Page 1: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax

秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3處~袋田瀑布・月待瀑布・花貫溪谷~Autumn Leaves in Ibaraki Prefecture! Fukuroda Falls, Tsukimachi Falls and Hananuki Valley




新宿(7:50集合)→袋田瀑布 (賞紅葉/約60分鐘)→月待瀑布 (觀賞/約30分鐘)→花貫溪谷 (賞紅葉 /約60分鐘)→新宿(預定18:30到達)

早餐: 0 午餐:1(便當) 晚餐:0



Shinjuku (Meet 7:50)

→Fukuroda Falls (View autumn leaves / approx. 60 mins)

→Tsukimachi Falls (Visit / approx. 30 mins)

→Hananuki Valley (View autumn leaves / approx. 60 mins)→Shinjuku (Scheduled 18:30)

B:0 L:1(Lunch box) D:0

東京出發紅葉絕景處一日遊1.袋田瀑布・・・日本三名瀑之一「袋田瀑布」,別稱「四度瀑布」,四季景色各異的人氣瀑布秋天,瀑布四周的樹木都染上顏色!Fukuroda Falls is one of the three greatest waterfalls in Japan. In autumn, the contrast between the rock cliff-face and the surrounding autumn leaves is wonderful.

2.月待瀑布・・・瀑布旁的紅葉景色優美,這裡更可走進瀑布背後觀賞,瀑布雖小卻仍能深得遊客歡心。Tsukimachi Falls a waterfall that can be seen from behind' without getting wet. It is a small but beautiful waterfall.

3.花貫溪谷・・・從橫跨溪谷的汐見瀑布吊橋可飽覽絕美景色,秋天到來,沿河川兩旁的樹枝伸展,形成華麗的紅葉隧道。Hananuki Valley bursts into reds and yellows in autumn. The view of the autumn leaves can be enjoyed from the walking trail and the ShiomiFalls Suspension.※各景點往年紅葉觀賞期均為 11月上旬~下旬〇包含茨城縣知名車站便當「萬年屋」便當!

11月 4,7,9,14,19,22,27


Nov 4,7,9,14,19,22,27

Price:9900Yen-11,990YenExact Price, No Hidden Cost

Page 2: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax

伊豆紅美景周遊之旅~紅葉漫天!修善寺紅葉林・一碧湖・熱海梅園Autumn Leaves in Izu: Shuzenji Maple Forest, Lake Ippeki & Atami Plum Garden


第1日東京站 (10:00出發) →湯河原站→三嶋大社 (約40分鐘)→修善寺-桂橋-竹林小徑

(合共逗留約70分鐘)→修善寺紅葉林 (約50分鐘)→修善寺・虹之鄉(賞紅葉點燈夜景)

→伊豆大川溫泉・Hotel Harvest天城高原 (住宿)※標高約900米的酒店內享居高臨下的夜景。早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1

第2日伊豆大川溫泉→天城・昭和之森會館庭園紅葉林→河津七瀧・初景瀑布 (約30分鐘)→徳造丸 (午餐/約40分鐘)→一碧湖 (約40分鐘)→熱海梅園 (約40分鐘)→湯河原站 →東京站 (17:48到達)早餐: 1 午餐: 1 晚餐: 0

Day1Tokyo Station (Depart 10:00)→ Yugawara Station→ Mishima Taisha Shrine (approx. 40 mins)→Shuzenji Temple(Katsura Bridge &Bamboo Forest Path)→Shuzenji Momiji Bayashi→Shuzenji・Niji-no-Sato →Izu-Okawa Onsen・Hotel Harvest Amagi Kogen※Enjoy the night view from the hotel at about 900 meters above sea level.

