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“Bukan Ujian Nasional besok yang harus kau khawatirkan, tapi ujian

hidup yang akan kau lalui setelah kau meninggalkan bangku sekolah.”

Semangat ya UN nya, kakak-kakak kelas 12!


Pemimpin redaksiHilya Fesmia

ReporterAmira NegoroIlya A. PamuntjakOriana NamiraRaras Bunga IswaraShabrina AmaliaUbayassari NoorVarizka Anjani

Layout DesignerMaula NadiaHilya Fesmia

DAFTAR ISI:Staf Keredaksian 3

Pesan Guru Tercinta 4-7

Kalimat dari Alumni 8-11

Survey: Tingkat Kesiapan UN 12-13

Review: Musik 14

Review: Film 16-23

Surver: Best Memories 24-35

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4th lalu kita bersua di sebuah kelas riuh. Kita bermain,

mengeja nada-nada, men-gulang kekata.

Lagi-lagi tak akan terhapus dalam ingatan. Kita belajar mulai dari mencoret-coret wajah dengan bedak. Yang

salah jawab pertanyaan? CORET! (heh)

Mungkin brutal, kelas ribut, tapi di sana aku merasa ibu,

merasa ayah, merasa kawan, merasa seperti aku pemilik

rahim yang menjaga kalian.

Terimakasih, anak-anak he-bat. Banyak yang telah kalian

beeikan kepadaku, kepada kami semua di sini. Begitu

banyaknya tidak bisa kuceri-takan dengan kata.

Semangat UN! Jangan pernah takut gagal, orang hebat selalu

memaknai gagal dengan kes-empatan. Banyaklah berdoa,

Ikhlas, usaha, dan tawakal, maka sukses akan sampai.

We love you!*ehpakebahasabule

- dian sastro -

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April has arrived. The mo-ment that every grade 12

students have been preparing for is now approaching. In few more days you will come face to face with the mother of all test, the National Exam. This is where three years of prepa-ration and hard work meets

its end whilst mark the begin-ning of a new chapter in your life. We believe that you will

do your best and we wish you nothing but the best grade

12 students. Keep Calm and Succees the National Exam

- Dian Pulumahuny -

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Selamat berjuang siswa-siswi kelas 12. Semoga lulus ujian

dan mendapatkan perguruan tinggi impian masing-masing.

Hanya do’a yang kami pan-jatkan pada Allah agar hidup

kalian dirahmati Allah. “I know you can rolling in the


- Abdul Wahab -

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Zena FadillaSelama pertukaran banyak banget

pengalaman menarik. salah satunya rolling in the snow and avanto. Tapi,

selain itu aku juga bisa ketemu banyak banget orang baru dari berbagai neg-ara dan tentunya punya keluarga baru disini :) and moreover you really get to see things in a different perspective and

create a whole new comfort zone.

Semua pengalaman di Madania juga menarik sih, soalnya udah kayak rumah kedua hehe. dari ekskursi, acara-acara OSIS dan angkatan, panen lele, all the

‘highschool dramas’ dan sampe hal kecil yang kejadian tiap hari semuan-ya menarik, terlalu banyak gak bisa di

sebutin satu-satu. pokoknya sayang Madania sama UNION <3

Mmm enjoy and cherish your time there cause time do fly fast. And the BEST of LUCK for UN and university stuffs! Lu-lus 100 %! Go UNION! and don’t forget

to keep in contact! :D

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Bianca Kylle“Hello my fellow friends,

2003 was our first year of strug-gle in primary school, innocence, cheer, and stress-free was whats

best to describe our life back then. But things have changed now,

we have come to an end after 12 years of fighting. And we are soon entering the beginning of whats

its called “real life”. May God bless us for the end yet the beginning of this journey, and best of lucks

for our last national examination!! Semangattt xx

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Vito PrasastaGood luck and good skill anak2

Union!! Belajar dengan giat dan srius!! Jangan procastinate trus klo pd emg procastinate. Sumpah nanti stress sendiri. Skrg emg lg susah

bgt ngadep UN, blum lg stlh.Tp klo serius dan bener ngehadangny, it

will all be so worth it. Smoga pada masuk kuliah yg

diinginkan, dpt kerja yang disukai, dan hidup bahagia di masa depan

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1. Bagaimana perasaan anda mengatahui UN sebentar lagi akan datang?

a. Stress bgtb. Stress dikitc. Biasa ajad. Santai

2. Bagaimana cara anda sekalian men-gatasinya?

Yuk kita tanya sedikit seputar kesiapan UN!

