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Proses Konversi Pada Bahan Yang Memanfaatkan Enzim Sebagai


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• Molekul protein yang dihasilkan sel hidup katalis reaksi biokimia spesifik & selektif

• Secara molekuler :

merupakan protein yang tersusun atas serangkaian asam amino dalam komposisi dan sekuens yang teratur dan tetap konformasi 3 dimensi

“Sisi aktif ” = bag permukaan enzim yang berupa rangkaian asam amino gugus fungsionalnya berinteraksi dengan substrat


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Enzyme Structure

Enzymes are globular proteins. Their folded conformation creates an area known as the active site. The nature and arrangement of amino acids in the active site make it specific for only one type of substrate.

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Reaksi Enzimatis

Kerja enzim : mempercepat reaksi dengan menurunkan energi aktivasi (Ea)

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Pengaruh enzim pada Energi Aktivasi

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Aktivitas Enzim

Aktivitas enzim dinyatakan sebagai ‘unit’ Definisi: ‘Satu unit merupakan sejumlah enzim yang akan

mengkonversi satu mikro mol substrat per menit pada kondisi pH dan suhu tertentu’.

• Aktivitas Enzim U/mL

• Aktivitas Spesifik U/mg protein enzim

ukuran kemurnian

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a. Pengaruh pHpH

pH optimum

Laju maksimumLa

ju. r




suhu optimum

Laju maksimum




b. Pengaruh suhu


. rea


Laju maksimum





Vm: Laju Reaksi maksimumKm: konstanta Michaelis

c. Pengaruh [substrat]




n P




d. Pengaruh aktivator


Enzim1 aktivator




n P




d. Pengaruh inhibitor


Enzim1 inhibitor

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Persamaan Michaelis-Menten

Saat V = ½ Vmaks Km = [S]

Km →[S]


½ Vmaks

E + S ES E + PK1 K2


Pengaruh Substrat

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Line Weaver-Burk









a b











Km memberikan informasi tentang ikatan substrat yang terikat oleh enzim (= konsentrasi S pada saat

V=1/2 Vmaks)

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Kelas/Grup Utama Enzim berdasarkan Tipe reaksi yang dikatalisis :

1. Oksidoreduktase

2. Transferase

3. Hidrolase

4. Liase

5. Isomerase

6. Ligase

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1. Oksidoreduktase :

mengkatalisis reaksi oksidasi-reduksi

- Bekerja pada gugus tertentu dari substrat (e.g gugus CH-OH , gugus aldehida, gugus alkana CH-CH, gugus amina CH-NH2, gugus sulfur dll)

- Contoh Oksidoreduktase:

* etanol dehidrogenase mengkatalisis reaksi oksidasi etanol menjadi asetaldehida dgn bantuan kofaktor NAD

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Contoh Oksidoreduktase :

* glukosa oksidase memindahkan sepasang elektron dari substrat β-D-glukosa ke oksigen β–glukono-δ-lakton + H2O2

(Konversi glukosa menjadi glukono lakton dapat dilakukan secara enzimatik atau fermentasi oleh mikroba tertentu)

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2. Transferase

mengkatalisis reaksi pemindahan (transfer) gugus fungsional (gugus metil, amino, asil, fosfat, glikosil dll)

Contoh :

* Aminotransferase (pemindahan gugus amino) :

Asam glutamat + asam oksaloasetat asam α-keto glutarat + asam aspartat

* Fosfofruktokinase (pemindahan gugus fosfat) :

Fruktosa 6-fosfat Fruktosa 1,6-difosfat


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3. Hidrolase

mengkatalisis pemecahan (hidrolisis) ikatan

C-O, C-N, O-P dan C-S

Contoh :

molekul polimer pati, selulosa, pektin, protein, lipida dll menjadi molekul lebih sederhana (penting pada industri !) . Contoh : protease, lipase, esterase, glikosidase dll.

