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Nova edição




São Paulo

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Governo do Estado de São Paulo


Geraldo Alckmin


Guilherme Afif Domingos

Secretário da Educação

Herman Voorwald


Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio

Chefe de Gabinete

Fernando Padula Novaes

Subsecretária de Articulação Regional

Rosania Morales Morroni

Coordenadora da Escola de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento dos Professores – EFAP

Silvia Andrade da Cunha Galletta

Coordenadora de Gestão da Educação Básica

Maria Elizabete da Costa

Coordenadora de Gestão de Recursos Humanos

Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio

Coordenadora de Informação, Monitoramento e Avaliação


Ione Cristina Ribeiro de Assunção

Coordenadora de Infraestrutura e Serviços Escolares

Dione Whitehurst Di Pietro

Coordenadora de Orçamento e Finanças

Claudia Chiaroni Afuso

Presidente da Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Educação – FDE

Barjas Negri

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Caro(a) aluno(a),

Você está se aproximando do momento em que deixará a escola. Os conhecimentos adquiridos

até agora serão a base para a sua formação futura. Neste volume, você verá textos relacionados à

organização de um depoimento, de um guia de estudante e de assuntos ligados ao mundo do tra-

balho, como anúncios de emprego e currículos. Ao analisar como se organizam e quais estruturas

gramaticais e itens de vocabulário são mais adequados para esses tipos de textos, o Caderno vai

auxiliá-los a elaborar depoimentos sobre planos profissionais, bem como seu próprio currículo para

oportunidades de empregos que exigem conhecimento do inglês. Assim, mais uma vez, o inglês lhe

permitirá falar sobre assuntos diretamente relacionados com sua vida fora da escola, discutindo as

qualificações necessárias para a atuação profissional em diversas áreas.

Desde os seus primeiros contatos formais com a língua inglesa como parte de seu Currículo na

escola pública, você aprendeu que são muitas as oportunidades para aprofundar o conhecimento

sobre esse idioma. Como sabe, o inglês está presente no nosso dia a dia de várias formas e é fácil

complementar o que é apresentado nas aulas regulares através de sites, redes de relacionamento,

músicas e filmes. Use essa facilidade, associada ao conhecimento do idioma construído ao longo de

sua vida escolar, para auxiliá-los em pesquisas sobre outras áreas e disciplinas, bem como a aprender

mais sobre o próprio idioma.

Equipe Técnica de InglêsÁrea de Linguagens

Coordenadoria de Gestão da Educação Básica – CGEB

Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo

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Neste Caderno, você fará atividades relacionadas a dois temas: 1) 21st century professions e 2) Creating a CV. Essas atividades vão ajudá-lo a:

1. Reconhecer as características e a organização de um depoimento, de um guia do estu-dante e de uma apresentação de cursos universitários.

2. Identificar o assunto principal de um texto e relacioná-lo a experiências pessoais e pers-pectivas futuras.

3. Inferir o sentido de palavras ou expressões em um texto.

4. Reconhecer e usar conjunções: either... or e neither... nor.

5. Reconhecer e usar orações condicionais (tipo 1).

6. Reconhecer e usar as estruturas verbais que indicam planos futuros (will, going to).

7. Reconhecer e usar os verbos modais may e might.

8. Retomar os tempos verbais past simple e present perfect.

9. Elaborar um depoimento pessoal sobre planos profissionais para o futuro.

10. Reconhecer como se organiza um currículo, que tipo de informações apresenta e qual o seu objetivo.

11. Reconhecer os tipos de currículos apropriados às necessidaddes do candidato: chronological CV e functional CV.

12. Identificar como se organiza um anúncio de emprego e que tipo de informações apresen-ta.

13. Localizar informações em diferentes textos.

14. Identificar o uso de verbos no passado para descrever habilidades em um currículo.

15. Elaborar um currículo contendo informações pessoais, formação, habilidades e objetivos.

16. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funções e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo.

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


1. Look at the text and answer. What is its purpose? Who would read this kind of text? What for?

1. Business Administration Prepares people to manage different kinds of public or private organizations. This professional will be able to plan, organize, control and foresee a company’s development in order to achieve better results.

Course duration or years. Further development ou will have most of your training on the ob. The company may also

arrange more training courses either in-company or in training centers outside the company. Where to work ou may work with all types of companies or organizations, industrial and

commercial businesses, including health services.

2. Logistics eals with managing the ow of goods, information and money. Course duration 2 years. Further development ou will have to update your studies in this eld by taking further courses

and workshops. Where to work ou may work in transportation companies, industries and trading companies.

3. Mechanical Engineering The branch of engineering responsible for the design, production, and use of tools and machines.

Course duration years. Further development ou may help your career development by updating your skills and

knowledge in order to have a more strategic role in researching, planning and developing new pro ects.

Where to work ou may work in different organizations, including governmental bodies, the armed services, industries, research and development companies.

. Digital Games Prepares people to develop, design and produce games for computers, mobiles and internet, according to market needs. This course can be taken on-line.

Course duration 2 years. Further development ou may continue developing your knowledge and skills by attending

courses and studying speci c programs to create games. Where to work ou may work in specialized companies or at home, since your presence at the

company is not essential.

Student guide Choosing your profession!

Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola.








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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


2. Read the text in Activity 1 and answer.

a) What kind of information does the text bring?

( ) course descriptions.

( ) where to study.

( ) where to work.

( ) where to live.

( ) prices.

( ) websites for research.

( ) salaries.

( ) articles about choosing a career.

( ) descriptions of professions.

( ) testimonials.

b) Which courses have the shortest duration?

c) Which course can be taken on-line? What kind of people take an on-line course?

d) Find out where professionals from these fields might work: Logistics and Digital Games.

e) What does a Digital Games professional do?

f ) What does a Logistics professional have to do to develop his/her career?

3. Read the following sentences and identify the appropriate meaning for the underlined


a) “The company may also arrange more training courses either in-company or in training centers outside the company.”

b) “We neither sell nor rent equipment.”

( ) This kind of conjunction shows that both alternatives are excluded.

( ) This kind of conjunction shows two possible alternatives.

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


4. Have a look at the examples and rewrite the sentences using either... or or neither... nor.


a) Mark may take Mathematics or he may take Computer Science.

Mark may take either Mathematics or Computer Science.

b) Carol doesn’t smoke and she doesn’t drink.

Carol neither smokes nor drinks.

c) Ann doesn’t study during the day and she doesn’t study in the evening.

d) Alfred doesn’t work and he doesn’t study.

e) I may become an engineer or I may become a Mathematics professor.

f ) They can enter university next semester or they can enter next year.

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


5. Have a quick look at the text, read the title, the subtitle and pay attention to the layout. What do you think it is about?


ou choose our career taking into consideration our interests ou will e ul lled

Career planning is a never-ending process. ou will probably think about your career plans many times and re-address them during your life. It is a normal process to make up your mind about it and have different occupations until you get retired. It is really important to be honest with yourself and make a decision about your career based on what is fundamental to you, concerning your interests, skills, values and culture. Making a good career choice depends on some steps.

The rst step is to e amine your interests. hat kinds of obs or careers attract your attention If you are not sure, it is possible to take self-tests on the internet to help you answer some points about your interests and possible careers.

The second step is to e amine your abilities. hat kinds of skills do you have hat are your strengths hat are your weak points In high school, what were your best sub ects hy did you like those sub ects hat kind of things did you learn in e tracurricular activities

The third step is to e amine what your values at work are, for e ample teamwork and work groups, working under pressure, security, social status, helping society, strong nancial compensation and nancial rewards, creativity, imagination, innovation, autonomy, independence, freedom, professional development and ongoing learning and growth, and many others.

The fourth step is to e amine the career you want. There are some websites that might help you e plore a list of occupations and lots of information about the profession you are looking for activities, responsibilities, where to work, salaries and how to update.

The fth step is to e amine all the choices, if there is more than one, and focus on choosing the one you like best.

ther possible steps to get more information are

– get college course brochures – some are available on-line;

– talk to your teachers;

– talk to your older friends, mainly the ones who work or have already had an internship;

– talk to your family, there might be different kinds of professions in your family;

– visit universities and talk to course coordinators or students who are following the career you are considering.

Student guide Choosing your profession!


Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola.

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


Expansion activity

Read the text in Activity 5 again and do as asked.

a) Underline the questions in the first and second steps, and answer them.

b) Read the third step and answer: What are your values at work?

c) Point out the two most relevant steps in your opinion. Discuss your choice in a small group.

d) Do you think these steps can help you choose a career? Why (not)?

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2



1. Word search. Find out the past participle form of the verbs in the grid.

be speak sign finish get recruit work










2. Complete these sentences using the verbs you found in Activity 1.

a) I have just a new job!

b) He has in that company for five years.

c) We haven’t to your sister for a long time.

d) She has unemployed since last year.

e) I have already the first term of my course.

f ) They haven’t anyone for the position yet.

g) She hasn’t the contract yet.

