III00led

1· .. "her6. 1 boped t~ "a \ e hunllreds ot IlIld nllillons on a largor


1'111. 111081 '''"11 lie ,hie "'I tr wh.el t}w !:Iunl1 wcr h lB boen I ut If! 11

tho COII.lro eL.lln of b Ittlc.h 1'. I be .tllll, "I the plllllt .s ,ery pith' a. I c' r, \\ hen cOlli pressed IIItO block Lh •• p.lh .s c. pnhle of uhsorillng • tre lIIel dOl" qllnntlty of w. ter I he8 bloci<. III which the roLa.n •• 0111

of .Is floxlh.llty 11111\ I cell olllloyee WIth Itluch olle, 088 II tl c 801lltlOn 0 til!' VO~Qrl problem of tho IUlIlIg 01 I bltttlesillp S Bldoa 'Lhev IIro placed h, tweell l\\o Willis of 81001 Ilnd tho sui Ift"nce •• 80 r0811 ont thnt .t complet.l eluHe. "I the hole tlurle by II Proloctl!! koeplng Ollt the wllter for 11 long tllll!

Allother IIttlo k. own II •• of the .un ower 1M JI1 the lJ \I utnctt\ro or '_gurt­

I here •• not II purl of the plnnt that. WIthout 'nlue '1 ho •• od ,ylllch .s rllIsed hy hundrods of tIIllhoOf of pOllorl8 e, cr) ) ellr '" HUH"III '11I1I'e8' Jllllatnbio ed.blo 011 II ros.due ge6' cake for CllttlO or It nuy bo Coello tb ~erllol to po Iitry Tho bl08S0lllS LUI tI.8h w. ey first III!I then lin excellon J ellow dyo A9 for the Htalks lbe ChI noso lire clo\ er enougll to got n '~T of .Ilk~ hbra frolll tholll nll,l thoy ar J l!'In e' ,,1 f lr (upl " 1 fnr th I r 111(' t.on of potalb Iu No.... Engl lid It lI!

lJullu\cd LI nL tlJ", bU ulu\\ul keel RW.IY malaria' .t IB alsCi beho,ed tbn the blossoms follow tho sun 11\ ,ts dll.h conroo, but thlll .s not true

OLOCKS THAT STRlKE THIRTEEN \,1\10' 0 Ule 0I0Ht curlOU. dVl k. II.

."3,. the .... orld uru two III \\ "r"luv, II. I."".eual,, re Iu lid, Lhll t 110 vor

.trtko 0110 Insteud they stnko tllir t.ell ut 111111 11.111'"' 0,. ,f lit 'I Is over the Earl of Elleamere'a plnce culied WorBlo) liull, ulII 10 tho "fI~' IlII docl, willcit the Duke of nrlll!(OWIILUr bud pllecd III tllo tower It 18 Sl1111 thllt tho l>uko hud Lo.e clock made to "trllto the "uuluck, lIumb.r II 80 as to Wllrn his workmen that .t was tlmo to roturn uftor dinner, BOIIIO of thol1 hllvlng oused thOillscl\ es for Illte 60

that tboy could not Iiear

lhe rUtH n Ulr holds Ill'lt H IllUutl und

'"' I I,,) I he


... /

, .

. --_. - ----_ ... --- -- --_. -_ .. _-Must Flnl.1l the GDme. '1~1 ... ,.1"1' '\ 1- .. ,. -Y·; \~t'rld\'llll"g \\a:ih~u\'\' al1l11H"ogn~~ ':-\l~\t.:r.l:l1l \\'tll ..... ligl,l Jhllpc1l1C!

, It '. rl. Il rll~ • ,lIIl"\_I"W ' , ' . ,110 Ill" itljlll)' 10 Iii,; (",t ·He has

'UBSC~IP':I-ON S1 A YE1R'~ I I I Ilulnlly c\'cr Itacl II nay's bic1mhs .. ..... ... • '\' tilt! cia\' lie ,'nllC['( I It' ~·or1ll. . 1 I L • II '" d ',' ' SIC~,:"'1l l,lsu~en.tlut lila '-111 5

"nlltillll"d lo (!t·n,lop. I1l1til ai»ut {I \ . 0 wcntler. • I wk. IlIIh, 3 enh •. I yr, f(lI1r o'clock ill tlte aflcrnoo'l It h('- •


,.,""""" ........... ~\I" fl·,.OO "U.OO $11)(',1,1 ,,,' ... t)',"or'n, Cnl ..... ~ ;~, I!.W 32,IJU :;l!g: clime \'C' \' \·iol~lIt. The ro~cl l~cl

•• ,u'" ., 2.r.o )(.00 ~o 00 1IJ I ........... I:~' r,w 1'.00 :J<l,oo 11:1,t lite hOlls,' (If TlIlIll!S I.c',Ii". 18

• .. ,.. .7t, 3.00 X,UO' :! I . ..... ...... ~.OO IO.W lIIil .. < '1111 (If ;\Iollsolllilt. a1ll1 there rot" du untnt,plJ--tli ""('Ifnn J'allb, • • I 1Il •• "uu •. ltlgallllltl"" •. ll\lr. Rohert" l'fllh:cl In fnr a few

\Vhell given tlS ~oon ns the croupy cough appears Chamber­lain's Cough Remedy will ward oIT an attnck of cronp ancl prevent nil danger and cause of Rnxiety. 'l'housands of mothers use it suc­cessfully. Sold by dealers every­


III II tilllnll country town there once lived II coupla o[ young lello\l S who had go no into Jlllrtnership in n bnr. ber's business, un(l in order to pnss the time one varliculnrly dull after· noon Tom proposcd to Dick tha t they indulge in n quiet gnme o[ "nnp," 'rho quint gnme went on hour n[ hour, IIlId whell tho shades or night had fallen for some time neither :>1 them noticed thnt II custemer hut! en· Lerell. lIo survey them in silent con· tcmpt for some few minutes, I

H III' mru 1 .. "11" I """ I ' . "':i~i;;;;I,,,,,;t~;:,.:~~:,t 1" ... rtloill,l~ ."" ... lIIinlltt~ hilt d~c!tIll'(1 10 pllt III'. '.' x ct)uu " ltuo • 1 .. ",,,1. w."J,olli ~1)C'n nftc:r le_lIntill){ Ihc IlHlcl lhe

nr throo fUHnrt.lwnl I

~;;.':;:~~r~,:"i CIUlIIII'. of 8t1~8rtl~t""l!-t 'rill J,.!f)t fUriOllS. It ~rt"\V c1nrk,

_ "Sorry if 1 interrupt," he said, acid· Iy, at Illst, "but j'lI\ in a hurry. Which of you fervid sportsmen is go· ing to shave me?"

'rom looked over the hand which had just been doalt him, l'hen. in n voice full or suppressed excitement, he said:

t Hm. than 1 uusdl'Y •

N .' I the Willel tlle\" n hurricane. t\I~n:as-

M, B, McCAUSLA 0, . . , . . I ~D'TOII AND .... O .. IIIETOR. 1tIg',11I \,\III':lIc,: e\'.:rl' 11111111", nil(

, III .. I . d' ~______ ______ ' IOWII1\! t 1,= ~n')w III every Irect-- , . 91 11111 linn The h(Jr~e, COI\IoI no longer

"Just one moment, sir. \Vult UII· til we sec who owns thIS shop?"

JAN. ~. • • ~============='==== \.:e~p the trHi l

, nnd IJeforc th~ir driver I\a~ a \\'010) (If it Ihe,' "ere

LOST IN THE BLIZZARD IIf. tn tllI·ir l'nr" ill a c1,,\'p

Woman'sWorld I It \\'a..; :\'1 h:lnw 1.l!rn. I" ~rllc I

T~rrl~!. [.perl.,,, 01 HOlDa. Ro~.rll, of I' O' I T,.~.r •• I. ,Lo BU ... rd 01 '88

• liS h"5' COIl, Ie W.I~ IIl1ultle 10

get thcIII 'lilt ,i'iLh the luml ami al1, , A Baby Croesus, Grandson of tho L.t" Thomas W.I.h. Sh:'lIcd by the initial~ "1-1. V. R," \ 1'0 hc wa~ flhced to nllhih:h thell'.

wlncll WIll bc recalled hv 'l'rcherne L~n~ ing- ~Ieigh and Inad ill lhe ~ttnes snll<criher:l as sl~ndin~ for ~I(lll~h he g"t th~ hor~('~ n,lt. hut

, if: v. Ro>s, funner owner t.f the'couhl lIot filld the trail again. puper. th~rl! ap(JeAr~djll In~t Sal:. 'l'rll~titil-( tn th.: IIhtind of the lIrolll"'~ Free I'res~ ,I well-wlittc\I brlltb he stnrled out ill Ihe ~ol­lI\(etl'1t of tlte dr.:udilll exp:ricllce I'o~ecl din;,ctioll of hn.IIH! alltl la'it

, J ..... I

1-'" .. , •. 1 -.-!

\l(1~rg"lIIc tw,,"tv-three yenn. ago Oil \lntll h\! was ~&tlsfietl he shou'd Thumas RlIuerts. one uf l're hnl'e al ri\'\! I wer~ he guill.!; ill the lie s tIIost prosperous nnd hc~t- right ditc:ctioll, a,; home wa$ '14 t

lOWII citizclls. Cut c1uwn. till' IIIl1fo) thull two lIIilcs from the tllllald)', to fit slIIlIll ~PJce III .Iollgh. Theil he CO'lIll1eltCe I to

, (hill ill'Hle. men'lv the gist of I le.lltze thnl he \\'as lost. Thcre Siory rCIlt.litH ill the article \\'n-l 110 landmurk of any dcscliptioll ~bl'lo\\':- to give,him his bearil'gs. III this

:_ AmuIIg old timers ill the west locality there were fOllr houses

~\'htltll lile hle.llh of winter r"cull ithin a radltls of two miles. IIl1d

h"wlin~<b l,f hygollt! ,"can, thel")II'e~ fit the l.cRntitul lilll\! M,ltItlulta tuwn or Trt!hcrtl~ a lIIal whu ltt:arh. illc:IT"cc:aloly :;tam

,.Up.l.1 hi,; memory afi well liS his • J>i:r:;oll, the record 0: one uf the

,fiercc"t blizzards thut ever visited "'''<1:4' th~ p1.tins of 1I0rthwe~tern Cannela.

Thill trlUII is '1'hOIll8S Roherts. Lo~t -~ . '''f.or three days alld lIight$ ill a

blilldlllg, fr~ezlllg blizzard, with­oill either foo'! or :;helter, it· is a 'inllrwl that he ~lIrvivt:d to become II IIserul nnd prosperolls citizen of his uCioptcd pruvince.

~.(':l'h'c great slOrtll ill which Mr. , R'1bert~ snffered so lIarrow nil , . ~scnpc uccurred abont ·the middle uf J UII 118 ry, ISIlB. • The IIc\V:-pn per uf t[lut UIlY chronicled it as the , . wurst storm t!ver \ kllO\\,1I III tht! "cst. It cxtendcd fr'otll the Rocky ~iuulltail\s to Lak\! Michigun, and if 1111ylhing it raged the fit!rccst ill lhe: :;tute~ of D,lkolfl nnd ~1innesota. '1'11.: rni!\\'nys bdllK IJlockcd, bu~i r ~ ~ ~

Iless tnnwhele was plnclicnl1y ~11:;pcnded alld UII abnormal con­Clitiun of aliairs t!xistt!d ns long , ' , t ht: hlollll lasted: all the' U:>uo I

(jhj'~ct was to try tn reach ont: of th~1I\ A~ SlIOII us he ktl~1V thaI' mB RlODEST BADY AND BIS MOTURR.

hoe conld 1I0,t Ic,nch his dcslinultol1 Once upon II t1we thel'e wns a little Ihat IIIl!ht he (l\:cide.1 til rcmain boy Iu '.r!llllerul·y county. Irelllnd, a

S~:e~ting a high "brotb of n boy," us tile lrisb ally, who place with not so 1II11::!t ~1I01V ht! went burefootednbout tbe green laoes,

ate "Ilratles" lind drnnk buttermilk. k~pt hi~ hl)r~c, m')\'ill~ arOllil I ill lellrued to rend uod wrJto und tlgnre n l'ircle. atld ~() l\lallag~t1 to keep and by und by, wilen he W<LS older, I\\\'nkt! 1111 ni~ht, There was noth- leuI'ned to bundle cnrpeuter's tools.

l'erhups be dreamed dreams, too, ing with which ,to make utly ~hclt- c1reums about milkIng money and be­I!r .. Ollc.:e ill II wIllIe hc WOUlll get Ing tl very rlcb Ulnn sowe dny. Any­ill the lee of the 1l"1U\' hor,;t's for n bow, wben be was nlnoteen years

bel cume to America, whlcb wost peo· ef re~pite from tht! hiller wind pie 10 foreign countries tblnl. 1\ good

dsidllf; hIlO\\·. In ~}Jitt: of hb plnce to muke mllney In, Clnd pretty fCJrSOllle sitllntioll Mr. l{oberts BOon be did b~glll to -Wilke n great

deClI ot money. And tbllt Is tlte was' not frig-nlcltcd ; h.e thoughl he bnby In the\plcturn,ls one ot tbe would be all right In tht! morn cst bnbles In'the Unlled States. Whl!l\ lllurnitlr, cllllle, howc\'er, tbe Irlshmlln wns Thomas lr. \U','.lh

/ , \ . wbo a short time ugo, and nnl;v' :ltonll W:!S, sti:1 rA:':I~lg eil liadl)'!:s 1)J[cI:etin, tbe fnt morsel' in'the plctur'e; t!\'c:r, and "0 COl! I 1I1\1~ll all clny la, bls only grnodcblld and will Inberlt l'lturscltll'. nil his money. ' ,

WC)Qd'crtiul tblngs this baby will owu III l<lokilq !J;l:k uVt!r !Ii" e)(per_,I'~I"nA dlly-mlnes. out of wllicb gold

" IlDd stiver are dug, tar up In tbe moun-iell':\! ;v. r. H",bert:; is tldt nble to Inlns ot tllo west; beautiful bouses In gh'e tllileh nCC')lIl1t of It nHelr f Newport" und WAshington and many thi; dIY.· His mind _ n;ust Ital e .tacks nnd bonds whlcb,'as tbe fathers

ot tbe little IDCU and IiWe women will 'ali them, nre pieces of paper thnt are ,'cry \lseful when you wnnt to buy some cnndy. or ,un lIutowoblle or nny­

'you lIoppen to need. But the liS It he cnred wucb

lle. docs lire .. ; ..... ~ ..