- Bekerja pada ikatan peptida, ikatan glikosidik, ikatan ester, ikatan eter, ikatan hidrogen-fosfat dll

- Spesifitas beragam, dari terbatas (contoh tripsin memecah ikatan peptida pada sisi karboksil lisin & arginin) sd luas (selulase memecah ikatan glikosidik β-1,4 secara acak)

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4. Liase

mengkatalisis reaksi pemindahan gugus H2O, amonia atau CO2 dari substrat

Contoh : aldolase, dekarboksilase, dehidratase pektinase

Histidin dekarboksilase :

(memindahkan gugus CO2 dari histidin yang penting pada metabolisme asam amino)

Histidin Histamin + CO2

Note : histamin dapat menyebabkan keracunan pada produk hasil laut

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5. Isomerase

mengkatalisis reaksi isomerasi bentuk cis-trans, keto-enol, aldosa-ketosa dll (rasemase, epimerase, isomerase cis-trans, dll)

- Contoh :

* Rasemase (perubahan bentuk D menjadi L)

Asam D-laktat Asam L-laktat

* Glukosa isomerase (isomerisasi glukosa menjadi fruktosa pembuatan HFS)

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D - Glukosa

D - Xilosa

Reaksi Katalitik Oleh Glukosa Isomerase








D - Fruktosa








D - Xilulosa

mengkatalisis isomerisasi : - D-glukosa D-fruktosa - D-xilosa D-xilulosa.



















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6. Ligase

mengkatalisis reaksi sintesis dgn penggabungan

dua mol substrat dgn bantuan ATP = Sintetase

(dengan membentuk ikatan C-O, C-S, C-N, C-C dll)

- Contoh :

Amino asil tRNA sintetase, glutamin sintetase, piruvat karboksilase dll

Glutamat + NH3 + ATP Glutamin + ADP + Pi

glutamin sintetase

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Karakteristik Beberapa Enzim Penting

Penting diketahui untuk aplikasinya :

- α-Amilase

- Amiloglukosidase (AMG)

- Selulase

- Protease

- Lipase

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α-Amilase (1,4-α-glukan-glukanohidrolase)

Enzim -amilase terdistribusi secara luas di alam, terdapat padahewan, tumbuhan dan mikroba.

Menghidrolisis pati secara acak melalui bagian dalam (endo-hydrolase/ endoenzim) dgn memutus ikatan -(1,4) glikosidik pada amilosa, amilopektin dan glikogen

Enzim -amilase umumnya diisolasi dari Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B. licheniformis, Aspergillus oryzae dan A. niger

pH optimum untuk enzim ini sekitar 6 dengan suhu optimum 60oC

Enzim -amilase yang dibuat oleh Novo Industri A/S antara lain adalah Termamyl yang memiliki ketahanan terhadap suhu sekitar 95 – 110oC

Dosis enzim yang digunakan sekitar 0,5 – 0,6 kg/ton pati atau 1500 U/kg substrat kering (baca brosur/label kemasan)

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Hidrolisis amilosa oleh α-amilase terjadi melalui dua tahap :

1. Tahap pertama adalah degradasi polimer pati menjadi maltosa dan maltotriosa yang terjadi secara acak. Degradasi ini sangat cepat diikuti dengan menurunnya viskositas secara cepat.

2. Tahap kedua relatif lebih lambat dengan pembentukan glukosa dan maltosa sebagai hasil akhir.

Hidrolisis amilopektin oleh α-amilase menghasilkan glukosa, maltosa dan berbagai jenis α-limit dekstrin, yaitu oligosakarida yang terdiri dari empat atau lebih residu glukosa yang mengandung ikatan α-1,6- glikosidik.