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


3. Circle the correct alternative.

a) Unfortunately neither/either the documents nor/or the contracts are ready yet.

b) We neither/either sell nor/or rent computers in this store. It is a music store!

c) Neither/Either Ben nor/or Marta has the qualities we need. We must keep on interviewing other candidates!

d) He is a great actor! He can be neither/either the hero nor/or the villain.

e) I can meet you neither/either Wednesday nor/or Friday. I’m available both these days!

f ) Neither/Either Brazil nor/or Spain played well at the finals. The game was unbelievably boring!

4. Combine the sentences with either... or or neither... nor. Follow the examples.

a) He can work in the office. He can work at home.

b) I don’t know where she is. She is not at the office. She is not at the airport.

c) The hotel wasn’t clean. The hotel wasn’t comfortable.

d) We can leave today. We can leave tomorrow. It’s up to you!

e) Mark doesn’t drink. Mark doesn’t smoke.

f ) You can write an e-mail. You can call them.

He can work either in the office or at home.

She is neither at the office nor at the airport.

“The first test of a truly great man is his humility.” RUSKIN, John. English art and social critic: modern painters.


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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2




1. Discuss in groups of three.

a) Have you ever been to a university? If so, which one? How did you like it?

b) What program would you like to take? Why?

c) Look at the following list and check which criteria you would use to choose the program

and the university to attend.

( ) location/distance from home.

( ) public vs. private.

( ) costs and financial assistance packages.

( ) campus resources (labs, libraries, computer access, etc.).

( ) internship programs.

( ) Brazilian Education Ministry evaluation.

( ) class size.

( ) quality/reputation/ranking.

( ) safety (campus, community).

( ) social life (sports, parties, etc.).

( ) religious affiliation.

( ) housing options (dorms, apartments).

( ) on-line courses.

d) In your point of view, how important is it to have a college education in Brazil nowadays?


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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


2. Have a look at the following text and check where it was taken from. How do you know?

( ) a magazine. ( ) a flyer. ( ) a brochure.

3. Read the text in Activity 2 and answer the questions.

a) What is the objective of the Table of contents?

b) What is the objective of the Welcome letter?

c) What kind of relevant information does the Welcome letter bring?

Welcome letter – 4

General information – 5

Schedule of the program – 7

Admission requirements – 8

Arts and humanities – 9

Biomedicine – 11

Social sciences – 14

Technology – 16

Science – 27

3 4

Welcome to the World Citizen University

The World Citizen University began in 1811, and

it is the oldest public university in the world. Over the

past few years, it has become the university that offers

the most famous on-line courses. As of this moment,

there are about 40,000 students from different countries

attending on-line courses.

The World Citizen University offers more than

250 undergraduate and graduate programs across a wide

range of fields. Some of the most popular are Business,

Engineering and Communication. You can obtain

bachelor’s (B.A., B.S.), master’s (M.A., M.S.), and

doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees. The World Citizen University

Graduate Schools provide graduate education of the

highest quality, stimulating and promoting a supportive

and professional environment for students.

We hope you will consider studying at the oldest

and finest public university in the world.

Table of contents

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


4. Choose the correct meaning of if in the sentences below.

If I enter the university, I will take the Agribusiness course to help my father in his farm.

If I take Business Administration, I will be able to manage companies.

( ) You use if to express conditions.

( ) You use if to show uncertainty.

5. Work in pairs and write some sentences using If I..., I will... referring to your professional future.







1. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

graduate enter read invest choose

a) If you more books, your vocabulary will improve a lot.

b) If you the right profession, you will feel more motivated to study and work.

c) If you , you will have new job opportunities.

d) If you in your studies now, you will have many benefits in the future.

e) If I university, I will take Computer Science.

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


2. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

a) What career suits/suit you best?

b) How much do you knew/know about being a journalist?

c) Should I gone/go to college or look for a job?

d) What are/is your strengths?

e) Have you ever being/been to a university?

3. Read the testimonial and complete it using the words from the box.

designer experience knowledge games dream education grow up create Math computers


I think that everyone has a (a) of something they would like to

be or to do when they (b) . When I was in the 8th grade, my

(c) teacher asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I told

him my dream was to work with (d) . I have been fascinated by

computers since I was very young. When I was four years old my father gave me a toy computer to

play (e) – it was a fantastic (f ) ! Technology

is an essential part of my (g) . Nowadays I’m a computer games

(h) and I love what I do. Next year I will take another

course to develop my (i) about computers so that I can

(j) new games.

4. Read the testimonial again and write (F) for False and (T) for True.

( ) His father gave him a toy computer when he was fourteen.

( ) He is a computer analyst.

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( ) When his teacher asked him what he wanted to do, he didn’t know what to answer.

( ) He is a computer games designer, but he doesn’t enjoy it very much.

( ) He will create new games after he takes a course to develop his knowledge.

“I respect faith but doubt is what gets you an education.” MIZNER, Wilson.


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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2




1. Look at the testimonials in the Student guide and discover what they are about. More than one alternative may be correct.

( ) choosing a profession. ( ) first job. ( ) looking for a job. ( ) plans.


Testimonials: choosing my profession

Student guide Choosing your profession!


Computer ScienceThe idea of a world without computers and information technology is unconceivable nowadays.

That is because humankind has become highly dependent on computers. Being aware of that, I decided I would study Computer Science. I have become very fond indeed of developing new computer programs so I might become a programmer. I have ust been offered a ob in an merican company where I will help the IT analysts. I am looking forward to it because I will nally be able to put my knowledge into practice.

Ann Barley

DentistryI am pleased to say I have ust got a degree in entistry, ust like my father. uring my childhood

days I always en oyed going to work with my father, who is a dental surgeon. aving realized my interest in such a ob, he encouraged me to choose this career and has supported me during my university years. I am going to apply for a graduate course. Professional improvement is very important in this career, as I will be dealing with other people’s health.

Marilyn Stuart

EngineeringSince my childhood days I dreamt of becoming either an engineer or a Mathematics professor

because I have always been keen on numbers and calculations. By the time I nished high school, I had made up my mind. I entered university in order to take a Mechanical Engineering course. I knew it would be a hard nut to crack, but I could not picture myself in any other profession. I have ust landed my rst ob in a erman car company. It is going to be an internship and, depending on my personal development, I might be hired once the internship program is over.

Edward Smith

Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola.

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


2. Read the testimonials and complete the chart.

First job/Internship Interests/Abilities Plans



Computer Science

3. Now read the previous chart and the testimonials again and pay attention to the way people express their plans. To talk about future plans they use:

( ) will.

( ) present perfect.

( ) going to.

( ) might.

4. Think about three classmates and write some predictions about their future professional lives. There are some examples below to help you. Do not use your classmates’ names.


I think he will take Nanotechnology at the university.

I think she is going to be an English Language and Literature teacher.




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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


5. Have a look at these sentences and check the appropriate meaning of might and may.

“It is going to be an internship and, depending on my personal development, I might be hired once the internship program is over.”

“It is the nurse who is supposed to provide everything the sick person may need.”

( ) They express future possibility.

( ) They express prohibition.

6. Read the sentences and circle the correct alternative.

a) Peter: When will you attend classes at the university?

Mark: I am not sure. It is going to/might/will be around the beginning of March.

b) Beth: Are you taking another final test next month?

John: I am not sure if I did well on Calculus. I will/might/am going to need to.

c) Eric: Do you think he will pass the exam?

Ann: Well, he will/might/is going to pass, but I don’t think he will.


1. Look at Alan’s weekly planner for the afternoons next week. Complete the sentences following the example.


9English class

at 3 p.m.

10Study for

Science test at John’s house

11English class

at 3 p.m.

12Help my

brother with computer


13Soccer class


computer class

15watch a

soccer game

a) Alan can’t play soccer on Wednesday afternoon because he...

b) He won’t be home on Tuesday afternoon because he...

is going to have an English

class at 3 p.m.

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c) He can’t go out on Thursday because he...

d) On Friday he...

e) On Saturday Alan can’t go out with friends because he...

f ) He doesn’t want to go to the cinema with friends on Sunday because he...

2. Rewrite the sentences using the correct verb tense: future (will) or present simple. Follow the example.

a) Harry/get into/university/after/he/finish/high school.

Harry will get into university after he finishes high school.

b) He/get/his first job/before/he/go/to college.

c) When/he/finish/high school/he/look for/a job.

d) He/take/Computer Science/at college/after/he/find/a job.

e) He/get/a promotion/if/he/work/one year/as an intern.

f) Ann/improve/her knowledge of digital games/when/she/start/a university course.

3. Unscramble the words to form sentences.

a) final/I/exams./pass/the/History/might

b) next/Jones/win/election./might/the

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c) get/into/year./next/might/They/college

d) company/next year./developing/I/be/projects/in the/might/responsible for/new

e) two/You/be/after/years./might/promoted

4. Match the columns to complete the sentences.

a) I don’t think the entrance exam to college

b) I doubt that student

c) I guess he

d) I suppose Bob and Melanie

e) You work so hard I’m sure you

( ) will get his first job soon.

( ) will have a baby soon after they get married.

( ) will need extra classes on Biology to pass the exam.

( ) will be promoted soon!

( ) will be very difficult.

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Essays.


