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Joasia Gaworska

The things you like?

Taking photos, gold hoops (doesn’t matter the size) and a good knitted cardigan.

Greatest inspiration? That beauty can be found in the most obscure

places and that it is unique to each individual.


Creating new ways to connect people with new concepts.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I have a longing to be in London but a desire to go to New York.

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The memory of sitting at our old family piano pretending to learn

my scales on the ivory keys is a memory that I will probably not treasure forever. Though for my

mother it reminds her of the days of having the time to play.

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I’ve always wanted a classic Mini. This is as far as i’ve got.

Photography, styling and words Joasia Gaworska

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My mother and father first met riding on the no 74 bus towards

Baker street. It was in this moment they say they fell in love.

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Who doesn’t like the thoughts of opening a wigwam and finding the Chief sitting inside?

Photography, styling and words Joasia Gaworska

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Thinking of a strong woman who doesn’t rely on the antics of her personal life and looks to be the face of our generation. The only person who comes to mind is Carey Mulligan.

When I see Carey on screen I don’t see her as her. I see the character she is portraying. You don’t think when was the last time you’ve seen her on the front of a gossip rag (never) or when was the last time you heard anything about her (rarity). You are just caught up in the web that she spins on screen.

A lot of our contemporaries might say that she is tedious for not showing us every little detail of her life. This however, for me, makes me more curious. Do the characters she chooses portray who she really is? Does she actually see the world through the eyes of a character? Or is she just an ordinary British girl who has simply followed her dreams?

If you ask about her career, she’ll tell you that she is just waiting for someone to realise that she is a fraud. Curious, that she was then nominated for an Oscar for portraying a schoolgirl ‘Jenny’ in ‘An Education’. It was obviously a fluke. Lets also say that the awards she has accumulated over the past three years are sheer luck and that she has no real talent. When she is on screen she lights it up. Be it her playing a sixteen year-old girl seeking adventures or a girl produced solely for her vital organs to be harvested, you get a sense of the emotions that she is projecting. At times you just want to shake the persona she plays, and at others you want to hold them and tell them it will be all right.

What you do not realise is that Carey has never been classically trained. What I mean is, she hasn’t been churned out with thousands of others from drama school (it doesn’t mean she didn’t try. She was rejected from the three schools when applying via UCAS). But she was just lucky that Julian Fellowes had given a talk at her

school. Through her head mistress she was able to send him a letter asking for help. This then resulted with her gaining her first role as Kitty in Pride and Prejudice (2005). She believed in her dream so much that she took the initiative to find away to make her dream come true.

This shows us all, that by going against the consensus of opinion that you can truly follow your dream. Lets also not forget that she has gone against the opinion of a person who some in fashion circles would call the most powerful in the world, Anna Wintour. When offering Carey advice for the Baftas, Carey turned her own flat. How many young actresses have you heard of that have done that?

Off screen Carey is just as intriguing. During her childhood she grew up in lush hotels (The Mayfair), due to her father being a hotel manager. She says this is probably why she likes the life of a gypsy. Living a hotel experience in early years means the accommodation was never personalised. Now it is just the same, (except she does have to pay) she never needs to individualise the space. Although it was a rootless up bringing for the first few years of her life, she is one of the most grounded people I know of.Through not appearing on the cover of glossy magazine and never wearing anything that reveals too much flesh, many would say that this is a new. Carey is definitely one of the few leading the way.

Her style is what some (when off the red carpet) say is granny-esque. This is due to her rarely wearing anything

that hits above the knee (or above the knee with black tights) bit dowdy. Though in reality it just shows that she is not into making a spectacle of herself. Thankfully this means we will never have to worry about a nipple slip when she is on the red carpet.

Carey’s style is also an extension of her personality. Quintessentially British. She may have the life of a nomad now, but she still carries that British charm all around the world. How often do you see that with the British youth of today?

On the red carpet Carey’s look is effortless. It reminds me of Audrey Hepburn. They both were dressed by some of the best designers. Have cropped hair, revealing their mythical features. Most importantly the presence that they create on the carpet is mesmerising.

However, Carey is not afraid to admit that she has a crack team of stylists behind closed door. though there has to be input from Carey herself when it comes to what she will and won’t wear. Which therefore means that she does have the eye for choosing gowns that will always flatter her petite frame.

Every aspect of the image that Carey projects out is consistent in every part of her life. From her clothes, to what she let’s people know about her. Forever making us yearn for more. Is this deliberate or just an unconscious part of her personality? Most stars are self-obsessed. They have to talk incessantly about themselves. All Carey desires to

‘I’m afraid of being a “personality”’

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do is to go in and talk about her work and then leave, own flat. How many young actresses have you heard of that have done that?

