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ETT was founded by Stephen Unwin in 1993 with the aim of creating outstanding theatre and touring it to the widest possible audience.

We have always had a strong commitment to Shakespeare, and our award-winning productions include Hamlet, As You Like It, Henry IV Parts One and Two, King Lear and Hamlet again. A second line of work has been on Ibsen, with hailed productions of The Dolls House, Hedda Gabler, The Master Builder, Ghosts and John Gabriel Borkman.


In addition to its public funding, ETT is successful at generating income from Box Office sales and the commercial exploitation of its work. However, we are reliant on the support of individuals, trusts and foundations to maintain our core work and to help us realise our future aims and aspirations. We want to undertake more touring, reach wider audiences, increase opportunities for young and disadvantaged people and provide further vocational training for the stars of tomorrow.


ETT believes that theatre of the highest quality should be available to all.
Our creative learning programme aims to encourage drama as a vibrant part of the lives of young people and adults alike.


ETT is Englands leading touring theatre company.

ETT exists to create outstanding theatre and tour it to the widest possible audience.
ETT's aim is to surprise and delight as well as enrich and engage. It does this by bringing outstanding theatre to as diverse an audience as possible.

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