Page 1: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power.

First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar. They ruled Rome as a Trio until hunger for power pitted them against each other.


Page 2: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

1. Why was the destruction of Carthage so important to Rome?

2. When finished…Grab a textbook and read from “The Republic Collapses” on page 160 to “Julius Caesar Takes Control on page 161. Answer the following question.

Why did the Roman Republic fall? Just list reasons.

Warm Up

Page 3: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,



Page 4: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,


Why did the Republic Fall?

Page 5: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

The Rise of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Republic

Page 6: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

Gap between rich and poor •Rich landowners lived on large estates called latifunda. These were worked by slaves.•Small farms couldn’t compete and many became homeless and jobless

Class Tensions •The wealthy became corrupted by money and resentment grew among the poor

Civil War •Two tribunes attempted to create reforms to help the poor but were opposed by the Senate.•They were both murdered and a period of Civil War erupted!

Changes in the Army

• Generals began recruiting soldiers from the landless poor.

• These soldiers fought for money and owed allegiance only to their commander…not Rome!

• It was now possible for politically powerful military leaders to take over by force!

• Eventually one does…

Why did the Republic fall?

Page 7: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

Julius Caesar Rivalries between generals

existed until an ambitious leader, Julius Caesar, emerged to bring order to Rome.

Upbringing Born July 13, 100 or 102 BC Patrician family; but lived in

poor neighborhood Uncle (6x Consul) was his

inspiration Military Success

Most famous for his victories in Gaul (northern Italy and France)

Defeated Pompey in Civil War for consulship Began when Caesar crosses the

Rubicon “The Die is Cast” Ends two years later with

Pompey’s death in Egypt

Page 8: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

Political LifeStarted as lawyer

Argued his way out of pirate capture

Organized First Triumvirate with Crassus and PompeyTriumvirate: Rule by 3

Elected Consul by age 40; then governor of Gaul

Senate appointed him dictator after defeating PompeyStill consulted Senate

Page 9: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

Personal LifeMarried 3 times; 1

daughter: JuliaLived extravagantly

ReformsLand reform, building

campaign in RomeReorganized land and

grain distributionInitiated censusRewrote laws on

citizenshipInitiated term limits

on governors

Page 10: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,


Senators stabbed him to death on floor of Senate

They were led by his best friend, Marcus Brutus

They feared his power

Page 11: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,



Page 12: Julius Caesar- Named dictator of Rome. He was later killed by the senate because they feared his power. First Triumvirate- Made up of Crassus, Pompey,

1. Why did the Republic fall? Give a summary or major reason.

2. What is a Triumvirate?3. Why was Caesar assassinated by the