• The Subscription L~'s~ Ha~ been cortecled lo Jon 18lh Look al lhe label on yuur papcr and if there are any: errors .lJlt~ase notify TilE TI~II!S.





M. D'l C.M. UlIhuralw or ll'inltfJhn. lIonuur gruduuto.

Ottico RIIII fmdlln,,,.p, H(\VUI\ St PIIUIIA 21. OmeR, Stn(Jlos moult. lIonfli. 2 tu " I). m.

JIIORDAUN'r C, DUNDAS. M. D. M,lt,O.H.l::';O., I •• M.A. I O~. ..


0:1100 I1ml Resldonco: G~ltnn SLroot. .. Trcluune.

OlUco Hours: - - 0 to 11 n. 111. - 2lo a p.

RA'£HWm,L C01'TAGE IIOSI'I'l'AL W. A. Molt. M. D.

For tho troatmont of Ml·(lIcnl. ~nr"lcftl AoCOUob0ll16Ut r.nIlQlI. All homu COlllfurta.

TERMS:-$'.! por dfnm for lIursiug null b03rd modlanl feCH IlUlI 1110,11011108 uxt.rR.


, . .,..



Clearance Sale 1=-' ==O=F=C=L=O=T=H=I=N::::::::G=J

Dtlril~g January the balance of 0111' Clothillg \\lust be llIo\'ed. our spring Clolhillg is n~v in transportation. III order to overcoat ill our store \\,111 be at a di~colllIl of 2:i I er ct:nt.

\Ve hll\'e altendy advicc that cl~;t\' 01T racks e\'ery slIit or

20th. ~entll"'l

-Our Clothing, thc 20th Ccntury brand is un­

questionably worth one quartel' more than other

brands, but whcn you buy it at one quarter less

than othel' lin~s, won't· .this saving pay you to

try now. For finish and wearing qualities, 20th

Century is ackno\\'ledg~d by aJl leading clothiers

to have no equal.

From now tlntil the cnd of January 191 f, \I'C

will give to all ollr clIstomcrs

off all ~lothing I ________ ~------__ ~~-------------.------------------~--~----~~--------,,---.n~.--'~.

ClE'ARANCE in Prints. All our standard Prints a rc now DI1 sale. 'vVe have some splendid lines to seltct from-dark blues,

12 1-2. Regula\' 12

, reds, greys, and light fmtlcrt1s. Regular 15 c .. no\\' 1 -2 no\\' 10 cen 15. pel' yard.

,IROI'SDALl i MCDONALD ." , ' ;' ~ I ., ,'" ~." & ~ ~(, ,


A t this til1~e, the , yea1t', zve beg to ex:press

our'tha,nks to you fo 11 the liberal 11~easure

, , (,r; ~ ill C') 11; ;n . ) $ ~ 1t,

i ( l , ) m'

patroriagf( you have extend- ~ to us during the past m



'" I


I ,I' "

, ~!.f'.,"' ••• "~~/l""."'~"'''''1iI1 ~"".".",,,,,,,,,,,,,,.~,,,,, •• !I( I !~.ol ••• ,.".",,,.~ •• ~,~.~ ••• ; ~ Ro!JJson's Lumber Yard i Ii -;~, totALS, -;- i :! ~ • Pcrsonnlllllci Lna .. lllctllsnbont Pooplu • .... I eo • tiOU Evontt! illl\'Hlllrnund tCrohufno. • ~ ¥ • •

~ '" .0 ••••• 011 O~OS>~> .. to." ••••••••••

4l OA. " 1 'II'S

'" Pat DI 011 w;u; III to\\'n all _ tin· ~ : day, ~ ~ ; i '. , ~ 0 .. . ~ I J. Engl ish n'IIt1111'rl fl0m Will' ~ ~ lllipcg on S:ltnrtla\.

~ " Gel 1 I,) J. "'. !'kutt WflS fl \'i~itor to :It Leave your orders' for 'alt oa anc ~ CYJlre~;-\ Ril'er yesterday, ,

~ II d - 1 C • : I Mrs: D3vic1 Spinks returnerl ~(,"P ... el1nS'.I'1vatl1·a -ar Loa lor WInter it '\'d I r~ _ from the cast on c nes( a,Y' ' ~ : iJ t \V. N. Scarrow IVa:; I n town ~ use a on ce. : from Rathwell on Friday last.

(jj R M B U I L DIN G S '& T. A. Metcalf, Wfl~ a busille~s oQj FA: d,itor to !he city from Salurclay

~ It is. as YOIi arc lI\\,an: a wi~e prol'isiol1 to storc away your: to Monday, ~ mnchinery, cl.: .• in good outbuildings, and. also arrnnge for!. Mis~ Nina SI:lit}, was.a pnssell-oIl/ feeeling fI cCltnin amonnt of stock for the ~prtllg marke, L Onr ~ I

fi II "' ,"el to Winnipeg on Mom ay ev-",. et1il1~t!i train. ~<11 SUPf)l\, 01 lumber is ill good ~hnpe nnd we cun IX up tnose Q( ( It. ..,

bills to YOIll ~nti5factiou. 41 ~ ~ ~ e


l\I1'~, McCullon;::lt left 011 1\[0\1-dav for Cnrl11hll, where she will spend some lime.

i \ I" " <IS' l'»~~il<;jI~~<t'~~iJT.~'f'»~.ifif-=JjJ .................... «!11

Mr. and Mrs, Ja!l. H, Smith Jeft for Fillmore, Sa~k.. on Friday' 5

nOOll train 011 a short visit.

The nnl!:I:!1 Iheeting of the Trc­heme Rifle Association will be helll in the Central Hotel on Tuesday evening' next, Jan. ·3ISt.

, ,


;"~~~-nII#4lt1t~"""""""''' ,

I Cee~r@e ~fical MarKel , TIlEtlERNf:

someilliog '.'0 - New

By mj~take the IlRmeof J. Marks app~nred ns gilaI'd ill the list of officers of tlte, C: 0 1". pllhlished lu:;t week, illsteatl of \V. J. Chum· her~.

1\[rs, Straube and Mrs. Austill Stedman wellt ill to Willl1ipeg 011

[<'riday, retllrning all ~Iollday with little t.liss Mngdalclle Strauue from St. Mary's Academy.

}"'resh and I Cured Meats

·1 I


I We hf\l'e ,:o'nc\uded to add

herne, so hnve built a COIIIIllO­dious haUl'll: 011 the sile of the

Mr. ilnd illrs, R. 13. Lytle nnd l'ldldrcn: formerlv resident in the Beaconsfield dil>trict, but now liI'i in Winnipeg, COlllC out from the city all Friday In5t.

Thc llIeRt 1IIarket heretofor,e conducted by George S, Staples is now rllll under tbe firm nome of Staples Bros., J. C. Staples having elltered the busincsH on the 20th. of this month.

~~hc annunl meeting of the Mun· ici pal 'rt:1II pera lice ,Lcnhlle \Vi II be hdd a~ 2 p. III" 011 WecJnesday next, Febrttnry 1St,: ill the Presby· terian Church, l'rchertlc.

,R. J. l\IiIls left 011 Tuesday eli· ening for Portagc la, Prairie, to at­teud the Co nferem:e Ep­worth I~eague and Sl1llday School COIlI'entioll of' the Methodbt Church meeting there.

Order!l Delh'ercd Daily.

\ l'hol1e No. liS.

, .!It =2 9riee tvent Taking in eV91Y Hat in our Showrooms Our complete ~tock represents a splendid choice in size, colonr and Hhopl!. Call alld see for yonrsel -

DRESSMAKING ~iili"al:;o rc~ci I'e pl:ompt nllelllioll. Miss !\lorgan is 11011' ill charge.

~rcJ. 9l.0 §. ~".,.-., I)I{BSSMAKING ANI)

Our regulat' wi nter Sll P­ply is in-and everyone a bcauty. You will want one when you see these.

you are wcdded ,to your old turnout, bri ng it to us [01' nn

"overhauli ng.'



American I Diamond Hard Coal Coal '

Which needs no lone of the very i ntrocl uction. best Callnel irlll

Which we hope YOII will tly ancl know you will like

We also keep Blacksmith Coal

Corona Lumber Co.

In the hockey tournament last Saturday in Cypreo;s River, Tre­hel'ne youngster.; were among "al~o rans". They had a good timc, however, find arc promised a re~ [urn lIlat~h soon.

The dose agai Ilst p, !'I!:K ewon, of 'Rothwell, charged with ob­HtrLlcting [I constQbl(', was deeided 011 Friday last, when a fine of $25 and costs" Ihe I:llter Rliloullting to $17,S5, \~'a5 imposed. '

A very successfl1l teil WRS held , R. F. STEELE, Agent it, nid of St. ~Iurk's W. A. at th'e

=,:::=====~========"7===~-' hOllle of Mrs. 'Munro on Wecllles , , day 'ofteruoou'. Mllsical selectiol11'1

ON SAl [ AT CO"} olld n guessing conlest added to " LE' -,. ,. til ' the:gcllcral, enjo;,u}cl1t. ' / ,,::

make room for lIew, stock comillg ill at the end, of' January we nre c1enring tile balance of our

MILLINERY STOCK .. t' cost. Fresh, stock of Pntterns just in. -M~, S,M,IT'H RAILWA'Y AVE., TREHERNE

Special for Saturdll\,: McLarcn's jelly powder (the best), four pac­l<els for 2 =,Ci to~ste(1 corn flakes~ lac. pe~' pack'eti Force: lac. per pacKct; Quaker puffed wheat, I a,?

r pack~t; oranges. 30e. pel' dozen; lit C. W, Barkwell's.

1'hc counly Orange Lodge of NOI folk llIeHn Cypress River on'

ReI'. \V, W, Adnmson. of Car­man. filled the Metliodisf plllp~t ill l'reherue and at Mat::hettvllle last SUllday, and thepastor, Rev.'W.H., Hughes, preachec,l anniversary ser· mons in Carman on the occasion.

'i'he \Volllan's Al1xiliary of St, Mark's church has tinder wav pre­paration for an entertaillment to be given in Staple:;' .l:1all on Feb, 23, The programme is to' illcJmle the theatrical classic ,"lei 011 pnrle fran~ais" .

Mr. nnd Mrs, I". Grnveline ex· pect' 'to "h:nve Trehernc' shortly. They have for 'sale 'II;' cook-stove, se\ving I11Rchiuc •• foldjM~_cot, chair~ 811d ~'olh'er "'llouSe!1"o)cI ' 'goods;' practically, ncw. ,Those needing sheh \Vo'tlld clo well to call. . '

? I' ,. -

Ol'er thirty Epworth I~eagl1ers of the 'l'reherne' Methodist Church mellor their weekly mectillg. as well as a social titpe, last. MOllday eveuiug at theJlome" of C. Drury, aud'report having had n good time,

League meets.' \1~xt Monday at Mr. Roberts' hOlne:

tnrday, jAllll'lry 14tb .• aud el ecled the following- office;s' for 191I :-Co. W.', :,1., -'i'bos 'Dela­hunt i 'Co. D. M" J, L. Slllith ';, _"_,,.' Co. ,Cbap., 'c, A. ,linnier; Co. Rec.-Sec., 9, A. Shaw, i ,Fill""

W~I\~ on up,to,dot •• bop' like our8 1110l\1l8 to YOll :-. ,

YOUR OHo/C.·o,. ~ o/,.,."/UtNT MaAr .v."y Nt_1t1... IN THlt

W.£II. CHOc;J!I. I'RO/'ff OUR ""'51"" , - '

Sec., W. D, Hird i Co. Treasurer,' ,tht~.5~i;ilttiI1l W. H. Spinks; ,Co. '·Dir. Ceril1:; Geo. 'Dagg j Co. Lecturer, Jas. Thompsoll ; Co. Levi Hnpks. "

~.~.~o~~~~~+.~~~~.~~~~~~~~o.~ ....... v.~.o~o .... ~ ....... ~~.~ ........ . ~ / + ~ . i ~TH--EQUAL'ITY§.IQ,R~! : - : .. . • • : :

I anu earance a 81 : : i - --,---- ; ; r x For the three remaining days cf the 111onth, Satllf- •

day 28th., 11011clay 30th. a !lcl Tu,:,sday 31~t." we are off~ : ering exceptional' money-saving opportunities i~"! the : • t grocery depa.rtment. I'-Jo department of this store recei- : • : ves g-rea'ter 8ttention in buying, or more con~cirntious :

• < <, C

: c~re in stod::=keeping, ariel that th~ public appre('iate our • 1 efforts to funiish the highe~~t class food-stun'..·. is eVl- i o • : "'clericed by' th.e. ~ s~~isracto1"Y , grocery. t urno\'el" cl~joyed ! :: 'du'ring the' past y.ear. 'The foUo~virig cash priers C\ fford ! t a.'u, opportunity to hecome acquainted with the excell- : .., •. : eDG,e of our stoc k, at prices that mean a big' sa VI ng. l .. ,. .. ' .

