Page 1: Interviu Cu Un Pacient Rom-Eng


Interviu cu un pacient

- Buna ziua, ce va supara?

- Buna ziua. Am asa ameteli si dureri de cap dimineata si parca nu mai vad bine, am asa niste pete pe ochi.

- Pete in campul visual sau va apar pete pe globul ocular?

- A, nu…doar parca vad niste pete mici, negre, in campul visual.

- Bine si ce mai simtiti?

- Aud niste pocnituri in urechi, ca si cum cum ar pocni cineva niste pungi in urechea mea.

- De cand au aparut aceste simptome?

- Cam de vreo cateva luni.

- Bine. Sa imi dati datele pentru a completa o foaie de observatie pentru un consult mai amanuntit. Cum va numiti?

- Ionescu Vasile.

- Ce varsta aveti?

- 55 de ani.

- Unde v-ati nascut si unde locuiti acum.

- In Bucuresti m-am nascut si aici am ramas.

- Ce meserie aveti?

- Sofer de TIR pe transport international.

- Sunteti mult plecat de acasa?

- Da.

- Circulati mult noaptea?

- Da.

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- Ati pierdut multe nopti?

- Da, multe…pai circul mai mult noaptea.

- Beti multa cafea?

- O, da…

- Fumati?

- Da, peste doua pachete pe zi cand sunt in cursa.

- Ce inaltime si ce greutate aveti?

- 1,72 m. si vreo 95-100 de kg.

- Ati mai fost bolnav pana acum?

- Nimic special. Bolile copilariei, raceli, o fractura…d-astea

- Inima v-a mai suparat? Simtiti ca bate foarte tare?

- Da, uneori da…mai ales cand sunt foarte obosit. Simt cum imi zvacneste o vena la cap. Si daca incerc sa dorm imi aud vena in ureche cum pulseaza.

- In familie aveti pe cineva care sufera in urma unor afectiuni cardiovasculare?

- Tata a facut un infarct in urma cu vreo 5 ani. Iar mama ia medicamente de tensiune.

- Am inteles. Dvs. aveti cunostinta de vreo boala infectioasa de care ati suferit?

- Cum ar fi?

- TBC, hepatita…

- Nu

- Ce si cand mancati de obicei…

- A, cand am timp…mai ales cand sunt la volan. Iau un sandvis…

- Mancati multe dulciuri? Ciocolata?

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- Da, imi plac dulciurile.

- Carne consumati?

- Pai da…ca simt ca lesin daca nu mananc niste carne….

- Multumesc. Acum am sa va consult… O sa ascultam inima, o sa luam tensiunea, o sa va recoltam sange pentru niste analize de rutina si o sa va facem si un EKG. Cand vor fi gata rezultatele analizelor, cu ele, cu fisa de observatie pe care am completat-o acum si cu rezultatul EKG-ului o sa mergeti sa va vada un medic cardiolog pentru un consult de specialitate. Suntei de acord?

- Da.

- Multumesc.



Interview with a patient

Hello , what upsets you?

Hello, I have some dizziness and headaches in the morning and it seems to me that I can not see well , like i have some spots on the eye.

These spots appear in the visual field or on the eyeball?

Oh, no , just seems like I see small, black spots in the visual field.

Okay , and what else do you feel?

I hear some crackling in the ears, such as someone snapped some bags in my ear.

Since when did these symptoms appeared.

For a few months.

All right. Give me your personal data to complete an observation form in order to receive a more detailed consultation. What is your name?

Ionescu Vasile.

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How old are you?

55 years old

Where were you born and where you live now.

In Bucharest I was born and il live here still.

What job do you have?

I'm a truck driver in international transport.

You're always away from home ?

Quite right!

You Drive much more at night?


You have lost many nights?

Yes, many ... well i drive more at night.

Are you drink plenty of coffee?

Oh yes .

Do you smoke?

Yes, more than two packs a day when i am in the road.

How tall and what weight do you have?

1.72 m and about 95-100 kg.

You have been sick so far ?

Nothing special. Childhood diseases, colds, a fracture, something like that ..

The heart has you upset? Feel that she is beatting very hard?

Yes, sometimes yes ... especially when i am very tired. I feel a vein throbbing in my head. And if I try to sleep I hear it pulsing in the ear.

Have you someone in the family who suffer as a result of cardiovascular disease?

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My father had a heart attack about five years ago. And the mother takes drugs supply for blood pressure.

I understand. You have knowledge of any infectious disease that you have suffered?

Such as ?

TBC, hepatitis ...


What usually eat and when do you usually eat ?

Well.., when I have time ... especially when i am driving. I take a sandwich and that's all ...

Do you eat lots of candy? Chocolate?

Yes, I like sweets.

Do you Eat meat?

Well yeah ... I feel like fainting if I do not eat some meat ....

Thank you. Now I have to consult you. I will listen to your heart, I will take the blood pressure, i will collect some blood for a routine test and i will do an EKG test. When the test results will be ready you have to go to see a cardiologist specialist and you have to take this results with you along with the observation form that i have compleated right now. You agree? .


Thank you...