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PORTFOLIOJustin Michael PellandDesign Portfolio

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LEED Green Assoc ia te

Masters o f Arch i tec tu re

Rev i t Exper ience

Master P lann ing Exper ience

Graph ic Des ign Exper ience

Des ign Documenta t ion Exper ience

Const ruc t ion Admin is t ra t ion Exper ience


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Justin Michael Pelland21 Oak Ridge Avenue #17

Salem, NH 03079 603 818-6616

[email protected]




TS River ’s Edge I I

Medford , Massachuset ts

Oh io S ta te Un ivers i t y RFPColumbus, Oh io

Ash land Sta t ion Masterp lanAsh land, Massachuset ts

Oak Square Res idencesBr igh ton , Massachuset ts

Bur l ing ton Woods Off i cesBur l ing ton , Massachuset ts

Adapt ive Des ign TheoryMasters Thes is








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Featur ing 282 res iden t ia l un i ts , 10 ,000 s f o f re ta i l space , 7 ,000 s f o f res tauran t space , and a 10 ,000 s f leas ing , f i tness , and res iden t amen i ty cen te r, th is m ixed use p ro jec t rep laces a la rge ly under u t i l i zed park ing lo t and ac t i va tes pedes t r ian s t ree t edges on a l l s ides . As par t o f an overa l l r i ve r f ron t redeve lopment and master p lan , th is p ro jec t serves as a shared park ing so lu t ion to a ne ighbor ing o f f i ce bu i ld ing as we l l as two add i t iona l p lanned o f f i ce bu i ld ings on the s i te . The pro jec t i s composed o f a s tee l pod ium s t ruc tu re w i th a four s to ry res iden t ia l bu i ld ing above wrapp ing a four s to ry p recas t park ing garage. Prox imi ty to Wel l ing ton S ta t ion un ique ly pos i t ions th is p ro jec t to meet the master p lan ’s park ing needs wh i le reduc ing an overa l l re l iance on au tomob i les .

Pro jec t Ro le : Pro jec t Manager / Des ignerInvo lvement : Conceptua l Des ign - Cons t ruc t ionF i rm: Cube 3 S tud io

R iver ’s Edge I IMedford , Massachuset ts

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Justin Michael Pelland


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Curren t l y in cons t ruc t ion , th is 100 ,000 SF core and she l l o f f i ce bu i ld ing occup ies a smal l and cha l leng ing s i te w i th s ign i f i can t g rade change. Featur ing a cen t ra l a t r ium and c i rcu la t ion tower, the Bur l ing ton Woods Off i ces p ro jec t was des igned fo r max imum f lex ib i l i t y to any fu tu re o r p rospec t i ve tenants . Cons is t ing o f four s to r ies o f tenant space over a pod ium park ing and b icyc le s to rage fac i l i t y, the des ign max imizes the to ta l amount o f ne t ren tab le square foo tage wh i le min imiz ing the overa l l bu i ld ing foo tp r in t and s i te impac t .

The pro jec t i s ta rge t ing LEED S i l ver cer t i f i ca t ion and fea tu res a number o f energy-sav ing measures inc lud ing con t inuous insu la t ion a t the bu i ld ing ex te r io r as we l l as so la r o r ien ted g laz ing and mass ing .

Pro jec t Ro le : Des ignerInvo lvement : Mas ter P lann ing - Conceptua l and Schemat ic Des ign F i rm: Cube 3 S tud io

Bur l ing ton Woods Off i cesBur l ing ton , Massachuset ts

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Occupy ing the s i te o f a fo rmer apar tment bu i ld ing wh ich burned to the g round in the 1980s , th is p ro jec t ’s des ign p rocess had s ign i f i can t pub l i c invo lvement . Due to compl ica t ions , the s i te was no t redeve loped fo l low ing the des t ruc t ion o f the p rev ious bu i ld ing , leav ing the communi ty w i th a vacant , l i t te red lo t fo r more than th i r t y years .

Through de ta i led d iscuss ions w i th loca l communi ty members and a leng thy approva l p rocess w i th the Bos ton Redeve lopment Au thor i t y, th is des ign managed to secure the suppor t o f loca l communi ty g roups and beg in the documenta t ion p rocess . The pro jec t w i l l be a mix o f I I IA and VA cons t ruc t ion over a pod ium park ing s t ruc tu re fea tu r ing car s tackers to inc rease the overa l l dens i ty wh i le mi t iga t ing the cha l lenges p roduced by a s ign i f i can t g rade change across the s i te .