~ ;~====~====_~.i=.'=_='='='='~'~~=.=.'==='.=_='~A.=_='_='=_'= __ ==w===="'==,==="=_~_~'=.=u=.======~ ___ ' ___ ==._======= __ .n......_ _ _e. . . .' ... ___ ..

Grocery .-- -_ ....

Bargains ------_ ...

. tin .30 c.

25' C.

,25 c. 15'·C.

25· C.'

,,' ,:= "i $


,. /

. ,

The Scarlet Feather tution or hOI: suu s houur lier thuughltoo lie" u!.'llin to hcr futher-the grcatO.1 SJUIIllr, I1S Mho rogurdell IIhu-uUlJ til" Uu.b uf hU!,1l tb It h "I olu te,1 hllr JU till' nllclIluuu .. g~1II bltuJcd her She strull glell to her loot, sull .uUlJlug UUu luu" ot lh,· duel< If lohn l'0rSlsted '" h,. tieterlluDutHlIl to JOUUU1lt:c htlr nt oven JIll.( .CrI'cll, there "US ut lcust u three h( ur !i n's(Jlto-tlllle t'uuu~h tu ~o to her (ntbcr.

CliAPTE,R XXVIL-(Conthllled)

Ormsby BotWlOll

811 E reached the rector) 1Il 1\ eta te boroiorlUg on dOilpalr. Mouoy could do noUllng Sbo w ..... powerle ... to

evaue the eGnllCqllcnccs of ber Colly. It was the morc llIa.ddcIIU'g bL'Cau80 .he bad oul,. robbeu hor ratber of a IItUe, "herolls he had dotl1Uldcd bcr of muclo. -ob, so lIIucul

One sentence let CaU by Onn""r re­",aloed vlv.dly in bee momory. "VII' .... Mr HerfOOfued IUndo that avo"al ".lb bls OWU 11f.>a, DO 0110 would \.alee the slIghtest IlCitlOO ot lt."

He .boulu make tbe lIovowlII; l1li0 "Olald forco It from hiw. '11oe .rony of tae s.tuaLton ,,1\8 raututlc I. ItM burrur.

Sbe fouud "eo: hUHI, .. d a~ IIplll6. louk· btg wblter alld lII"t'O bIoodJc.. tha. dyer

"What news, Mar,t" Io.e .lIkeel awi<· "ardl, avo,dAnt! lice mtauce.

., I he .t",ugoat, ,Joii.-tlle IItranleet at alii .'{y fa thee Is tbe 1t, .... t tb,of la Amenca "

" ~lary. ~ber, UlIII l",",petuaA abBIIC of rour tutbor, "bo,. ...0 "aV1l .. ronlJlld, "Ill IIUt bell' UB Wt tt.e leaaL."

[( p INI htlr IOto the ttudy. , I (lbu. lohu, you dou 't uD,ler~t3nd

tftlH.t L lIleRU I fVC becD to Mr 't,.",,\C;OI, !n I bp .1l~S tI,at my ",othor left Ino .. ,," Lhlln hllIC. nlllhoD dollar., ... bleh I" tilt Ill' rhus lIlolcn_tolenl' lle It ... "~pt tI~ u(!ggnrs c\'cr 6lDCCI our marrulgo, b~ /1 trICk My Iort ,nc t"euty wlUll" 1I1f1 u 't l'lH, und-yoa koow ",kat "( \ f hnd rrom bun I,

~'"ry, wbat w,ld Uunp are YOIl Inj 111 btl '

,,\It ,t '. hl1rd La bollove, but It'll trUI IIf 1\ Iua,~ tu d'",:'HgO, or Air Jp, ""- \1111 tnke tbe buillOAO IUW cour~. B. 1(1" ~ lIIe tile auvoll LhoUHa/H1 dollIH» ( Wlllttt il on tbe gpo,,", I\nd prOlulwed to I' I th,' reKt f{Jr me, alld I:'v" rue It. nlll( II IIlOru IU 1 wHoled ['vc Heen Orlll'l)\ 11,,1 pi/.ld bllM \.be "00".)', bwt }.' • vhdurlllo T.c $,11100» "reLcb ,. b"lIl "i' '" rlllnlng Dlok. NOUllllg w.1I JDQ\t! hllll '

, I I IR ollr !IIU erll"l: Dut tor Ilton'hl O,,"t, MRr~ ALune,. caD not bu)' Itb!lO hltWII I

'No tJllt flAtlier ca. _, tile WQrd 11".1 "III • 1\ (. us 1111 lie .. u.t ,",ellr ho Ilnile n I111.tnko-tltat he d.d illS. LhoMO elll , 1<" for the :)Ulouul.ll draWl froIU tl10 bUllk Thul WIll paruJ".e Or .. ab" 8ud lel\\!o II1IU puwNWea"

,. T "HI 11091-11'0 aro "ll1o,,"u, In li<lH " gro ~lIud the reetor

'\I'h. u • 1", ean .urt 110 DUO, .. nd ,nil n' nrt 11 tarrlble calamity, perjury enll III uo S11I. God lcOOW1l I "ave boe" PIIIIIOh".1 <1I""gll " Tb"", "Itb ft Bud dOli n, g'" and 11 burllt. of Ylolonco 80 RIIIIPllnl III 1118 "'Ife thllt II borrlfled tbo r'> tl)r, she lJe~ .. to IIbo.., her fathor, 11,1 II III! h 1111 o"~r,. torrl Me, to.I1~" naille 'bll\ ( "lie to bcr tonglMl.

"110 .h,,11 1"'1 tile peaalw ot bls Imud " .l1c crUl~; 'Tb ... f .e eau.. 11141-

1\'(111 It • bred 1Il tlo.e bellO. Set a th,ef '0 ellt, 10 II tI"er. I'Y\l rlla 10,. to earth ulil I", II bll va tl"l 10... hUlldred. or Ih.lll> lillis, II lid 1II0ro. n ",ll le.d loUd .. ,Id \I .th terror TllI.1e "lilt'lI anonu! 'flllllk bo" be'll oriuCe and ".hllle nnll lIlIplorel It'll be IIlte pluck. Ing Ollt hi. heart 1 loa,.. Ute "lhin'l konu of 111111 "'''', and lie ... li dallce ~ nly tlllle r .01l<ld. t be If oOlllpul"ory .4Ueat, II.~ Woe rOiltora

< lion oe III got..tou ",,,,,lUi "ere to lull of!nm," ....

"~fnrr., :Mary, be 0aI-1" ~ "r 'III 1:,01111: t. 10"" ao"," abe erlad ~ •• W. '1\ seo wilD will be .... onted ,. !;bo 19ht 1 'II • .tOIlOO ILia \.aUIlW Tkoro'll

~o 110 ";~'i~.~~(~~~:~: oYer III. daugh if Inllllltil and IIbuA!)

., HOUGHTON TOWNUT 4Cl pm-Itt, ltofl 111 '" J ·\lhlt .. O ... t

".I'ell, uu"ouy e\er tbluk. at Ole," hbh"iJ tb~ girl, ullgrlly

J hero \Va. II lUllt! rattling at th" tront ICJur. rh~ [t:ctur :ittlrll!u, uut.l litltd",.:d u it rror "'luu iutt.ll" he grou.nc11J droPllJng ill

u u c1lulr I 1t :t P(JJict.! f " ,. ·.I"hu, you Ill>''' betruvoll me-utter

Ill" berv,uuod 1"8 "lI,', loukh g ",IJlj round hku a Ltunted tbwg U" boweu h'~ Iwall III u •• !Jut. lie nil'

Lu(Jur~l(Ju! llur !Ill' UHlig t. Urmsby hUH

,eCII hero He tOllll,1 uut-uy •• hp ot he tUligUI! ' J

UUAPnm XXVlll. The Will

1 be Jlohcu bud acal\ eu with .... or ant to ttourcb tbu hOlUUJ. ..\Irs S"III ... tn lIU .. ,1 fllrm,.t tl) !ttl lie 1 be rector

.Irnope" h.B hend In rOK'gnntlOn, nnt! • too,! \VI! h hIlIU!. el,"chud at IllS Bldo, look II./( RI,peullllgIy at IllS wlfo lie ""'u notlll"" hut hlK eves bCfIlleehed ber to bo UrlHC, to .IIY tbe words thllt \ToIII.1 Ha\ e IUlf HGIJ to HlIrr~Dder III tbe nall10 of trlllh 8,,11 IIIKllce

Bhe 1II1IIcr.tou,]. h\lt rofused; ullcI tho IloIlc~ prueeeded W Itb thmr Bouch

,'iolV thllt rurthor concenlmont WD. "acle,. they "erc luol UP"ttllrR DICit, IYlllg III hi. 11m k dllllr, belml Ihelll COlli

1111{ n ,,,1 1.'1' ·,"",1 whlll' hn,l happene" lie ,1"'1'1'111 hi. bo"ll \l1I1l1I I". Inp, nil", whell the Iwhre '""pertor 11111 Ihe ,Ie to< th f1 ~lIt('or(!d the rc.nlJl, ho wns qUite IlrcPft ron

"010., certalnlyl I'll eontcsl to any thu M .. ~ uu IH.!..!, UbI,. Me\. UIIL

'Netty lIa,l tnken refuge ,n tho drnw lUg rouUl, wbere .he locked herself lu, ItllilHrt!u With nil ullretumnllJg terrur, anti n dreull of BC.lI1g bcr bruther b,ll III ellfTed and carned 1>11t ot tho buu!o. 1 he rector nud h,. ",fe .toou fuee t. Csep III tbe 3tudy, w.tb tho tuul. betweon Iht'Il'

,- ~'or tbe 1.8t tim", Mary, 1 IRtplor" ,rOil to 81,eBk" no ra,""" b,. h~nol ,,"d IllS eyes blu1.od IYltb f1 Ilgbt lIew nnd .trange to ber

,. I Lell you, lbere ls no ncod lor me to "peak, .Iohll Th.s cnn 1111 be scltled In 1\ fo,~ hullU, ... ben 1 buve dODollllced [nthcr to b,s fllce, IIl1d compellel1 hun to rctruct. ' •

.. Wheu you lin' e eompclled h'lII to R(hl lie t9 ho Mnry-,,, fe-I obargo you to sponk, alld 8n'a lilt! tloo 1Ioee.H.ty of. donollDclIIg you"

".T &hn, > ou nre lIIatl Trouble hns turu •• l your bra1ll What are ,Oil Hay

'I ho rector '" tho hllll, hlld met on omc~r cOlIIllIg dowu tile !:itulrH, who ex IllIlIlIe" thr •• Iu ,ttuu to hllll-Lhllt " (loetor 'H eerhficuto would lH! lIeceStmr,) I\nd tbul onh:cr~ UIU~t ru HUlII IU nud ahout the h( n.e to kOIlI) lIutch ou theil prison.. 'r bo reelor lI.tClll'd to tholll lVlth It 9 lund cbc\\ hUl!!, us though their COIJIIIJUlllcutlUU hud httle .lIleresl 10 hllll, IIl1d h,. hp. IIIU' ",I wILh lu. lbuught.. Bllt, boluro the) left, he pullell h'Ullolt togetber, null addre.sed tbt.!JII.

• 'Ofllccr!, 1 beg eme fa vor of you, thnt JOU ... ,11 Dot "'like tlll" "",Iter J1ub IIc II"t ,I atter the sen ,ce 'L th' claun h thiS ~"elJll1g '(1111 bn\e Ilrre!:ltec.1 U1\ \\ rOlll! c ulpnt 'fue relll forger 'nn~ POl!81blv COll1e to you lit tbe J10llce atll tWIl \\11b IIUl tu Dight uuu 5urrcutl('r "

"'Villi tlmt the mClllJlIg (,f thl.! \uuug IJlUIi S Chl~k1' "oncillfcil tl C f)lI\e\lr ~\ ellig thp. )mk. facl-I cil!drulIght dcrgy 111111 "u'I"IIPII~h 11,' hili urlc"I~,1 ,I, f I"HIlI/! IHleHtH hefore til ,hI I • It 11,1 ... aM hulf 111( lIulHl h' bdle\ e tlutt the r('ctor Illg7' ,

'L 1'111 uo longer y"ur bu.bllnu UIII yonr ludgc J,

I 111"'"( If \\11. th< ,"IPlll '" I .. II h'" !low "IPr he "hili t Cllie to hll7.llrd U J(lIe~~

"Oh, Tohn. rohn-gne lUe tl1uc--gl\C 1116 II httle tlllle 1 prom,.e you, T ,v,lJ .et (\ ".~ tillllg fight 111 Q rew hours"

Ihl! le,lhr hol""llIt Ih" cloel, \l hal! fl 1St nIx I go to U ... llfitl( t tho I \f n IIg Korvlco-my I •• t "CrllC! III the

dllm h 'I11I8 IS the elld or III) prw.t III tid r ,lrf'JH h 111\ 1II!o;1 ".11111) I IOllurht Ulliess YOIl 1111\ e surrell,lere,1 \ Ollr", If

I'peuh. , I hf rfl lli no (h I~( t 11111 tn

I1l1r 1""l1lhs .11111 for Ill' llOlir ur," tu nlls\\l!rtHl

'I [ nm ohllged to \ Oil for Ihl1 Until nnci lIlt I.!\(IIIUJ! HPr

'r. U"II. Iftur thnt \Otl Cln do ft1:l ,nlpllll"""'" ..

