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    The Desmids-Florula of the Oze-district, II.

    re ma oWza nc ag= (Continued from VoL XL P. 3o2)


    Minoru HtRANo 4S n R

    Tribe 3・ Cosmarieae CARmER i89g・

    Cells symmetricat, variable In form and sizes generally constrlcted atthe isthmus. Cell wali with pores, composed of two firm layers, outer layer

    smooth or with conspicuous. regular marl

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    KRiEpER in RABENHoRsT's Krypt. Fl. XIII. Abt. i. p; 38o. pl. 38. fL g--I2.i9372,,I.Z,I[i';P.Ah,in,.",72,ll.

    IiA'S..i.I :.)li・#' NP'6.l 3A.9t,?i'R6.g'..f:sgE. Tee9,1 se". 3. vni. 'p. 88. pL s. fi i2. i87i; WoLLE Desm. U. S. p, so. pl. So. fl 32. i884;WEsT Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 2g. p. n8. pL ig. f. s. i8g2; BoRGE Ark.Bot. 6 p. 2o. pl. i. fi I2. igo6・

    Doeidia"t nobille (RicrmR) LuN'D. forma neons"esw RAciB. in Wydz. Akad.Um. Krak6w io. p. 3・ pl. 3. f. I7. I889・

    Cells of medium size, elongated, [2-Ts times longer than brozd,slightly constricted, sinus widely crpen, semicells wlth 7-8 strongly undutateIateral margin, apices dlrated, truncate and apical angles rounded, base ofsem{celt viith ii-i2 plications, plications ending in a small granules. Cellwall srnooth. I£ ngth i76 y, Breadth rS pt. ・

    Hab. Common in Ozegahara, Sirasuna, Numajiri-daira and Kobutizawano-tasiro. Il)istr. Yasima-pil

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    B. Chloroplasts lateral, pyrenoids scattered. ・・・・・・---・・・IV: Zabecido

    II. Cells furnished with rings of nodules, end view sinuate stellate. ...

    ."."-"-.・・."-:"-.'."-`--.・-.".・・.".・・.-."・-"..・・・-・-IU nodbsum

    Pleurotaenium minutum (RALFs) DELp・

    in GR6NBLAD Act. Soc. Fauna Flor. Fenn・ 5S. p・ 4・ pl. i. f. i-4. Ig24;HoMFELD Pflanzenfl I2. p. 26. ig2g; KRiEGit'R Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Bd.ii. p. i67. pl. io. f. 4a. Tg32; TAyLoR Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Ig. p. 246.

    p!・ 45・ f・ II・ ig34; I

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    Ceylon, general 'Europe,

    U. S. A., Alaska, British Guiana, Brazil, W. Africa.

    Pleurotaenium minutum (RALFs>PEL?. var. cylindricum (BoRGE) KRiEGER (Fig・ 44・)

    in RABEtwHoRsT's Krypt.'Fl. XIIL Abt. i. p. 3g3. pl. 3g. f・ 8・ T937・-

    f. 4.ltgnliUsl'Z `iptlli)tmbiCerM




    in Ark.

    8ot. Is. p. 12. pl. I. '. Cells narrower, i4-is times tonger than broad, sinus only a slightdepression. I"ength 238y, Breadth !8pt, Tsthmus r6".

    Hab. Ozegahara, Lake Oze-numa and Jiuemon-ike: (New to Asia) General Distr. Germany, Brazil・

    Pleurotaenium minutum (RArFs) DELp. var. crassum (W. WEsT) KRrEGER (Ffg・ 43-) in Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Bd. II. p. I67・ pl. 6. f. 8・ ig32; RABEt"-HoREnr's Krypt. FI. XIII. Abt・ i. p. 3g2. pl. 3g4 f・ 6, 7- i937・

    llinium fvainutzem (RALrs) CLEvE var. crassum W. WEsT in Journ. Linn.Soc. Bot. 2g. p.'3Io. pl. 2o. f: I-3.-I8g2; N)LT. &. G. S. WEsT' Ibid. 33.p. 282. i8g8; Monogr. Brit. I)esm. L p. ros. pl. Io. f. ir-I3. igo4iKAisER KrYpt. Forsch. T. p. 433. f. 25. ig26. '

    ftnium mimtteriv{; (RALFs) CmgvE var. ctassu"n W. WEsT forma i)Eigag2z・WEsT in Monogr. Brit. Desm. 1. p. ios. pl. io.'f. i4. igo4; OiiADA BOt-Mag・ So・ p. 43i. pl. 7. f. 4. ig36; AsAmNA's Inkwa. p. ies. pl. S7. f..4,S・ I939. var. ,tumdetm WiLLE in W. & G: S. WEsT Monogr. Brit. Desm.L p. Io4. pl. Io. ft 5. I904.

    fllle7trolaenium minatum (RALFs) DELp, var. crassum (W. WEsT) KRzEGERfbrma iodwndein ・KRiEGER in Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Bd. ri. p. i67・ pl.6. f・ 9. I932-

    Cells shorter and broader than the t)rpe, 4-s times longer than'broad,apices broad a"d truncate. Length s6",, Breadth i8p.

    Hab. Not common in Ozegahara but fairly abundant in Numajiri-daira.

    Distr. Tenguhara, Mt. Sirouma, prov. Sinano (OscADA)., General Distr. British Isles, Lapland, Brazil; W. Africa. '

    Pleurotaenium nodosum (BAiL.) LvND・

    in Nov. Act. Regn. Soc. Ups. Ser. 3. VITI. p. go. i87i; NoRDsTEDTK. Sv. Vet. Akad.' Handl. 22. p. 6s. i888; W. & G. S. WEsT Trans・Ihnn. Soc. Bot. s. p. 234. I8g6; No.RDs:-m)T Index Desm. p. i82. I8g6;W. & G S. WEsT Monogr. Brit. Desm I. p. 2i4. pt・ 3i. fi 3--6. ig04;MiGvLA Krypt. Fl. II. p. 3gs, pl. 23 E. fl s. Igo7; HiGAsHi List Jap. Ilireshw.Alg. p. 272. [gi6; SAiiTH Wisc. BulL s7. p. i6. pli S4. ft II. I924;

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    HyLANDER Cenn. Bull. 42. p. 77. p!. io: fi 4. Ig28; HiGAsHi Wonder Plant

    p. 63. f.'ig32; SMirH Freshw・ Alg・ U. S. p. S74. f. 3g8A. ig33'; FuJisAWA

    Journ. Jap. Bot. io. p. 44s. ig34; KiuEGER RabenhorsVs Krypt. Fl. XIII. Abt. i. p. 436. pl. 47. f. T. ig37; OKADA Asah{na's Inlcwa. p. i37. pl.' 63.

    f・ 4・ I939・ '

    Docidiufn nodbscrm BArLEv in RA=irs Brit. Desm. p.・2i8・ pl. 35・ f・ 8・

    i848; WeLLE Desm. U. S, p. So. pl. u f. ir, I2. I884; MAsKELL Tr'ans.

    Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 2i. p. 28. pl. s. f. 53. i888. a el{Pica TuRN. iti' K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hancl1. 2s. p. 3S・ r892・

    DocidZopsis ftetlosa RAcin. in Wydz. Al

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    i88'6;MASFiELL Trans. Proc.'N. Zeal. Inst, i3. p. 3og. i88o.

    Dtibidii in 7>abecft.'a RiirNscH in.Abhi N' aturw, Ges. NUrnberg 3'. p. i82.i867; WoLm Desm. U. S. p. 48. pl. g. fl 2`4, pl. I2. f: i-7. I884; TvRNERK. SV. Vet Akad. HandL 2s. p. 38・' i892.