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merupakan eksoenzim yang melepaskan maltosa dari ujung non pereduksi suatu polisakarida, dengan cara menghidrolisis ikatan α 1,4 glikosidik

Digunakan untuk membuat sirup maltosa


Menghidrolisis dekstran (meyebabkan cairan kental) pada ikatan α 1.6 glikosidik menjadi oligosakarida lebih sederhana digunakan pada penggilingan tebu untuk pembuatan gula pasir

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Amiloglukosidase (AMG) (glukoamilase, gamma-amilase)

Eksoenzim yang memecah ikatan -(1,4) glikosidik dengan melepaskan unit- unit glukosa dari ujung non-pereduksi molekul amilosa dan amilopektin.

Enzim ini juga dapat memotong ikatan α-1,6-glikosidik akan tetapi kerjanya relatif lambat perlu penggabungan dgn debrancing enzyme untuk mempercepat hidrolisis pada ikatan α-1,6-glikosidik. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan pullulanase yang dapat bekerja cepat memotong ikatan α-1,6-glikosidik pada amilopektin menjadi maltosa dan maltotriosa AMG + pullulanase = dextrozyme

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Amiloglukosidase diproduksi dalam jumlah besar oleh kapang dan khamir hanya Aspergillus dan Rhizopus yang digunakan secara komersial

Suhu optimum untuk enzim amiloglukosidase berkisar 40-60oC dengan pH optimum sekitar 3-8

Digunakan dengan dosis berkisar 0,65 – 0,80 liter enzim per ton pati dengan dosis sebesar 200 U/kg pati

Amiloglukosidase yang berasal dari Novo tersedia dalam bentuk cair

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Selulase-Merupakan kompleks enzim yg terdiri dari beberapa enzim yg bekerja secara bertahap atau bersama-sama meng- uraikan selulosa menjadi glukosa


β -1,4- glukanase

β -1,4- glukosidase

Endo-β-1,4- glukanase

Ekso-β-1,4- glukanase

β-1,4- glukanselobiohidrolase

β-1,4- glukanglukohidrolase

Selulosa : berasosiasi dgn lignin & hemiselulosa = holoselulosa/ lignoselulosa Homopolimer glukosa dengan ikatan β-1,4 glikosidik

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β -1,4- glukanase : Menghidrolisis ikatan β -1,4 glikosidik secara acak terutama pada daerah amorf serat selulosaTidak menyerang selobiosa, tapi menghidrolisis selodekstrin dan selulosa yg telah dilunakkan dgn asam fosfat & selulosa yg telah disubstitusi (e.g CMC)

β -1,4- glukosidase : Menghidrolisis selobiosa dan selo-oligosakarida glukosa (tidak menyerang selulosa/selodekstrin)

β-1,4- glukan selobiohidrolase :Menyerang ujung rantai selulosa non pereduksi selobiosa Tak menyerang selulosa yg disubstitusi & selobiosa

β-1,4- glukan glukohidrolase : Menyerang ujung rantai selulosa non pereduksi glukosa

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Selulosa Selulosa reaktif Selobiosa Glukosa

Mekanisme hidrolisis selulosa secara enzimatis

ClCx C

Cx : glukanase ; Cl : selobiohidrolase ; C : β-glukosidase

Mikroba Penghasil Selulase : a.l.- Trichoderma reseei aktivitas lbh tinggi- Clostridium thermocellum

Aplikasi Produksi Bioetanol dari Lignoselulosa

Bahan Baku : Bagas (limbah tebu pabrik gula)Perlakuan awal : + Kapang (Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, Lentinus edodes & Pleurotus ostreatus & perebusanHidrolisis kombinasi 3 enzim (selulase, selobiase & xylanase)Fermentasi serempak Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hasil etanol 36,4 %

Produksi Bioetanol dari bagas dgn hidrolisis selulase, α-amilase & AMG

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Lactase is a glycoside hydrolase enzyme that cuts lactose into it's constituent sugars galactose and glucose.

Without sufficient production of lactase enzyme in the small intestine, humans become lactose intolerant, resulting in discomfort (cramps, gas and diarrhea) in the digestive tract upon ingestion of milk products.