I J I lndnr pld~",l I1p I Hi hilt, au(1

dill.. ly uf t.llU~C purts 'l'hutlc ure 8ent to th Uer heart sank wIth aU awflll drel1tl 1I1/lI1Ufllcturcr IlIlU tho lIlUU "hoHe worl

If lIer futher were Ill, IIl1d ullllhl,. lu .t IS tCJ IIssomblc the pnrts IIl.ert. n bl Jl\Q nttcuboll to hor Il([UU8, It spelled uf WIrO IIIto the smnll holcs III tho QU,

I UIIJ uf the nosJ draws them togetht1 r abou


'rbe door WIlS opcllrd by Mr. R'pon, .II(' 1lI11111 rOIl 111,,1 lid lust. the ferrul. who IIdlllltted M .. ~'\lIlIOU III 8,I0llce In cuthng the cloth or Silk, .evont' I he ludl WIlS lIghte,l by II slnglo oil n, e tb,cklle •• es, or there.,llUlIl. lire nl Il1lllp. willeh olll~ serH,1 to IIItell5lfy rtlnged UpOll II tnble, lit .k.ller he desolat,on nud gloom of the utllg~ ul'er ,tor. ""rk In olle dOlnrtllleD'

fnded house I<hCfl' nre gnlti '" 110 opcr ltu hCIIlIUIU': "1 want to sec 11\\ tltllcr Ilt Ullce, mIlchll1CS A li1011sLlJd ,unIt; of hemlnltl

~['" R'pon," tho d,.irnctell 1\ Ollllln ue ·1 ....... 1. I. bllt " da~ '. "ork ror olle 01 clared girls 'J he llIaCh,"es dOIlI, tW

lob llUII'" n spce.l r,f sOllie thr •• tllo. "'Iho olr.ctor '8 w.lh hllll, IIIndnlll lIe <1111<1 re,olutlO1I8 "mlllute Arter t ...

WOll't be 10llg \I III ~ "U stt'I' 'lito th< I.elllllllllg hllH been done till clot .. 0

hbrnrJ' Ur BarllbJ I. Ih«1' " "ll, IS Cllt ,nto trmng"l .. r ple~e. , .. t. I Tht! mrntJOJI of th It nafll(!l CIIUll'l1 her utile, n~ he foro, but With H pattern lau

""other fro'ght ~hc """ IlIcllllCd to UpOIl Iho cloth 1 he next 0(10"'110' I. Illo,d tho b ,nk IIIn'lIIgcr t llrtOs,ty Ihe ""\\.ng or th~ trlUngulur p ••• ea t .. how(l\er, colltJllCrcll, III tl Hhc ret;uhl'u tu ~dhcr IJ, lIl11chmcry uce bUll, 111 the hupe ur heRrlug: wh,) ho '1 he eC',\ erR lind frames art) 110W u.ui'

had COlllO LO her ll1ther to be urollght together III all, t"or On her cntrullc6 •. Mr Buruuy bowed life t"ellt) one plncos whcr~ tile flOY,,'

.vilh frlgtd J1olttelle"6 's to bn attllched to tho frum. 'I'll. "You huve seeu my (Ilther,!Ilr Barn hnndl. ,. next gluod 011, nnd t •• u.

Ly 10 he weI If .. Bhe u.kud clIgcrl~ brcllu •• reuuy for pro.BlIlg Ilud, of Un looked f"r from "ell I IV". Will

~hocked at the cbllllKU .11 hllll." B~ fur tho Krollter lIumber .1 ... " Did he SOlid [or you I" I" elln8 todll) lire eqlllpped w,tb ...... .1.,

hnll,lleB A Iurge varlet) cf 'llatenal· ., \"01:1, llud It Will lJe Homo Hutlsfac IIlll> ho,~e\~r1 be used Oohl .. lid .1J

tlOn to YGU to know thlll ho I,,,. w'th \ er 'Illite IIllturllllJ enter 11110 ~" .... drawn bUI charge UglllllHt blH gruUlitsoJi ~lr\lctwn of the lIlore CXPCUMI\tI cr ••• When 1 cnme before. he uHserled 1II0st IIf IIl11hrell"8 olllphutlCally Ihut the eheol,s uad beoll A \\oOllen l"uHlle mBy be ,!lIIt" .. "lterell w.Llwut h,. klluwle,lgc. IJo now III'IIH.Ie, t.Ollg., by ,ua.oll ot tlo.e WGe­lecillre. uuglll) that I utlelly lII,sLook uBed bllll, tbut he 811111 uuthll'g uf the kllld lIe UI prepared to tn1Ot!ur that tbe cbL"Cl[tI IrO 1I0t fl-rllertoS al nil '

I' All1 he hutl CUlIlc to hiS 8ClUiC8, at lawl 1 kill.!'" Itl' wuulll, she crluU • ~o, \un tlt!c, ~Ir BurlllJ\. thut .)OU wore ut ~erl.> III tue w rung It

0& Yuu furget, lUudnm Yuu yourtlcl1 "lulIllml thllt th, <luck. were ullereol wltLulit > om kllhWIt'duc '

., uld II Nu-uu; ct!rtllllli,) notl You IItlt1UlHicu;tOlUI lIIe "

II :\lr llcrrctilultl III II IIIH fa III 11,. are fOlld ur IlIltHliidOftSt Jllllllll-tM " :UlHI thc ItUlIIlgl r titlm,} \"111 h It t1l1!'ih of lil urll

110 .b,c\"Jl~ guc'Keoi IIhu Ihe 10,,1 (1-'1: cr \\,lH, Utlt, IU tlH' lU~t 01 tho IIIhU.!I III

leciulJltlUlI, he , .. us pU\\('lh~H I 111111 meliUtI, AIr Baril II,) , that noW'

UI,) bUll ,,,,II liut LJt.! UllClilCtl lhat thu lIIpultut ulllullllUl 1I1'ulI Uti Ly Mr

01 IIML,,) \\ 111 IIccd nil IlIlIph npolu);.)-a public ,!,olul(Y I hI' s, 1111,1.1 eUIIHeu b) \ UHr ..,Wlll)UrH hll8 bot!u HprclHl fur anu Wide '

" I hll t IS n 11111 ttcr fer ~I r Orlll"by ~lr IIcrru!iforc1 h HI \\Ith 1111\\11 lnK pre \ IOWi a6~l!rllOn tL!HI 1118 HI \('~11 file u \\ nt tOll .tlltelllcnt, which I"JSOl\ ~s ~ Ollr 8011 I lIIlHt;tcd upon It hl'lIllA' \'i rlttell It lIlay tllnc to be 111) unltlu\ It'

'I ho SOli lid of Iho IIrr" III of !Il1other I uri lUge t.roHe UpOIl Mrs SWllItc,n H cur, uHI she IIKtencd III tlUII1Cl Hili prlt~c "\~h~ lite so mllny people arnvlIIlt

here ut thiS hoUl' t, Rho domuudod, dlrlOUsl)

Mr tlllrllby _hrugged h,. shoulder., to "lglIIl~ thllt It \I\lS 110 1I11111r of h,.

'I hn flOllt door I~.,S ('Ill' II II I by Ur rrllll '" cr. who hnd hllrncdlj ,Ie_coodod Ihe sllIlrs Mrs SWllltOIl emerged frolll the IIbrllry lit till' "lillie 1I1U1I1Cllt IIl1pa Llellt to "cc her fother '1'0 hor Olllllze nCllt, 8110 belleld Dora DlIlIcI •• clltor I'he girl cnrrle,1 .11 lIer hlllld II Jllece of I'"per Hor fHce \TIlS pille. her CJCS ,vere rod With "ceJl'"g, IlIlU ho~ bellrlllg gell'

Iy WII" slIbduod I he me.sugo In

hlllld \\IIK II crumplcd hllif shoet ot e JIll per, '" the nllsN's 0\\ II hUIIII·

III: short IIIIU Ilrnllll,tlc .n .tA &1'

., (orne to 1110. I 11I1I dYing" "Trllllruer, I mllst HCC my father nt

Ollee, , cried ~[r8 SWlUton, w.thout Wlllllllg to grect Dora

1be girl gave her 0110 look. n trozon glllllCO of contelllpt, IIl1d turned her ap

illig c~ 68 to Mr 'fnmmer. ,. ~[r !lerre"ford," the vlliet Itllnoune

ell, "wl.hes to Be. M , •• DUlIun" 'I'ho (Ioctor IS 'I'Ith bUll No 0110 e180 IIIUSt 00100 up "

I, But 1 inSiSt," 1\[rs. 8\,,010n erlcll. 'l Aml I, too, 11UMltJt," cricd 1'rinnnor,

If.tb glattorlnll eycs and II voice thrtll lUg fro,n exc,tellleot H •• penod ot .ervltudo was neurly ended, aud be "",od Dot 0 sunp "r hiS fillgerR for Mrs. SIIIIlt01l or for anyoue elso Ills legucy lif fifty tholl.un,1 dulillr. WII. "llIIoot w.lhlll IllS grasp.

'!'he roctor's wlte foll bilek, too a. tOlushed to .pellk

('J CJ bo cOlltlllued).



\ ~,\ I UHALI:s1 'II obHervlII1: tlaa .:1 IIII~ I'" kUII\\U '1\ thl' a\yruu

llInll of lhe truged,oH thllt ar cOIU:llalltl> occnrrlllg III wlhl lite, W8U' .,n tar nH to suy that no wild UnltlUI 11I..!s II 'lillturni 'de lth Now nut! thl" III In~tHIICC cOllies to IIJ.,tht, tHich us tbf 10110\\ '"~, wlllch HIllI"" hUll the hf, I f I \~lId trl'ntur~ IN Mwlllt'lIh "lIutrt"1 uut '1 he Innn wl,o n Itltl!~Hcd tb~ 11

C.lClolit \\IIM III 11 cunue wntclllllK a klUjl "HI" r thllt hnd IIl1ghte'l 00 a due hr '"l h 01 n tree 011 t he e"g~ Cot a pond

All nl OllcO the l)Jrtl rmll~, dropp~j ..,trHlght ,)tHvn lIIto th(' wuter n.nrl duo IIppcUlcd hClIcath th~ Hurfllcc It rf' 'J1J1l1ar(ai IIhlluot '1III11c,llIltel\ w.tb a hi III It" 10llg "pellr like h'll, hilI ha, :"!CllfC< Iy rc~ lined the Hurface wbou 11

IIKIlJlpeilled 1l1(1I1II Iv,lh U slIddeuu ... Ih ,t le,l the willehor to thInk that NO""

tlllllg hutl seized It CrOlI\ b(ll J'" ,A, .. J1 ,I,d lI"t COIllO "l' ,Lguln the CUriOU' ul l'H'I\er nller 11 tlllH rowed u\er to lh Mpot "here It lUll. gOIlt.! d6wII III ur I.e to Ilf;COI tUIU the fenNon for tll~ bird '" IIlj ht( I HJUt' dumppcnrnnc.e

A dellil IlIckerol 1V~" (Jostlllit ou tb, ,urfDee lIellr the shore It wa. dClubl Ics8 the olle Lb. klllghHhor had cuu/:hl :suun IItterwllnl all lI, obJo~' IVII" SOCII (IUlltlOg neur by It proven '0 be " '"g Illekerol and the I""ga.b~. botb dend

Une of the bird', leg" w .. b.twee, ~ho Illellorel ft Jllwa th. lung tooth (I' whl! h "ent through Lb,' tlesh I b, klllg(lshur '. "pCllr 11110 hIll rftn .I.u through the plcl<crcl » body, from ,101, to side, " fe ... IIIche. below

'J he p'ckurel hud He'Md tb. longfloh., UJ the leg "" the bird ".0 n • .", froll rhe Iluter With lhe 81111111er nsb, Lnd hac Illllled It buek IIIto the water, exp ... tJftE to 011110 on the k.ngn8ber The bird hllo turned '" self flefonee lind (I"Y61l It. .hnrp benk through tbe IlIckorol, 'Dlbet IIIg II mortal wo1I1I1l '1'bo \I.ckar.l, ,.Itl llUlldr.g tenllcllY, hud kept lIB bold D. the ultd '. log, Ilnd tho t ... o ulI,l d.ed tr, gothcr


OF the cballcn,lug ot Juron olle rt IIWIII berH n talc from Irel. nd TIl, pnsonor ... n. hard to •• tufr, 'DC

Juryman Dfter Jurrman ... 118 asked t. lellve the box Howover, ull th,n~. oem. to an on'c.l, e\ en III frclnnu, And at 1.,1 tho RWLlDrtng of the Jury \TIIS complotod Anal tben tbo p"801l0r Ie .. ned ov~r ,k, lock allli sought the car of tbe oonul tor.

., The Jllry 's all nght, DO", 1 tlnnk,' ho wlIlftl'ercd, "but yo must cblllle .. ,_ the Judgo I've been con vlcled undel

s,vlrnl tJll,.e ulrolldJ, and Inarb, bogmmng to ha, c " "

HER IDEA OF IT "],[oth.r, wlllcb I. t.e currect ... al \(

eX/ires. ) ourself III sllenlllllg at II h&u to 811y she 18 .eltlllg ur s'ttlUg!"