    1[)reufotaenium Atcheri DEL?. var. triannulLxtum ScHAARscmt. in Journ.Linn. Soc. Bot. 2'i. p. 278. pl. i. f. 23d. i884.

    pteuteinerai"m E7e"enbeL{rii (BR6B・) DE BARy in BERNARD Dep. agr. IndesNeerland p. 7g. pl. 4. L go-g3. igo8;Ibid p. 37. pl・ 2. f. 48. rgog・

    Rleurotaeiiittllz natZecula (EHREr"B.) NXG. fortni cLiwata (KtiTz.) WL &G. S. WEsT in Monogt Brit. Desm. I. p.'2ii. pl. 3I. f. g. igO.A,; HoM"Em

    Pfianzenf. 12. p. 27` ig2g; SKvoRTzow Philipp. journ. Scl・ 4g. p. i48・ pl.T. £ 7. Ig32. form't ,g・mnttlata G・ S. WEsT in Journ. Bot. 37. p. IT3. pl.3g6..f. 6. I899・

    . Cells large, Subcylindr{czl, [[-I8 times longer than broad, slightlyconstricte5; semlcells with distinct basal inflation, o.ften one or two slightundulation above them, lateral margin almost straight, parallel, graduallyattenuated to th'av apices whlch are truncztely rounded, without any tuber-

    cles or spines. Chlordplasts parietal with many scattered pyrenoids. Cell

    wall punctate. Length 4s6-6o8 ", Breadth 2S pt. Hab. Oze-nurna and not common in Ozegihara. Distr. Kamikoti,

    prov. Sinano (YoNEDA); Korea (SKvoRTzow). General Distr. Manchuria, Slberia, China, Thai, Shonan, Jawa, Suma"tra, Borneo, India, general Europe, Iceland, Nova Zembla, Greenland, U.S. A., S. America, Sandwich lslands, troplcal Africa. '

    Gen. 8. Triploceras BAiLEy I850.

    SMtTH W{sc. Bull. s7. P. I8. ig24; KRmcER Rabenhorst's Krypt. 'fl.

    XIIT'cff/Pst'lair'geP; s4tgai・ighit9,3e7iQngaled, cylinclrical, several'times longer than

    broad, very s'ightly constricted ; semicells slightly attenuated to the apices,

    apices with strai'ght-, two rong.obliquery upwardly dieected processes which

    are ended to the truncate apex and furnished' with 2-3 short sharp spines,lateral mirgins strongly undulate by transvers.e rows of mamillate. protu-berances which are ended spines. or truncate verrucae.,Cell wall


    Chloroplasts axile, with longitud{nal band, pyrenoids. in central series.

    Triploceras gracile BAiLEy

    in TuRNER K. Sv. Vk,t. Akad. HandL 2S. p・ 2s・ pL 4. £ lg・ 18g2:

    M6Bius F!ora 7S. p. 442. I8g2; NoRDsTEm-Index Desm. p. i32. r8g6; G. S.WEsT. Journ. Ifinn. Soc. Bot. 3g. p. s4. £ 7. igog; KAwAMuRA Fres.hw. Biol.Z p. g7. f. I22, lgl8; SMiTH Wisc. Bull. S7. p. Ig. pl. SS. fl S-6. Ig24;

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    Hy[.ANDER Conn. Bull. 42. p. 76. pl. g. f. 28. Ig28; KRinGER Arch. Hyd-

    robiol. Suppl. Bd. ii. p. i7o. pl. 8. fi 3. ig32; TAvLoR Pap. Mlch. Acad.SCi. I9. p. 248. pl. 47. f. 3,i4. I934; KRiEGER RABENHoRsT,s Krypt. Fl.

    XIII. Abt. r. p. 442. pt. s2. f. I-7. ig37; OKADA AsAHiNA's Inl

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    B. Cells small, 6o-i4op in length.・・-・・・・・・・-.・・・・・・・.・・-・・・・"7: laez,is

    Tetmemorus Brebissonii (MiiNEGH.) RAtws var. minor DE BARy

    in Coiij. p. 73・ pl. S. £ g・ i8s8; RAmzNrioRsT FIor. Europ. IVg. III. p.I4o・ I868; W. & G S. WEsT Monogr. Brit. Desin. I. pl 2i8. pl. 32・ fl 4,S・ igo4; D(n"AT Pflanzen£ s. p. io. ig26; HoMFELD Ibid. I2. p: 28. Ig29;CEDERGRTyrg Ark. Bot. 2S A. p. 32. ig33; CEDERcREuTz Act. Bot. Fenn. iS.p・ 78. ig34; OKADA Journ. Imp. Fish. Inst..3a p. iso. pl. 2o. f, io-n.Ig34; TAyLoR Pap.'Mich. Aaad.- ScL' 2o. p. 2Io. pl. 43. f. iS. Ig3S;KRrEGER RABENHoRsT's Krypt. Fl. XIII. Abt. I・ p. 4S4・ pl・ S4. fl 6, 7・ Ig37;OKAoA AsAHiNA's Inkwa. p. I3g. pL 64・ fl 1, 2・ I939・

    Cells of medium size, subcylindrical, 4-6 times longer thin broad,moclerateZy constricted, sinus open and acute ; semicells wlth almost paralletslde, very slightly attenuated from base to apex, apices broadly roundedwith a deep median inclsion ; cell wall densely punctate, punctatiofis arran-

    ged in regularly longltudinal Iines. Side view of cell fusiform. VL'e have notobserved yet this type species, but the fo11owing varieties observed. Vari-eties about hilf the size of the tyPe; lateral margin of semicell slightlyhollowed in the ;nicldle. Length 74pt, Breidth igpt, Isthmus isp.

    Hab. Fairly common in Ozegahara, 'Ayame-daira,

    Sirasuna. Distr.N. KurHe (OKADA). General Distr. British・ Isles, Germany, Scandinavia,Denrnark, U. S. A., ・New Foundland.

    . Tetmemorus granulatus (BRffe.) RALFs

    in Brit・ Desm・ p. i47. pl. 24, £ 2, pl. 33. f: 1. T848; DE BARy Conj. p.2g. pL s・ L ii. i8s8; RAiiinvioRst Flor・ EurQp・ Alg. III. p. r4o. fi-ss. in

    p. io4. i868; WoLLE Desm. U. S. p. gT. pl. SO. f. 33, 34. i884; HANsGiRGArch. Naturw. Landes. Bijhm. 6. p. i8g・.i888; WEsT Journ・ Bot. 27. p.2gi. pl・ 2gr. fi 3. I88g; NoRDsTEDT lpdex Desm. p. I3s. I8g6; W. & G.S. WEsT Monogr. Brit. Desm・ I. p. 2ig. p;. 32. f 7-g. Igo4; C.usmfAN

    Bull. Torrey Bot. Club.. 34. p. 6oo. igo7; CARTER Anp・ Bot・ 33; p. 237・I6. f. 76, 77. Iglg; 34・ p. 3I4. pl. r5. fL 6o. Ig2o; HuBER-?EsTALozzi inScHR6TER's Pfianzenteb. Alp. p. 8go. ig26; DoNAT Pflanzenf. s. p. io. ig26;

    HoMEEr;D PflanzenL r2. p. 28. Ig2g; HxGAsHi Wonder Plant p. 63・ fl lg32;

    CEDERGREN Ark. Bot. 2s A. p. 32. Ig33; OKADA Journ. Imp. Fish. Inst. 3o.p. Iso. pl. 2o. f. g. Ig34; CEDERcREuTz Act. Bot・ Fenn. I5. p. 7g. Ig34;-TAyLoR Pap. M;.ch ̀ Acad. Sci: 2o. p. 2io. pl.

    '43. fi r8. Ig3S; KRiEGER

    RABmifHoRsT,s Krypt. Fi. XIII. Abt. I. p. 4s8. pl. Ss. L I-S. Ig37; OKAvA

    Asahlna's Inkwa. p. r3g・ pL 64・ fl 3・ ig39・ ftnium (7btmemorzas) gvanwhtus KtiTz. in Spec・ Alg. p, I67・' i84g・ 7Zrtmeemo2as g?anuldzas BRSB. forma minai MAsKELL in Trans. Proc. N.

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    ZeaL Inst. 2i. p. 27. pr. 5. f 4g. i888. formi 0asicthende4 ScHMmLE inOsterr. Bot. Ztschr. 45. p. r3. .pl・ i4・ fl 23. i8g6 (reprint). Cells relatively large, fusiform, about s-6 times longer thin broad,slightly constricted, sinus only a depresslon; semlcells narrowed to theacutely rounded aplces which have deep median lncision. Cell wall finelyscrobiculate, scrobiculations arranged horizontal.near the base but scatteredor oblique series the rest..Chloroplasts with 4-s pyrenoids in centraZ series.Side view of semicells fusiform, suddenly narrowed near the po]es.Length I6o pt, Breadth 28 pt, Isthmus 2s pt.