Day2Izu-Okawa Onsen→ Amagi・Showa no Mori Kaikan→Kawazu Nanadaru・Shokeidaru→Tokuzomaru (lunch)→ Lake Ippeki (A crater lake)→Atami Plum Garden →Yugawara Station→Tokyo Station (Arrive 17:48)B: 1 L: 1 D: 0

1.三嶋大社 Mishima Taisha Shrine與鎌倉時代歷史人物源頼朝略有淵源的靈氣景點A spiritual sightseeing spot where the famous shogun

Minamoto-no-Yoritomo worshiped.2.修善寺・桂橋 Shuzenji・Katsura Bridge

流經修善寺溫泉場的桂川上架起的朱紅色小橋A vermilion bridge over the Katsura River that flows through

the center of the Shuzenji Onsen.3.修善寺・虹之鄉 Shuzenji・Niji-no-Sato (Rainbow Village)

觀賞紅葉點燈夜景。約2000棵紅葉的景色View illuminated autumn leaves. About 1,000 maple trees

and other 1,000 autumn trees in the Japanese and Western style areas.4.天城・昭和之森會館庭園 Amagi・Showa no Mori Kaikan

大自然環山圍繞的優美紅葉林Maple forest surrounded by natural mountains.

5.河津七瀧・初景瀑布 Kawazu Nanadaru (7 Waterfalls)6.熱海梅園 楓品種等約380棵!Atami Plum Garden

早開品種梅花,往年11月下旬~12月上旬已經開始開花About 380 maple trees! The season for early blooming

species sis usually from late November to early December.7.徳造丸 Tokuzomaru漁師煮金目鯛定食午餐Fisherman's set meal lunch with red snapper (Day-2)11月 19,21,22,25,26,27,30


Nov 19,21,22,25,26,27,30

Price:31,900Yen-37,900YenExact Price, No Hidden Cost


Page 3: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax


奧能登絕景3 日周遊之旅 /和倉溫泉住宿Ishikawa Prefecture by Hokuriku Shinkansen: Highlights of Okunoto / Wakura Onsen Stay


[15處能登必訪觀光景點]1.雨晴海岸・眺望富山灣與立山連峰絕景2.能登里山里海博物館・3.能登島大橋4.輪島朝市・參觀超過1000年以上歷史的朝市 。5.輪島切子燈籠會館6.輪島漆器塗工房7.白米千枚田・欣賞世界農業遺產的美景8.奧能登鹽田村・參觀流傳至今超過500年以上歷史的傳統工匠技藝9.祿剛崎燈台・能登半島的最北端10.見附島・佇立海中心的絕景孤島,別稱「軍艦島」11.千里濱沙灘公路12.能登金剛・巖門・乘坐遊覽船,以特別航路暢遊奇岩名勝13.Yase的斷崖・義經藏舟・相傳義經曾經隱藏48首船舟的狹長海灣14.總持寺祖院・本公司限定!由僧侶帶領參觀(只有日語)體驗坐禪15.能登鐵道 觀光列車能登里山里海號・乘坐特色觀光列車。

[15 Sightseeing spots you must not miss]1. Amaharashi Coast2. Noto Satoyama Satoumi Museum3. Notojima Bridge4. Wajima Morning Market5. Wajima Kiriko Art Museum: View traditional Kiriko lanterns.6. Wajima Lacquerware Studio7. Shiroyone Senmaida (A 1004 Rice Paddies in Shiroyone8. Okunoto Salt Farm Village9. Rokkosaki Lighthouse10. Mitsukejima Island11. Chirihama Nagisa Driveway・・・View from the bus window.12. Ganmon rock formation at Noto Kongo coast・・・13. Yase Cliff, Yoshitsune's Boat Hiding Place.14. Sojiji-soin Temple15. Noto Railway・Satoyama Satoumi Sightseeing Train


第1日 (早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1)東京~越後湯澤→雨晴海岸 (遊覽/約20分鐘)→能登里山里海博物館 (參觀)→和倉溫泉 (住宿)※露天風呂可飽覽七尾灣優美景色

第2日 (早餐: 1 午餐: 1 晚餐: 1)和倉溫泉→[能登島大橋・能登島大橋・車上欣賞]→ 輪島朝市 → 輪島切子燈籠會館→ 輪島漆器工房 → 白米千枚田→ 能登鹽田村→ 珠洲 → 祿剛崎燈台→見附島 →羽咋 (住宿)

第3日 (早餐: 1 午餐: 0 晚餐: 0)羽咋 →千里濱沙灘公路・車上遊覽→能登金剛・巖門 →Yase的斷崖→義經藏舟 → 總持寺祖院 (簡單座禪體驗)→穴水→能登鐵道・觀光列車→七尾→富山→ 東京