Off screen Carey is just as intriguing. During her childhood she grew up in lush hotels (The Mayfair), due to her father being a hotel manager. She says this is probably why she likes the life of a gypsy. Living a hotel experience in early years means the accommodation was never personalised. Now it is just the same, (except she does have to pay) she never needs to individualise the space. Although it was a rootless up bringing for the first few years of her life, she is one of the most grounded people I know of.Through not appearing on the cover of glossy magazine and never wearing anything that reveals too much flesh, many would say that this is a new. Carey is definitely one of the few leading the way.

Her style is what some (when off the red carpet) say is granny-esque. This is due to her rarely wearing anything that hits above the knee (or above the knee with black tights) bit dowdy. Though in reality it just shows that she is not into making a spectacle of herself. Thankfully this means we will never have to worry about a nipple slip when she is on the red carpet.

Carey’s style is also an extension of her personality. Quintessentially British. She may have the life of a nomad now, but she still carries that British charm all around the world. How often do you see that with the British youth of today?On the red carpet Carey’s look is

effortless. It reminds me of Audrey Hepburn. They both were dressed by some of the best designers. Have cropped hair, revealing their mythical features. Most importantly the presence that they create on the carpet is mesmerising.

However, Carey is not afraid to admit that she has a crack team of stylists behind closed door. though there has to be input from Carey herself when it comes to what she will and won’t wear. Which therefore means that she does have the eye for choosing gowns that will always flatter her petite frame.

Every aspect of the image that Carey projects out is consistent in every part of her life. From her clothes, to what she let’s people know about her. Forever making us yearn for more. Is this deliberate or just an unconscious part of her personality? Most stars are self-obsessed. They have to talk incessantly about themselves. All Carey desires to do is to go in and talk about her work and then leave, hereby, giving what she does even greater meaning. When she is interviewed and people ask her questions about herself she has this awkward air about her. Its as if she knows that she needs to talk about who she is but at the same time there is nothing in the world she could want to do less. This is why the only reason the world found out she was engaged to Marcus Mumford from Mumford & Sons, was because a source let it slip. Even then no one was truly sure until they saw a diamond ring on her finger, which she did not even go out of her way to show off. Carey

just went to her appearances such as the Graham Norton Show wearing it, though shockingly not once did Graham mentioned it and he loves a good gossip! In reality it is nice.

Carey is more than just a one-dimensional figure. She like the rest of us has multiple layers. She does actually go out and get hammered, and like many of us has showed up to work hung-over. When she was being interviewed by a BBC radio one interviewer she admitted that whilst shooting Drive with Ryan Gosling, she had the night before gone out and got very drunk with friends, not realising that she would be shooting the next day. Luckily however, she did not have any lines to say. Unfortunately though she was hanging through out the entire day (I’m sure many of us can relate to going to work hung-over), which to be honest I cannot even tell which scene it is (if you do spot it drop me a line). The fact that nobody saw her or reported this happening demonstrates how Carey does not let her antics get into the paper, she is the one in control of letting the press know about her.

At 26 Carey has managed to achieve more in life than most fifty year olds can say. She has travelled all over the world. Made remarkable movies with astounding actors. Dated a movie star (shia Labeouf). Been nominated for an academy role and still has had time to fall in love again. We can only be jealous of this charismatic young woman and hope that a little of her luck rubs off on the rest of us.

In all Carey Mulligan is a charming, witty, British woman, who any of us would love as a friend. She is down to Earth and is not afraid to stand up for her views. She is one of the few women that younger girls of today can look towards for inspiration. To show them that they do not have to be splashed across the cover of every magazine to do what they dream of.

Words Joasia Gaworska

‘When I was 11, I went to a disco wearing a shiny purple shirt with green flares and silver wedge shoes. I wasn’t cool, and I’m still not.’

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A good wardrobe is the one thing that the current day man cannot live without! Which is why as men it is our right to reclaim our space in the wardrobe.

Too long has it been that women deem their clothes as more important. In reality we spend just as much time as they do acquiring, splurging as much on them and take far greater care in making sure that they look pristine. The argument in the modern day household is not whose turn it is to do the washing up? NO! It is who deserves the greater amount of space.