    Hab. Ozegahara, Ayame-diira, Sl,rasuna, Numljiri-daira, Ohegawi andKobutizawano-・taslro moors but not cornmon. Distr. N. Kurile (OKADA). General Distr. China, Jawa, Borneo, Ceylon, general Europe, Iceland,Gveenland, U. S. A・, Sandwich Islands, W. Indies, New Foundtand, Au--str.alia, Azores.

    Tetmemorus laevis (KtiTz・) RALFs

    in BriL Desm・ p. T46. pl. 24. £ 3. i848; RABENHoRsT FIor. Europ.

    Alg. III, p. i4o. i868; WomE Desm. U. S. p. gi. pl・ 2o, f. 3, pr. so. f. 3S.i884; HANsGiRG Archi Naturw. Lindes. B6hm. 6. p. i88. i888; NoR]sTEDTIndeK Desm. p. is3. [8g6; W. & G. S. WEsT Monogr. Brlt. Desm. I. p.222. pl. 32. f. Ii-i6. igo4; CusHMAN Bu]L Torrey Bot. Club 3i. p. 26. f: 3. Igo4; 34 ̀ p. 6oo. Igo7; CARTER Ann. I3ot. 33. p. 237. pl.i6, f. 78. igig; DoNAT Pfian・zenf. S. p. io. ig26; HyLANDER Conn. Bull.42. p. 78. pl・ Io. f. 6. ig28; Ho}tFELD PHanzenf: i2. p. 28. pl. 3. f. 33.ig2g; EGGERT Ber, Naturfl Ges. Frelburg 2g, p. 28[. ig2g; KRmGER Hedw.

    70, p. z44・ pl. 4・ £ 3・ ig3o; TAv'r Olclahoma Biol. Survey 3. p. 286. pl.4. £ I3. Ig3f; FqlsAwA Journ. Jap. Bot・ Io・ p. 44S. Ig34; CEDERcREuTzAct. Bot. Fgnn. iS. p. 7g. ig34; OKADA Journ. Imp. Fish. Inst, 3o. p. ' 2o. f. 4, 5. rg34; CARTER Journ. L{nn. Soc. Bot. so. p. 156. ig35;TAyLoR Pap. M;ch, Acad. Sci. 2o. p・ 2To. pl. 3g. f. Ii, pl. 43. C I4- Ig3S;KRn:GER RABE,aioRsT's Krypt. FI. XIIL Abt. i. p. 4s5. pl. s4. f. g-i2.ig37; OKADA Journ. Imp. Fish. Inst. 33・ p ̀ ii2・ pt・ i. L i4. ig3g; AsAmNA'sInkwa. p・ i3g. pl. 64・ £ 6,7. ig3g; YoNEnA Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 8. p.I3I. I939・

    7Ettfnemonts .eZigvis (KifTz.) RALps vir. otnitus ScHMmLE in Ostetr. Bot.Ztschr. 4s. p. i3. pL T4- fl 24. i8g6, (reprint).


    Cells smili, 3-4 times longer than broad, slightly constricted, sinusonly

    a slight


    seinicells graduilly attenuated towards the apiceswhich are rounded and with deep narrow median incision. Cell waltminutely

    pu:ictate; chloroplasts with central series of 3-s pyrenoids. Sideviesv of semicell fusiform and more attenuated thin front view.

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    Length 64A, Breadth i8pt, Tsthmus i7p.

    Hab. Ozegahira, Ayame-dalra, Sirasuna, Numajiri-daira and Kobuti-

    zawanotasite. Distr. Yasima-ike, prov. Sinano (Fajisawa); Kamikoti,prov. Sinano-(Yoneda); Kuriles (Okada). General Distr. Malaya, general Europe, Nova Zembla, Greenland,'U.

    S. A., Sandwich' Islands, New・ Foundland, Alaska, W. Indies, Brazil, Do-minica, Trinibad, Australia, Naw Zeat'and, Ahica, Azores.

    Gen. io. Euastrum EHRiiD"B. i832・

    RALFs Brit. Desm. p. 78, i848; DE BARy Conj.. p・ so, 7o-7i, i858;RABENBoRsT FLor. Europ. Alg. IIL p. i7g. i868; Wollc Desm. U S. p.

    g7・ r884; HANsGiRG Arch. Naturw. Lindes. B6hm. 6. p. 2o3. i888; W.

    & G. S. West Monogr. Brit. Desm. II. p. i. igos ; SmTH Wisc. Bull・ S7・

    p, 2I・ Ig24; WEsT & FRiTscH Treat. Brit. Alg・ p. 274. Ig27; KRiEGigR

    RABENHoRsT's KryPt. Fl. XIIr. Abt. i・'p. 46o. ig37.

    Cells variable in slze, lenger than broad, deeply constricted :/n th.emlddle, sinus generalty clese and.linear or rarely open; semicells usually

    truncate-pyramidate, margin cemmonly 3 or s !obed, polar lobe always

    with a median incision of variable depth, open or linear, sometimes shallow

    depression or absent ; lateral margln entire, sinuate or variously lobed ; cell

    walls srnooth, punctate, scrobiculate or granulate, sometimes outer rnargin

    furnished wlth sharp granules or spines, with one or Tnore hemispherical

    protuberances at base of semicell, sometimes another protuberaitces disposed

    near centre or inner side of lateral lebe. Vertical view more or less ellip-tical, with one or more protuberances on each side ; lateral view of semi-

    cells narrowly tfuncate pyramidate, with basal protuberance. Chloroplastsin smzll form axile, with one central pyrenoid'and a number of scattered

    ones in the iarger species.

    I. Polar Iobe with a distinct median notch, whlch are usually deep and


    A. Cells generally large, cell walL punctate or scrobiculate.

    i. Upper lateral lobe not developed, or slightly developed, so

    lateral margin usually entire.

    a. Cells with s protuberances, cell wall pungtate, punctation clisposed in vertical series in upper half the semiceH.

    }"ce Lateral margin.entlre, upper latera1 lobe not developed.・・. -."・-・-.・-・-."."."",."""-・・・・--・-"".-・"E. ansatstm

    *su- Upper Iateral.Iobe slightly developed.・・・・・・・--・・・・・,-・・・・・・・・・・・

    "...."....."・・.......m.・・..・-.・・ E. azasatitm var, ,g2rnthnterm

    b. ・Cells without protuberances, cell wall fuiely scrobiculate, not

    disposed in vertical series. ..........-.......,.・......E. cuneatum


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    2. UPper lateral lobe developed.

    a.・Polar lobe cuneate or sub-rectangular.


    The incision between upper lateral and polar lobe are deep

    and narrow, sometimes atmost linear. .・. .`-....・E crassune


    The incision between upper lateral and polar lobe are

    widely open.

    ! Lower lateral lobe with a retuse margln...E. humerosum !! Lower rateral lobe entire. '

    g Cel;s i2opt or less in length, with 3 middle pore. ・・・



    g5 Cells r3opt or more in length, with one middle pore. "''""'`-・---・・--・-・-・・-・-・-・・--・・--・・- E: didleim

    b. Polar lobe truncately pyramidal, or rounded conical.

    M Cells with 3 prom{nent hemispherical protuberances. ・-,・・・




    gnathopthorune ** Cells with S protuberances or more.

    :, Lateral lobes with one pore...・ff. simtesum var.pejvCbmtuvn

    l! Lateral' lobes without a prominent pore. g Cells with five middle pores,・・.li. sinuosum var. reductum

    ' gg Cells usually eleven middle pores.

    Cells wlth s protuberances.・・・E sin"oserfn var. abYense

    Cells with ir protuberances, polar lobe slightly 'elon-

    gate. .・・..・.・...・...,..・...・.-..E.

    sinuosum var. seslylenne?i

    B. Cells generally small, median notch linear or open. Cell wall smooth, granulate or spinous.

    i, Medlan notch linear.

    a. Cell wall smooth, lateral margin entire・ ・・..・...・・.・ff. bileb2tm

    b. Cell wall spinous, Iobes furnished with a shor't spine..・・・d-・-.