Day 1 (B: 0 L: 1 D:1)Tokyo Station~Echigo-Yuzawa --→ Amaharashi Coast → Noto SatoyamaSatoumi Museum→ Wakura Onsen (Overnight)

Day 2 B: 1 L: 1 D: 0Wakura Onsen→[Notojima Bridge, Noto Twin Bridge / view from the bus window]→Wajima Morning Market→Wajima Kiriko Art Museum→Wajima Lacquerware Studio →Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces →Okunoto Salt Farm Village → Suzu→ Rokkosaki Lighthouse → Mitsukejima Island → Hakui

Day 3 B: 1 L: 0 D: 1Hakui (Depart 9:00)→[Chirihama Nagisa Driveway]→ Ganmon rock at Noto Kongo coast → Yase Cliff → Yoshitsune's Boat Hiding Place → Sojiji-soin Temple (Short Zazen meditation experience is also available)→ Anamizu Station → Noto Railway・Sightseeing Train → Nanao Station→ Toyama Station→ Tokyo Station

10月 4,7,2211月 8,12


OCT 4,7,22NOV 8,12

Price:67,900 Yen

Exact Price, No Hidden Cost

Page 4: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax

八幡平、奧入瀨溪流、八甲田山、清晨遊「蔦沼」~十和田湖畔連續入住2晚~Tohoku Autumn Foliage Golden Route: Hachimantai, Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay




[觀光]1.蔦沼紅葉美景 Autumn tinted Tsutanuma Lake陽光影照下的秋楓紅葉美景,於蔦沼平靜的水面映照出對稱的絕景。行程安排清晨最佳觀賞時間前往遊覽。The red foliage is dyed in even deeper red color with the sunlight and symmetrically reflected on the calm water surface of Tsutanuma Lake.Visit early in the morning to enjoy the most beautiful scenery

2.八幡平 Hachimantai東北地區人氣的紅葉名所,每年吸引不少遊客慕名而至。A famous autumn leaves viewing spot.

3.八甲田 Hakkoda東北另一人氣紅葉勝地,乘空中纜車從高空飽覽紅葉美景View the carpet of autumn leaves spread beneath your eyes as you travel by ropeway.

4.奧入瀬溪流 Oirase Stream紅葉與清流構成的自然美景a beauty spot that is wonderful at any time of year.

5.角館 Kakunodate別稱陸奧小京都的特色市街Explore an area famous for its well-preserved samurai district often nicknamed 'Little Kyoto'.

Day 1 B: 0 L: 0 D: 1 Sendai Station →Morioka Station→Omagari Fireworks →Morioka・HotelOdashima or a similar class hotel (Overnight)

Day 2 B: 1 L: 0 D: 0 Morioka→Morioka Station→[Shinkansen "Yamabiko"]Sendai Station (Arrive 13:00~15:00)

第1天(早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1)東京站 → 盛岡站→哈奇曼泰 → 十和田湖畔溫泉※預定約16:00到達。

第2天(早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1)十和田湖畔溫泉(預定清晨約4:00出發)→ 蔦沼 → 十和田湖畔溫泉(享用早餐後,中午前可各自遊覽十和田湖畔/如有興趣可另自費乘坐遊覽船。)→ 八甲田空中纜車→ 十和田湖畔溫泉

第3天(早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1)十和田湖畔溫泉 →奧入瀬溪流→角館 (遊覽/約50分鐘)→盛岡站 →東京站

OCT 11,13,17,20,25,29

Price:77,900yen-85,900yenExact Price, No Hidden Cost

10月 11,13,17,20,25,29


Page 5: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax


Nagoya station, West exit, in front of the fountain (Meet 10:20)→ Korankei Gorge (Stroll & have lunch/approx.180 min)→ Nagoya Station (Scheduled 16:30)

NOV 14,15,18,20,24,26 27,28,29,30

Price:4,990yen – 5,990yen

Exact Price, No Hidden Cost


11月 14,15,18,20,24,26 27,28,29,30


人氣紅葉名所・香嵐溪!預留約3小時盡情遊覽約4千棵楓樹美景Stunning Autumn Colors at Korankei Gorge


1天1 DAY


Korankei Gorge:One of the finest autumn leaves spots in the

Tokai area. Hundreds and thousands of domestic tourists visit here every autumn. You can see “the beauty of the gorge” in the contrast of autumn colored maple leaves and green cedar trees covering over 1 Km of the gorge. The image of the surface on Tomoe River reflecting autumn foliage is beyond description.