Men how do you think our forefathers would feel if they knew about our current situation? They would be horrified! They took pride with the way they dressed. Some were lucky enough to have valets. Just imagine a man who is specifically there to tend to your needs, especially to care for your clothes and shoes. In the days of yesteryear our fathers would come home and take off their work trousers and put them on a trouser press to ensure that they were perfectly crisp for the next day. Today we come home and are left with the chair or

the floor due to the inadequate space left to us by our partners.

With the amount of skill that has gone into making that new oxford collard shirt you have just purchased. There is no way in hell you are going to just squeeze it into what ever space the other half has deemed as yours. You are going to make sure that there is enough space so that either it hangs freely with no restrictions, or that it is able to lie flat without having to be crushed. This is why it is time to tell that other person in your life that you have as much right as they do to the wardrobe. Better yet, that you deserve one of your own or the ultimate dream the walk in.

Yes gentlemen, I have uttered those words that in the past would have been deemed as ridiculous. Why would we have had any need for such a thing? In truth many of us are still building our illustrative collections. Still waiting to be able to have our suits handmade for us by the masters of the cut, Savile Row. Still on the hunt for the perfect shirt cut, pattern, texture that we so prefer. The

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ideal accessories that are not too over bearing but are the key to pulling the whole look together.

Lets not forget the shoes. After spending what would be deemed as an extortionate amount if it were our other half. In reality it is an investment for the feet and ours do not give us bunions. They were not made to be stacked! They are created to be put on display in a shoe rack, where they will not get marked, damaged from other shoes, and can easily spot when needed. Too many women think that men’s shoes are lesser versions of theirs. That their stilettos are more interesting, but in reality our handmade shoes with the tiny details that only true shoe lovers notice are far more enthralling.

Though the content of the wardrobe is important, how the wardrobe looks and the structure of it is just as. Do we want a space that just has hanging space and drawers? No. We want a space that has enough sections for it to hold all of our things. With drawers, shelves, hanging space maybe even a shoe rack or even a tie rack. These components are needed to ensure that the garments are

not crushed and are easy to see for when constructing what is to be worn that day.

The material it is made of is also important and the look. Not to name certain stores but a flat pack wardrobe just does not make the grain. The material needs to be sturdy, strong, something like a rich dark mahogany. That on the instance of seeing it the viewer knows swiftly that you are a man who means business and understands the need for quality. Let’s face it we have spent countless hours hunting out the perfect products, they have to be displayed in the perfect way.

It is time for us to regain our space. It is our right to have space in a wardrobe! We have the same right as the fairer sex to have railings, drawers, racks, space for our accessories. Our products and style is just as important.

So Gentleman it is time to take our rightful place back in the wardrobe!

Words Joasia Gaworska

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Photography and styling Joasia Gaworska

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Photography and styling Joasia Gaworska

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Photography and styling Joasia Gaworska

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Photography Joasia Gaworska

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Photography Joasia Gaworska

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Photography Joasia Gaworska

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Quintessentially, the British, historically, have been intensely understated, while at the same time being intensely proud, of being British. This is nowhere better defined than by the British haut couture market, where everything is perfectly made and until recently was often recycled over a period of many years, even from generation to generation, with maybe a slight makeover, but classic and understated. However, the second half of the twentieth century changed this, when the younger generation led a rebellion about the way they dressed, what they ate and drank and the music they listened to. ‘Freedom of identity’ became the national uniform, where the ‘rich young things’ still spent a lot of money on their clothes but they were mass market and subject to seasonal redundancy.

Once again the economic climate is changing and people are looking to make economies where once they were profligate and heedless of the money they spent on themselves, now they want quality, sustainability and environmentally friendly and perhaps something a little unique that defines that quality. Hence, the renaissance of the bespoke suit, made to measure, with individual idiosyncrasies and often cut from home produced fabric.

In such a hectic world where everything is moving at a thousand miles a second we all need things to hold onto. For this reason having a suit made to your specific requirements can give that little extra security.

When you put on a bespoke suit it becomes a part of you. It is a second skin. It will not inhibit what you are trying to achieve, it will only support it. The suit has been made so that it will flatter you and enhance the areas that you desire to be noticed and hide the ones you don’t.

The reason why this trend is so important is because you are not just investing in pieces of clothing, you are investing in yourself, in something that you can build from and continuously make your own, making it unique!

This suit will hold the memories of the good and the bad and every time you put it on it will trigger a memory that you hold dear. This suit is not just another part of the wardrobe it is a part of your life which is why they are all the more important than any average suit of the rack.