4 I HOII, that uuea lIut IIItcrcal mt

nt nil Whnt 1 WlIllt t6 kuow "hou I heur .. hell c, eld~ II ,.b.Lher .he 1. lav iug or I) 1II~ t,


R.ght ou tb' bl~h "I' t~nee I. "Ioer. 1 put It llo"n .0 • Mr. P'g Au' bla "rellltloIl8" ..... Ik.n' To.nal­

SOllie or '11m's httle, BOIIIO i. bIt{ Tb' IIttlo muddy 0118, ofT there,

He can't hale on .. nice plllk dr ••• 'CauHe he won't try 10 very hard

To keep II .. elo 'el real elean, I ,.e ..

l 'IIE onrl, ClrCUntnavlgatorH toot ) enrs tu su.1 rUlllld the world, Ull. tbo story of Drnko, Dampier A. ., , '

lOll, UUu Uu ... I{, lU thou tu(\t!uturuu.a 'UjuglM, ,. mo.L tbrlillng Loru Allsoa left II .tb s.x sh,l's lIud retllrll.d II ,tlo 0110 ulll~, III dUll WIth half" IIlllhOIi ur t:i/lIl1l1sh treusure Jle WILS tllleo ~""1'1 nil\! 111110 ItJUlItl.t~ III NUlhllg rOUIl I tile , .. urld A tra\cll~r from l.1l1Utlllll tu ~a. I rUllcl"CO "Ull u wUllur b) co, erlllg thl dlstUliCO III l'ltO huurN and thlrt't the I1llUUtc8 iCMII lima teu dUYH, the" trt, IJClllg lIIulie bv thu Mlluretllnu, In ~" ... Yurk, tb" 'l'went,eth Contur~ LlIIlllet to t,;lllcuJ:u, Ulltl tho UHnlllud LlIUltctl r.. t)UIl 1: fllUCltiCO .(\ pUHHoligor from Lilli" Pt.!ru, III IIlllklUg Ii Lturruxi trip 111 r&­IIP!JUM6 to u cull to Luudon, lett LUllS llw ~Illll\! lIu,) lJ) ~tOltlllur tu 1 Hflll' la,. CrUHYct.I by the I J nnul1In Rnlirolld, Look I'UtimlKO In It titl!Ulllor for N (Hot ) ork., 1111<1 "U\lllht til. lluoretHlll1I fur I "It­lalld \\ ,th Il gu",1 Atlllnt." "'>"~ th,s whole trip 1I111(ht be cO'.rt,1 '0 IIlnctocli dU.)H \Vhen Jules Vt"rne \\ r.:.te b,. bnuk "Aruuud tho \\ orld '" IJ OIlJ., there wa. :l f~cilllj.( I hu~ lit.! "'lUI rOlllllllrlllg lUI to the filet H!'\ \\1.

UM III the nctlOll J.'Jow1 ttl Mr I HI, Ilolu" Bull lell. 11K '" "'I'rR'el "lid I. plorutlOu," the (!irCUlUnnvlglltloli ,un be done III tlurty SO\ l'U du) 8 0" 11IJ,t bt the recent IlIIprO~ell1ctltH In tho IlllIli

Slhcrlllll hIlJh\uJ- HCf\ice th( Ifl1I11Jt!7 bot\\ooll VIa Il\oKtock nlld MOHlI\\ hila "een aeeolernle.1 t\l ellty four I""lrs By l(lu\ll1J,r LUlldoli UII II ~lourhl>, the I"" sr.ngcr "mll,1 rUIl It Yoltohlll1lU 'II thtl Hecolld MOlldn) 1I1t('r h'H dei'"rtllll' "'" b", tnklllg (lie of the tURt .-t. 111111 r'-l of flit· (1IIIIIdlUII Pnr.lnr. IJlllO (whlc h It a\& ) OkO.llllflllL 011 It TIICHdIlY) Vall 111\ er

~otlltl he rca~h( 1 III t\,ent.,!oI:\: tI " .. frum IJlHuloll, 111111 If tho fltllllllll e HI uects lit Ne\\ )'orle, LOflllulI (1I1114 III rll,dll I IfI dC\f'1I II I \ ~ I til('

IClL\)lIg \UUtOlI\Cr Ihe p & () l nlll)lully tI)lIIOIlII(() tlwlr U1li1 J11 1I11 t. INHtH' Hpcunl tOUrist circullir tul'\I ... t .. t hlun IIl1d 'upHn froll1 ,JU1J11111\ III:"':'. \111 UII' ~lhflll1lJ Hntl\\l1\ OIU' \'l\ (It ttH'r ClutL:( IIII! or horn! \ .. nr I III I tlr Illig In the r ,"'''III1!!,r '" rloul) '''llIlIl\ II ~hll ~/r Il, II I h,,,". \\111 he f, "" I I h. IlP~t ~II\Hnll for 111I~ tllP ~o ,~Ie II hII' on~ to nrrl\f1 lit Jnpun HI \prll th,. f4CnllOn of the clwrr", hloHHOlll


1'111 Ill' sl ,1,111111, d IIf "II \1, I, Ir. \\ItH~ "Us Ih. j lSI I III I rt "lUi IIHIHti lip trOItl thl I 1111/1 )t

t 110 S( lit ltll JI ... hort Ii ~t til t "1\.

PllIshang- IIlISII hll\tllg rellll IHIIIII rf tHIne 1i7S 111 till tUIJ..tU )1 II \,"'s I Ih~' hnt! iJC( II \\ J( I 1(1 II n t, the 1110111 h c I til. rl\ef 111 thnt Hltr

It WUN Nul,l 1.1> nUl'tlOli lit \ I t \\ rp tllU g'luuter pi II 011 of It, bl II J..:" ~I I I "

IlIr IIIUI. ;-'''11/ 'Iho lIe"1' <I 1",1 ". agclIl "Ith IllsLrUt llOlI!I to ohtull It ro glLfdlc~H ot I H~t

S(\(lrlll d01.tll \Vero preHll1t~ I I, Ih4i Plollch CUIiIiIlJ lit AlIl\Hrp, lIud hi :o.11d. tJICm to the 1)111 do HI J,{IISl III I ... IS Illter Ille <Ienlh IIf tile lIud .. "e 01, Ii': gllSC, four It Z{ I n mn 1111:11 III hi r t 11111 r., II 1111 tJU1HC \\ tlrp sold for ilion I II I I 1111 Ir \\elght .11 gold tu Bnron nut h" hall

III IUno, other pllueH. III tilt" Ir'.t trt ~M !UO fOl1l1d 1I1l.lcrJ.:fOlllttl I I a \ l rl f'llr t-tnlc (f pll.:~en atlOn In \ rll out rertlllll lIlrllth)\u;, "hit h aft.! It(" t nlh­\llhHI C\lI> "ar, nrc 1010\\11 to hI 1(1-dcrlUl1 Wltll g-rc It IIHUISUS of I(),.:'s \\ Ilick WI'r{ br(Ju~h' tlm\ It uIHI delH'!oIlh I ,. grrnt ]JlIlHl III t1UUtlH \\llhllll\ tIll lit .a. loetloll of 11\ IlIg mcn, nllol 1'1 t II h, r. the) Were In I ho courRe ,f I"" I h. IIItOfstlt f2N btl", t II the ]o~!oI fa lit II I, With llurthl Hl1d nil wore co\cr,d (1\", o\ulliv \\ltn lIloro onrtb nod \l~ft Ible grOIl th

Whcllc\er 11I1~ of these buru ,I IlgH " ... up, thlY art\ COlllla to he III l\ NII~

Ir good stllt(' of presen IItHlIl hut b1l9111('1"'8 nr i' II1ttllllg" them huH. 1104

yet bccollle 1111 "'duatry


lIE 'Blnnd Gothllllld .. M"cen for student. ot Ollrl) OuLhic arcilltecture, IleH In til< Bililit

Se I, Corty 1II.le8 frolll tho IIllllUI"u" r. WI"by, the PrII''cI!,ul tOWII of tho •• Iuud ilia) be Heell tl", nllns of no fowllr tllI~ ten churebeK, SOllie of which ullte fro. the oleventh Illld t\\elfth coutllnes 'I'u Gldest of thelll I. Lhe (Jourcb of the HOt, Ohost, cOIIIJllctt'd Ilbout ]040

A director '" .. Oerlllan mus,c"l lnotl tUttOIl, who WUH ospeclIlliy Intorootert .. the study of lIIodlnevnl orgulIs, VI •• toc\ tift) lillie _burche" In Oothlalld, Bnd 1m II v'llage enlie,l SUburo Clime upon t .... relllllllU! of whllt .s ullqllcaUonubly tto. oldest kllo\\ II orgllD In eXistence 'I'ke

ul~l,a bas survl\ ed lbe fret of .ev_ cButunes, un(l Its e:.torlor IS adornad wltb P"'"tlUgS I!attug trom abollt tlla year 1240

Wbell tbl. anclont Instrument ceuld no longer MrVA lts orlglUnl purpose, It WIAS u.ed 88 " slIcnHty, lind for tbe ""tt> gUlltd of boly \ e.Hels I1nd '9stmontl ..... kopt .n careful repaar; beneo lts excel lent prelenutlOu tl"l our day,


on the night WIDd.WIIII sleep'"g Innd

the \ o,ce of tbo tbose who unde~r~Ll'.luu,

J' .I'


ARE 81drtfl to be wirier' lR the rrCBcnt exnggerated Rtyle of .klrt to remain Irl fnRhion throngh the wlDtcr' Tbose

I arc momontolls '1tfCSttOIlK thut c\'cry wornnn wnnh to "ve .10cis" elv IIl1swered AB It IB, there Is n mcst d,sllgTftc· .ble 'e"eo of Ins""urity penodlng nll rnnk8 of hfe. an(l there Ife but a limited number of women who arc perreclly .ecure, ud ec/Mequently soreno In mllld, ]Ustlno.1 hy tho knowle,lgc that tboy ure sm"rtly g"" l1erl It I. not hecouso tho nnrrow • 1l1rt makoB lifo nncl locoUlotion, pnrltculurly the Inttor, '0

'tiftleult, nor bOCllll.C It 18 sn IIl1graceful nnd unbecoming, bMt ... Decount of It" not hn"lnl! beon Ulli"er."II) aceoptod u tbe taly .mllrt mOllel '

of apangled or boaded net. TI,o sntln Ilts all too elotlO Ib princess effect, and thon I>ver it is drapod the tunic, whleb IS slasbed nt ono sldc from hem to 'II'nlst line. The effect is le<>irlcrlly thcntricnl nnd somewhat startling, nnd n more eon· veDtional tasto has 1D0dlued tuo original design, Tbe en tin gown Ilts to porfoctl&n and thore 1S no unnecessnrv fulnOtls, but it Is wide onougb nround the belli to allow of the woarer Inking a long step.

o • •

To glvo the appearance of n nnrrow skirt nn,l nt tb. BAme time to n\ oid its boing too scnnt I. by no means an euy task nntl, In truth, domand. tnlent. Strnigit IIn08 Bocorn· phsb it, or In grollt measuro nifl; trimming works wODders, while If 8umcient w,dth frOID Just above tho ankles i. given tbe lineR nre bonnd to be good. In altering a last yenr ' • go .... n w,tb nn nll tGO wHlo skirt nud in mnking a Dew ono ~Cter thlB yenr'. models tho grenlo.t coro must be exerciscd aot to hnve ,t too narrow JII8t b~low the blps. A skirt made too narrow no>er 1001,s well Ilncl is bounel to hug ba.lly .. hlle If tho proportion. nre .nrefull) "orlle,1 out los. material enn ho IIRCr1 nni! yot thero .... ,11 he SlIftiClOllt wHlth obtuiDed • Ahother important 'Jueslion IS tho length of the train. Mvst stringent rules hnve been Illid (Iowa stabng tlmt tho long skirt ... ns quito out of doto, nn,l eerlnml) the groat mRJonty of gowns hnyo unbl now becD mndc short, o\'en thCJllo In· tcnded for "rtornoon and evoning, but as tbe eenson aUvnnces tnere nro moro and moro long sldrtH to be seen, nnd tbere Bro ",oil founderl rumors to tllo etl'ect ta"t very soon tbo exog' roratedly long trnln will bo In fnvor. Ono of tbe populnr fnshton. 18 tile trnm sepnrote from th~ gown 1t.0'L, on tho order or the court trllin, Without wbieh the g~ ... n can be absvlutely cOlllpleto III ltaelf. Few women who bave pal.ed tho Ilrst bloom of youth look woll III II short .klrt in the h~lI.e, nml c' en tho dobutante i8 prettier In tbe lonl{, graceful Kk,rt If tho gmvn 18 to be worn for nnythlng but It danee. 1 bo all rounel _qunl length Ildrt is not generally becoming, lonl ODOllgh to touch overywbere nnel even to lie on tho ground. 'I'here is noUnng muTe IIwl,wnrd to walk 1D tban a oJdrt of blls order, but Damo Fasb,on doe. not regard Bucb mlDor detnU. whea lo.ulDg bor cOlllmand.. '


Thoro I. n gront varloty III tbe trimming on eklrts thlo wlDter nad unexnmplcrl orportuDlty is nffvrdod to exercise illdlvidunl tn.te nnd ,ncidontolly to make UBC of handsome tnrnmlllg8. '1 ue fnmily lace ftounce. cnn be utilized to advan tnge ns thc 810rt alnshed at Iho Blll0 will .how tile flounees on the underskirt, ~T the laeo flouneo can be uoeel on the material of thc akirt ncross tho front. If lhc Jewelled, embroidered

nd spongle(l ncts aro preferrerl t1IOY cnn be utilIzed ID 'be snme manner) or Ihero can he hnnrl. of emhroidered 0' pla~n


,\ Jlii[u· tll'"c -1;,., turi~--ur- iFI7 __ . .-"·r·.··'·_··;;;_·! 11- I k '" "", J" ~11r", It' hlC tJ\ ~C 1:1011 \1i~UllI't