The best time to see autumn leaves is usually from mid-Nov to early Dec.

Page 6: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax



早餐:0 午餐:0 晚餐:0



1. Korankei Gorge:One of the finest autumn leaves spots in the Tokai area.

Hundreds and thousands of domestic tourists visit here every autumn. You can see “the beauty of the gorge” in the contrast of autumn colored maple leaves and green cedar trees covering over 1 Km of the gorge. The image of the surface on Tomoe River reflecting autumn foliage is beyond description.The best time to see autumn leaves is usually from mid-

Nov to early Dec.

2. Free time at Nabana no Sato illumination in Mie. This vast flower theme park is one of the largest winter illumination events in Japan.

11月 21,22,26,28

價格:7,990円明碼實價,無需小費 6


Tokai Region Travel: Korankei Gorge & Nabana no Sato Illumination


Nagoya station, West exit, in front of the fountain (Depart 11:20)→ Korankei→ Nabana no Sato (View the illumination event )→ Nagoya station (Schedule 20:30)

B:0 L:0 D:0

Nov 21,22,26,28

Price:7,990YenExact Price, No Hidden Cost

Page 7: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax



1,御射鹿池・・・四周環繞的樹木與紅葉倒映到湖面的絕景!2,橫谷溪谷・・・人氣的秋日郊遊健行路線之一,賞優美溪谷的秋楓景色3,八岳高原大橋・・・高100米、全長490米的宏偉大橋。從遠端飽覽蓋上紅葉的溪谷景緻。4,清里Terrace・・・乘登山吊椅前往標高約1,900米的雲上Terrace觀景平台5,Royal Hotel 八岳・・・高原度假酒店內享用精緻法式料理午餐♪

1. Mishakaike Pond: Inverted autumn leaves on the trees around the lake reflected in the water are amazing!2. Yokoya Gorge: One of the famous valleys for walking in autumn.Enjoy the autumn leaves color the valley.3. Yatsugatake Kogen Bridge: A 100m high, 490m long bridge.The valley colored with red and yellow leaves seen from the bridge is beautiful.4. Kiyosato Terrace: Take the lift to the terrace above the clouds at the altitude of about 1,900m.5. Royal Hotel Yatsugatake: Enjoy French cuisine for lunch at a resort hotel in the highlands.♪

10月 16-19,21,23-26,28-3111月 1-3



清里Terrace絕景&信州紅葉迴廊~御射鹿池・八岳高原大橋・橫谷溪谷~Nagano & Yamanashi Autumn Leaves: Mishakaike Pond, Yokoya Gorge, Yatsugatake Kogen Bridge & Kiyosato Terrace


Day1 (B: 0 L: 0 D: 1)Nagoya Station (8:00~9:00)→Shiojiri Station→ Mishakaike Pond → Yokoya Gorge→Neo Oriental Resort Yatsugatake Kogen Hana Hotel (Overnight)B: 0 L: 0 D: 1

Day2 (B: 1 L: 1 D: 0)Yatsugatake Kogen→ Yatsugatake Kogen Bridge → Utsukushi Forest (autumn-colored Yatsugatake Highland)→Kiyosato (terrace at the altitude of about 1,900m)→Royal Hotel Yatsugatake (Lunch)→Higashizawa Bridge→ Yatsugatake (Shopping)→ Shiojiri Station→ Nagoya Station

Oct 16-19,21,23-26,28-31Nov 1-3

Price: 34,900Yenー37,900YenExact Price, No Hidden Cost

第1日名古屋站 (8:00~9:00出發)→鹽尻站→御射鹿池→橫谷溪谷→八岳高原・Neo Oriental Resort →八岳高原 花酒店 (住宿)