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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2




1. Work in groups of three students to write about your professional plans. Suppose you are invited to write a testimonial about your future career and that it will be published in a guide called Student guide – Choosing your profession!.

2. Look at the text in Situated Learning 3 and pay attention to the way a testimonial is organized. What kind of information does it bring? In what sequence is the information presented? What are the verbs used to talk about careers, personal interests, plans and responsibilities?

3. You can also look at some student guides in English or Portuguese (on-line or printed) in order to remember how a testimonial is organized and also to check the different kinds of plan people talk about.

4. Discuss and decide on the following items to produce your testimonial:


First job or internship:

Interests and abilities:

Plans (courses, projects etc.):

5. Now it is time to start writing the testimonial. Don’t worry about mistakes, it is only a draft. Write a complete testimonial like the examples you read in Situated Learning 3. Don’t forget to:

a) talk about your first job or internship, your abilities and plans, and the courses you wish to take to develop your knowledge;

b) use verb forms that indicate plans, like: will, going to, may, might;

c) use the correct verb tense to talk about previous experience (past simple) and life experience (present perfect);

d) sign your testimonial.

draft = rascunho


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6. It is time to share your texts. Swap drafts with another group. Read your friends’ testimonials and help them improve their texts. How can they be better? Do you have any suggestions?

Check if your friends’ testimonials have the characteristics listed below.

( ) They mention the chosen profession.

( ) They mention the first job or internship.

( ) They describe plans.

( ) They identify the writer’s name.

( ) They use appropriate verb forms to write about plans: will, going to, may, might.

( ) They use appropriate verb tenses to write about experience (past simple, present perfect).

( ) They are organized like a testimonial.

swap = trocar

Producing testimonials: Professional plans – Draft

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Inglês – 3a série – Volume 2


7. Now, get your own text back and check your friends’ suggestions. Re-read your text and try to make further corrections. Are the verbs in the correct tense? What about spelling and punctuation?

8. To round it off, produce the final version of your testimonial. You can also create the page of the Student guide – Choosing your profession! to present your final production.

Producing testimonials: Professional plans – Final version

9. Now, you are ready to present your final version to the group. Read your friends’ testimonials and vote for the most interesting one.

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Para aprender mais sobre este tema, sugerimos uma lista de sites e filmes com os quais você

pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês.


Visite os seguintes endereços para saber mais sobre testes vocacionais, descrições de ativi-

dades realizadas por diferentes profissionais, informações sobre áreas de trabalho e profissões,

tudo em inglês! Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

CareerSteer. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

BBC. Disponível em: <>.

Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

GovUK. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

The University of Melbourne. Disponível em: <>.

Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

Para saber mais sobre verbos modais em inglês, você pode visitar o seguinte endereço:

Só língua inglesa. Disponível em: <

php>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.


À procura da felicidade (The pursuit of happyness). Direção: Gabriele Muccino. EUA,

2006. 127 min. Livre. Drama. Filme inspirado na história real de Chris Gardner (Will

Smith), um vendedor que luta para construir um futuro melhor para si e para seu filho de

cinco anos. O personagem procura mudar de vida e consegue um estágio não remunera-

do na esperança de ser contratado ao final de alguns meses. O filme mostra cenas em que

o protagonista procura emprego e faz entrevista. Uma curiosidade sobre o título original

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do filme: a palavra happyness grafada incorretamente é decorrente de uma das cenas. O

filho do personagem principal fica em uma escola para crianças pequenas durante o dia

e no muro da escola está escrito “happyness” e não happiness. Sempre que Chris vai apa-

nhar o filho, ele pede para corrigirem a palavra.

Fama (Fame). Direção: Alan Parker. EUA, 1980. 134 min. Livre. Musical. Em Nova Iorque, estudantes de diversas origens sociais em uma escola de artes cênicas se deparam com seus sonhos e suas frustrações no decorrer do curso, mas acima de tudo almejam ser amados e reconhecidos artisticamente.

Coach Carter – Treino para a vida (Coach Carter). Direção: Thomas Carter. EUA, 2005. 136 min. 14 anos. Drama. História real e inspiradora de um treinador, Ken Carter, que decide mostrar os diversos valores da vida ao suspender seu time campeão por causa do desempe-nho acadêmico dos atletas. Dessa forma, o treinador recebe elogios e críticas, além de muita pressão para levar o time de volta às quadras. É aí que ele deve superar os obstáculos de seu ambiente de trabalho e mostrar aos jovens um futuro que vai além de gangues, da prisão e até mesmo do basquete.

Ao mestre, com carinho (To Sir, with love). Direção: James Clavell. Reino Unido, 1967. 105 min. 12 anos. Drama. Baseado no livro homônimo de E. R. Braithwaite, Ao mestre, com carinho é um ótimo drama vivido por um professor negro em uma escola de um bairro operário de Londres. Ele decide enfrentar uma indisciplinada classe de alunos adolescentes e está disposto a transformá-los em futuros bons cidadãos. O filme levanta alguns problemas sociais e étnicos, e outros próprios das angústias e inseguranças da adolescência, bem como várias mensagens positivas em relação a esse universo.

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1. Get in groups of four and do the following activities.

a) Suppose you are applying for a job. Put the following actions in the appropriate sequence.

( ) Write a cover letter.

( ) Write a CV.

( ) Have an initial interview.

( ) Look for job ads.

( ) Take part in a job selection process or training course.

b) Have you ever written a CV? If so, when and what for?

c) What is the objective of a CV?

( ) To get you a job interview.

( ) To work as a guide for the interviewer.

( ) To record your life history.

d) What kind of information does a CV bring?

( ) Limited personal information.

( ) Detailed personal information.

( ) Capabilities.






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( ) A list of educational experiences and honors.

( ) Work experience.

( ) Career objective.

( ) Life experience.

( ) Volunteer work experience.

( ) Salary.

( ) Skills and interests.

2. Have a look at the text and say the names given to the CV formats.

3. Read the text. Complete the sentences below and answer the questions.

Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola.

There are two traditional C formats. The rst and most common standard is the chronological C format. It is good for ob seekers with a steady, consistent employment history. The second one is the functional C format, which may be the best one if you are entering the workforce, have a limited ob history or are changing careers. It emphasizes your skills, capabilities and accomplishments rather than your work history. It will highlight your strengths instead of your shortcomings. epending on your situation, you may choose one of them. ere is a brief outline of each one.

Chronological CV outline Functional CV outlinea) Career ob ective a) Career ob ective b) ork e perience b) ccomplishments and capabilitiesc) Education and uali cations c) ork e perienced) Skills and interests or additional information d) Education and uali cations e) References e) Skills and interests or additional information f) References

Job seekers who opt for a functional CV format may organize it by intentionally omitting company names, employment dates and positions because the focus is on their accomplishments and capabilities. This kind of CV may work for new graduates entering the ob market.

Writing a CV

www.mycve formats

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a) A chronological CV format is good for

b) A functional CV format is good if you are entering

c) A chronological CV emphasizes

d) A functional CV emphasizes

e) Analyze the two CV outlines. What is the difference between them?

f ) You are almost leaving high school. Which CV format would be the best for you? Why?

4. During a job selection process, a CV is usually discarded when it:

( ) contains spelling or grammatical errors.

( ) is too wordy.

( ) has one page.

( ) is poorly formatted.

( ) presents you as a serious potential worker.

( ) is too long.

5. Have a look at the following text and find out how many pages a CV can have.

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6. Read the text and write (T) for True or (F) for False for the following sentences.

( ) Light blue or green are good colors for your CV.

( ) An employer will read your CV carefully.

( ) Remember to include your volunteer work experience.

( ) Be creative and design your own CV.

( ) Ask someone you trust to check your CV over for mistakes.

Golden rules for an effective CVHere are some simple DOs and DON’Ts that can help you avoid many of the most common mistakes when

writing a CV.


Make sure your CV is easy to read. Remember, it is a summary. Focus on information that is relevant to the position you are applying for. Focus on the employer’s needs. Highlight your past accomplishments and skills to make the employer call you for an interview. Keep your CV short, one or two pages. An employer will only scan it for a few seconds. Use action words, such as ‘developed’, ‘managed’, ‘designed’, ‘accomplished’, ‘conducted’, ‘established’, ‘collaborated’, ‘coordinated’, ‘organized’, ‘planned’, ‘produced’, ‘supervised’, etc. Remember: verbs are always in the past tense. Read your CV a number of times looking for mistakes. It is a good idea to have your best friend look it over, and then ask your parents or teachers to do the same. It has to be free of grammar and content errors. Be sure to use good quality paper. Keep the color neutral: white or ivory. Have your CV word-processed. Make sure your CV is neat and visually organized. Use normal margins (2 cm on top and bottom, 2.5 cm on the sides). Remember: a CV is a fundamental tool in the job-seeking process.


Don’t lie. Be honest. Always tell the truth about your skills and work experience. Don’t repeat information. If you have performed a speci c task at more than one job, list it in one place only. Don’t use personal pronouns, such as ‘I’ and ‘me’. Don’t forget to list your volunteer work experience. You probably have learned a lot from volunteering at local charities. Don’t create your own CV format. Respect the prescribed formats. Don’t staple your CV. Don’t write your CV in a hurry. To have an effective CV you must take the time to do it right.

