Page 1: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City Models

Kanishk Chaturvedi, Thomas H. Kolbe

Geospatial Sensor Web Conference Münster, Germany 30 August, 2016

Chair of Geoinformatics Technische Universität München Germany

Page 2: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Semantic 3D City Models ► Semantic 3D City Models

● Relevant objects of the urban space are classified and their spatial and thematic properties will be described

● Are key for Urban Information Modelling

► CityGML (OGC international standard since 2008) ● Data model (UML) + Exchange format (based on GML3) ● Different thematic areas + Levels of Detail concept (LOD0 - LOD4) ● 3D geometry, 3D topology, semantics, and appearance

► CityGML is very useful in environmental & energy simulations, disaster management, training simulators ● In most simulations, time plays an important role, i.e. dynamic and

time-varying properties ► Time-varying properties are not yet supported in CityGML 30.08.2016 Dynamizers for semantic 3D city models 2

Page 3: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Time-varying properties ► Slower Changes

● History or evolution of cities/city models versioning concept

► Highly dynamic changes ● Variations of spatial properties: change of a feature’s geometry,

both in respect to shape and to location (e.g. moving objects) ● Variations of thematic attributes:

changes of physical quantities like energy demands, mean temperature, solar irradiation; air quality in streets and buildings

● Variations with respect to sensor or real-time data

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Source:C. García-Ascanio and C. Maté, “Electric power demand forecasting using interval time series: A comparison between VAR and iMLP,”Energy Policy

Page 4: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

30.08.2016 Dynamizers for semantic 3D city models 4

Sensors Databases


Spatial Properties Thematic Properties Appearance Properties

External Files

Tabulated data e.g. from simulation results or sensors

Buildings Transportation Objects

Water Bodies Vegetation City Objects

Page 5: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Dynamizer – A New CityGML Feature Type ► attributeRef refers to a specific

property of a static CityGML object which value will then be overridden/ replaced by the (dynamic) values specified in the ‘Dynamizer’ feature.

► startTime and endTime denote time span for which Dynamizer provides dynamic values

► Dynamizer composes of AbstractTimeseries: ● Allows represent time-variant values in

different and generic ways ● E.g. Timeseries, Sensor observations etc.

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Dynamizer + attributeRef :URI + startTime :TM_Position + endTime :TM_Position

Abstract Timeseries


Page 6: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Example Scenario

30.08.2016 Dynamizers for semantic 3D city models 6

Estimated (in kwh)

Heat Demand

JAN-15 61578

FEB-15 52148

MAR-15 41011







DEC-15 64984

<cityObjectMember> <Building gml:id = "building1">

<gen:doubleAttribute name = "HeatDemand"> <gen:value = xxx />

</gen:doubleAttribute> </Building> </cityObjectMember>

<cityObjectMember> <dyn:Dynamizer> <dyn:attributeRef> //Building [@gml:id = 'building1']/doubleAttribute[@name = 'HeatDemand']/gen:value</dyn:attributeRef> <dyn:startTime> 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z </dyn:startTime> <dyn:endTime> 2015-12-31T00:00:00Z </dyn:endTime> <dyn:dynamicData>.. </dyn:dynamicData> </dyn:Dynamizer> </cityObjectMember>

CityGML object


Source of dynamic data

Replacing dynamic attributes using XPath

Page 7: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Dynamic Data from Sensors ► An important source of dynamic data may be sensor

services. ► Two popular standards

● OGC Sensor Observation Services (SOS) ● Open standard, part of OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) ● Allows querying real-time sensor data and sensor data timeseries. ● Observation responses are encoded in O&M standard

● OGC SensorThings API ● Very lightweight standard to interconnect the Internet of Things

devices, data and applications over the web ● Built on OGC SWE and O&M standards ● Provides REST services and compact data encodings in JSON format

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Source : Source :

Page 8: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Integrating Sensors and Observations

30.08.2016 Dynamizers for semantic 3D city models 8



Dynamizer + attributeRef :URI + startTime :TM_Position + endTime :TM_Position

Abstract Timeseries

+dynamicData SensorConnection

+ serviceType :stringAttribute + linkToObservation :URI[0..1] + linkToSensor: URI[0..1] + sensorID : stringAttribute






Page 9: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

<cityObjectMember> <dyn:Dynamizer gml:id = "HeatDemandTimeseries" > <dyn:attributeRef>//RoofSurface[@gml:id ='building1_roofSurface1'] /doubleAttribute[@name = ‘PV_Power_Generation'] /gen:value </dyn:attributeRef> <dyn:startTime>2016-01-01T00:00:00Z</startTime> <dyn:endTime>2016-12-01T00:00:00Z</endTime> <dyn:linkToSensor> <dyn:SensorConnection> <dyn:sensorID>. . . </dyn:sensorID> <dyn:serviceType>. . . </dyn:serviceType> <dyn:linkToObservation>. . . </dyn:linkToObservation> <dyn:linkToSensor>. . . </dyn:linkToSensor> <dyn:sensorLocation xlink:href=“#building1_roofSurface1“/> </dyn:SensorConnection> </dyn:linkToSensor> </dyn:Dynamizer> <cityObjectMember>

Example for a Sensor Connection

30.08.2016 Dynamizers for semantic 3D city models 9

Sensor (PV Panel) building1_roofSurface1


Image source :

Unique Sensor ID SOS or SensorThings API

SOS GetObservation SOS DescribeSensor

Link to CityGML Object

Page 10: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Dynamizer + attributeRef :URI + startTime:TM_Position + endTime :TM_Position

30.08.2016 Dynamizers for semantic 3D city models 10



TimeseriesML:: TimeseriesTVP

0..1 +dynamicDataTVP

TimeseriesML:: TimeseriesDR

+dynamicDataTDR 0..1


TimeseriesComponent + repetitions:integer + additionalGap :TM_Duration[0..1]


1..* +component



SensorConnection + serviceType :stringAttribute + linkToObservation :URI[0..1] + linkToSensor: URI[0..1] + sensorID : stringAttribute

0..1 +linkToSensor





0..1 1

SOS::GetObservationResponse + observationData :OM_Observation[1..*]



context AtomicTimeseries inv: dynamicDataDR xor dynamicDataTVP xor observationData

Dynamizer ADE for CityGML 2.0

<<ADEElement>> AbstractCityObject




Also allows including OGC TimeseriesML 1.0

Also allows representing Complex repetitive patterns

Page 11: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Summary ► Dynamizers enhance static city models by dynamic

property values ● by referencing a specific attribute (e.g. geometry, thematic or

appearance property) of an object ● overriding the static value of the referenced object attribute by

dynamic property values ► Dynamizers support multiple dynamic representations

● OGC TimeseriesML1.0, OGC O&M

► Establish explicit links to sensors ● Linking sensor observations with the respective city model objects ● Providing location of sensors as city objects

► Support also nested patterns for values based on statistics and general rules

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Page 12: Integrating Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City ...€¦ · Geospatial Sensor Web Conference . Münster, Germany . 30 August, 2016 . Chair of Geoinformatics . Technische

Technische Universität München Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik

Publications ► Chaturvedi, K. and Kolbe, T. H., 2016. Integrating

Dynamic Data and Sensors with Semantic 3D City Models in the context of Smart Cities.

Accepted and to be published in 3DGeoInfo 2016 Conference, Athens, Greece.

► Chaturvedi, K. and Kolbe, T. H., 2015. Dynamizers – Modeling and Implementing Dynamic Properties for Semantic 3D City Models.

Published in 3rd Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation, TU Delft, The Netherlands.

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