Lactase is used commercially to prepare lactose-free products, particularly milk, for such individuals. It is also used in preparation of ice cream, to make a creamier and sweeter-tasting product.

Lactase is usually prepared from Kluyveromyces sp. of yeast and Aspergillus sp. of fungi.

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Memutus protein dg cara menghidrolisis ikatan peptida Aplikasi terutama pada industri deterjen dan keju (rennin) Penggunaan lain : industri farmasi, industri kulit,

pembuatan protein hidrolisat, industri makanan, industri film dan penanganan limbah

Mikroba penghasil protease :

Protease alkali : - Stabil terhadap suhu tinggi, pH 9-11, chelating agent - Mikroba penghasil : Bacillus licheniformis, B.

amyloliquefaciens, B.megaterium, B.pumilus - Streptococcus griceus, S. fradiae, S.rectus - Aspergillus niger, A. sojae, A.oryzae, A. flavus

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Protease Netral : - Relatif tidak stabil thd pH, suhu & dpt diinaktivasi oleh

protease alkali - Aplikasi : industri kulit & industri makanan (crackers, roti


Protease Asam-Aktif pada suasana asam, contoh : rennin & pepsin (pH opt 2-3)- Aplikasi :- Protease dari Aspergillus untuk memecah gluten pada pemanggangan

Rennin-Menggumpalkan kasein susu pada pembuatan keju- Mikroba penghasil : S. lactis, S. cremoris, S. thermophilus,

Lactobacillus bulgaricus, L. helveticus

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Lipase (Gliserol ester hydrolase) Memutus lemak menjadi di atau monogliserida dan asam lemak

Mikroba penghasil : Kapang : Aspergillus, Mucor, Rhizopus, Khamir : Candida

pH optimum netral atau agak asam, suhu optimum 30 – 45 0C

Aplikasi : - farmasi : enzim pencernaan (suplemen lipase pankreas) - Industri susu (pematangan keju) - dll

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Important Applications of α-Amylase

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Suspensi pati

GelatinasiPati(95-105 0C)

α-Amilase bakteri(pH 6.0-6.6, 105oC, 5 mnt atau 95oC 1-2 jam



Glukoamilase atauGlukoamilase+ PululanasepH 4.0-4.5, 60oC, 48-72 jam

Sirup Glukosaα-Amilase kapang+ glukoamilasepH 5.0, 55oC, 42 jam



Sirup Glukosa

Amilase kapang atauβ-amilasepH 5.5, 55oC, 42 jam

Sirup Maltosa

Kolom Penukar Ion

Isomerisasi Glukosa isomerasepH 7.5-8.5, 60-65oC, 2-4 jam

Sirup FruktosaSirup FruktosaBerkadar tinggiPemurnian

Produksi Sirup Glukosa & Sirup Fruktosa

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Bentuk jual beberapa enzim industriBentuk jual beberapa enzim industri

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Enzim Sumber Konversi yg dikatalisis


Katalase A. niger, Micrococcus Lysodeikticus

& bovine liver

2 H2O2

2 H2O + O2

-Membuang residu H2O2 (racun) setlh sterilisasi dingin susu dan putih telur,

-Membuang peroksida dari kerja glukosa oksidase- Membuang O2 dari sari buah (kerjasama dg glukosa oksidase)


A. niger Glukosa + O2 Glukono-δ-lakton +


-Menghilangkan gula pada putih telur untuk mencegah browning dan off-flavor selama pengeringan


Tepung kedelai

Linoleat + O2


Menghilangkan bau langu kacang

* Aplikasi Oksidoreduktase

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Contoh Aplikasi Oksidoreduktase :

Glukosa oksidase memindahkan sepasang elektron dari substrat β-D-glukosa ke oksigen β–glukono-δ-lakton + H2O2

The glucose oxidase enzyme is commonly used in biosensors to detect levels of glucose by keeping track of the number of electrons passed through the enzyme by connecting it to an electrode and measuring the resulting charge. This has a possible application in the world of nanotechnology when used in conjunction with tiny electrodes as glucose sensors for diabetics.