早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1


(展望台上飽覽八岳高原紅葉景色)→清里 (乘登山吊椅前往標高約1,900米的Terrace觀景平台)→ Royal Hotel 八岳 (午餐)→東澤大橋 (觀賞赤橋下的紅葉)→八岳 (自由購物)→鹽尻站→名古屋站 (18:00~20:20到達)早餐: 1 午餐: 1 晚餐: 0

Page 8: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax

難波OCAT (7:20集合)→梅田 (7:45集合)→琵琶湖Valley (琵琶湖Terrace飽覽琵琶湖美景)→[水杉木林蔭大道/車上欣賞]→雞足寺(位於湖北面的人氣紅葉勝地)

→梅田 (預定17:30到達)→難波 (預定18:00到達)

Namba OCAT (Meet 7:20)→ Umeda (Meet 7:45)→ Biwako Valley(Overlook Lake Biwa from "BiwakoTerrace" )→[Metasequoia row of trees]→ Keisokuji Temple Wander through the maple trees that fill the temple grounds )→ Umeda (Scheduled 17:30)→ Namba (Scheduled 18:00)

NOV 11,13,15,17,19,21,23

Price:8,990yen – 9,990yen

Exact Price, No Hidden Cost

11月 11,13,15,17,19,21,23


空中纜車暢遊琵琶湖Valley&紅葉勝地「雞足寺」/難波OCAT・梅田出發Autumn Tour in Shiga Prefecture: Biwako Valley by Ropeway & Keisokuji Temple/ From Namba OCAT・Umeda


1天1 DAY




1. Take the Biwako Ropeway to enjoy a bird's eye view of the Biwako Valley in autumn colors. At the top, enjoy the views of the lake from Biwako Terrace.*Best viewing period for autumn colors is late October to late November.

2. Wander through the grounds of Keisoku-ji Temple, a famous autumn leaves viewing spot known for the bright red maple leaves that create a red carpet around the temple grounds.*Best viewing period for autumn colors is mid to late November.

3. Enjoy a drive through the pretty tree-lined road Metasequoia avenue.

Page 9: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax




1. Kunenan Gardens are designated as a national scenic spot. Many azaleas and red and yellow maple trees planted in a 6,800-square-meter garden that has been built over nine years. It opens to the public for very limited time, only for 9 days!2. Yamada Sunflower Garden: Stroll through the autumn sunflower fields with about 100,000 sunflowers blooming from October to November every year. ♪3. Yabakei Gorge・Aonodomon: a 185 meters long tunnel dug through the bedrock using only a hammer and chisel. At this moment, there is a tunnel made by machines, but some parts of the old handmade tunnel are still remain. The large ginkgo tree at the entrance of the tunnel is overwhelming!4. Kumamoto Castle Park: Enjoy the autumn leaves with Kumamoto Castle in the background as if you were having a time-slip to Japan in the past.5. Sarutobi Sentsubo Gorge: Enjoy the autumn leaves and the view of the valley from the suspension bridge!


價格:35,990円ー44,990円明碼實價,無需小費 9

精選九州秋日美景2天之旅~九年庵秋季限定開放・秋天向日葵・耶馬溪・熊本城公園~Kyushu Autumn Foliage: Specially Opened Kunenan Gardens, Sunflowers, Yabakei Gorge, Kumamoto Castle Park


Day1 (B: 0 L: 0 D: 1)Shin-Osaka (Depart 7:11~8:24)→ Hakata Station→Yamada Sunflower Garden→ Kunenan Gardens → Niiyama Shrine → Kumamoto Castle Park→ Kikusui no Sato (Dinner)→ Kumamoto・Candeo Hotels Kikuyo Kumamoto Airport or a similar class hotel (Overnight)

Day2 (B: 1 L: 1 D: 0)Kumamoto Station→ Sarutobi Sentsubo Gorge→ Keisekien→ Goryo Shrine→ Aonodomon・Kyoshuho→ Yabakei Bridge→ Nakatsu Castle Park→ Kokura Station→ Shin-Osaka Station

Nov 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23

Price: 35,990Yenー44,990YenExact Price, No Hidden Cost

第1日 (早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1)