    -."""・"--.--・・・・・-・---・.."-・...-."-"・-・"・・・E. thatneii

    2. Median notch usually open.

    a. Cells without a upper lateral lobe. .・・・・・・・・・・・E. denticulatum b. Cells with a distinct upper lobe.

    * Lateral lobe with one sharp granule.t.・.・・.・・ff. dZwaricatum

    ** Lateral Iobe with 2-3 sharp granules.・...・・・・・E. bimnlzalvmII. Polar lobe entire, generally somewhat retuse ln the,.middie

    A. Cells generally large, sopt or.more in length.

    I. Lateral nnrgin distinctly biiobed.

    a. Lobes with sharp granules.....・・・・・-・・...・・ .・・,・・Egermanicune

    b. Lobes without a granule or entire..・・.・・・・...・.・・E. g-emfnainm 2. Literal lobe slightly retuse or upper Iateral margin not distinct.

    a. Lobes with sharp granules. ・・・・--・・・・・・・・.・....・・..ff. ctzrlZrnicum

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    b. Lobes entire, polar. Iobe with a circle of warts....E. adenuatvtfva

    B. Celrs generally small, less than sopt in length.

    i・ Lateral marg{n distin6tly ・bilobed. Outer rnargin of polar lobe rounded. ・・,.-..・・-・・.・"・・・・-...・"...,...H..-."""..E. moninnztfn

    2. Lateral lobes slightly retuse or entire, outer margin of polar lobe rectangular.

    a. Upper latera! lobe not developed.・-・.・・.・・E. binale var. ffiinits

    b. Lateral lobe slightly ・retuse.

    * Length Il times ronger than broid.,.・・・・・-.....・・E. insultvre

    es・" I.ength Ig times longer than broad. Cells rather short・ -・.

    ......・・.......・・・・・..・.・・.・・.・・`・・・・・.-..E. inszara7e var. silesiacrrm

    Euastrum ampullaceum RALFs (Fig・ ig・)

    in Brit. Desrn. p. 83. pl. i3, fl 4. i848; RABENHoRsT FIor. Europ. Alg.III. p・ i83・ r868; HANsGiRG Arch. Naturw. Landes. I]Uhm. 6・ p. 2o5. i888;NoRDsTEDT Index Desm. p. 43. i8g6; CusHMAN Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 3r.p・ 582・ pL 26・ fl,s. rgo4; W. & G. S. W}:sT Monogr. Brit. Desm. II. p.ig・ pl- 3S・ f. 8-io. rgos; MzGuLA Krypt, FI. IL p・ 4g4. pl. 26B. f. 2・ !go7;KAwAMuRA Freshw. Biol, I. p. gg. f. i24. Igl8; CARTiva Ann・ Bot・ 33・ p,243・ Pl・ i7. f・ g4-g7. rgrg; ・DoNAT Pfianzenfi 5. p. io. Ig26; HyLANDERConn. Bull. 42. p. 7g. pl. To. f: io. ig28; HoifvEm I'HanzenfL i2. p. 28tig2g; KRmGER Hedw. 7o. p..[44, pl. 4. f. 2g. ig3o; GEissBvHLER Mitt・Thurg. Naturf. Ges. 28-2g. p. i7o. pl. 3. fi r6. ig3o; TAyLoR Pap. Mich・Acad. Sci. 2o. p. 2oo. pt. 42. f, 2,3. Ig3s; KRmGER RABErgHoRsT's Krypt.Fl. XIII. Abt. i. p. sis. pl. 64. fi 6-8. ig37; OKADA AsAHncA's Inkwa. p.I4I. pl. 6S. fi 3-S・ 1939・

    Euastvum amleitiYltceum RALFs formi scpebiculaii NoRDsTEDT' in Lund e

    Univ. Arsskr. g. p. 8. I873; Borge Ark. Bot. 6. p. 23・ pl, 2・ fi i4+ i906・

    fo,ma HusTEDT in Arch. Hydroblol. 6. p. 33i. L ig・ in p・ 332・ i9ii・

    ' Cel]s moderate size, a little more i} times longer than broad, deeply

    constricted,` sinus narrowly linear and dilated at lthe extremity, isthmusnarrow; semicells three lobed; polar lobe broidly cuneate, with rounded

    angles, apex convex with a deep and narrow median incision; Iateral

    margin bilobulate, angles between polar and upper lobe 'almost


    upper and lower Iobe both rounded; inside of margin at the upper lobewith a mimillate proJ,ection which is sotnetimes recluced to a roundedelevation; semicells with 3 prominent protuberances hcross the base; ince:itre 3 conspl'cuous scrobictilations triangularly disposed between the Sprotuberances. S{de view'of semicell elongate-pyramidate, basal anglerectangular, basal part of margins retuse, upper part of mirgln straight or

    slightly concave,'apex rounded. Vertical view elliptic with acutely projecting

    NI-Htettrerr:Lt'L ± brttryLSerT ±

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    potes, polar tobe rectangular with subacute angles and retuse side. Cell

    wa!1 finely scrobiculate. Length 84pt, Breadth 48", Isthmtis II".

    I-Iab. Ozegahara, Slrisum, Numajiri-daira, Ohegawa and Kobutizawano-

    tasiro. Distr. }Ionshu and Hokkaido (OKADA)., General Distr. GeneralEurope, Faeroes, U. S. A., New Foundland, ,Azores.

    Euastrum ansatum EHRENB. (Fig. 2I.)

    in RALFs Brit. Desm・ p・ gs. pl. i4. f 2. b-f. i848 ; M'iGuLA Krypt. Fl.

    II. p. 4g2. pl. 26. f. io. igo7; DoNAT Pflanzenf. s. p. io. ig26; HoMEELD

    lbid. r2. p. 2g. ig2g; EGGERT Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg 2g. p. 28i. ig2g;

    KmEGER }Iedw. 7o. p. i44. pl, 4. f. 23. ig3o; OKADA Journ. Irnp, Fish.Inst・ 30. p. IS2. p!. 22. f. g. I934; CAm'i:R Journ. Llnn. Soc. Bot. so. p.iS6・ lg3S ; KRrEGitR RAEENnoRsT's KrypL FI. XIII. Abt. i. p. 484. pl. s8.f. r-3. Ig37; YA"rAGv'rr Jap. Journ. Limnol.' g. p. Ioo, f: 3. Ig3g; OKADAAsihina's Inkwa. p・ [47. pl・ 6S・ f- 6・ i939・

    Zl,,tasttttrn aitsaluiiz EHRENB. fonnae in LuNDELL Nov. Act, Regn. Soc.Ups. Ser. 3. VIII. p. 2o. i87i; LAGERHEiM 6fvers. K. Sv. Vet. Alcad.F6rhandl. p. 233. i88S; BoRGE Ark. Bot. I. p. rio. Igo3. var. walYlecrt-

    latttm ScHAARscHrv!. in Journ. I.inn. Soc. Bot. 2T. p. 263. f. Id. I884. ffuastnt7it sitbansaktfu l3miNARD in Dep. agn Indes Neerland p. I22.

    pl. 7. f. I9g-2ol. Igo8.

    Cerls moderate size, little more than 2 times longer than broad, deeply

    constricted, s{iius narrowly litiear; semicells narrowly pyram{date, lateral

    margin slightly concave, basal angles rounded, apex truncate wlth rounded

    angtes and deep, linear median incision; cell wall densely punctate but

    vertically arranged in upper part of scmicell, three protuberances above the

    base, and two ones across the centre of the semicell. Side view of semicelt

    elliptic with two protuberince on each side and broad rounded apex. Ver-

    tical view broadly elliptic. Length 87p, Breaclth r)gpt. Isthmus ii tt・

    Hab. Lake Oze・numa. Distr. IIonshu, Hokl

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    Fig. Ig-32












    Explariation of Figs. rg-.32. (all x cn. 57o)Ig. Et-cestmm anzptdlaceum RApFs 2oL E: aneatrzm EHRitNB. var. pyxidatum D]Lp. 2I. jVLansatum

    EltllENB. 22, Z gemmatunt BR!tB. 23. E ee'nuosttm IJCNoRM var. per.foratut7i KRrEGHR24. a sinuoswn LENoRM var. stebjenneni W. & G. S. WRsr 2s.'EL W. &G. S. WggT 26, 27. EL montanasm W. & G. S. WEsm 28. E. insutare CWieTR.) Roy vaT.sitesiasum GR6NBL. ng. Et hesmerasum RALvs . 3o. ]Z: sinteoszam LHyoRM var. abb'ense (Ersv.)CEDmaGRscN 31. EL bitebum LtiTKEM. 32. E sinuasum I.ENoRM var. redtzeum W. & G. S.WEIT

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    31 t tt.

    gin armost p3rallel in upper part of semicell. Cell wall punctite, punctation

    not so dense, with one m{ddle pore, protuberance also not distinct.

