

Problem : Why ions are seperated into groups in the qualitative analysis scheme rather than the entire sample being analyzed for each ion?

Answer : Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa ion terbagi menjadi dua golongan, yaitu kation (ion positif) dan anion (ion negatif). Misalnya untuk kation, lebih spesifik lagi, digolongkan berdasarkan atas perbedaan kelarutan dari garam klorida, sulfida dan karbonat sebagai berikut : Gol I (Gol. Asam Klorida), II (Gol. Asam Sulfida), III (Gol. Amonium Sulfida), IV (Gol. Amonium Karbonat), V (Gol. Sisa). Cara menggolongkan ada 3 cara : Systematic separation of the ions in a solution into groups of ions by formation of groups of insoluble precipitates Separation of the components of each group of precipitates by solubility or by reactivity Identification of each components by converting it into a compound, the solubility or reactivity of which is unique at that step in the scheme, if the scheme has been followed properly

Adapun berdasarkan jebnis logam, kation terbagi menjadi 5 grup :

The Metals of Analytical Group I. When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of the common metals ion, metals chloride precipitateIons: mercury (I), silver, and lead The Metals of Analytical Group II. The solution is made acidic, metal ions precipitate as sulfide by addition of hydrogen sulfide.Ions: lead, bismuth, copper, cadmium, mercury (II), arsenic, antimony, tin The Metals of Analytical Group III. The solution is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, and then an excess of aqueous ammonia is added.Ions: cobalt, nickel, manganese, iron, zinc, aluminum, chromium The Metals of Analytical Group IV. The solution are precipitated as their carbonates by ammonium carbonate in a buffer aqueous ammonia and ammonium carbonateIons: barium, strontium, calcium The Metals of Analytical Group V.Ions: Sodium, potassium, magnesium, and ammonium ions.