Writing a CV

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1. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

a) I am/have interested in applying for the administrative assistant position advertised in The New York Times on June 27th.

b) I like/liked spending my free time surfing the internet.

c) I have/am responsible for organizing children’s birthday parties.

d) My present job gives/given me the opportunity to communicate with people from different places.

e) I am a very organized, reliable person and I am willing/will to work long hours and on weekends.

f ) I didn’t got/get the job as a driver because I didn’t have/had a clean driving license.

2. Unscramble the following words to make sentences.

a) sent/I/you/CV./have/my

b) I/a/in/have/Engineering./degree

c) computers./I/a lot of/in/with/have/working/experience

d) I/to apply for/guide./position of/writing/am/the/tour

e) are/who/looking for/English./We/people/speak


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3. Match the columns to find out what Patricia did yesterday at work.

Column A

a) I bought

b) I typed

c) I answered and made

d) I interviewed

e) I organized and managed

f ) I contacted the clients

Column B

( ) an event at the company.

( ) international phone calls.

( ) all the stationery that the department needed.

( ) from our branches in the countryside.

( ) two candidates for the position of administrative assistant.

( ) letters and documents.

4. Word search. Find out the opposite of these business qualities in the grid.

experienced tidy organized patient responsible

secure honest reliable flexible















“Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need.” VOLTAIRE. Candide.

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1. Have a look at the text and check what it is about.

( ) How to evaluate a CV. ( ) How to correct a CV. ( ) How to elaborate a CV.


How to write a CV

The outline of a CV can be de ned according to your necessities; you may write a chronological or a functional CV. But what kind of information is relevant in each part of a CV

First of all, organize the information about your work experience by describing your relevant activities.

After that, organize the data about your education. Remember to select courses and certi cates that are relevant to the job you are applying for. This is the most important point of your CV if you are a recent graduate.

Let’s have a look at these topics to check how a CV is organized.

Personal details: full name, address, telephone number and e-mail. This information has to be placed on the center of the page, preferably in bold.

Career objective: a short sentence describing the job you are applying for.

Work experience: a list showing the companies where you have worked. For each job experience, include: company name, your position and relevant activities and responsibilities. Begin with the most recent job. Include your volunteer work experience.

a list showing the most important courses that are speci cally relevant to the job you are applying for. Be sure to include the name of the school where you attended the course, its duration and the type of certi cate or degree you have acquired.

Additional skills: languages, computer skills and others.

Interests: hobbies and main interests.

References: you may include the full reference (name, contact address, telephone number and e-mail) or write References available on request.


Use double space after each topic: OBJECTIVE double space E PERIENCE double space EDUCATION double space ADDITIONAL SKILLS double space REFERENCES.

Use left side alignment in all topics, except for your name and address, which will be on the center of the page, preferably in bold. It will give your CV a positive and professional layout.

For further information, click here.

Writing a CV

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2. Read the text in Activity 1 and answer:

a) Where was this text taken from? How do you know?

b) What kind of information is necessary in each of the following topics? Complete the chart.

Personal details

Career objective

Work experience

Education and qualifications

Additional skills



3. Have a look at the two CVs on the following pages. Pay attention to the way they are organized and match the columns. Support your answer.

a) Curriculum Vitae 1.

b) Curriculum Vitae 2.

( ) Chronological CV format.

( ) Functional CV format.

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Curriculum Vitae 1Cynthia Bucklad

8970 Oakley BoulevardChicago, IL 10623

(312) 589-33 [email protected]

Career objectiveTo secure an administrative/executive secretary position entailing responsibility, professional growth and contact with the public.Capabilities/Responsibilities Supervised of ce staff routine. Handled business and social correspondence. Organized and maintained client les. Arranged travel and planned itineraries for executives. Recorded meetings with clients for les. Scheduled launch meetings with staff and prepared

account agendas. Maintained company social events calendar. Scheduled Executive Committee Meetings and recorded

minutes for distribution to Committee members. Disseminated con dential personnel information to

regional branch of ces. Coordinated activities of different areas involved in a

project. Purchased of ce supplies.

Communication skillsStrong oral and written communication skills.Fluent English and erman, reading and speaking knowledge in French.Computer skillsElectronic spreadsheets, word-processing, basic programming skills.Work experience200 -present – Abey Electronics, INC, Chicago, ILExecutive Secretary to Vice President/Personnel2001-2003 – Bera Pharmaceuticals Company, Chicago, ILAccount SecretaryEducation1998-2000 – Mary’s Business College, Baton Rouge, LA.1997 – Secretarial Training Program, Boston, LA.

References: available on request.

Curriculum Vitae 2Cynthia Bucklad

8970 Oakley BoulevardChicago, IL 10623

(312) 589-33 [email protected]

Career objectiveTo secure an administrative/executive secretary position entailing responsibility, professional growth and contact with the public.Work experience200 -present – Abey Electronics, INC, Chicago, IL Executive Secretary to Vice President/Personnel Arranged travel and planned itineraries for executives. Recorded meetings with clients for les. Scheduled launch meetings with staff and prepared

account agendas. Scheduled Executive Committee Meetings and

recorded minutes for distribution to Committee members.

Disseminated con dential personnel information to regional branch of ces.

2001-2003 – Bera Pharmaceuticals Company, Chicago, IL Account Secretary Supervised of ce staff routine. Handled business and social correspondence. Organized and maintained client les. Purchased of ce supplies. Maintained company social events calendar. Coordinated activities of different areas involved in a

project.Communication skillsStrong oral and written communication skills.Fluent English and erman, reading and speaking knowledge in French.Computer skills Electronic spreadsheets, word-processing, basic programming skills.Education1998-2000 – Mary’s Business College, Baton Rouge, LA.1997 – Secretarial Training Program, Boston, LA.References: available on request.

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Expansion activity

Read the two CVs and answer.

a) Which position is Cynthia applying for?

b) What is Cynthia’s position at Abey Electronics?

c) What languages is Cynthia good at?

d) Name three of her activities at Bera Pharmaceuticals Company.

e) In which CV did you find the information needed to answer the previous question?

f ) In groups of four, discuss the way the two CVs are organized. What is the focus in each one?


1. Tick the correct word to complete the sentences.

a) Peter lost his job month.

( ) next. ( ) last. ( ) near.

b) It would be a big mistake to school.

( ) leave. ( ) live. ( ) left.

c) They have some very difficult decisions.

( ) makes. ( ) made. ( ) make.

d) I am responsible for the Resources department.

( ) Humane. ( ) Humanity. ( ) Human.

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e) Her job experience really good for that position.

( ) has. ( ) were. ( ) was.

2. Read this extract of a functional CV and check its correct heading.

( ) Work experience.

( ) Capabilities/Responsibilities.

( ) Communication skills.

Helped customers

Received visitors

Dealt with complaints

Organized catalogues and samples of products

Handled correspondence

Trained new employees on a computer operating system

Answered phone calls, arranged meetings, scheduled appointments

Prepared daily and weekly payroll

Filed reports and documents

Organized payment of suppliers

3. Read the paragraph and complete it using the words in the box.

CV = Curriculum Vitae; also résumé

cover letter candidate look for employment agencies interview résumés

references qualifications newspapers apply for

When people (a) a job they read the job vacancies advertised in

(b) by companies and (c) . They select the job

ad they are interested in and (d) that job. Then they become a (e)

. They write their (f ) and send them along

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with a (g) . Sometimes it is necessary to provide the names of two people to

give (h) for the candidate. If the (i) and abilities

match the job description, the candidate might be selected to attend an (j) .

4. Read the text Writing a CV in Situated Learning 6 and write (F) for False and (T) for True.

( ) Relevant skills are not the most important points of your CV if you are a recent graduate student.

( ) Use single space after each topic when you write your CV.

( ) The topic Work experience should begin with your most recent job and include your volunteer work experience.

( ) Summarize your education background including only important facts.


“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you have only one idea.” ALAIN. Propos sur la religion.

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1. Have a look at the two job ads and find out the position offered.


2. Read the job ads and complete the chart.

Job ad 1 Job ad 2


Part-time or full-time

Experience required


3. Have a look at Marcy’s CV on the following page and identify the CV format and its focus.


JOB ad 2 Boutique Retail Sales Assistant

New York’s most valued, luxury fashion landmark has openings for experienced Boutique Retail Sales Assistants, full-time, seeking to develop a career in designing ladieswear, menswear and accessories. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate his/her abilities for selling cutting edge boutique fashion and have experience in this area. e offer competitive salaries, annual bonus and the opportunity to provide the ultimate luxury fashion shopping experience.Requirements: excellent customer service skills.

ell-spoken. Impeccably well-dressed.Reply to: job 768903 [email protected]


JOB ad 1 Retail Sales Assistant for Big Feet Sports

Part-time Retail Sales Assistant. Must be friendly, articulate and enjoy working with the public. Duties include making recommendations on different kinds of products, including athletic shoes and a large number of accessories for running and tness. Retail experience is a plus. Must be able to work on weekends and 15 hours per week minimum. Bene ts: training, exible schedule, pleasant atmosphere, discounts on our products for you and your family.Reply to: job 768903 [email protected]

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Marcy arbanzo2892 Hemingway Ln.