1. D2. Santai ajaa

- Erfano

1. B (tapi kata mario teguh NO UN NO WORRIES HAHA)2. Yang pasti belajar lebih serius, doa yang banyak dan berusahasemaksimal mungkinnnn, berusaha biar gak terlalu stress juga biar nanti nggak ngeblank hehe. Minta doa nya ya teman2 semuaaa

- Nadia Rahmalya

1. B2. Belajar

- Reggie

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Yuk kita tanya sedikit seputar kesiapan UN!

1. D2. Santai ajaa

- Erfano

1. B (tapi kata mario teguh NO UN NO WORRIES HAHA)2. Yang pasti belajar lebih serius, doa yang banyak dan berusahasemaksimal mungkinnnn, berusaha biar gak terlalu stress juga biar nanti nggak ngeblank hehe. Minta doa nya ya teman2 semuaaa

- Nadia Rahmalya

1. B2. Nyicil belajar trus tau cara bagi waktu ngurusin tugas sekolahsambil belajar buat UN dan kasih waktu buat main sama temen2 dan refreshing aja jgn dibawa stress gt trus at least dalam sehari pasti ada belajar gt walaupun sedikit

- Rini Sumawijawa

1. A2. Olahraga, tidur, shop online, mikirin liburan

- Fhaya

1. B2. Belajar yang benerr tapi harus bisa nyeim-bangin sm hal yang lain biar gaterlalu stress. Harus percaya sama diri sendiri kl bisa un nyaa dan berdoaa

- Rayhan Nuraditya

1. B2. Main

- Bhisma

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i’ll be there for you

time of your life

don’t you (forget about me)

with a little help from my friends

turn to you

you’re my best friend

crew love

my same

ingatlah hari ini

sahabat sejati

To Remindyou

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the rembrandts

green day

simple minds

the beatles

christina aguilera




project pop

sheila on 7

of us

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A heart-warming high school reunion dramedy, 10 Years, succeeds in teaming up a

well-put-together cast. The varsi-ty talent in this movie makes sure that you at least know half of the people in the ensemble, yet not losing the essence of the movie to the presence of well-known

faces. 10 Years has an admirable consistency of portraying its

nostalgia-averse exploration of the uncertainties that dictates a

person’s late 20s.

Revolving around the cur-rent lives of Lake Howell High School alumni, the movie links

together former classmates scat-tered all around the world, to fly or drive in to the local boutique

hotel where they grab drink tick-ets and head-bob to Fatboy Slim. The vibe sets us off to an evening of reminiscing and catching up.

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Beyond geographical distance, these just-passed-their-quar-ter-life friends are at various stages of personal happiness

and professional success. Being married with kids and still

living in their hometown, Cully (Chris Pratt) the former class

bully now selling cars, and Sam (Ari Graynor) have the shortest commute to the reunion. Scotty

(Scott Porter), a resident of Japan for the past few years has the longest. Most have settled into midlevel jobs – like mort-

gage broker Jake (Channing Tatum). Reeves (Oscar Isaac) is a pop star who serenades

the bunch with his biggest hit, folk-pop love song that turns

out to have been written for the woman on whom he has had a crush since physics class, Elise (Kate Mara). Two competitive buddies Marty (Justin Long)

and AJ (Max Minghella) vie for the attention of the senior-year bombshell, Anna (Lynn Col-

lins) that still poses, struts and flirts as a display to mask the

reality at home.

The movie focuses on about a dozen key characters, with Jake (Channing Tatum), the former class jock, being the

center point. The former high school hero brings his

longtime girlfriend, Jess (Jenna Dewan, Channing

Tatum’s real life bride) to the reunion. Since the beginning of the movie, Jake has been

contemplating to give her the engagement ring he stowed in his car’s glove compart-

ment.When a former sweetheart,

Mary (Rosario Dawson), suddenly shows up with a

husband, Paul (Ron Living-ston), we are taken in the

awkwardness of the situation as old flames sparks to life. The gloomy, wordless Paul

leaves the party early, as does the sweet and understanding Jess. But 10 Years thankful-ly does not disappoint as it wisely avoids from turning

these pain of desire and regret into melodramatic


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Reeves (Oscar Isaac) then reunites with Elise (Kate Mara), the woman he has had a crush for the longest time. He discovers that Elise is not into pop

music and is only vaguely aware of Reeves’ success as a pop star, which explains why she has never heard of his song. As the group goes to Pretzels,

the local bar, Reeves sings his big hit “Never Had” with lyrics that made Elise realize, the song was written for her.

