Page 1: Junk Science vs. Solid Science


Junk Science vs. Solid Science: Know the difference, how to use it, and where to get it

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Page 2: Junk Science vs. Solid Science

� ��� � � � � ��� � � � �� � � � ��� � � � �� � �« Science: the good, the bad, the ugly

«Case study #1: Science and transit

«Case study #2: Diesel pollution and health

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� ��� �! � �� � �� � � �� � �� � � � �Greater influence

Source for policy makers

Understand the issue from another angle

Influence the whole campaign

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� � �� �� � � �� � � �� � �� � � � �� � � � � �� � �« US EPA

«Clean Air Task Force (staff scientists; modeling after US EPA methodology)

«Ohio Dept. of Health

«Center for Disease Control

Page 7: Junk Science vs. Solid Science

Diesel exhaust affects public health:

� Asthma Attacks

� Aggravation of Chronic Bronchitis

� Painful Breathing

� Leukemia

� Heart and Lung Disease

� Cancer

� Preventable Death Courtesy of Clean Air Task Force

Page 8: Junk Science vs. Solid Science

Diesel impacts on Franklin County

Source: Clean Air Task Force

Ohio impacts (adults):

• 409 Premature Deaths •392 Non-Fatal Heart Attacks •48,969 Work Loss Days (WLD) •288,641 Minor Restricted Activity Days (MRAD)

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Estimated Child Asthma Prevalence in Franklin County, By Race, 2004











Hispanic Black Asian White


Source-Ohio Department of Health, Burden of Asthma




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Coalition building and maintenance/Grassroots& key contacts

«New studies and news articles highlighting scientific/health data

share with coalition groups through individual e-mail or listervs

«Encourage partner groups to share new studies with you

«Studies can be part of the “recruitment packet” when courting new groups.

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«Create fact sheet (or use one that is already created) that highlight scientific data on the issue you are working on (ex. CATF)

«Create your own report

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What is a Diesel Hot Spot?� � ���� �� � �� � �� � � �� � �� � �� ��� � ��� � �� � � �� � � �� � � � � �� � �� � �

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Page 17: Junk Science vs. Solid Science

B oil d ow n m essag e

«20% of central Ohioans live in a diesel hot spot (elevated health risk)

«23% of those in a diesel hot spot suffer from asthma


«28% of Columbus lives in a diesel hot spot (more than one in four!)

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" � � � ��# � ! � � �� �$�� � ��� � �� �� � � �� � � � �% � �%« #1 air toxic risk in the U.S.

«More than 40 different known toxins.

«Those in the trucking industry higher risk (32%-49%) of heart disease than general population

«Diesel hot spots report and health impact fact sheet.

«Messenger matters!

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«Know what to lead with.

«Know who to have at the meeting.

«What will be the biggest influence on the decision maker-health? Economy? Environment?

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Ohio Environmental Council1 2 0 7 G rand view A venue, S uite 2 0 1

Columb us , OH 4 3 2 1 2( 6 1 4 ) 4 8 7 -7 5 0 6w w w . theOEC. org

How You Can Get I nv ol v ed

« Become an OEC M emb er J oi n a net w or k of mor e t h an 3 , 0 0 0 i nd i v i d u al s & g r ou p s ar ou nd t h e s t at e

« T ak e A ct i onS i g n u p f or OEC’ s act i on al er t s , cal l & w r i t e y ou r l aw mak er s , g et i nv ol v ed i n commu ni t y i s s u es

« D onat e t o t h e OECH el p s ecu r e h eal t h y ai r , l and , and w at er f or al l Oh i oans