Austin, T 78722(512) 23 -7788

[email protected]

Career objectiveDependable and mature high school student looking for a part-time retail sales position in a youth-oriented clothing business to gain experience and insight into the fashion industry for a future career in fashion and design.

Work experienceMunicipal Library (Fall 2013)

Collected and delivered catering supplies for luncheons and functions.

Mail sorting and delivery.

Document delivery.

Assisted students in the library and in dealing with computers.

Delivered books to and from the Municipal Library and other libraries nearby.

Volunteer work

Street Kids Projects (2012-2013)

Assisted with and participated in group activities.

Monitored children during activities.

Tutored ages 6-10 and assisted with homework assignments.

School for the Blind (2012)

Book reader.

Read different kinds of books into a tape recorder to be used by the community.

Assisted with volunteer of ce duties.

School events organization and other experienceraduation Party (2013)


Spring Party (2009 and 2010)

Decorations Committee Chair

Class Student Representative (2010 and 2011)

EducationMunicipal Senior High School ( raduation in 2017)

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Expansion activity

Read the CV and answer.

a) What position is Marcy applying for?

b) Does she have experience in the area she is applying for?

c) What is Marcy’s educational level? Did she graduate?

d) Which of the jobs in Activity 1 could Marcy apply for? Why?

e) Is Marcy’s CV well organized enough for her to apply for that position? Support your answer.

Extra activities

1. Peter Okra is having a job interview for a position in a famous magazine. Complete the conversation on the next page using the sentences in the box.

a) That’s right. I’ve been working for Inland Geographic Resources for six years and a half, in the international area too.

b) Yes, I’m fluent in Spanish, French, German and Italian. I also speak basic Japanese.

c) My first job? I was an international photographer for WCKI International.

d) It was an excellent course. I had the opportunity to learn a lot.

e) Sure, it was a great first job. I have learned a lot about international issues, reporting and taking pictures all over the world.

f ) Sure. Word-processing, electronic spreadsheets, web design, electronic image treatment.

g) Yes, I took a Photography course there.

h) I’d like to work as an international photographer for your magazine.

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A: OK, Peter, let’s talk about your education and experience.

B: Yes, of course.

A: You graduated from Barry University, Florida, in 1998.


A: OK. How did you like the course?


A: And what was your first job after graduation?


A: Did you like it?


A: And nowadays you’re with Inland Geographic Resources magazine.


A: Very interesting. And what would you like to do for our company, Peter?


A: Do you have any computer skills?


A: Do you speak any foreign languages?


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2. Look at the interview with Peter Okra again and complete his CV.

Peter Okra

346 Berkshire Ave.

Cohoes, NY 12047-1613

Phone: 518-2359889

[email protected]











c) Sales manager.

d) Junior software support attendant.

1. Choose the correct job ad extract for each position.

a) Motor mechanic.

b) Receptionist.

( ) Some experience with the software program mentioned is fundamental, but a training course will be offered to the successful candidate.

( ) Must be experienced in the repair and maintenance of heavy vehicles. Uniform supplied.

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( ) You will be responsible for the administration of our sales head office and national branches.

( ) You are the first person our customers will meet, so it is necessary to be friendly, efficient and well-dressed.

2. Read the job ad and answer the questions.

Nursery nurse

We are looking for two nursery nurses to work in our early years nursery school. One for 13 hrs. per week, the other for 18 hrs. per week. Essential requirement 2 yrs exp. The nurses are expected to support the teacher in meeting the different needs of the children within a safe and positive environment. Excellent opportunity and salary.

Interested applicants can send their résumés asap to: [email protected].

a) What is the job position offered?

b) What is the place of work?

c) What does the professional have to do?

d) What are the working hours for this position?

e) What’s the essential requirement?

f ) If you are interested in the position, what should you do?

asap = as soon as possible

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3. Read Helen’s profile and write (F) for False and (T) for True.

Helen’s profile

Helen has worked as a nursery nurse for 6 years. She worked for Tots and Kids for two years, and has worked for Planet Kids since 2005. She works with children from birth to around seven years of age, helping them to develop and learn. Some of her responsibilities are: helping children to develop numerical and dressing skills and teaching them how to use cutlery; reading stories and playing games to develop language skills; feeding, bathing and changing babies. She is a specialist in working with children with learning difficulties and physical disabilities. Diploma in Child Care and Education, Learning and Development.

( ) Helen doesn’t work for Planet Kids anymore.

( ) She works with babies only.

( ) She can’t work with disabled children.

( ) She helps children during the meals.

( ) She knows how to deal with learning difficulties.

4. Helen has just read the job ad for the position of “Nursery nurse” (Activity 2) and decided to

apply for the job. Read Helen’s profile again and check the kind of CV she should send to apply

for the nursery nurse position. Explain your answer.

( ) Chronological CV.

( ) Functional CV.


“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulder of giants.” NEWTON, Isaac. Letter to Robert Hooke.

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1. Suppose you are looking for a job on-line. Work in groups of three to create a Curriculum Vitae. Your CV may be chronological or functional; it depends on the job ad you will choose. You may decide if it will be real or fictitious.

2. First, analyze the following job ads, and decide which job will be the best for you.


Job ad 1Company – Tasty Burger Co.Job Title – Assistant ManagerJob Type – Full-time Hours – VariableWages – To be discussed Location – 188 Riverwalk ay, Cohoes, NYAs an Assistant Manager at our restaurant you will be an important member of a great team and will work with people who care about customer satisfaction. You will get training on the job to succeed in our dynamic company. e offer the opportunity for steady career progression: you might progress from Assistant Manager to Senior Assistant Manager.Responsibilities: Supervise and train team members uarantee satisfaction to customer Implement quality procedures

Requirement: Minimum age 18+ Reply to: job [email protected]


Job ad 2Company – Tasty Burger Co.Job Title – Team memberJob Type – Full-time or part-time Hours – VaryWages – To be discussed Location – 287 Hudson Street, NY

Tasty Burger Co. is looking for Team Members who are self-motivated, friendly, dependable, able to work in a team environment and willing to provide excellent client service Come and be part of a great team. ork with usRequirement: Minimum age 16+ Reply to: job [email protected]


Job ad 3Company – Megg’s RestaurantsJob Title – Team memberJob Type – Part-time Hours – Less than 20 hours/weekWages – To be determined Location – 1073 Monroe Street, Albany, NYEat at your favorite fast food restaurant for 50 off Come to a team that provides prompt and friendly customer service and high-quality food in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere. You will get training on how to prepare food, provide quality service, serve the clients and keep the place clean.Requirements: Minimum age 16+.Bene ts: Free uniform (logoed polo shirt or logoed apron).Reply to: job 89567 [email protected]


Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola.

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3. Now decide on the best format for your CV: chronological or functional.

4. To help you organize the CV, have a look at Situated Learning 5, 6 and 7. Pay attention to the way a CV is organized, and to the Dos and Don’ts of writing a CV. What kind of information does it bring? In what sequence is the information presented? What are the verbs used to describe capabilities and responsibilities? Check the Instant language section for a summary of the two types of CV you have studied.

5. It is time to start writing the CV. Don’t worry about mistakes now, it is only a draft. Write a complete CV like the examples you have read in Situated Learning 6 and 7.

draft = rascunho

Job ad 4Receptionist

ell-established law of ce in NY seeks a full-time receptionist. No previous legal experience is necessary. Basic word-processing and clerical skills are required. Position involves interaction with clientele and of ce staff. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Compensation package will be based upon skills and experience. Reply to: job 552298 [email protected]


Job ad 5Children EntertainersLooking for individuals who can dress up as various characters for kids’ parties. e are also looking for performers such as clowns, singers, etc. e offer training and provide everything, including costumes. You just have to have the right attitude. Please e-mail us with your basic information and a recent full body picture. Our pay begins at 25 per show hour plus travel expenses, once trained. 95 -239-133 please check Reply to: job [email protected]


Elaborado especialmente para o São Paulo faz escola.

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Writing a CV – Draft

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6. Now share your texts. Swap drafts with another group. Read your friends’ CV and help them improve their text. How can you make it better? Do you have any suggestions?

Check if your friends’ CV includes the items listed below.

swap = trocar

( ) Personal details.

( ) Career objectives.

( ) Work experience.

( ) Education and qualification.

( ) Accomplishments and capabilities.

( ) Simple past tense to describe the


( ) Skills and interests or additional


( ) References.

( ) The look and organization of a CV.

7. Get your own text back and check your friends’ suggestions. Re-read your text and try to make further corrections. Are the verbs in the correct tense? What about the spelling and punctuation?

8. Finally, produce the final version of your CV. Prepare a poster and put it up on the classroom walls so that everybody can read it.

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Writing a CV – Final version

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Para aprender mais sobre este tema, sugerimos uma lista de sites com os quais você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês.