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Glucono delta-lactone (GDL) :

is a naturally-occurring food additive with the E number E575 used as a sequestrant, an acidifier, or a curing, pickling, or leavening agent in bakery products.

-GdL ia a slow leavening agents, based on the progressive hydrolysis of GdL to gluconic acid when water is added to the dough mix. The gluconic acid then reacts with sodium bicarbonate for a continuous release of carbon dioxide.)- Also functioning as a substitute for enzymes in cheese processing or tofu manufacturing . GdL is acoagulant in silken tofu, (tofu with a smooth texture similar to yoghurt and a high water content). GdL is also combined with calcium sulphate or calcium chloride to produce a silken tofu with a firmer texture.

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Glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) Utilisation

GDL is used for various technological purposes with regard to foodstuffs: •for the regulation of acidity and colour in food •for the support of antioxidants and preservatives (suppress the growth of unwanted or pathogenic microrganisms) •for sausage and canned fish (as an accelerator of maturation) •for shellfish and processed vegetables (as a stabiliser of colour) •in baking powder (to facilitate the consistent production of acidity and so to provide constant support of baking procedures)

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Glucono delta-lactone (GDL)

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Curing Accelerator in Meat Products

In curing : red colour formation process of sausages are highly dependent on the pH . When using GdL in scalded sausages, the curing process is both accelerated and made more complete, resulting in a brighter red colour of the meat product. GdL thus allows to reduce both the addition of nitrite by up to 30% and the residual level of nitrite by up to 75%, making the product safer.

GdL enhance the antimicrobial action of lactates in pâtés, to lower the pH of poultry products to remedy their pinking.

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Chelating Agent in Seafood

GdL, as an outstanding copper and iron chelating agent, helps inhibiting melanosis by depriving the enzymes causing the browning of the metal ions needed for their activation.The combination with sulphites in the pre-freezing dip of frozen shrimps or in the blanching brine of canned shrimps allows to come away from calcium disodium EDTA and to reduce the sulphite use by 50-90%.

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Enzim Sumber Konversi yang dikatalisis Manfaat

α-amilase Barley malt, fungi, bakteri

pati, glikogen + H2O


Hidrolisat pati pada industri minuman, pembuatan roti, dextrinized starch, makanan bayi

β-amilase Wheat, barley malt, bakteri (bacillus)

pati, glikogen + H2O

Maltosa β-limit dextrin (ikatan α-1,4)

Industri roti dan Minuman beralkohol : sumber karbon untuk produksi CO2

dan alkohol, sirup maltosa

β-glukanase A. niger, B. subtilis, barley malt

pati-D-glukan + H2O

oligosakarida, glukosa (ikatan β-1,3 dan β-1,4)

Degumming pada industri minuman beralkohol

Glukoamilase (amilogluko-sidase,AMG)

A. Niger, A. oryzae, R. oryzae

pati, glikogen + H2O

glukosa (ikatan α-1,4)

Sakarifikasi pati terlikuifikasi

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Debranching enzymes (pullulanase, isoamylase)

A. aerogenes, Pseudomonas

amilopektin + H2O

amilosa rantai pendek menghidrolisis ikatan α-1,6

Oligosakarida (amilosa rantai pendek)

Inulinase Kluyvero-myces

Polifruktan (inulin) + H2O fruktosa


Isomerase Glukosa < --- > fruktosaXilosa < --- > xilulosa


Selulase A. niger, T. viride

Selulosa + H2O β-

dekstrin (ikatan β-1,4)

Klarifikasi jus buah, meningkatkan ekstraksi minyak atsiri, produksi glukosa dari bahan selulosa