LN n coulltry of ~HlC"h ph~DUIUCu111 rnullY ut tIJC:tC l'rllctlccH b.I\"(! lJUCIl ubul lip tu 1he (fu)~ (,1 Jute, "hut t!it'll' l!e'er grlowth in populullUu us the UUllt.Hl 1~IIt~d JlI tho CUU\lctIOU lhll, hUWIJ\t.H "III he (tUlip titlch hucl'l.l·\. or tillite ~\lch ~lutetl, it 1M lIuturul thl.! lUlU \ullmhlc IJI~torll II trmlitHIII 1II1l.) ue, l X( Ilt.!'IJllIlt OHI the gallic III \\'111111

custs ot' populution tdlhuld o:l(coed the III tit h uf It t~ u:,clmu; hJlI1IJt1r, lliUdurllll-t plg ng:uIIi n~ there "at; III the old (IJl.)~ nctuul fl'\UrIlS uf un~ ghcli Ct.!IltHh:l. prug'lI:tHf :Such II In\\, fc..t eXHIIII,lc, lib \\hOIl ttit, \ H'S \\011 tlH' Slnllh, tllP I1IHl 'rlwreforc It 1M "cry HIg'uihcuut thllt tllt! lur mUll> ~cllr:; \\UM IIUIIIIIlUII.) 1H JUice nero lo~lu; u the nurth III IJ~Jt!I\e\ It hgurcH Iccently cOIul'lutcd tor the Cl'USUb lit I!:t~II'. \\.l~, UII tuo luct! of it, rlllicu Hili t IIIHh tll.l' \H' l<ila.t11 l'\lH Ill~\(1 ~f1 ur lUlU tlbollht groutl,) CXHl'(1 the prtl lout;. A'oud It tl'lIl1 .1';1111 IInll!-it4 It 1~ "hem limulluy cstl1llUt(18 of the el'll~ml e~I)(HlM The rhor nt l~ton wns r<'g.lnlcd us pIUtC~Ml(,tJ.d n()~I~c,) gels toil) \\ell organ 'rhe (,r t.lw UnltL!d t:>tntctl. uCllIg "111 bOlllldH"-thlt IH. tho stu I~L·t1 Hlld s· g:uud ltl~ aille to w\e 'cxcltltling J\luskn Rnd our Ildltuti pu:; tiCIILH could 1::0 IIH~re- nt 1111\ tilllo \~lthblll 11:1 rllO hl'st 1~.UlI In C.UIlltll. ,;\ltlllteur sessioJls, hus LH.!cn Illllloullced by the pcrllllHslUU. Ullt tho rUlui \\llIch 1011 to hucl\e,) \\111 lIo gOO(I, !llld Ihe ~tllllC 18 (,;CUtUl6 ilureau Ut3 UI,lI;.!,.!(j;. ,,\Ii tllt.' tne rl\l!f WIlS out of' uOUlHls Hl\er II!:; ~OlJclll!4 It e\('f \"tl~-\"hh'h HI tHlnl1}

army U.lLllltl\Y nfO 1I0t yet fully report. Hports helel n IllrJ,tc nIH) enconfllgal) pllce lillti~, lno, If Jtlu're hUIIStli ng.lllltJl tho cd, wo mlly put the POpulutlOIi ot the III school lifo, lIud yet to get to thiS will fr,r Illl Ullb\\Cr-lJut eOlltittlons (Hl'

contllHHltul Unitcc1 Statc!:! III foutld nulU ptlr1l1lR!Hble KJlol }o~tonlllllR lUust go on dtlfurcml, Jl,Hi thl'rt' Ilin ten thlugH to hers lit 1!2,OOO.OOO. '1'hI8 reprcsolil. u" forbidden ground.. du IIUI> \\ hero I horo ,. n" ono 'n lhe iDcrellOo duriug tho decndo of 21 1'01 /fhl" rule cculd not, of course, he uirlcli (II')H-or t\\", lit Ihe 1II06t COil cont., ubich IS t\~Q nntl ouo.bulf Ilulhollh Actnully cnfor~ed \Vhon n mJlstur met ~ClltrUt.lUll IS Jl grcut thlllg fOf elusH fO grenter thun thllt of tho docudo Hmo to abo) 00 bls wny to tho rl\ er tho llIa.tor "ulls, \\ hOll \\0 sproud ollrs"1\ OH ont JlJOO. 'lbe siglilfieunce of tl,," WIll L~ loolled the cther wny, nnd tbc bov run SUfIIO tllln lind c&lIIl'rehonKI'l', 1>0 mlly rCllhzod wben It ,s titlltetl thnt pro"iouo IIItc/ n 8hop, • ho\ .. moro 81'0rt III qUllulll) but we to the prescnt decndc, the porceutage 01 A slIIllll Etoninn got into troublc one slllck olf some in (1"llilt). Huwe, er, incrcntio bod beon (nlhng, day by delllnndlllg n fulfilment of thc we hn,1 hockey '0 1910, nnd dHI 80 well

To the student of theee .tall.t,cs, lotter of one of tho old ell.toms Ac· -in n millor wny-thnt we 8hull do oot there ,s fcod for thougbt In the bet cording to n .tntute of Henry Vr., Gn ter tl"8 ) ollr thnt tho growth of p~pulntioD ha. boen o"e dny of the )car e\ery colleger WIlS Wo ".nt 11 howllIIg tellm down Into ~cry uucvenly dIstributed, The most cntltled to reeeho threopcnce or hllif tho Stlltes, and 'f tho b,,,. tlulll't 10lld strlklDg feature IS the ouormOllll iu n sho"!', throe PCUUlOS bUlng the ,"Iue nil the prizes In SIght, Ihey d,dll't hllye crooso of 1,329,000 WlllCb bas tnken of hnl a shoepllt tho tllno the Inw WItH ta (lIg Il hulo !lnd c1,,"b down Inlo It, pineo in tbe city of New York, on p.8sod. On tho Ilpl'olnted dnv the ulld \\hoo II bowllllg to'1II 1lI,"de. the Incrooso for wl!leh there ,s nbsolutel) burBar would "ppoar III tho b"n und U.S. lind comes hllek home In good no procedont. Furthermore, tho adJu. gl\ e oaoh boy Ius tbrerJlence. .tulllhnl!, lho I'lny"rs nro dOIng some ent towns to tho nGTth doubled In popu Ono dllY, not 80 very mllny yenr. ago tlue, let me tell YOIl, becnuse If there '. latioo, nnd vory large Sldo. wero mllde n .lIInll anel hnl'nc\ont pupIl demllnrlo" a place ou th,. old, grey globc wbere on tho New .Ior.oy .,de of the Hudson tbe hllle sbeep iuste~tl of tho OIUIIO) Iho) SIt in nt bOl>lIn!( Ulld stay sot HiYcr. 1f WO luclnde these suburban The bursar lIew Inlo " terrible rngo, ulltll tbolr trollsorB wenr out, It I. that distriCts, tho gain in the netunl areuter reported the lIIotter, flud slIeceorled UI "'tlUe ,.1.1 U ~ 'j hoy 1o," bo" lIug BO New York wns not fur ahort of two uul· obtnming for the boy 1\ sound !Iogg,ng "ell clo"n there thut one oot of lIlon lions; aud no ostllnnte of populatIon 011 Tho young.ter, howc,"r. reeoned n 'pentl nil the mnlW) tI,e) ha,e or cnu tho bn.i. of n "metropolltull diatrlet," eompcnHlltlc,D fcr hIS 8mnrt. The do) hurruw, to built! nlley., uud uu~ther BOt a. In the c"so of Lontloo prove. tbnt the aftor b,. corpornl"nt be n,et I II I , MpCIH II t It'> CUll get bo" Illut un 'em • total would run up to nOL fa r .hort of illS tlltor, who hnpPclled to be a ., III Bpi \\ ~on the 1\\ U HoIH, bUll n ug I" n .even mill,ons. Moreover, the rULO of pllthelte mnD w,th n keen son8e of IIlIghty \\ all lor •• mg !lIIlU", nllt! whot growth 1ft increasing, IlH sbown by the bumor. !;oIIiC of tbot;o ullc\ urtlHtH t nil 't 110 rHet tbat from lIlOO to 1Il0." tho IIIcren80 .. My I"d." he 8ai<l, "T benr yon nrc n lignum "II,w hnll 111111 II bUII('h of te"

:'oa.]911~0~~ ho!~'~~el~~ort~:~ ::;';~n:I?~~ ~af;e:tsb:!~II~::~ g~~O~ g~;;i~~.lle~o~~~ \:~'~~' Isn't worlh mcultoUlug ,n " wbl. figure of 151,000. There i. Ilothlllg III to brenkfnst with me cu SUlldIlY. Whnl tbo reRt or the eountr) to mntch the would )OU like to eatf" growth of New York; nnd the uellrest ''If vou plonso, 'Ir," stnmmeren th. approach to it, it 's Intero.tlllg to note, delighted DOY, "goosc." Au(\ be bnt! I. to bo f<-"Dd In the wondorflll nevelop gooso. mcnt wbicb has tnken plilee on tbe Pacl A year or two ago tbere wno rocoreloel fie slope. Here .. e find tbnt California, nl vlctcry III the grent Engllsb Bch(,ol wblcb nddod to its poplliution 825,000 of Westml1lster. The hero of tbe dl" souls in tbe three docades of 1870 to wn. not a WiD nor nt fool hull or cTleket, 1900, has added In tbe pOBt decade au Dor had be written n prl7,o esoay. lie oven groater number, or 8112,000 The hod dODe what I. rarer in British Rchool Stote of OregoD, wbleb bnd hitherto annDlll-<lnul!bt and kept tbe grellt pnll obClWn a dlsnppointing rat. of growth, cake wbicb IS t0880d on Shw,'e Tnellday. bns DOW leaped forwnrrl w,th an inerea.. AI, at lbe end of an allotted tune, the o! over 60 por ceut. 'fhe thrIVing State cake relllamed prncltcnUy wbole, io of WalbingtoD, howeyer, ha. fnr "x. ~plte of nil the de"r.erate efforts mlldl' cee(\ed this, the iDorense being 120 pllr to rend It from Its ucky pel •••• or, the cent Ban Frnnclsco IS no longer aloDe victor recen od the prize of Ii so>.reigll. on tbe coast in belllg reckonod as ~no The whGle .cbool nnd the rnaRL~rs hud of tbe great cltlee of the Un,ted Stntes, gatbered ID tbn scbooiroolll. The door. for that IIl.Unct,on must now be oe. were thrown I>pon and a proce ... ion ell corrled to Senttlo, Portland, aud }.os tered, heoded by tho verger of tbe Angelo., cltle. whlcb a qUllrter of a chapel bcorlng hIS silver IIIIICO, alld fol century ago were morel) Lhrlving tClWD' lowed by tbo college c~ok w"nring a cor of mod~st proportlon8 rect white costullle, lIat whIte eap,

Mucb has been said aDd written of apron and all. In bis bnnd he carrled recent yenrs about the new Bouth, nnd n frying PUD containing I' large 1'''''' tho flgure8 of tbe cens\lo glvc mdlBput cake In aecordllnco w,th tbe tllue· nblo proof thut tbo old order has pllMI' bonoretl cud om, Hlle cake wns of peeu e,l I\wny 'UIU thnt tho new erR I. (ille Imr formoj.icn, Olle hnlf on ineh thicl<. lusty growth Tho increase in Texus nnd kllen(fed WIth plenty of b~T.eba'r to and Oklnhoma hilS beon phenomenul. gl\'e ,t con8i.tellcy Birrnlnghum, Alabamn, haR tho dl_tine. The cook took 11I8 sIRIHI II few pace" tlon cf bOlng the firot 80utbern city of below the grent iron bllr that thviele" m'er 100,UOO II1hllbltllnts to sbow the tbo sebool In hnlves, 1111 tho schnill," Inrge.t poreontllge of gnin of allY of crowrl,ng tIle BPOt where tbe cnke seem tho cltie8 in thnt ClaB" throughCi\lt cd likely to fall At n _Ignul, the cook United Stotcs: ,_An"lu~er08ting,?n.IUlOII.ILTod the distance witb hi. eye, nnll i8 thnt of the COIl "c. "'hlcll hn,'o with" sW1ng of IllS orm sont the 1'"11 cd or at lenst grently ",o(leratod tho cnke Uying over the bar If he hllli rate of growth of the fa mOilS ogrlelll. lIIiosoll bis ~hot he would hnye heell turnl States of the ?fiui8sippi \'nUey. "booked' '-that I', books would hn,'e

KIIIII of le.s thnn 200,000 each is a beon thrown nt h"n

o • 0

B UT t h. summer bronght UB tb, greatest, b'gg"Ht thing 'n oport' tlll,t p\er hlll'pl'nrri III th,s grenl

und glor,ous couutry-the IIftlllg of Ib Ate\\II"I. Cur b, Con H,It,y nml hI' three might) frleurl. Thot 's somr th,ug we olln't hope to equlIl for yoar' to come, hut If' 1\C clln't b£lnt It, or evCl tic It. we hnve Ihnt one hully fMlt tf joy O\'or and tokel"irlc III all' th~ .1 .. ,. of cur life onll to Cll\ 0 f6T gellcratlon> to cOllie to 1001, hllek u»On nnd to I!Ill wltut 1IItO 01 men tholr for"'·I". wer, lind to reo(l ot hr,w Con Rile, nnd lu. crew tboll!!ht they would tn~o It 1001 nt the Henley couroe, Hllld they wonlf tnke the look wllelhor or no, ,ild t8k, tho look and brrollght homo the gootl olel Stewnrel'. Oul' Jllst becnuso thc' dared t(l (io nnd dlt!. Thnt snre ",os Ib­best nnri bTlghtest of nIl sport. even!> ill Oallnda In at ) enr-or ahnost aD' ) ~ur, tor thut l\llltlor. 1f we hndn'l nllolher thiug to IIInrk the yoar tha' would bo enough t(l mako It a bnllDe! YCllr III "ports for oil tllne