Utilize seu site de busca preferido e coloque as seguintes palavras-chave para pesquisar so-bre os conteúdos trabalhados neste tema: how to write a CV; functional CV; chronological CV; CV writing; CV writing guide; CV writing format; CV for high school.

Os sites a seguir são bastante interessantes, porque trazem textos com dicas para elaborar um currículo eficiente e exemplos de currículos em formatos diferentes. Podem ser usados tanto para pesquisar como para produzir seu próprio currículo.

AIE. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

Alec. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

Kent. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2013.

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Job interviews

Agora vamos refletir um pouco mais sobre entrevistas de emprego.

1. Relacione as duas colunas para descobrir o objetivo das perguntas que são feitas em uma entrevista de emprego.

a) Descrição de qualidades e habilidades pessoais e profissionais.

b) Descrição das atividades e responsabi-lidades do emprego anterior.

c) Descrição de desejos para o futuro.

( ) “Fale-me sobre você.”

( ) “Quais são seus objetivos de curto e lon-go prazo?”

( ) “O que considera como seu ponto fraco?”

( ) “Que habilidades profissionais você desenvolveu?”

( ) “O que você fazia exatamente em seu úl-timo emprego?”

( ) “Onde você se imagina daqui a três anos?”

( ) “O que você aprendeu em seu último emprego?”

2. Leia as orientações a seguir sobre como se preparar para uma entrevista de emprego e mar-que o que não é adequado para essa situação.

( ) Evitar perfumes fortes.

( ) Verificar se a roupa está limpa e bem passada.

( ) Evitar roupas curtas, transparentes ou surradas.

( ) Usar sapatos surrados.

( ) Usar maquiagem pesada.

( ) Verificar se as unhas estão aparadas e limpas.

( ) Chegar 10 minutos antes da hora marcada.

( ) Levar cópias do currículo, papel e caneta, bem como algumas anotações sobre suas competências e objetivos.

( ) Reclamar do emprego/empresa anterior.

( ) Usar uma linguagem mais formal – não usar gírias.

Respostas da questão 1: a; c; a; b; b; c; bRespostas da questão 2: Usar sapatos surrados./Usar maquiagem pesada./Reclamar do emprego/empresa anterior.

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Em uma entrevista de emprego, você deve mostrar suas qualidades e conheci-

mentos, dando destaque àqueles que podem ser úteis para a empresa que oferece a

vaga. Por que é importante preparar-se para uma entrevista de emprego? Essa pre-

paração mostra que você considera esse momento importante e está interessado em

conseguir o emprego. Também é fundamental fazer uma pesquisa para saber mais

sobre a empresa que oferece a vaga. Uma boa ideia é praticar as perguntas e respostas

de uma entrevista com algum familiar ou amigo. Assim você conseguirá organizar e

antecipar possíveis respostas.

3. Observe como são as perguntas de uma entrevista de emprego em língua inglesa. Numere--as de acordo com a classificação usada na Atividade 1.

( ) Can you tell me about your previous job? What exactly did you do there?

( ) What personal and professional skills have you developed?

( ) What do you do in your free time? What hobbies and interests do you have?

( ) What are your career objectives? Where do you see yourself three years from now?

( ) What have you learned in your current job?

( ) Are you a persistent and determined person? Can you give me an example?

Em língua inglesa, as expressões que indicam os principais tópicos em uma

entrevista são: personal and professional skills; previous job or current job; responsibilities;

career objectives; job position.

Think about it!

Por que é importante olhar nos olhos (eye contact) do entrevistador ao cumprimentá-lo e durante a conversa? Por que é importante ter um aperto de mão firme ao cumprimentar alguém? Você olha nos olhos das pessoas quando está conversando? Como é seu aperto de mão? Pense sobre isso!

Respostas da questão 3: b; a; a; c; b; a.

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Learning English from now on

Agora vamos pensar em como podemos continuar a estudar inglês daqui pra frente.

4. Assinale as alternativas que considera adequadas para aprender inglês:

( ) Eu assisto a filmes com áudio e legendas em inglês.

( ) Eu uso o dicionário.

( ) Eu faço listas de palavras ou de dificuldades que tenho com a língua.

( ) Eu ouço música e leio a letra em inglês.

( ) Eu leio notícias e páginas da internet em inglês.

( ) Eu reviso meus trabalhos escritos em inglês antes de entregar ao professor.

5. Quando você encontra uma palavra nova, o que faz para entender seu significado?

( ) Pula a palavra e continua lendo.

( ) Tenta adivinhar o significado da palavra por meio do contexto.

( ) Compara a palavra com outras que você conhece, mesmo na língua materna.

( ) Pergunta o significado para alguém.

( ) Usa o dicionário.

Hoje, aprender inglês tornou-se uma tarefa mais fácil. A internet, a TV por assinatura e o DVD ajudam a aproximar a língua inglesa do nosso dia a dia. A internet possibilita a conversa on-line, em tempo real, aumentando nossa motivação para conversar em uma língua estrangeira. É uma interação desafiadora, porque não dá tempo para ter medo de errar! Conversando, você poderá aprender novas formas de falar coisas diferentes, inclusive gírias! É provável que consiga entender mais do que imagina! Você vai se surpreender!

6. Há várias outras coisas que você pode fazer para continuar aprendendo a língua inglesa.

Leia a lista a seguir e assinale as alternativas que parecem mais adequadas para continuar aprendendo inglês.

( ) Read on-line newspapers and magazines.

( ) Play on-line games.

( ) Read books or blogs.

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( ) Translate English songs.

( ) Watch TV programs in English and try to understand what they are saying.

( ) Have pen pals or e-pals.

( ) Talk to native speakers on the web.

Think about it!

Você tem medo de falar em inglês? Já tentou gravar a si mesmo lendo um trecho em inglês ou falando alguma coisa nessa língua? Tente! Além de ser uma experiência interessante, é uma maneira de reconhecer sua pronúncia e, se for preciso, tentar melhorá-la. Give it a try!

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Aqui você vai registrar o vocabulário que aprendeu neste Caderno. Escolha duas palavras ou expressões nas Situated Learning 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 e 7. Escreva cada uma delas no campo 1 (My word or expression). No campo 2 (Definition or translation), anote uma definição ou tradução para a palavra. Depois, no campo 3 (Association, example or picture), escreva algo ligado às palavras ou dê um exemplo; você também pode fazer uma ilustração nesse espaço. No campo 4 (Sentence from the text), anote a frase em que a palavra apareceu no Caderno.

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 1

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 1

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 2

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Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 2

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 3

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 3

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 5

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Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 5

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 6

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 6

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 7

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Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 7

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Verbs & phrases

To be able to

To make a decision

To dream of

To be keen on something

To deal with

To be aware of

To look forward to doing something

To apply for

To take part in

To get a job

To keep something short

To keep something neutral

To look something over

To make up one’s mind

To get retired

To achieve results

To be responsible for

To attend a course

To look for a job

To take a course

To tell the truth

To do something in a hurry

To be interested in something

To be responsible for something

To look for something/somebody

To write something down

Careers: some collocations

Verb + Career Career + Noun Adjective + Career

Begin a career

Build a career

Choose a career

Have a career

Career choice

Career development

Career goals

Career objectives

Career plans

Career prospects

Future career

Good career

Previous career


Nesta seção de seu Caderno, você encontra alguns conteúdos linguísticos sistematizados em tabelas para auxiliá-lo em seu trajeto de aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Você pode usar essas tabelas como um material de referência, e consultá-las mesmo quando tiver concluído o Ensino Médio!

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MIGHT and MAY are used to indicate a possibility.

You MIGHT try to talk to him.

They MAY find a good opportunity in business.

Conditional sentences

Type 1 conditionals (If + present + future) are used to talk about future possibilities.

If I get the money, I will travel to the northeast. (I don’t have the money now, but there is a chance I’ll get money. Then I can travel.)

They will miss the class if they don’t hurry. (They are late, but there is a chance that they will arrive in time. They just need to hurry up.)

Attention! When you begin the sentence with the “if ” sentence, use a comma (,).


It will be more comfortable if we travel by car.If we travel by car, it will be more comfortable.

Conjunctions: either... or/neither... nor

Use EITHER... OR with affirmative sentences to state two possibilities:

You can EITHER write an essay OR a testimonial.

Use NEITHER... NOR with verbs in the affirmative to state that the two alternatives are not viable:

You can NEITHER write an essay NOR a testimonial.

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Future: WILL and GOING TO

We use WILL/WON’T + VERB to talk about possibilities and predictions, or decisions you make when you are speaking.

Maybe I WILL STAY at home and get some rest this weekend.

I don’t know what Sally WILL DO, and I WON’T TALK to her about it!

I have too many books to carry. WILL you HELP me, please?

WILL the school team WIN the next game?

We use TO BE + GOING TO + VERB to talk about plans and decisions already made.

I AM GOING TO TRAVEL on Saturday at 9 o’clock. Here is my ticket.

He ISN’T GOING TO PLAY basketball in the afternoon. He has an appointment with the dentist.

Why ARE they GOING TO REWRITE all the letters?

