

EG-Konformitätserklärung / EC declaration of conformity / däclaration «CE» de conformitä

In Übereinstimmung mit der Richtlinie 2014/90/EU über Schiffsausrüstung / issued in accordance with the directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment / conformement ä directive 2014/90/UE relative aux equipements marins

1. Einmalige Kenn-Nummer des Produkts / unique identification of the product / identification unique du produit:


2. Name und Anschrift des Herstellers / name and address of the manufacturer / nom et adresse du fabricant:

SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 1

D-67059 Ludwigshafen

3. Die alleinige Verantwortung für die Ausstellung dieser Konformitätserklärung trägt der Hersteller / this declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer / la prAsente declaration de conformite est etablie sous la seule responsabilite du fabricant :

SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG 4. Gegenstand der Erklärung / Object of the declaration / Objet de la declaration :

Steel Deck A-60

5. Der oben beschriebene Gegenstand der Erklärung erfüllt die einschlägigen Harmonisierungsrechtsvorschriften der Gemeinschaft / the object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant community armonisation legislation / Lobjet de la declaration decrit ci-dessus est conforme ä la legislation communautaire d'harmonisation applicable:

Directives 2014/90/EU + 2015/559/EU

6. Angabe der einschlägigen harmonisierten Normen, die zugrunde gelegt wurden, oder Angabe der Spezifikationen, für die die Konformität erklärt wird / references to the relevant harmonised standards used or references to the specifications in relation to which conformity is declared / references des normes harmonisees pertinentes appliquees ou des specifications par report auxquelles la conformite est declaree:

IMO Resolution MSC.307 (88)-(FTP-Code 2010), Annex 1, Part 3

7. Die notifizierten Stellen haben folgende Bescheinigungen ausgestellt / the notified bodies issued the certificates / les organismes notifies ont etabli les attestations:

BG Verkehr Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit; 0736 Module D: SEE 15039

DNV.GL; 0575 Module B: MED-B-9519 +


8. Zusatzangaben / additional information / informations complementaires:

Für die bestimmungsgemäße Installation ist der Verarbeiter verantwortlich. / The intended installation is in the responsibility of the installer. / L'installateur doit veiller ä une installation confornnäment aux dispositions en vigueur.

EG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung + Zeichnungen / EC type-examination certificate + drawings / attestation d'examen CE de type + dessins: pdf

Unterzeichnet für und im Namen von / signed for and on behalf of / signe par et au nom de: Saint-Gobain ISOVER G+H AG,

Ludwigshafen 09.09.2016

ppa. Jürgen Trappmann ( ter Arbeitssicherheit, Umwelt, Sicherheit / .V. Jens Perser (Qualitätsmanagement /

Director environment, health, safety /

Senior quality management /

Directeur environnement, sante, securitä)

Responsable qualitä)

This Certificate is valid until 2020-02-05

MG Is1(‚J Martin Gjelstad

Essen Business Support Surveyor

Hovik, 2015-02-05 for DNV GL AS

Marianne Strand Valderha Head of Department

Notified Body No.: 0575

DNV GL local office:



Certificate No: MED-B-9519 Item No: A1/3.11a Job Id: 344.1-004262-1

Application of: Council Directive 96/98/EC of 20 December 1996 an Marine Equipment as amended by directive 2013/52/EU, issued as "Forskrift om Skipsutstyr" by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. This Certificate is issued by DNV GL AS under the authority of the Government of the Kingdom of Norway.

This is to certify: That the "A" Class divisions, fire integrity

with type designation(s) Steel Deck A-60

Issued to

SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG Ludwigshafen am Rhein Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

is found to comply with the requirements in the following Regulations/Standards: Annex A.1, item No. A.1/3.11a and Annex B, Module B in the Directive. SOLAS 74 as amended, Regulation 11-2/3.2.5 and IMO FTP Code.

Further details of the equipment and conditions for certification are given overleaf.

The Certificate is subject to terms and conditions overleaf. Any significant changes in design or construction of the product, or amendments to the Directive or Standards referenced above may render this Certificate invalid. The product liability rests with the manufacturer or his representative in accordance with Council Directive 96/98/EC, as amended. The Mark of Conformity may only be affixed to the product and a Declaration of Conformity may only be issued when the production/product assessment module referred to in the council directive, is fully complied with. Page 1 of 5 1106 Form code: MED.Ba Revision: 2015-01 © DNV GL 2014. DNV GL and the Horizon Graphic are trademarks of DNV GL AS.