    Ijength go ", Breadth 4s pt, Isthmus i3 p-

    Hib. Lake Oze-numa and Jiuemon-il

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    LifTKEM: in Dick Bot. Arch. 3. p. 222・ pl. 4・ fi I6. Ig23;


    Vierteljahrb. Naturf. Ges. Zifrich 72・ p. 342. pl. 2. f 2S ・ Ig27. .Eihrastrtt,n eZltg-ans (BRffB.) Kif・r:z. var. 2asttatum RABENHoRsT in Fler. Europ. Alg. III. p. i861 r868. var. speciosuvz BQmT in ScHMzDL: Osterr. Bot. Ztschr. 45. p. 22・ i8g5・ -

    .[lruastvune rast,ainin RALFs in Brit. Desm. p. 88. pt・ I4. f. 6. I848; W. &G

    S. X]VEsT Mo'iogr. Brit. Desm. IL p. 3s. pl. 37. L u-i3. igo5 ;



    Ill. II. p. 4g8. pL 26B. ft 7・ rgo7; DoNAT Pflanzenfi S. p・ i2. Ig26; YA"iAGuTi KAwAllfvRA's Rep. Litnnol. Surv. Kwant. Manchoukuo p. 492. Pl. 3. fi 32. I940. -


    small, more than ie times long・var thin broid, deeply constrictedi SillUS

    narrowly linear

    with a dilited extremity; semicells subpyramidtte, latera!

    mirgin bilobulate, lo"Des broidty rou:ided or truncate-roundedp with

    two or three shirp granules, basal angles subrectanguhr, pol,.r lobe with

    convex apex


    deep median notch which are slightly openJ afrex usually

    two unduhte, apicil angles furnished with a sharp granule, incision between polar and Iaterar lobe fairly deep and rectangular; semicells with a granu- iated protuberances in the centre above the isthmus, granutar protuberances composed


    4--7 gr)nules and dis.oosition atid size of granules viriable,.' with a

    Iarge granule (or composecl of two or three separated gramiles)

    belew and

    on e2ch

    slde of the apicil incision (sometimes absent>, and with several granules (sometimes in two series) variously disposecl within the lateral


    and two granules within the aplcal angle; cell wall densely

    punctate. Side




    ovate with a trigranulate protuberance, on each side above the bise and a granule horizontarly disposed up to the polar lobes. Vicirtical view elliptic with a trigranulate protuberance at the




    slde, voles furnished wlth acute granules. Length s6A, Breadth 3g pt, Isthmus i3 pt,



    Jiuemon-i'.s'.e. Dlstr. Middle & N. Kuriie (OKADA).

    General D:str.

    Manchoukuo, Siberia, China, India, Pamir, Europe, IcelandAfrica,'AGzroereensiaiid'

    U' S' A',

    N' Canadt,





    Euastrum bilobum LtiTKEar. (Fig. 3i・)

    in NoRDsTEDT Index Desm, p. Sg. i8g6; MiGuLA Krypt. Fl. II. p. 4g3.'pl.

    27 C・ £- 7. igo7; Dici< Krypt. Forsch・ I. p. 248. pl. i4. L 8. igig; Bot.

    Arch. 3. p. 222. ig23; DoNAT Pfianzenareale rL p. Ig, 2i. K. 23. ig28;

    GEissB.HmR Mitt. Thurg. Naturfl Ges. 28-2g, p. i7o. ig3o; KRizGERRABENHoRsT's

    Krypt. I;I. XIII. Abt. i. p・ sg7. pl・ 82・ £ io-I2. Ig37・


    rather small, about I3 tlmes longer than broad, deeply constricted,sinus parrow linear with a dilated extremity ; cells narrowly elliptic, Iateral .

    - -Nffm

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    margin concave and sl{ghtly waveds gradually narrowed towards the apex,

    baszl angles of polar lobe rounded, potar ltibe rounded and with very deep

    and linear median incisio:i which are fa{rly dilated to the extremity. Side

    view lanceolate, basal pirt of semicell clrctilar, upper part transversely

    subrectangular. Vertical view elilptic. L £ ngth 48 pt, Breadth 28-, Tsthmus Io,u.

    Hab. Ozegahara, Numajiri-daira. (New to Asia) General Distr. Germany, Switzerlancl.

    Euastrum binale (TvRp.) EHRENB. var. ininus W. N?VisT (Fig. 38.)

    ln Journ. R. Micr. Soc. p. Ig. pL 3. f. 24. I88g; KRrEGER RABicNHORsT'sKrypt. Fl. XI[I. Abt. i・ p. SS2・ pl・ 7S・ f i7・ i937・

    Cells minute, about I/.i- times Ionger than broad, deeply constricted,

    s{nus narrowly linear ; semicells subpyramidate, bisil angles rounded, lateral

    margin concave in upper part, apex broad and truncate, with acute rounded

    angles, retuso-emirginate jn the micldle. Side view of semlcell ovate, with

    acutely rounded apex; verticil view elliptic, with a slight protuberance in

    the rr ddte of each side. Celi w.ill smooth. The varieties smaller than the

    type species. Length u.8pt, Breadth io.6p, Isthmus 2.8pt.

    Hab. Ozegahwa, Sirasuna and Lake Oze-numa. (New to Japan). General Distr. Siberia, Brit{sh Islesp France, Gerniany, Scandinavia,

    Greenland, U. S. A.

    Euastrum ceylanicum (W. & G S. WEsT) KRmGER (Fig. 33.)

    in RABp:NHoRsT"s l

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    circle by




    part of


    m{ddle Qf






    five granules surround it, in above the sinus and inside the aplcalwith few short spines disposed. Side view of semicerl pyramidate,truncate,


    angles rounded, and furnished with spines, lateral

    with denticulate protuberance above the base of each side, upper laterat margin slightly cencave; vertical view long elliptic, or rectangle, poles broadly rounded, denticulate protuberance in the

    each side visib!e. Length 76pt, Breadth 62", Isthmus r7A.

    Very rare in Ozegahara. Distr. Lake Ogura near Kyoto

    middle Honshu (OKADA). General Distr. Sumatra, Ceylon.

    Euastrum Crameri.RAciB・ (Fig. 3S・) Wydz. A!

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    p・ i7I. pl. 3. £ T4. ig3o; KRtEGER RABENHoRsT's KrypL FI. XIII. Abt. I.

    p. 62o. pl. go- £ i-3・ i937・

    Cells rather small, about i} times longer than broad, deeply constricted,

    with a dilated extremity ; sem{cells pyramidate, polar Iobe with truncately

    convex apex and deep, l{near median incision which are often slightly open,

    apicat angle rectangutar and with a short stout spine, lateral margin bilo-

    bulate, upper lateral lobe smaller than lower one, angles rectangular and

    with short stout spine, lower Iatera! lobe truncate or slightly retuse, basal

    angle almost rectangular; semicells with a three shirp wart-llke spines,

    one above the isthmus, one just above the sinus, lateral lobules with enewarClll

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    lobed, the pohr lobe much smaller than lateral robes,cuneate with a deep and narrow median incision

    lateral lobes very broad with brQadly reunded angles Iateral margin subpira{Iel, incis:'on between polar and lateral narrowly. Iinear, closed or slightly open; celt wall

    lobes strong thickened with three prominent across the base of the semicerl, one above the isthmusbasal angles. Vertical view broadly oval, wlth one

    convex sides; side view ofsemicell narrowiy pyrarnidate,basal


    and rounded truncate apex. Length i6o",Isthmus 2s ".