Hemiselulase A. niger Hemiselulase + H2O

β-dekstrin (ikatan β-1,4) dari locust bean gum, guar gum

Memudahkan pengelupasan kulit kopi, meningkatkan germinasi biji-bijian dll

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Invertase (sukrosa hidrolase)


Sukrosa + H2O

glukosa + fruktosa (gula invert)

Mengkatalisis pembentukan gula invert, mencegah kristalisasi produk permen

Laktase (Β- galaktosidase)

A. niger, A. oryzae

Laktosa + H2O

galaktosa + glukosa

Hidrolisis laktosa dalam produk susu, meningkatkan kemanisan produk, mencegah kristalisasi laktosa, low-lactose milk untuk penderita lactose intolerance

Pektinase, terdiri dari poligalakturona-se, pektin metil esterase, pektat liase

A. niger, A. oryzae

*Poligalakturona-se menghidrolisis β-D-1,4 galakturonida*Pektin metilesterase menghilangkan gugus metil pada pektin

Ditambahkan pada klarifikasi dan filtrasi jus dan wine, mencegah penggumpalan pada jus buah konsentrat, mengatur cloud rentention pada jus, dll.

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Apple juice is one of the fruit juice which is manufactured by maceration and pressing of apples. The expelled juice is further processed by centrifugal and enzymatic clarification to remove the pectin and starch.

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Type Enzyme Function

Cellulase Breaks down cellulose, a fibre found in the cell walls of all plants and trees. Cellulose is the

basic raw material used to make products such as paper, cotton, and other textiles

Hemicellulase Breaks down hemicellulose, another plant sugar that is not as complex as cellulose and is

easier to break down

Xylanase Breaks down xylan, a gummy sugar present in the cell walls of plants and trees. This enzyme

type is used primarily in the wood and pulp industry are Enzymes?

Pulp and Paper Industry

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Enzyme Biotechnology and Biofuels

Enzymes may be used to help produce fuels from renewable sources of biomass. Such enzymes include cellulases, which convert cellulose fibres from feedstocks like corn into sugars. These sugars are subsequently fermented into ethanol by microorganisms.

A new process called “Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation” has greatly improved ethanol production efficiency. In this new process, cellulase enzymes and fermentation microorganisms are combined in a single reaction mixture to produce ethanol in one step .

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* Aplikasi Protein HidrolaseEnzim Sumber Konversi yang dikatalisis Manfaat

Bromelin Nanas Hidrolisis protein dan polipeptida menjadi peptida dengan BM rendah

-Mengempukkan daging, -Meningkatkan ekstraksi

minyak dan protein dari tanaman dan hewan, -Pembuatan hidrolisat protein-Pengolahan protein ikan

Ficin Ficus sp. Protease dari tanaman. Hidrolisis polipeptida, amida dan ester (leu,

gly) menjadi peptida dengan BM rendah

Papain Pepaya

Protease AspergillusBacillus

Hidrolisis protein dan polipeptida menjadi peptida dengan BM rendah

-Meningkatkan warna dan flavor roti, -Mengempukkan daging-Meningkatkan dispersitas susu bubuk & meningkatkan stabilitas susu evaporasi

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Pepsin Porcine,Perut hewan

Hidrolisis polipeptida (asam amino aromatik, dikarboksilat) menjadi peptida dengan BM rendah

Bovine pepsin rennet extender dan koagulan susu (keju), produksi hidrolisat protein

Tripsin Pankreas hewan

Hidrolisis polipeptida (ggs karboksil L-arg, L-lys) menjadi peptida dengan BM rendah

Menekan oksidasi flavor di susu; produksi hidrolisat protein

Rennet Perut hewan ruminansia; Mucor miehei, M. Pusilus, Endothia parasitica

Selektivitas tinggi terhadap kasein susu, mengkoagulasi susu

Koagulasi susu dalam pembuatan keju, meningkatkan flavor dan tekstur pada pematangan keju

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Enzymes as Detergent

Enzymes have also been used in the detergent industry since the mid 1960’s and are probably the best-known application of industrial enzymes especially in laundry products – the so-called “biological” washing powders, liquids and tablets.