No, onr ball team alrh,'t .hllle hk, the 1I00llrluv "UII: It Wlla more hko thn. lJIellsly CGlIIOt, thllt one Mr. Hnllo, en' looHc on all UIIHUHpcctWg puhllc twnl! ) enrs "It" ond honderl over to us os Lh. ronl t""'g III c01l1eto. WolI, the (lemell tlllllg '",. too snmll to p,ck on, onrl we mny 11K well forget, c\ (m af w. enll't forgl\·c. But it i8 801110 monn tl IllY our hosebull te,"u Up ognillst tho. tll11ol\' a,l' COlllct. IlIIIl I wouldn't tbllll of floing it oxcept thnt our tonm WM

rOil II) tbe "ullkest thlllll on enrth nntll Chllrl,e Rowlnnrl look It In hnllfl IInr gn \'e us ,n Rnish thnt lo~lted 11100 a lhou "an,1 dolln rs' worth of nrewerkK 1111 su. ntT nt once About lhp Inst tiling w. CIIII ony for o\lr bull .olloon I. that " showe(l us whut we rn Ight hn ve (Ion, If we lind set nbout it right

HllrprtslDgly small od,'anee· for such A. the pnllcake fell, the wbolo .choGI Btnte. a. Kentuel,y, MI.soufl, and Tn. rUBherl to snatcb it. For BOIIIC Ullllute" diann. The grellt SLnte of TowII hR. even nothing WII •• een but u whirlmK milS" ButI'orell ft shgbt los. of pOlllllation. of struggling Inds. In geuerol, little or Immigrntion, liS wus to, be expocted, nothing relllllll1B cf tho pancake. On has beQn R p~tont fn"tor ID bringing tl"B pnrtleulur oeen.ion, however, a

flgu e8 for the continental United hcavy, str(Jl)g lot of boys ho(1 plnnnod !:Itates til' to thOlr pre8ent hi~h mnrk. tei got tbe pJlneake. They bnd securod It il found that nenrly nine milllc" illl' good plneos, and wcre to form a rlllg 08

_ migrantA cnt .ed the country durmg tbe soon 110 the cake foil, BO(l !lrlll in nrm, Inst n years; but the large protoct It while vne of thclr number

NeverthclesR, It's Just os well lI,a' WiulI'peg dltl nC/ botter. If we hlld ,Iu~ ,n anti won tho ponnallt, thc other rel low8 would ho \'e snul thnt IVO wnnter to bo the .. bolo oheoNo. nnfl ,t was ", U80 for them to try-nnd nil thut

. \

/I'Il'inll~I',tIlRt ha "0 thoir no. cropt unrlor nnd secured it, The plnll IRn(]8,,>.:an~ I ,.,08 excellent, but, like IIlnny bUllllln

other co plans, it fnl1~r1. ll~il~it::~li~~:.i~~tt:~ the The pnncako fell In nn unoxp.ct~d " plncc, nenr a 8mall boy nllmerl Well ••

lie wnR a ,'ory delieote In<1, nnrl bad 110

ieleo of strugglillg in the crowIl. A" tho enke fell tho circle Gf hoy. (ormetl, Ileeorrllng to ngreement, I,nd closed III upon it. t:iomohody gn ve Well. n pll"h and tho little fellow foil forwnrd iulo Ihe mir1<1le of tho rmg, !letually on top at tho pnnenl,e.

Wolls grnspod tbe Oppurtlll,ity, nnrl, as ho loy on tho 1I00r. unbuttone,l hi" wlli,troat, slipped tbe cnke in, buttoned hllllself up ngulu, nnd Wriggled out Tlw cnl,o harl dlsllpreored, no 0110 knew wbere,

of r~t, dou't you know Well, the' bent U8, nDd bent us good nnd bu,l anf now, 'f there's DO lengu_n" I thiDI there WOIl't b_Onlgllry, g(hllonton nnd l\-f0080 .law uua RCJ::pnn CI'" 't Me1 up n howl ubout being outhid Il,ltl ou.! snlnried by Winnipeg 'rhoy enn retu., to .tuatl in for 11 leugu_ns tltey WIll T think-but "e (linn't chili thelT 11m hltlCUB .ouls by hn"lOg n team tho' eoul<l .. 't hent; III rllet, they bent u' onrly IIl1d OltOIl ollfl just "hr.1I tho' rlern "lolI .. d Anti nnw let 'cm gc It"': tho hlmlon i. on them to .ho\V wh' we Bhoul,ln't 11Il\'c n h·,,~ue tI,," yea' IIntl gil'" poor litllo WlDmpeg n (hnnc(

But wo hnfl (.t her tllIngs I hut \Ver' goo<l-n8 "e IIlwIIl'S ,10. Thf' erlche' mcn (lifl thclIIKeh eM proud with n b,~ eOIl\OntlOn nnd u. week Itt plu.). }'oot hull hllll it8 own 11Ig pili co III tbe Hum mer "ports. 1I11d tellni. wns nil to lh. goo,I-IIs u.""I. a.,lf, Inwn bo\V1I1I1l IIl1d 1111 tl c 8ummer sports, hlld thel ,IllY OUII u goo(1 clay ,t wnB, hut "nOli short-aguin U" per u8uol

Unt It \\n" n good olrl yonr, nnrl r\on'l let ns forget thnt We anw ROllle nllgbt' bmelng bouts n10llg tbe way, to. -superfine, lind thon SOIllO, don't forge I thnt. 1>

o • •

"1r',-. .... 'l\'alTCu,O.C. , _ Pcb. 1111,.

111 h.,l .. horw tkat h.d .. Sp ... lb for .. lonl Utile .. nd J ha4

tr • ..d ato."" t'ft" kind 0' 1I1tdld.t _he ... ud,hbor told me ,. tIM

Itc.dan'. 81)8,.la Cure. wblcb I IlItl

•• d II act" _.' .kIIr." M RGenNTIUo)p

••••• 11.. 5,-"'D C ..... I. -.btr'lI'dellptn_~ul, bUl t.tbe worW'. .taDd.,d nllS,d), for all S .. eU .... t ..,. .. ",,_aM ........... --......

" .. ,Itt ... ,14 .... r .. , .. 1" .... It"" fa,.e, ........ , ,.p~ ... , , .... " ....,..le.tol •• d MIlle .... u ..... nllr .....w ...... k aI •• ,. .... .. ,I ..... __ ....... ,.... ... , .. , ,., ,,,.. ....,. .... , ....... M ..

,.,.. .... 0. TIN Ho ..... ·-er .,1 .. _ ., .... .I. """"II CO. ••

_-.. ........ V ..... _L

lor hie meihelne .. nd lt 18 clear thai Jo'IYIUI is B goo.i tlenl 1I10ro tbllll our Tony I. up ta, evell woon Tony ,0 feel­lUg hlB figMmgl'8tl ns he IIlU.t hnve been tbe oth~r night \vhoD bo starler! ia on FIYUD and K,ne Ollt to u wllll,gll .. orld hlB 'OOC11DCI'fl to tako Oil tllo rolt of tbo eernp !woJ' 11. la8t 11K the por tkh!!! conkl be mll(le nl"dy for bUll

Ob, weil, TOllY mOBI ha,e b,. way I Buppooe, but tbe gabtJleulIs wlll gel him If be dOOfln't wnl.h out and S. LnDgford,h 80me In tho gobhleun Ito. 01 good., mmd Ihot. now.


TIlE body of Q gUld", perfoctly P"' senod} bas hMm ylOlrled up b, 000 Of Ih~ Swl •• glnoJers after.

periorl of tW\Tllty two ,enr.. III 1888 tbe guide foil lato a cnn 118.0 illS body was lately re<> ..... er .. l Ita IIppenronce ull· changotl b, Ue Ioug (lOpn"oumont to tho I.e.

Toore bon been ethcr c"seo of Lhe brlDgmg baek bf a long lost body hold for yenTH In tho .100. embraco of the IC", Oue of tho nrHt In.tuDUs on record rt) lates \0 tho IIomol ueudent, whlcb oe­.urred In 1820 Sevornl guide" wer. .welll down by nn avnlnncho nud hurl eel nto a crc\·a"lI<l. nnmcl proph08100 tbo glncier woul<l vleld tbem np III Lhe courec uC 011(' lhnuMud yoafs, but Forbe. bollo\'ed thnt tbo cnrl of the glne­ler would bo reneherl by tbc bod,es I. forty yen... 'rhl •• toten",nt W08 con.i4:­ere(1 bold, but ItS nceurncy was born~ O\1t by the e,·cnt. In forty yonro the Jlow of ice br6'lght tho borhe" to light

In 1800 nenr)' ArkwTlght wa. lost Ie a glacier. In ju.t thlrtv olle year. bll brotber rooeivorl n tclogrnm from thG Mllyor at Chnll10nlli etntlng that tll11 body bad been fOlln(l. E, ery IIrtlcl. ~t clotbmg wa. lIItn.1 illS nlllllO untl regi. mont cc,,,ld be read eloruly on bl" huud kercblof, nnd hiB gol(1 poncil coso opon ed and Bhut as onHlly IIH when be bad Inet u.ocI >t, throo (loendeB beforo.


THE thimble Is a Dutcb tnventioft und was arot brou/lht to England

• OJ one Jobn Loftlllg, who bogan Ita mnnlllMcture nt IHllngloD In 16115

n. namo was deTlved frolll lbo wordl "tbnlllb" a 11(1 "boll" OrlglOnlly It was called ,. Ihnmbell," then r, thum. ble," nll.l tlllolly "thimhl •• " It I. re­eordod thnt thimhle" woro first worn OD tho tbul1.b, but we .nn eonrcoly CODCeIY' uow tbey cuuld be of much eerv,co .. usod

Fortl",rly t him ble. werr mud" or brn", uod IrOIl only, bnt now thoy aJO .hown ill golll, .Ih·er, Bt.eol, horD, ,vory, aDd cven ulnsfI.

TI,ere IH n thimble owned by tb. Qucon of SiRIIl that i. shaped IIko '. lolus bud, tbe roy,t1 'lI",yor It Is ot golrl, th.cltly shuhl.fl \\lIh ,hnmontl. nllrl 18 hel.1 to be ~ho mORt costly arthut oC the kllul in I he 1\'orltl

Tn Nllplo. \ery pn'uy thimbles com" pORo(1 r,f Invn rrnm ~IOllUt VeBnV"," nrc (J, cu~I()lInll.v 801e1. bllt rnU,er nK curlO.i tlos tunll n8 nrtlcles of ronl utility be­mg, by rcnNon of Iho O:lt"·,,,o brittlen6al u( tho layul vory cAslly bro:u;n.


ONE 0' the t1IC1Mt cunol," imlustrles 11 tbo worlt! Ie tbe bURl neB" of mlflllJg for eoOln IllnnKs, willch is carped

lD In Uprer 'roll'luin, I' portlQn of I h. po.se8.lon8 In 80ut hen.tern A .. n, -

eortnin r118trlet 111 thia pro"pc4 C:dstR a grent undcrgrollllll d.

t of log., lVhlch were pToh6bl) tho nilB of trcctl engulfod by nn eartb

ItlRke or somn/' othl'r eoa",lsion r,f fill­ure nt II eom lBrnltvely rc~cn); period.

'rhe trees nro Jl spoeies (if plno kllOWI ;0 tbo "ntiveu, nnd nUto to somo Ql:ton\ '0 Euro(lei,'n commoree, a" "nalll.hon." rbc wood Is nlmost Iwpe'rIBhable, nod 1n8 tho qunlity, e,lheT'througb 1t. :uro or n. the 10sul~ iit It. sojourn lorgrnnn,l, or resIsting doenv

Thl. qunhty mnkc.l,t·P' ;, :.'.'. VRI,unlllC for

"'7 ' . - -


Thl! F:lIl1ill' TI, r,~ld :.lII,1 \\'""klv Slar fill" ~(lin~ III stolid llinf' or 1n00e of tlll:ir n·:,clt'rR In 1111: Old_CIIlIlltn'

lIe'xt Jlln~ III the tllU" , IIf till' CeJl(Hlali<JII, with all "'Xlienlic~ p~id to any plirt of Call,lua. attll .. I liberal' alltount

for ~pelldill); t:101iey. We oIT~r lht: TRHIIERNE TIIIIES. amI the l<AM rr~Y HERALD and WEEKLV STAR for one

yf'nr each at $1.75, and every pcrSO;1. acct!pting this oITer has the right to make att estimate and the Fam'iIy Herald . .

$50 (X114 /

The isst;e of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Sept. 15, l!JlO, had 65(j,H70 reade~s, based on an average of five readers to each paid SUbscription. How many readers ~i1I tlte issue of March 15, HIll, on the same basis have?

and 'Weekly Star Will ~end the first three of its readers who make the correct or nearest to correct estimate to Eng- If IIny reader ot the Times lItrlkcs a sllc<:essfnl es­

'timate we will give an extra purse of $50 for pockct


land wi til all expenses paid to any part of Canllda and a liberal allowance for spending" money. Estimate conpolls can -

he bad at this office, which must be filled ill ancl accoll1p~ny your suhscript!on to the two papers.

