Download pdf - Korean expressions 6

Transcript Video Lesson

7 Random Korean Expressions Episode 6

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Expressions introduced in the video for this PDF:

책 [chaek] book

책을 읽다 [chae-geul il-da] to read a book

주차장 [ ju-cha-jang] parking lot

차 한 대 [cha han dae] one car

화살표 [hwa-sal-pyo] arrow

건물 [geon-mul] building

나무 [na-mu] tree

잎 [ip] leaf

비어 있다 [bi-eo it-da] to be empty

Sentences used in the video:

저는 지금 책을 읽고 있어요.

I’m reading a book now.

“내 머리 사용법” 재미있는 책이에요.

“내 머리 사용법” It’s an interesting book.


Follow me.

여기는 주차장이에요.

This is a parking lot. Video Lesson

7 Random Korean Expressions Episode 6

Thank you for studying with us at This PDF is to be used along with the video available at our site or on our Youtube channel. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us in the comment box for this lesson at! 감사합니다.

주차장에 차가 한 대 주차되어 있어요.

There is a car parked in the parking lot.

자동차가 한 대 주차되어 있어요.

There is one car parked.

그리고 바닥에 보시면 바닥에 화살표가 있어요.

And if you look on the ground, there’s an arrow on the ground.

바닥에 화살표가 하나 그려져 있고, 그 옆에 자동차가 한 대 주차돼 있어요.

There’s an arrow drawn on the ground, and there’s a car parked next to it.

그리고 옆에 보면 건물들이 있어요.

And if you look to the sides, there are buildings.

건물 안에 사람들이 일을 하고 있어요.

In the buildings there are people working.

그리고 그 건물 옆에 나무가 있는데, 나무에 잎이 없어요.

And next to the building there is a tree, and there are no leaves on the tree.

예, 아직 봄이 아니어서, 나무에 잎이 없어요.

It’s still not Spring, so there are no leaves on the tree.

여길 보시면 다시 한 번, 주차장이에요.

If you look at this place once again, it’s a parking lot.

주차장에 차가 없어서 비어 있어요.

There’s no car in the parking lot, so it’s empty. Video Lesson

7 Random Korean Expressions Episode 6

Thank you for studying with us at This PDF is to be used along with the video available at our site or on our Youtube channel. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us in the comment box for this lesson at! 감사합니다.

주차장이 비어 있어요.

The parking lot is empty.

안녕히 계세요.