Pro jec t Ro le : Des igner / Pro jec t ManagerInvo lvement : P lann ing and Approva ls , Conceptua l - Schemat ic Des ignF i rm: Cube 3 S tud io

Oak Square Res idencesBr igh ton , Massachuset ts

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With p rox imi ty to the Ash land commuter ra i l s ta t ion , th is masterp lan fo r a Trans i t Or ien ted Deve lopment focuses on p romot ing pub l i c t ranspor ta t ion and communi ty invo lvement th rough var ious p rograms and amen i t ies inc lud ing b ike shar ing and communi ty gardens . Cons is t ing o f a ser ies o f d i f fe ren t l y sca led ne ighborhoods , each lo t fea tu res a cen t ra l o rgan iz ing e lement as we l l as a b icyc le s to rage and ma in tenance fac i l i t y.

In o rder to p reserve the na tu ra l beauty o f the Ash land wood lands , the p ro jec t i s des igned around mi les o f wa lk ing t ra i l s , b ik ing pa ths , and na tu ra l fea tu res . A t the hear t o f the deve lopment i s a p roposed so la r fa rm, wh ich w i l l he lp to p roduce energy fo r a h igh percen tage o f the p roposed deve lopment .

Pro jec t Ro le : Pro jec t Manager / Des ignerInvo lvement : Mas ter P lann ing - Conceptua l Des ignF i rm: Cube 3 S tud io

Ash land Sta t ion Masterp lanAsh land, Massachuset ts

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Cons is t ing o f 9 new mid- r i se and h igh- r i se res iden t ia l bu i ld ings , th is p ro jec t represented the cu lmina t ion o f a leng thy and ambi t ious masterp lann ing e f fo r t by Oh io S ta te Un ivers i t y a imed a t redeve lop ing the campus ’ Nor th D is t r i c t . The p rogram, wh ich ca l led fo r over 1 ,200 beds , inc luded two fu l l - se rv ice d in ing commons as we l l as a s ta te o f the a r t s tand-a lone f i tness fac i l i t y. The 12 s to ry h igh- r i se res iden t ia l bu i ld ings were des igned around the res iden t - l i fe exper ience and each fea tu res a pub l i c p laza and ground f loor p rogram geared towards encourag ing in te rac t ion and communica t ion . Because o f the sca le o f th is deve lopment and the an t i c ipa ted dens i ty o f s tudents , th is p ro jec t a ims to c rea te a more in t imate sense o f communi ty by connec t ing g roup ings o f h igh- r i se f loors toge ther w i th a 3 -s to ry a t r ium common space tha t fu r ther encourages s tudent in te rac t ion by c rea t ing a ser ies o f ver t i ca l ne ighborhoods w i th in each h igh- r i se bu i ld ing .

Pro jec t Ro le : Des ignerInvo lvement : Mas ter P lann ing , Conceptua l Des ign , Proposa l Produc t ionF i rm: Cube 3 S tud io

Oh io S ta te Un ivers i t y RFPColumbus, Oh io

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Justin Michael Pelland


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Justin Michael Pelland


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Based la rge ly on the work o f S tewar t Brand, th is p ro jec t a imed to f ind a ba lance be tween concept -cen t r i c des ign and f lex ib le , modu la r a rch i tec tu re . The program, wh ich houses the combined UMass academic depar tments o f Arch i tec tu re , Landscape Arch i tec tu re , and Bu i ld ing Cons t ruc t ion Techno logy, demanded a s t ruc tu re tha t cou ld serve as a teach ing too l wh i le a lso fea tu r ing func t iona l and p rac t i ca l spaces . The des ign , wh ich focuses on phys ica l connec t ions , v iews, and the c rea t ion o f ac t i ve ou tdoor spaces , fo rms a sweep ing mass tha t r i ses f rom the g round and f rames an underused corner o f the campus. The theory beh ind th is p ro jec t i s cen te red a round the idea tha t a bu i ld ing g rows and changes w i th i t s occupants over t ime and is des igned to be equ ipped w i th the f lex ib i l i t y and modu la r i t y needed in o rder to adapt the bu i ld ing th roughout the fu tu re . The goa l was to c rea te a p ro to type fo r the fu tu re o f bu i ld ing des ign , wh ich p resent ly does no t p r io r i t i ze the longev i ty and l i fe o f a bu i ld ing .

Thes is Defense : May 2012

Adapt ive Des ign TheoryMasters Thes is

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Justin Michael Pelland


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Justin Michael Pelland


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Justin Michael Pelland


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Justin Michael Pelland


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Thank You.

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PORTFOLIOJustin Michael PellandDesign Portfolio