    Hab. AII the Oze-districts except in Lake Oze-numa.and


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    in W. & G. S. WEsT Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. S- p. 53. pl- g・ f・ iS, i6-

    i8gS; NoRDsTEDT Index,Desm. p. ioo. i8g6; HmN Act. Soc. Fauna Flor.

    I;:enn. 2s・ p, iS. pl. I・ fi i8. Tgo3;'W. & G. S. WEsT Monogr. Brit. Desm.

    II. p. s6・ pl. 3g・ f. i-4. igos;BrmNARD Dep. agr. Indes ISeerland p.i3o.

    pl. 8. f. 2r2-2i4. Igo8; GR6NBLAD Act. Soc. Fauna Flor. Fenn. 4g. p. i2.

    pl. 3. f. 8, g. Ig2I; DoNAT Pflanzenf. S. p. II. Ig26; Ho)iFELD Pflanzenf・I2. p. 2g. Ig2g; PRuscoTT Univ. rowa Stud. Nat. Hist. I3. p. I28. pl. 33.f: lI. Ig3I; CEDERGRTiN Arl

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    Euastrum didelta RA=Fs

    in Brit. Desm. p. 84. pl. i4. fi r. i848; RABENHoRsT FIor, Edrop・ AIg.III・ p. i84. i868; LuNDELL Nov. Act. Regn. Sec. Ups. Ser. 3・ VIII. p. i-g.i87I; WoLm Desm. U. S. p. gg. pL 2g. f. g-io. I884; HANsGmG Arch.Naturw. Landes B6hm. 6. p. 2os. i888; NoRDsTEDT Index Desm・ p・ ro6.i8g6; G. S. WEsT Journ. Llnn. Soc. Bot. 34. p. 382. pl. 8. f. i3-ig・ i8gg;W. & G. S. WEsT Monogr. Brit. Desm. XL p. is・ pl・ 3S. fl 3-7・ igOS;MiGuLA Krypt. Fl. II. p. 4g2. pl.'26B f. I. Igo7i CARTER Ann. BoL 34.p. 3I2. pl. I6. ft 6I-7o. Ig2o; SMiTH Wisc. Bull. s7. p. 22. pl. s6.-£ 2.rg24; DoNAT PHanzenf. s. p. ". ig26; HyLANDER Conn. Bull. 42. p. Io. fi g, Ig28; HoMFEuD Pfltnzenf. Iz. p. 2g. Ig2g; OKADA Journ. Imp.Fish. Tnst. 3o. p, Is3. pl. 2I. fZ 3. Ig34; CARTER Journ. L{nn.' Soc. Bot.5o. p. iS8. ig35; TAyLoR Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. 2o. p. 2o2. pl. 42. f.i, 6 ig3S; KRiEGER RAeENHoRsT's Krypt. Fl. XIIT. Abt. I. p. sl7. pl.67- f i-3・ ig37; OKADA Journ. Imp. Fish. Inst. 33. p. u3. pl. 2. £ I6.

    EiZ3o9b.;t"gtHSYAiS3 IIniggW3a6.P・ r4I・ pl・ 6S・ f・ 6・ Ig3g; yoNED. Act.・ phytota.. CZ}smatinm Dimim MENEGm in Ktitzlqg Spec. Alg. p・ ii74. i84g・

    liuastvum didlelt.i RAws var. CvsH"fAN in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 3i.p. i62. pl. 7., ft 7- i904・

    Cells fairly Iarge, rather more than twice as long as broad, deeplyconstricted, slnus narrowly Iineir with a dilated extremity; semicells nar--rowly truncate-pyramidate, Polar lobe with rounded angles and subtruncateapex, apical incision deep and linear, latera! margln bilobulate or stronglybiundulate, lobes broadiy rounded, lateral incision shalrow, basal anglesbroadly rounded; cell wall smooth or punctate, with five protuberances oneach semicell, three protuberances in a transverse series disposed at the base・of the semicell, one above the isthmus, one midway between the isthmusand the basal angle, second transverse series of two protuberances acrossthe middle of the semicell and alternating with those of the basal series.

    Sfde view of semicell elongate-pyramldate, basal angles rectangular, apextruncate and with rounded angles. Vertic41 view elliptic with 3 protubermceson each side. Length i46 pt, Breadth 7o pt, Isthmus 2s p. Hab, .Oze-numa and fa{rly rare in Ozegahira. Distr. Kamikoti, prov.Sinano (YoNEDA); Hekkaido & Kurile (OKADA). '

    General Distr. Siberia, Burma, India, Ceylon, general Europe, Faeroes,Greenland, U. S. A., New Foundtand, Paraguay, N. Africa.

    Euastrum divaricatu.m LuND. '


    in Nov. Act. Regn. Soc. Ups. Ser. 3. VIII. p. 2i. pl. 2. C S・ I87I;WoLLE Desrp. U. S. p. Io4. pl. 26. £ I8, ig. r884; TvRNilk K Sv. Vet.

    '"t h

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    Akad. Handl. 2's. p. 84. pl.- n L 22. i8g2; NoRDsTEDT Index Desm. p・ili. i8g6; W. & G. S. WEsT Monogr. Biit, Desm. IL p. 42. pl. 38. fl 3,

    4. igoS; MiouLA Krypt. Ft. IL p. 4gg. pl. 27 C. f: iT. igo7; S"{mt Wisc.

    I3ull. s7. p. 26. pl. S6. f. g. ig24; IloMEELD Pflanzenf; i2. p. 2g. ig2g;

    Ck'DERGREN Ark・ Bot. 2S A. p. 37・ pl. 2. f. Ig. Ig33; KossiNsKAJA Act・ Inst.

    Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS. Ser. II. Plant Crypt. II. p. 78・ pr. 2. ft 4: i934;

    MEssiKoM}iER Vierteljahrb. Naturf. Ges. ZUrich 8o. p. 3i. pl. 2. f. I3- i935;

    OKADA Bot. Mag. 5o, p. 3IS. Pl. 4. f. 7. Ig36; KRiEGER RAeENHoRsT's Krypt.Fl. XIIL Abt i. p. sg8. pl, 84. f. i-s. ig37; OtcA'DA AsAmNA's Inkwa・ p.I45. pr. 67・ f. iO. i939.

    Celrs smill, it- titnes longer than broad, deeply constricted, sinus narrowIinear and dilated extrem{ty, outer portiQn slightly open ; semicells subtri-

    angular or truncate-pyramidate, rither distinctly three lobed, polar lobg very

    broad, transversely oblong, apex convexo-truncate, median incision deep and

    open, ap:'cal angles furnished with a small divergent splnes or acute granule,lateral lobe bilobulate, upper lobules triangular, and with rounded angles,

    Iower lobules truncate rounded angles with a denticulation at the entranceto the sinus and with a horizontal or slightry upwardly diverglng spines;

    semicells with a protuberance in the micld!e above the isthmus, consist of

    about 7 verruc/te or granules d{sposed, one and six round it, and a

    three grnnules on either side of the polar incision and about 2-3 granuleswithin the each rateral Iobules. Side view of sem{cell ovate, furnished with

    a small spine aTid with iL emarg{nate protuberance on each side above the

    base. Vertical view eliiptic, with a spine at each pole and crenate protu-berance it the mlddle on e]ch side. . Length 42 tt, Breadth 36",・Isthmug8pt, -

    Hab. Ozegahara and Sirasuna. Distr. Mt. Daisetu, Hokl

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    OKADA Journ. Imp. Fish・ Inst. 3o. p. iS4. pl. 2i. £ 4. rg34; Kossip(sKiuA Act. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS. Ser. II. Piant Crypt・ IL p. 7g・ pl. 2. f

    6. rg34; TAyLoR Pap. Mich, Acad. Sci. 2o. p. 2o3・ pl. 43. £ 7. I'g3S;

    KRmGER RABEpiHoRsT's Krypt. Fl. XIII. Abt. I・ p. 63g. pl. g2. fl S-8. ig37; OKADA・ AsAmNA's Iiikwa. p・ 143. pl. 66, f: 7. Ig3g. -

    lttasts"m (Eitcos7niitin) ffassaUi-rmt,fi NXG. in Gatt.'einz. Alg. p, i2r. pl.7B・ i849・ ' ' .