新大阪 (7:11~8:24出發) →博多→山田向日葵園 (遊覽)→九年庵 (遊覽)→仁比山神社 (觀賞參道上的紅葉美景)→熊本城公園 (遊覽)→ Kikusui之里 (晚餐)→熊本・Candeo Hotels菊陽熊本機場 或同級 (住宿)

第2日 (早餐: 1 午餐: 0 晚餐: 0)

熊本 → 猿飛千壺峽(遊覽)→溪石園 (參觀日本庭園內的紅葉景色)→御靈神社 (遊覽人氣紅葉勝地)→青之洞門・競秀峰 (遊覽)→耶馬溪橋 (遊覽8連拱形石橋)→中津城公園 (遊覽)→小倉→新大阪 (21:00~22:28到達)

Page 10: JV520 秋日茨城縣精選紅葉絕景3 ~袋田瀑布 天 Autumn …...Oirase Stream, Mt. Hakkoda, Tsutanuma Lake & Lake Towada Stay 27400 3天 3Days ~令人響往不已的絕景周遊之旅~


旅程 Itinerary 行程特色 Highlights

出發日期Departure Date /1人價格 price per pax


世界遺產 白川鄉&飛驒高山・下呂溫泉 2日遊■ 香嵐溪: 暢遊東海地區人氣紅葉名所■小原四季櫻: 珍貴品種!一年開花兩次,同時欣賞櫻花與紅葉的難逢機會■世界遺產 白川鄉: 世界遺産 合掌屋村落自由活動!從展望台眺望童話般景色■飛驒高山: 參觀朝市&漫步特色老街■岩村: 電視拍攝取景地點,古色古香城下町■下呂温泉: 日本三名泉之一!更有美人之湯的美譽

Explore leading attractions in Aichi and Gifu prefectures (Tokai region) during autumn leaves season!■ Korankei: One of the best places in Tokai to see autumn leaves. ■ Obara Shikizakura (Four-Season Cherry Blossom): Famous area where cherry blossoms grow in Spring and Autumn. Enjoy the contrast of the cherry blossoms with the autumn leaves. ■ Shirakawa-go: A World Heritage site! Free time at the the thatched roof village which you can also see from the observation deck!■ Hida Takayama: Visit the morning market and the quaint historic streets.■ Iwamura: A pretty castle town and a popular filming location.■ Overnight at Gero Onsen, one of Japan’s top three hot spring resorts.

11月 8,14,20,23,26,28

價格:25,900円ー30,900円明碼實價,無需小費 10

紅葉勝地「香嵐溪」&「小原四季櫻」、世界遺產 白川鄉&飛驒高山・下呂溫泉 2日遊【難波Parks・梅田・新大阪出發】Tokai Autumn Leaves: Korankei, Obara Shikizakura, Shirakawa-go, Hida Takayama & Gero Onsen


Day1 (B: 0 L: 0 D: 1)Namba Parks (Meet 7:05)→Umeda (Depart 7:30)→ Shin-Osaka (Depart 7:55)→ Korankei (Leading autumn viewing spot)→Obara Four-Season Cherry Blossom (cherry blossoms in autumn!)→Iwamura (Wander the pretty castle town)→ Hotel de Marronnier or similar standard hotel, Gero Onsen

Day2 (B: 1 L: 0 D: 0)Gero Onsen→Hida Takayama→Shirakawa-go →Shin-Osaka (Schedule 19:50)→Osaka (Schedule 20:10)→ Namba (Schedule 20:40)

Nov 8,14,20,23,26,28

Price: 25,900Yenー30,900YenExact Price, No Hidden Cost

第1日難波Parks(7:05集合)→梅田(7:30出發)→新大阪(7:55出發)→香嵐溪(東海地區屈指賞楓名所)→小原四季櫻(珍貴!1年開花2次+賞楓)→岩村(古色古香城下町)→ Marronnier下呂溫泉 或 同級 (住宿)早餐: 0 午餐: 0 晚餐: 1

第2日下呂溫泉→飛驒高山(朝市&老街散步)→白川鄉(世界遺產 集落内散步)

→新大阪(預定19:50到達)→大阪(預定20:10到達)→難波(預定20:40到達)早餐: 1 午餐: 0 晚餐: 0