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The most important part of the British Bespoke Suit is that it is entirely British. Every aspect of it is sourced from parts of Britain and this includes:

British Fabrics

Among the fabrics that have survived the decimation of the British textile industry by foreign competitors are:

Harris Tweed which first became prominent in the 1800s and is considered today to be one of the finest textiles. It is protected by an act in parliament meaning that the tweed will always be made in the western isles of Scotland and made to the exact same quality as it has always been. It was primarily used for country rather than town wear suits, but with changing fashions and perceptions this is not now always the case.

Wain Shiell fabrics have been made since the beginning of the 1800s. They have been known for many years as the quintessential fabric for British bespoke suits. It is known for its quality and excellence with style.

Holland and Sherry have been producing some of the finest cloths for over 170 years. Specialising in the finest wools and silks available for suiting, they are the last of all the cloth merchants of the London Golden Square which was established in the 1800s.

More recently, in the latter half of the twentieth century small specialist companies have once again started up to create woollens and silks suitable for men’s suiting for example Humphries Weaving Ltd.

Below are fabric types that are used to make the suits. Depending on the weight and type of fabric choosen can also dictate the longevity of the suit and also how well it will do in different temperatures and season. Below are some colour ideas for suits and accessories.

Words Joasia Gaworska

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Photoshop Joasia Gaworska

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Joasia Gaworska

46 North View Crescent Epsom Surrey

[email protected]

Personal Details

Profile For two years I have worked as part of the E-commerce team for a luxury shoe and accessories retailer; in this period the brand saw a tripling in sales online.

My degree in Fashion Communication and my work have inspired my knowledge and enthusiasm for the digital sphere. They have given me the opportunity to develop flexibility and the ability to work with the demands of a rapidly growing brand whilst at the same time contributing to the doubling of the brand’s consumer.

By listening to and interpreting the voice of our consumers, I realised the need of this knowledge for consumer retention and engagement. My degree enabled me to go the extra mile in creating multiple media types, such as online channel planning, to engage the consumer at every stage of their online buying journey. I am skilled in monitoring competitor activity, setting up reporting metrics and creating monthly sales reports, I enjoy using these for the of the future growth of the business.

Key Achievements

As part of a team:

• Analysisandunderstandingoftargetaudienceneedsand motivations – working on expansion strategies.

• Aspartofateamcreatedcustomerengagementjourneyand monitored conversions, achieving more than a doubling of orders.

• Creationofoffsiteandonlinecontenttoincreasethevisibilityof the brand, which included homepage product imagery and new product profiles.

• Aspartofvideoproduction,createdandeditedvideosforthe brand and website.

• Manageddailycustomercareretentionprogram,increasingthe percentage share of sales from returning customers with more than a doubling of their purchases.

• Monitoredcompetitoractivity,especiallyinthesocialmedia sphere.

• Organisedreportingsystemandmetricsandresponsiblefordata collection and month by month tracking and analysis - assisted in end of year site review.

• Responsibleforprocessingoforders,returnsandmaintaining a regular dialogue with customers – maintaining customer satisfaction surveys and feedback that resulted in an increase in sales.

• Organisedweeklyauditsofsitecopyandcreatedadjustmentsas required.

• Aspartofasmallcompanyliaisedwitheverymemberoftheteam from finance to design.

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EmploymentExperience:Growth of my role over the last two years

E-Commerce Intern to E-commerce Assistant, Harrys of London August 2012- July 2014

August 2012 - E-commerce Intern • Helping to prepare orders. • EditingsiteimageryandsocialmediaonAdobe Photoshop and Indesign. • CreatingVideosusingFinalCutPro. • Researchingnewmarketingopportunities. • Creatinganopendialoguewiththeretailteam.

January 2013 - E-commerce Assistant • Preparing orders solo. • Editingmajorityofsightimageryandsocialmedia. • Checkingpaymentmethodsforanyabnormalities.

April 2013 • Created a monthly analytical sales report, detailing products sold through the E-commerce store.

July 2013 • Responsibleforallprocessingoforders,returnsand vexchanges. • Maintainingaregulardialoguewithcustomers regarding their orders whilst representing the brand ethos in clear and concise language. • Creatingandmodifyingproductsonthewebsite.

January 2014 • Taking sole ownership for the E-commerce department when the manager is away • Carryingoutadailycustomercareretentionprogram. • Carryingoutallstockchecksonandoffthewebsite. • Takingproductphotography. • Handlingallcourierdiscrepancies.

May 2014 • Taking sole responsibility for the setting up of the sale category

Education & Training

Northumbria University 2009 to 2012 • Fashioncommunication 2:1

Esher College 2007 to 2009 • FashionandTextilesA • EnglishLiteratureB • PhilosophyE

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