    Cells rather snnll, about I5 times longer than broid, very deeply,constricted, sinus narrow4y linear with a dilated extremity ; semicells three

    lob:d, polar Iobe cuneate, apicaZ angle rounded and sem{-circular, apex concave,Iateral mirgin bilobulate, angtes rounded a'id semicircular; semicells

    with granulated protuberance across the broadest part, ene in centre, one

    within cich 1iterat lobe, granules arranged in conce'ntric series, protu- berance rather smdi and simp!e thin centre one. Side view ol semicell

    with lower part wiclely inflated and then narrowed, polar 'lobe


    and apex concave, angles reunded. Vertical view elliptic, with three iargeprotuberances at each sides, mirgin slightly undulate, poles rounded, polarlobe $ubquadrtte with deeply retuse sides and rounded angles.I.ength s6", Breadth 38 pt, Isthmus ropt.

    Hab. Lake Oze-numi and Jiuemon-ilce. Distr. N. Kurile (OKADA).・ General D:,str. Manchoukuo, N. Siberia, Kamtclntka, China, Burma,India, N. & Middie Europe, Faeroes, Greenland, U. S. A., New Foundland,AIaska, W. Indies, S・ America.

    Euastrum germanicum (ScHb!iDLE) KRiEGER (Fig. 3g.) in RABE:NHoRsT's Krypt. Fi.. XIII. Abt. i. p・ 638. pl. g2. f. I, 2. Ig37.

    E,tasdeufn mono,:rlvm (NoRDsT.) RAciB. var. g-eimanicum ScHMiDLE inMiGuLA Krypt. Fi. II. p. 488. pl. 27 B. £ T. Igo7; Dictc Krypt. Forsch. I.p. 447. pl. i8. f.

    'lo, H. Ig26; HaMpELD Pflanzenfl I2. p. 3i・ pL 4. £ 3s.

    Tg2g; OKADA Bot. Mag. so. p・ 8S. pl. i. fl io. Ig36; 'AsAHzNA's Inkwa.p. I43. pl. 66. £ io. ig3g; YAllfAGvTi'KAwAMuRA's Rep. Limnol. Surv.Kwant. Manchoukuo p. 4g2・ pl・ 3. fi 35・ r940・

    Cells of medium size, about lt times Io:iger than broad, deeply con-stricted, slnus narrowly linear with a dilated extremlty; semlCells threelobed, polar lobe transversely rectan.gular, margin almost parallel, apexslightly convex or almost straight and retuse in the middle, apical anglesrectangularly rounded and furnishecl with three shirp granules, iiteralmirgin bilobulate, eich lobe broadly rounded or almost semlciFcinlar,furnished with three sharp granules, upper lateral lobe directed up- andoutward, incision between polar and lateral lobe fairly deep and acute,sem:'cells'with granulated Protuberances above.the {sthmiis, about

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    granules disposed in circular series and in centre disposed fairly large three

    warty granules (or hemicircular granules) in triangular position, in insideof the angles of polar and lateral lobes with the granules arranged ln radial

    and concentric series. Side view of semicell ovate, with narrowly rounded

    apex. Vertical view elliptic with a protuberance at the midclle on each side,

    polar lobe rectangularly roundgd or subcircular. Length s6pt, Breadth

    48-so pt, Isthmus ii-I4pt,

    Hab. Lake Oze-numa. II)istr. Honshu (OKA"A); Ohnuma, Hokkaido(OKADA). Geperal Distr. Manchoukuo, Germiny, Aral sea.

    Euastrum gnathophordm W. & G. S. WEsT (Fig. 2s.)

    in Journ Llnn. Soc. B6t. 33. p・ i6o. pl. g. f. 3, 4. 18g7; KRrEGER Arch.Hydrobiol. Suppl. Bd. [i. p. 2i3. pl. 2i. f. 6. Ig32; RABENHoRs'r's Krypt.

    Fl. XIII. Abt. I. p.・So8. pl・ 63. f. I5-I7. I937.

    Cells of under medium size, about twice as long as broad, deeply

    constricted, sinus narrowly linear i semicells pyrarnidate, polar lobe broadly

    rounded wlth decp linear median incision, lateral margin slnuate, upper

    lateral lobe slightly developed, basal angle rounded; semlcells with three

    prominent hemisphericat protuberances at the base, one just above theisthmus, one above the sinus. Cell wall punctate. Side view of semicell

    perpendl'cularly long rectangular with broad rounded apex and two protu-

    berances on each side, Vert{cal view rectangularly rounded with rounded

    poles., I.ength sg-67pt, Breadth 3s pt, Isthmus g.8p, Thickness 23".

    I-lzb, Common,in Ozegahira and other all the rnoors but not found

    in Lake Oze-nurfia and Jiuemon-ike (New to Japan). General Distr. Shonan, Borneo, Sumatra, Ceylon. '

    Eutistrum humerosum RAms (Fig. 2g.)

    in Brit. Desm. pi 82. pl. i3. f 2. i848; RABENHoRsT FZor. Europ, AIg.

    IIL p. i82. i868;WoLLE Desm. U. S. p. gg. pL 28・ f, r2, i3. ig84; W.

    & G. S. WEsT Monogr. Brit. Desm. IL p. 8. pl. 34. f. i, 2. igoS;MiGuLA

    Krypt. Ft. II, p. 4g6. pl. 26 B. f. 6, pl. 27 C. L 8・ igo7; DoNAT Pffanzenf・

    5. p. rI. ig26; Hok[EEm Ibid. I2. p. 3o. Ig2g; CEDERcRicuTz Act. Bot. Fenn.

    iS. p. 8o. ig34; KRiEGER RABENHoRsis Krypt. Fl. XIII. Abt. r. p. s24.

    pL 6g. f・ 4-6・ i937・

    Zirtasttun2 huvnetosum RAu:s fdrma serobicu!keta NoRDsT. in Index Desm.

    p・ I4I. I8g6; CEDERGREN Arlc. Bot. 2S A. p. 3r). Ig33; FuJrsAwA Journ.Jap. Bot. io・ p. ・442, 44S・ fl IV・ 43・ i934t

    Cells moderate size, more thin ie times longer thin broad, deeply

    constrl,cted, slnus narrowly linear and dilated at the extremity, outer portionsomewhat open; sem{cells five lobed, lncisions between the lobes widely

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    open, upper incision deeper and nirrowly open than Iower incisions ; polarlobe anvil-shaped with rounded angles and apex convex or straight withcleep Iinear median incision ; upper lateral lobe mamillate, directed qpwardsand outwards ; lower lateral Iobe almost quadrate, with retuse marglns androunded angles ; semicells with three protuberances across the base and two,somewhat small ones across the middle, in the centre one promlnentscrobiculation visible; cell wall finely scrobiculate especially strong at each

    protuberances and polar Iobe. Side view of semicell elongate-pyram{date,lower part of lateral margins with two projections, polar lobe with roundedangles and retu,se apex. Vertical view elliptic with three prominent protu-berances on each side. Length Io2 pt, Breadth s6ri, Isthmus r7,a.

    Hab. All the Oze-district except in Lake Oze-numa. Dlstr. Ina, prov.Sinano (FuJisAwA) ; Y4.sima-ike, prov. Sinano (FuJisAwA). Generar Distr. N. Siberia, India, N. &.Middle Europe, Faeroes, U, S. A.

    Euastrum insulare (Wn'TR.) Roy (rvg・ 42.) in NoRDsTEDT Index Desm. p. I47. i8g6; W. & G. S. WEsT Monogr.Brit. Desm. II. p. 68. pL 4o. f. u-r3. igoS; DottaT Pfianzenfl S. p. ii-ig26; HyLANpi:R Conn. Bull. 42. p. 7g. pl. io. fl ig. ig28; Ho"tmiD Pfiazenf.r2. p. 3o. pl. 4・ fl 34. ig2g; TrAyLoR Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. 2o. p.・ 39・ £ S, pl・ 4o. f: 6. ig35 ; -KmEGER RABENHoRsT's Krypt. Fl. XIrl. Abt.I. p・ 5SS. pl. 76. a u-I4. Ig37; MEsslKollMER Hedw. 78. p. I6I, T68. pL2. fl 4-8. I938.