The main enzyme used : protease - group of hydrolases acting on peptide bonds, belongs to EC 3.4 group. Used for removing of protein contamination acts on organic stains such as grass, blood, egg and human sweat.

http ://

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Cellulase : more recently, cellulase used as a colour enhancing and ‘anti-bobbling’ washing powders . Cellulases is removed detached cellulose fibrils, which cause a progressive dulling of the colour as dirt is trapped on the rough surface of the fabric.

However, it has become more common in recent years to include a mixed of enzyme activities including lipases and amylases.

Lipases (group of esterases (EC 3.1) disintegrated lipids. Allow to remove fatty stains effective on stains resulting from fatty acids such as oils and fats (and lipsticks!) Amylase help remove starchy food deposits.

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Formulasi Enzim Deterjen

• Nilai pH deterjen 10 protease alkalin dari Bacillus sp

• Bentuk awal : dry powder pekerja alergi & gangguan kulit

• Formulasi : enkapsulasi agar debu tak beterbangan, partikel larut cepat, tak menghasilkan bau & warna, daya simpan lebih baik, melindungi thd komponen lain e.g bleaching agent

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*Proses Enkapsulasi Protease metode NOVO

• bentuk : granula menggunakan “pelletising drum”• untuk mencegah pelekatan pada dinding mixer & menjaga ukuran granula, ditambahkan serat selulosa• merk : Granule-T

*Proses Enkapsulasi Protease metode Gist-Brocades

• Cairan fermentasi (broth) filtrasi presipitasi enzim filtrasi pengeringan disaring powder

• Formulasi : enzim powder dicampur aditif etoxylated-C18-fatty alcohol “prill tower” bentuk bola dilapis agar tidak berdebu selama penanganan (pelapis (minyak parafin atau PEG) merk : Maxatase dan Maxacal (pH opt ≥10)

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Komposisi Deterjen Enzim

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RennetMilk contains proteins, specifically caseins, that maintain its liquid form. Proteases are enzymes that are added to milk during cheese production, to hydrolyze caseins, specifically kappa casein, which stabilizes micelle formation preventing coagulation. The most common enzyme isolated from rennet is chymosin., which can be obtained from several other animal, microbial or vegetable sources, but indigenous microbial chymosin (from fungi or bacteria) is ineffective for making cheddar and other hard cheeses.

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LipasesLipases are used to break down milk fats and give characteristic flavours to cheeses. Stronger flavoured cheeses, for example, the italian cheese, Romano, are prepared using lipases. The flavour comes from the free fatty acids produced when milk fats are hydrolyzed. Animal lipases are obtained from kid, calf and lamb, while microbial lipase is derived by fermentation with the fungal species Mucor meihei. Although microbial lipases are available for cheese-making, they are less specific in what fats they hydrolyze, while the animal enzymes are more partial to short and medium-length fats. Hydrolysis of the shorter fats is preferred because it results in the desirable taste of many cheeses. Hydrolysis of the longer chain fatty acids can result in either soapiness, or no flavour at all.

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Milk contains a number of different types of proteins, in addition to the caseins. Cow milk also contains whey proteins such as lactalbumin and lactoglobulin. The denaturing of these whey proteins, using proteases, results in a creamier yogurt product. Destruction of whey proteins is also essential for cheese production.

During production of soft cheeses, whey is separated from the milk after curdling, and may be sold as a nutrient supplement for body building, weight loss, and lowing blood pressure, among other things. There have even been reports of dietary whey for cancer therapies, and having a role in the induction of insulin production for those with Type 2 diabetes. Proteases are used to produce hydrolyzed whey protein, which is whey protein broken down into shorter polypeptide sequences. Hydrolyzed whey is less likely to cause allergic reactions and is used to prepare supplements for infant formulas and medical uses.

