Page 1: I’ve been studying history in China


Reading strategy:

Let your eyes “scan” the text quickly to find details that you are looking for. You can find information quickly without reading the whole text.

Page 2: I’ve been studying history in China

Five thousand years of Chinese Nation 上下五千年

Page 3: I’ve been studying history in China


the Palace Museum

Emperor … in _____Dynasty.

Beijing, the capital of China

Page 4: I’ve been studying history in China

How many Chinese dynasties can you think of?

Can you name any famous characters from Chinese history?

*** is one of the famous emperors/characters.

Page 5: I’ve been studying history in China

In Chinese history, there are also some famous foreigners.

Marco Polo

Doctor Bethune

In Song Dynasty

In Yuan Dynasty

Italy 意大利

Page 6: I’ve been studying history in China

LeoHe is from_______.

He is working in ______ as a ________.

the _________ of Heilongjiang Province

He wrote an article _________________________


Harbin teacher


I’ve been studying history in China.

in Russian style

Page 7: I’ve been studying history in China

Scan the text for information to complete the sentences below.快速浏览课文,完成下列句子。

1. Leo has been teaching in China for .

2. Some of the old buildings in Harbin are


3. The welcomed the first Jews to China.

4. In Australia, students usually study

and history.

5. The more Leo learns about

, the more he enjoys in China.

two years

in Russian style

Song Emperor

Australian western

Chinese history living


Page 8: I’ve been studying history in China

1. Are Leo’s family Australian? Say something about his family.

2. When did Leo start studying Chinese History?

How long?


3. What does his friend in Australia think of Chinese history? What about Leo?

Scan the text again for information to the questions below.再次快读文章,回答下面的问题。

Over two years.

If you study hard, you’ll be able to understand any culture.

4. What do you think of Leo? What can you learn from him?

Jewish. The first Jews …

The more I learn about …, the more I enjoy…

Page 9: I’ve been studying history in China

When someone invites you to dinner.

In England, it’s polite to eat up the food.

But in China, ______________________.

When someone says, ‘you’re great.”

In England, people usually say, ‘ ___________’.

But in China, ______________________.

When people greet(打招呼 ) others

In England, people usually say, ‘ _____________’.

But in China, ___________________________.


Page 10: I’ve been studying history in China

A: I’m going to in Australia.

B: If you do that, you’ll miss your family.

C: If she works far away, she will miss her family.

D: If she misses her family, she could talk with her family on QQ.

If you are going to another country now, what will happen?

A: I’m going to ...

B: If you do that, you’ll ...

C: If …, he/she will …

D: If …, he/she could/may/should…

Page 11: I’ve been studying history in China

If I move to a foreign country, …


Section 4 Go for it

If a foreigner moves to China, …

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The more you think beforehand,

the less trouble you will have later.

Page 12: I’ve been studying history in China

Homework:A: What will happen if you go to another

country? What will happen if a foreigner moves to China? (Make a list.)

B: ( 选做) Which foreign country are you most interested in? Find out about its culture and write it down.