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Past simple × Present perfect

Use the past simple to ask and say WHEN something happened, with a clear reference to a finished time in the past. Use the present perfect to ask and say HOW LONG something has been happening, with an unclear or unfinished time reference. Also use the PRESENT PERFECT to refer to unfinished periods of time or to talk about past events which relate to the present in some way. Compare:

I saw Kate this morning (it is now evening).


I have seen Kate this morning (it is still morning).

I studied Engineering for four years, between 1987 and 1990. (I am not studying Engineering anymore.)


I have studied Engineering for four years. (I began four years ago but I haven’t finished the course. I’m still studying.)

I worked in that company for five years, between 1999 and 2003. (Now I’m not working there any longer.)


I have worked in that company for five years. (I started five years ago and I’m still working there.)

They studied Medieval History last year. (Now they are studying something different.)


They have studied Medieval History since last year. (They began their studies last year and they are still studying.)

She broke her arm twice last year. (We know the accidents happened last year.)


She has broken her arm twice. (We don’t know exactly when the accidents happened.)

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We also use the PRESENT PERFECT

To give news without making reference to when they happened. Compare:

I have bought a new car! Finally!

I bought a new car last Saturday.

To talk about life experience. Compare:

Sally has been to Japan twice.

Sally went to Japan twice last year.

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Some irregular verbs

Base form Past Participle

be was, were beenbecome became becomebuild built builtbuy bought boughtdo did done

drink drank drunkeat ate eatenfall fell fallen

forget forgot forgottenget got got, gottengive gave givengo went gone

grow grew grownhave had hadhear heard heardhold held heldknow knew knownlead led ledleave left leftlose lost lost

make made mademeet met metread read readride rode riddensee saw seen

send sent sentspend spent spenttake took takentell told told

wear wore wornwrite wrote written

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AFFIRMATIVE: verb in the infinitive (without to)

Examples: Go there! Talk to him! Look at me!

NEGATIVE: don’t + verb in the infinitive (without to)

Examples: Don’t look back! Don’t stop walking! Don’t come here again!

Information in a CV

Chronological CV outline

a) Personal details.

b) Career objective.

c) Work experience.

d) Education and qualifications.

e) Skills and interests or additional


f ) References.

Functional CV outline

a) Personal details.

b) Career objective.

c) Accomplishments and capabilities/responsibilities.

d) Work experience.

e) Education and qualifications.

f ) Skills and interests or additional information.

g) References.

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Can-do Chart

Competência/habilidades ConsigoConsigo, mas

com ajudaAinda não

consigo 1. Reconhecer a organização de um

depoimento pessoal, de um guia do estudante e de um folheto de apresentação de cursos universitários (organização macrotextual).

2. Localizar informações específicas em um texto.

3. Localizar informações explícitas em um texto.

4. Reconhecer o uso de verbos que indicam planos.

5. Reconhecer o uso de marcadores textuais (conjunções) que indicam opções (either... or.../neither... nor...).

6. Levantar hipóteses sobre o assunto de um texto e verificá-las a partir da leitura.

7. Elaborar um depoimento pessoal sobre planos profissionais.

8. Reconhecer a organização de um currículo (organização macrotextual).

9. Reconhecer o uso de verbos no passado para descrever habilidades em um currículo.

10. Identificar palavras cognatas ou emprestadas da língua inglesa para compreender um texto.

11. Elaborar um currículo.

12. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funções e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo.

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Maria Elizabete da Costa

Diretor do Departamento de Desenvolvimento Curricular de Gestão da Educação Básica João Freitas da Silva

Diretora do Centro de Ensino Fundamental dos Anos Finais, Ensino Médio e Educação Profissional – CEFAF

Valéria Tarantello de Georgel

Coordenadora Geral do Programa São Paulo faz escolaValéria Tarantello de Georgel

Coordenação Técnica Roberto Canossa

Roberto Liberato

Suely Cristina de Albuquerque Bom m


Área de Linguagens Arte: Ana Cristina dos Santos Siqueira, Carlos

Eduardo Povinha, Kátia Lucila Bueno e Roseli


Educação Física: Marcelo Ortega Amorim, Maria

Elisa Kobs Zacarias, Mirna Leia Violin Brandt,

Rosângela Aparecida de Paiva e Sergio Roberto


Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês e Espanhol): Ana Beatriz Pereira Franco, Ana Paula

de Oliveira Lopes, Marina Tsunokawa Shimabukuro

e Neide Ferreira Gaspar.

Língua Portuguesa e Literatura: Angela Maria

Baltieri Souza, Claricia Akemi Eguti, Idê Moraes dos

Santos, João Mário Santana, Kátia Regina Pessoa,

Mara Lúcia David, Marcos Rodrigues Ferreira, Roseli

Cordeiro Cardoso e Rozeli Frasca Bueno Alves.

Área de Matemática Matemática: Carlos Tadeu da Graça Barros,

Ivan Castilho, João dos Santos, Otavio Yoshio

Yamanaka, Rosana Jorge Monteiro, Sandra Maira

Zen Zacarias e Vanderley Aparecido Cornatione.

Área de Ciências da Natureza Biologia: Aparecida Kida Sanches, Elizabeth

Reymi Rodrigues, Juliana Pavani de Paula Bueno e

Rodrigo Ponce.

Ciências: Eleuza Vania Maria Lagos Guazzelli,

Gisele Nanini Mathias, Herbert Gomes da Silva e

Maria da Graça de Jesus Mendes.

Física: Anderson Jacomini Brandão, Carolina dos

Santos Batista, Fábio Bresighello Beig, Renata

Cristina de Andrade Oliveira e Tatiana Souza da

Luz Stroeymeyte.

Química: Ana Joaquina Simões S. de Mattos Carvalho, Jeronimo da Silva Barbosa Filho, João Batista Santos Junior, Natalina de Fátima Mateus e Roseli Gomes de Araujo da Silva.

Área de Ciências Humanas Filosofia: Emerson Costa, Tânia Gonçalves e Teônia de Abreu Ferreira.

Geografia: Andréia Cristina Barroso Cardoso, Débora Regina Aversan e Sérgio Luiz Damiati.

História: Cynthia Moreira Marcucci, Maria Margarete dos Santos Benedicto e Walter Nicolas Otheguy Fernandez.

Sociologia: Alan Vitor Corrêa, Carlos Fernando de Almeida e Tony Shigueki Nakatani.


Área de Linguagens Educação Física: Ana Lucia Steidle, Eliana Cristine Budiski de Lima, Fabiana Oliveira da Silva, Isabel Cristina Albergoni, Karina Xavier, Katia Mendes e Silva, Liliane Renata Tank Gullo, Marcia Magali Rodrigues dos Santos, Mônica Antonia Cucatto da Silva, Patrícia Pinto Santiago, Regina Maria Lopes, Sandra Pereira Mendes, Sebastiana Gonçalves Ferreira Viscardi, Silvana Alves Muniz.

Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês): Célia Regina Teixeira da Costa, Cleide Antunes Silva, Ednéa Boso, Edney Couto de Souza, Elana Simone Schiavo Caramano, Eliane Graciela dos Santos Santana, Elisabeth Pacheco Lomba Kozokoski, Fabiola Maciel Saldão, Isabel Cristina dos Santos Dias, Juliana Munhoz dos Santos, Kátia Vitorian Gellers, Lídia Maria Batista Bom m, Lindomar Alves de Oliveira, Lúcia Aparecida Arantes, Mauro Celso de Souza, Neusa A. Abrunhosa Tápias, Patrícia Helena Passos, Renata Motta Chicoli Belchior, Renato José de Souza, Sandra Regina Teixeira Batista de Campos e Silmara Santade Masiero.

Língua Portuguesa: Andrea Righeto, Edilene Bachega R. Viveiros, Eliane Cristina Gonçalves Ramos, Graciana B. Ignacio Cunha, Letícia M. de Barros L. Viviani, Luciana de Paula Diniz, Márcia Regina Xavier Gardenal, Maria Cristina Cunha Riondet Costa, Maria José de Miranda Nascimento, Maria Márcia Zamprônio Pedroso, Patrícia Fernanda Morande Roveri, Ronaldo Cesar Alexandre Formici, Selma Rodrigues e Sílvia Regina Peres.

Área de Matemática Matemática: Carlos Alexandre Emídio, Clóvis Antonio de Lima, Delizabeth Evanir Malavazzi, Edinei Pereira de Sousa, Eduardo Granado Garcia, Evaristo Glória, Everaldo José Machado de Lima, Fabio Augusto Trevisan, Inês Chiarelli Dias, Ivan Castilho, José Maria Sales Júnior, Luciana Moraes Funada, Luciana Vanessa de Almeida Buranello, Mário José Pagotto, Paula Pereira Guanais, Regina Helena de Oliveira Rodrigues, Robson Rossi, Rodrigo Soares de Sá, Rosana Jorge Monteiro,

Rosângela Teodoro Gonçalves, Roseli Soares Jacomini, Silvia Ignês Peruquetti Bortolatto e Zilda Meira de Aguiar Gomes.