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The most badly behaved of the bunch, Cully (Chris Pratt), the former class bully, constantly apologizes to those he bullied, especially Peter

(Aaron Yoo), a nerd he used to torment. Cully repeats his ugly pattern along with drinking himself into oblivion as his embarrassed wife (Ari

Graynor) stands by sober.

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Anna (Lynn Collins) who used to be known as the

bombshell leaves the party early. Marty (Justin Long)

and AJ (Max Minghella) can’t stand that they had to go on with the night not impress-

ing her, so they followed her home to childishly toilet

paper her house. It turns out that behind all the glam she puts up at the reunion, she is now a single mother with two kids. Once their defenses are down, these

three are not what they first presented themselves to be. Anna breaks down in front of AJ and Marty, because

she’s worried that the ‘glow’ she had in high school is now

gone. Marty then whispers that now, she’s actually glow-

ing more than ever.

10 Years offers a generic theme and storyline, none-

theless it’s a good way to spend 110 minutes to a

heart-warming and chilled watch, filled with inside jokes and awkward moments that’s certainly familiar. It succeeds in presenting different back-ground stories of the many

characters without audiences having a hard time catching


The movie does not roman-ticize the idea of picking

up where you left off after focusing on your own life;

it leaves bits of reality check that gives the audience

something that’s believable. The characters played by the amount of well-known talent

is portrayed well, as the scenes are laid back, chilled and mostly joyous, also not

ignoring the fact that the actors have probably gone through this phase in their

lives. 10 Years is not the per-fect movie that you will have long and intellectual conver-sations after watching. But it certainly puts you quietly to a long thought of what it will

be like 10 years from now. After going to separate ways to pursue whatever you have in store after high school, to be drawn back by the pow-er of nostalgia and to think about how it will be like to

meet again those exact same people you once walked

down the halls with, only 10 years later.

- Varizka Anjani

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“Yg bakal paling aku kangenin tuh pas becanda sama temen2 kalo lg istirahat.”- Farizal

“Hmmm hal yg bakal paling aku kangenin itu yg pasti orang-orangnya. Temen-temen maupun guru-gurunya. Karna keluar dari madania, bakal ketemu lingkungan baru yg kita ga kenal.... jadi bakal kangeeeen super duper sm orang-orangnyaa, dan kejadian-kejadian yg kocak tiap harinya di kelas bareng temen-temen!”

- Andrea

“Bakal kangen ngobrol2 sama temen pas snack, lunch. Main basket sama temen2, duduk2 didepan loker. Bakal kangen semuanya sih sampe belajar bareng di kelas juga bakalan kangen hahah”

- Ditcha

best memoriesof high school

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“I’m gonna miss walking through the halls of this awful place and smelling the same putrid smell of “cafeteria food”, and walking up the 2 to 3 flights of stairs just to get to my locker, but then again I am going to miss every smile, laughter, and joy that we shared. You, me, and them, all together in the same place at the same time. That is what i’m going to miss.”


"Hal yang bakal gue kangenin dari SMA tuh pertama duduk duduk di depan loker. Entah kenapa seakan akan semuanya terjadi di depan loker, dari mulai makan, tidur, bagi bagi makanan, main get rich, main kartu, ngegossip, belajar, ngerayain ulang tahun, gangguin adek kelas (maaf ya dek), minum susu sambil tidur (cuma Adli yang bisa), sampai modus ke lawan jenis juga bisa. Banyak banget cerita cerita aneh yang bisa didenger kalo lagi ikutan ngobrol depan loker dan kebanyakan dari cerita itu berhasil bikin gue ketawa. Gue bakalan kangen malakin makanan orang tiap ganti jam pelajaran, bakalan kangen tidur di depan loker tiap abis olahraga. Nanti kuliah belum tentu dapet loker :( terus gue nongkrong dimana :( basement?"

- Zahwa

best memoriesof high school

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