MANITOBA ·TO THE ,FRONT - . ... MANITOBA has 1111 extensi\'e \Vater surface for el'aporation and

precipitation purposes (having 6,019,':00 acres). TilliS ~he greateslnecessity for crop pnrposes is secured. ~

'l'here is yet unoccupicd about 2,'i,OOO,ooo. 'rhe pOPlJlnliou of the Province in 1901 was 225,2t I lind is now

abo!tt 500,000, which is 1II0re than satisfactory, considering . the starting point. ,The prodl1ction of wlleat oals anll barley war" in 1901, 9°,367,085

bushels; in 'fil'e years it hns increased to 12<),475,943 hnshels. ,Winllipeg in 1901 had n popnlRtion of 4~,240; nml has 1I0W about

150 ,000. or hns nemly qttndrnpled in eight years. :rhe nssesse(1 valne of \Villllipcg was ill 1')01 $26.405,770 ; in 11)08,

$116, t06,390, or has tripled ill se\'cn vears. 'l'rnnsportation facilities fire 11I1equulieli ; in·a word arc in' an acl­

vnnced, up',to-date' condition, having fonr transcontinental railways complet!.'. or nlltler cOllstrnction centering ill \Vinlli­pqg. '',l'he provi!:ce·has ncarly ,~.oQO miles of completed rail-way lines.' '

~Iaiiitoba h,ns the ~r"eate~t progress'a)::riclJlturally and financially of . any countr)' in fhe! WQO"\ct: and i~, t111,refore, the on(!"to cast in

YOllr lot wilh, a~ she' (lITers lhe, hest re'talrlt5 for labor or fin: ancial capital.

vVrile for informatiou to :-

dAS. HARTNEY. ;7 Y{ilk. St., '(Olanta, Onto ' JOSEPI-! BU8KE,' 170. Logan A\'e., Winnipeg", ~Iall. A. A .. C, LARIVIERE, 22 Alliunce Building, Montreal, Q, J. F. TENNANT, Grclnll"Munitoba.

" J. J. GOLDEN. D.-puty '!llinister of Agriculture nnd Immigration, Winuipeg





A general finan~ial business con­ducted. Money to loan-on real property at lowest ,r"tes. IlISllr­U IIC\! and I real c~tate ngen t. Re-

, .pre:;enting all the best loan and in­~lItanc': compaJlies. ,

~w~~.~~~.~~~~~~i"i~i~·~~ \.

= T. C. Forbes c. ~ Rathwell I. Ce --\or-Ce ,

, ~ Money to LOon on Irn­\(W,' provl'd Farm Property at low­

-. ,t: est Tlttes of interest: Leading '" \ ,. . re Loan Compllllles represented. • Farm Lands for sale.

Synopsis of Canadian North·West Land Regulations,

AN\, J .. HlrHOIl \\ho lallio 111110 1101111 or 8 fumlly "r,nny mulo o,'or 18 )o'IIRIS old. flllIl' uomu·

()UllrLor tlontlun of 'l\'ullnulo Do· I lu I\IlIultolJu. ::JnslclltchoWRIl or

1I{,/,liCltut. mun 1\II)1cnr In l)urBnU I)nnilii(, U !lIl1tht AKolle), or t-lnh''\ji{QIIO)

I ]~Ilt.ry by lir"x)' mul' Ue! mudo t.IUI.r U;UUIICY. nn C'ortntn COlulltlot\M. h~ rnthnr.

mOlhnr, .. nn, dnu[JlllC'r. hr()tlH'r or l'liaLor 01 tutclItliul! hlHUh8tlHlIlllI', ,

lJnUcs-Hlx mcmlhH' l'csldonco UI)()II Bud cui. iOIl 'liu Inn!. in ~lIch or t hrun ),purs. A

11111\' Il\'u wltl 10 uluutmllotl or Ide It (llI'lIllll ut Jtnl~t uigl"l' Ilcrr.!!. nllti (lcclIVicd uf' him or bl' 1I1~ . bon, dnunluur, Jrutliel' nrH I!Lor

cI'rln ill dlst rlotlt Il humestontlur In f,ond Innlul,IlU 11111)' Ilro.emllt II CIIl'" Lor-BocI Ion It 1I1lj,t" "iilu hi. !lnmostftIHI. 'rico rf:J.tJO .,fJrncro. nUt-IOE -)IUltt IOlilclu si:l:; l1Iuut.hs III ol1ch or lUX yourb hOIn ,'uUl or IUJrnu:ttnlul ouLry \lUoh1l11ug tbo tlano tOflu1rQd to uuru hUIJIUetUI:H patout.) nnd culth'l1tu JUt)' nerCH p:xlrn.

A hfJl1IoalOUtlor ,~IIIJ hus OX}HU18lod his homo· stoud rl((ht unci caunllt obtnln n pro.omptlotl 111It)' lHku u IU1rrhu8ud holtllHltcnd In curtuln disLriut8 Ill' c'tt sa.OIJ Ilet ncr!!. 1)1\tl08-)1 us( rutlhl1l81X I1mllt.hs in Qllett or~throo yours, flulti· lilt)" Boro' "uri C"oct II liOUBO wortli $=100.011

, ' W. W.COltY,

Doputl' 01 tho ~t tlllnor 0/ tho 1utorlor,

.......................... ; ; : Correspondence. : • • • • • FROM D'.TRIOT CORRE"PO~Dr.ST'. • ~ A ... ~ .................... ..


Rands in this (listrict nrt; \'ery bad .

John Kerr, who has been visit­ing ill the north I:as returned.

Garnet Dobbin, who has been vtstting in Portage la Prairie, is back again.

1IIr5. Ernest Cnughill, of Lake Francis, is vi;;iling her siskr, 1Ilrs. Gamet Dobbill.

~Vill Grogan hII'; purchased n fine team oi le).(i!.tl'red Clydl's frolll Will. J\loIT'llt, of Roselldnle.

--- --.,--OLIVE

~liss Clara Bllchbuch visited at Mr. Hogg's on 'l'lI~sday.

Leonard an:1 Chnrles LOI1I1~bury are sufferlllg from sel'crt: colds.

!II iss Nellie Hogg b:lck' to her work ill 'l'reherne on ,Monday.

~lrs. A. Robertson is improviug, It is hopecl she will ~oou be nround ngai II.

Mr. aud Mrd, Juhn' Grceli wele tbe guests ul Nlrs Gre~u'd pareuts on ~:)llu~ny,

Bid CI)lds, load ru'di, and tJoor tc eplwtle "~r'.'ice, ar" the order of day, in lhis district,

Mr. and :llrs, C~L. DJTliug re­umed on i\l,)uuav, frolll a visit

with relativ~s in Winnipeg. - , '- . ~ - .

Ali are plc,lo;ecl to hear that little Ora Spiuk~, who has beel! very ill lVitl~ an ntl!lck of congestion of. the Illngs, b improving.

~1rs. D, C •. Spinks.and suu !,'hll"c\ I etmuec\' hotilc on \V.eclnes­lay' after.1 two l\tonths' visit with el,llh';s neRr B'urketon, Onto

The mecting held in the \Vilson l~I"1l ~chool w.,s for the purpose of Itcidlng il'h",l!tcr or 1I0t tbe secret­" ~ .. trcasu rt:r was to' hold his )o,ltioll for another term, not for th" pUrDO~e stated " ttl last w~ck 's . . It:\\'S.

Sat.lI FllIsher is q Liite

U.illlltionrlzo<l \,uhllrnt\oo 01 tbh -.d· vortt,c",,"," ITt)1 Dot bu puhl (or.

~rippe. . "

Miss K. Hirtl IS \'idting III tbis district,

, \


Austin news in last week's :'Ifc, Gre!:,or Hendd stat~s tilat Rev. H. G. ~IilsoUl, formerly stntion-::d in the Ln\'cllhalJl di~tl ict. wl\l) leaves shortly for his hallie in' England, was recently prest::nted with a beallt-, if III locket, with itdtials engraved, II walch fob, and 011 addl ess, by his friends oi the Loyal True BIlle Lodge and others there. A ~plt:ntlid programme ,wns got througb, al~d altogether II happy social fvelliilg wm; spent by rill prescnt. Mr. W. Rose made:! a very efficien t chair­l1Ian. The address WilS as follo\\"s:­

To Rev. 11 G.lIll1solll, Dear Sir amI Bru ,

We, a n'lIl11brr of yonr friends of tbe r,. T. B. ilnd others, desire berol'e you relllu\'e frona m:, to ex­press to) 011 otir appreciation of the work you have dOlle ulIlongst n5. both as Chaplain uf our Lod~e nil:! Pastor of the Methodist church, and ,,'e sincerely hope rllld pray that \I:herever your lot may l;e cast in the' flltllle, God's richest blessing U1a~' rest' npon )"011, lind success crO\HI all )'Ollr e-tTorts. W~ ask yOll. to accept thiS smull

gift as II token of ollr appreciation of your li~~vices amongst liS.

(Signed) Mrs. n. P. HHl'l', W.M. W. G. 'BRVCI" Rec-Stcwarcl.


The Salesmall Learns SomethIng of • Long Adm; od Industry.

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : ·RathwelL Locals: • • • • • IDLflrOt't.fu~ fttl'IIM nh()l1t P100Ilio ulUl E,". • • Olltlt in HIlt.h\~ol1l1lUl DhilricL. • • • • .......... ~ .............. .

Mrs. J. J. Ransome \·t~ited Tr('­herne all \Vednesday.

Geo. Mnllhollnocl and wife WHe Willni peg visitors last wl'ek,

111 rs. l\l tiglH'n h ',5 gilt an assist­nnt drc~smnker alld milliner.

Geo. Hanston WAS a visitor to Cypres~ River on \V'~;lne:;dl1Y, Jntl. 25th .

Robert Sc,lrrow wa~ a business visitor to Glenboro Oil \Vcdnesday of last week.

P. 1I1cKeowII was n \Vil1nipeg vi,ilor on Thllrsday of last week, returning on Friday.

The Sons of England ball was well-patrol1i~ed considering the extremely cold weather.

W, N. Scarrow, ProvinciAl Con­stable. took a nrisoner to Carman to settle a boar~\-bill Oil 1'hursday e\'enilllr, Jnn. 19th.

Pele)!; Smith took the train all th'.! "vening of Jan. 19th. to nttend a l11t!eting of the directors of the Agricultu ral Cullege.

George Cavanagh hael the mis­fortune to have his shoulder dislocated while leading a colt to water. He is in the hospital nt present. ,

Constipation is the cause, of many ailments and disor'ders that make life miserable. Take Cham­bertaiu's Stomach and LiVer Tab-lers, k.ep your bowels regular nnd you will a\'oid these diseases. For sale by denIers everywhere.


• New Crop Pos.i~i1ity

'1'hc refractory straw of the west­

Anti-Carbon Soot Destroyer A Hew and Useful IPrepara&50IJ

This composition, placed 011 the fire, expels chCl11i,:~,] fllmcs which destroy all soot in the stovc, pipe"

and chimneys, AND WI LL EXT) NCr U ISH IT AT ONCE if on fire.

When the 'fire Burns Dull allel the Ol'ell wo"'t\,,,ke, lhe chimney is chollcd wilh soot aud liable to t'atch filt'

nt any tillle. A Pach.age of .r'\.nti-Car-bon for a few cents will clean it in a fel\'

minlltt"!'i, without soiling Ilnylhing.

C011lpanie~ Recommend Anti=Caruon,

Adam Forbes ,~

. -:- MANITOBA '! ,

------ -- - --- - -----~-


Eastern 'Can ad a Daily during December

3-Months' Limit Stop-Ovet' Privileges


. St. PattI, or Duluth, , Chicago, I\nc!


SINGLE FARE Plus $2,00 fOI" the

Round Trip

From nil stations in Ontnrio, Port Arthur and 'Nest, ~lanitL1lJn, Sas-

" katchewnll am,, tu


The DOllbllJ- 'Tracl.: ROlltt·

~EDUCED FARES Steamship Passengers Nov. I I to Dec. 31

s-Months' Limit

ern flax crop is now burned as n useless, encumbrance. The slow r'rocesses of separating th,e fibre. which is the raw material of linen for industries, ~'0111d Le too c~stly to warrant the utilizing of' tbis by­product. 'This fact lends special interest to the claim- of a 'roront~ inventor, who is patenting a proces~

Write for hili particul~r::: and De5criptivc Pamph let


'l'ickcts on sale December 15. 16 and 17, 1910,; January 20, 21, 22

and 23, and It'elJrt\nry 14, 15 und 16, 191 I j good to return Within three tlIontbs from dule of issue. by which he claims he can separate

tbe fibre from' the stems in a day A, E. DUFF Apply to l1Clnrellt C, p, Ry,

Agent for full inforUla tioll. anti cau preserve It unbrokell, By Generlll Agent; Passenger Oopllrtment

tile processc:s now iii lise the steUI!! ,260 Portage Av" W~~lpeg or' straw' ,must be' pulled, aua ,it I~~~=======::;::===~=====~======= reql\ires a soaking aud rotting.

.".UIlIl :~;r,:!t!a~~ bt~l~ ~:~e~~I~~~~~~V~:~ '[arm ars' Mutual [lira :~~I:r:~;a:~~d~:~:~es ~~~:Il~~~:~~ r' .

81lIne'Wa.~\n\hlrt eral processes and reaches its final , " .-'

~~O~':~:~;:;;i~:'S tow, cord. Ins u-II a' n cae 0 By thll new proce!!! it,ill cia! :-

the: _ fibre III not· necc!lIllriiv " • , mixed, ~lIt CIlU be· kept . ~. )

·,· ....... .05' •• ,IlH it lie~ in' the· straw, an ndvantagc ill Ilddltion to iug'of lime Gild co~t, WhilJ'

\ • PQrtage la Prairie " .

, , , ( lillg of tin would Hive wore_

Plraces's ,.it ill clai~lC:d,: hh stra\v

. ,




, , . ,

-'. ,

I '



, ,

I ,

I '

, I I

< I , , i

,I •