Área de Ciências da Natureza Biologia: Aureli Martins Sartori de Toledo, Evandro Rodrigues Vargas Silvério, Fernanda Rezende Pedroza, Regiani Braguim Chioderoli e Rosimara Santana da Silva Alves.

Ciências: Davi Andrade Pacheco, Franklin Julio de Melo, Liamara P. Rocha da Silva, Marceline de Lima, Paulo Garcez Fernandes, Paulo Roberto Orlandi Valdastri, Rosimeire da Cunha e Wilson Luís Prati.

Física: Ana Claudia Cossini Martins, Ana Paula Vieira Costa, André Henrique Ghel Ru no, Cristiane Gislene Bezerra, Fabiana Hernandes M. Garcia, Leandro dos Reis Marques, Marcio Bortoletto Fessel, Marta Ferreira Mafra, Rafael Plana Simões e Rui Buosi.

Química: Armenak Bolean, Cátia Lunardi, Cirila Tacconi, Daniel B. Nascimento, Elizandra C. S. Lopes, Gerson N. Silva, Idma A. C. Ferreira, Laura C. A. Xavier, Marcos Antônio Gimenes, Massuko S. Warigoda, Roza K. Morikawa, Sílvia H. M. Fernandes, Valdir P. Berti e Willian G. Jesus.

Área de Ciências Humanas Filosofia: Álex Roberto Genelhu Soares, Anderson Gomes de Paiva, Anderson Luiz Pereira, Claudio Nitsch Medeiros e José Aparecido Vidal.

Geografia: Ana Helena Veneziani Vitor, Célio Batista da Silva, Edison Luiz Barbosa de Souza, Edivaldo Bezerra Viana, Elizete Buranello Perez, Márcio Luiz Verni, Milton Paulo dos Santos, Mônica Estevan, Regina Célia Batista, Rita de Cássia Araujo, Rosinei Aparecida Ribeiro Libório, Sandra Raquel Scassola Dias, Selma Marli Trivellato e Sonia Maria M. Romano.

História: Aparecida de Fátima dos Santos Pereira, Carla Flaitt Valentini, Claudia Elisabete Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves de Campos, Cristina de Lima Cardoso Leme, Ellen Claudia Cardoso Doretto, Ester Galesi Gryga, Karin Sant’Ana Kossling, Marcia Aparecida Ferrari Salgado de Barros, Mercia Albertina de Lima Camargo, Priscila Lourenço, Rogerio Sicchieri, Sandra Maria Fodra e Walter Garcia de Carvalho Vilas Boas.

Sociologia: Anselmo Luis Fernandes Gonçalves, Celso Francisco do Ó, Lucila Conceição Pereira e Tânia Fetchir.

Apoio:Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Educação - FDE

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A Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo autoriza a reprodução do conteúdo do material de sua titularidade pelas demais secretarias de educação do país, desde que mantida a integri-dade da obra e dos créditos, ressaltando que direitos autorais protegidos*deverão ser diretamente negociados com seus próprios titulares, sob pena de infração aos artigos da Lei no 9.610/98.

* Constituem “direitos autorais protegidos” todas e quaisquer obras de terceiros reproduzidas no material da SEE-SP que não estejam em domínio público nos termos do artigo 41 da Lei de Direitos Autorais.

* Nos Cadernos do Programa São Paulo faz escola são indicados sites para o aprofundamento de conhecimentos, como fonte de consulta dos conteúdos apresentados e como referências bibliográficas. Todos esses endereços eletrônicos foram checados. No entanto, como a internet é um meio dinâmico e sujeito a mudanças, a Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo não garante que os sites indicados permaneçam acessíveis ou inalterados.* Os mapas reproduzidos no material são de autoria de terceiros e mantêm as características dos originais, no que diz respeito à grafia adotada e à inclusão e composição dos elementos cartográficos (escala, legenda e rosa dos ventos).

Ciências Humanas Coordenador de área: Paulo Miceli. Filosofia: Paulo Miceli, Luiza Christov, Adilton Luís Martins e Renê José Trentin Silveira.

Geografia: Angela Corrêa da Silva, Jaime Tadeu Oliva, Raul Borges Guimarães, Regina Araujo e Sérgio Adas.

História: Paulo Miceli, Diego López Silva, Glaydson José da Silva, Mônica Lungov Bugelli e Raquel dos Santos Funari.

Sociologia: Heloisa Helena Teixeira de Souza Martins, Marcelo Santos Masset Lacombe, Melissa de Mattos Pimenta e Stella Christina Schrijnemaekers.

Ciências da Natureza Coordenador de área: Luis Carlos de Menezes. Biologia: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Fabíola Bovo Mendonça, Felipe Bandoni de Oliveira, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Olga Aguilar Santana, Paulo Roberto da Cunha, Rodrigo Venturoso Mendes da Silveira e Solange Soares de Camargo.

Ciências: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Cristina Leite, João Carlos Miguel Tomaz Micheletti Neto, Julio Cézar Foschini Lisbôa, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Maíra Batistoni e Silva, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia, Renata Alves Ribeiro, Ricardo Rechi Aguiar, Rosana dos Santos Jordão, Simone Jaconetti Ydi e Yassuko Hosoume.

Física: Luis Carlos de Menezes, Estevam Rouxinol, Guilherme Brockington, Ivã Gurgel, Luís Paulo de Carvalho Piassi, Marcelo de Carvalho Bonetti, Maurício Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira, Maxwell Roger da Puri cação Siqueira, Sonia Salem e Yassuko Hosoume.

Química: Maria Eunice Ribeiro Marcondes, Denilse Morais Zambom, Fabio Luiz de Souza, Hebe Ribeiro da Cruz Peixoto, Isis Valença de Sousa Santos, Luciane Hiromi Akahoshi, Maria Fernanda Penteado Lamas e Yvone Mussa Esperidião.

Caderno do Gestor Lino de Macedo, Maria Eliza Fini e Zuleika de Felice Murrie.



Presidente da Diretoria Executiva Mauro de Mesquita Spínola


Direção da Área Guilherme Ary Plonski

Coordenação Executiva do Projeto Angela Sprenger e Beatriz Scavazza

Gestão Editorial Denise Blanes

Equipe de Produção

Editorial: Amarilis L. Maciel, Ana Paula S. Bezerra, Angélica dos Santos Angelo, Bóris Fatigati da Silva, Bruno Reis, Carina Carvalho, Carolina H. Mestriner, Carolina Pedro Soares, Cíntia Leitão, Eloiza Lopes, Érika Domingues do Nascimento, Flávia Medeiros, Giovanna Petrólio Marcondes, Gisele Manoel, Jean Xavier, Karinna Alessandra Carvalho Taddeo, Leslie Sandes, Mainã Greeb Vicente, Maíra de Freitas Bechtold, Marina Murphy, Michelangelo Russo, Natália S. Moreira, Olivia Frade Zambone, Paula Felix Palma, Pietro Ferrari, Priscila Risso, Regiane Monteiro Pimentel Barboza, Renata Regina Buset, Rodolfo Marinho, Stella Assumpção Mendes Mesquita, Tatiana F. Souza e Tiago Jonas de Almeida.

Direitos autorais e iconografia: Beatriz Fonseca Micsik, Dayse de Castro Novaes Bueno, Érica Marques, José Carlos Augusto, Juliana Prado da Silva, Marcus Ecclissi, Maria Aparecida Acunzo Forli, Maria Magalhães de Alencastro, Vanessa Bianco e Vanessa Leite Rios.

Edição e Produção editorial: Jairo Souza Design Grá co e Occy Design projeto grá co .



CONCEPÇÃO Guiomar Namo de Mello, Lino de Macedo, Luis Carlos de Menezes, Maria Inês Fini coordenadora e Ruy Berger em memória .


Linguagens Coordenador de área: Alice Vieira. Arte: Gisa Picosque, Mirian Celeste Martins, Geraldo de Oliveira Suzigan, Jéssica Mami Makino e Sayonara Pereira.

Educação Física: Adalberto dos Santos Souza, Carla de Meira Leite, Jocimar Daolio, Luciana Venâncio, Luiz Sanches Neto, Mauro Betti, Renata Elsa Stark e Sérgio Roberto Silveira.

LEM – Inglês: Adriana Ranelli Weigel Borges, Alzira da Silva Shimoura, Lívia de Araújo Donnini Rodrigues, Priscila Mayumi Hayama e Sueli Salles Fidalgo.

LEM – Espanhol: Ana Maria López Ramírez, Isabel Gretel María Eres Fernández, Ivan Rodrigues Martin, Margareth dos Santos e Neide T. Maia González.

Língua Portuguesa: Alice Vieira, Débora Mallet Pezarim de Angelo, Eliane Aparecida de Aguiar, José Luís Marques López Landeira e João Henrique Nogueira Mateos.

Matemática Coordenador de área: Nílson José Machado. Matemática: Nílson José Machado, Carlos Eduardo de Souza Campos Granja, José Luiz Pastore Mello, Roberto Perides Moisés, Rogério Ferreira da Fonseca, Ruy César Pietropaolo e Walter Spinelli.

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ade: 2014 – 2017