Certificate No: MED-B-9519 Item No: A1/3.11a Job Id: 344.1-004262-1

Product description "Steel Deck A-60"

Construction 1: "U SeaProtect 36/70 + 76/25" Composed of a stiffened steel deck insulated underneath with 70 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect 36 (density 36 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG. 25 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect 76 (density 66 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG is fitted around the stiffeners. Insulation (U SeaProtect 76) is fitted inside the void of the stiffeners.

The insulation is fasten with 3 mm steel pins and 38 mm steel washers. Distance between pins is maximum 300 mm.

See appendix for further details.

Construction 2: "U SeaProtect 36/70 + 36/70" Composed of a stiffened steel deck insulated underneath with 70 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect 36 (density 36 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG. 70 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect 36 is fitted around the stiffeners. Insulation is fitted inside the void of the stiffeners.

The insulation is fasten with 3 mm steel pins and 38 mm steel washers. Distance between pins is maximum 300 mm.

See appendix for further details.

Construction 3: "U SeaProtect 66/50 + 76/25" Composed of a stiffened steel deck insulated underneath with 50 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect 66 (density 66 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG. 25 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect 76 (density 76 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG is fitted around the stiffeners. Insulation (U SeaProtect 76) is fitted inside the void of the stiffeners.

The insulation is fasten with 3 mm steel pins and 38 mm steel washers. Distance between pins is maximum 300 mm.

See appendix for further details.

Application/ Limitation Approved for use as horizontal fire retarding division of Class A-60.

The insulation thickness may be increased up to a maximum area weight of 5280 g/m2. Insulation density may be increased up to 66 kg/m3 or a maximum area weight of 5280 g/m2 (whichever comes first).

The insulation materials and adhesives used have to be approved according to the Marine Equipment Directive and bear the Mark of Conformity. This requirement may also be applicable for surface materials used, if required by relevant rules and regulations.

Each product is to be supplied with its manual for installation and maintenance.


Form code: MED.Ba Revision: 2015-01 Page 2 of 5 et&

Certificate No: MED-B-9519 Item No: A1/3.11a Job Id: 344.1-004262-1

Type Examination documentation Test report no. 4P04380-1 dated 12 August 2014 from SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Boräs, Sweden. (U SeaProtect 36/70 + 76/25)

Test report no. PGA10521 dated 24 September 2014 from Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (DBI), Hvidovre, Denmark. (U SeaProtect 66/50 + 76/25)

Assessment report nos. PHA10498b (alternative insulation an stiffeners) dated 15 January 2015, PHA10498c (minimum thickness and density) dated 13 October 2014, PHA10498d (position of joints) dated 16 December 2014, PHA10498e (mounting methods for insulation an stiffeners) dated 24 November 2014, PHA10498g (pin pattern) dated 28 November 2014. All from Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology (DBI), Hvidovre, Denmark.

Drawing no. AK2307 (4 pages) dated 11 December 2014 from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG.

Tests carried out Tested according to IMO 2010 FTP Code part 3.

Marking of product The product or packing is to be marked with name of manufacturer, type designation, fire technical rating, the MED Mark of Conformity and USCG Approval Number if applicable (see below).

Mark of Conformity The manufacturer is allowed to affix the Mark of Conformity according to Article 11 in the Council Directive 96/98/EC an Marine Equipment and shall issue a Declaration of Conformity, only when the module D or E or F of Annex B in the same directive is fully complied with.

Module D:

The quality system for production and testing shall be approved by the Notified Body.

Module E:

The quality system for inspection and testing shall be approved by the Notified Body.

Module F:

Compliance of the products to type as described in this EC Type-Examination Certificate must be verified by the Notified Body who also shall issue a Certificate of Conformity.

USCG Approval An U.S. Coast Guard approval number will be assigned to the equipment when the production module has been completed and will appear an the production module certificate (module D, E or F), as allowed by the "Agreement between the United States of America and the EEA EFTA states an the mutual recognition of Certificates of Conformity for Marine Equipment" signed 17 October 2005.