    Cbsfnatinliz insidere (WiTTR.) ScHMiD=E ln Migula Krypt. FI. II. p. 23J・ f・ i3- ig07・




    fuislntm binale (TvR?.) E}TRErqB. var. insulare WzTTR. in JoHrgsoN Bull.Torrey Bot. Club. 2I. p. 286. pl・ 2- f. 8・ i8g4・

    Celts minute, i} times longer ・than

    broad, deeply constricted, sinusnarrowly linear and ・extremity slightly dilated ; semicells three lobed, polarlobe widely rectangular with rounded angles, apex truncate or slightry

    convex and retuso-emarginate in the middlr, Iower part of semicell almost

    transversely rectangular, margin parallel and slightly retuse, basal anglesubrectan.cruiar, incision between polar and lateral lobe shaliow and concave.Side view of s'emicell ovate, wit.h a slightly protuberance on each s{de・

    Vertical view elliptic, with a slight protuberance {n the middle on each side.

    Cell wall smooth. Length 2s ", Breadth i7A, Isthmus 6p-

    Hab. Ayame-daira, Sirasuna and Kobutizawano-tasiro. (New to Japan). General Distr. N. Siberia, Thai, Ceylon, British lsles, Germany, Scan--

    dinivia, U. S. A., British Colombia, New Foundland, S. America.

    Euastrum insulare (WiTTk) Roy var. silesiacum GR6NBL. (Fig. 28.)


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    in KRmGER RABENHoRsT's Krypt. Fl. XIII. Abt. i. p. ss7. pl. 76. ft' Ig-2r.


    ltutstvenne izaserlate (WiTTR.) Roy forma sdesiaca GR6NBL. in MEssrKeMMERVierteljahr`b. Nhturf. Ges. ZUrich 8o. p・ 43・ pl. i・ e io・ ig3S・

    The varieties rather shorter and broader than the type species, less

    than IS times longer thzn broad, apical angles of polar lobe almost rectan-

    gularly (oundecl. Side view of sem{cell almost circular with protuberanceon each side. Length 2s pt, Breadth ig,6pt, Isthmus s.6pt.

    ・ Hab. Ozegahari, Nurnajiri-claira. (New to Asia). General Dlstr.GermEmy.

    Euastrum montanum W. & G S. WEsT (Fig. 26, 27, 4o, 4i.) '

    in Monogr. Brit. Desm IL p. s8. pl. 3g. L 8, g. igo5; LtiTKEMULLER

    Verh. K. K. Zool. Bot Ges. Wien 6o, p. 483. fl i, 2- igiO; WEST &

    CARTER Monogr. Brit. Desm. V. pl. i67. £ s. ig23; DoNAT Pfianzenf. S・

    p. n. pl. 2. f. 8. Ig26; I'flan2enreale Il. p. Ig, 2I. K・. 22. Ig28; OKADA

    Journ. Imp. Fish. Inst. 3o. p. iSS. pl. 23. f. 2. Ig34; MEssmoMMER Vier;teljahrb. Naturf. Ges. ZUrich 8o. p. 3i, 43. pl..I. f. g. ig3S; TAyLoR Pap・

    Mich. Acad. Sci. 2o. p. 2oS. pl. 3g. f. 2. Ig35; KRIEGER RABENnORST's

    Krypt 1;1. XIII. Abt. I. p. 5s4. pl. 76. L i-4・ rg37; OKADA dsAHiNA'S

    Inkwa. p. i47. Pt, 68. f・ 4. ig3g; YoNEDA Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 8. p.I31. I939・ -

    Cbsneariu"z subteinscthii ScHMinLE var. BelZiZian{i ScH)ttDLE in Flora 78.

    p. go. pl. 6・ f. 8・ I8g4; W. & G. S. Wi・sT Trans. R. Irish Acad. 32B.

    p・ 36. rgo2.

    Cells Small, sornewhat less than i} times longer than broad, deeply

    constricted, sinus narrowly linear with a slightly dilated 'extremity

    ; semlcells

    oblong rectangular, lateral mirgin convex and principally biundulate or

    slightly triundulate, upper undulation larger than lower one, basal undula-

    tion very slight, polar lobe with rounded or rectangular angTes, apex sl{ghtly 'convex and retuse in the middle. Side view, of semicell ovate, with a pro-tuberance on each s{de. Vertical view elliptic, with a rounded protuberanceat the m{ddle on' each side. Cell wall smooth. Length 22", Breidth

    I8 pt, Isthmus 4 ,a.' Hab. Ozegihira, Ayame-daira, Ohegawa, Kobutizawano-tasiro. Distr.

    Kamikoti, prov. Sinano(YoNliDA); Hokl

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    Abt. i. p. soo. pl. 62・ fL i2-TS- !937・

    Ehrasfruin abb'ense ELFv. in NoRDsTEDT Index Desm. p. 36. i8g6; W.& G. S. WEsr Monogr. Brit. Desm. II. p. 23. pl. 36・ f. s, 6・ TgoS; GR6NBriADAct. Soc. Fauna Flor. Fenn. 4g. p. I7. pl. 3. fi 3g, 4o. ig2I; OKAi)A JOurn・Imp. Fish. Inst. 3o. p. isi. pl. 2i. f. s. ig34; MEssrKobtMER Vierteljahrb.Naturfi Ges. Zttrich 8o. p. 3i, 4r. pl. 2. fi i4. ig3S; OKADA Journ・ rmp・Fish. Inst, 33. p. ir2. pl. 2. f. 7, 8. rg3g; AsAHiNA's Inkwa. p. i4r. pl.6S. f. 9・'i939・

    Euastvune slnuosuin LuNoRM var. teduct"m W. & G. S. 'WEsT

    in TaylorPap. Mich. Acad. Sci. 2o. p. 2o8. pl・ 4o- f・ 9・ r93S・

    Cells small, Ig-iz3 tiines longer than broad, deeply constricted, sinusnirrowly linear with a dilated cxtremity ; sem{cells pyramidate, three lobed,

    polar Iobe with rounded angles and deep and line..r median incision, apextruncate, lateral lobe bil6bulate, lobules rounded, upper ones not so far

    prQjects as lower one; semicells with 3 protuberances across the base and'two across the centre. Cell wall finety punctate; side vlew of semicellpyramidate and quadrate base, u?per part of lateral margin slightly concave,aPex rounded truncnte. Vertical view elliptic with threel Protuberances oneach ,side.

    Thls varieties similar in form as the type but rather less sinuate, i}times longer than broad ; sem{cetls with five protuberances, three above.thebase, two others ecross the centre, each protuberances wlth one pore at thetop, another three pores triangularly disposed between upper and lower

    protuberances, also three polres horizontally disposed above the ,upperprotuberances, one of which beneath the rnedian incision, one inside theupper hteral lobe, so that Ii pores visib!e in each semicell. Side view ofsemicell elliptic-pyram{date with two each broad protuberarices on.eachside. Length 7oy, Bre.idth 4s A, Isthmus i3pt・

    Hab. Ozegihara and Nurnajiri-daira. Distr. Middle & N. Kurile (OKADA)・ General Distr. British Isles,'Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Finland, U. -S. A., New Foundland.

    Euastrum sinuosum LENoR"{ var. perforatum KRmGER (Fig. 23.)

    in RABEriHoRsT's Krypt. Fl・ XIII. Abt. i. p・ So3. pl. 62・ f 24・ Ig37・

    This variety differs from the type specl・es by the laterar lobes distinctly

    pierced by pore, but cell form as the type. Length 7o", Breadth 42p,Isthmus i.3pt・

    Hab. Not common in Ozegahara. (New to Asia), Gengra1 Distr. Switzerland, Lapland.

    Euastrum sinuosum L:NoRM var. reductum W. & G. S. WEsT (Fig. 32.)

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    in Journ. Bot. 3s. p. 83・ i8g7; Monogr. Brit. Desm. IL p. 22. pl. 36. f. 2, 3. Tgos; STR6M SI