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* Lipase

Enzim Sumber Konversi yang dikatalisis


Lipase Jaringan pankreas hewan, A. Niger, A. oryzae

Hidrolisis triasil gliserol, ester asam lemak, menghasilkan mono- dan di- asilgliserol, gliserol dan asam lemak bebas

Lipase hewan : meningkatkan flavor pada industri keju, lypolized butter oil

Lipase mikrobial : menghidrolisis lipid (konsentrat minyak ikan)

This oil contains good Omega 3 polyunsaturated fats, particularly DHA, the most important of the Omega 3 fats, and EPA, also important.

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Cocoa Butterv SubstituteCocoa butter is extracted from the beans of the Theobroma cacao tree and used to make chocolate and other foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic ointments.

The expense of cocoa butter has led to the production of cocoa butter substitutes. The substitutes (known commercially as CBS) generally are made from plant oils, such as palm kernel oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil and coconut oil.

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Cocoa Butter Substitute

Lipase-catalysed trans-esterification reactions that are 1,3-specific are utilized for making cocoa butter substitutes, using cheaper mid-fraction of palm oil and stearic acid.

The mid-fraction of palm oil contains 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-monoolein (POP) as the major triglyceride The main constituents of cocoa butter 1-(3)-palmitoyl-3-(1)-stearoyl-2-monoolein (POS) and 1-(3)-distearyl-2-monoolein (TOS) Therefore, by transesterification catalyzed by lipozyme, between POP and stearic acid or POP and tristearin, valuable equivalents of cocoa butter have been made

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Lipases for Pharmaceutical Application

Microbial lipases are used to enrich PUFAs fromanimal and plant lipids, and their mono anddiacylglycerides are used to produce a variety ofpharmaceuticals. PUFAs are increasingly used asfood additives, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals

Microbial lipases are used to obtain PUFAs from animal and plant lipids, such as tuna oil and borage oil. Free PUFAs and their mono and diacylglycerides are subsequently used to produce a variety of pharmaceuticals

Liposomes are used in the medical field to optimizethe action of drugs by transporting them to targetareas, thus circumventing drug waste inactivation andanatomical barriers

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Enzyme treated Lecithin

Lecithin can easily be extracted chemically (using hexane) or mechanically from soy bean etc.It used as an emulsifier and to prevent sticking, for example in non-stick cooking spray.

To modify the performance of lecithin to make it suitable for the product to which it is added, it may be hydrolysed enzymatically. In hydrolysed lecithins, a portion of the phospholipids have one fatty acid removed by phospholipase. improved through strengthening the hydrophobicity

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ENZIM DALAM TEKNOLOGI REKAYASA GENETIKA Pembuatan DNA Rekombinan - Memotong gen yang akan ditranlasikan, - Membuat ujung fragmen DNA yg sesuai, sehingga dapat digunakan dg fragmen lain yang dikehendaki - Penyambungan fragmen-fragmen DNA membentuk DNA Rekombinan

1. Endonuklease Restriksi memotong DNA2. DNA Ligase untuk proses replikasi & menyambung fragmen DNA dg fragmen lain atau kloning membentuk DNA Rekombinan3. Nuklease menguraikan komponen nukleotida dari DNA (berperan pd proses replikasi) 4. RNA Polimerase berperan pada proses transkripsi DNA mRNA

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Enzymes in molecular biology

This is never ending story. Many of enzymes used in molecular biology directly in bacterial cells to synthesise necessary compounds.

Bacterial and yeasts cells can be used for any protein and peptide biosynthesis. Some of these bacterial enzymes can be used in vitro to perform the same biological processes, from which are most important enzymes for DNA/RNA manipulation.

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Therapeutic Enzymes

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