Form code: MED.Ba Revision: 2015-01 Page 3 of 5 VW

Appendix Rev. No. 0 to MED-B-9519 I I 3 1 , 1 5 1 o 1 . I 3





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Form code: MED.Ba Revision: 2015-01 Page 5 of 5 Gra,49

Form code: MED 101.NOR Revision: 2015-11 Page 1 of 2

© DNV GL 2014. DNV GL and the Horizon Graphic are trademarks of DNV GL AS.

Certificate No:


Application of: Council Directive 96/98/EC of 20 December 1996 on Marine Equipment as amended by

directive (EU) 2015/559, issued as "Forskrift om Skipsutstyr" by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

This Certificate is issued by DNV GL AS under the authority of the Government of the Kingdom of Norway.

This is to certify:

That the "A" Class divisions, fire integrity

with type designation(s)

Steel Deck A-60

Issued to


Ludwigshafen am Rhein Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany is found to comply with the requirements in the following Regulations/Standards:

Annex A.1, item No. A.1/3.11a and Annex B, Module B in the Directive; SOLAS 74 as amended,

Regulation II-2/3.2.5 and IMO 2010 FTP Code.

Further details of the equipment and conditions for certification are given overleaf.

This Certificate is valid until 2020-02-05. Issued at Høvik on 2016-05-10

DNV GL local station:

Approval Engineer:

Tessa Biever

Notified Body

No.: 0575


Vidar Dolonen

Head of Notified Body

A U.S. Coast Guard approval number will be assigned to the equipment when the production module has been completed and will appear on the

production module certificate (module D, E or F), as allowed by the "Agreement between the United States of America and the EEA EFTA states

on the mutual recognition of Certificates of Conformity for Marine Equipment" signed 17 October 2005.

The mark of conformity may only be affixed to the above type approved equipment and a Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity issued when the production-surveillance module (D, E or F) of Annex B of the MED is fully complied with and controlled by a written

inspection agreement with a Notified Body. The product liability rests with the manufacturer or his representative in accordance with

Council Directive 96/98/EC, as amended.

This certificate is valid for equipment, which is conform to the approved type. The manufacturer shall inform DNV GL AS of any

changes to the approved equipment.

Should the specified regulations or standards be amended during the validity of this certificate, the product is to be re-approved before being placed on board a vessel to which the amended regulations or standards apply.

Job Id: 344.1-004262-1

Certificate No: MEDB0000162

Form code: MED 101.NOR Revision: 2015-11 Page 2 of 2

Product description “Steel Deck A-60”

Construction 1: “U SeaProtect 36/70 + 76/25”

Composed of a stiffened steel deck insulated underneath with 70 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect

36 (density 36 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG. 25 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect

76 (density 76 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG is fitted around the stiffeners.

Insulation (U SeaProtect 76) is fitted inside the void of the stiffeners.

The insulation is fasten with 3 mm steel pins and 38 mm steel washers. Distance between pins is

maximum 300 mm.

See appendix for further details.

Construction 2: “U SeaProtect 36/70 + 36/70”

Composed of a stiffened steel deck insulated underneath with 70 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect

36 (density 36 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG. 70 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect

36 is fitted around the stiffeners. Insulation is fitted inside the void of the stiffeners.

The insulation is fasten with 3 mm steel pins and 38 mm steel washers. Distance between pins is

maximum 300 mm.

See appendix for further details.

Construction 3: “U SeaProtect 66/50 + 76/25”

Composed of a stiffened steel deck insulated underneath with 50 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect

66 (density 66 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG. 25 mm mineral wool of type U SeaProtect

76 (density 76 kg/m3) from SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER G+H AG is fitted around the stiffeners.

Insulation (U SeaProtect 76) is fitted inside the void of the stiffeners.

The insulation is fasten with 3 mm steel pins and 38 mm steel washers. Distance between pins is

maximum 300 mm.

See appendix for further details.

Application/Limitation Approved for use as horizontal fire retarding division of class A-60.

The insulation thickness may be increased up to a maximum area weight of 5280 g/m2. Insulation

density may be increased up to 66 kg/m3 or a maximum area weight of 5280 g/m2 (whichever comes


The insulation materials and adhesives used have to be approved according to the Marine Equipment

Directive and bear the Mark of Conformity. This requirement may also be applicable for surface materials

used, if required by relevant rules and regulations.

Each product is to be supplied with its manual for installation and maintenance.